get rid of "kastet" and "pulemet" in symbols
[d2df-editor.git] / editor / f_addresource_texture.lfm
1 inherited AddTextureForm: TAddTextureForm
2 Left = 371
3 Height = 299
4 Top = 194
5 Width = 466
6 Caption = 'Выберите текстуру'
7 ClientHeight = 299
8 ClientWidth = 466
9 inherited bOK: TButton
10 Left = 11
11 Height = 17
12 Top = 272
13 Width = 22
14 Default = False
15 OnClick = nil
16 Visible = False
17 end
18 inherited bCancel: TButton
19 Left = 35
20 Height = 18
21 Top = 271
22 Width = 22
23 Visible = False
24 end
25 inherited lbResourcesList: TListBox
26 Height = 150
27 Top = 112
28 ItemHeight = 0
29 end
30 object PanelTexPreview: TPanel[7]
31 Left = 204
32 Height = 258
33 Top = 4
34 Width = 258
35 BevelOuter = bvLowered
36 ClientHeight = 258
37 ClientWidth = 258
38 TabOrder = 5
39 object iPreview: TImage
40 Left = 0
41 Height = 256
42 Top = 0
43 Width = 256
44 end
45 end
46 object eTextureName: TEdit[8]
47 Left = 4
48 Height = 21
49 Top = 88
50 Width = 193
51 OnChange = eTextureNameChange
52 TabOrder = 6
53 end
54 object bAddTexture: TButton[9]
55 Left = 160
56 Height = 25
57 Top = 272
58 Width = 81
59 Caption = 'Добавить'
60 Default = True
61 OnClick = bAddTextureClick
62 TabOrder = 7
63 end
64 object bClose: TButton[10]
65 Left = 248
66 Height = 25
67 Top = 272
68 Width = 81
69 Caption = 'Закрыть'
70 OnClick = bCloseClick
71 TabOrder = 8
72 end
73 object bAddClose: TButton[11]
74 Left = 336
75 Height = 25
76 Top = 272
77 Width = 121
78 Caption = 'Добавить и закрыть'
79 OnClick = bAddCloseClick
80 TabOrder = 9
81 end
82 end