Items: Add flamethrower and fuel canister
[d2df-editor.git] / src / editor / f_addresource_sky.pas
1 unit f_addresource_sky;
3 {$MODE Delphi}
5 interface
7 uses
8 LCLIntf, LCLType, LMessages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes,
9 Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, f_addresource,
10 ExtCtrls, StdCtrls;
12 type
13 TAddSkyForm = class (TAddResourceForm)
14 PanelTexPreview: TPanel;
15 iPreview: TImage;
17 procedure bOKClick(Sender: TObject);
18 procedure lbResourcesListClick(Sender: TObject);
19 procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
21 private
22 FSetResource: String;
24 public
25 property SetResource: String read FSetResource write FSetResource;
26 end;
28 var
29 AddSkyForm: TAddSkyForm;
31 implementation
33 uses
34 BinEditor, WADEDITOR, f_main, g_language;
36 {$R *.lfm}
38 procedure SwapRGB(data: Pointer; Size: Integer);
39 asm
40 mov ebx, eax
41 mov ecx, size
43 @@loop :
44 mov al,[ebx+0]
45 mov ah,[ebx+2]
46 mov [ebx+2],al
47 mov [ebx+0],ah
48 add ebx,3
49 dec ecx
50 jnz @@loop
51 end;
53 function ShowTGATexture(ResourceStr: String): TBitMap;
54 var
55 TGAHeader: packed record // Header type for TGA images
56 FileType: Byte;
57 ColorMapType: Byte;
58 ImageType: Byte;
59 ColorMapSpec: Array[0..4] of Byte;
60 OrigX: Array [0..1] of Byte;
61 OrigY: Array [0..1] of Byte;
62 Width: Array [0..1] of Byte;
63 Height: Array [0..1] of Byte;
64 BPP: Byte;
65 ImageInfo: Byte;
66 end;
67 image: Pointer; {or PRGBTRIPLE}
68 Width,
69 Height: Integer;
70 ColorDepth: Integer;
71 ImageSize: Integer;
72 I: Integer;
73 BitMap: TBitMap;
75 TextureData: Pointer;
76 WAD: TWADEditor_1;
77 WADName: String;
78 SectionName: String;
79 ResourceName: String;
81 begin
82 Result := nil;
84 // Загружаем ресурс текстуры из WAD:
85 g_ProcessResourceStr(ResourceStr, WADName, SectionName, ResourceName);
87 WAD := TWADEditor_1.Create();
88 WAD.ReadFile(WADName);
90 WAD.GetResource(SectionName, ResourceName, TextureData, ImageSize);
92 WAD.Free();
94 // Заголовок TGA:
95 CopyMemory(@TGAHeader, TextureData, SizeOf(TGAHeader));
97 if TGAHeader.ImageType <> 2 then
98 Exit;
99 if TGAHeader.ColorMapType <> 0 then
100 Exit;
101 if TGAHeader.BPP < 24 then
102 Exit;
104 Width := TGAHeader.Width[0]+TGAHeader.Width[1]*256;
105 Height := TGAHeader.Height[0]+TGAHeader.Height[1]*256;
106 ColorDepth := TGAHeader.BPP;
107 ImageSize := Width*Height*(ColorDepth div 8);
109 // Само изображение:
110 GetMem(Image, ImageSize);
112 CopyMemory(Image, Pointer(Integer(TextureData)+SizeOf(TGAHeader)), ImageSize);
114 BitMap := TBitMap.Create();
116 if TGAHeader.BPP = 24 then
117 BitMap.PixelFormat := pf24bit
118 else
119 BitMap.PixelFormat := pf32bit;
121 BitMap.Width := Width;
122 BitMap.Height := Height;
124 // Копируем изображение в BitMap:
125 for I := Height-1 downto 0 do
126 CopyMemory(BitMap.ScanLine[Height-1-I],
127 Pointer(Integer(Image)+(Width*I*(TGAHeader.BPP div 8))),
128 Width*(TGAHeader.BPP div 8));
130 FreeMem(Image, ImageSize);
131 FreeMem(TextureData);
132 Result := BitMap;
133 end;
135 procedure TAddSkyForm.bOKClick(Sender: TObject);
136 begin
137 Inherited;
139 if not FResourceSelected then
140 Exit;
141 end;
143 procedure TAddSkyForm.lbResourcesListClick(Sender: TObject);
144 var
145 Texture: TBitMap;
147 begin
148 Inherited;
150 if lbResourcesList.ItemIndex = -1 then
151 Exit;
152 if FResourceName = '' then
153 Exit;
155 Texture := ShowTGATexture(FFullResourceName);
156 iPreview.Canvas.FillRect(iPreview.Canvas.ClipRect);
157 if Texture = nil then
158 Exit;
159 iPreview.Canvas.StretchDraw(iPreview.Canvas.ClipRect, Texture);
160 Texture.Free();
161 end;
163 procedure TAddSkyForm.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
164 var
165 FileName,
166 SectionName,
167 ResourceName: String;
168 a: Integer;
170 begin
171 Inherited;
173 iPreview.Canvas.FillRect(iPreview.Canvas.ClipRect);
175 // Уже есть выбранный ресурс:
176 if FSetResource <> '' then
177 begin
178 g_ProcessResourceStr(FSetResource, FileName, SectionName, ResourceName);
180 if FileName = '' then
181 FileName := _lc[I_WAD_SPECIAL_MAP];
182 if SectionName = '' then
183 SectionName := '..';
185 // WAD файл:
186 a := cbWADList.Items.IndexOf(FileName);
187 if a <> -1 then
188 begin
189 cbWADList.ItemIndex := a;
190 cbWADList.OnChange(nil);
191 end;
193 // Секция:
194 a := cbSectionsList.Items.IndexOf(SectionName);
195 if a <> -1 then
196 begin
197 cbSectionsList.ItemIndex := a;
198 cbSectionsList.OnChange(nil);
199 end;
201 // Ресурс:
202 a := lbResourcesList.Items.IndexOf(ResourceName);
203 if a <> -1 then
204 begin
205 lbResourcesList.ItemIndex := a;
206 lbResourcesList.OnClick(nil);
207 end;
208 end;
209 end;
211 end.