add stub opengl wrapper and remove nanogl wrapper.
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / fhashdb.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
6 *
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
11 *
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 *)
15 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
16 // database of file hashes (md5)
17 unit fhashdb;
19 interface
21 uses
22 SysUtils, Classes,
23 md5, hashtable, utils;
26 type
27 THashKeyMD5 = class
28 public
29 class function hash (const k: TMD5Digest): LongWord; inline;
30 class function equ (const a, b: TMD5Digest): Boolean; inline;
31 class procedure freekey (var k: TMD5Digest); inline;
32 end;
34 THashStrCIInt = specialize THashBase<AnsiString, Integer, THashKeyStrAnsiCI>;
35 THashMD5Int = specialize THashBase<TMD5Digest, Integer, THashKeyMD5>;
37 TFileHashDB = class
38 private
39 type
40 TFileInfo = record
41 name: AnsiString; // names are relative to `mBasePath`
42 hash: TMD5Digest;
43 size: LongWord;
44 age: LongInt;
45 nextFree: Integer;
46 // used in directory scanner
47 wasSeen: Boolean;
48 end;
50 private
51 mBasePath: AnsiString; // ends with '/'
52 mHash2List: THashMD5Int; // hash -> list index
53 mFile2List: THashStrCIInt; // file name -> list index
54 mFileList: array of TFileInfo;
55 mFreeHead: Integer;
57 private
58 procedure removeIndex (idx: Integer);
59 function allocIndex (): Integer;
61 procedure scanDir (path: AnsiString; var changed: Boolean);
63 public
64 constructor Create (aBasePath: AnsiString);
65 destructor Destroy (); override;
67 // doesn't clear base path
68 procedure clear ();
70 // (re)scans base path and all its subdirs
71 // returns `true` if db was changed
72 // you'd better call it after loading a database
73 function scanFiles (): Boolean;
75 // those throws
76 procedure saveTo (st: TStream);
77 // this clears existing data
78 procedure loadFrom (st: TStream);
80 // returns file name relative to base path or empty string
81 function findByHash (const md5: TMD5Digest): AnsiString;
82 // returns `true` if something was changed
83 // name is relative to base
84 function addWithHash (relname: AnsiString; const md5: TMD5Digest): Boolean;
85 end;
88 implementation
91 class function THashKeyMD5.hash (const k: TMD5Digest): LongWord; inline; begin
92 //result := joaatHashPtr(@k, sizeof(TMD5Digest));
93 //k8: use first 4 bytes of k as a hash instead? it should be good enough
94 Move(k, result, sizeof(result));
95 end;
96 class function THashKeyMD5.equ (const a, b: TMD5Digest): Boolean; inline; begin result := MD5Match(a, b); end;
97 class procedure THashKeyMD5.freekey (var k: TMD5Digest); inline; begin end;
100 //==========================================================================
101 //
102 // fixSlashes
103 //
104 // fixes all slashes; adds a final one too
105 //
106 //==========================================================================
107 function fixSlashes (const path: AnsiString; addFinal: Boolean): AnsiString;
108 var
109 f: Integer;
110 begin
111 result := path;
112 for f := 1 to length(result) do if (result[f] = '\') then result[f] := '/';
113 if (addFinal) and (length(result) > 0) and (result[length(result)] <> '/') then result := result+'/';
114 end;
117 //==========================================================================
118 //
119 // TFileHashDB.Create
120 //
121 //==========================================================================
122 constructor TFileHashDB.Create (aBasePath: AnsiString);
123 begin
124 mBasePath := aBasePath;
125 if (length(aBasePath) <> 0) then
126 begin
127 if not findFileCI(mBasePath, true) then mBasePath := aBasePath;
128 end;
129 mBasePath := fixSlashes(mBasePath, true);
130 mHash2List := THashMD5Int.Create();
131 mFile2List := THashStrCIInt.Create();
132 SetLength(mFileList, 0);
133 mFreeHead := -1;
134 end;
137 //==========================================================================
138 //
139 // TFileHashDB.Destroy
140 //
141 //==========================================================================
142 destructor TFileHashDB.Destroy ();
143 begin
144 mBasePath := '';
145 mHash2List.Free;
146 mFile2List.Free;
147 SetLength(mFileList, 0);
148 mFreeHead := -1;
149 end;
152 //==========================================================================
153 //
154 // TFileHashDB.clear
155 //
156 // doesn't clear base path
157 //
158 //==========================================================================
159 procedure TFileHashDB.clear ();
160 begin
161 mHash2List.clear();
162 mFile2List.clear();
163 SetLength(mFileList, 0);
164 mFreeHead := -1;
165 end;
168 //==========================================================================
169 //
170 // TFileHashDB.saveTo
171 //
172 //==========================================================================
173 procedure TFileHashDB.saveTo (st: TStream);
174 var
175 sign: array[0..3] of AnsiChar;
176 f: Integer;
177 begin
178 sign := 'FHDB';
179 st.WriteBuffer(sign, 4);
180 st.WriteWord(0); // version
181 st.WriteDWord(LongWord(mFile2List.count));
182 for f := Low(mFileList) to High(mFileList) do
183 begin
184 if (length(mFileList[f].name) = 0) then continue;
185 st.WriteAnsiString(mFileList[f].name);
186 st.WriteBuffer(mFileList[f].hash, sizeof(TMD5Digest));
187 st.WriteDWord(mFileList[f].size);
188 st.WriteDWord(LongWord(mFileList[f].age));
189 end;
190 end;
193 //==========================================================================
194 //
195 // TFileHashDB.loadFrom
196 //
197 //==========================================================================
198 procedure TFileHashDB.loadFrom (st: TStream);
199 var
200 sign: array[0..3] of AnsiChar;
201 count: Integer;
202 idx: Integer;
203 fi: ^TFileInfo;
204 begin
205 clear();
206 try
207 st.ReadBuffer(sign, 4);
208 if (sign <> 'FHDB') then raise Exception.Create('invalid database signature');
209 count := st.ReadWord();
210 if (count <> 0) then raise Exception.Create('invalid database version');
211 count := Integer(st.ReadDWord());
212 if (count < 0) or (count > 1024*1024) then raise Exception.Create('invalid database file count');
213 while (count > 0) do
214 begin
215 idx := allocIndex();
216 fi := @mFileList[idx];
217 := st.ReadAnsiString();
218 st.ReadBuffer(fi.hash, sizeof(TMD5Digest));
219 fi.size := st.ReadDWord();
220 fi.age := Integer(st.ReadDWord());
221 if (length( = 0) then raise Exception.Create('invalid database file name');
222 if (fi.age = -1) then raise Exception.Create('invalid database file age');
223 mFile2List.put(, idx);
224 mHash2List.put(fi.hash, idx);
225 Dec(count);
226 end;
227 except
228 begin
229 clear();
230 raise;
231 end;
232 end;
233 end;
236 //==========================================================================
237 //
238 // TFileHashDB.removeIndex
239 //
240 //==========================================================================
241 procedure TFileHashDB.removeIndex (idx: Integer);
242 begin
243 if (idx < 0) or (idx > High(mFileList)) or (length(mFileList[idx].name) = 0) then exit; // nothing to do
244 mFile2List.del(mFileList[idx].name);
245 mHash2List.del(mFileList[idx].hash);
246 mFileList[idx].name := '';
247 mFileList[idx].nextFree := mFreeHead;
248 mFreeHead := idx;
249 end;
252 //==========================================================================
253 //
254 // TFileHashDB.allocIndex
255 //
256 //==========================================================================
257 function TFileHashDB.allocIndex (): Integer;
258 begin
259 result := mFreeHead;
260 if (result >= 0) then
261 begin
262 mFreeHead := mFileList[result].nextFree;
263 end
264 else
265 begin
266 result := length(mFileList);
267 SetLength(mFileList, length(mFileList)+1); // oooh...
268 end;
269 end;
272 //==========================================================================
273 //
274 // TFileHashDB.scanDir
275 //
276 //==========================================================================
277 procedure TFileHashDB.scanDir (path: AnsiString; var changed: Boolean);
278 var
279 sr: TSearchRec;
280 dfn: AnsiString;
281 hfn: AnsiString;
282 md5: TMD5Digest;
283 ok: Boolean;
284 idx: Integer;
285 age: LongInt;
286 needUpdate: Boolean;
287 begin
288 if (FindFirst(path+'*', faAnyFile, sr) <> 0) then exit;
289 try
290 repeat
291 if ((sr.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) then
292 begin
293 // directory
294 if (sr.Name <> '.') and (sr.Name <> '..') then scanDir(path+sr.Name+'/', changed);
295 end
296 else if (hasWadExtension(sr.Name)) then
297 begin
298 // file
299 dfn := fixSlashes(path+sr.Name, false);
300 // build internal file name
301 hfn := dfn;
302 Delete(hfn, 1, length(mBasePath)); // remove prefix
303 // find file in hash
304 if not mFile2List.get(hfn, idx) then idx := -1;
305 // check if we already have this file
306 age := FileAge(dfn);
307 if (age <> -1) then
308 begin
309 // do we need to update this file?
310 if (idx >= 0) then
311 begin
312 needUpdate :=
313 (age <> mFileList[idx].age) or
314 (LongWord(sr.size) <> mFileList[idx].size);
315 end
316 else
317 begin
318 needUpdate := true;
319 end;
320 // recalc md5 and update file entry, if necessary
321 if (needUpdate) then
322 begin
323 ok := false;
324 try
325 md5 := MD5File(dfn);
326 ok := true;
327 except
328 end;
329 if (ok) then
330 begin
331 changed := true;
332 // remove old hash -> index mapping
333 if (idx >= 0) then mHash2List.del(mFileList[idx].hash);
334 // update
335 if (idx < 0) then idx := allocIndex();
336 mFileList[idx].name := hfn;
337 mFileList[idx].hash := md5;
338 mFileList[idx].size := LongWord(sr.size);
339 mFileList[idx].age := age;
340 mFileList[idx].nextFree := -1;
341 mFileList[idx].wasSeen := true;
342 mFile2List.put(hfn, idx);
343 mHash2List.put(md5, idx);
344 end
345 else
346 begin
347 // update failed, remove this entry
348 if (idx >= 0) then changed := true;
349 removeIndex(idx); // cannot read, remove
350 end;
351 end
352 else
353 begin
354 if (idx >= 0) then mFileList[idx].wasSeen := true;
355 end;
356 end
357 else
358 begin
359 // remove this file if we don't have it anymore
360 if (idx >= 0) then changed := true;
361 removeIndex(idx);
362 end;
363 end
364 else
365 begin
366 dfn := fixSlashes(path+sr.Name, false);
367 // build internal file name
368 hfn := dfn;
369 Delete(hfn, 1, length(mBasePath)); // remove prefix
370 // find file in hash
371 if mFile2List.get(hfn, idx) then
372 begin
373 changed := true;
374 removeIndex(idx);
375 end;
376 end;
377 until (FindNext(sr) <> 0);
378 finally
379 FindClose(sr);
380 end;
381 end;
384 //==========================================================================
385 //
386 // TFileHashDB.scanFiles
387 //
388 // scans base path and all its subdirs
389 // returns `true` if db was changed
390 //
391 //==========================================================================
392 function TFileHashDB.scanFiles (): Boolean;
393 var
394 f: Integer;
395 begin
396 result := false;
397 for f := Low(mFileList) to High(mFileList) do mFileList[f].wasSeen := false;
398 scanDir(mBasePath, result);
399 // remove all unseen files
400 f := High(mFileList);
401 while (f >= 0) do
402 begin
403 if (length(mFileList[f].name) > 0) and (not mFileList[f].wasSeen) then removeIndex(f);
404 Dec(f);
405 end;
406 end;
409 //==========================================================================
410 //
411 // TFileHashDB.findByHash
412 //
413 // returns file name relative to base path or empty string
414 //
415 //==========================================================================
416 function TFileHashDB.findByHash (const md5: TMD5Digest): AnsiString;
417 var
418 idx: Integer;
419 begin
420 if not mHash2List.get(md5, idx) then begin result := ''; exit; end;
421 result := mFileList[idx].name;
422 end;
425 //==========================================================================
426 //
427 // TFileHashDB.addWithHash
428 //
429 // returns `true` if something was changed
430 // name is relative to base
431 //
432 //==========================================================================
433 function TFileHashDB.addWithHash (relname: AnsiString; const md5: TMD5Digest): Boolean;
434 var
435 age: LongInt;
436 size: LongInt;
437 handle: THandle;
438 fn: AnsiString;
439 idx: Integer;
440 begin
441 result := false;
442 if (length(relname) > length(mBasePath)) and strEquCI1251(mBasePath, Copy(relname, 1, length(mBasePath))) then Delete(relname, 1, Length(mBasePath));
443 if (length(relname) = 0) then exit;
444 fn := mBasePath+relname;
445 if not findFileCI(fn) then exit;
446 // get age
447 age := FileAge(fn);
448 if (age = -1) then exit;
449 // get size
450 handle := FileOpen(fn, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
451 if (handle = THandle(-1)) then exit;
452 size := FileSeek(handle, 0, fsFromEnd);
453 FileClose(handle);
454 if (size = -1) then exit;
455 // find old file, if any
456 Delete(fn, 1, length(mBasePath));
457 if not mFile2List.get(fn, idx) then idx := -1;
458 // check for changes
459 if (idx >= 0) then
460 begin
461 if (mFileList[idx].size = size) and (mFileList[idx].age = age) and (MD5Match(mFileList[idx].hash, md5)) then exit;
462 removeIndex(idx);
463 end;
464 idx := allocIndex();
465 mFileList[idx].name := fn;
466 mFileList[idx].hash := md5;
467 mFileList[idx].size := size;
468 mFileList[idx].age := age;
469 mFileList[idx].nextFree := -1;
470 mFile2List.put(fn, idx);
471 mHash2List.put(md5, idx);
472 result := true;
473 end;
476 end.