Netmaster: Additional check for server name in ping response
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / engine / e_soundfile_wav.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
6 *
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
11 *
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 *)
15 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
16 unit e_soundfile_wav;
18 interface
20 uses e_soundfile;
22 type
23 // a WAV loader that just uses SDL_LoadWAV
25 TWAVLoader = class (TSoundLoader)
26 public
27 function Load(Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord; Loop: Boolean): Boolean; override; overload;
28 function Load(FName: string; Loop: Boolean): Boolean; override; overload;
29 function Finished(): Boolean; override;
30 function Restart(): Boolean; override;
31 function FillBuffer(Buf: Pointer; Len: LongWord): LongWord; override;
32 procedure Free(); override;
33 private
34 FData: Pointer;
35 FDataLen: LongWord;
36 FDataPos: LongWord;
37 FLooping: Boolean;
38 end;
40 TWAVLoaderFactory = class (TSoundLoaderFactory)
41 public
42 function MatchHeader(Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean; override;
43 function MatchExtension(FName: string): Boolean; override;
44 function GetLoader(): TSoundLoader; override;
45 end;
47 implementation
49 uses
51 SDL,
52 {$ELSE}
53 SDL2,
54 {$ENDIF}
55 utils, ctypes, e_log;
57 (* TWAVLoaderFactory *)
59 function TWAVLoaderFactory.MatchHeader(Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean;
60 var
61 P: PByte;
62 begin
63 if Len < 5 then
64 begin
65 Result := False;
66 exit;
67 end;
68 P := PByte(Data);
69 Result := ((P+0)^ = Ord('R')) and ((P+1)^ = Ord('I')) and ((P+2)^ = Ord('F')) and ((P+3)^ = Ord('F'));
70 end;
72 function TWAVLoaderFactory.MatchExtension(FName: string): Boolean;
73 begin
74 // TODO: ehhh
75 Result := GetFilenameExt(FName) = '.wav';
76 end;
78 function TWAVLoaderFactory.GetLoader(): TSoundLoader;
79 begin
80 Result := TWAVLoader.Create();
81 end;
83 (* TWAVLoader *)
84 function ConvertSound (var buf: PUInt8; var len: UInt32; var format: UInt16; rate: cint; chan: UInt8): Boolean;
85 var cvt: TSDL_AudioCVT; tformat: UInt16;
86 begin
87 result := true;
88 case format of
89 AUDIO_U8, AUDIO_S8 : tformat := AUDIO_U8; (* yes, unsigned *)
90 AUDIO_U16LSB, AUDIO_U16MSB: tformat := AUDIO_S16SYS; (* and yes, signed *)
91 AUDIO_S16LSB, AUDIO_S16MSB: tformat := AUDIO_S16SYS;
92 AUDIO_S32LSB, AUDIO_S32MSB: tformat := AUDIO_S16SYS; (* 32bit not supported in al core *)
93 AUDIO_F32LSB, AUDIO_F32MSB: tformat := AUDIO_S16SYS; (* float not supported in al core *)
94 else result := false (* unsupported format *)
95 end;
96 if (result = true) and (format <> tformat) then
97 begin
98 Result := False;
99 if SDL_BuildAudioCVT(@cvt, format, chan, rate, tformat, chan, rate) <> -1 then
100 begin
101 buf := SDL_realloc(buf, len * cvt.len_mult);
102 cvt.len := len;
103 cvt.buf := buf;
104 result := SDL_ConvertAudio(@cvt) = 0;
105 len := cvt.len_cvt;
106 format := tformat
107 end
108 end
109 end;
111 function LoadWavRW (Loader: TWAVLoader; RW: PSDL_RWops): Boolean;
112 var
113 Spec: TSDL_AudioSpec;
114 Len: UInt32;
115 Buf: PUInt8;
116 begin
117 Result := False;
119 if SDL_LoadWAV_RW(RW, 0, @Spec, @Buf, @Len) <> nil then
120 {$ELSE}
121 if SDL_LoadWAV_RW(RW, 0, @Spec, PUInt8(@Buf), @Len) <> nil then
122 {$ENDIF}
123 begin
124 Result := ConvertSound(Buf, Len, Spec.format, Spec.freq, Spec.channels);
125 if Result = True then
126 begin
127 with Loader do
128 begin
129 FFormat.SampleRate := Spec.freq;
131 FFormat.SampleBits := SDL_AUDIO_BITSIZE(Spec.format);
132 {$ELSE}
133 FFormat.SampleBits := Spec.format and $FF;
134 {$ENDIF}
135 FFormat.Channels := Spec.channels;
136 FDataPos := 0;
137 FDataLen := Len;
138 FData := Buf;
139 end
140 end
141 else
142 begin
143 SDL_FreeWav(Buf)
144 end
145 end
146 end;
148 function TWAVLoader.Load(Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord; Loop: Boolean): Boolean;
149 var
150 RW: PSDL_RWops;
151 begin
152 RW := SDL_RWFromConstMem(Data, Len);
153 Result := LoadWavRW(Self, RW);
154 if Result = False then
155 e_LogWriteln('Could not load WAV: ' + SDL_GetError());
156 SDL_RWclose(RW);
157 FStreaming := False;
158 FLooping := Loop;
159 end;
161 function TWAVLoader.Load(FName: string; Loop: Boolean): Boolean;
162 var
163 RW: PSDL_RWops;
164 begin
165 RW := SDL_RWFromFile(PChar(FName), 'rb');
166 if RW <> nil then
167 begin
168 Result := LoadWavRW(Self, RW);
169 if Result = False then
170 e_LogWritefln('Could not load WAV file `%s`: %s', [FName, SDL_GetError()]);
171 end
172 else
173 begin
174 e_LogWritefln('Could not open WAV file `%s`: %s', [FName, SDL_GetError()]);
175 Result := False
176 end;
177 SDL_RWclose(RW);
178 FStreaming := False;
179 FLooping := Loop;
180 end;
182 function TWAVLoader.Finished(): Boolean;
183 begin
184 Result := FDataPos >= FDataLen;
185 end;
187 function TWAVLoader.Restart(): Boolean;
188 begin
189 Result := True;
190 FDataPos := 0;
191 end;
193 function TWAVLoader.FillBuffer(Buf: Pointer; Len: LongWord): LongWord;
194 var
195 OutPos: LongWord;
196 Tx: LongWord;
197 begin
198 OutPos := 0;
199 Result := 0;
201 while (FDataPos < FDataLen) and (OutPos < Len) do
202 begin
203 Tx := nmin(FDataLen - FDataPos, Len - OutPos);
204 Move((FData + FDataPos)^, (Buf + OutPos)^, Tx);
206 FDataPos := FDataPos + Tx;
207 OutPos := OutPos + Tx;
208 Result := Result + Tx;
210 if (FDataPos >= FDataLen) and FLooping then
211 FDataPos := 0;
212 end;
213 end;
215 procedure TWAVLoader.Free();
216 begin
217 if FData <> nil then
218 SDL_FreeWAV(FData); // SDL allocates inside the DLL, so we need this
219 FDataPos := 0;
220 FData := nil;
221 FDataLen := 0;
222 end;
224 initialization
225 e_AddSoundLoader(TWAVLoaderFactory.Create());
226 end.