Main: Fixup encoding inconsistences
[d2df-editor.git] / src / editor / g_resources.pas
1 unit g_resources;
3 interface
5 (**
6 g_GetResourceSection
7 Parse path in form 'path/to/file.wad:some/section/resouce' to
8 wad = 'path/to/file.wa', section = 'some/section', name = 'resource'
10 g_DeleteFile
11 Delete file if it exists. Make backup if enabled.
13 g_ReadResource
14 Read whole file from wad
15 (data <> nil) and (len > 0) when ok
16 use FreeMem(data) when done
18 g_ReadSubResource
19 Read whole file from folded wad
20 (data <> nil) and (len > 0) when ok
21 use FreeMem(data) when done
23 g_DeleteResource
24 Delete file from wad
25 res = 0 when ok
27 g_AddResource
28 Add/overwrite file to wad
29 res = 0 when ok
31 g_ExistsResource
32 Check that resource exists
33 res = 0 when ok
34 **)
36 (* Editor options *)
37 var
38 Compress: Boolean;
39 Backup: Boolean;
41 procedure g_GetResourceSection (path: String; out wad, section, name: String);
42 procedure g_DeleteFile(wad: String; backupPostfix: String = '.bak');
44 procedure g_ReadResource (wad, section, name: String; out data: PByte; out len: Integer);
45 procedure g_ReadSubResource (wad, section0, name0, section1, name1: String; out data: PByte; out len: Integer);
46 procedure g_DeleteResource (wad, section, name: String; out res: Integer);
47 procedure g_AddResource (wad, section, name: String; const data: PByte; len: Integer; out res: Integer);
48 procedure g_ExistsResource (wad, section, name: String; out res: Integer);
50 implementation
52 uses sfs, xstreams, dfzip, utils, Classes, SysUtils, WADEDITOR, e_log;
54 function NoTrailing (path: String): String;
55 var i: Integer;
56 begin
57 i := Length(path);
58 while (i > 0) and ((path[i] = '/') or (path[i] = '\')) do dec(i);
59 result := Copy(path, 1, i)
60 end;
62 function g_CleanPath (path: String; sys: Boolean = False): String;
63 var i, len: Integer;
64 begin
65 i := 1;
66 result := '';
67 len := Length(path);
68 (* drop separators at the end *)
69 while (len > 1) and ((path[i] = '/') or (path[i] = '\')) do dec(len);
70 while i <= len do
71 begin
72 while (i <= len) and (path[i] <> '/') and (path[i] <> '\') do
73 begin
74 result := result + path[i];
75 inc(i)
76 end;
77 if i <= len then
78 if sys then
79 result := result + DirectorySeparator
80 else
81 result := result + '/';
82 inc(i);
83 while (i <= len) and ((path[i] = '/') or (path[i] = '\')) do inc(i)
84 end;
85 end;
87 procedure g_GetResourceSection (path: String; out wad, section, name: String);
88 var i, j, len: Integer;
89 begin
90 len := Length(path);
91 i := len;
92 while (i > 0) and (path[i] <> '/') and (path[i] <> '\') do dec(i);
93 name := Copy(path, i + 1, len);
94 j := i;
95 while (i > 0) and (path[i] <> ':') do dec(i);
96 section := Copy(path, i + 1, j - i - 1);
97 wad := Copy(path, 1, i - 1);
98 end;
100 procedure g_DeleteFile (wad: String; backupPostfix: String = '.bak');
101 var newwad: String;
102 begin
103 if Backup then
104 begin
105 if FileExists(wad) then
106 begin
107 newwad := wad + backupPostfix;
108 if FileExists(newwad) then
109 ASSERT(DeleteFile(newwad));
110 ASSERT(RenameFile(wad, newwad))
111 end
112 end
113 else
114 begin
115 if FileExists(wad) then
116 ASSERT(DeleteFile(wad))
117 end
118 end;
120 procedure g_AddResourceToDFWAD (wad, section, name: String; const data: PByte; len: Integer; out res: Integer);
121 var f: TWADEditor_1;
122 begin
123 res := 1; (* error *)
124 section := utf2win(NoTrailing(section));
125 name := utf2win(name);
126 ASSERT(name <> '');
127 f := TWADEditor_1.Create();
128 if not f.ReadFile(wad) then
129 begin
130 (* do nothing *)
131 end;
132 f.CreateImage;
133 f.RemoveResource(section, name);
134 f.AddResource(data, len, name, section);
135 g_DeleteFile(wad);
136 f.SaveTo(wad);
137 f.Free;
138 res := 0
139 end;
141 procedure g_AddResourceToZip (wad, section, name: String; const data: PByte; len: Integer; out res: Integer);
142 var
143 i, n, len0: Integer;
144 data0: PByte;
145 list: TSFSFileList;
146 tmp, path: String;
147 ts: TFileStream;
148 dir: array of TFileInfo;
150 procedure Add (name: String; data: PByte; len: Integer);
151 var ds: TSFSMemoryChunkStream;
152 begin
153 SetLength(dir, n + 1);
154 ds := TSFSMemoryChunkStream.Create(data, len, False);
155 dir[n] := dfzip.ZipOne(ts, name, ds, Compress);
156 ds.Free;
157 INC(n);
158 end;
160 begin
161 res := 1;
162 wad := ExpandFileName(wad);
163 section := utf2win(NoTrailing(section));
164 name := utf2win(name);
165 ASSERT(name <> '');
166 list := SFSFileList(wad);
167 tmp := wad + '.tmp' + IntToStr(Random(100000));
168 ts := TFileStream.Create(tmp, fmCreate);
169 n := 0;
170 SetLength(dir, 0);
171 if list <> nil then
172 begin
173 for i := 0 to list.Count - 1 do
174 begin
175 path := NoTrailing(list.Files[i].path);
176 if (path <> section) or (list.Files[i].name <> name) then
177 begin
178 g_ReadResource(wad, win2utf(path), win2utf(list.Files[i].name), data0, len0);
179 ASSERT(data0 <> nil);
180 if path = '' then
181 path := list.Files[i].name
182 else
183 path := path + '/' + list.Files[i].name;
184 Add(path, data0, len0);
185 FreeMem(data0)
186 end
187 end;
188 list.Destroy
189 end;
191 if section = '' then
192 path := name
193 else
194 path := section + '/' + name;
195 Add(path, data, len);
197 dfzip.writeCentralDir(ts, dir);
198 ts.Free;
200 g_DeleteFile(wad);
201 ASSERT(RenameFile(tmp, wad));
202 res := 0
203 end;
205 procedure g_AddResource (wad, section, name: String; const data: PByte; len: Integer; out res: Integer);
206 var ext: String;
207 begin
208 ASSERT(name <> '');
209 res := 2; (* unknown type *)
210 ext := LowerCase(SysUtils.ExtractFileExt(wad));
211 e_WriteLog('g_AddResource "' + wad + '" "' + section + '" "' + name + '"', MSG_NOTIFY);
212 if ext = '.wad' then
213 g_AddResourceToDFWAD(wad, section, name, data, len, res)
214 else
215 g_AddResourceToZip(wad, section, name, data, len, res)
216 end;
218 procedure g_DeleteResourceFromDFWAD (wad, section, name: String; out res: Integer);
219 var f: TWADEditor_1;
220 begin
221 ASSERT(name <> '');
222 res := 1; (* error *)
223 section := utf2win(NoTrailing(section));
224 name := utf2win(name);
225 f := TWADEditor_1.Create;
226 if not f.ReadFile(wad) then
227 begin
228 f.Free;
229 Exit
230 end;
231 f.CreateImage;
232 f.RemoveResource(section, name);
233 g_DeleteFile(wad);
234 f.SaveTo(wad);
235 f.Free;
236 res := 0 (* ok *)
237 end;
239 procedure g_DeleteResourceFromZip (wad, section, name: String; out res: Integer);
240 var
241 data0: PByte;
242 i, n, len0: Integer;
243 list: TSFSFileList;
244 tmp, path: String;
245 ts: TFileStream;
246 dir: array of TFileInfo;
248 procedure Add (name: String; data: PByte; len: Integer);
249 var ds: TSFSMemoryChunkStream;
250 begin
251 SetLength(dir, n + 1);
252 ds := TSFSMemoryChunkStream.Create(data, len, False);
253 dir[n] := dfzip.ZipOne(ts, name, ds, Compress);
254 ds.Free;
255 INC(n);
256 end;
258 begin
259 res := 1;
260 wad := ExpandFileName(wad);
261 section := utf2win(NoTrailing(section));
262 name := utf2win(name);
263 ASSERT(name <> '');
264 list := SFSFileList(wad);
265 tmp := wad + '.tmp' + IntToStr(Random(100000));
266 ts := TFileStream.Create(tmp, fmCreate);
267 n := 0;
268 SetLength(dir, 0);
269 if list <> nil then
270 begin
271 for i := 0 to list.Count - 1 do
272 begin
273 path := NoTrailing(list.Files[i].path);
274 if (path <> section) or (list.Files[i].name <> name) then
275 begin
276 g_ReadResource(wad, win2utf(path), win2utf(list.Files[i].name), data0, len0);
277 ASSERT(data0 <> nil);
278 if path = '' then
279 path := list.Files[i].name
280 else
281 path := path + '/' + list.Files[i].name;
282 Add(path, data0, len0);
283 FreeMem(data0)
284 end
285 end;
286 list.Destroy
287 end;
289 dfzip.writeCentralDir(ts, dir);
290 ts.Free;
292 g_DeleteFile(wad);
293 ASSERT(RenameFile(tmp, wad));
294 res := 0
295 end;
297 procedure g_DeleteResource (wad, section, name: String; out res: Integer);
298 var ext: String;
299 begin
300 ASSERT(name <> '');
301 res := 2; (* unknown type *)
302 ext := LowerCase(SysUtils.ExtractFileExt(wad));
303 if ext = '.wad' then
304 g_DeleteResourceFromDFWAD(wad, section, name, res)
305 else
306 g_DeleteResourceFromZip(wad, section, name, res)
307 end;
309 procedure g_ExistsResource (wad, section, name: String; out res: Integer);
310 var str: String; stream: TStream;
311 begin
312 res := 1;
313 section := utf2win(NoTrailing(section));
314 name := utf2win(name);
315 ASSERT(name <> '');
316 if SFSAddDataFileTemp(wad, TRUE) then
317 begin
318 str := SFSGetLastVirtualName(section + '\' + name);
319 stream := SFSFileOpen(wad + '::' + str);
320 if stream <> nil then
321 begin
322 res := 0;
323 stream.Destroy
324 end
325 end;
326 SFSGCCollect
327 end;
329 procedure g_ReadResource (wad, section, name: String; out data: PByte; out len: Integer);
330 var stream: TStream; str: String; i: Integer;
331 begin
332 e_WriteLog('g_ReadResource: "' + wad + '" "' + section + '" "' + name + '"', MSG_NOTIFY);
333 section := utf2win(NoTrailing(section));
334 name := utf2win(name);
335 data := nil;
336 len := 0;
337 //ASSERT(name <> '');
338 if name = '' then Exit; (* SKY can be void *)
339 if SFSAddDataFileTemp(wad, TRUE) then
340 begin
341 str := SFSGetLastVirtualName(section + '/' + name);
342 stream := SFSFileOpen(wad + '::' + str);
343 if stream <> nil then
344 begin
345 len := stream.Size;
346 GetMem(data, len);
347 ASSERT(data <> nil);
348 //stream.ReadBuffer(data, len); (* leads to segfault *)
349 for i := 0 to len - 1 do
350 data[i] := stream.ReadByte();
351 stream.Destroy
352 end
353 end;
354 SFSGCCollect
355 end;
357 procedure g_ReadSubResource (wad, section0, name0, section1, name1: String; out data: PByte; out len: Integer);
358 var stream0, stream1: TStream; str0, str1: String; i: Integer;
359 begin
360 data := nil;
361 len := 0;
362 section0 := utf2win(NoTrailing(section0));
363 name0 := utf2win(name0);
364 section1 := utf2win(NoTrailing(section1));
365 name1 := utf2win(name1);
366 //ASSERT(name0 <> '');
367 //ASSERT(name1 <> '');
368 if (wad = '') OR (name0 = '') OR (name1 = '') then Exit; (* ??? *)
369 if SFSAddDataFileTemp(wad, TRUE) then
370 begin
371 str0 := SFSGetLastVirtualName(section0 + '\' + name0);
372 stream0 := SFSFileOpen(wad + '::' + str0);
373 if stream0 <> nil then
374 begin
375 if SFSAddSubDataFile(wad + '\' + str0, stream0, TRUE) then
376 begin
377 str1 := SFSGetLastVirtualName(section1 + '\' + name1);
378 stream1 := SFSFileOpen(wad + '\' + str0 + '::' + str1);
379 if stream1 <> nil then
380 begin
381 len := stream1.Size;
382 GetMem(data, len);
383 ASSERT(data <> nil);
384 //stream1.ReadBuffer(data, len); (* leads to segfault *)
385 for i := 0 to len - 1 do
386 data[i] := stream1.ReadByte();
387 stream1.Destroy
388 end
389 end
390 end
391 else
392 begin
393 stream0.Destroy
394 end
395 end;
396 SFSGCCollect
397 end;
399 end.