[d2df-sdl.git] / src / game / g_net.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
16 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
17 unit g_net;
19 interface
21 uses
22 e_log, e_msg, ENet, miniupnpc, Classes, MAPDEF;
24 const
28 NET_CHANS = 11;
42 NET_NONE = 0;
43 NET_SERVER = 1;
44 NET_CLIENT = 2;
50 NET_DISC_NONE: enet_uint32 = 0;
51 NET_DISC_PROTOCOL: enet_uint32 = 1;
52 NET_DISC_VERSION: enet_uint32 = 2;
53 NET_DISC_FULL: enet_uint32 = 3;
54 NET_DISC_KICK: enet_uint32 = 4;
55 NET_DISC_DOWN: enet_uint32 = 5;
56 NET_DISC_PASSWORD: enet_uint32 = 6;
57 NET_DISC_TEMPBAN: enet_uint32 = 7;
58 NET_DISC_BAN: enet_uint32 = 8;
59 NET_DISC_MAX: enet_uint32 = 8;
65 BANLIST_FILENAME = 'banlist.txt';
66 NETDUMP_FILENAME = 'netdump';
68 type
69 TNetClient = record
70 ID: Byte;
71 Used: Boolean;
72 State: Byte;
73 Peer: pENetPeer;
74 Player: Word;
75 RequestedFullUpdate: Boolean;
76 RCONAuth: Boolean;
77 Voted: Boolean;
78 end;
79 TBanRecord = record
80 IP: LongWord;
81 Perm: Boolean;
82 end;
83 pTNetClient = ^TNetClient;
85 AByte = array of Byte;
87 var
88 NetInitDone: Boolean = False;
89 NetMode: Byte = NET_NONE;
90 NetDump: Boolean = False;
92 NetServerName: string = 'Unnamed Server';
93 NetPassword: string = '';
94 NetPort: Word = 25666;
96 NetAllowRCON: Boolean = False;
97 NetRCONPassword: string = '';
99 NetTimeToUpdate: Cardinal = 0;
100 NetTimeToReliable: Cardinal = 0;
101 NetTimeToMaster: Cardinal = 0;
103 NetHost: pENetHost = nil;
104 NetPeer: pENetPeer = nil;
105 NetEvent: ENetEvent;
106 NetAddr: ENetAddress;
108 NetPongAddr: ENetAddress;
109 NetPongSock: ENetSocket = ENET_SOCKET_NULL;
111 NetUseMaster: Boolean = True;
112 NetSlistAddr: ENetAddress;
113 NetSlistIP: string = '';
114 NetSlistPort: Word = 25665;
116 NetClientIP: string = '';
117 NetClientPort: Word = 25666;
119 NetIn, NetOut: TMsg;
121 NetClients: array of TNetClient;
122 NetClientCount: Byte = 0;
123 NetMaxClients: Byte = 255;
124 NetBannedHosts: array of TBanRecord;
126 NetState: Integer = NET_STATE_NONE;
128 NetMyID: Integer = -1;
129 NetPlrUID1: Integer = -1;
130 NetPlrUID2: Integer = -1;
132 NetInterpLevel: Integer = 1;
133 NetUpdateRate: Cardinal = 0; // as soon as possible
134 NetRelupdRate: Cardinal = 18; // around two times a second
135 NetMasterRate: Cardinal = 60000;
137 NetForcePlayerUpdate: Boolean = False;
138 NetPredictSelf: Boolean = True;
139 NetForwardPorts: Boolean = False;
141 NetGotEverything: Boolean = False;
142 NetGotKeys: Boolean = False;
144 NetPortForwarded: Word = 0;
145 NetPongForwarded: Boolean = False;
146 NetIGDControl: AnsiString;
147 NetIGDService: TURLStr;
149 NetDumpFile: TStream;
151 function g_Net_Init(): Boolean;
152 procedure g_Net_Cleanup();
153 procedure g_Net_Free();
154 procedure g_Net_Flush();
156 function g_Net_Host(IPAddr: LongWord; Port: enet_uint16; MaxClients: Cardinal = 16): Boolean;
157 procedure g_Net_Host_Die();
158 procedure g_Net_Host_Send(ID: Integer; Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_GAME);
159 function g_Net_Host_Update(): enet_size_t;
161 function g_Net_Connect(IP: string; Port: enet_uint16): Boolean;
162 procedure g_Net_Disconnect(Forced: Boolean = False);
163 procedure g_Net_Client_Send(Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_GAME);
164 function g_Net_Client_Update(): enet_size_t;
165 function g_Net_Client_UpdateWhileLoading(): enet_size_t;
167 function g_Net_Client_ByName(Name: string): pTNetClient;
168 function g_Net_Client_ByPlayer(PID: Word): pTNetClient;
169 function g_Net_ClientName_ByID(ID: Integer): string;
171 procedure g_Net_SendData(Data:AByte; peer: pENetPeer; Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_DOWNLOAD);
172 function g_Net_Wait_Event(msgId: Word): TMemoryStream;
174 function IpToStr(IP: LongWord): string;
175 function StrToIp(IPstr: string; var IP: LongWord): Boolean;
177 function g_Net_IsHostBanned(IP: LongWord; Perm: Boolean = False): Boolean;
178 procedure g_Net_BanHost(IP: LongWord; Perm: Boolean = True); overload;
179 procedure g_Net_BanHost(IP: string; Perm: Boolean = True); overload;
180 function g_Net_UnbanHost(IP: string): Boolean; overload;
181 function g_Net_UnbanHost(IP: LongWord): Boolean; overload;
182 procedure g_Net_UnbanNonPermHosts();
183 procedure g_Net_SaveBanList();
185 procedure g_Net_DumpStart();
186 procedure g_Net_DumpSendBuffer();
187 procedure g_Net_DumpRecvBuffer(Buf: penet_uint8; Len: LongWord);
188 procedure g_Net_DumpEnd();
190 function g_Net_ForwardPorts(ForwardPongPort: Boolean = True): Boolean;
191 procedure g_Net_UnforwardPorts();
193 implementation
195 uses
196 SysUtils,
197 e_input, g_nethandler, g_netmsg, g_netmaster, g_player, g_window, g_console,
198 g_main, g_game, g_language, g_weapons, utils;
201 { /// SERVICE FUNCTIONS /// }
204 function g_Net_FindSlot(): Integer;
205 var
206 I: Integer;
207 F: Boolean;
208 N, C: Integer;
209 begin
210 N := -1;
211 F := False;
212 C := 0;
213 for I := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do
214 begin
215 if NetClients[I].Used then
216 Inc(C)
217 else
218 if not F then
219 begin
220 F := True;
221 N := I;
222 end;
223 end;
224 if C >= NetMaxClients then
225 begin
226 Result := -1;
227 Exit;
228 end;
230 if not F then
231 begin
232 if (Length(NetClients) >= NetMaxClients) then
233 N := -1
234 else
235 begin
236 SetLength(NetClients, Length(NetClients) + 1);
237 N := High(NetClients);
238 end;
239 end;
241 if N >= 0 then
242 begin
243 NetClients[N].Used := True;
244 NetClients[N].ID := N;
245 NetClients[N].RequestedFullUpdate := False;
246 NetClients[N].RCONAuth := False;
247 NetClients[N].Voted := False;
248 NetClients[N].Player := 0;
249 end;
251 Result := N;
252 end;
254 function g_Net_Init(): Boolean;
255 var
256 F: TextFile;
257 IPstr: string;
258 IP: LongWord;
259 begin
260 NetIn.Clear();
261 NetOut.Clear();
262 SetLength(NetClients, 0);
263 NetPeer := nil;
264 NetHost := nil;
265 NetMyID := -1;
266 NetPlrUID1 := -1;
267 NetPlrUID2 := -1;
268 NetAddr.port := 25666;
269 SetLength(NetBannedHosts, 0);
270 if FileExists(DataDir + BANLIST_FILENAME) then
271 begin
272 Assign(F, DataDir + BANLIST_FILENAME);
273 Reset(F);
274 while not EOF(F) do
275 begin
276 Readln(F, IPstr);
277 if StrToIp(IPstr, IP) then
278 g_Net_BanHost(IP);
279 end;
280 CloseFile(F);
281 g_Net_SaveBanList();
282 end;
284 Result := (enet_initialize() = 0);
285 end;
287 procedure g_Net_Flush();
288 begin
289 enet_host_flush(NetHost);
290 end;
292 procedure g_Net_Cleanup();
293 begin
294 NetIn.Clear();
295 NetOut.Clear();
297 SetLength(NetClients, 0);
298 NetClientCount := 0;
300 NetPeer := nil;
301 NetHost := nil;
302 NetMPeer := nil;
303 NetMHost := nil;
304 NetMyID := -1;
305 NetPlrUID1 := -1;
306 NetPlrUID2 := -1;
307 NetState := NET_STATE_NONE;
309 NetPongSock := ENET_SOCKET_NULL;
311 NetTimeToMaster := 0;
312 NetTimeToUpdate := 0;
313 NetTimeToReliable := 0;
315 NetMode := NET_NONE;
317 g_Net_UnforwardPorts();
319 if NetDump then
320 g_Net_DumpEnd();
321 end;
323 procedure g_Net_Free();
324 begin
325 g_Net_Cleanup();
327 enet_deinitialize();
328 NetInitDone := False;
329 end;
332 { /// SERVER FUNCTIONS /// }
335 function g_Net_Host(IPAddr: LongWord; Port: enet_uint16; MaxClients: Cardinal = 16): Boolean;
336 begin
337 if NetMode <> NET_NONE then
338 begin
339 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_INGAME]);
340 Result := False;
341 Exit;
342 end;
344 Result := True;
346 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST], [Port]));
347 if not NetInitDone then
348 begin
349 if (not g_Net_Init()) then
350 begin
351 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_FERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_ENET]);
352 Result := False;
353 Exit;
354 end
355 else
356 NetInitDone := True;
357 end;
359 := IPAddr;
360 NetAddr.port := Port;
362 if NetForwardPorts then g_Net_ForwardPorts();
364 NetHost := enet_host_create(@NetAddr, NET_MAXCLIENTS, NET_CHANS, 0, 0);
366 if (NetHost = nil) then
367 begin
368 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + Format(_lc[I_NET_ERR_HOST], [Port]));
369 Result := False;
370 g_Net_Cleanup;
371 Exit;
372 end;
374 NetPongSock := enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM);
375 if NetPongSock <> ENET_SOCKET_NULL then
376 begin
377 := IPAddr;
378 NetPongAddr.port := Port + 1;
379 if enet_socket_bind(NetPongSock, @NetPongAddr) < 0 then
380 begin
381 enet_socket_destroy(NetPongSock);
382 NetPongSock := ENET_SOCKET_NULL;
383 end
384 else
385 enet_socket_set_option(NetPongSock, ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK, 1);
386 end;
388 NetMode := NET_SERVER;
389 NetOut.Clear();
391 if NetDump then
392 g_Net_DumpStart();
393 end;
395 procedure g_Net_Host_Die();
396 var
397 I: Integer;
398 begin
399 if NetMode <> NET_SERVER then Exit;
401 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_DISCALL]);
402 for I := 0 to High(NetClients) do
403 if NetClients[I].Used then
404 enet_peer_disconnect(NetClients[I].Peer, NET_DISC_DOWN);
406 while enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 1000) > 0 do
407 if NetEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE then
408 enet_packet_destroy(NetEvent.packet);
410 for I := 0 to High(NetClients) do
411 if NetClients[I].Used then
412 begin
413 FreeMemory(NetClients[I].Peer^.data);
414 NetClients[I].Peer^.data := nil;
415 enet_peer_reset(NetClients[I].Peer);
416 NetClients[I].Peer := nil;
417 NetClients[I].Used := False;
418 end;
420 if (NetMPeer <> nil) and (NetMHost <> nil) then g_Net_Slist_Disconnect;
421 if NetPongSock <> ENET_SOCKET_NULL then
422 enet_socket_destroy(NetPongSock);
424 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_DIE]);
425 enet_host_destroy(NetHost);
427 NetMode := NET_NONE;
429 g_Net_Cleanup;
430 e_WriteLog('NET: Server stopped', TMsgType.Notify);
431 end;
434 procedure g_Net_Host_Send(ID: Integer; Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_GAME);
435 var
436 P: pENetPacket;
437 F: enet_uint32;
438 begin
439 if (Reliable) then
441 else
442 F := 0;
444 if (ID >= 0) then
445 begin
446 if ID > High(NetClients) then Exit;
447 if NetClients[ID].Peer = nil then Exit;
449 P := enet_packet_create(NetOut.Data, NetOut.CurSize, F);
450 if not Assigned(P) then Exit;
452 enet_peer_send(NetClients[ID].Peer, Chan, P);
453 end
454 else
455 begin
456 P := enet_packet_create(NetOut.Data, NetOut.CurSize, F);
457 if not Assigned(P) then Exit;
459 enet_host_broadcast(NetHost, Chan, P);
460 end;
462 if NetDump then g_Net_DumpSendBuffer();
463 g_Net_Flush();
464 NetOut.Clear();
465 end;
467 procedure g_Net_Host_CheckPings();
468 var
469 ClAddr: ENetAddress;
470 Buf: ENetBuffer;
471 Len: Integer;
472 ClTime: Int64;
473 Ping: array [0..9] of Byte;
474 NPl: Byte;
475 begin
476 if NetPongSock = ENET_SOCKET_NULL then Exit;
478 := Addr(Ping[0]);
479 Buf.dataLength := 2+8;
481 Ping[0] := 0;
483 Len := enet_socket_receive(NetPongSock, @ClAddr, @Buf, 1);
484 if Len < 0 then Exit;
486 if (Ping[0] = Ord('D')) and (Ping[1] = Ord('F')) then
487 begin
488 ClTime := Int64(Addr(Ping[2])^);
490 NetOut.Clear();
491 NetOut.Write(Byte(Ord('D')));
492 NetOut.Write(Byte(Ord('F')));
493 NetOut.Write(ClTime);
494 g_Net_Slist_WriteInfo();
495 NPl := 0;
496 if gPlayer1 <> nil then Inc(NPl);
497 if gPlayer2 <> nil then Inc(NPl);
498 NetOut.Write(NPl);
499 NetOut.Write(gNumBots);
501 := NetOut.Data;
502 Buf.dataLength := NetOut.CurSize;
503 enet_socket_send(NetPongSock, @ClAddr, @Buf, 1);
505 NetOut.Clear();
506 end;
507 end;
509 function g_Net_Host_Update(): enet_size_t;
510 var
511 IP: string;
512 Port: Word;
513 ID: Integer;
514 TC: pTNetClient;
515 TP: TPlayer;
516 begin
517 IP := '';
518 Result := 0;
520 if NetUseMaster then
521 begin
522 g_Net_Slist_Check;
523 g_Net_Host_CheckPings;
524 end;
526 while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 0) > 0) do
527 begin
528 case (NetEvent.kind) of
530 begin
531 IP := IpToStr(NetEvent.Peer^;
532 Port := NetEvent.Peer^.address.port;
533 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] +
534 Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_CONN], [IP, Port]));
536 if ( <> NET_PROTOCOL_VER) then
537 begin
538 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] +
540 NetEvent.peer^.data := GetMemory(SizeOf(Byte));
541 Byte(NetEvent.peer^.data^) := 255;
542 enet_peer_disconnect(NetEvent.peer, NET_DISC_PROTOCOL);
543 enet_host_flush(NetHost);
544 Exit;
545 end;
547 ID := g_Net_FindSlot();
549 if ID < 0 then
550 begin
551 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] +
552 _lc[I_NET_DISC_FULL]);
553 NetEvent.Peer^.data := GetMemory(SizeOf(Byte));
554 Byte(NetEvent.peer^.data^) := 255;
555 enet_peer_disconnect(NetEvent.peer, NET_DISC_FULL);
556 enet_host_flush(NetHost);
557 Exit;
558 end;
560 NetClients[ID].Peer := NetEvent.peer;
561 NetClients[ID].Peer^.data := GetMemory(SizeOf(Byte));
562 Byte(NetClients[ID].Peer^.data^) := ID;
563 NetClients[ID].State := NET_STATE_AUTH;
564 NetClients[ID].RCONAuth := False;
568 Inc(NetClientCount);
569 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_ADD], [ID]));
570 end;
573 begin
574 ID := Byte(NetEvent.peer^.data^);
575 if ID > High(NetClients) then Exit;
576 TC := @NetClients[ID];
578 if NetDump then g_Net_DumpRecvBuffer(NetEvent.packet^.data, NetEvent.packet^.dataLength);
579 g_Net_HostMsgHandler(TC, NetEvent.packet);
580 end;
583 begin
584 ID := Byte(NetEvent.peer^.data^);
585 if ID > High(NetClients) then Exit;
586 TC := @NetClients[ID];
587 if TC = nil then Exit;
589 if not (TC^.Used) then Exit;
591 TP := g_Player_Get(TC^.Player);
593 if TP <> nil then
594 begin
595 TP.Lives := 0;
597 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_LEAVE], [TP.Name]), True);
598 e_WriteLog('NET: Client ' + TP.Name + ' [' + IntToStr(ID) + '] disconnected.', TMsgType.Notify);
599 g_Player_Remove(TP.UID);
600 end;
602 TC^.Used := False;
603 TC^.State := NET_STATE_NONE;
604 TC^.Peer := nil;
605 TC^.Player := 0;
606 TC^.RequestedFullUpdate := False;
608 FreeMemory(NetEvent.peer^.data);
609 NetEvent.peer^.data := nil;
610 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_DISC], [ID]));
611 Dec(NetClientCount);
613 if NetUseMaster then g_Net_Slist_Update;
614 end;
615 end;
616 end;
617 end;
620 { /// CLIENT FUNCTIONS /// }
623 procedure g_Net_Disconnect(Forced: Boolean = False);
624 begin
625 if NetMode <> NET_CLIENT then Exit;
626 if (NetHost = nil) or (NetPeer = nil) then Exit;
628 if not Forced then
629 begin
630 enet_peer_disconnect(NetPeer, NET_DISC_NONE);
632 while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 1500) > 0) do
633 begin
634 if (NetEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT) then
635 begin
636 NetPeer := nil;
637 break;
638 end;
640 if (NetEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE) then
641 enet_packet_destroy(NetEvent.packet);
642 end;
644 if NetPeer <> nil then
645 begin
646 enet_peer_reset(NetPeer);
647 NetPeer := nil;
648 end;
649 end
650 else
651 begin
652 e_WriteLog('NET: Kicked from server: ' + IntToStr(, TMsgType.Notify);
653 if ( <= NET_DISC_MAX) then
654 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_KICK] +
655 _lc[TStrings_Locale(Cardinal(I_NET_DISC_NONE) +], True);
656 end;
658 if NetHost <> nil then
659 begin
660 enet_host_destroy(NetHost);
661 NetHost := nil;
662 end;
663 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_CLIENT_DISC]);
665 g_Net_Cleanup;
666 e_WriteLog('NET: Disconnected', TMsgType.Notify);
667 end;
669 procedure g_Net_Client_Send(Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_GAME);
670 var
671 P: pENetPacket;
672 F: enet_uint32;
673 begin
674 if (Reliable) then
676 else
677 F := 0;
679 P := enet_packet_create(NetOut.Data, NetOut.CurSize, F);
680 if not Assigned(P) then Exit;
682 enet_peer_send(NetPeer, Chan, P);
683 if NetDump then g_Net_DumpSendBuffer();
684 g_Net_Flush();
685 NetOut.Clear();
686 end;
688 function g_Net_Client_Update(): enet_size_t;
689 begin
690 Result := 0;
691 while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 0) > 0) do
692 begin
693 case NetEvent.kind of
695 begin
696 if NetDump then g_Net_DumpRecvBuffer(NetEvent.packet^.data, NetEvent.packet^.dataLength);
697 g_Net_ClientMsgHandler(NetEvent.packet);
698 end;
701 begin
702 g_Net_Disconnect(True);
703 Result := 1;
704 Exit;
705 end;
706 end;
707 end
708 end;
710 function g_Net_Client_UpdateWhileLoading(): enet_size_t;
711 begin
712 Result := 0;
713 while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 0) > 0) do
714 begin
715 case NetEvent.kind of
717 begin
718 if NetDump then g_Net_DumpRecvBuffer(NetEvent.packet^.data, NetEvent.packet^.dataLength);
719 g_Net_ClientLightMsgHandler(NetEvent.packet);
720 end;
723 begin
724 g_Net_Disconnect(True);
725 Result := 1;
726 Exit;
727 end;
728 end;
729 end;
730 g_Net_Flush();
731 end;
733 function g_Net_Connect(IP: string; Port: enet_uint16): Boolean;
734 var
735 OuterLoop: Boolean;
736 begin
737 if NetMode <> NET_NONE then
738 begin
739 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_INGAME], True);
740 Result := False;
741 Exit;
742 end;
744 Result := True;
746 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_CLIENT_CONN],
747 [IP, Port]));
748 if not NetInitDone then
749 begin
750 if (not g_Net_Init()) then
751 begin
752 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_FERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_ENET], True);
753 Result := False;
754 Exit;
755 end
756 else
757 NetInitDone := True;
758 end;
760 NetHost := enet_host_create(nil, 1, NET_CHANS, 0, 0);
762 if (NetHost = nil) then
763 begin
764 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_CLIENT], True);
765 g_Net_Cleanup;
766 Result := False;
767 Exit;
768 end;
770 enet_address_set_host(@NetAddr, PChar(Addr(IP[1])));
771 NetAddr.port := Port;
773 NetPeer := enet_host_connect(NetHost, @NetAddr, NET_CHANS, NET_PROTOCOL_VER);
775 if (NetPeer = nil) then
776 begin
777 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_CLIENT], True);
778 enet_host_destroy(NetHost);
779 g_Net_Cleanup;
780 Result := False;
781 Exit;
782 end;
784 OuterLoop := True;
785 while OuterLoop do
786 begin
787 while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 0) > 0) do
788 begin
789 if (NetEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT) then
790 begin
791 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_CLIENT_DONE]);
792 NetMode := NET_CLIENT;
793 NetOut.Clear();
795 NetClientIP := IP;
796 NetClientPort := Port;
797 if NetDump then
798 g_Net_DumpStart();
799 Exit;
800 end;
801 end;
803 ProcessLoading(true);
805 if e_KeyPressed(IK_ESCAPE) or e_KeyPressed(IK_SPACE) then
806 OuterLoop := False;
807 end;
809 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_TIMEOUT], True);
810 if NetPeer <> nil then enet_peer_reset(NetPeer);
811 if NetHost <> nil then
812 begin
813 enet_host_destroy(NetHost);
814 NetHost := nil;
815 end;
816 g_Net_Cleanup();
817 Result := False;
818 end;
820 function IpToStr(IP: LongWord): string;
821 var
822 Ptr: Pointer;
823 begin
824 Ptr := Addr(IP);
825 Result := IntToStr(PByte(Ptr + 0)^) + '.';
826 Result := Result + IntToStr(PByte(Ptr + 1)^) + '.';
827 Result := Result + IntToStr(PByte(Ptr + 2)^) + '.';
828 Result := Result + IntToStr(PByte(Ptr + 3)^);
829 end;
831 function StrToIp(IPstr: string; var IP: LongWord): Boolean;
832 var
833 EAddr: ENetAddress;
834 begin
835 Result := enet_address_set_host(@EAddr, PChar(@IPstr[1])) = 0;
836 IP :=;
837 end;
839 function g_Net_Client_ByName(Name: string): pTNetClient;
840 var
841 a: Integer;
842 pl: TPlayer;
843 begin
844 Result := nil;
845 for a := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do
846 if (NetClients[a].Used) and (NetClients[a].State = NET_STATE_GAME) then
847 begin
848 pl := g_Player_Get(NetClients[a].Player);
849 if pl = nil then continue;
850 if Copy(LowerCase(pl.Name), 1, Length(Name)) <> LowerCase(Name) then continue;
851 if NetClients[a].Peer <> nil then
852 begin
853 Result := @NetClients[a];
854 Exit;
855 end;
856 end;
857 end;
859 function g_Net_Client_ByPlayer(PID: Word): pTNetClient;
860 var
861 a: Integer;
862 begin
863 Result := nil;
864 for a := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do
865 if (NetClients[a].Used) and (NetClients[a].State = NET_STATE_GAME) then
866 if NetClients[a].Player = PID then
867 begin
868 Result := @NetClients[a];
869 Exit;
870 end;
871 end;
873 function g_Net_ClientName_ByID(ID: Integer): string;
874 var
875 a: Integer;
876 pl: TPlayer;
877 begin
878 Result := '';
879 if ID = NET_EVERYONE then
880 Exit;
881 for a := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do
882 if (NetClients[a].ID = ID) and (NetClients[a].Used) and (NetClients[a].State = NET_STATE_GAME) then
883 begin
884 pl := g_Player_Get(NetClients[a].Player);
885 if pl = nil then Exit;
886 Result := pl.Name;
887 end;
888 end;
890 procedure g_Net_SendData(Data:AByte; peer: pENetPeer; Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_DOWNLOAD);
891 var
892 P: pENetPacket;
893 F: enet_uint32;
894 dataLength: Cardinal;
895 begin
896 dataLength := Length(Data);
898 if (Reliable) then
900 else
901 F := 0;
903 if (peer <> nil) then
904 begin
905 P := enet_packet_create(@Data[0], dataLength, F);
906 if not Assigned(P) then Exit;
907 enet_peer_send(peer, Chan, P);
908 end
909 else
910 begin
911 P := enet_packet_create(@Data[0], dataLength, F);
912 if not Assigned(P) then Exit;
913 enet_host_broadcast(NetHost, Chan, P);
914 end;
916 enet_host_flush(NetHost);
917 end;
919 function g_Net_Wait_Event(msgId: Word): TMemoryStream;
920 var
921 downloadEvent: ENetEvent;
922 OuterLoop: Boolean;
923 MID: Byte;
924 Ptr: Pointer;
925 msgStream: TMemoryStream;
926 begin
927 FillChar(downloadEvent, SizeOf(downloadEvent), 0);
928 msgStream := nil;
929 OuterLoop := True;
930 while OuterLoop do
931 begin
932 while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @downloadEvent, 0) > 0) do
933 begin
934 if (downloadEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE) then
935 begin
936 Ptr := downloadEvent.packet^.data;
938 MID := Byte(Ptr^);
940 if (MID = msgId) then
941 begin
942 msgStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
943 msgStream.SetSize(downloadEvent.packet^.dataLength);
944 msgStream.WriteBuffer(Ptr^, downloadEvent.packet^.dataLength);
945 msgStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
947 OuterLoop := False;
948 enet_packet_destroy(downloadEvent.packet);
949 break;
950 end
951 else begin
952 enet_packet_destroy(downloadEvent.packet);
953 end;
954 end
955 else
956 if (downloadEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT) then
957 begin
958 if ( <= NET_DISC_MAX) then
959 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_CONN] + ' ' +
960 _lc[TStrings_Locale(Cardinal(I_NET_DISC_NONE) +], True);
961 OuterLoop := False;
962 Break;
963 end;
964 end;
966 ProcessLoading(true);
968 if e_KeyPressed(IK_ESCAPE) or e_KeyPressed(IK_SPACE) then
969 break;
970 end;
971 Result := msgStream;
972 end;
974 function g_Net_IsHostBanned(IP: LongWord; Perm: Boolean = False): Boolean;
975 var
976 I: Integer;
977 begin
978 Result := False;
979 if NetBannedHosts = nil then
980 Exit;
981 for I := 0 to High(NetBannedHosts) do
982 if (NetBannedHosts[I].IP = IP) and ((not Perm) or (NetBannedHosts[I].Perm)) then
983 begin
984 Result := True;
985 break;
986 end;
987 end;
989 procedure g_Net_BanHost(IP: LongWord; Perm: Boolean = True); overload;
990 var
991 I, P: Integer;
992 begin
993 if IP = 0 then
994 Exit;
995 if g_Net_IsHostBanned(IP, Perm) then
996 Exit;
998 P := -1;
999 for I := Low(NetBannedHosts) to High(NetBannedHosts) do
1000 if NetBannedHosts[I].IP = 0 then
1001 begin
1002 P := I;
1003 break;
1004 end;
1006 if P < 0 then
1007 begin
1008 SetLength(NetBannedHosts, Length(NetBannedHosts) + 1);
1009 P := High(NetBannedHosts);
1010 end;
1012 NetBannedHosts[P].IP := IP;
1013 NetBannedHosts[P].Perm := Perm;
1014 end;
1016 procedure g_Net_BanHost(IP: string; Perm: Boolean = True); overload;
1017 var
1018 a: LongWord;
1019 b: Boolean;
1020 begin
1021 b := StrToIp(IP, a);
1022 if b then
1023 g_Net_BanHost(a, Perm);
1024 end;
1026 procedure g_Net_UnbanNonPermHosts();
1027 var
1028 I: Integer;
1029 begin
1030 if NetBannedHosts = nil then
1031 Exit;
1032 for I := Low(NetBannedHosts) to High(NetBannedHosts) do
1033 if (NetBannedHosts[I].IP > 0) and not NetBannedHosts[I].Perm then
1034 begin
1035 NetBannedHosts[I].IP := 0;
1036 NetBannedHosts[I].Perm := True;
1037 end;
1038 end;
1040 function g_Net_UnbanHost(IP: string): Boolean; overload;
1041 var
1042 a: LongWord;
1043 begin
1044 Result := StrToIp(IP, a);
1045 if Result then
1046 Result := g_Net_UnbanHost(a);
1047 end;
1049 function g_Net_UnbanHost(IP: LongWord): Boolean; overload;
1050 var
1051 I: Integer;
1052 begin
1053 Result := False;
1054 if IP = 0 then
1055 Exit;
1056 if NetBannedHosts = nil then
1057 Exit;
1058 for I := 0 to High(NetBannedHosts) do
1059 if NetBannedHosts[I].IP = IP then
1060 begin
1061 NetBannedHosts[I].IP := 0;
1062 NetBannedHosts[I].Perm := True;
1063 Result := True;
1064 // no break here to clear all bans of this host, perm and non-perm
1065 end;
1066 end;
1068 procedure g_Net_SaveBanList();
1069 var
1070 F: TextFile;
1071 I: Integer;
1072 begin
1073 Assign(F, DataDir + BANLIST_FILENAME);
1074 Rewrite(F);
1075 if NetBannedHosts <> nil then
1076 for I := 0 to High(NetBannedHosts) do
1077 if NetBannedHosts[I].Perm and (NetBannedHosts[I].IP > 0) then
1078 Writeln(F, IpToStr(NetBannedHosts[I].IP));
1079 CloseFile(F);
1080 end;
1082 procedure g_Net_DumpStart();
1083 begin
1084 if NetMode = NET_SERVER then
1085 NetDumpFile := createDiskFile(NETDUMP_FILENAME + '_server')
1086 else
1087 NetDumpFile := createDiskFile(NETDUMP_FILENAME + '_client');
1088 end;
1090 procedure g_Net_DumpSendBuffer();
1091 begin
1092 writeInt(NetDumpFile, gTime);
1093 writeInt(NetDumpFile, LongWord(NetOut.CurSize));
1094 writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte(1));
1095 NetDumpFile.WriteBuffer(NetOut.Data^, NetOut.CurSize);
1096 end;
1098 procedure g_Net_DumpRecvBuffer(Buf: penet_uint8; Len: LongWord);
1099 begin
1100 if (Buf = nil) or (Len = 0) then Exit;
1101 writeInt(NetDumpFile, gTime);
1102 writeInt(NetDumpFile, Len);
1103 writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte(0));
1104 NetDumpFile.WriteBuffer(Buf^, Len);
1105 end;
1107 procedure g_Net_DumpEnd();
1108 begin
1109 NetDumpFile.Free();
1110 NetDumpFile := nil;
1111 end;
1113 function g_Net_ForwardPorts(ForwardPongPort: Boolean = True): Boolean;
1114 var
1115 DevList: PUPNPDev;
1116 Urls: TUPNPUrls;
1117 Data: TIGDDatas;
1118 LanAddr: array [0..255] of Char;
1119 ExtAddr: array [0..40] of Char;
1120 StrPort: AnsiString;
1121 Err, I: Integer;
1122 begin
1123 Result := False;
1125 if NetPortForwarded = NetPort then
1126 begin
1127 Result := True;
1128 exit;
1129 end;
1131 conwriteln('trying to forward server ports...');
1133 NetPongForwarded := False;
1134 NetPortForwarded := 0;
1136 DevList := upnpDiscover(2000, nil, nil, 0, 0, Addr(Err));
1137 if DevList = nil then
1138 begin
1139 conwritefln(' upnpDiscover() failed: %d', [Err]);
1140 exit;
1141 end;
1143 I := UPNP_GetValidIGD(DevList, @Urls, @Data, Addr(LanAddr[0]), 256);
1145 if I = 0 then
1146 begin
1147 conwriteln(' could not find an IGD device on this LAN, aborting');
1148 FreeUPNPDevList(DevList);
1149 FreeUPNPUrls(@Urls);
1150 exit;
1151 end
1152 else if I = 1 then
1153 conwritefln(' found IGD @ %s', [Urls.controlURL])
1154 else
1155 conwritefln(' found some kind of UPNP device @ %s, maybe it''ll work', [Urls.controlURL]);
1157 UPNP_GetExternalIPAddress(Urls.controlURL, Addr(data.first.servicetype[1]), Addr(ExtAddr[0]));
1158 if ExtAddr[0] <> #0 then
1159 conwritefln(' external IP address: %s', [Addr(ExtAddr[0])]);
1161 StrPort := IntToStr(NetPort);
1162 I := UPNP_AddPortMapping(
1163 Urls.controlURL, Addr(data.first.servicetype[1]),
1164 PChar(StrPort), PChar(StrPort), Addr(LanAddr[0]), PChar('D2DF'),
1165 PChar('UDP'), nil, PChar('0')
1166 );
1168 if I <> 0 then
1169 begin
1170 conwritefln(' forwarding port %d failed: error %d', [NetPort, I]);
1171 FreeUPNPDevList(DevList);
1172 FreeUPNPUrls(@Urls);
1173 exit;
1174 end;
1176 if ForwardPongPort then
1177 begin
1178 StrPort := IntToStr(NetPort + 1);
1179 I := UPNP_AddPortMapping(
1180 Urls.controlURL, Addr(data.first.servicetype[1]),
1181 PChar(StrPort), PChar(StrPort), Addr(LanAddr[0]), PChar('D2DF'),
1182 PChar('UDP'), nil, PChar('0')
1183 );
1185 if I <> 0 then
1186 begin
1187 conwritefln(' forwarding port %d failed: error %d', [NetPort + 1, I]);
1188 NetPongForwarded := False;
1189 end
1190 else
1191 begin
1192 conwritefln(' forwarded port %d successfully', [NetPort + 1]);
1193 NetPongForwarded := True;
1194 end;
1195 end;
1197 conwritefln(' forwarded port %d successfully', [NetPort]);
1198 NetIGDControl := AnsiString(Urls.controlURL);
1199 NetIGDService := data.first.servicetype;
1200 NetPortForwarded := NetPort;
1202 FreeUPNPDevList(DevList);
1203 FreeUPNPUrls(@Urls);
1204 Result := True;
1205 end;
1207 procedure g_Net_UnforwardPorts();
1208 var
1209 I: Integer;
1210 StrPort: AnsiString;
1211 begin
1212 if NetPortForwarded = 0 then Exit;
1214 conwriteln('unforwarding ports...');
1216 StrPort := IntToStr(NetPortForwarded);
1217 I := UPNP_DeletePortMapping(
1218 PChar(NetIGDControl), Addr(NetIGDService[1]),
1219 PChar(StrPort), PChar('UDP'), nil
1220 );
1221 conwritefln(' port %d: %d', [NetPortForwarded, I]);
1223 if NetPongForwarded then
1224 begin
1225 NetPongForwarded := False;
1226 StrPort := IntToStr(NetPortForwarded + 1);
1227 I := UPNP_DeletePortMapping(
1228 PChar(NetIGDControl), Addr(NetIGDService[1]),
1229 PChar(StrPort), PChar('UDP'), nil
1230 );
1231 conwritefln(' port %d: %d', [NetPortForwarded + 1, I]);
1232 end;
1234 NetPortForwarded := 0;
1235 end;
1237 initialization
1239 NetIn.Alloc(NET_BUFSIZE);
1240 NetOut.Alloc(NET_BUFSIZE);
1242 finalization
1244 NetIn.Free();
1245 NetOut.Free();
1247 end.