add default dirs for linux and android
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / engine / e_res.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
6 *
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
11 *
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 *)
15 {$I ../shared/}
16 unit e_res;
18 interface
20 uses SysUtils, Utils, Classes;
22 var
23 debug_e_res: Boolean;
25 {-------------------------------------------}
26 {--- insert separator beetwin a and b ---}
27 {--- result are correct if (a or b) = '' ---}
28 {--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---}
29 function e_CatPath (a, b: AnsiString): AnsiString;
31 {--- remove last entry from path ---}
32 function e_UpperDir (path: AnsiString): AnsiString;
34 {--- not absolute and have no relative dirs ---}
35 function e_IsValidResourceName (name: AnsiString): Boolean;
37 {-----------------------------------------------------------------------}
38 {--- try to open/create file in one dir from `dirs` in reverse order ---}
39 {--- e_OpenResourceRW tries to create if not exists ---}
40 {--- create dirs if not exists ---}
41 {--- result <> nil, throws exceptions on errors ---}
42 {--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---}
43 function e_CreateResource (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream;
44 function e_OpenResourceRO (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream;
45 function e_OpenResourceRW (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream;
47 {--- same as shared/utils ---}
48 function e_FindResource (dirs: SSArray; var name: AnsiString; nameIsDir: Boolean = false): Boolean;
49 function e_FindWad (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): AnsiString;
51 {--- returns relative wad name; never empty string ---}
52 function e_FindWadRel (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): AnsiString;
54 {--- prepend dirs to 'disk.wad:\file'. if empty disk string then prepend defWad ---}
55 {--- return empty string if error occured or 'path/to/disk.wad:\file' on success ---}
56 function e_GetResourcePath (dirs: SSArray; path: AnsiString; defWad: AnsiString): AnsiString;
58 {--- same as SysUtils.FinFirst ---}
59 function e_FindFirst (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString; attr: LongInt; out Rslt: TSearchRec): LongInt;
61 {--- try to get a writeable directory from list, throws if no one directory created ---}
62 {--- (unless `required` is `false`: in this case, returns empty string) ---}
63 {--- creates all necessary subdirs, if it can ---}
64 function e_GetWriteableDir (dirs: SSArray; required: Boolean=true): AnsiString;
66 implementation
68 uses WadReader, e_log, hashtable;
70 type
71 SpawnProc = function (pathname: AnsiString): Tstream;
73 var
74 writeableDirs: THashStrCIStr = nil;
77 function e_UpperDir (path: AnsiString): AnsiString;
78 var i: Integer;
79 begin
80 i := High(path);
81 while (i >= 1) and (path[i] <> '/') and (path[i] <> '\') do Dec(i);
82 result := Copy(path, 1, i)
83 end;
85 function HasRelativeDirs (name: AnsiString): Boolean;
86 var i: Integer; ch: Char;
87 begin
88 i := 1;
89 result := false;
90 while (result = false) and (name[i] <> #0) do
91 begin
92 ch := name[i];
93 if (ch = '/') or (ch = '\') then
94 begin
95 Inc(i);
96 if name[i] = '.' then
97 begin
98 Inc(i);
99 if name[i] = '.' then
100 begin
101 Inc(i);
102 ch := name[i];
103 result := (ch = #0) or (ch = '/') or (ch = '\')
104 end
105 end
106 end
107 else
108 begin
109 Inc(i)
110 end
111 end
112 end;
114 function HasAbsoluteDirs (name: AnsiString): Boolean;
115 begin
116 result := (name = '') or (name[1] = '/') or (name[1] = '\')
117 end;
119 function e_IsValidResourceName (name: AnsiString): Boolean;
120 begin
121 result := (HasAbsoluteDirs(name) = false) and (HasRelativeDirs(name) = false)
122 end;
124 function SpawnStream (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString; p: SpawnProc; createNewDir: Boolean): TStream;
125 var i: Integer;
126 begin
127 result := nil;
128 assert(dirs <> nil);
129 assert(e_IsValidResourceName(name));
130 i := High(dirs);
131 while (i >= 0) and (result = nil) do
132 begin
133 try
134 if debug_e_res then
135 e_LogWritefln(' %s', [dirs[i]]);
136 if (createNewDir = false) or (ForceDirectories(dirs[i]) = true) then
137 result := p(e_CatPath(dirs[i], name))
138 finally
139 Dec(i)
140 end
141 end
142 end;
144 function e_CreateResource (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream;
145 begin
146 if debug_e_res then
147 e_LogWritefln('e_CreateResource %s', [name]);
148 result := SpawnStream(dirs, name, @createDiskFile, true);
149 if result = nil then
150 raise Exception.Create('can''t create resource "' + name + '"');
151 end;
153 function e_OpenResourceRO (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream;
154 begin
155 if debug_e_res then
156 e_LogWritefln('e_OpenResourceRO %s', [name]);
157 result := SpawnStream(dirs, name, @openDiskFileRO, false);
158 if result = nil then
159 raise EFileNotFoundException.Create('can''t open resource "' + name + '"')
160 end;
162 function e_OpenResourceRW (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream;
163 begin
164 if debug_e_res then
165 e_LogWritefln('e_OpenResourceRW %s', [name]);
166 result := SpawnStream(dirs, name, @openDiskFileRW, true);
167 if result = nil then
168 raise Exception.Create('can''t create resource "' + name + '"')
169 end;
171 function e_CatPath (a, b: AnsiString): AnsiString;
172 begin
173 if a = '' then
174 result := b
175 else if b = '' then
176 result := a
177 else
178 result := a + '/' + b
179 end;
181 function e_FindResource (dirs: SSArray; var name: AnsiString; nameIsDir: Boolean = false): Boolean;
182 var i: Integer; dir: AnsiString;
183 begin
184 if debug_e_res then
185 e_LogWritefln('e_FindResource %s (%s)', [name, nameIsDir]);
186 result := false;
187 assert(dirs <> nil);
188 assert(e_IsValidResourceName(name));
189 i := High(dirs); dir := name;
190 while (i >= 0) and (result = false) do
191 begin
192 dir := e_CatPath(dirs[i], name);
193 result := findFileCI(dir, nameIsDir);
194 if debug_e_res then
195 e_LogWritefln(' %s -> %s', [dir, result]);
196 Dec(i)
197 end;
198 if result = true then
199 name := dir;
200 if debug_e_res then
201 e_LogWritefln(' result = %s (%s)', [name, result]);
202 end;
204 function e_FindWad (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): AnsiString;
205 var i: Integer;
206 begin
207 if debug_e_res then
208 e_LogWritefln('e_FindWad "%s"', [name]);
209 result := '';
210 assert(dirs <> nil);
211 assert(e_IsValidResourceName(name));
212 i := High(dirs);
213 while (i >= 0) and (result = '') do
214 begin
215 result := findDiskWad(dirs[i] + DirectorySeparator + name);
216 if debug_e_res then
217 e_LogWritefln(' %s -> %s', [dirs[i] + DirectorySeparator + name, result]);
218 Dec(i)
219 end
220 end;
222 function e_FindWadRel (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): AnsiString;
223 var
224 s: AnsiString;
225 maxpfx: AnsiString = '';
226 pfx: AnsiString;
227 begin
228 result := name;
229 if not findFileCI(name) then exit;
230 for s in dirs do
231 begin
232 if (length(s) = 0) then continue;
233 if (length(name) <= length(s)) then continue;
234 if (length(s) < length(maxpfx)) then continue;
235 pfx := s;
236 if not findFileCI(pfx, true) then continue;
237 if (pfx[length(pfx)] <> '/') and (pfx[length(pfx)] <> '\') then pfx := pfx+'/';
238 if (length(pfx)+1 > length(name)) then continue;
239 if (strEquCI1251(copy(name, 1, length(pfx)), pfx)) then maxpfx := pfx;
240 end;
241 if (length(maxpfx) > 0) then
242 begin
243 result := name;
244 Delete(result, 1, length(maxpfx));
245 end;
246 end;
248 function e_GetResourcePath (dirs: SSArray; path: AnsiString; defWad: AnsiString): AnsiString;
249 var diskName, fileName: AnsiString;
250 begin
251 if debug_e_res then
252 e_LogWritefln('e_GetResourcePath %s (%s)', [path, defWad]);
253 assert(length(dirs) > 0);
254 assert(path <> '');
255 assert(defWad <> '');
256 diskName := g_ExtractWadName(path);
257 fileName := g_ExtractFilePathName(path);
258 if diskName = '' then diskName := defWad else diskName := e_FindWad(dirs, diskName);
259 if diskName = '' then result := '' else result := diskName + ':\' + fileName;
260 if debug_e_res then
261 e_LogWritefln(' this>>> %s', [result]);
262 end;
264 function e_FindFirst (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString; attr: LongInt; out Rslt: TSearchRec): LongInt;
265 var i: Integer; dir: AnsiString;
266 begin
267 if debug_e_res then
268 e_LogWritefln('e_FindFirst %s', [name]);
269 assert(dirs <> nil);
270 assert(e_IsValidResourceName(name));
271 i := High(dirs); result := -1;
272 while (i >= 0) and (result <> 0) do
273 begin
274 dir := dirs[i] + DirectorySeparator + name;
275 result := FindFirst(dir, attr, Rslt);
276 if debug_e_res then
277 e_LogWritefln(' %s: %s -- %s', [i, dir, result]);
278 Dec(i);
279 end
280 end;
282 // k8: sorry. i know that this sux, but checking directory access rights is unreliable (unportable).
283 function canCreateFiles (dir: AnsiString): Boolean;
284 var
285 f: Integer;
286 st: TStream = nil;
287 sr: TSearchRec;
288 fn: AnsiString;
289 begin
290 result := false;
291 for f := 0 to $7fffffff do
292 begin
293 fn := Format('%s/$$$temptest$$$_%d.$$$%d$$$', [dir, f, f]);
294 if (FindFirst(fn, faAnyFile, sr) = 0) then
295 begin
296 FindClose(sr);
297 continue;
298 end;
299 FindClose(sr);
300 try
301 st := TFileStream.Create(fn, fmCreate);
302 except // sorry
303 st := nil; // just in case
304 end;
305 if assigned(st) then
306 begin
307 st.Free();
308 try DeleteFile(fn); except end;
309 result := true;
310 end;
311 exit;
312 end;
313 end;
315 function e_GetWriteableDir (dirs: SSArray; required: Boolean=true): AnsiString;
316 var
317 f: Integer;
318 begin
319 assert(length(dirs) > 0);
320 result := '';
321 if assigned(writeableDirs) then
322 begin
323 for f := High(dirs) downto Low(dirs) do
324 begin
325 if (writeableDirs.get(dirs[f], result)) then
326 begin
327 //writeln('*** KNOWN WRITEABLE DIR: "', result, '"');
328 exit;
329 end;
330 end;
331 end;
332 for f := High(dirs) downto Low(dirs) do
333 begin
334 try
335 if ForceDirectories(dirs[f]) then
336 begin
337 result := dirs[f];
338 if (findFileCI(result, true)) then
339 begin
340 if canCreateFiles(result) then
341 begin
342 if not assigned(writeableDirs) then writeableDirs := THashStrCIStr.Create();
343 writeableDirs.put(dirs[f], result);
344 //writeln('*** NEW WRITEABLE DIR: "', result, '" ("', dirs[f], '"); rq=', required);
345 exit;
346 end;
347 end;
348 end;
349 except // sorry
350 end;
351 end;
352 if required then raise Exception.Create(Format('unable to create directory "%s"', [dirs[High(dirs)]]));
353 result := '';
354 end;
356 end.