added Vampyre Imaging Library; now textures can be in various formats, including...
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / sfs / sfsZipFS.pas
1 // Streaming R/O Virtual File System v0.2.0
2 // Copyright (C) XL A.S. Ketmar. All rights reserved
3 // See the file aplicense.txt for conditions of use.
4 //
5 // grouping files with packing:
6 // zip, pk3: PKZIP-compatible archives (store, deflate)
7 // dfwad : D2D:F wad archives
8 //
11 {$R+}
12 unit sfsZipFS;
14 interface
16 uses
17 SysUtils, Classes, Contnrs, sfs;
20 type
21 TSFSZipVolumeType = (sfszvNone, sfszvZIP, sfszvDFWAD);
23 TSFSZipVolume = class(TSFSVolume)
24 protected
25 fType: TSFSZipVolumeType;
27 procedure ZIPReadDirectory ();
28 procedure DFWADReadDirectory ();
30 procedure ReadDirectory (); override;
31 procedure removeCommonPath (); override;
33 public
34 function OpenFileByIndex (const index: Integer): TStream; override;
35 end;
37 TSFSZipVolumeFactory = class(TSFSVolumeFactory)
38 public
39 function IsMyVolumePrefix (const prefix: AnsiString): Boolean; override;
40 function Produce (const prefix, fileName: AnsiString; st: TStream): TSFSVolume; override;
41 procedure Recycle (vol: TSFSVolume); override;
42 end;
45 implementation
47 uses
48 xstreams, utils;
51 type
52 TSFSZipFileInfo = class(TSFSFileInfo)
53 public
54 fMethod: Byte; // 0: store; 8: deflate; 255: other
55 fPackSz: Int64; // can be -1
56 end;
58 TZLocalFileHeader = packed record
59 version: Byte;
60 hostOS: Byte;
61 flags: Word;
62 method: Word;
63 time: LongWord;
64 crc: LongWord;
65 packSz: LongWord;
66 unpackSz: LongWord;
67 fnameSz: Word;
68 localExtraSz: Word;
69 end;
71 procedure readLFH (st: TStream; var hdr: TZLocalFileHeader);
73 begin
74 hdr.version := readByte(st);
75 hdr.hostOS := readByte(st);
76 hdr.flags := readWord(st);
77 hdr.method := readWord(st);
78 hdr.time := readLongWord(st);
79 hdr.crc := readLongWord(st);
80 hdr.packSz := readLongWord(st);
81 hdr.unpackSz := readLongWord(st);
82 hdr.fnameSz := readWord(st);
83 hdr.localExtraSz := readWord(st);
84 end;
87 function ZIPCheckMagic (st: TStream): Boolean;
88 var
89 sign: packed array [0..3] of Char;
90 begin
91 result := false;
92 st.ReadBuffer(sign[0], 4);
93 st.Seek(-4, soCurrent);
94 if (sign <> 'PK'#3#4) and (sign <> 'PK'#5#6) then exit;
95 result := true;
96 end;
99 function DFWADCheckMagic (st: TStream): Boolean;
100 var
101 sign: packed array [0..5] of Char;
102 begin
103 result := false;
104 if st.Size < 10 then exit;
105 st.ReadBuffer(sign[0], 6);
106 {fcnt :=} readWord(st);
107 st.Seek(-8, soCurrent);
108 //writeln('trying DFWAD... [', sign, ']');
109 if (sign[0] <> 'D') and (sign[1] <> 'F') and (sign[2] <> 'W') and
110 (sign[3] <> 'A') and (sign[4] <> 'D') and (sign[5] <> #$01) then exit;
111 //writeln('DFWAD FOUND, with ', fcnt, ' files');
112 //if (fcnt < 0) then exit;
113 result := true;
114 end;
117 function maxPrefix (s0: string; s1: string): Integer;
118 var
119 f: Integer;
120 begin
121 for f := 1 to length(s0) do
122 begin
123 if f > length(s1) then begin result := f; exit; end;
124 if UpCase1251(s0[f]) <> UpCase1251(s1[f]) then begin result := f; exit; end;
125 end;
126 result := length(s0);
127 end;
130 procedure TSFSZipVolume.removeCommonPath ();
131 var
132 f, pl, maxsc, sc, c: integer;
133 cp, s: string;
134 fi: TSFSZipFileInfo;
135 begin
136 if fType <> sfszvZIP then exit;
137 maxsc := 0;
138 if fFiles.Count = 0 then exit;
139 cp := '';
140 for f := 0 to fFiles.Count-1 do
141 begin
142 fi := TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[f]);
143 s := fi.fPath;
144 if length(s) > 0 then begin cp := s; break; end;
145 end;
146 if length(cp) = 0 then exit;
147 for f := 0 to fFiles.Count-1 do
148 begin
149 fi := TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[f]);
150 s := fi.fPath;
151 if length(s) = 0 then continue;
152 pl := maxPrefix(cp, s);
153 //writeln('s=[', s, ']; cp=[', cp, ']; pl=', pl);
154 if pl = 0 then exit; // no common prefix at all
155 cp := Copy(cp, 1, pl);
156 sc := 0;
157 for c := 1 to length(s) do if s[c] = '/' then Inc(sc);
158 if sc > maxsc then maxsc := sc;
159 end;
160 if maxsc < 2 then exit; // alas
161 while (length(cp) > 0) and (cp[length(cp)] <> '/') do cp := Copy(cp, 1, length(cp)-1);
162 if length(cp) < 2 then exit; // nothing to do
163 for f := 0 to fFiles.Count-1 do
164 begin
165 fi := TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[f]);
166 if length(fi.fPath) >= length(cp) then
167 begin
168 s := fi.fPath;
169 fi.fPath := Copy(fi.fPath, length(cp)+1, length(fi.fPath));
170 //writeln('FIXED [', s, '] -> [', fi.fPath, ']');
171 end;
172 end;
173 end;
176 { TSFSZipVolume }
177 procedure TSFSZipVolume.ZIPReadDirectory ();
178 var
179 fi: TSFSZipFileInfo;
180 name: ShortString;
181 sign: packed array [0..3] of Char;
182 lhdr: TZLocalFileHeader;
183 ignoreFile: Boolean;
184 efid, efsz: Word;
185 izver: Byte;
186 izcrc: LongWord;
187 begin
188 // read local directory
189 repeat
190 fFileStream.ReadBuffer(sign[0], Length(sign));
192 // skip data descriptor
193 if sign = 'PK'#7#8 then
194 begin
195*4, soCurrent);
196 continue;
197 end;
199 if sign <> 'PK'#3#4 then break;
201 ignoreFile := false;
203 readLFH(fFileStream, lhdr);
205 fi := TSFSZipFileInfo.Create(self);
206 fi.fPackSz := 0;
207 fi.fMethod := 0;
209 if lhdr.fnameSz > 255 then name[0] := #255 else name[0] := chr(lhdr.fnameSz);
210 fFileStream.ReadBuffer(name[1], Length(name));
211 fFileStream.Seek(lhdr.fnameSz-Length(name), soCurrent); // rest of the name (if any)
212 fi.fName := utf8to1251(name);
214 // here we should process extra field: it may contain utf8 filename
215 while lhdr.localExtraSz >= 4 do
216 begin
217 efid := readWord(fFileStream);
218 efsz := readWord(fFileStream);
219 Dec(lhdr.localExtraSz, 4);
220 if efsz > lhdr.localExtraSz then break;
221 // Info-ZIP Unicode Path Extra Field?
222 if (efid = $7075) and (efsz <= 255+5) and (efsz > 5) then
223 begin
224 fFileStream.ReadBuffer(izver, 1);
225 if izver <> 1 then
226 begin
227 // skip it
228 Dec(efsz, 1);
229 end
230 else
231 begin
232 Dec(lhdr.localExtraSz, efsz);
233 fFileStream.ReadBuffer(izcrc, 4); // name crc, ignore it
234 Dec(efsz, 5);
235 name[0] := chr(efsz);
236 fFileStream.ReadBuffer(name[1], Length(name));
237 fi.fName := utf8to1251(name);
238 break;
239 end;
240 end;
241 // skip it
242 if efsz > 0 then
243 begin
244 fFileStream.Seek(efsz, soCurrent);
245 Dec(lhdr.localExtraSz, efsz);
246 end;
247 end;
248 // skip the rest
249 if lhdr.localExtraSz > 0 then fFileStream.Seek(lhdr.localExtraSz, soCurrent);
251 if (lhdr.flags and 1) <> 0 then
252 begin
253 // encrypted file: skip it
254 ignoreFile := true;
255 end;
257 if (lhdr.method <> 0) and (lhdr.method <> 8) then
258 begin
259 // not stored. not deflated. skip.
260 ignoreFile := true;
261 end;
263 fi.fOfs := fFileStream.Position;
264 fi.fSize := lhdr.unpackSz;
265 fi.fPackSz := lhdr.packSz;
266 fi.fMethod := lhdr.method;
268 // skip packed data
269 fFileStream.Seek(lhdr.packSz, soCurrent);
270 if ignoreFile then fi.Free();
271 until false;
272 (*
273 if (sign <> 'PK'#1#2) and (sign <> 'PK'#5#6) then
274 begin
276 WriteLn(ErrOutput, 'end: $', IntToHex(fFileStream.Position, 8));
277 WriteLn(ErrOutput, 'sign: $', sign[0], sign[1], '#', ord(sign[2]), '#', ord(sign[3]));
278 {$ENDIF}
279 raise ESFSError.Create('invalid .ZIP archive (no central dir)');
280 end;
281 *)
282 end;
285 procedure TSFSZipVolume.DFWADReadDirectory ();
286 // idiotic format
287 var
288 fcnt: Word;
289 fi: TSFSZipFileInfo;
290 f, c: Integer;
291 fofs, fpksize: LongWord;
292 curpath, fname: string;
293 name: packed array [0..15] of Char;
294 begin
295 curpath := '';
296 fFileStream.Seek(6, soCurrent); // skip signature
297 fcnt := readWord(fFileStream);
298 if fcnt = 0 then exit;
299 // read files
300 for f := 0 to fcnt-1 do
301 begin
302 fFileStream.ReadBuffer(name[0], 16);
303 fofs := readLongWord(fFileStream);
304 fpksize := readLongWord(fFileStream);
305 c := 0;
306 fname := '';
307 while (c < 16) and (name[c] <> #0) do
308 begin
309 if name[c] = '\' then name[c] := '/'
310 else if name[c] = '/' then name[c] := '_';
311 fname := fname+name[c];
312 Inc(c);
313 end;
314 // new directory?
315 if (fofs = 0) and (fpksize = 0) then
316 begin
317 if length(fname) <> 0 then fname := fname+'/';
318 curpath := fname;
319 continue;
320 end;
321 if length(fname) = 0 then continue; // just in case
322 //writeln('DFWAD: [', curpath, '] [', fname, '] at ', fofs, ', size ', fpksize);
323 // create file record
324 fi := TSFSZipFileInfo.Create(self);
325 fi.fOfs := fofs;
326 fi.fSize := -1;
327 fi.fPackSz := fpksize;
328 fi.fName := fname;
329 fi.fPath := curpath;
330 fi.fMethod := 255;
331 end;
332 end;
334 procedure TSFSZipVolume.ReadDirectory ();
335 begin
336 case fType of
337 sfszvZIP: ZIPReadDirectory();
338 sfszvDFWAD: DFWADReadDirectory();
339 else raise ESFSError.Create('invalid archive');
340 end;
341 end;
343 function TSFSZipVolume.OpenFileByIndex (const index: Integer): TStream;
344 var
345 rs: TStream;
346 begin
347 result := nil;
348 rs := nil;
349 if fFiles = nil then exit;
350 if (index < 0) or (index >= fFiles.Count) or (fFiles[index] = nil) then exit;
351 try
352 if TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fMethod = 0 then
353 begin
354 result := TSFSPartialStream.Create(fFileStream, TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fOfs, TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fSize, false);
355 end
356 else
357 begin
358 rs := TSFSPartialStream.Create(fFileStream, TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fOfs, TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fPackSz, false);
359 result := TUnZStream.Create(rs, TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fSize, true, (TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fMethod <> 255));
360 end;
361 except
362 FreeAndNil(rs);
363 result := nil;
364 exit;
365 end;
366 end;
369 { TSFSZipVolumeFactory }
370 function TSFSZipVolumeFactory.IsMyVolumePrefix (const prefix: AnsiString): Boolean;
371 begin
372 result :=
373 StrEquCI1251(prefix, 'zip') or
374 StrEquCI1251(prefix, 'pk3') or
375 StrEquCI1251(prefix, 'dfwad');
376 end;
378 procedure TSFSZipVolumeFactory.Recycle (vol: TSFSVolume);
379 begin
380 vol.Free();
381 end;
383 function TSFSZipVolumeFactory.Produce (const prefix, fileName: AnsiString; st: TStream): TSFSVolume;
384 var
385 vt: TSFSZipVolumeType;
386 begin
387 vt := sfszvNone;
388 if ZIPCheckMagic(st) then vt := sfszvZIP
389 else if DFWADCheckMagic(st) then vt := sfszvDFWAD;
391 if vt <> sfszvNone then
392 begin
393 result := TSFSZipVolume.Create(fileName, st);
394 TSFSZipVolume(result).fType := vt;
395 try
396 result.DoDirectoryRead();
397 except {$IFDEF SFS_DEBUG_ZIPFS} on e: Exception do begin
398 WriteLn(errOutput, 'ZIP ERROR: [', e.ClassName, ']: ', e.Message);
399 {$ENDIF}
400 FreeAndNil(result);
401 raise;
403 end;
404 end
405 else
406 begin
407 result := nil;
408 end;
409 end;
412 var
413 zipf: TSFSZipVolumeFactory;
414 initialization
415 zipf := TSFSZipVolumeFactory.Create();
416 SFSRegisterVolumeFactory(zipf);
417 //finalization
418 // SFSUnregisterVolumeFactory(zipf);
419 end.