no more old-styled map structured; sadly, most triggers aren't working; also, save...
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / MAPDEF.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
17 {$M+}
18 unit MAPDEF;
20 interface
22 uses
23 xdynrec;
26 const
30 const
31 TEXTURE_NAME_WATER = '_water_0';
32 TEXTURE_NAME_ACID1 = '_water_1';
33 TEXTURE_NAME_ACID2 = '_water_2';
36 type
37 TDFPoint = packed record
38 public
39 X, Y: LongInt;
41 public
42 constructor Create (ax, ay: LongInt);
43 end;
45 Char16 = packed array[0..15] of Char;
46 Char32 = packed array[0..31] of Char;
47 Char64 = packed array[0..63] of Char;
48 Char100 = packed array[0..99] of Char;
49 Char256 = packed array[0..255] of Char;
50 Byte128 = packed array[0..127] of Byte;
54 // various helpers to access map structures
55 type
56 TDynRecordHelper = class helper for TDynRecord
57 private
58 function getFieldWithType (const aname: AnsiString; atype: TDynField.TType): TDynField; inline;
60 function getPanelByIdx (idx: Integer): TDynRecord; inline;
62 function getPanelId (): Integer; inline;
63 //procedure setPanelId (v: Integer); inline;
65 function getTexturePanel (): Integer; inline;
66 //procedure setTexturePanel (v: Integer); inline;
68 function getPanelIndex (pan: TDynRecord): Integer;
70 function getPointField (const aname: AnsiString): TDFPoint; inline;
72 public
73 function panelCount (): Integer; inline;
75 // header
76 function mapName (): AnsiString; inline;
77 function mapAuthor (): AnsiString; inline;
78 function mapDesc (): AnsiString; inline;
79 function musicName (): AnsiString; inline;
80 function skyName (): AnsiString; inline;
82 // panel
83 function X (): Integer; inline;
84 function Y (): Integer; inline;
85 function Width (): Word; inline;
86 function Height (): Word; inline;
87 function TextureNum (): Word; inline;
88 function TextureRec (): TDynRecord; inline;
89 function PanelType (): Word; inline;
90 function Alpha (): Byte; inline;
91 function Flags (): Byte; inline;
93 // texture
94 function Resource (): AnsiString; inline;
95 function Anim (): Boolean; inline;
97 // item
98 function ItemType (): Byte; inline;
99 function Options (): Byte; inline;
101 // monster
102 function MonsterType (): Byte; inline; // type, ubyte
103 function Direction (): Byte; inline; // direction, ubyte
105 // area
106 function AreaType (): Byte; inline; // type, ubyte
107 //function Direction (): Byte; inline; // direction, ubyte
109 // trigger
110 function trigRec (): TDynRecord; inline;
111 function Enabled (): Boolean; inline; // enabled, bool
112 function TriggerType (): Byte; inline; // type, ubyte
113 function ActivateType (): Byte; inline; // activatetype, ubyte
114 function Keys (): Byte; inline; // keys, ubyte
115 //function DATA (): Byte128; inline; // triggerdata, trigdata[128]; // the only special nested structure
117 {$INCLUDE}
118 function trigMonsterId (): Integer; inline;
120 public
121 property panel[idx: Integer]: TDynRecord read getPanelByIdx;
122 property panelIndex[pan: TDynRecord]: Integer read getPanelIndex;
123 // triggers
124 property tgPanelID: Integer read getPanelId {write setPanelId};
125 property tgShotPanelID: Integer read getPanelId {write setPanelId};
126 property TexturePanel: Integer read getTexturePanel {write setTexturePanel}; // texturepanel, int
127 end;
129 implementation
131 uses
132 SysUtils, {e_log,} utils, xparser, xstreams;
135 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
136 constructor TDFPoint.Create (ax, ay: LongInt); begin X := ax; Y := ay; end;
139 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
140 function TDynRecordHelper.getFieldWithType (const aname: AnsiString; atype: TDynField.TType): TDynField; inline;
141 begin
142 result := field[aname];
143 if (result = nil) then raise Exception.Create(Format('field ''%s'' not found in record ''%s'' of type ''%s''', [aname, name, id]));
144 if (result.baseType <> atype) then raise Exception.Create(Format('field ''%s'' in record ''%s'' of type ''%s'' has invalid data type', [aname, name, id]));
145 end;
148 function TDynRecordHelper.getPointField (const aname: AnsiString): TDFPoint; inline;
149 var
150 fld: TDynField;
151 begin
152 fld := field[aname];
153 if (fld = nil) then raise Exception.Create(Format('field ''%s'' not found in record ''%s'' of type ''%s''', [aname, name, id]));
154 if (fld.baseType <> TPoint) then raise Exception.Create(Format('field ''%s'' in record ''%s'' of type ''%s'' has invalid data type', [aname, name, id]));
155 result := TDFPoint.Create(fld.ival, fld.ival2);
156 end;
159 function TDynRecordHelper.getPanelByIdx (idx: Integer): TDynRecord; inline;
160 var
161 fld: TDynField;
162 begin
163 fld := headerRec['panel'];
164 if (fld <> nil) then result := fld.item[idx] else result := nil;
165 end;
168 function TDynRecordHelper.getPanelIndex (pan: TDynRecord): Integer;
169 var
170 fld: TDynField;
171 f: Integer;
172 begin
173 result := -1;
174 if (pan <> nil) then
175 begin
176 fld := headerRec['panel'];
177 if (fld <> nil) then
178 begin
179 for f := 0 to fld.count-1 do if (fld.item[f] = pan) then begin result := f; exit; end;
180 end;
181 end;
182 end;
185 function TDynRecordHelper.panelCount (): Integer; inline;
186 var
187 fld: TDynField;
188 begin
189 fld := headerRec['panel'];
190 if (fld <> nil) then result := fld.count else result := 0;
191 end;
194 function TDynRecordHelper.TextureNum (): Word; inline;
195 var
196 idx: Integer;
197 fld: TDynField;
198 begin
199 fld := getFieldWithType('texture', TDynField.TType.TUShort);
200 idx := fld.recrefIndex;
201 if (idx < 0) then result := Word(TEXTURE_NONE) else result := Word(idx);
202 end;
205 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
206 // trigger
207 function TDynRecordHelper.trigRec (): TDynRecord; inline;
208 var
209 fld: TDynField;
210 begin
211 fld := getFieldWithType('triggerdata', TDynField.TType.TTrigData);
212 if (fld <> nil) then result := fld.recref else result := nil;
213 end;
216 function TDynRecordHelper.trigMonsterId (): Integer; inline;
217 var
218 fld: TDynField;
219 begin
220 fld := getFieldWithType('monsterid', TDynField.TType.TInt);
221 result := fld.recrefIndex;
222 end;
225 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
226 function TDynRecordHelper.mapName (): AnsiString; inline; begin result := utf2win(getFieldWithType('name', TDynField.TType.TChar).sval); end;
227 function TDynRecordHelper.mapAuthor (): AnsiString; inline; begin result := utf2win(getFieldWithType('author', TDynField.TType.TChar).sval); end;
228 function TDynRecordHelper.mapDesc (): AnsiString; inline; begin result := utf2win(getFieldWithType('description', TDynField.TType.TChar).sval); end;
229 function TDynRecordHelper.musicName (): AnsiString; inline; begin result := utf2win(getFieldWithType('music', TDynField.TType.TChar).sval); end;
230 function TDynRecordHelper.skyName (): AnsiString; inline; begin result := utf2win(getFieldWithType('sky', TDynField.TType.TChar).sval); end;
231 function TDynRecordHelper.X (): Integer; inline; begin result := getFieldWithType('position', TDynField.TType.TPoint).ival; end;
232 function TDynRecordHelper.Y (): Integer; inline; begin result := getFieldWithType('position', TDynField.TType.TPoint).ival2; end;
233 function TDynRecordHelper.Width (): Word; inline; begin result := Word(getFieldWithType('size', TDynField.TType.TSize).ival); end;
234 function TDynRecordHelper.Height (): Word; inline; begin result := Word(getFieldWithType('size', TDynField.TType.TSize).ival2); end;
235 function TDynRecordHelper.PanelType (): Word; inline; begin result := Word(getFieldWithType('type', TDynField.TType.TUShort).ival); end;
236 function TDynRecordHelper.TextureRec (): TDynRecord; inline; begin result := getFieldWithType('texture', TDynField.TType.TUShort).recref; end;
237 function TDynRecordHelper.Alpha (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('alpha', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
238 function TDynRecordHelper.Flags (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('flags', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
239 function TDynRecordHelper.Resource (): AnsiString; inline; begin result := utf2win(getFieldWithType('path', TDynField.TType.TChar).sval); end;
240 function TDynRecordHelper.Anim (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (getFieldWithType('animated', TDynField.TType.TBool).ival <> 0); end;
241 function TDynRecordHelper.ItemType (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('type', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
242 function TDynRecordHelper.Options (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('options', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
243 function TDynRecordHelper.MonsterType (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('type', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
244 function TDynRecordHelper.Direction (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('direction', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
245 function TDynRecordHelper.AreaType (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('type', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
246 function TDynRecordHelper.Enabled (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (getFieldWithType('enabled', TDynField.TType.TBool).ival <> 0); end;
247 function TDynRecordHelper.TriggerType (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('type', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
248 function TDynRecordHelper.ActivateType (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('activatetype', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
249 function TDynRecordHelper.Keys (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('keys', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
251 function TDynRecordHelper.getPanelId (): Integer; inline; begin result := getFieldWithType('panelid', TDynField.TType.TInt).recrefIndex; end;
252 function TDynRecordHelper.getTexturePanel (): Integer; begin result := getFieldWithType('texturepanel', TDynField.TType.TInt).recrefIndex; end;
254 {$INCLUDE}
257 end.