cleanup: move monster-specific code from g_basic
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / conbuf.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
6 *
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
11 *
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 *)
17 unit conbuf;
19 interface
22 procedure cbufPut (const s: AnsiString);
23 procedure cbufPutChars (buf: PChar; count: Integer);
25 function cbufLastChange (): LongWord;
27 function cbufWalkStart (): LongWord;
28 function cbufWalkEnd (pos: LongWord): LongWord;
29 procedure cbufPrev (var pos: LongWord); inline;
30 procedure cbufNext (var pos: LongWord); inline;
32 function cbufAt (const pos: LongWord): Char; inline;
34 // get last line
35 procedure cbufLastLine (var sp: LongWord; var ep: LongWord);
36 // move one line up; `sp` and `ep` MUST be valid values from previous call to `cbufLastLine()`
37 function cbufLineUp (var sp: LongWord; var ep: LongWord): Boolean;
39 procedure cbufClear ();
41 var
42 conbufDumpToStdOut: Boolean = false;
43 conbufConPrefix: Boolean = true;
44 conbufStdOutRawMode: Boolean = false;
46 implementation
49 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
50 //const ConBufSize = 64;
51 const ConBufSize = 256*1024;
53 // each line in buffer ends with '\n'; we don't keep offsets or lengthes, as
54 // it's fairly easy to search in buffer, and drawing console is not a common
55 // thing, so it doesn't have to be superfast.
56 var
57 cbuf: packed array [0..ConBufSize-1] of Char;
58 cbufhead: LongWord = 0;
59 cbuftail: LongWord = 0; // `cbuftail` points *at* last char
60 changeCount: LongWord = 1;
63 function cbufLastChange (): LongWord; begin result := changeCount; end;
66 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
67 var
68 needCon: Boolean = true;
70 procedure cbufPutChars (buf: PChar; count: Integer);
71 var
72 np: LongWord;
73 ch, och: Char;
74 begin
75 if count > 0 then
76 begin
77 if conbufDumpToStdOut then
78 begin
79 for np := 0 to count-1 do
80 begin
81 if needCon then
82 begin
83 if conbufConPrefix then write(stdout, 'CON: ');
84 needCon := false;
85 end;
86 if conbufStdOutRawMode and (buf[np] = #10) then
87 write(stdout, #13); // force carriage return in raw mode
88 write(stdout, buf[np]);
89 needCon := (buf[np] = #10);
90 end;
91 end;
92 Inc(changeCount);
93 if changeCount = 0 then changeCount := 1;
94 while count > 0 do
95 begin
96 Dec(count);
97 ch := buf^;
98 Inc(buf);
99 np := (cbuftail+1) mod ConBufSize;
100 if np = cbufhead then
101 begin
102 // we have to make some room; delete top line for this
103 while true do
104 begin
105 och := cbuf[cbufhead];
106 cbufhead := (cbufhead+1) mod ConBufSize;
107 if (cbufhead = np) or (och = #10) then break;
108 end;
109 end;
110 cbuf[np] := ch;
111 cbuftail := np;
112 end;
113 end;
114 end;
117 procedure cbufPut (const s: AnsiString);
118 begin
119 if length(s) > 0 then cbufPutChars(@s[1], length(s));
120 end;
123 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
124 // warning! don't modify conbuf while the range is active!
125 function cbufWalkStart (): LongWord; begin result := cbuftail; end;
126 function cbufWalkEnd (pos: LongWord): LongWord; begin result := cbufhead; end;
127 procedure cbufPrev (var pos: LongWord); inline; begin pos := (pos+ConBufSize-1) mod ConBufSize; end;
128 procedure cbufNext (var pos: LongWord); inline; begin pos := (pos+1) mod ConBufSize; end;
130 function cbufAt (const pos: LongWord): Char; inline; begin result := cbuf[pos mod ConBufSize]; end;
133 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
134 procedure cbufLastLine (var sp: LongWord; var ep: LongWord);
135 var
136 pos, pp: LongWord;
137 begin
138 if cbufhead = cbuftail then
139 begin
140 sp := cbufhead;
141 ep := cbufhead+1;
142 exit;
143 end;
144 pos := cbuftail;
145 ep := pos;
146 while pos <> cbufhead do
147 begin
148 pp := (pos+ConBufSize-1) mod ConBufSize;
149 if cbuf[pp] = #10 then break;
150 pos := pp;
151 end;
152 sp := pos;
153 end;
156 function cbufLineUp (var sp: LongWord; var ep: LongWord): Boolean;
157 var
158 pos, pp: LongWord;
159 begin
160 if sp = cbufhead then begin sp := cbufhead; ep := cbufhead+1; result := false; exit; end;
161 pos := (sp+ConBufSize-1) mod ConBufSize;
162 if (pos = cbufhead) or (cbuf[pos] <> #10) then begin sp := cbufhead; ep := cbufhead+1; result := false; exit; end;
163 ep := pos;
164 while pos <> cbufhead do
165 begin
166 pp := (pos+ConBufSize-1) mod ConBufSize;
167 if cbuf[pp] = #10 then break;
168 pos := pp;
169 end;
170 sp := pos;
171 result := true;
172 end;
175 procedure cbufClear ();
176 begin
177 cbuf[0] := #10;
178 cbufhead := 0;
179 cbuftail := 0;
180 Inc(changeCount);
181 if changeCount = 0 then changeCount := 1;
182 end;
185 begin
186 cbuf[0] := #10;
187 end.