sfs, wadreader: much better searching for files inside archives with extra dirs in...
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / vampimg / ImagingPcx.pas
1 {
2 $Id: ImagingPcx.pas 100 2007-06-28 21:09:52Z galfar $
3 Vampyre Imaging Library
4 by Marek Mauder
7 The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla
8 Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
9 in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
13 WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
14 the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
16 Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
17 GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the
18 provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above.
19 If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms
20 of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file
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24 your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License.
26 For more information about the LGPL:
27 }
29 { This unit contains image format loader for ZSoft Paintbrush images known as PCX.}
30 unit ImagingPcx;
32 {$I}
34 interface
36 uses
37 ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingFormats, ImagingUtility, ImagingIO;
39 type
40 { Class for loading ZSoft Paintbrush images known as PCX. It is old
41 format which can store 1bit, 2bit, 4bit, 8bit, and 24bit (and 32bit but is
42 probably non-standard) images. Only loading is supported (you can still come
43 accross some PCX files) but saving is not (I don't wont this venerable format
44 to spread).}
45 TPCXFileFormat = class(TImageFileFormat)
46 protected
47 function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray;
48 OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override;
49 public
50 constructor Create; override;
51 function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; override;
52 end;
54 implementation
56 const
57 SPCXFormatName = 'ZSoft Paintbrush Image';
58 SPCXMasks = '*.pcx';
60 type
61 TPCXHeader = packed record
62 Id: Byte; // Always $0A
63 Version: Byte; // 0, 2, 3, 4, 5
64 Encoding: Byte; // 0, 1
65 BitsPerPixel: Byte; // 1, 2, 4, 8
66 X0, Y0: Word; // Image window top-left
67 X1, Y1: Word; // Image window bottom-right
68 DpiX: Word;
69 DpiY: Word;
70 Palette16: array [0..15] of TColor24Rec;
71 Reserved1: Byte;
72 Planes: Byte; // 1, 3, 4
73 BytesPerLine: Word;
74 PaletteType: Word; // 1: color or s/w 2: grayscale
75 Reserved2: array [0..57] of Byte;
76 end;
78 { TPCXFileFormat }
80 constructor TPCXFileFormat.Create;
81 begin
82 inherited Create;
83 FName := SPCXFormatName;
84 FCanLoad := True;
85 FCanSave := False;
86 FIsMultiImageFormat := False;
88 AddMasks(SPCXMasks);
89 end;
91 function TPCXFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle;
92 var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean;
93 const
94 ifMono: TImageFormat = TImageFormat(250);
95 ifIndex2: TImageFormat = TImageFormat(251);
96 ifIndex4: TImageFormat = TImageFormat(252);
97 var
98 Hdr: TPCXHeader;
99 PalID, B: Byte;
100 PalPCX: TPalette24Size256;
101 FileDataFormat: TImageFormat;
102 I, J, UncompSize, BytesPerLine, ByteNum, BitNum: LongInt;
103 UncompData, RowPointer, PixelIdx: PByte;
104 Pixel24: PColor24Rec;
105 Pixel32: PColor32Rec;
106 AlphaPlane, RedPlane, GreenPlane, BluePlane,
107 Plane1, Plane2, Plane3, Plane4: PByteArray;
109 procedure RleDecode(Target: PByte; UnpackedSize: LongInt);
110 var
111 Count: LongInt;
112 Source: Byte;
113 begin
114 while UnpackedSize > 0 do
115 with GetIO do
116 begin
117 GetIO.Read(Handle, @Source, SizeOf(Source));
118 if (Source and $C0) = $C0 then
119 begin
120 // RLE data
121 Count := Source and $3F;
122 if UnpackedSize < Count then
123 Count := UnpackedSize;
124 Read(Handle, @Source, SizeOf(Source));
125 FillChar(Target^, Count, Source);
126 //Inc(Source);
127 Inc(Target, Count);
128 Dec(UnpackedSize, Count);
129 end
130 else
131 begin
132 // Uncompressed data
133 Target^ := Source;
134 Inc(Target);
135 Dec(UnpackedSize);
136 end;
137 end;
138 end;
140 begin
141 Result := False;
142 SetLength(Images, 1);
143 with GetIO, Images[0] do
144 begin
145 // Read PCX header and store input position (start of image data)
146 Read(Handle, @Hdr, SizeOf(Hdr));
147 FileDataFormat := ifUnknown;
149 // Determine image's data format and find its Imaging equivalent
150 // (using some custom TImageFormat constants)
151 case Hdr.BitsPerPixel of
152 1:
153 case Hdr.Planes of
154 1: FileDataFormat := ifMono;
155 4: FileDataFormat := ifIndex4;
156 end;
157 2: FileDataFormat := ifIndex2;
158 4: FileDataFormat := ifIndex4;
159 8:
160 case Hdr.Planes of
161 1: FileDataFormat := ifIndex8;
162 3: FileDataFormat := ifR8G8B8;
163 4: FileDataFormat := ifA8R8G8B8;
164 end;
165 end;
167 // No compatible Imaging format found, exit
168 if FileDataFormat = ifUnknown then
169 Exit;
171 // Get width, height, and output data format (unsupported formats
172 // like ifMono are converted later to ifIndex8)
173 Width := Hdr.X1 - Hdr.X0 + 1;
174 Height := Hdr.Y1 - Hdr.Y0 + 1;
175 if FileDataFormat in [ifIndex8, ifR8G8B8] then
176 Format := FileDataFormat
177 else
178 Format := ifIndex8;
180 NewImage(Width, Height, Format, Images[0]);
182 if not (FileDataFormat in [ifIndex8, ifR8G8B8]) then
183 begin
184 // other formats use palette embedded to file header
185 for I := Low(Hdr.Palette16) to High(Hdr.Palette16) do
186 begin
187 Palette[I].A := $FF;
188 Palette[I].R := Hdr.Palette16[I].B;
189 Palette[I].G := Hdr.Palette16[I].G;
190 Palette[I].B := Hdr.Palette16[I].R;
191 end;
192 end;
194 // Now we determine various data sizes
195 BytesPerLine := Hdr.BytesPerLine * Hdr.Planes;
196 UncompSize := BytesPerLine * Height;
198 GetMem(UncompData, UncompSize);
199 try
200 if Hdr.Encoding = 1 then
201 begin
202 // Image data is compressed -> read and decompress
203 RleDecode(UncompData, UncompSize);
204 end
205 else
206 begin
207 // Just read uncompressed data
208 Read(Handle, UncompData, UncompSize);
209 end;
211 if FileDataFormat in [ifR8G8B8, ifA8R8G8B8] then
212 begin
213 // RGB and ARGB images are stored in layout different from
214 // Imaging's (and most other file formats'). First there is
215 // Width red values then there is Width green values and so on
216 RowPointer := UncompData;
218 if FileDataFormat = ifA8R8G8B8 then
219 begin
220 Pixel32 := Bits;
221 for I := 0 to Height - 1 do
222 begin
223 AlphaPlane := PByteArray(RowPointer);
224 RedPlane := @AlphaPlane[Hdr.BytesPerLine];
225 GreenPlane := @AlphaPlane[Hdr.BytesPerLine * 2];
226 BluePlane := @AlphaPlane[Hdr.BytesPerLine * 3];
227 for J := 0 to Width - 1 do
228 begin
229 Pixel32.A := AlphaPlane[J];
230 Pixel32.R := RedPlane[J];
231 Pixel32.G := GreenPlane[J];
232 Pixel32.B := BluePlane[J];
233 Inc(Pixel32);
234 end;
235 Inc(RowPointer, BytesPerLine);
236 end;
237 end
238 else
239 begin
240 Pixel24 := Bits;
241 for I := 0 to Height - 1 do
242 begin
243 RedPlane := PByteArray(RowPointer);
244 GreenPlane := @RedPlane[Hdr.BytesPerLine];
245 BluePlane := @RedPlane[Hdr.BytesPerLine * 2];
246 for J := 0 to Width - 1 do
247 begin
248 Pixel24.R := RedPlane[J];
249 Pixel24.G := GreenPlane[J];
250 Pixel24.B := BluePlane[J];
251 Inc(Pixel24);
252 end;
253 Inc(RowPointer, BytesPerLine);
254 end;
255 end;
256 end
257 else if FileDataFormat = ifIndex8 then
258 begin
259 // Just copy 8bit lines
260 for I := 0 to Height - 1 do
261 Move(PByteArray(UncompData)[I * Hdr.BytesPerLine], PByteArray(Bits)[I * Width], Width);
262 end
263 else if FileDataFormat = ifMono then
264 begin
265 // Convert 1bit images to ifIndex8
266 Convert1To8(UncompData, Bits, Width, Height, Hdr.BytesPerLine);
267 end
268 else if FileDataFormat = ifIndex2 then
269 begin
270 // Convert 2bit images to ifIndex8. Note that 2bit PCX images
271 // usually use (from specs, I've never seen one myself) CGA palette
272 // which is not array of RGB tripplets. So 2bit PCXs are loaded but
273 // their colors would be wrong
274 Convert2To8(UncompData, Bits, Width, Height, Hdr.BytesPerLine);
275 end
276 else if FileDataFormat = ifIndex4 then
277 begin
278 // 4bit images can be stored similar to RGB images (in four one bit planes)
279 // or like array of nibbles (which is more common)
280 if (Hdr.BitsPerPixel = 1) and (Hdr.Planes = 4) then
281 begin
282 RowPointer := UncompData;
283 PixelIdx := Bits;
284 for I := 0 to Height - 1 do
285 begin
286 Plane1 := PByteArray(RowPointer);
287 Plane2 := @Plane1[Hdr.BytesPerLine];
288 Plane3 := @Plane1[Hdr.BytesPerLine * 2];
289 Plane4 := @Plane1[Hdr.BytesPerLine * 3];
291 for J := 0 to Width - 1 do
292 begin
293 B := 0;
294 ByteNum := J div 8;
295 BitNum := 7 - (J mod 8);
296 if (Plane1[ByteNum] shr BitNum) and $1 <> 0 then B := B or $01;
297 if (Plane2[ByteNum] shr BitNum) and $1 <> 0 then B := B or $02;
298 if (Plane3[ByteNum] shr BitNum) and $1 <> 0 then B := B or $04;
299 if (Plane4[ByteNum] shr BitNum) and $1 <> 0 then B := B or $08;
300 PixelIdx^ := B;
301 Inc(PixelIdx);
302 end;
303 Inc(RowPointer, BytesPerLine);
304 end;
305 end
306 else if (Hdr.BitsPerPixel = 4) and (Hdr.Planes = 1) then
307 begin
308 // Convert 4bit images to ifIndex8
309 Convert4To8(UncompData, Bits, Width, Height, Hdr.BytesPerLine);
310 end
311 end;
313 if FileDataFormat = ifIndex8 then
314 begin
315 // 8bit palette is appended at the end of the file
316 // with $0C identifier
317 //Seek(Handle, -769, smFromEnd);
318 Read(Handle, @PalID, SizeOf(PalID));
319 if PalID = $0C then
320 begin
321 Read(Handle, @PalPCX, SizeOf(PalPCX));
322 for I := Low(PalPCX) to High(PalPCX) do
323 begin
324 Palette[I].A := $FF;
325 Palette[I].R := PalPCX[I].B;
326 Palette[I].G := PalPCX[I].G;
327 Palette[I].B := PalPCX[I].R;
328 end;
329 end
330 else
331 Seek(Handle, -SizeOf(PalID), smFromCurrent);
332 end;
334 finally
335 FreeMem(UncompData);
336 end;
337 Result := True;
338 end;
339 end;
341 function TPCXFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean;
342 var
343 Hdr: TPCXHeader;
344 ReadCount: LongInt;
345 begin
346 Result := False;
347 if Handle <> nil then
348 begin
349 ReadCount := GetIO.Read(Handle, @Hdr, SizeOf(Hdr));
350 GetIO.Seek(Handle, -ReadCount, smFromCurrent);
351 Result := (ReadCount >= SizeOf(Hdr)) and
352 (Hdr.Id = $0A) and
353 (Hdr.Version in [0, 2, 3, 4, 5]) and
354 (Hdr.Encoding in [0..1]) and
355 (Hdr.BitsPerPixel in [1, 2, 4, 8]) and
356 (Hdr.Planes in [1, 3, 4]) and
357 (Hdr.PaletteType in [1..2]);
358 end;
360 end;
362 initialization
363 RegisterImageFileFormat(TPCXFileFormat);
366 File Notes:
368 -- TODOS ----------------------------------------------------
369 - nothing now
371 -- 0.21 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
372 - Made loader stream-safe - stream position is exactly at the end of the
373 image after loading and file size doesn't need to be know during the process.
374 - Initial TPCXFileFormat class implemented.
378 end.