fixed something about TRIGGER_SCRIPT
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / game / g_scripts.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
17 unit g_scripts;
19 interface
21 uses
22 lua, lualib, lauxlib;
24 const
25 // reset levels
26 RESET_ALL = 0;
27 RESET_SRV = 1;
28 RESET_WAD = 2;
29 RESET_MAP = 3;
31 type
32 PScriptContext = Plua_State;
33 PScriptProc = lua_CFunction;
35 var
36 gScriptCtx: PScriptContext = nil;
37 gScriptInit: Boolean = False;
39 function g_Scripts_Init(): Boolean;
40 procedure g_Scripts_Reset(What: Integer);
41 function g_Scripts_ProcExec(PName: string; const Args: array of const; Namespace: string = ''): Integer;
42 function g_Scripts_ProcExists(PName: string): Boolean;
43 function g_Scripts_ProcInstall(PName: string; PPtr: PScriptProc): Boolean;
44 function g_Scripts_Load(Text: string): Boolean;
45 procedure g_Scripts_Free();
47 implementation
49 uses
50 SysUtils, g_console, g_scriptprocs;
52 type
53 POpenFunc = function(L: Plua_State): LongBool; cdecl;
54 TLuaReg = record
55 name: PAnsiChar;
56 func: POpenFunc;
57 end;
59 const
60 LUA_LIBS: array [0..3] of TLuaReg = (
61 (name: ''; func: luaopen_base),
62 (name: LUA_TABLIBNAME; func: luaopen_table),
63 (name: LUA_STRLINAME; func: luaopen_string), // STRLINAME is actually a typo in fpc's lua module
64 (name: LUA_MATHLIBNAME; func: luaopen_math)
65 );
67 function LuaInstallGameFuncs(): Boolean;
68 begin
69 Result := False;
71 if not g_Scripts_ProcInstall('conprint', SP_Lua_ConPrint) then Exit;
73 if not g_Scripts_ProcInstall('spawn_item', SP_Lua_SpawnItem) then Exit;
74 if not g_Scripts_ProcInstall('spawn_shot', SP_Lua_SpawnShot) then Exit;
75 if not g_Scripts_ProcInstall('spawn_effect', SP_Lua_SpawnEffect) then Exit;
76 if not g_Scripts_ProcInstall('spawn_monster', SP_Lua_SpawnMonster) then Exit;
78 Result := True;
79 end;
81 function g_Scripts_Init(): Boolean;
82 var
83 i: Integer;
84 begin
85 Result := False;
86 if gScriptInit then Exit;
88 gScriptCtx := luaL_newstate();
89 if gScriptCtx = nil then Exit;
91 // don't open all the libs
92 for i := 0 to High(LUA_LIBS) do
93 begin
94 //lua_pushcfunction(gScriptCtx, LUA_LIBS[i].func);
95 lua_pushstring(gScriptCtx, LUA_LIBS[i].name);
96 //lua_call(gScriptCtx, 1, 0);
97 LUA_LIBS[i].func(gScriptCtx);
98 end;
100 // create a table for game-related functions
101 lua_newtable(gScriptCtx);
102 lua_setglobal(gScriptCtx, 'game');
104 // create game-related tables
105 g_Scripts_Reset(RESET_ALL);
107 gScriptInit := True;
108 // try to install game-related shit
109 if not LuaInstallGameFuncs() then
110 begin
111 g_Console_Add('SCRIPT: Could not init game callbacks');
112 lua_close(gScriptCtx);
113 gScriptCtx := nil;
114 gScriptInit := False;
115 Exit;
116 end;
118 Result := True;
119 end;
121 // TODO: maybe actually put some fields into these?
122 procedure g_Scripts_Reset(What: Integer);
123 begin
124 if not gScriptInit then Exit;
125 if What in [RESET_ALL, RESET_SRV] then
126 begin
127 lua_newtable(gScriptCtx);
128 lua_setglobal(gScriptCtx, 'srv');
129 end;
130 if What in [RESET_ALL, RESET_WAD] then
131 begin
132 lua_newtable(gScriptCtx);
133 lua_setglobal(gScriptCtx, 'wad');
134 end;
135 if What in [RESET_ALL, RESET_MAP] then
136 begin
137 lua_newtable(gScriptCtx);
138 lua_setglobal(gScriptCtx, 'map');
139 end;
140 end;
142 function g_Scripts_ProcInstall(PName: string; PPtr: PScriptProc): Boolean;
143 begin
144 Result := False;
145 if not gScriptInit then Exit;
147 if g_Scripts_ProcExists(PName) then
148 begin
149 g_Console_Add('SCRIPT: ProcInstall(' + PName + '): function already exists');
150 Exit;
151 end;
153 lua_getglobal(gScriptCtx, 'game');
154 lua_pushstring(gScriptCtx, PName);
155 lua_pushcfunction(gScriptCtx, PPtr);
156 lua_settable(gScriptCtx, -3);
157 lua_setglobal(gScriptCtx, 'game');
159 Result := True;
160 end;
162 function g_Scripts_ProcExists(PName: string): Boolean;
163 begin
164 Result := False;
165 if not gScriptInit then Exit;
167 lua_getglobal(gScriptCtx, 'game');
168 lua_pushstring(gScriptCtx, PName);
169 lua_gettable(gScriptCtx, -2);
171 if lua_isfunction(gScriptCtx, -1) then
172 Result := True;
173 end;
175 function g_Scripts_ProcExec(PName: string; const Args: array of const; Namespace: string = ''): Integer;
176 var
177 i: Integer;
178 begin
179 Result := -255;
180 if not gScriptInit then Exit;
182 if Namespace = '' then
183 lua_getglobal(gScriptCtx, PChar(PName))
184 else
185 begin
186 lua_getglobal(gScriptCtx, PChar(Namespace));
187 lua_pushstring(gScriptCtx, PName);
188 lua_gettable(gScriptCtx, -2);
189 end;
191 if not lua_isfunction(gScriptCtx, -1) then
192 begin
193 g_Console_Add('SCRIPT: ProcExec(' + Namespace + '.' + PName + ') error: no such function');
194 Exit;
195 end;
197 for i := 0 to High(Args) do
198 with Args[i] do
199 begin
200 case VType of
201 vtInteger: lua_pushinteger(gScriptCtx, vInteger);
202 vtBoolean: lua_pushboolean(gScriptCtx, vBoolean);
203 vtString: lua_pushstring(gScriptCtx, vString^);
204 vtAnsiString: lua_pushstring(gScriptCtx, PAnsiString(vAnsiString)^);
205 vtExtended: lua_pushnumber(gScriptCtx, vExtended^);
206 end;
207 end;
209 if lua_pcall(gScriptCtx, Length(Args), 1, 0) <> 0 then
210 begin
211 g_Console_Add('SCRIPT: ProcExec(' + Namespace + '.' + PName + ') error: ' + lua_tostring(gScriptCtx, -1));
212 Exit;
213 end;
215 Result := 0;
216 if lua_isnumber(gScriptCtx, -1) then
217 begin
218 Result := lua_tointeger(gScriptCtx, -1);
219 lua_pop(gScriptCtx, 1);
220 end;
221 end;
223 function g_Scripts_Load(Text: string): Boolean;
224 begin
225 Result := False;
226 if not gScriptInit then Exit;
228 if lua_dostring(gScriptCtx, PChar(Text)) <> 0 then
229 begin
230 g_Console_Add('SCRIPT: Load() error: ' + lua_tostring(gScriptCtx, -1));
231 Exit;
232 end;
234 Result := True;
235 end;
237 procedure g_Scripts_Free();
238 begin
239 if not gScriptInit then Exit;
240 lua_close(gScriptCtx);
241 gScriptInit := False;
242 gScriptCtx := nil;
243 end;
245 end.