Some improvements to grid and navigation
[d2df-editor.git] / src / editor / f_mapcheck.lfm
1 object MapCheckForm: TMapCheckForm
2 Left = 238
3 Height = 199
4 Top = 224
5 Width = 525
6 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
7 BorderStyle = bsSizeToolWin
8 Caption = 'Проверка карты'
9 ClientHeight = 199
10 ClientWidth = 525
11 Color = clBtnFace
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
15 FormStyle = fsStayOnTop
16 Position = poScreenCenter
17 LCLVersion = ''
18 object PanelResults: TPanel
19 Left = 0
20 Height = 76
21 Top = 123
22 Width = 525
23 Align = alBottom
24 BevelOuter = bvNone
25 ClientHeight = 76
26 ClientWidth = 525
27 TabOrder = 0
28 object bClose: TButton
29 Left = 455
30 Height = 25
31 Top = 48
32 Width = 75
33 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
34 Cancel = True
35 Caption = 'Закрыть'
36 OnClick = bCloseClick
37 TabOrder = 1
38 end
39 object bCheckMap: TButton
40 Left = 343
41 Height = 25
42 Top = 48
43 Width = 105
44 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
45 Caption = 'Проверить заново'
46 Default = True
47 OnClick = bCheckMapClick
48 TabOrder = 0
49 end
50 object mErrorDescription: TMemo
51 Left = 0
52 Height = 41
53 Top = 0
54 Width = 525
55 Align = alTop
56 Color = clBtnFace
57 ReadOnly = True
58 TabOrder = 2
59 WantReturns = False
60 end
61 end
62 object lbErrorList: TListBox
63 Left = 0
64 Height = 123
65 Top = 0
66 Width = 525
67 Align = alClient
68 ItemHeight = 0
69 OnClick = lbErrorListClick
70 TabOrder = 1
71 end
72 end