fixed cheats and YN prompts
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / sdl2 / SDL2_image.pas
1 unit sdl2_image;
3 {*
4 SDL_image: An example image loading library for use with SDL
5 Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Sam Lantinga <>
7 Pascal-Header-Translation 2013 by Tim Blume
9 Both, header translation and sdl_image, under following license:
11 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
12 warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
13 arising from the use of this software.
15 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
16 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
17 freely, subject to the following restrictions:
19 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
20 claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
21 in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
22 appreciated but is not required.
23 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
24 misrepresented as being the original software.
25 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
27 ChangeLog (Header-Translation):
28 -------------------------------
30 v.1.72-stable; 29.09.2013: fixed bug with procedure without parameters
31 (they must have brackets)
32 v.1.70-stable; 11.09.2013: MacOS compatibility (with Delphi)
33 v.1.33-Alpha; 31.07.2013: Initial Commit
35 *}
39 {$I}
41 interface
43 uses
44 SDL2;
46 const
48 IMG_LibName = 'SDL2_image.dll';
49 {$ENDIF}
53 IMG_LibName = 'libSDL2_image.dylib';
54 {$ELSE}
56 IMG_LibName = '';
57 {$ELSE}
58 IMG_LibName = '';
59 {$ENDIF}
60 {$ENDIF}
61 {$ENDIF}
64 IMG_LibName = 'SDL2_image';
66 {$linklib libSDL2_image}
67 {$ENDIF}
68 {$ENDIF}
70 {* Printable format: "%d.%d.%d", MAJOR, MINOR, PATCHLEVEL *}
75 {* This macro can be used to fill a version structure with the compile-time
76 * version of the SDL_image library.
77 *}
79 procedure SDL_IMAGE_VERSION(Out X: TSDL_Version);
81 {* This function gets the version of the dynamically linked SDL_image library.
82 *
83 * Note that this function does NOT allocate a new TSDL_Version and fill it with info,
84 * but returns a pointer to a TSDL_Version residing inside dynlinked file.
85 *
86 * As such, attempting to Dispose() of this memory will result in access violation.
87 *}
88 function IMG_Linked_Version: PSDL_Version cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_Linked_Version' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
90 const
91 IMG_INIT_JPG = $00000001;
92 IMG_INIT_PNG = $00000002;
93 IMG_INIT_TIF = $00000004;
94 IMG_INIT_WEBP = $00000008;
96 type
97 TIMG_InitFlags = DWord;
99 {* Loads dynamic libraries and prepares them for use. Flags should be
100 one or more flags from IMG_InitFlags OR'd together.
101 It returns the flags successfully initialized, or 0 on failure.
102 *}
103 function IMG_Init(flags: SInt32): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_Init' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
105 {* Unloads libraries loaded with IMG_Init *}
106 procedure IMG_Quit() cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_Quit' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
108 {* Load an image from an SDL data source.
109 The 'type' may be one of: "BMP", "GIF", "PNG", etc.
111 If the image format supports a transparent pixel, SDL will set the
112 colorkey for the surface. You can enable RLE acceleration on the
113 surface afterwards by calling:
114 SDL_SetColorKey(image, SDL_RLEACCEL, image->format->colorkey);
115 *}
116 function IMG_LoadTyped_RW(src: PSDL_RWops; freesrc: SInt32; _type: PAnsiChar): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadTyped_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
117 {* Convenience functions *}
118 function IMG_Load(_file: PAnsiChar): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_Load' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
119 function IMG_Load_RW(src: PSDL_RWops; freesrc: SInt32): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_Load_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
121 {* Load an image directly into a render texture. *}
122 function IMG_LoadTexture(renderer: PSDL_Renderer; _file: PAnsiChar): PSDL_Texture cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadTexture' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
123 function IMG_LoadTexture_RW(renderer: PSDL_Renderer; src: PSDL_RWops; freesrc: SInt32): PSDL_Texture cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadTexture_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
124 function IMG_LoadTextureTyped_RW(renderer: PSDL_Renderer; src: PSDL_RWops; freesrc: SInt32; _type: PAnsiChar): PSDL_Texture cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadTextureTyped_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
126 {* Functions to detect a file type, given a seekable source *}
127 function IMG_isICO(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isICO' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
128 function IMG_isCUR(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isCUR' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
129 function IMG_isBMP(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isBMP' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
130 function IMG_isGIF(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isGIF' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
131 function IMG_isJPG(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isJPG' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
132 function IMG_isLBM(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isLBM' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
133 function IMG_isPCX(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isPCX' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
134 function IMG_isPNG(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isPNG' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
135 function IMG_isPNM(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isPNM' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
136 function IMG_isTIF(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isTIF' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
137 function IMG_isXCF(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '-IMG_isXCF' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
138 function IMG_isXPM(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isXPM' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
139 function IMG_isXV(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isXV' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
140 function IMG_isWEBP(src: PSDL_RWops): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_isWEBP' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
142 {* Individual loading functions *}
143 function IMG_LoadICO_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadICO_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
144 function IMG_LoadCUR_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadCUR_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
145 function IMG_LoadBMP_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadBMP_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
146 function IMG_LoadGIF_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadGIF_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
147 function IMG_LoadJPG_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadJPG_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
148 function IMG_LoadLBM_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadLBM_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
149 function IMG_LoadPCX_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadPCX_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
150 function IMG_LoadPNG_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadPNG_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
151 function IMG_LoadPNM_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadPNM_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
152 function IMG_LoadTGA_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadTGA_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
153 function IMG_LoadTIF_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadTIF_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
154 function IMG_LoadXCF_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadXCF_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
155 function IMG_LoadXPM_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadXMP_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
156 function IMG_LoadXV_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadXV_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
157 function IMG_LoadWEBP_RW(src: PSDL_RWops): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_LoadWEBP_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
159 function IMG_ReadXPMFromArray(xpm: PPChar): PSDL_Surface cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_ReadXPMFromArray' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
161 {* Individual saving functions *}
162 function IMG_SavePNG(surface: PSDL_Surface; const _file: PAnsiChar): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_SavePNG' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
163 function IMG_SavePNG_RW(surface: PSDL_Surface; dst: PSDL_RWops; freedst: SInt32): SInt32 cdecl; external IMG_LibName {$IFDEF DELPHI} {$IFDEF MACOS} name '_IMG_SavePNG_RW' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
165 {* We'll use SDL for reporting errors *}
166 function IMG_SetError(fmt: PAnsiChar): SInt32; cdecl;
167 function IMG_GetError: PAnsiChar; cdecl;
169 implementation
171 procedure SDL_IMAGE_VERSION(Out X: TSDL_Version);
172 begin
176 end;
178 function IMG_SetError(fmt: PAnsiChar): SInt32; cdecl;
179 begin
180 Result := SDL_SetError(fmt);
181 end;
183 function IMG_GetError: PAnsiChar; cdecl;
184 begin
185 Result := SDL_GetError();
186 end;
188 end.