[d2df-sdl.git] / e_msg.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
6 *
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
11 *
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 *)
15 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
16 unit e_msg;
18 interface
20 uses md5;
22 type
23 TMsg = record
24 Data: Pointer;
25 Overflow: Boolean;
26 MaxSize: Integer;
27 CurSize: Integer;
28 ReadCount: Integer;
29 Bit: Integer;
30 AllocStep: Integer;
31 OwnMemory: Boolean;
33 function Init(V: Pointer; N: Integer; Full: Boolean = False): Boolean;
34 procedure Alloc(N: Integer);
35 procedure Clear();
36 procedure Free();
37 procedure CopyFrom(var From: TMsg; V: Pointer; N: Integer);
38 function Allocated(): Boolean;
39 function AssignBuffer(P: Pointer; N: Integer; Full: Boolean = False): Boolean;
41 procedure BeginReading();
42 procedure Seek(Pos: Integer);
43 procedure Skip(Size: Integer);
44 function BytesLeft(): Integer;
45 function ReadData(V: Pointer; N: Integer): Integer;
46 function ReadChar(): Char;
47 function ReadByte(): Byte;
48 function ReadWord(): Word;
49 function ReadLongWord(): LongWord;
50 function ReadShortInt(): ShortInt;
51 function ReadSmallInt(): SmallInt;
52 function ReadLongInt(): LongInt;
53 function ReadInt64(): Int64;
54 function ReadString(): String;
55 function ReadMD5(): TMD5Digest;
57 procedure WriteData(V: Pointer; N: Integer);
58 procedure Write(V: Byte); overload;
59 procedure Write(V: Word); overload;
60 procedure Write(V: LongWord); overload;
61 procedure Write(V: ShortInt); overload;
62 procedure Write(V: SmallInt); overload;
63 procedure Write(V: LongInt); overload;
64 procedure Write(V: Int64); overload;
65 procedure Write(V: String); overload;
66 procedure Write(V: TMD5Digest); overload;
67 procedure Write(V: TMsg);
68 end;
70 type
71 pTMsg = ^TMsg;
73 implementation
75 uses SysUtils, e_log;
77 function TMsg.Init(V: Pointer; N: Integer; Full: Boolean = False): Boolean;
78 begin
79 Overflow := False;
80 if Full then CurSize := N else CurSize := 0;
81 ReadCount := 0;
82 Bit := 0;
83 MaxSize := N;
84 Data := V;
85 OwnMemory := False;
86 Result := (N > 0) and (V <> nil);
87 end;
89 procedure TMsg.Alloc(N: Integer);
90 var
91 P: Pointer;
92 begin
93 P := GetMem(N);
94 if P = nil then
95 raise Exception.Create('TMsg.Alloc: no mem');
96 Init(P, N);
97 AllocStep := N;
98 OwnMemory := True;
99 end;
101 procedure TMsg.Free();
102 begin
103 if not OwnMemory then
104 raise Exception.Create('TMsg.Free: called on borrowed memory');
105 Clear();
106 OwnMemory := False;
107 FreeMem(Data);
108 Data := nil;
109 MaxSize := 0;
110 end;
112 procedure TMsg.Clear();
113 begin
114 CurSize := 0;
115 ReadCount := 0;
116 Overflow := False;
117 Bit := 0;
118 end;
120 function TMsg.Allocated(): Boolean;
121 begin
122 Result := OwnMemory;
123 end;
125 procedure TMsg.CopyFrom(var From: TMsg; V: Pointer; N: Integer);
126 begin
127 if N < From.CurSize then
128 raise Exception.Create('TMsg.Copy: can''t copy into a smaller TMsg');
129 Move(From, Self, SizeOf(TMsg));
130 Data := V;
131 Move(From.Data^, Data^, From.CurSize);
132 end;
134 function TMsg.AssignBuffer(P: Pointer; N: Integer; Full: Boolean = False): Boolean;
135 begin
136 if OwnMemory then Self.Free();
137 Clear();
138 Data := P;
139 MaxSize := N;
140 if Full then CurSize := N;
141 Result := (N > 0) and (P <> nil);
142 end;
144 procedure TMsg.WriteData(V: Pointer; N: Integer);
145 var
146 NewSize: Integer;
147 begin
148 if CurSize + N > MaxSize then
149 begin
150 if OwnMemory then
151 begin
152 NewSize := MaxSize + ((N + AllocStep - 1) div AllocStep) * AllocStep; // round up
153 if ReAllocMem(Data, NewSize) = nil then
154 raise Exception.Create('TMsg.WriteData: out of memory on realloc');
155 MaxSize := NewSize;
156 end
157 else
158 begin
159 Overflow := True;
160 raise Exception.Create('TMsg.WriteData: buffer overrun on borrowed memory!');
161 end;
162 end;
164 Move(V^, (Data + CurSize)^, N);
165 CurSize := CurSize + N;
166 end;
168 procedure TMsg.Write(V: TMsg);
169 begin
170 WriteData(V.Data, V.CurSize);
171 end;
173 procedure TMsg.Write(V: Byte); overload;
174 begin
175 WriteData(@V, 1);
176 end;
178 procedure TMsg.Write(V: Word); overload;
179 begin
180 WriteData(@V, 2);
181 end;
183 procedure TMsg.Write(V: LongWord); overload;
184 begin
185 WriteData(@V, 4);
186 end;
188 procedure TMsg.Write(V: ShortInt); overload;
189 begin
190 WriteData(@V, 1);
191 end;
193 procedure TMsg.Write(V: SmallInt); overload;
194 begin
195 WriteData(@V, 2);
196 end;
198 procedure TMsg.Write(V: LongInt); overload;
199 begin
200 WriteData(@V, 4);
201 end;
203 procedure TMsg.Write(V: Int64); overload;
204 begin
205 WriteData(@V, 8);
206 end;
208 procedure TMsg.Write(V: AnsiString); overload;
209 var
210 I: Integer;
211 begin
212 // TODO: Write(Word(Length(V)));
213 Write(Byte(Length(V)));
214 for I := 1 to High(V) do
215 Write(Byte(V[I]));
216 end;
218 procedure TMsg.Write(V: TMD5Digest); overload;
219 var
220 I: Integer;
221 begin
222 for I := 0 to 15 do
223 Write(V[I]);
224 end;
226 procedure TMsg.BeginReading();
227 begin
228 ReadCount := 0;
229 Bit := 0;
230 end;
232 procedure TMsg.Seek(Pos: Integer);
233 begin
234 if Pos > CurSize then
235 raise Exception.Create('TMsg.Seek: buffer overrun!');
236 ReadCount := Pos;
237 end;
239 procedure TMsg.Skip(Size: Integer);
240 begin
241 if ReadCount + Size > CurSize then
242 raise Exception.Create('TMsg.Skip: buffer overrun!');
243 ReadCount := ReadCount + Size;
244 end;
246 function TMsg.BytesLeft(): Integer;
247 begin
248 Result := CurSize - ReadCount;
249 end;
251 function TMsg.ReadData(V: Pointer; N: Integer): Integer;
252 begin
253 Result := 0;
254 if ReadCount + N > CurSize then
255 begin
256 // TODO: maybe partial reads?
257 ReadCount := CurSize + 1;
258 raise Exception.Create('TMsg.ReadData: buffer overrun!');
259 Exit;
260 end;
261 Move((Data + ReadCount)^, V^, N);
262 ReadCount := ReadCount + N;
263 Result := N;
264 end;
266 function TMsg.ReadChar(): Char;
267 begin
268 Result := #0;
269 ReadData(@Result, 1);
270 end;
272 function TMsg.ReadByte(): Byte;
273 begin
274 Result := 0;
275 ReadData(@Result, 1);
276 end;
278 function TMsg.ReadWord(): Word;
279 begin
280 Result := 0;
281 ReadData(@Result, 2);
282 end;
284 function TMsg.ReadLongWord(): LongWord;
285 begin
286 Result := 0;
287 ReadData(@Result, 4);
288 end;
290 function TMsg.ReadShortInt(): ShortInt;
291 begin
292 Result := 0;
293 ReadData(@Result, 1);
294 end;
296 function TMsg.ReadSmallInt(): SmallInt;
297 begin
298 Result := 0;
299 ReadData(@Result, 2);
300 end;
302 function TMsg.ReadLongInt(): LongInt;
303 begin
304 Result := 0;
305 ReadData(@Result, 4);
306 end;
308 function TMsg.ReadInt64(): Int64;
309 begin
310 Result := 0;
311 ReadData(@Result, 8);
312 end;
314 function TMsg.ReadString(): string;
315 var
316 I: Integer;
317 L: Byte;
318 begin
319 Result := '';
320 // TODO: L := ReadWord();
321 L := ReadByte();
322 if (L > 0) and (L <> Byte(-1)) then
323 begin
324 SetLength(Result, L);
325 for I := 1 to L do
326 Result[I] := ReadChar();
327 end;
328 end;
330 function TMsg.ReadMD5(): TMD5Digest;
331 var
332 I: Integer;
333 begin
334 for I := 0 to 15 do
335 Result[I] := ReadByte();
336 end;
338 end.