[d2df-sdl.git] / src / game / g_main.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
6 *
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
11 *
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 *)
15 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
16 unit g_main;
18 interface
20 uses Utils;
22 procedure Main ();
23 procedure Init ();
24 procedure Release ();
25 procedure Update ();
26 procedure Draw ();
27 procedure KeyPress (K: Word);
28 procedure CharPress (C: AnsiChar);
30 var
31 {--- TO REMOVE ---}
32 //GameDir: string;
33 {-----------------}
35 {--- Read-only dirs ---}
36 GameWAD: string;
37 DataDirs: SSArray;
38 ModelDirs: SSArray;
39 MegawadDirs: SSArray;
40 MapDirs: SSArray;
41 WadDirs: SSArray;
42 AllMapDirs: SSArray; // Maps + Megawads
44 {--- Read-Write dirs ---}
45 LogFileName: string;
46 LogDirs: SSArray;
47 SaveDirs: SSArray;
48 CacheDirs: SSArray;
49 ConfigDirs: SSArray;
50 ScreenshotDirs: SSArray;
51 MapDownloadDirs: SSArray;
52 WadDownloadDirs: SSArray;
54 implementation
56 uses
57 {$INCLUDE ../nogl/}
59 g_holmes, sdlcarcass, fui_ctls, fui_wadread, fui_style, fui_gfx_gl,
60 {$ENDIF}
62 BaseUnix,
63 {$ENDIF}
65 SDL2,
66 {$ENDIF}
67 wadreader, e_log, g_window,
68 e_graphics, e_input, g_game, g_console, g_gui,
69 e_sound, g_options, g_sound, g_player, g_basic,
70 g_weapons, SysUtils, g_triggers, MAPDEF, g_map, e_res,
71 g_menu, g_language, g_net, g_touch, g_system, g_res_downloader,
72 conbuf, envvars,
73 xparser;
76 var
77 charbuff: packed array [0..15] of AnsiChar;
78 binPath: AnsiString = '';
79 forceCurrentDir: Boolean = false;
82 function GetBinaryPath (): AnsiString;
84 var
85 //cd: AnsiString;
86 sl: AnsiString;
87 {$ENDIF}
88 begin
89 result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
91 // it may be a symlink; do some guesswork here
92 sl := fpReadLink(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)));
93 if (sl = ParamStr(0)) then
94 begin
95 // use current directory, as we don't have anything better
96 //result := '.';
97 GetDir(0, result);
98 end;
99 {$ENDIF}
100 result := fixSlashes(result);
101 if (length(result) > 0) and (result[length(result)] <> '/') then result := result+'/';
102 end;
104 procedure PrintDirs (msg: AnsiString; dirs: SSArray);
105 var dir: AnsiString;
106 begin
107 e_LogWriteln(msg + ':');
108 for dir in dirs do
109 e_LogWriteln(' ' + dir);
110 end;
112 procedure InitPath;
113 var i: Integer; rwdir, rodir: AnsiString; rwdirs, rodirs: SSArray;
114 //first: Boolean = true;
116 procedure xput (s: AnsiString);
118 var
119 f: TextFile;
120 begin
121 AssignFile(f, 'zzz.log');
122 if (first) then
123 begin
124 Rewrite(f);
125 first := false;
126 end
127 else
128 begin
129 Append(f);
130 end;
131 writeln(f, s);
132 CloseFile(f);
133 end;
135 begin
136 end;
138 procedure AddPath (var arr: SSArray; str: AnsiString; usecwd: Boolean=true);
139 var
140 ss: ShortString;
141 begin
142 if (length(str) = 0) then exit;
143 //writeln('NEW PATH(0): ['+str+']');
144 if (forceCurrentDir or usecwd) then
145 begin
146 str := fixSlashes(ExpandFileName(str));
147 end
148 else
149 begin
150 str := fixSlashes(str);
151 if (not isAbsolutePath(str)) then str := binPath+str;
152 while (length(str) > 0) do
153 begin
154 if (isRootPath(str)) then exit;
155 if (str[length(str)] = '/') then begin Delete(str, length(str), 1); continue; end;
156 if (length(str) >= 2) and (Copy(str, length(str)-1, 2) = '/.') then begin Delete(str, length(str)-1, 2); continue; end;
157 break;
158 end;
159 end;
160 if (length(str) = 0) then exit;
161 if (length(str) > 255) then
162 begin
163 xput('path too long: ['+str+']');
164 raise Exception.Create(Format('path "%s" too long', [str]));
165 end;
166 for ss in arr do
167 begin
168 //writeln('<<<', ss, '>>> : [', str, ']');
169 if (ss = str) then exit;
170 end;
171 SetLength(arr, Length(arr)+1);
172 //arr[High(arr)] := ExpandFileName(str);
173 arr[High(arr)] := str;
174 //writeln('NEW PATH(1): ['+str+']');
175 end;
177 procedure AddDef (var dirs: SSArray; base: SSArray; append: AnsiString);
178 var s: AnsiString;
179 begin
180 if Length(dirs) = 0 then
181 for s in base do
182 AddPath(dirs, e_CatPath(s, append), false)
183 end;
185 procedure AddDir (var dirs: SSArray; append: AnsiString);
186 begin
187 SetLength(dirs, Length(dirs) + 1);
188 dirs[High(dirs)] := append
189 end;
191 function GetDefaultRODirs (): SSArray;
193 var home: AnsiString;
194 {$ENDIF}
195 begin
197 AddDir(result, SDL_GetBasePath());
198 AddDir(result, SDL_GetPrefPath('', 'doom2df'));
199 {$ENDIF}
201 AddDir(result, '/usr/share/doom2df');
202 AddDir(result, '/usr/local/share/doom2df');
203 home := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME');
204 if home <> '' then
205 AddDir(result, e_CatPath(home, '.doom2df'));
206 {$ENDIF}
208 AddDir(result, SDL_AndroidGetInternalStoragePath());
209 if SDL_AndroidGetExternalStorageState() <> 0 then
210 AddDir(result, SDL_AndroidGetExternalStoragePath());
211 {$ENDIF}
212 AddDir(result, '.');
213 end;
215 function GetDefaultRWDirs (): SSArray;
217 var home: AnsiString;
218 {$ENDIF}
219 begin
221 AddDir(result, SDL_GetPrefPath('', 'doom2df'));
222 {$ENDIF}
224 home := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME');
225 if home <> '' then
226 AddDir(result, e_CatPath(home, '.doom2df'));
227 {$ENDIF}
229 if SDL_AndroidGetExternalStorageState() <> 0 then
230 AddDir(result, SDL_AndroidGetExternalStoragePath());
231 {$ENDIF}
232 AddDir(result, '.');
233 end;
235 begin
236 //GetDir(0, GameDir);
237 binPath := GetBinaryPath();
238 xput('binPath=['+binPath+']');
240 for i := 1 to ParamCount do
241 begin
242 if (ParamStr(i) = '--cwd') then
243 begin
244 forceCurrentDir := true;
245 break
246 end
247 end;
249 i := 1;
250 while i < ParamCount do
251 begin
252 case ParamStr(i) of
253 '--rw-dir':
254 begin
255 Inc(i);
256 rwdir := ParamStr(i);
257 (* RW *)
258 AddPath(LogDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, ''));
259 AddPath(SaveDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'data'));
260 AddPath(CacheDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'data/cache'));
261 AddPath(ConfigDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, ''));
262 AddPath(MapDownloadDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'maps/downloads'));
263 AddPath(WadDownloadDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'wads/downloads'));
264 AddPath(ScreenshotDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'screenshots'));
265 (* RO *)
266 AddPath(DataDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'data'));
267 AddPath(ModelDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'data/models'));
268 AddPath(MegawadDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'maps/megawads'));
269 AddPath(MapDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'maps'));
270 AddPath(WadDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'wads'));
271 end;
272 '--ro-dir':
273 begin
274 Inc(i);
275 rodir := ParamStr(i);
276 (* RO *)
277 AddPath(DataDirs, e_CatPath(rodir, 'data'));
278 AddPath(ModelDirs, e_CatPath(rodir, 'data/models'));
279 AddPath(MegawadDirs, e_CatPath(rodir, 'maps/megawads'));
280 AddPath(MapDirs, e_CatPath(rodir, 'maps'));
281 AddPath(WadDirs, e_CatPath(rodir, 'wads'));
282 end;
283 end;
284 Inc(i)
285 end;
287 (* RO *)
288 rodirs := GetDefaultRODirs();
289 AddDef(DataDirs, rodirs, 'data');
290 AddDef(ModelDirs, rodirs, 'data/models');
291 AddDef(MegawadDirs, rodirs, 'maps/megawads');
292 AddDef(MapDirs, rodirs, 'maps');
293 AddDef(WadDirs, rodirs, 'wads');
295 (* RW *)
296 rwdirs := GetDefaultRWDirs();
297 AddDef(LogDirs, rwdirs, '');
298 AddDef(SaveDirs, rwdirs, 'data');
299 AddDef(CacheDirs, rwdirs, 'data/cache');
300 AddDef(ConfigDirs, rwdirs, '');
301 AddDef(MapDownloadDirs, rwdirs, 'maps/downloads');
302 AddDef(WadDownloadDirs, rwdirs, 'wads/downloads');
303 AddDef(ScreenshotDirs, rwdirs, 'screenshots');
305 for i := 0 to High(MapDirs) do
306 AddPath(AllMapDirs, MapDirs[i]);
307 for i := 0 to High(MegawadDirs) do
308 AddPath(AllMapDirs, MegawadDirs[i]);
310 if LogFileName = '' then
311 begin
312 rwdir := e_GetWriteableDir(LogDirs, false);
313 if rwdir <> '' then
314 begin
316 LogFileName := e_CatPath(rwdir, 'Doom2DF_H.log');
317 {$ELSE}
318 LogFileName := e_CatPath(rwdir, 'Doom2DF.log');
319 {$ENDIF}
320 end
321 end;
323 xput('binPath=['+binPath+']');
324 end;
326 procedure InitPrep;
328 var timiditycfg: AnsiString;
329 {$ENDIF}
330 var i: Integer;
331 begin
333 conbufDumpToStdOut := true;
334 {$ENDIF}
335 for i := 1 to ParamCount do
336 begin
337 if (ParamStr(i) = '--con-stdout') then
338 begin
339 conbufDumpToStdOut := true;
340 break
341 end
342 end;
344 if LogFileName <> '' then
345 e_InitLog(LogFileName, TWriteMode.WM_NEWFILE);
346 e_InitWritelnDriver();
347 e_WriteLog('Doom 2D: Forever version ' + GAME_VERSION + ' proto ' + IntToStr(NET_PROTOCOL_VER), TMsgType.Notify);
348 e_WriteLog('Build date: ' + GAME_BUILDDATE + ' ' + GAME_BUILDTIME, TMsgType.Notify);
350 e_LogWritefln('BINARY PATH: [%s]', [binPath], TMsgType.Notify);
352 PrintDirs('DataDirs', DataDirs);
353 PrintDirs('ModelDirs', ModelDirs);
354 PrintDirs('MegawadDirs', MegawadDirs);
355 PrintDirs('MapDirs', MapDirs);
356 PrintDirs('WadDirs', WadDirs);
358 PrintDirs('LogDirs', LogDirs);
359 PrintDirs('SaveDirs', SaveDirs);
360 PrintDirs('CacheDirs', CacheDirs);
361 PrintDirs('ConfigDirs', ConfigDirs);
362 PrintDirs('ScreenshotDirs', ScreenshotDirs);
363 PrintDirs('MapDownloadDirs', MapDownloadDirs);
364 PrintDirs('WadDownloadDirs', WadDownloadDirs);
366 GameWAD := e_FindWad(DataDirs, 'GAME');
367 if GameWad = '' then
368 begin
369 e_WriteLog('GAME.WAD not installed?', TMsgType.Fatal);
371 SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, 'Doom 2D Forever', 'GAME.WAD not installed?', nil);
372 {$ENDIF}
373 Halt(1);
374 end;
377 timiditycfg := 'timidity.cfg';
378 if e_FindResource(ConfigDirs, timiditycfg) = true then
379 begin
380 timiditycfg := ExpandFileName(timiditycfg);
381 SetEnvVar('TIMIDITY_CFG', timiditycfg);
382 e_LogWritefln('Set TIMIDITY_CFG = "%s"', [timiditycfg]);
383 end;
384 {$ENDIF}
385 end;
387 procedure Main();
389 var flexloaded: Boolean;
390 {$ENDIF}
391 var s: AnsiString;
392 begin
393 InitPath;
394 InitPrep;
395 e_InitInput;
396 sys_Init;
399 if e_FindResource(ConfigDirs, s) = true then
400 begin
401 g_Options_Read(s)
402 end
403 else
404 begin
405 g_Options_SetDefault;
406 g_Options_SetDefaultVideo
407 end;
408 if sys_SetDisplayMode(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, gBPP, gFullScreen) = False then
409 raise Exception.Create('Failed to set videomode on startup.');
411 g_Console_SysInit;
412 e_WriteLog(gLanguage, TMsgType.Notify);
413 g_Language_Set(gLanguage);
416 flexloaded := true;
417 if not fuiAddWad('flexui.wad') then
418 begin
419 if not fuiAddWad('./data/flexui.wad') then fuiAddWad('./flexui.wad');
420 end;
421 try
422 fuiGfxLoadFont('win8', 'flexui/fonts/win8.fuifont');
423 fuiGfxLoadFont('win14', 'flexui/fonts/win14.fuifont');
424 fuiGfxLoadFont('win16', 'flexui/fonts/win16.fuifont');
425 fuiGfxLoadFont('dos8', 'flexui/fonts/dos8.fuifont');
426 fuiGfxLoadFont('msx6', 'flexui/fonts/msx6.fuifont');
427 except on e: Exception do
428 begin
429 writeln('ERROR loading FlexUI fonts');
430 flexloaded := false;
431 //raise;
432 end;
433 else
434 begin
435 flexloaded := false;
436 //raise;
437 end;
438 end;
439 if (flexloaded) then
440 begin
441 try
442 e_LogWriteln('FlexUI: loading stylesheet...');
443 uiLoadStyles('flexui/widgets.wgs');
444 except on e: TParserException do
445 begin
446 writeln('ERROR at (', e.tokLine, ',', e.tokCol, '): ', e.message);
447 //raise;
448 flexloaded := false;
449 end;
450 else
451 begin
452 //raise;
453 flexloaded := false;
454 end;
455 end;
456 end;
457 g_holmes_imfunctional := not flexloaded;
459 if (not g_holmes_imfunctional) then
460 begin
461 uiInitialize();
462 uiContext.font := 'win14';
463 end;
465 if assigned(oglInitCB) then oglInitCB;
466 {$ENDIF}
468 //g_Res_CreateDatabases(true); // it will be done before connecting to the server for the first time
470 e_WriteLog('Entering SDLMain', TMsgType.Notify);
473 SDLMain();
477 if assigned(oglDeinitCB) then oglDeinitCB;
478 {$ENDIF}
480 sys_Final;
481 end;
483 procedure Init();
484 var
485 NoSound: Boolean;
486 begin
487 Randomize;
491 NoSound := False; // hope env has set SDL_AUDIODRIVER to dummy
492 {$ELSE}
493 NoSound := True; // FMOD backend will sort it out
494 {$ENDIF}
495 {$ELSE}
496 NoSound := False;
497 {$ENDIF}
499 g_Touch_Init;
501 (*
502 if (e_JoysticksAvailable > 0) then
503 e_WriteLog('Input: Joysticks available.', TMsgType.Notify)
504 else
505 e_WriteLog('Input: No Joysticks.', TMsgType.Notify);
506 *)
508 if (not gNoSound) then
509 begin
510 e_WriteLog('Initializing sound system', TMsgType.Notify);
511 e_InitSoundSystem(NoSound);
512 end;
514 e_WriteLog('Init game', TMsgType.Notify);
515 g_Game_Init();
517 FillChar(charbuff, sizeof(charbuff), ' ');
518 end;
521 procedure Release();
522 begin
523 e_WriteLog('Releasing engine', TMsgType.Notify);
524 e_ReleaseEngine();
526 e_WriteLog('Releasing input', TMsgType.Notify);
527 e_ReleaseInput();
529 if not gNoSound then
530 begin
531 e_WriteLog('Releasing sound', TMsgType.Notify);
532 e_ReleaseSoundSystem();
533 end;
534 end;
537 procedure Update ();
538 begin
539 g_Game_Update();
540 end;
543 procedure Draw ();
544 begin
545 g_Game_Draw();
546 end;
549 function Translit (const S: AnsiString): AnsiString;
550 var
551 i: Integer;
552 begin
553 Result := S;
554 for i := 1 to Length(Result) do
555 begin
556 case Result[i] of
557 'É': Result[i] := 'Q';
558 'Ö': Result[i] := 'W';
559 'Ó': Result[i] := 'E';
560 'Ê': Result[i] := 'R';
561 'Å': Result[i] := 'T';
562 'Í': Result[i] := 'Y';
563 'Ã': Result[i] := 'U';
564 'Ø': Result[i] := 'I';
565 'Ù': Result[i] := 'O';
566 'Ç': Result[i] := 'P';
567 'Õ': Result[i] := '['; //Chr(219);
568 'Ú': Result[i] := ']'; //Chr(221);
569 'Ô': Result[i] := 'A';
570 'Û': Result[i] := 'S';
571 'Â': Result[i] := 'D';
572 'À': Result[i] := 'F';
573 'Ï': Result[i] := 'G';
574 'Ð': Result[i] := 'H';
575 'Î': Result[i] := 'J';
576 'Ë': Result[i] := 'K';
577 'Ä': Result[i] := 'L';
578 'Æ': Result[i] := ';'; //Chr(186);
579 'Ý': Result[i] := #39; //Chr(222);
580 'ß': Result[i] := 'Z';
581 '×': Result[i] := 'X';
582 'Ñ': Result[i] := 'C';
583 'Ì': Result[i] := 'V';
584 'È': Result[i] := 'B';
585 'Ò': Result[i] := 'N';
586 'Ü': Result[i] := 'M';
587 'Á': Result[i] := ','; //Chr(188);
588 'Þ': Result[i] := '.'; //Chr(190);
589 end;
590 end;
591 end;
594 function CheckCheat (ct: TStrings_Locale; eofs: Integer=0): Boolean;
595 var
596 ls1, ls2: string;
597 begin
598 ls1 := CheatEng[ct];
599 ls2 := Translit(CheatRus[ct]);
600 if length(ls1) = 0 then ls1 := '~';
601 if length(ls2) = 0 then ls2 := '~';
602 result :=
603 (Copy(charbuff, 17-Length(ls1)-eofs, Length(ls1)) = ls1) or
604 (Translit(Copy(charbuff, 17-Length(ls1)-eofs, Length(ls1))) = ls1) or
605 (Copy(charbuff, 17-Length(ls2)-eofs, Length(ls2)) = ls2) or
606 (Translit(Copy(charbuff, 17-Length(ls2)-eofs, Length(ls2))) = ls2);
608 if ct = I_GAME_CHEAT_JETPACK then
609 begin
610 e_WriteLog('ls1: ['+ls1+']', MSG_NOTIFY);
611 e_WriteLog('ls2: ['+ls2+']', MSG_NOTIFY);
612 e_WriteLog('bf0: ['+Copy(charbuff, 17-Length(ls1)-eofs, Length(ls1))+']', MSG_NOTIFY);
613 e_WriteLog('bf1: ['+Translit(Copy(charbuff, 17-Length(ls1)-eofs, Length(ls1)))+']', MSG_NOTIFY);
614 e_WriteLog('bf2: ['+Copy(charbuff, 17-Length(ls2)-eofs, Length(ls2))+']', MSG_NOTIFY);
615 e_WriteLog('bf3: ['+Translit(Copy(charbuff, 17-Length(ls2)-eofs, Length(ls2)))+']', MSG_NOTIFY);
616 end;
618 end;
621 procedure Cheat ();
622 const
623 CHEAT_DAMAGE = 500;
624 label
625 Cheated;
626 var
627 s, s2: string;
628 c: ShortString;
629 a: Integer;
630 begin
632 if (not gGameOn) or (not gCheats) or ((gGameSettings.GameType <> GT_SINGLE) and
633 (gGameSettings.GameMode <> GM_COOP) and (not gDebugMode))
634 or g_Game_IsNet then Exit;
636 if not gGameOn then exit;
637 if not conIsCheatsEnabled then exit;
639 s := 'SOUND_GAME_RADIO';
641 //
642 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_GODMODE) then
643 begin
644 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.GodMode := not gPlayer1.GodMode;
645 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.GodMode := not gPlayer2.GodMode;
646 goto Cheated;
647 end;
648 // RAMBO
649 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_WEAPONS) then
650 begin
651 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.AllRulez(False);
652 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.AllRulez(False);
653 goto Cheated;
654 end;
655 // TANK
656 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_HEALTH) then
657 begin
658 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.AllRulez(True);
659 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.AllRulez(True);
660 goto Cheated;
661 end;
662 // IDDQD
663 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_DEATH) then
664 begin
665 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.Damage(CHEAT_DAMAGE, 0, 0, 0, HIT_TRAP);
666 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.Damage(CHEAT_DAMAGE, 0, 0, 0, HIT_TRAP);
668 goto Cheated;
669 end;
670 //
671 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_DOORS) then
672 begin
673 g_Triggers_OpenAll();
674 goto Cheated;
675 end;
676 // GOODBYE
677 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_NEXTMAP) then
678 begin
679 if gTriggers <> nil then
680 for a := 0 to High(gTriggers) do
681 if gTriggers[a].TriggerType = TRIGGER_EXIT then
682 begin
683 gExitByTrigger := True;
684 //g_Game_ExitLevel(gTriggers[a].Data.MapName);
685 g_Game_ExitLevel(gTriggers[a].tgcMap);
686 Break;
687 end;
688 goto Cheated;
689 end;
690 //
691 s2 := Copy(charbuff, 15, 2);
692 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_CHANGEMAP, 2) and (s2[1] >= '0') and (s2[1] <= '9') and (s2[2] >= '0') and (s2[2] <= '9') then
693 begin
694 if g_Map_Exist(gGameSettings.WAD + ':\MAP' + s2) then
695 begin
696 c := 'MAP' + s2;
697 g_Game_ExitLevel(c);
698 end;
699 goto Cheated;
700 end;
701 //
702 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_FLY) then
703 begin
704 gFly := not gFly;
705 goto Cheated;
706 end;
708 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_JUMPS) then
709 begin
710 VEL_JUMP := 30-VEL_JUMP;
711 goto Cheated;
712 end;
713 // FORMULA1
714 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_SPEED) then
715 begin
717 goto Cheated;
718 end;
719 // CONDOM
720 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_SUIT) then
721 begin
722 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.GiveItem(ITEM_SUIT);
723 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.GiveItem(ITEM_SUIT);
724 goto Cheated;
725 end;
726 //
727 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_AIR) then
728 begin
729 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.GiveItem(ITEM_OXYGEN);
730 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.GiveItem(ITEM_OXYGEN);
731 goto Cheated;
732 end;
734 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_BERSERK) then
735 begin
736 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.GiveItem(ITEM_MEDKIT_BLACK);
737 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.GiveItem(ITEM_MEDKIT_BLACK);
738 goto Cheated;
739 end;
740 //
741 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_JETPACK) then
742 begin
743 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.GiveItem(ITEM_JETPACK);
744 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.GiveItem(ITEM_JETPACK);
745 goto Cheated;
746 end;
747 // CASPER
748 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_NOCLIP) then
749 begin
750 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.SwitchNoClip;
751 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.SwitchNoClip;
752 goto Cheated;
753 end;
754 //
755 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_NOTARGET) then
756 begin
757 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.NoTarget := not gPlayer1.NoTarget;
758 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.NoTarget := not gPlayer2.NoTarget;
759 goto Cheated;
760 end;
761 // INFERNO
762 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_NORELOAD) then
763 begin
764 if gPlayer1 <> nil then gPlayer1.NoReload := not gPlayer1.NoReload;
765 if gPlayer2 <> nil then gPlayer2.NoReload := not gPlayer2.NoReload;
766 goto Cheated;
767 end;
768 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_AIMLINE) then
769 begin
770 gAimLine := not gAimLine;
771 goto Cheated;
772 end;
773 if CheckCheat(I_GAME_CHEAT_AUTOMAP) then
774 begin
775 gShowMap := not gShowMap;
776 goto Cheated;
777 end;
778 Exit;
780 Cheated:
781 g_Sound_PlayEx(s);
782 end;
785 procedure KeyPress (K: Word);
787 var
788 Msg: g_gui.TMessage;
789 {$ENDIF}
790 begin
792 case K of
793 VK_ESCAPE: // <Esc>:
794 begin
795 if (g_ActiveWindow <> nil) then
796 begin
797 Msg.Msg := WM_KEYDOWN;
798 Msg.WParam := VK_ESCAPE;
799 g_ActiveWindow.OnMessage(Msg);
800 if (not g_Game_IsNet) and (g_ActiveWindow = nil) then g_Game_Pause(false); //Fn loves to do this
801 end
802 else if (gState <> STATE_FOLD) then
803 begin
804 if gGameOn or (gState = STATE_INTERSINGLE) or (gState = STATE_INTERCUSTOM) then
805 begin
806 g_Game_InGameMenu(True);
807 end
808 else if (gExit = 0) and (gState <> STATE_SLIST) then
809 begin
810 if (gState <> STATE_MENU) then
811 begin
812 if (NetMode <> NET_NONE) then
813 begin
814 g_Game_StopAllSounds(True);
815 g_Game_Free;
816 gState := STATE_MENU;
817 Exit;
818 end;
819 end;
820 g_GUI_ShowWindow('MainMenu');
821 g_Sound_PlayEx('MENU_OPEN');
822 end;
823 end;
824 end;
826 IK_F2, IK_F3, IK_F4, IK_F5, IK_F6, IK_F7, IK_F10:
827 begin // <F2> .. <F6> � <F12>
828 if gGameOn and (not gConsoleShow) and (not gChatShow) then
829 begin
830 while (g_ActiveWindow <> nil) do g_GUI_HideWindow(False);
831 if (not g_Game_IsNet) then g_Game_Pause(True);
832 case K of
833 IK_F2: g_Menu_Show_SaveMenu();
834 IK_F3: g_Menu_Show_LoadMenu();
835 IK_F4: g_Menu_Show_GameSetGame();
836 IK_F5: g_Menu_Show_OptionsVideo();
837 IK_F6: g_Menu_Show_OptionsSound();
838 IK_F7: g_Menu_Show_EndGameMenu();
839 IK_F10: g_Menu_Show_QuitGameMenu();
840 end;
841 end;
842 end;
844 else
845 begin
846 gJustChatted := False;
847 if gConsoleShow or gChatShow then
848 begin
849 g_Console_Control(K);
850 end
851 else if (g_ActiveWindow <> nil) then
852 begin
853 Msg.Msg := WM_KEYDOWN;
854 Msg.WParam := K;
855 g_ActiveWindow.OnMessage(Msg);
856 end
857 else if (gState = STATE_MENU) then
858 begin
859 g_GUI_ShowWindow('MainMenu');
860 g_Sound_PlayEx('MENU_OPEN');
861 end;
862 end;
863 end;
864 {$ENDIF}
865 end;
868 procedure CharPress (C: AnsiChar);
869 var
870 Msg: g_gui.TMessage;
871 a: Integer;
872 begin
873 if gConsoleShow or gChatShow then
874 begin
875 g_Console_Char(C)
876 end
877 else if (g_ActiveWindow <> nil) then
878 begin
879 Msg.Msg := WM_CHAR;
880 Msg.WParam := Ord(C);
881 g_ActiveWindow.OnMessage(Msg);
882 end
883 else
884 begin
885 for a := 0 to 14 do charbuff[a] := charbuff[a+1];
886 charbuff[15] := upcase1251(C);
887 Cheat();
888 end;
889 end;
891 end.