sfs: added API to add temporary volume
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / sfs / wadcvt.dpr
1 {$IFDEF WIN32}
3 {$ENDIF}
5 program __wadcvt__;
7 uses
8 SysUtils,
9 Classes,
10 SDL2 in '../lib/sdl2/sdl2.pas',
11 sfs,
12 sfsPlainFS,
13 sfsZipFS,
14 sfsMemFS,
15 zipper;
18 type
19 TProg = class(TObject)
20 lastname: string;
21 lastlen: Integer;
23 procedure putStr (const s: string; newline: Boolean=false);
25 procedure onProgress (sender: TObject; const percent: double);
26 procedure onFileStart (sender: TObject; const fileName: string);
27 procedure onFileEnd (sender: TObject; const ratio: double);
28 end;
31 procedure TProg.putStr (const s: string; newline: Boolean=false);
32 begin
33 write(#13, s);
34 while lastlen > length(s) do
35 begin
36 write(' ');
37 Dec(lastlen);
38 end;
39 if newline then
40 begin
41 writeln;
42 lastlen := 0;
43 end
44 else
45 begin
46 lastlen := length(s);
47 end;
48 end;
50 procedure TProg.onProgress (sender: TObject; const percent: double);
51 var
52 prc: Integer;
53 begin
54 prc := trunc(percent*100.0);
55 putStr(Format('compressing %-33s %3d%%', [lastname, prc]));
56 end;
58 procedure TProg.onFileStart (sender: TObject; const fileName: string);
59 begin
60 lastname := fileName;
61 putStr(Format('compressing %-33s %3d%%', [lastname, 0]));
62 end;
64 procedure TProg.onFileEnd (sender: TObject; const ratio: double);
65 begin
66 putStr(Format('compressed %-33s %f', [lastname, ratio]), true);
67 end;
70 // returns new file name
71 function detectExt (fpath, fname: string; fs: TStream): string;
72 var
73 buf: PChar;
74 buflen: Integer;
75 f: Integer;
76 st: string[24];
77 begin
78 result := fname;
79 if length(ExtractFileExt(fname)) <> 0 then exit;
80 if fs.size < 16 then exit;
81 buflen := Integer(fs.size);
82 GetMem(buf, buflen);
83 try
84 fs.ReadBuffer(buf^, buflen);
85 // xm
86 Move(buf^, (PChar(@st[1]))^, 16);
87 st[0] := #16;
88 if (st = 'Extended Module:') then
89 begin
90 result := result+'.xm';
91 exit;
92 end;
93 if (buf[0] = 'D') and (buf[1] = 'F') and (buf[2] = 'W') and
94 (buf[3] = 'A') and (buf[4] = 'D') and (buf[5] = #$1) then
95 begin
96 result := result+'.wad';
97 exit;
98 end;
99 if (buf[0] = 'M') and (buf[1] = 'A') and (buf[2] = 'P') and (buf[3] = #$1) then
100 begin
101 result := result+'.dfmap';
102 exit;
103 end;
104 if (buf[0] = 'M') and (buf[1] = 'T') and (buf[2] = 'h') and (buf[3] = 'd') then
105 begin
106 result := result+'.mid';
107 exit;
108 end;
109 if (buf[0] = 'R') and (buf[1] = 'I') and (buf[2] = 'F') and (buf[3] = 'F') and
110 (buf[8] = 'W') and (buf[9] = 'A') and (buf[10] = 'V') and (buf[11] = 'E') then
111 begin
112 result := result+'.wav';
113 exit;
114 end;
115 // mp3 (stupid hack)
116 for f := 0 to 128-6 do
117 begin
118 if (buf[f+0] = #$4) and (buf[f+1] = 'L') and
119 (buf[f+2] = 'A') and (buf[f+3] = 'M') and
120 (buf[f+4] = 'E') and (buf[f+5] = '3') then
121 begin
122 result := result+'.mp3';
123 exit;
124 end;
125 end;
126 // more mp3 hacks
127 if (buf[0] = 'I') and (buf[1] = 'D') and (buf[2] = '3') and (buf[3] <= #4) then
128 begin
129 result := result+'.mp3';
130 exit;
131 end;
132 if buflen > 128 then
133 begin
134 if (buf[buflen-128] = 'T') and (buf[buflen-127] = 'A') and (buf[buflen-126] = 'G') then
135 begin
136 result := result+'.mp3';
137 exit;
138 end;
139 end;
140 // targa (stupid hack; this "signature" is not required by specs)
141 if buflen >= 18 then
142 begin
143 Move((buf+buflen-18)^, (PChar(@st[1]))^, 16);
144 st[0] := #16;
145 if st = 'TRUEVISION-XFILE' then
146 begin
147 result := result+'.tga';
148 exit;
149 end;
150 end;
151 finally
152 FreeMem(buf);
153 end;
154 end;
157 var
158 fs: TStream;
159 fl: TSFSFileList;
160 f: Integer;
161 infname: string;
162 outfname: string;
163 zip: TZipper;
164 dvfn: string;
165 ZEntries: TZipFileEntries;
166 newname: string;
167 prg: TProg;
168 begin
169 if ParamCount() < 1 then
170 begin
171 WriteLn('usage: wadcvt file.wad');
172 Halt(1);
173 end;
175 infname := ParamStr(1);
176 if not SFSStrEqu(ExtractFileExt(infname), '.wad') and not SFSStrEqu(ExtractFileExt(infname), '.dfwad') then
177 begin
178 writeln('wtf?!');
179 Halt(1);
180 end;
182 if ParamCount() > 1 then
183 begin
184 outfname := ParamStr(2);
185 end
186 else
187 begin
188 outfname := ChangeFileExt(infname, '.pk3');
189 end;
191 if not SFSAddDataFile(infname) then begin WriteLn('shit!'); Halt(1); end;
192 dvfn := SFSGetLastVirtualName(infname);
195 tot := 0;
196 fl := SFSFileList(ParamStr(1));
197 if fl <> nil then
198 begin
199 for f := 0 to fl.Count-1 do
200 begin
201 WriteLn(f:4, ': ', fl[f].fSize:10, ' "', fl[f].fPath, fl[f].fName, '"');
202 Inc(tot, fl[f].fSize);
203 end;
204 WriteLn('===================================================');
205 WriteLn(fl.Count, ' files; ', Int64ToStrComma(tot), ' bytes.');
206 fl.Free();
207 end;
210 zip := TZipper.Create;
211 zip.Filename := outfname;
213 fl := SFSFileList(dvfn);
214 if fl <> nil then
215 begin
216 ZEntries := TZipFileEntries.Create(TZipFileEntry);
217 for f := 0 to fl.Count-1 do
218 begin
219 if length(fl[f].fName) = 0 then continue;
220 fs := SFSFileOpen(dvfn+'::'+fl[f].fPath+fl[f].fName);
221 newname := detectExt(fl[f].fPath, fl[f].fName, fs);
222 fs.Free;
223 fs := SFSFileOpen(dvfn+'::'+fl[f].fPath+fl[f].fName);
224 writeln('[', f+1, '/', fl.Count, ']: ', fl[f].fPath+newname, ' ', fs.size);
225 ZEntries.AddFileEntry(fs, fl[f].fPath+newname);
226 end;
227 try
228 if ZEntries.Count > 0 then
229 begin
230 writeln('creating ''', outfname, '''');
231 prg := TProg.Create();
232 zip.OnProgress := prg.onProgress;
233 zip.OnStartFile := prg.onFileStart;
234 zip.OnEndFile := prg.onFileEnd;
235 zip.ZipFiles(ZEntries);
236 prg.Free;
237 end;
238 except
239 on E: EZipError do E.CreateFmt('Zipfile could not be created%sReason: %s', [LineEnding, E.Message])
240 end;
241 end
242 else
243 begin
244 writeln('SFSFileList(): faled!');
245 end;
246 end.