get rid of "kastet" and "pulemet" in symbols
[d2df-editor.git] / editor / f_savemap.lfm
1 object SaveMapForm: TSaveMapForm
2 Left = 368
3 Top = 298
4 BorderIcons = []
5 BorderStyle = bsSingle
6 Caption = 'Сохранить карту'
7 ClientHeight = 239
8 ClientWidth = 152
9 Color = clBtnFace
10 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
11 Font.Color = clWindowText
12 Font.Height = -11
13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
14 Font.Style = []
15 Position = poScreenCenter
16 OnActivate = FormActivate
17 PixelsPerInch = 96
18 object lbMapList: TListBox
19 Left = 0
20 Top = 25
21 Width = 152
22 Height = 186
23 Align = alClient
24 ItemHeight = 13
25 Sorted = True
26 TabOrder = 0
27 OnClick = lbMapListClick
28 end
29 object Panel2: TPanel
30 Left = 0
31 Top = 0
32 Width = 152
33 Height = 25
34 Align = alTop
35 BevelOuter = bvNone
36 TabOrder = 1
37 object eMapName: TEdit
38 Left = 0
39 Top = 0
40 Width = 153
41 Height = 21
42 CharCase = ecUpperCase
43 MaxLength = 16
44 TabOrder = 0
45 OnChange = eMapNameChange
46 end
47 end
48 object Panel1: TPanel
49 Left = 0
50 Top = 211
51 Width = 152
52 Height = 28
53 Align = alBottom
54 BevelOuter = bvNone
55 TabOrder = 2
56 object bOK: TButton
57 Left = 0
58 Top = 0
59 Width = 72
60 Height = 25
61 Caption = 'OK'
62 Default = True
63 TabOrder = 0
64 OnClick = bOKClick
65 end
66 object bCancel: TButton
67 Left = 77
68 Top = 0
69 Width = 72
70 Height = 25
71 Cancel = True
72 Caption = 'Отмена'
73 ModalResult = 2
74 TabOrder = 1
75 end
76 end
77 end