[d2df-sdl.git] / g_holmes.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
16 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
17 unit g_holmes;
19 interface
21 uses
22 e_log, e_input,
23 g_textures, g_basic, e_graphics, g_phys, g_grid, g_player, g_monsters,
24 g_window, g_map, g_triggers, g_items, g_game, g_panel, g_console,
25 xprofiler;
28 type
29 THMouseEvent = record
30 public
31 const
32 // both for but and for bstate
33 Left = $0001;
34 Right = $0002;
35 Middle = $0004;
36 WheelUp = $0008;
37 WheelDown = $0010;
39 // event types
40 Release = 0;
41 Press = 1;
42 Motion = 2;
44 public
45 kind: Byte; // motion, press, release
46 x, y: Integer;
47 dx, dy: Integer; // for wheel this is wheel motion, otherwise this is relative mouse motion
48 but: Word; // current pressed/released button, or 0 for motion
49 bstate: Word; // button state
50 kstate: Word; // keyboard state (see THKeyEvent);
51 end;
53 THKeyEvent = record
54 public
55 const
56 // modifiers
57 ModCtrl = $0001;
58 ModAlt = $0002;
59 ModShift = $0004;
61 // event types
62 Release = 0;
63 Press = 1;
65 public
66 kind: Byte;
67 scan: Word; // SDL_SCANCODE_XXX
68 sym: Word; // SDLK_XXX
69 bstate: Word; // button state
70 kstate: Word; // keyboard state
72 public
73 end;
75 procedure g_Holmes_VidModeChanged ();
76 procedure g_Holmes_WindowFocused ();
77 procedure g_Holmes_WindowBlured ();
79 procedure g_Holmes_Draw ();
80 procedure g_Holmes_DrawUI ();
82 function g_Holmes_MouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; // returns `true` if event was eaten
83 function g_Holmes_KeyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; // returns `true` if event was eaten
85 // hooks for player
86 procedure g_Holmes_plrView (viewPortX, viewPortY, viewPortW, viewPortH: Integer);
87 procedure g_Holmes_plrLaser (ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer);
90 operator = (constref ev: THKeyEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
91 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean;
93 operator = (constref ev: THMouseEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
94 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean;
97 var
98 g_holmes_enabled: Boolean = {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)}true{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF};
101 implementation
103 uses
104 SysUtils, Classes, GL, SDL2,
105 MAPDEF, g_main, g_options,
106 utils, hashtable, xparser;
109 var
110 //globalInited: Boolean = false;
111 msX: Integer = -666;
112 msY: Integer = -666;
113 msB: Word = 0; // button state
114 kbS: Word = 0; // keyboard modifiers state
115 showGrid: Boolean = true;
116 showMonsInfo: Boolean = false;
117 showMonsLOS2Plr: Boolean = false;
118 showAllMonsCells: Boolean = false;
119 showMapCurPos: Boolean = false;
120 showLayersWindow: Boolean = false;
121 showOutlineWindow: Boolean = false;
122 showTriggers: Boolean = {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)}true{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF};
124 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
125 {$INCLUDE}
126 {$INCLUDE}
129 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
130 // any mods = 255: nothing was defined
131 function parseModKeys (const s: AnsiString; out kmods: Byte; out mbuts: Byte): AnsiString;
132 var
133 pos, epos: Integer;
134 begin
135 kmods := 255;
136 mbuts := 255;
137 pos := 1;
138 //while (pos <= Length(s)) and (s[pos] <= ' ') do Inc(pos);
139 if (pos < Length(s)) and ((s[pos] = '+') or (s[pos] = '-') or (s[pos] = '*')) then Inc(pos);
140 while (pos < Length(s)) do
141 begin
142 if (Length(s)-pos >= 2) and (s[pos+1] = '-') then
143 begin
144 case s[pos] of
145 'C', 'c': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or THKeyEvent.ModCtrl; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end;
146 'M', 'm': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or THKeyEvent.ModAlt; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end;
147 'S', 's': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or THKeyEvent.ModShift; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end;
148 end;
149 break;
150 end;
151 if (Length(s)-pos >= 4) and ((s[pos+1] = 'M') or (s[pos+1] = 'm')) and ((s[pos+2] = 'B') or (s[pos+1] = 'b')) and (s[pos+3] = '-') then
152 begin
153 case s[pos] of
154 'L', 'l': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or THMouseEvent.Left; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end;
155 'R', 'r': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or THMouseEvent.Right; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end;
156 'M', 'm': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or THMouseEvent.Middle; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end;
157 end;
158 break;
159 end;
160 break;
161 end;
162 epos := Length(s)+1;
163 while (epos > pos) and (s[epos-1] <= ' ') do Dec(epos);
164 if (epos > pos) then result := Copy(s, pos, epos-pos) else result := '';
165 end;
168 operator = (constref ev: THKeyEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
169 var
170 f: Integer;
171 kmods: Byte = 255;
172 mbuts: Byte = 255;
173 kname: AnsiString;
174 begin
175 result := false;
176 if (Length(s) > 0) then
177 begin
178 if (s[1] = '+') then begin if (ev.kind <> ev.Press) then exit; end
179 else if (s[1] = '-') then begin if (ev.kind <> ev.Release) then exit; end
180 else if (s[1] = '*') then begin end
181 else if (ev.kind <> ev.Press) then exit;
182 end;
183 kname := parseModKeys(s, kmods, mbuts);
184 if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0;
185 if (ev.kstate <> kmods) then exit;
186 if (mbuts <> 255) and (ev.bstate <> mbuts) then exit;
187 for f := 1 to High(e_KeyNames) do
188 begin
189 if (CompareText(kname, e_KeyNames[f]) = 0) then
190 begin
191 result := (ev.scan = f);
192 exit;
193 end;
194 end;
195 end;
198 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean;
199 begin
200 result := (ev = s);
201 end;
204 operator = (constref ev: THMouseEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
205 var
206 kmods: Byte = 255;
207 mbuts: Byte = 255;
208 kname: AnsiString;
209 but: Integer = -1;
210 begin
211 result := false;
213 if (Length(s) > 0) then
214 begin
215 if (s[1] = '+') then begin if (ev.kind <> ev.Press) then exit; end
216 else if (s[1] = '-') then begin if (ev.kind <> ev.Release) then exit; end
217 else if (s[1] = '*') then begin if (ev.kind <> ev.Motion) then exit; end
218 else if (ev.kind <> ev.Press) then exit;
219 end;
221 kname := parseModKeys(s, kmods, mbuts);
222 if (CompareText(kname, 'LMB') = 0) then but := THMouseEvent.Left
223 else if (CompareText(kname, 'RMB') = 0) then but := THMouseEvent.Right
224 else if (CompareText(kname, 'MMB') = 0) then but := THMouseEvent.Middle
225 else if (CompareText(kname, 'None') = 0) then but := 0
226 else exit;
228 //conwritefln('s=[%s]; kname=[%s]; kmods=%s; mbuts=%s; but=%s', [s, kname, kmods, mbuts, but]);
230 if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0;
231 if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0;
232 if (ev.kstate <> kmods) then exit;
234 if (ev.kind = ev.Press) then mbuts := mbuts or but
235 else if (ev.kind = ev.Release) then mbuts := mbuts and (not but);
237 //conwritefln(' ev.bstate=%s; ev.but=%s; mbuts=%s', [ev.bstate, ev.but, mbuts]);
239 result := (ev.bstate = mbuts) and (ev.but = but);
240 end;
243 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean;
244 begin
245 result := (ev = s);
246 end;
249 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
250 //FIXME
251 function trigType2Str (ttype: Integer): AnsiString;
252 begin
253 result := '<unknown>';
254 case ttype of
255 TRIGGER_NONE: result := 'none';
256 TRIGGER_EXIT: result := 'exit';
257 TRIGGER_TELEPORT: result := 'teleport';
258 TRIGGER_OPENDOOR: result := 'opendoor';
259 TRIGGER_CLOSEDOOR: result := 'closedoor';
260 TRIGGER_DOOR: result := 'door';
261 TRIGGER_DOOR5: result := 'door5';
262 TRIGGER_CLOSETRAP: result := 'closetrap';
263 TRIGGER_TRAP: result := 'trap';
264 TRIGGER_PRESS: result := 'press';
265 TRIGGER_SECRET: result := 'secret';
266 TRIGGER_LIFTUP: result := 'liftup';
267 TRIGGER_LIFTDOWN: result := 'liftdown';
268 TRIGGER_LIFT: result := 'lift';
269 TRIGGER_TEXTURE: result := 'texture';
270 TRIGGER_ON: result := 'on';
271 TRIGGER_OFF: result := 'off';
272 TRIGGER_ONOFF: result := 'onoff';
273 TRIGGER_SOUND: result := 'sound';
274 TRIGGER_SPAWNMONSTER: result := 'spawnmonster';
275 TRIGGER_SPAWNITEM: result := 'spawnitem';
276 TRIGGER_MUSIC: result := 'music';
277 TRIGGER_PUSH: result := 'push';
278 TRIGGER_SCORE: result := 'score';
279 TRIGGER_MESSAGE: result := 'message';
280 TRIGGER_DAMAGE: result := 'damage';
281 TRIGGER_HEALTH: result := 'health';
282 TRIGGER_SHOT: result := 'shot';
283 TRIGGER_EFFECT: result := 'effect';
284 TRIGGER_SCRIPT: result := 'script';
285 end;
286 end;
288 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
289 {$INCLUDE}
290 procedure holmesInitCommands (); forward;
291 procedure holmesInitBinds (); forward;
294 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
295 var
296 g_ol_nice: Boolean = false;
297 g_ol_fill_walls: Boolean = false;
298 g_ol_rlayer_back: Boolean = false;
299 g_ol_rlayer_step: Boolean = false;
300 g_ol_rlayer_wall: Boolean = false;
301 g_ol_rlayer_door: Boolean = false;
302 g_ol_rlayer_acid1: Boolean = false;
303 g_ol_rlayer_acid2: Boolean = false;
304 g_ol_rlayer_water: Boolean = false;
305 g_ol_rlayer_fore: Boolean = false;
308 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
309 var
310 winHelp: THTopWindow = nil;
311 winOptions: THTopWindow = nil;
312 winLayers: THTopWindow = nil;
313 winOutlines: THTopWindow = nil;
316 procedure createHelpWindow (); forward;
317 procedure createOptionsWindow (); forward;
318 procedure createLayersWindow (); forward;
319 procedure createOutlinesWindow (); forward;
322 procedure toggleLayersWindowCB (me: THControl; checked: Integer);
323 begin
324 if showLayersWindow then
325 begin
326 if (winLayers = nil) then createLayersWindow();
327 uiAddWindow(winLayers);
328 end
329 else
330 begin
331 uiRemoveWindow(winLayers);
332 end;
333 end;
336 procedure toggleOutlineWindowCB (me: THControl; checked: Integer);
337 begin
338 if showOutlineWindow then
339 begin
340 if (winOutlines = nil) then createOutlinesWindow();
341 uiAddWindow(winOutlines);
342 end
343 else
344 begin
345 uiRemoveWindow(winOutlines);
346 end;
347 end;
350 procedure createHelpWindow ();
351 var
352 llb: THCtlSimpleText;
353 slist: array of AnsiString = nil;
354 cmd: PHolmesCommand;
355 bind: THolmesBinding;
356 f, maxkeylen: Integer;
357 s: AnsiString;
358 begin
359 for cmd in cmdlist do cmd.helpmark := false;
361 maxkeylen := 0;
362 for bind in keybinds do
363 begin
364 if (Length(bind.key) = 0) then continue;
365 if cmdlist.get(bind.cmdName, cmd) then
366 begin
367 if (Length( > 0) then
368 begin
369 cmd.helpmark := true;
370 if (maxkeylen < Length(bind.key)) then maxkeylen := Length(bind.key);
371 end;
372 end;
373 end;
375 for cmd in cmdlist do
376 begin
377 if not cmd.helpmark then continue;
378 if (Length( = 0) then continue;
379 f := 0;
380 while (f < Length(slist)) and (CompareText(slist[f], cmd.section) <> 0) do Inc(f);
381 if (f = Length(slist)) then
382 begin
383 SetLength(slist, Length(slist)+1);
384 slist[High(slist)] := cmd.section;
385 end;
386 end;
388 llb := THCtlSimpleText.Create(0, 0);
389 for f := 0 to High(slist) do
390 begin
391 if (f > 0) then llb.appendItem('');
392 llb.appendItem(slist[f], true, true);
393 for cmd in cmdlist do
394 begin
395 if not cmd.helpmark then continue;
396 if (CompareText(cmd.section, slist[f]) <> 0) then continue;
397 for bind in keybinds do
398 begin
399 if (Length(bind.key) = 0) then continue;
400 if ( = bind.cmdName) then
401 begin
402 s := bind.key;
403 while (Length(s) < maxkeylen) do s += ' ';
404 s := ' '+s+' -- ';
405 llb.appendItem(s);
406 end;
407 end;
408 end;
409 end;
411 maxkeylen := 0;
412 for bind in msbinds do
413 begin
414 if (Length(bind.key) = 0) then continue;
415 if cmdlist.get(bind.cmdName, cmd) then
416 begin
417 if (Length( > 0) then
418 begin
419 cmd.helpmark := true;
420 if (maxkeylen < Length(bind.key)) then maxkeylen := Length(bind.key);
421 end;
422 end;
423 end;
425 llb.appendItem('');
426 llb.appendItem('mouse', true, true);
427 for bind in msbinds do
428 begin
429 if (Length(bind.key) = 0) then continue;
430 if cmdlist.get(bind.cmdName, cmd) then
431 begin
432 if (Length( > 0) then
433 begin
434 s := bind.key;
435 while (Length(s) < maxkeylen) do s += ' ';
436 s := ' '+s+' -- ';
437 llb.appendItem(s);
438 end;
439 end;
440 end;
442 winHelp := THTopWindow.Create('Holmes Help', 10, 10);
443 winHelp.escClose := true;
444 winHelp.appendChild(llb);
445 winHelp.centerInScreen();
446 end;
449 procedure winLayersClosed (me: THControl; dummy: Integer); begin showLayersWindow := false; end;
450 procedure winOutlinesClosed (me: THControl; dummy: Integer); begin showOutlineWindow := false; end;
452 procedure createLayersWindow ();
453 var
454 llb: THCtlCBListBox;
455 begin
456 llb := THCtlCBListBox.Create(0, 0);
457 llb.appendItem('background', @g_rlayer_back);
458 llb.appendItem('steps', @g_rlayer_step);
459 llb.appendItem('walls', @g_rlayer_wall);
460 llb.appendItem('doors', @g_rlayer_door);
461 llb.appendItem('acid1', @g_rlayer_acid1);
462 llb.appendItem('acid2', @g_rlayer_acid2);
463 llb.appendItem('water', @g_rlayer_water);
464 llb.appendItem('foreground', @g_rlayer_fore);
465 winLayers := THTopWindow.Create('layers', 10, 10);
466 winLayers.escClose := true;
467 winLayers.appendChild(llb);
468 winLayers.closeCB := winLayersClosed;
469 end;
472 procedure createOutlinesWindow ();
473 var
474 llb: THCtlCBListBox;
475 begin
476 llb := THCtlCBListBox.Create(0, 0);
477 llb.appendItem('background', @g_ol_rlayer_back);
478 llb.appendItem('steps', @g_ol_rlayer_step);
479 llb.appendItem('walls', @g_ol_rlayer_wall);
480 llb.appendItem('doors', @g_ol_rlayer_door);
481 llb.appendItem('acid1', @g_ol_rlayer_acid1);
482 llb.appendItem('acid2', @g_ol_rlayer_acid2);
483 llb.appendItem('water', @g_ol_rlayer_water);
484 llb.appendItem('foreground', @g_ol_rlayer_fore);
485 llb.appendItem('OPTIONS', nil);
486 llb.appendItem('fill walls', @g_ol_fill_walls);
487 llb.appendItem('contours', @g_ol_nice);
488 winOutlines := THTopWindow.Create('outlines', 100, 10);
489 winOutlines.escClose := true;
490 winOutlines.appendChild(llb);
491 winOutlines.closeCB := winOutlinesClosed;
492 end;
495 procedure createOptionsWindow ();
496 var
497 llb: THCtlCBListBox;
498 begin
499 llb := THCtlCBListBox.Create(0, 0);
500 llb.appendItem('map grid', @showGrid);
501 llb.appendItem('cursor position on map', @showMapCurPos);
502 llb.appendItem('monster info', @showMonsInfo);
503 llb.appendItem('monster LOS to player', @showMonsLOS2Plr);
504 llb.appendItem('monster cells (SLOW!)', @showAllMonsCells);
505 llb.appendItem('draw triggers (SLOW!)', @showTriggers);
506 llb.appendItem('WINDOWS', nil);
507 llb.appendItem('layers window', @showLayersWindow, toggleLayersWindowCB);
508 llb.appendItem('outline window', @showOutlineWindow, toggleOutlineWindowCB);
509 winOptions := THTopWindow.Create('Holmes Options', 100, 100);
510 winOptions.escClose := true;
511 winOptions.appendChild(llb);
512 winOptions.centerInScreen();
513 end;
516 procedure toggleLayersWindow (arg: Integer=-1);
517 begin
518 showLayersWindow := not showLayersWindow;
519 toggleLayersWindowCB(nil, 0);
520 end;
522 procedure toggleOutlineWindow (arg: Integer=-1);
523 begin
524 showOutlineWindow := not showOutlineWindow;
525 toggleOutlineWindowCB(nil, 0);
526 end;
528 procedure toggleHelpWindow (arg: Integer=-1);
529 begin
530 if (winHelp = nil) then createHelpWindow();
531 if not uiVisibleWindow(winHelp) then uiAddWindow(winHelp) else uiRemoveWindow(winHelp);
532 end;
534 procedure toggleOptionsWindow (arg: Integer=-1);
535 begin
536 if (winOptions = nil) then createOptionsWindow();
537 if not uiVisibleWindow(winOptions) then uiAddWindow(winOptions) else uiRemoveWindow(winOptions);
538 end;
541 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
542 procedure g_Holmes_VidModeChanged ();
543 begin
544 e_WriteLog(Format('Holmes: videomode changed: %dx%d', [gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight]), MSG_NOTIFY);
545 // texture space is possibly lost here, idc
546 curtexid := 0;
547 font6texid := 0;
548 font8texid := 0;
549 prfont6texid := 0;
550 prfont8texid := 0;
551 //createCursorTexture();
552 end;
554 procedure g_Holmes_WindowFocused ();
555 begin
556 msB := 0;
557 kbS := 0;
558 end;
560 procedure g_Holmes_WindowBlured ();
561 begin
562 end;
565 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
566 var
567 vpSet: Boolean = false;
568 vpx, vpy: Integer;
569 vpw, vph: Integer;
570 laserSet: Boolean = false;
571 laserX0, laserY0, laserX1, laserY1: Integer;
572 monMarkedUID: Integer = -1;
575 procedure g_Holmes_plrView (viewPortX, viewPortY, viewPortW, viewPortH: Integer);
576 begin
577 vpSet := true;
578 vpx := viewPortX;
579 vpy := viewPortY;
580 vpw := viewPortW;
581 vph := viewPortH;
582 end;
584 procedure g_Holmes_plrLaser (ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer);
585 begin
586 laserSet := true;
587 laserX0 := ax0;
588 laserY0 := ay0;
589 laserX1 := ax1;
590 laserY1 := ay1;
591 laserSet := laserSet; // shut up, fpc!
592 end;
595 function pmsCurMapX (): Integer; inline; begin result := msX+vpx; end;
596 function pmsCurMapY (): Integer; inline; begin result := msY+vpy; end;
599 procedure plrDebugMouse (var ev: THMouseEvent);
600 begin
601 //e_WriteLog(Format('mouse: x=%d; y=%d; but=%d; bstate=%d', [msx, msy, but, bstate]), MSG_NOTIFY);
602 if (gPlayer1 = nil) or not vpSet then exit;
603 //if (ev.kind <> THMouseEvent.Press) then exit;
604 //e_WriteLog(Format('mev: %d', [Integer(ev.kind)]), MSG_NOTIFY);
605 msbindExecute(ev);
606 end;
609 var
610 edgeBmp: array of Byte = nil;
613 procedure drawOutlines ();
614 var
615 r, g, b: Integer;
617 procedure clearEdgeBmp ();
618 begin
619 SetLength(edgeBmp, (gWinSizeX+4)*(gWinSizeY+4));
620 FillChar(edgeBmp[0], Length(edgeBmp)*sizeof(edgeBmp[0]), 0);
621 end;
623 procedure drawPanel (pan: TPanel);
624 var
625 sx, len, y0, y1: Integer;
626 begin
627 if (pan = nil) or (pan.Width < 1) or (pan.Height < 1) then exit;
628 if (pan.X+pan.Width <= vpx-1) or (pan.Y+pan.Height <= vpy-1) then exit;
629 if (pan.X >= vpx+vpw+1) or (pan.Y >= vpy+vph+1) then exit;
630 if g_ol_nice or g_ol_fill_walls then
631 begin
632 sx := pan.X-(vpx-1);
633 len := pan.Width;
634 if (len > gWinSizeX+4) then len := gWinSizeX+4;
635 if (sx < 0) then begin len += sx; sx := 0; end;
636 if (sx+len > gWinSizeX+4) then len := gWinSizeX+4-sx;
637 if (len < 1) then exit;
638 assert(sx >= 0);
639 assert(sx+len <= gWinSizeX+4);
640 y0 := pan.Y-(vpy-1);
641 y1 := y0+pan.Height;
642 if (y0 < 0) then y0 := 0;
643 if (y1 > gWinSizeY+4) then y1 := gWinSizeY+4;
644 while (y0 < y1) do
645 begin
646 FillChar(edgeBmp[y0*(gWinSizeX+4)+sx], len*sizeof(edgeBmp[0]), 1);
647 Inc(y0);
648 end;
649 end
650 else
651 begin
652 drawRect(pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height, r, g, b);
653 end;
654 end;
656 var
657 lsx: Integer = -1;
658 lex: Integer = -1;
659 lsy: Integer = -1;
661 procedure flushLine ();
662 begin
663 if (lsy > 0) and (lsx > 0) then
664 begin
665 if (lex = lsx) then
666 begin
667 glBegin(GL_POINTS);
668 glVertex2f(lsx-1+vpx+0.37, lsy-1+vpy+0.37);
669 glEnd();
670 end
671 else
672 begin
673 glBegin(GL_LINES);
674 glVertex2f(lsx-1+vpx+0.37, lsy-1+vpy+0.37);
675 glVertex2f(lex-0+vpx+0.37, lsy-1+vpy+0.37);
676 glEnd();
677 end;
678 end;
679 lsx := -1;
680 lex := -1;
681 end;
683 procedure startLine (y: Integer);
684 begin
685 flushLine();
686 lsy := y;
687 end;
689 procedure putPixel (x: Integer);
690 begin
691 if (x < 1) then exit;
692 if (lex+1 <> x) then flushLine();
693 if (lsx < 0) then lsx := x;
694 lex := x;
695 end;
697 procedure drawEdges ();
698 var
699 x, y: Integer;
700 a: PByte;
701 begin
702 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
703 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
704 glLineWidth(1);
705 glPointSize(1);
706 glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
707 glDisable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH);
708 glColor4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, 1.0);
709 for y := 1 to vph do
710 begin
711 a := @edgeBmp[y*(gWinSizeX+4)+1];
712 startLine(y);
713 for x := 1 to vpw do
714 begin
715 if (a[0] <> 0) then
716 begin
717 if (a[-1] = 0) or (a[1] = 0) or (a[-(gWinSizeX+4)] = 0) or (a[gWinSizeX+4] = 0) or
718 (a[-(gWinSizeX+4)-1] = 0) or (a[-(gWinSizeX+4)+1] = 0) or
719 (a[gWinSizeX+4-1] = 0) or (a[gWinSizeX+4+1] = 0) then
720 begin
721 putPixel(x);
722 end;
723 end;
724 Inc(a);
725 end;
726 flushLine();
727 end;
728 end;
730 procedure drawFilledWalls ();
731 var
732 x, y: Integer;
733 a: PByte;
734 begin
735 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
736 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
737 glLineWidth(1);
738 glPointSize(1);
739 glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
740 glDisable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH);
741 glColor4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, 1.0);
742 for y := 1 to vph do
743 begin
744 a := @edgeBmp[y*(gWinSizeX+4)+1];
745 startLine(y);
746 for x := 1 to vpw do
747 begin
748 if (a[0] <> 0) then putPixel(x);
749 Inc(a);
750 end;
751 flushLine();
752 end;
753 end;
755 procedure doWallsOld (parr: array of TPanel; ptype: Word; ar, ag, ab: Integer);
756 var
757 f: Integer;
758 pan: TPanel;
759 begin
760 r := ar;
761 g := ag;
762 b := ab;
763 if g_ol_nice or g_ol_fill_walls then clearEdgeBmp();
764 for f := 0 to High(parr) do
765 begin
766 pan := parr[f];
767 if (pan = nil) or not pan.Enabled or (pan.Width < 1) or (pan.Height < 1) then continue;
768 if ((pan.PanelType and ptype) = 0) then continue;
769 drawPanel(pan);
770 end;
771 if g_ol_nice then drawEdges();
772 if g_ol_fill_walls then drawFilledWalls();
773 end;
775 var
776 xptag: Word;
778 function doWallCB (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer): Boolean;
779 begin
780 result := false; // don't stop
781 //if (pan = nil) or not pan.Enabled or (pan.Width < 1) or (pan.Height < 1) then exit;
782 if ((pan.PanelType and xptag) = 0) then exit;
783 drawPanel(pan);
784 end;
786 procedure doWalls (parr: array of TPanel; ptype: Word; ar, ag, ab: Integer);
787 begin
788 r := ar;
789 g := ag;
790 b := ab;
791 xptag := ptype;
792 if ((ptype and (PANEL_WALL or PANEL_OPENDOOR or PANEL_CLOSEDOOR)) <> 0) then ptype := GridTagWall or GridTagDoor
793 else panelTypeToTag(ptype);
794 if g_ol_nice or g_ol_fill_walls then clearEdgeBmp();
795 mapGrid.forEachInAABB(vpx-1, vpy-1, vpw+2, vph+2, doWallCB, ptype);
796 if g_ol_nice then drawEdges();
797 if g_ol_fill_walls then drawFilledWalls();
798 end;
800 begin
801 if g_ol_rlayer_back then doWallsOld(gRenderBackgrounds, PANEL_BACK, 255, 127, 0);
802 if g_ol_rlayer_step then doWallsOld(gSteps, PANEL_STEP, 192, 192, 192);
803 if g_ol_rlayer_wall then doWallsOld(gWalls, PANEL_WALL, 255, 255, 255);
804 if g_ol_rlayer_door then doWallsOld(gWalls, PANEL_OPENDOOR or PANEL_CLOSEDOOR, 0, 255, 0);
805 if g_ol_rlayer_acid1 then doWallsOld(gAcid1, PANEL_ACID1, 255, 0, 0);
806 if g_ol_rlayer_acid2 then doWallsOld(gAcid2, PANEL_ACID2, 198, 198, 0);
807 if g_ol_rlayer_water then doWallsOld(gWater, PANEL_WATER, 0, 255, 255);
808 if g_ol_rlayer_fore then doWallsOld(gRenderForegrounds, PANEL_FORE, 210, 210, 210);
809 end;
812 procedure plrDebugDraw ();
813 procedure drawTileGrid ();
814 var
815 x, y: Integer;
816 begin
817 for y := 0 to (mapGrid.gridHeight div mapGrid.tileSize) do
818 begin
819 drawLine(mapGrid.gridX0, mapGrid.gridY0+y*mapGrid.tileSize, mapGrid.gridX0+mapGrid.gridWidth, mapGrid.gridY0+y*mapGrid.tileSize, 96, 96, 96, 255);
820 end;
822 for x := 0 to (mapGrid.gridWidth div mapGrid.tileSize) do
823 begin
824 drawLine(mapGrid.gridX0+x*mapGrid.tileSize, mapGrid.gridY0, mapGrid.gridX0+x*mapGrid.tileSize, mapGrid.gridY0+y*mapGrid.gridHeight, 96, 96, 96, 255);
825 end;
826 end;
828 procedure hilightCell (cx, cy: Integer);
829 begin
830 fillRect(cx, cy, monsGrid.tileSize, monsGrid.tileSize, 0, 128, 0, 64);
831 end;
833 procedure hilightCell1 (cx, cy: Integer);
834 begin
835 //e_WriteLog(Format('h1: (%d,%d)', [cx, cy]), MSG_NOTIFY);
836 fillRect(cx, cy, monsGrid.tileSize, monsGrid.tileSize, 255, 255, 0, 92);
837 end;
839 function hilightWallTrc (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer; x, y, prevx, prevy: Integer): Boolean;
840 begin
841 result := false; // don't stop
842 if (pan = nil) then exit; // cell completion, ignore
843 //e_WriteLog(Format('h1: (%d,%d)', [cx, cy]), MSG_NOTIFY);
844 fillRect(pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height, 0, 128, 128, 64);
845 end;
847 function monsCollector (mon: TMonster; tag: Integer): Boolean;
848 var
849 ex, ey: Integer;
850 mx, my, mw, mh: Integer;
851 begin
852 result := false;
853 mon.getMapBox(mx, my, mw, mh);
854 e_DrawQuad(mx, my, mx+mw-1, my+mh-1, 255, 255, 0, 96);
855 if lineAABBIntersects(laserX0, laserY0, laserX1, laserY1, mx, my, mw, mh, ex, ey) then
856 begin
857 e_DrawPoint(8, ex, ey, 0, 255, 0);
858 end;
859 end;
861 procedure drawMonsterInfo (mon: TMonster);
862 var
863 mx, my, mw, mh: Integer;
865 procedure drawMonsterTargetLine ();
866 var
867 emx, emy, emw, emh: Integer;
868 enemy: TMonster;
869 eplr: TPlayer;
870 ex, ey: Integer;
871 begin
872 if (g_GetUIDType(mon.MonsterTargetUID) = UID_PLAYER) then
873 begin
874 eplr := g_Player_Get(mon.MonsterTargetUID);
875 if (eplr <> nil) then eplr.getMapBox(emx, emy, emw, emh) else exit;
876 end
877 else if (g_GetUIDType(mon.MonsterTargetUID) = UID_MONSTER) then
878 begin
879 enemy := g_Monsters_ByUID(mon.MonsterTargetUID);
880 if (enemy <> nil) then enemy.getMapBox(emx, emy, emw, emh) else exit;
881 end
882 else
883 begin
884 exit;
885 end;
886 mon.getMapBox(mx, my, mw, mh);
887 drawLine(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, emx+emw div 2, emy+emh div 2, 255, 0, 0, 255);
888 if (g_Map_traceToNearestWall(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, emx+emw div 2, emy+emh div 2, @ex, @ey) <> nil) then
889 begin
890 drawLine(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, ex, ey, 0, 255, 0, 255);
891 end;
892 end;
894 procedure drawLOS2Plr ();
895 var
896 emx, emy, emw, emh: Integer;
897 eplr: TPlayer;
898 ex, ey: Integer;
899 begin
900 eplr := gPlayers[0];
901 if (eplr = nil) then exit;
902 eplr.getMapBox(emx, emy, emw, emh);
903 mon.getMapBox(mx, my, mw, mh);
904 drawLine(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, emx+emw div 2, emy+emh div 2, 255, 0, 0, 255);
906 //mapGrid.dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := hilightCell1;
907 {$ENDIF}
908 if (g_Map_traceToNearestWall(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, emx+emw div 2, emy+emh div 2, @ex, @ey) <> nil) then
909 //if (mapGrid.traceRay(ex, ey, mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, emx+emw div 2, emy+emh div 2, hilightWallTrc, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor)) <> nil) then
910 begin
911 drawLine(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, ex, ey, 0, 255, 0, 255);
912 end;
914 //mapGrid.dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := nil;
915 {$ENDIF}
916 end;
918 begin
919 if (mon = nil) then exit;
920 mon.getMapBox(mx, my, mw, mh);
921 //mx += mw div 2;
923 monsGrid.forEachBodyCell(mon.proxyId, hilightCell);
925 if showMonsInfo then
926 begin
927 //fillRect(mx-4, my-7*8-6, 110, 7*8+6, 0, 0, 94, 250);
928 darkenRect(mx-4, my-7*8-6, 110, 7*8+6, 128);
929 my -= 8;
930 my -= 2;
932 // type
933 drawText6(mx, my, Format('%s(U:%u)', [monsTypeToString(mon.MonsterType), mon.UID]), 255, 127, 0); my -= 8;
934 // beh
935 drawText6(mx, my, Format('Beh: %s', [monsBehToString(mon.MonsterBehaviour)]), 255, 127, 0); my -= 8;
936 // state
937 drawText6(mx, my, Format('State:%s (%d)', [monsStateToString(mon.MonsterState), mon.MonsterSleep]), 255, 127, 0); my -= 8;
938 // health
939 drawText6(mx, my, Format('Health:%d', [mon.MonsterHealth]), 255, 127, 0); my -= 8;
940 // ammo
941 drawText6(mx, my, Format('Ammo:%d', [mon.MonsterAmmo]), 255, 127, 0); my -= 8;
942 // target
943 drawText6(mx, my, Format('TgtUID:%u', [mon.MonsterTargetUID]), 255, 127, 0); my -= 8;
944 drawText6(mx, my, Format('TgtTime:%d', [mon.MonsterTargetTime]), 255, 127, 0); my -= 8;
945 end;
947 drawMonsterTargetLine();
948 if showMonsLOS2Plr then drawLOS2Plr();
950 property MonsterRemoved: Boolean read FRemoved write FRemoved;
951 property MonsterPain: Integer read FPain write FPain;
952 property MonsterAnim: Byte read FCurAnim write FCurAnim;
954 end;
956 function highlightAllMonsterCells (mon: TMonster): Boolean;
957 begin
958 result := false; // don't stop
959 monsGrid.forEachBodyCell(mon.proxyId, hilightCell);
960 end;
962 procedure drawTrigger (var trig: TTrigger);
964 procedure drawPanelDest (var parr: TPanelArray; idx: Integer);
965 var
966 pan: TPanel;
967 begin
968 if (idx < 0) or (idx >= Length(parr)) then exit;
969 pan := parr[idx];
970 drawLine(
971 trig.trigCenter.x, trig.trigCenter.y,
972 pan.x+pan.width div 2, pan.y+pan.height div 2,
973 255, 0, 255, 220);
974 end;
976 var
977 tts: AnsiString;
978 tx: Integer;
979 begin
980 fillRect(trig.x, trig.y, trig.width, trig.height, 255, 0, 255, 96);
981 tts := trigType2Str(trig.TriggerType);
982 tx := trig.x+(trig.width-Length(tts)*6) div 2;
983 darkenRect(tx-2, trig.y-10, Length(tts)*6+4, 10, 64);
984 drawText6(tx, trig.y-9, tts, 255, 127, 0);
985 tx := trig.x+(trig.width-Length(trig.mapId)*6) div 2;
986 darkenRect(tx-2, trig.y-20, Length(trig.mapId)*6+4, 10, 64);
987 drawText6(tx, trig.y-19, trig.mapId, 255, 255, 0);
988 case trig.TriggerType of
989 TRIGGER_NONE: begin end;
990 TRIGGER_EXIT: begin end;
991 TRIGGER_TELEPORT: begin end;
992 TRIGGER_OPENDOOR: begin drawPanelDest(gWalls, trig.trigPanelId); end;
993 TRIGGER_CLOSEDOOR: begin drawPanelDest(gWalls, trig.trigPanelId); end;
994 TRIGGER_DOOR: begin drawPanelDest(gWalls, trig.trigPanelId); end;
995 TRIGGER_DOOR5: begin drawPanelDest(gWalls, trig.trigPanelId); end;
996 TRIGGER_CLOSETRAP: begin drawPanelDest(gWalls, trig.trigPanelId); end;
997 TRIGGER_TRAP: begin drawPanelDest(gWalls, trig.trigPanelId); end;
998 TRIGGER_SECRET: begin end;
999 TRIGGER_LIFTUP: begin drawPanelDest(gLifts, trig.trigPanelId); end;
1000 TRIGGER_LIFTDOWN: begin drawPanelDest(gLifts, trig.trigPanelId); end;
1001 TRIGGER_LIFT: begin drawPanelDest(gLifts, trig.trigPanelId); end;
1002 TRIGGER_TEXTURE: begin end;
1004 begin
1005 fillRect(
1006 trig.trigData.trigTX, trig.trigData.trigTY,
1007 trig.trigData.trigTWidth, trig.trigData.trigTHeight,
1008 0, 255, 255, 42);
1009 drawLine(
1010 trig.trigCenter.x, trig.trigCenter.y,
1011 trig.trigData.trigTX+trig.trigData.trigTWidth div 2,
1012 trig.trigData.trigTY+trig.trigData.trigTHeight div 2,
1013 255, 0, 255, 220);
1014 end;
1015 TRIGGER_SOUND: begin end;
1017 TRIGGER_SPAWNITEM: begin end;
1018 TRIGGER_MUSIC: begin end;
1019 TRIGGER_PUSH: begin end;
1020 TRIGGER_SCORE: begin end;
1021 TRIGGER_MESSAGE: begin end;
1022 TRIGGER_DAMAGE: begin end;
1023 TRIGGER_HEALTH: begin end;
1024 TRIGGER_SHOT: begin end;
1025 TRIGGER_EFFECT: begin end;
1026 TRIGGER_SCRIPT: begin end;
1027 end;
1028 //trigType2Str
1029 //trigPanelId: Integer;
1030 end;
1032 procedure drawTriggers ();
1033 var
1034 f: Integer;
1035 begin
1036 for f := 0 to High(gTriggers) do drawTrigger(gTriggers[f]);
1037 end;
1039 var
1040 mon: TMonster;
1041 mx, my, mw, mh: Integer;
1042 begin
1043 if (gPlayer1 = nil) then exit;
1045 glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
1046 glScissor(0, gWinSizeY-gPlayerScreenSize.Y-1, vpw, vph);
1048 glPushMatrix();
1049 if g_dbg_scale_05 then glScalef(0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
1050 glTranslatef(-vpx, -vpy, 0);
1052 if (showGrid) then drawTileGrid();
1053 drawOutlines();
1055 if (laserSet) then g_Mons_AlongLine(laserX0, laserY0, laserX1, laserY1, monsCollector, true);
1057 if (monMarkedUID <> -1) then
1058 begin
1059 mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(monMarkedUID);
1060 if (mon <> nil) then
1061 begin
1062 mon.getMapBox(mx, my, mw, mh);
1063 e_DrawQuad(mx, my, mx+mw-1, my+mh-1, 255, 0, 0, 30);
1064 drawMonsterInfo(mon);
1065 end;
1066 end;
1068 if showAllMonsCells then g_Mons_ForEach(highlightAllMonsterCells);
1069 if showTriggers then drawTriggers();
1071 glPopMatrix();
1073 glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
1075 if showMapCurPos then drawText8(4, gWinSizeY-10, Format('mappos:(%d,%d)', [pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY]), 255, 255, 0);
1076 end;
1079 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1080 function g_Holmes_MouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean;
1081 begin
1082 holmesInitCommands();
1083 holmesInitBinds();
1084 result := true;
1085 msX := ev.x;
1086 msY := ev.y;
1087 msB := ev.bstate;
1088 kbS := ev.kstate;
1089 msB := msB;
1090 if not uiMouseEvent(ev) then plrDebugMouse(ev);
1091 end;
1094 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1095 function g_Holmes_KeyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean;
1097 var
1098 pan: TPanel;
1099 ex, ey: Integer;
1100 dx, dy: Integer;
1101 {$ENDIF}
1103 procedure dummyWallTrc (cx, cy: Integer);
1104 begin
1105 end;
1107 begin
1108 holmesInitCommands();
1109 holmesInitBinds();
1110 result := false;
1111 msB := ev.bstate;
1112 kbS := ev.kstate;
1113 case ev.scan of
1117 result := true;
1118 end;
1119 if uiKeyEvent(ev) then begin result := true; exit; end;
1120 if keybindExecute(ev) then begin result := true; exit; end;
1121 // press
1122 if (ev.kind = THKeyEvent.Press) then
1123 begin
1125 // C-UP, C-DOWN, C-LEFT, C-RIGHT: trace 10 pixels from cursor in the respective direction
1126 if ((ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_UP) or (ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN) or (ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT) or (ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT)) and
1127 ((ev.kstate and THKeyEvent.ModCtrl) <> 0) then
1128 begin
1129 result := true;
1130 dx := pmsCurMapX;
1131 dy := pmsCurMapY;
1132 case ev.scan of
1133 SDL_SCANCODE_UP: dy -= 120;
1134 SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN: dy += 120;
1135 SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT: dx -= 120;
1136 SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT: dx += 120;
1137 end;
1139 //mapGrid.dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := dummyWallTrc;
1140 mapGrid.dbgShowTraceLog := true;
1141 {$ENDIF}
1142 pan := g_Map_traceToNearest(pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY, dx, dy, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor or GridTagStep or GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2 or GridTagWater), @ex, @ey);
1144 //mapGrid.dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := nil;
1145 mapGrid.dbgShowTraceLog := false;
1146 {$ENDIF}
1147 e_LogWritefln('v-trace: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d); end=(%d,%d); hit=%d', [pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY, dx, dy, ex, ey, (pan <> nil)]);
1148 exit;
1149 end;
1150 {$ENDIF}
1151 end;
1152 end;
1155 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1156 procedure g_Holmes_Draw ();
1157 begin
1159 holmesInitCommands();
1160 holmesInitBinds();
1162 glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); // modify color buffer
1163 glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
1164 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
1165 glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
1166 glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
1168 if gGameOn then
1169 begin
1170 plrDebugDraw();
1171 end;
1172 {$ENDIF}
1174 laserSet := false;
1175 end;
1178 procedure g_Holmes_DrawUI ();
1179 begin
1181 uiDraw();
1182 drawCursor();
1183 {$ENDIF}
1184 end;
1187 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1188 procedure bcOneMonsterThinkStep (); begin gmon_debug_think := false; gmon_debug_one_think_step := true; end;
1189 procedure bcToggleMonsterInfo (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showMonsInfo := not showMonsInfo else showMonsInfo := (arg > 0); end;
1190 procedure bcToggleMonsterLOSPlr (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showMonsLOS2Plr := not showMonsLOS2Plr else showMonsLOS2Plr := (arg > 0); end;
1191 procedure bcToggleMonsterCells (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showAllMonsCells := not showAllMonsCells else showAllMonsCells := (arg > 0); end;
1192 procedure bcToggleDrawTriggers (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showTriggers := not showTriggers else showTriggers := (arg > 0); end;
1194 procedure bcToggleCurPos (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showMapCurPos := not showMapCurPos else showMapCurPos := (arg > 0); end;
1195 procedure bcToggleGrid (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showGrid := not showGrid else showGrid := (arg > 0); end;
1197 procedure bcMonsterWakeup ();
1198 var
1199 mon: TMonster;
1200 begin
1201 if (monMarkedUID <> -1) then
1202 begin
1203 mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(monMarkedUID);
1204 if (mon <> nil) then mon.WakeUp();
1205 end;
1206 end;
1208 procedure bcPlayerTeleport ();
1209 var
1210 x, y, w, h: Integer;
1211 begin
1212 //e_WriteLog(Format('TELEPORT: (%d,%d)', [pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY]), MSG_NOTIFY);
1213 if (gPlayers[0] <> nil) then
1214 begin
1215 gPlayers[0].getMapBox(x, y, w, h);
1216 gPlayers[0].TeleportTo(pmsCurMapX-w div 2, pmsCurMapY-h div 2, true, 69); // 69: don't change dir
1217 end;
1218 end;
1220 procedure cbAtcurSelectMonster ();
1221 function monsAtDump (mon: TMonster; tag: Integer): Boolean;
1222 begin
1223 result := true; // stop
1224 e_WriteLog(Format('monster #%d (UID:%u) (proxyid:%d)', [mon.arrIdx, mon.UID, mon.proxyId]), MSG_NOTIFY);
1225 monMarkedUID := mon.UID;
1226 end;
1227 begin
1228 monMarkedUID := -1;
1229 //e_WriteLog('===========================', MSG_NOTIFY);
1230 monsGrid.forEachAtPoint(pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY, monsAtDump);
1231 //e_WriteLog('---------------------------', MSG_NOTIFY);
1232 end;
1234 procedure cbAtcurDumpMonsters ();
1235 function monsAtDump (mon: TMonster; tag: Integer): Boolean;
1236 begin
1237 result := false; // don't stop
1238 e_WriteLog(Format('monster #%d (UID:%u) (proxyid:%d)', [mon.arrIdx, mon.UID, mon.proxyId]), MSG_NOTIFY);
1239 end;
1240 begin
1241 e_WriteLog('===========================', MSG_NOTIFY);
1242 monsGrid.forEachAtPoint(pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY, monsAtDump);
1243 e_WriteLog('---------------------------', MSG_NOTIFY);
1244 end;
1246 procedure cbAtcurDumpWalls ();
1247 function wallToggle (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer): Boolean;
1248 begin
1249 result := false; // don't stop
1250 e_WriteLog(Format('wall #%d(%d); enabled=%d (%d); (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [pan.arrIdx, pan.proxyId, Integer(pan.Enabled), Integer(mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId]), pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height]), MSG_NOTIFY);
1251 end;
1252 var
1253 hasTrigs: Boolean = false;
1254 f: Integer;
1255 trig: PTrigger;
1256 begin
1257 e_WriteLog('=== TOGGLE WALL ===', MSG_NOTIFY);
1258 mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY, wallToggle, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor));
1259 e_WriteLog('--- toggle wall ---', MSG_NOTIFY);
1260 if showTriggers then
1261 begin
1262 for f := 0 to High(gTriggers) do
1263 begin
1264 trig := @gTriggers[f];
1265 if (pmsCurMapX >= trig.x) and (pmsCurMapY >= trig.y) and (pmsCurMapX < trig.x+trig.width) and (pmsCurMapY < trig.y+trig.height) then
1266 begin
1267 if not hasTrigs then begin writeln('=== TRIGGERS ==='); hasTrigs := true; end;
1268 writeln('trigger ''', trig.mapId, ''' of type ''', trigType2Str(trig.TriggerType), '''');
1269 end;
1270 end;
1271 if hasTrigs then writeln('--- triggers ---');
1272 end;
1273 end;
1275 procedure cbAtcurToggleWalls ();
1276 function wallToggle (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer): Boolean;
1277 begin
1278 result := false; // don't stop
1279 //e_WriteLog(Format('wall #%d(%d); enabled=%d (%d); (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [pan.arrIdx, pan.proxyId, Integer(pan.Enabled), Integer(mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId]), pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height]), MSG_NOTIFY);
1280 if pan.Enabled then g_Map_DisableWall(pan.arrIdx) else g_Map_EnableWall(pan.arrIdx);
1281 end;
1282 begin
1283 //e_WriteLog('=== TOGGLE WALL ===', MSG_NOTIFY);
1284 mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY, wallToggle, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor));
1285 //e_WriteLog('--- toggle wall ---', MSG_NOTIFY);
1286 end;
1289 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
1290 procedure holmesInitCommands ();
1291 begin
1292 if (cmdlist <> nil) then exit;
1293 cmdAdd('win_layers', toggleLayersWindow, 'toggle layers window', 'window control');
1294 cmdAdd('win_outline', toggleOutlineWindow, 'toggle outline window', 'window control');
1295 cmdAdd('win_help', toggleHelpWindow, 'toggle help window', 'window control');
1296 cmdAdd('win_options', toggleOptionsWindow, 'toggle options window', 'window control');
1298 cmdAdd('mon_think_step', bcOneMonsterThinkStep, 'one monster think step', 'monster control');
1299 cmdAdd('mon_info', bcToggleMonsterInfo, 'toggle monster info', 'monster control');
1300 cmdAdd('mon_los_plr', bcToggleMonsterLOSPlr, 'toggle monster LOS to player', 'monster control');
1301 cmdAdd('mon_cells', bcToggleMonsterCells, 'toggle "show all cells occupied by monsters" (SLOW!)', 'monster control');
1302 cmdAdd('mon_wakeup', bcMonsterWakeup, 'toggle "show all cells occupied by monsters" (SLOW!)', 'monster control');
1304 cmdAdd('plr_teleport', bcPlayerTeleport, 'teleport player', 'player control');
1306 cmdAdd('dbg_curpos', bcToggleCurPos, 'toggle "show cursor position on the map"', 'various');
1307 cmdAdd('dbg_grid', bcToggleGrid, 'toggle grid', 'various');
1308 cmdAdd('dbg_triggers', bcToggleDrawTriggers, 'show/hide triggers (SLOW!)', 'various');
1310 cmdAdd('atcur_select_monster', cbAtcurSelectMonster, 'select monster to operate', 'monster control');
1311 cmdAdd('atcur_dump_monsters', cbAtcurDumpMonsters, 'dump monsters in cell', 'monster control');
1312 cmdAdd('atcur_dump_walls', cbAtcurDumpWalls, 'dump walls in cell', 'wall control');
1313 cmdAdd('atcur_disable_walls', cbAtcurToggleWalls, 'disable walls', 'wall control');
1314 end;
1317 procedure holmesInitBinds ();
1318 var
1319 st: TStream = nil;
1320 pr: TTextParser = nil;
1321 s, kn, v: AnsiString;
1322 kmods: Byte;
1323 mbuts: Byte;
1324 begin
1325 kbS := kbS;
1326 if not keybindsInited then
1327 begin
1328 // keyboard
1329 keybindAdd('F1', 'win_help');
1330 keybindAdd('M-F1', 'win_options');
1331 keybindAdd('C-O', 'win_outline');
1332 keybindAdd('C-L', 'win_layers');
1334 keybindAdd('M-M', 'mon_think_step');
1335 keybindAdd('M-I', 'mon_info');
1336 keybindAdd('M-L', 'mon_los_plr');
1337 keybindAdd('M-G', 'mon_cells');
1338 keybindAdd('M-A', 'mon_wakeup');
1340 keybindAdd('C-T', 'plr_teleport');
1342 keybindAdd('C-P', 'dbg_curpos');
1343 keybindAdd('C-G', 'dbg_grid');
1344 keybindAdd('C-X', 'dbg_triggers');
1346 // mouse
1347 msbindAdd('LMB', 'atcur_select_monster');
1348 msbindAdd('M-LMB', 'atcur_dump_monsters');
1349 msbindAdd('RMB', 'atcur_dump_walls');
1350 msbindAdd('M-RMB', 'atcur_disable_walls');
1352 // load bindings from file
1353 try
1354 st := openDiskFileRO(GameDir+'holmes.rc');
1355 pr := TFileTextParser.Create(st);
1356 conwriteln('parsing "holmes.rc"...');
1357 while (pr.tokType <> pr.TTEOF) do
1358 begin
1359 s := pr.expectId();
1360 if (s = 'stop') then break
1361 else if (s = 'unbind_keys') then keybinds := nil
1362 else if (s = 'unbind_mouse') then msbinds := nil
1363 else if (s = 'bind') then
1364 begin
1365 if (pr.tokType = pr.TTStr) then s := pr.expectStr(false)
1366 else if (pr.tokType = pr.TTInt) then s := Format('%d', [pr.expectInt()])
1367 else s := pr.expectId();
1369 if (pr.tokType = pr.TTStr) then v := pr.expectStr(false)
1370 else if (pr.tokType = pr.TTInt) then v := Format('%d', [pr.expectInt()])
1371 else v := pr.expectId();
1373 kn := parseModKeys(s, kmods, mbuts);
1374 if (CompareText(kn, 'lmb') = 0) or (CompareText(kn, 'rmb') = 0) or (CompareText(kn, 'mmb') = 0) or (CompareText(kn, 'None') = 0) then
1375 begin
1376 msbindAdd(s, v);
1377 end
1378 else
1379 begin
1380 keybindAdd(s, v);
1381 end;
1382 end;
1383 end;
1384 except on e: Exception do // sorry
1385 if (pr <> nil) then conwritefln('Holmes config parse error at (%s,%s): %s', [pr.tokLine, pr.tokCol, e.message]);
1386 end;
1387 if (pr <> nil) then pr.Free() else st.Free(); // ownership
1388 end;
1389 end;
1392 end.