Fix memory leaks when managing the undo buffer
[d2df-editor.git] / src / shared / WADEDITOR_dfwad.pas
1 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
3 unit WADEDITOR_dfwad;
5 interface
7 uses Classes, WADEDITOR;
9 type
10 TData = class
11 ref: Integer; // number of links
12 pos: Int64; // position in source (if pos < 0 -> not in source file)
13 csize: Int64; // compressed size
14 usize: Int64; // decompressed size (usize < 0 -> unknown)
15 stream: TMemoryStream; // copy of compressed data
16 end;
18 TResource = record
19 name: AnsiString;
20 data: TData;
21 end;
23 TSection = record
24 name: AnsiString;
25 list: array of TResource;
26 end;
28 PResource = ^TResource;
29 PSection = ^TSection;
31 TDFWEditor = class sealed(WADEDITOR.TWADEditor)
32 private
33 FSection: array of TSection;
34 FData: array of TData;
35 FStream: TStream;
36 FLastError: Integer;
37 FVersion: Byte;
39 function FindSectionIDRAW(name: AnsiString; caseSensitive: Boolean): Integer;
40 function FindSectionRAW(name: AnsiString; caseSensitive: Boolean): PSection;
41 function InsertSectionRAW(name: AnsiString): PSection;
43 function FindSectionID(name: AnsiString): Integer;
44 function FindSection(name: AnsiString): PSection;
45 function InsertSection(name: AnsiString): PSection;
47 function FindDataID(pos: Int64): Integer;
48 function FindData(pos: Int64): TData;
49 function InsertData(ref, pos, csize, usize: Int64; stream: TMemoryStream): TData;
51 function InsertFileInfoS(p: PSection; const name: AnsiString; pos, csize, usize: Int64; stream: TMemoryStream): PResource;
52 function InsertFileInfo(const section, name: AnsiString; pos, csize, usize: Int64; stream: TMemoryStream): PResource;
53 function Preload(data: TData): Boolean;
54 function GetSourceStream(p: PResource): TStream;
56 procedure Clear();
57 procedure Collect();
58 procedure ReadFromStream(s: TStream);
59 procedure SaveToStream(s: TStream);
61 public
62 constructor Create();
63 destructor Destroy(); override;
64 procedure FreeWAD(); override;
65 function ReadFile2(FileName: string): Boolean; override;
66 function ReadMemory(Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean; override;
67 procedure CreateImage(); override;
68 function AddResource(Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord; Name, Section: String): Boolean; override; overload;
69 function AddResource(FileName, Name, Section: String): Boolean; override; overload;
70 function AddAlias(Res, Alias: String): Boolean; override;
71 procedure AddSection(Name: String); override;
72 procedure RemoveResource(Section, Resource: String); override;
73 procedure SaveTo(FileName: String); override;
74 function HaveResource(Section, Resource: String): Boolean; override;
75 function HaveSection(Section: string): Boolean; override;
76 function GetResource(Section, Resource: String; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer): Boolean; override;
77 function GetSectionList(): SArray; override;
78 function GetResourcesList(Section: String): SArray; override;
80 function GetLastError: Integer; override;
81 function GetLastErrorStr: String; override;
82 function GetResourcesCount: Word; override;
83 function GetVersion: Byte; override;
84 end;
86 implementation
88 uses SysUtils, StrUtils, DateUtils, Math, utils, zstream, crc, e_log;
90 function PrepString(const s: AnsiString; caseSensitive, extSensitive: Boolean): AnsiString; inline;
91 var i: Integer;
92 begin
93 Result := s;
94 if caseSensitive = False then
95 begin
96 Result := UpperCase(Result);
97 end;
98 if extSensitive = False then
99 begin
100 i := Pos('.', Result); // fix dotfiles
101 if i > 1 then
102 SetLength(Result, i - 1);
103 end;
104 end;
106 function FindResourceIDRAW(p: PSection; name: AnsiString; caseSensitive, extSensitive: Boolean): Integer;
107 var i: Integer; pname: AnsiString;
108 begin
109 if p <> nil then
110 begin
111 pname := PrepString(name, caseSensitive, extSensitive);
112 for i := 0 to High(p.list) do
113 begin
114 if PrepString(p.list[i].name, caseSensitive, extSensitive) = pname then
115 begin
116 Result := i;
117 exit;
118 end;
119 end;
120 end;
121 Result := -1;
122 end;
124 function FindResourceID(p: PSection; name: AnsiString): Integer;
125 var i: Integer;
126 begin
127 i := FindResourceIDRAW(p, name, True, True); // CaSeNaMe.Ext
128 if i < 0 then
129 begin
130 i := FindResourceIDRAW(p, name, False, True); // CASENAME.EXT
131 if i < 0 then
132 begin
133 i := FindResourceIDRAW(p, name, True, False); // CaSeNaMe
134 if i < 0 then
135 begin
136 i := FindResourceIDRAW(p, name, False, False); // CASENAME
137 end;
138 end;
139 end;
140 Result := i;
141 end;
143 function FindResource(p: PSection; name: AnsiString): PResource;
144 var i: Integer;
145 begin
146 i := FindResourceID(p, name);
147 if i >= 0 then Result := @p.list[i] else Result := nil;
148 end;
152 function TDFWEditor.FindSectionIDRAW(name: AnsiString; caseSensitive: Boolean): Integer;
153 var i: Integer; pname: AnsiString;
154 begin
155 if FSection <> nil then
156 begin
157 pname := PrepString(name, caseSensitive, True);
158 for i := 0 to High(FSection) do
159 begin
160 if PrepString(FSection[i].name, caseSensitive, True) = pname then
161 begin
162 Result := i;
163 exit;
164 end;
165 end;
166 end;
167 Result := -1;
168 end;
170 function TDFWEditor.FindSectionRAW(name: AnsiString; caseSensitive: Boolean): PSection;
171 var i: Integer;
172 begin
173 i := FindSectionIDRAW(name, caseSensitive);
174 if i >= 0 then Result := @FSection[i] else Result := nil;
175 end;
177 function TDFWEditor.InsertSectionRAW(name: AnsiString): PSection;
178 var i: Integer;
179 begin
180 if FSection = nil then i := 0 else i := Length(FSection);
181 SetLength(FSection, i + 1);
182 FSection[i] := Default(TSection);
183 FSection[i].name := name;
184 Result := @FSection[i];
185 end;
189 function TDFWEditor.FindSectionID(name: AnsiString): Integer;
190 var fixName: AnsiString;
191 begin
192 fixName := StringReplace(name, '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll], TStringReplaceAlgorithm.sraManySmall);
193 Result := FindSectionIDRAW(fixName, True); // CaSeNaMe
194 if Result < 0 then
195 Result := FindSectionIDRAW(fixName, False); // CASENAME
196 end;
198 function TDFWEditor.FindSection(name: AnsiString): PSection;
199 var fixName: AnsiString;
200 begin
201 fixName := StringReplace(name, '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll], TStringReplaceAlgorithm.sraManySmall);
202 Result := FindSectionRAW(fixName, True); // CaSeNaMe
203 if Result = nil then
204 Result := FindSectionRAW(fixName, False); // CASENAME
205 end;
207 function TDFWEditor.InsertSection(name: AnsiString): PSection;
208 begin
209 Result := FindSection(name);
210 if Result = nil then
211 Result := InsertSectionRAW(name);
212 end;
216 function TDFWEditor.FindDataID(pos: Int64): Integer;
217 var i: Integer;
218 begin
219 if (pos >= 0) and (FData <> nil) then
220 begin
221 for i := 0 to High(FData) do
222 begin
223 if FData[i].pos = pos then
224 begin
225 Result := i;
226 exit;
227 end;
228 end;
229 end;
230 Result := -1;
231 end;
233 function TDFWEditor.FindData(pos: Int64): TData;
234 var i: Integer;
235 begin
236 i := FindDataID(pos);
237 if i >= 0 then Result := FData[i] else Result := nil;
238 end;
240 function TDFWEditor.InsertData(ref, pos, csize, usize: Int64; stream: TMemoryStream): TData;
241 var i: Integer; data: TData;
242 begin
243 data := TData.Create();
244 data.ref := ref;
245 data.pos := pos;
246 data.csize := csize;
247 data.usize := usize;
248 := stream;
250 if FData = nil then i := 0 else i := Length(FData);
251 SetLength(FData, i + 1);
252 FData[i] := data;
253 Result := data;
254 end;
258 function TDFWEditor.InsertFileInfoS(p: PSection; const name: AnsiString; pos, csize, usize: Int64; stream: TMemoryStream): PResource;
259 var i: Integer; data: TData;
260 begin
261 Result := nil;
262 if p = nil then
263 exit;
265 data := FindData(pos);
266 if data = nil then
267 data := InsertData(0, pos, csize, usize, stream);
269 if p.list = nil then i := 0 else i := Length(p.list);
270 SetLength(p.list, i + 1);
271 Inc(data.ref);
272 p.list[i] := Default(TResource);
273 p.list[i].name := name;
274 p.list[i].data := data;
275 Result := @p.list[i];
276 end;
278 function TDFWEditor.InsertFileInfo(const section, name: AnsiString; pos, csize, usize: Int64; stream: TMemoryStream): PResource;
279 var p: PSection;
280 begin
281 p := FindSectionRAW(section, True);
282 if p = nil then
283 p := InsertSectionRAW(section);
285 Result := InsertFileInfoS(p, name, pos, csize, usize, stream);
286 end;
290 function TDFWEditor.AddAlias(Res, Alias: String): Boolean;
291 begin
292 // New hard-links are not supported
293 // However, they never created by editor
294 Result := False;
295 end;
297 function TDFWEditor.AddResource(Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord; Name, Section: String): Boolean;
298 const level: TCompressionLevel = TCompressionLevel.clMax;
299 var s: TMemoryStream; cs: TCompressionStream; p: PResource;
300 begin
301 Name := win2utf(Name);
302 Section := win2utf(Section);
303 Result := False;
304 if Name <> '' then
305 begin
306 s := TMemoryStream.Create();
307 try
308 cs := TCompressionStream.Create(level, s, False);
309 try
310 cs.WriteBuffer(PByte(Data)[0], Len);
311 cs.Flush();
312 finally
313 cs.Free();
314 end;
315 p := InsertFileInfo(Section, Name, -1, s.Size, Len, s);
316 Result := p <> nil;
317 except
318 s.Free();
319 raise;
320 end;
321 end;
322 end;
324 function TDFWEditor.AddResource(FileName, Name, Section: String): Boolean;
325 var s: TFileStream; ptr: PByte;
326 begin
327 Result := False;
329 try
330 s := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
331 try
332 GetMem(ptr, s.Size);
333 try
334 s.ReadBuffer(ptr[0], s.Size);
335 Result := AddResource(ptr, s.Size, Name, Section);
336 if Result = True then FLastError := DFWAD_NOERROR;
337 finally
338 FreeMem(ptr);
339 end;
340 finally
341 s.Free();
342 end;
343 except
344 on e: EFOpenError do
345 begin
346 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_INFO then
347 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: AddResource: failed to open file ' + FileName, MSG_NOTIFY);
349 end;
350 end;
351 end;
353 constructor TDFWEditor.Create();
354 begin
355 FSection := nil;
356 FData := nil;
357 FStream := nil;
358 FLastError := DFWAD_NOERROR;
359 FVersion := 1;
360 FreeWAD();
361 end;
363 destructor TDFWEditor.Destroy();
364 begin
365 Clear();
366 inherited;
367 end;
369 procedure TDFWEditor.Clear();
370 var i: Integer;
371 begin
372 if FSection <> nil then
373 begin
374 for i := 0 to High(FSection) do
375 if FSection[i].list <> nil then
376 SetLength(FSection[i].list, 0);
377 SetLength(FSection, 0);
378 end;
379 if FData <> nil then
380 begin
381 for i := 0 to High(FData) do
382 begin
383 if FData[i] <> nil then
384 begin
385 if FData[i].stream <> nil then
386 FreeAndNil(FData[i].stream);
387 FreeAndNil(FData[i]);
388 end;
389 end;
390 SetLength(FData, 0);
391 end;
392 if FStream <> nil then
393 FreeAndNil(FStream);
394 end;
396 procedure TDFWEditor.FreeWAD();
397 begin
398 Clear();
399 FLastError := DFWAD_NOERROR;
400 FVersion := 1;
401 end;
403 function TDFWEditor.Preload(data: TData): Boolean;
404 var s: TMemoryStream;
405 begin
406 Result := False;
407 if data <> nil then
408 begin
409 Result := <> nil;
410 if ( = nil) and (FStream <> nil) then
411 begin
412 s := TMemoryStream.Create();
413 try
414 if data.csize > 0 then
415 begin
416 FStream.Seek(data.pos, TSeekOrigin.soBeginning);
417 s.CopyFrom(FStream, data.csize);
418 end;
419 Assert(s.Size = data.csize); // wtf, random size if copied zero bytes!
420 := s;
421 Result := True;
422 except
423 s.Free();
424 end;
425 end;
426 end;
427 end;
429 procedure TDFWEditor.CreateImage();
430 var i, j: Integer;
431 begin
432 if FStream = nil then
433 begin
434 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_DEBUG then
435 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: CreateImage: File not assigned', MSG_NOTIFY);
437 end
438 else if FStream is TMemoryStream then
439 begin
440 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_DEBUG then
441 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: CreateImage: Memory stream', MSG_NOTIFY);
442 FLastError := DFWAD_NOERROR;
443 end
444 else
445 begin
446 if FSection <> nil then
447 begin
448 for i := 0 to High(FData) do
449 begin
450 if Preload(FData[i]) = False then
451 begin
452 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_WARN then
453 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: CreateImage: failed to preload resource data #' + IntToStr(i), MSG_WARNING);
455 exit;
456 end;
457 FData[i].pos := -1;
458 end;
459 end;
460 FreeAndNil(FStream);
461 FLastError := DFWAD_NOERROR;
462 end;
463 end;
465 procedure TDFWEditor.AddSection(Name: String);
466 begin
467 Name := win2utf(Name);
468 if InsertSection(Name) = nil then
469 raise Exception.Create('DFWAD: AddSection[' + Name + ']: failed to insert');
470 end;
472 function TDFWEditor.HaveResource(Section, Resource: String): Boolean;
473 begin
474 Section := win2utf(Section);
475 Resource := win2utf(Resource);
476 Result := FindResource(FindSection(Section), Resource) <> nil;
477 end;
479 function TDFWEditor.HaveSection(Section: String): Boolean;
480 begin
481 Section := win2utf(Section);
482 Result := FindSection(Section) <> nil;
483 end;
485 function TDFWEditor.GetSourceStream(p: PResource): TStream;
486 var src: TStream;
487 begin
488 src := nil;
489 if <> nil then
490 begin
491 src :=;
492 src.Seek(0, TSeekOrigin.soBeginning);
493 end
494 else if ( >= 0) and (FStream <> nil) then
495 begin
496 src := FStream;
497 src.Seek(, TSeekOrigin.soBeginning);
498 end;
499 Result := src;
500 end;
502 function TDFWEditor.GetResource(Section, Resource: String; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer): Boolean;
503 const BLOCK_STEP = 4096;
504 var p: PResource; src: TStream; tmp: TDecompressionStream; ptr: PByte; size, r: Int64;
505 begin
506 Section := win2utf(Section);
507 Resource := win2utf(Resource);
509 Result := False;
510 pData := nil;
511 Len := 0;
512 p := FindResource(FindSection(Section), Resource);
513 if p <> nil then
514 begin
515 src := GetSourceStream(p);
516 if src <> nil then
517 begin
518 try
519 tmp := TDecompressionStream.Create(src, False);
520 try
521 if < 0 then
522 begin
523 size := 0;
524 GetMem(ptr, BLOCK_STEP);
525 try
526 repeat
527 r := tmp.Read(ptr[size], BLOCK_STEP);
528 size := size + r;
529 if r <> 0 then
530 ReallocMem(ptr, size + BLOCK_STEP);
531 until r = 0;
532 ReallocMem(ptr, size);
533 := size; // cache size
534 pData := ptr;
535 Len := size;
536 Result := True;
537 except
538 FreeMem(ptr);
539 raise;
540 end;
541 end
542 else
543 begin
544 GetMem(ptr,;
545 try
546 tmp.ReadBuffer(ptr[0],;
547 pData := ptr;
548 Len :=;
549 Result := True;
550 except
551 FreeMem(ptr);
552 raise;
553 end;
554 end;
555 finally
556 tmp.Free();
557 end;
558 except
559 on e: EStreamError do
560 begin
561 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_INFO then
562 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: Failed to decompress DEFLATEd data, reason: ' + e.Message, MSG_WARNING);
563 raise e;
564 end;
565 end;
566 end
567 else
568 begin
569 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_WARN then
570 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: No available source for file data', MSG_WARNING);
572 end;
573 end
574 else
575 begin
576 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_DEBUG then
577 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: Resource not found', MSG_NOTIFY);
579 end;
580 end;
582 function TDFWEditor.GetResourcesList(Section: String): SArray;
583 var p: PSection; i: Integer;
584 begin
585 Section := win2utf(Section);
586 Result := nil;
587 p := FindSection(Section);
588 if (p <> nil) and (p.list <> nil) then
589 begin
590 SetLength(Result, Length(p.list));
591 for i := 0 to High(p.list) do
592 begin
593 Result[i] := utf2win(p.list[i].name);
594 end;
595 end;
596 end;
598 function TDFWEditor.GetSectionList(): SArray;
599 var i: Integer;
600 begin
601 Result := nil;
602 if FSection <> nil then
603 begin
604 SetLength(Result, Length(FSection));
605 for i := 0 to High(FSection) do
606 begin
607 Result[i] := utf2win(FSection[i].name);
608 end;
609 end;
610 end;
612 procedure TDFWEditor.ReadFromStream(s: TStream);
613 var sig: packed array [0..4] of Char;
614 var ver: UInt8; nrec: UInt16; offset, csize: UInt32;
615 var name1251: packed array [0..16] of Char;
616 var section, name: AnsiString;
617 var i: Integer;
618 var sec: PSection;
619 var res: PResource;
620 begin
621 s.ReadBuffer(sig[0], 5);
622 if sig = 'DFWAD' then
623 begin
624 ver := s.ReadByte();
625 if ver = 1 then
626 begin
627 nrec := LEtoN(s.ReadWord());
628 section := '';
629 for i := 0 to nrec - 1 do
630 begin
631 s.ReadBuffer(name1251[0], 16);
632 name1251[16] := #0;
633 name := win2utf(PChar(@name1251[0]));
634 offset := LEtoN(s.ReadDWord());
635 csize := LEtoN(s.ReadDWord());
636 if csize = 0 then
637 begin
638 section := name;
639 sec := InsertSectionRAW(section);
640 if sec = nil then
641 raise Exception.Create('Failed to register section [' + section + ']');
642 end
643 else
644 begin
645 if sec = nil then
646 sec := InsertSectionRAW('');
647 res := InsertFileInfoS(sec, name, offset, csize, -1, nil);
648 if res = nil then
649 raise Exception.Create('Failed to register resource [' + section + '][' + name + ']');
650 if <> csize then
651 raise Exception.Create('Invalid compressed size for [' + section + '][' + name + '] (corrupted archive?)');
652 end;
653 end;
654 end
655 else
656 begin
658 raise Exception.Create('Unsupported DFWAD version ' + IntToStr(ver) + ' (expected 1)');
659 end;
660 end
661 else
662 begin
664 raise Exception.Create('Not DFWAD file');
665 end;
666 end;
668 function TDFWEditor.ReadFile2(FileName: String): Boolean;
669 var s: TFileStream;
670 begin
671 FreeWAD();
672 Result := False;
673 try
674 try
675 s := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
676 try
677 ReadFromStream(s);
678 FStream := s;
679 FLastError := DFWAD_NOERROR;
680 Result := True;
681 except
682 s.Free();
683 raise;
684 end;
685 except
686 on e: Exception do
687 begin
688 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_INFO then
689 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: Failed to read DFWAD from file ' + FileName + ', reason: ' + e.Message, MSG_WARNING);
690 Clear();
691 end;
692 end;
693 except
694 on e: EFOpenError do
695 begin
696 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_INFO then
697 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: Failed to open file ' + FileName + ', reason: ' + e.Message, MSG_WARNING);
698 if FileExists(FileName) then
700 else
702 end;
703 end;
704 end;
706 function TDFWEditor.ReadMemory(Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean;
707 var s: TMemoryStream;
708 begin
709 FreeWAD();
710 Result := False;
711 try
712 s := TMemoryStream.Create;
713 try
714 s.SetSize(Len);
715 s.WriteBuffer(PByte(Data)[0], Len);
716 s.Seek(0, soBeginning);
717 ReadFromStream(s);
718 FStream := s;
719 FLastError := DFWAD_NOERROR;
720 Result := True;
721 except
722 s.Free();
723 raise;
724 end;
725 except
726 on e: Exception do
727 begin
728 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_INFO then
729 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: Failed to read DFWAD from memory, reason: ' + e.Message, MSG_WARNING);
730 Clear();
731 end;
732 end;
733 end;
735 procedure TDFWEditor.Collect();
736 var i, n: Integer;
737 begin
738 if FData <> nil then
739 begin
740 n := 0;
741 for i := 0 to High(FData) do
742 begin
743 if FData[i] <> nil then
744 begin
745 if FData[i].ref > 0 then
746 begin
747 FData[n] := FData[i];
748 Inc(n);
749 end
750 else
751 begin
752 if FData[i].stream <> nil then
753 FreeAndNil(FData[i].stream);
754 FreeAndNil(FData[i]);
755 end;
756 end;
757 end;
758 SetLength(FData, n);
759 end;
760 end;
762 procedure TDFWEditor.RemoveResource(Section, Resource: String);
763 var p: PSection; i: Integer; data: TData;
764 begin
765 Section := win2utf(Section);
766 Resource := win2utf(Resource);
767 p := FindSection(Section);
768 i := FindResourceID(p, Resource);
769 if i >= 0 then
770 begin
771 data := p.list[i].data;
772 for i := i + 1 to High(p.list) do
773 begin
774 p.list[i - 1] := p.list[i];
775 end;
776 SetLength(p.list, High(p.list));
777 Dec(data.ref);
778 if data.ref <= 0 then
779 Collect();
780 end;
781 end;
783 procedure TDFWEditor.SaveToStream(s: TStream);
784 type TName16 = packed array [0..16] of Char;
785 var count: UInt16;
786 var name1251: TName16;
787 var i, j: Integer;
788 var p: PResource;
789 var data: TData;
791 function GetOffset(data: TData): UInt32;
792 var i: Integer;
793 begin
794 Assert(data <> nil);
795 Result := 6 + 2 + count * 24;
796 for i := 0 to High(FData) do
797 begin
798 if FData[i] = data then
799 exit;
800 if FData[i] <> nil then
801 Result := Result + FData[i].csize;
802 end;
803 raise Exception.Create('Failed to calculate offset (BUG!)');
804 end;
806 begin
807 count := GetResourcesCount();
808 s.WriteBuffer('DFWAD', 5);
809 s.WriteByte(1);
810 WriteInt(s, UInt16(count));
811 if FSection <> nil then
812 begin
813 for i := 0 to High(FSection) do
814 begin
815 if (i <> 0) or (FSection[i].name <> '') then
816 begin
817 name1251 := Default(TName16);
818 name1251 := utf2win(FSection[i].name);
819 s.WriteBuffer(name1251[0], 16);
820 WriteInt(s, UInt32(0));
821 WriteInt(s, UInt32(0));
822 end;
823 if FSection[i].list <> nil then
824 begin
825 for j := 0 to High(FSection[i].list) do
826 begin
827 p := @FSection[i].list[j];
828 name1251 := Default(TName16);
829 name1251 := utf2win(;
830 s.WriteBuffer(name1251[0], 16);
831 WriteInt(s, UInt32(GetOffset(;
832 WriteInt(s, UInt32(;
833 end;
834 end;
835 end;
836 if FData <> nil then
837 begin
838 for i := 0 to High(FData) do
839 begin
840 data := FData[i];
841 if data <> nil then
842 begin
843 Assert(s.Position = GetOffset(data));
844 if <> nil then
845 begin
846 Assert( = data.csize);
848 end
849 else if (data.pos >= 0) and (FStream <> nil) then
850 begin
851 FStream.Seek(data.pos, TSeekOrigin.soBeginning);
852 s.CopyFrom(FStream, data.csize);
853 end
854 else
855 begin
856 raise Exception.Create('No data source available (somethig very wrong)');
857 end;
858 end;
859 end;
860 end;
861 end;
862 end;
864 procedure TDFWEditor.SaveTo(FileName: String);
865 var s: TFileStream;
866 begin
867 try
868 s := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
869 try
870 SaveToStream(s);
871 finally
872 s.Free();
873 end;
874 except
875 on e: Exception do
876 begin
877 if gWADEditorLogLevel >= DFWAD_LOG_INFO then
878 e_WriteLog('DFWAD: Failed to create file ' + FileName + ', reason: ' + e.Message, MSG_WARNING);
879 raise e;
880 end;
881 end;
882 end;
884 function TDFWEditor.GetLastError: Integer;
885 begin
886 Result := FLastError;
887 end;
889 function TDFWEditor.GetLastErrorStr: String;
890 begin
891 case FLastError of
892 DFWAD_NOERROR: Result := '';
893 DFWAD_ERROR_WADNOTFOUND: Result := 'DFWAD file not found';
894 DFWAD_ERROR_CANTOPENWAD: Result := 'Can''t open DFWAD file';
895 DFWAD_ERROR_RESOURCENOTFOUND: Result := 'Resource not found';
896 DFWAD_ERROR_FILENOTWAD: Result := 'File is not DFWAD';
897 DFWAD_ERROR_WADNOTLOADED: Result := 'DFWAD file is not loaded';
898 DFWAD_ERROR_READRESOURCE: Result := 'Read resource error';
899 DFWAD_ERROR_READWAD: Result := 'Read DFWAD error';
900 otherwise Result := IntToStr(FLastError);
901 end;
902 end;
904 function TDFWEditor.GetResourcesCount: Word;
905 var i: Integer;
906 begin
907 Result := 0;
908 if FSection <> nil then
909 begin
910 Result := Result + Length(FSection);
911 for i := 0 to High(FSection) do
912 if FSection[i].list <> nil then
913 Result := Result + Length(FSection[i].list);
914 if FSection[0].name = '' then
915 Dec(Result); // First root section not counted
916 end;
917 end;
919 function TDFWEditor.GetVersion: Byte;
920 begin
921 Result := FVersion;
922 end;
924 begin
925 gWADEditorFactory.RegisterEditor('DFWAD', TDFWEditor);
926 end.