render: separate map logic and drawing
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / libjit / pedump / expdump.dpr
1 // coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector
6 {$ENDIF}
7 program expdump;
9 uses
10 SysUtils, Classes,
11 pe32U in 'pe32U.pas';
14 const
15 secInfoFlags: array [0..9] of record flg: LongWord; name: string[8]; end = (
16 (flg:$00000020; name:'code'),
17 (flg:$00000040; name:'data'),
18 (flg:$00000080; name:'bss'),
19 (flg:$02000000; name:'disc'),
20 (flg:$04000000; name:'no-cache'),
21 (flg:$08000000; name:'no-page'),
22 (flg:$10000000; name:'shr'),
23 (flg:$20000000; name:'exe'),
24 (flg:$40000000; name:'rd'),
25 (flg:$80000000; name:'wr'));
27 type
28 TExportNameRecord = record
29 name: AnsiString; // empty: by ordinal
30 ordinal: Word;
31 end;
34 var
35 inFile: AnsiString = '';
37 showSexInfo: Boolean = true;
38 showExports: Boolean = true;
40 pe: Pointer = nil;
41 peSize: Integer = 0;
42 isDll: Boolean = false;
44 expDLLName: AnsiString = '';
45 expOrdBase: LongWord = 0;
46 expNames: array of TExportNameRecord = nil;
47 expOrds: array of LongWord = nil; // rva's
48 expFwds: array of AnsiString = nil; // <> '': no fwd
49 //expHasFwd: Boolean = false;
52 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
53 function itoa (i: Integer): AnsiString; inline; begin str(i, result); end;
56 function i2hex (i: LongWord; len: Integer): AnsiString;
57 const
58 hexD: packed array [0..15] of AnsiChar = '0123456789ABCDEF';
59 var
60 o: packed array [0..22] of AnsiChar;
61 p: Integer;
62 begin
63 p := High(o);
64 repeat
65 o[p] := hexD[i and $0F]; Dec(p);
66 i := (i shr 4) and $0FFFFFFF;
67 if (len > 0) then Dec(len);
68 until (i = 0);
69 i := High(o)-p;
70 Inc(p);
71 if (len < 0) then len := 0;
72 SetLength(result, len+Integer(i));
73 i := 1;
74 while (len > 0) do begin result[i] := '0'; Inc(i); Dec(len); end;
75 while (p <= High(o)) do begin result[i] := o[p]; Inc(i); Inc(p); end;
76 end;
79 procedure fatal (const msg: AnsiString);
80 begin
81 writeln('***fatal: ', msg);
82 Halt(1);
83 end;
86 function loadPE (const fileName: AnsiString): Boolean;
87 var
88 st: TStream = nil;
89 begin
90 result := false;
91 try
92 st := TFileStream.Create(fileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
93 peSize := st.size;
94 if (peSize < 1024) then begin st.Free(); exit; end;
95 ReallocMem(pe, peSize);
96 st.ReadBuffer(pe^, peSize);
97 except // sorry
98 st.Free();
99 exit;
100 end;
101 st.Free();
102 result := true;
103 end;
106 procedure checkPE ();
107 var
108 h: PPEHeader;
109 si: PPESectionInfo;
110 f, c: Integer;
111 s: ShortString;
112 {pkl,} comma: Boolean;
113 begin
114 //pkl := false;
115 h := getPEHeaderPtr(pe);
116 isDll := ((h.flags and IMAGE_FILE_DLL) <> 0);
117 //if (h.flags and IMAGE_FILE_DLL) <> 0 then Error('DLL: not yet');
118 //!!if h.baseOfCode <> $1000 then Error('invalid base_of_code');
119 c := h.numberOfSections;
120 if (c = 0) then fatal('no sections');
121 if (c > 127) then fatal('invalid number of sections');
122 si := getPESectionsPtr(pe);
123 if isDll then writeln('this PE is DLL');
124 if showSexInfo then
125 begin
126 writeln(
127 'image: base=$', i2hex(h.imageBase, 8),
128 '; size=$', i2hex(h.imageSize, 8),
129 '; entry=$', i2hex(h.entryRVA, 8));
130 writeln('name rva ofs size vsize flags');
131 end;
132 while (c > 0) do
133 begin
134 s[0] := #8;
135 Move([0], s[1], 8);
136 for f := 1 to 8 do if not (s[f] in [#32..#126]) then s[f] := ' ';
137 if showSexInfo then
138 begin
139 write(s, ' ',
140 '', i2hex(si.rva, 8),
141 ' ', i2hex(si.physOffset, 8),
142 ' ', i2hex(si.physSize, 8),
143 ' ', i2hex(si.virtualSize, 8),
144 ' ', i2hex(si.flags, 8));
145 comma := false;
146 for f := 0 to High(secInfoFlags) do
147 begin
148 if (si.flags and secInfoFlags[f].flg) <> 0 then
149 begin
150 if comma then write(', ') else write('; ');
151 comma := true;
152 write(secInfoFlags[f].name);
153 end;
154 end;
155 writeln;
156 end;
157 //if s = '.pklstb ' then pkl := true;
159 if not doNotPack then
160 begin
161 if (si.rva <> 0) and (si.physSize <> 0) and (si.physOffset <> 0) and
162 (((si.flags and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE) = 0) or
163 ((si.flags and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) <> 0)) and
164 ((si.flags and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) <> 0) then
165 begin
166 if (si.flags and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED) <> 0 then
167 Error('writeable shared sections: not yet', true);
168 end;
169 end;
171 Dec(c); Inc(si);
172 end;
173 //if pkl then Error('probably PKLITEd file', true);
174 end;
177 procedure checkImports ();
178 var
179 h: PPEHeader;
180 ir: PPEImportRec;
181 th: LongWord;
182 p: PLongWord;
183 begin
184 h := getPEHeaderPtr(pe);
185 if (h.importTableRVA = 0) or (h.totalImportDataSize = 0) then exit;
186 ir := rva2ptr(pe, h.importTableRVA);
187 if (ir = nil) then fatal('invalid import_directory_entry');
188 while (ir.nameRVA <> 0) do
189 begin
190 //!!if ir.nameRVA < h.baseOfCode then Error('invalid import directory');
191 th := ir.origFirstThunkRVA;
192 if (th = 0) then th := ir.firstThunkRVA;
193 p := rva2ptr(pe, th);
194 if (th <> 0) and (p <> nil) then
195 begin
196 while (p^ <> 0) do
197 begin
198 //if (p^ and $7FFFFFFF) < $1000 then Error('invalid import directory');
199 if (p^ < $1000) then fatal('invalid import directory');
200 Inc(p);
201 end;
202 end;
203 Inc(ir);
204 end;
205 end;
208 function getStrz (rva: LongWord): AnsiString;
209 var
210 len: Integer;
211 p, pc: PAnsiChar;
212 begin
213 pc := rva2ptr(pe, rva);
214 p := pc;
215 len := 0;
216 while (p^ <> #0) do begin Inc(len); Inc(p); end;
217 SetString(result, pc, len);
218 end;
221 procedure extractExports ();
222 var
223 h: PPEHeader;
224 p: PtrUInt;
225 f, nof, non, frva, nrva, norva: LongWord;
226 begin
227 expOrdBase := expOrdBase; // shut up, fpc!
228 h := getPEHeaderPtr(pe);
229 if (h.exportTableRVA = 0) or (h.totalExportDataSize = 0) then exit;
230 p := PtrUInt(rva2ptr(pe, h.exportTableRVA))+3*4;
231 expDLLName := getStrz(PLongWord(p)^);
232 Inc(p, 4);
233 if (expDLLName = '') then fatal('invalid DLL name');
234 expOrdBase := PLongWord(p)^; Inc(p, 4);
235 nof := PLongWord(p)^; Inc(p, 4);
236 non := PLongWord(p)^; Inc(p, 4);
237 frva := PLongWord(p)^; Inc(p, 4); // функции (nof)
238 nrva := PLongWord(p)^; Inc(p, 4); // имена (non)
239 norva := PLongWord(p)^;{Inc(p, 4);}// оридналы имён (non)
240 if (nof = 0) then fatal('invalid export section (0)');
241 // rva для экспортов
242 SetLength(expOrds, nof);
243 SetLength(expFwds, nof);
244 p := PtrUInt(rva2ptr(pe, frva));
245 for f := 0 to nof-1 do
246 begin
247 expOrds[f] := PLongWord(p)^; Inc(p, 4);
248 // проверим на форварды
249 if (expOrds[f] <> 0) and
250 (expOrds[f] >= h.exportTableRVA) and
251 (expOrds[f] < h.exportTableRVA+h.totalExportDataSize) then
252 begin
253 expFwds[f] := getStrz(expOrds[f]);
254 //expHasFwd := true;
255 end
256 else
257 begin
258 expFwds[f] := '';
259 end;
260 end;
261 // экспорты по именам
262 SetLength(expNames, non);
263 if (non <> 0) then
264 begin
265 p := PtrUInt(rva2ptr(pe, nrva));
266 for f := 0 to non-1 do begin expNames[f].name := getStrz(PLongWord(p)^); Inc(p, 4); end;
267 p := PtrUInt(rva2ptr(pe, norva));
268 for f := 0 to non-1 do begin expNames[f].ordinal := PWord(p)^; Inc(p, 2); end;
269 end;
270 // отладочный дамп
271 if not showExports then exit;
272 writeln(nof, ' ordinals, ', non, ' names');
274 writeln('ordinals:');
275 for f := 0 to nof-1 do
276 begin
277 if expFwds[f] <> '' then writeln(' ', f+expOrdBase, ': "', expFwds[f], '"') else writeln(' ', f+expOrdBase);
278 end;
280 writeln('index ordinal name');
281 for f := 0 to non-1 do writeln(f:5, ' ', expNames[f].ordinal:7, ' ', expNames[f].name);
282 writeln;
283 end;
286 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
287 begin
288 if (ParamCount <> 1) then
289 begin
290 writeln('FILENAME!');
291 Halt(1);
292 end;
293 inFile := ParamStr(1);
294 //inFile := '../libjit-0.dll';
296 writeln('loading PE...');
297 if not loadPE(inFile) then fatal('can''t load PE file');
298 writeln('checking PE...');
299 if not isValidPE(pe) then fatal('invalid PE file');
300 checkPE();
301 checkImports();
302 extractExports();
303 end.