get rid of "kastet" and "pulemet" in symbols
[d2df-editor.git] / editor / f_selectlang.lfm
1 object SelectLanguageForm: TSelectLanguageForm
2 Left = 365
3 Top = 244
4 BorderIcons = []
5 BorderStyle = bsSingle
6 Caption = 'Language / Язык'
7 ClientHeight = 63
8 ClientWidth = 193
9 Color = clBtnFace
10 DefaultMonitor = dmMainForm
11 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
15 Font.Style = []
16 Position = poMainFormCenter
17 OnActivate = FormActivate
18 PixelsPerInch = 96
19 object Label1: TLabel
20 Left = 8
21 Top = 8
22 Width = 174
23 Height = 13
24 Caption = 'Select Language / Выберите язык:'
25 end
26 object Button1: TButton
27 Left = 8
28 Top = 32
29 Width = 75
30 Height = 25
31 Caption = 'English'
32 TabOrder = 1
33 end
34 object Button2: TButton
35 Left = 112
36 Top = 32
37 Width = 75
38 Height = 25
39 Caption = 'Русский'
40 TabOrder = 0
41 end
42 end