Game: Use proper syntax of sets for game options instead of raw bitwise operations
[d2df-sdl.git] / opengl / r_console.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
6 *
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
11 *
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 *)
15 {$INCLUDE ../../shared/}
16 unit r_console;
18 interface
20 procedure r_Console_Init;
21 procedure r_Console_Update;
22 procedure r_Console_Draw (MessagesOnly: Boolean = False);
24 implementation
26 uses
27 SysUtils, Classes, Math,
28 e_log, e_graphics,
29 conbuf,
30 g_main, g_console, g_game, g_menu, g_textures
31 ;
33 (* ====== Console ====== *)
35 const
38 var
40 ConsoleTrans: Single;
41 ChatTop: BOOLEAN;
43 Cons_Y: SmallInt;
44 ConsoleHeight: Single;
45 ConsoleStep: Single;
46 Cons_Shown: Boolean; // draw console
48 procedure drawConsoleText ();
49 var
50 CWidth, CHeight: Byte;
51 ty: Integer;
52 sp, ep: LongWord;
53 skip: Integer;
55 procedure putLine (sp, ep: LongWord);
56 var
57 p: LongWord;
58 wdt, cw: Integer;
59 begin
60 p := sp;
61 wdt := 0;
62 while p <> ep do
63 begin
64 cw := e_TextureFontCharWidth(cbufAt(p), gStdFont);
65 if wdt+cw > gScreenWidth-8 then break;
66 //e_TextureFontPrintChar(X, Y: Integer; Ch: Char; FontID: DWORD; Shadow: Boolean = False);
67 Inc(wdt, cw);
68 cbufNext(p);
69 end;
70 if p <> ep then putLine(p, ep); // do rest of the line first
71 // now print our part
72 if skip = 0 then
73 begin
74 ep := p;
75 p := sp;
76 wdt := 2;
77 while p <> ep do
78 begin
79 cw := e_TextureFontCharWidth(cbufAt(p), gStdFont);
80 e_TextureFontPrintCharEx(wdt, ty, cbufAt(p), gStdFont);
81 Inc(wdt, cw);
82 cbufNext(p);
83 end;
84 Dec(ty, CHeight);
85 end
86 else
87 begin
88 Dec(skip);
89 end;
90 end;
92 begin
93 e_TextureFontGetSize(gStdFont, CWidth, CHeight);
94 ty := Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight) - 4 - 2 * CHeight - Abs(Cons_Y);
95 skip := conSkipLines;
96 cbufLastLine(sp, ep);
97 repeat
98 putLine(sp, ep);
99 if ty+CHeight <= 0 then break;
100 until not cbufLineUp(sp, ep);
101 end;
103 procedure r_Console_Draw (MessagesOnly: Boolean = False);
104 var
105 CWidth, CHeight: Byte;
106 mfW, mfH: Word;
107 a, b, offset_y: Integer;
108 begin
109 e_TextureFontGetSize(gStdFont, CWidth, CHeight);
111 if ChatTop and gChatShow then
112 offset_y := CHeight
113 else
114 offset_y := 0;
116 for a := 0 to High(MsgArray) do
117 if MsgArray[a].Time > 0 then
118 e_TextureFontPrintFmt(0, offset_y + CHeight * a, MsgArray[a].Msg, gStdFont, True);
120 if MessagesOnly then Exit;
122 if gChatShow then
123 begin
124 if ChatTop then
125 offset_y := 0
126 else
127 offset_y := gScreenHeight - CHeight - 1;
128 if gChatTeam then
129 begin
130 e_TextureFontPrintEx(0, offset_y, 'say team> ' + Line, gStdFont, 255, 255, 255, 1, True);
131 e_TextureFontPrintEx((CPos + 9) * CWidth, offset_y, '_', gStdFont, 255, 255, 255, 1, True);
132 end
133 else
134 begin
135 e_TextureFontPrintEx(0, offset_y, 'say> ' + Line, gStdFont, 255, 255, 255, 1, True);
136 e_TextureFontPrintEx((CPos + 4) * CWidth, offset_y, '_', gStdFont, 255, 255, 255, 1, True);
137 end
138 end;
140 if not Cons_Shown then
141 Exit;
143 if gDebugMode then
144 begin
145 e_CharFont_GetSize(gMenuFont, DEBUG_STRING, mfW, mfH);
146 a := (gScreenWidth - 2*mfW) div 2;
147 b := Cons_Y + (Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight) - 2 * mfH) div 2;
148 e_CharFont_PrintEx(gMenuFont, a div 2, b div 2, DEBUG_STRING,
149 _RGB(128, 0, 0), 2.0);
150 end;
152 e_DrawSize(ID, 0, Cons_Y, Round(ConsoleTrans * 255), False, False, gScreenWidth, Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight));
153 e_TextureFontPrint(0, Cons_Y + Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight) - CHeight - 4, '> ' + Line, gStdFont);
155 drawConsoleText();
156 (*
157 if ConsoleHistory <> nil then
158 begin
159 b := 0;
160 if CHeight > 0 then
161 if Length(ConsoleHistory) > (Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight) div CHeight) - 1 then
162 b := Length(ConsoleHistory) - (Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight) div CHeight) + 1;
164 b := Max(b-Offset, 0);
165 d := Max(High(ConsoleHistory)-Offset, 0);
167 c := 2;
168 for a := d downto b do
169 begin
170 e_TextureFontPrintFmt(0, Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight) - 4 - c * CHeight - Abs(Cons_Y), ConsoleHistory[a], gStdFont, True);
171 c := c + 1;
172 end;
173 end;
174 *)
176 e_TextureFontPrint((CPos + 1) * CWidth, Cons_Y + Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight) - 21, '_', gStdFont);
177 end;
179 procedure r_Console_Update;
180 var step, miny: Integer;
181 begin
182 step := Max(1, Round(Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight) * ConsoleStep));
183 miny := Round(-Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight));
184 if gConsoleShow then
185 Cons_Y := Cons_Y + step
186 else
187 Cons_Y := Cons_Y - step;
188 Cons_Y := Min(Max(Cons_Y, miny), 0);
189 Cons_Shown := Cons_Y > miny;
190 end;
192 procedure r_Console_Init;
193 var miny: Integer;
194 begin
195 g_Texture_CreateWAD(ID, GameWAD + ':TEXTURES\CONSOLE');
196 miny := Round(-Floor(gScreenHeight * ConsoleHeight));
197 Cons_Y := miny;
198 end;
200 initialization
201 conRegVar('chat_at_top', @ChatTop, 'draw chat at top border', 'draw chat at top border');
202 conRegVar('console_height', @ConsoleHeight, 0.0, 1.0, 'set console size', 'set console size');
203 conRegVar('console_step', @ConsoleStep, 0.0, 1.0, 'set console animation speed', 'set console animation speed');
204 conRegVar('console_trans', @ConsoleTrans, 0.0, 1.0, 'set console transparency', 'set console transparency');
206 ChatTop := True;
207 ConsoleHeight := 0.35;
208 {$ELSE}
209 ChatTop := False;
210 ConsoleHeight := 0.5;
211 {$ENDIF}
212 ConsoleStep := 0.07;
213 ConsoleTrans := 0.1;
214 end.