summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 984a31d)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 984a31d)
author | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Wed, 16 Aug 2017 07:43:03 +0000 (10:43 +0300) | ||
committer | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Wed, 16 Aug 2017 09:27:46 +0000 (12:27 +0300) |
src/game/g_grid.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/g_map.pas | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/game/g_grid.pas b/src/game/g_grid.pas
index 9f14d3d5f69481dc9f6a6763cbb356c9e3b2f4f9..900a3661d90c49ccec2363d6e9e6814b71164b75 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_grid.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_grid.pas
mObj: TObject;
mGrid: TBodyGrid;
mTag: Integer;
+ prevLink: TBodyProxy; // only for used
+ nextLink: TBodyProxy; // either used or free
+ private
+ procedure setup (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer);
constructor Create (aGrid: TBodyGrid; aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer);
mFreeCell: Integer; // first free cell index or -1
mLastQuery: Integer;
mUsedCells: Integer;
+ mProxyFree: TBodyProxy; // free
+ mProxyList: TBodyProxy; // used
+ mProxyCount: Integer; // total allocated
function allocCell: Integer;
procedure freeCell (idx: Integer); // `next` is simply overwritten
+ function allocProxy (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer): TBodyProxy;
+ procedure freeProxy (body: TBodyProxy);
procedure insert (body: TBodyProxy);
procedure remove (body: TBodyProxy);
destructor Destroy (); override;
function insertBody (aObj: TObject; ax, ay, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aTag: Integer=0): TBodyProxy;
+ procedure removeBody (aObj: TBodyProxy); // WARNING! this will NOT destroy proxy!
procedure moveBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy: Integer);
procedure resizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; sx, sy: Integer);
procedure moveResizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy, sx, sy: Integer);
+ TBinaryHeapLessFn = function (a, b: TObject): Boolean;
+ TBinaryHeapObj = class(TObject)
+ private
+ elem: array of TObject;
+ elemUsed: Integer;
+ lessfn: TBinaryHeapLessFn;
+ private
+ procedure heapify (root: Integer);
+ public
+ constructor Create (alessfn: TBinaryHeapLessFn);
+ destructor Destroy (); override;
+ procedure clear ();
+ procedure insert (val: TObject);
+ function front (): TObject;
+ procedure popFront ();
+ property count: Integer read elemUsed;
+ end;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
constructor TBodyProxy.Create (aGrid: TBodyGrid; aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer);
+ mGrid := aGrid;
+ setup(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag);
+destructor TBodyProxy.Destroy ();
+ inherited;
+procedure TBodyProxy.setup (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer);
mX := aX;
mY := aY;
mHeight := aHeight;
mQueryMark := 0;
mObj := aObj;
- mGrid := aGrid;
mTag := aTag;
-destructor TBodyProxy.Destroy ();
+ prevLink := nil;
+ nextLink := nil;
for idx := 0 to High(mGrid) do mGrid[idx] := -1;
mLastQuery := 0;
mUsedCells := 0;
+ mProxyFree := nil;
+ mProxyList := nil;
+ mProxyCount := 0;
e_WriteLog(Format('created grid with size: %dx%d (tile size: %d); pix: %dx%d', [mWidth, mHeight, mTileSize, mWidth*mTileSize, mHeight*mTileSize]), MSG_NOTIFY);
destructor TBodyGrid.Destroy ();
- idx: Integer;
+ px: TBodyProxy;
// free all owned proxies
- for idx := 0 to High(mCells) do mCells[idx].body.Free;
+ while mProxyFree <> nil do
+ begin
+ px := mProxyFree;
+ mProxyFree := px.nextLink;
+ px.Free();
+ end;
+ while mProxyList <> nil do
+ begin
+ px := mProxyList;
+ mProxyList := px.nextLink;
+ px.Free();
+ end;
mCells := nil;
mGrid := nil;
+ inherited;
if (mcb < cnt) then mcb := cnt;
- e_WriteLog(Format('grid size: %dx%d (tile size: %d); pix: %dx%d; used cells: %d; max bodys in cell: %d', [mWidth, mHeight, mTileSize, mWidth*mTileSize, mHeight*mTileSize, mUsedCells, mcb]), MSG_NOTIFY);
+ e_WriteLog(Format('grid size: %dx%d (tile size: %d); pix: %dx%d; used cells: %d; max bodies in cell: %d; proxies allocated: %d', [mWidth, mHeight, mTileSize, mWidth*mTileSize, mHeight*mTileSize, mUsedCells, mcb, mProxyCount]), MSG_NOTIFY);
// no free cells, want more
mFreeCell := Length(mCells);
- SetLength(mCells, mFreeCell+16384); // arbitrary number
+ SetLength(mCells, mFreeCell+32768); // arbitrary number
for idx := mFreeCell to High(mCells) do
mCells[idx].body := nil;
+function TBodyGrid.allocProxy (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer): TBodyProxy;
+ if (mProxyFree = nil) then
+ begin
+ // no free proxies, create new
+ result := TBodyProxy.Create(self, aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag);
+ Inc(mProxyCount);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // get one from list
+ result := mProxyFree;
+ mProxyFree := result.nextLink;
+ result.setup(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag);
+ end;
+ // add to used list
+ result.nextLink := mProxyList;
+ if (mProxyList <> nil) then mProxyList.prevLink := result;
+ mProxyList := result;
+procedure TBodyGrid.freeProxy (body: TBodyProxy);
+ if body = nil then exit; // just in case
+ // remove from used list
+ if (body.prevLink = nil) then
+ begin
+ // this must be head
+ if (body <> mProxyList) then raise Exception.Create('wutafuuuuu in grid?');
+ mProxyList := body.nextLink;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ body.prevLink.nextLink := body.nextLink;
+ end;
+ if (body.nextLink <> nil) then body.nextLink.prevLink := body.prevLink;
+ // add to free list
+ //body.mObj := nil; //WARNING! DON'T DO THIS! `removeBody()` depends on valid mObj
+ body.prevLink := nil;
+ body.nextLink := mProxyFree;
+ mProxyFree := body;
procedure TBodyGrid.insert (body: TBodyProxy);
dx, dy, gx, gy, cidx: Integer;
function TBodyGrid.insertBody (aObj: TObject; aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aTag: Integer=0): TBodyProxy;
- result := nil;
- if aObj = nil then exit;
- result := TBodyProxy.Create(self, aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag);
+ result := allocProxy(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag);
+// WARNING! this will NOT destroy proxy!
+procedure TBodyGrid.removeBody (aObj: TBodyProxy);
+ if aObj = nil then exit;
+ if (aObj.mGrid <> self) then raise Exception.Create('trying to remove alien proxy from grid');
+ removeBody(aObj);
+ //HACK!
+ freeProxy(aObj);
+ if (mProxyFree <> aObj) then raise Exception.Create('grid deletion invariant fucked');
+ mProxyFree := aObj.nextLink;
+ aObj.nextLink := nil;
procedure TBodyGrid.moveResizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy, sx, sy: Integer);
if (body = nil) or ((dx = 0) and (dy = 0) and (sx = 0) and (sy = 0)) then exit;
forEachInAABB(x, y, w, h, qq);
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
+constructor TBinaryHeapObj.Create (alessfn: TBinaryHeapLessFn);
+ if not assigned(alessfn) then raise Exception.Create('wutafuck?!');
+ lessfn := alessfn;
+ SetLength(elem, 8192); // 'cause why not?
+ elemUsed := 0;
+destructor TBinaryHeapObj.Destroy ();
+ inherited;
+procedure TBinaryHeapObj.clear ();
+ elemUsed := 0;
+procedure TBinaryHeapObj.heapify (root: Integer);
+ smallest, right: Integer;
+ tmp: TObject;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ smallest := 2*root+1; // left child
+ if (smallest >= elemUsed) then break; // anyway
+ right := smallest+1; // right child
+ if not lessfn(elem[smallest], elem[root]) then smallest := root;
+ if (right < elemUsed) and (lessfn(elem[right], elem[smallest])) then smallest := right;
+ if (smallest = root) then break;
+ // swap
+ tmp := elem[root];
+ elem[root] := elem[smallest];
+ elem[smallest] := tmp;
+ root := smallest;
+ end;
+procedure TBinaryHeapObj.insert (val: TObject);
+ i, par: Integer;
+ if (val = nil) then exit;
+ i := elemUsed;
+ if (i = Length(elem)) then SetLength(elem, Length(elem)+16384); // arbitrary number
+ Inc(elemUsed);
+ while (i <> 0) do
+ begin
+ par := (i-1) div 2; // parent
+ if not lessfn(val, elem[par]) then break;
+ elem[i] := elem[par];
+ i := par;
+ end;
+ elem[i] := val;
+function TBinaryHeapObj.front (): TObject;
+ if elemUsed > 0 then result := elem[0] else result := nil;
+procedure TBinaryHeapObj.popFront ();
+ if (elemUsed > 0) then
+ begin
+ Dec(elemUsed);
+ elem[0] := elem[elemUsed];
+ heapify(0);
+ end;
diff --git a/src/game/g_map.pas b/src/game/g_map.pas
index a754ff87211b1043a1e280662e771faabe7d99cc..d3ac7e017585a2e93fa9ef1c0ecdeec92926f734 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_map.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_map.pas
Math, g_monsters, g_saveload, g_language, g_netmsg,
utils, sfs,
ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingUtility,
- ImagingGif, ImagingNetworkGraphics,
- libc;
+ ImagingGif, ImagingNetworkGraphics;
FLAGRECT: TRectWH = (X:15; Y:12; Width:33; Height:52);
- gDrawPanelList: array of TPanel = nil;
- gDrawPanelListUsed: Integer = 0;
+ gDrawPanelList: TBinaryHeapObj = nil;
-procedure dplClear ();
+function dplLess (a, b: TObject): Boolean;
- gDrawPanelListUsed := 0;
+ result := ((a as TPanel).ArrIdx < (b as TPanel).ArrIdx);
-procedure dplAddPanel (pan: TPanel);
+procedure dplClear ();
- if pan = nil then exit;
- if gDrawPanelListUsed = Length(gDrawPanelList) then SetLength(gDrawPanelList, gDrawPanelListUsed+4096); // arbitrary number
- gDrawPanelList[gDrawPanelListUsed] := pan;
- Inc(gDrawPanelListUsed);
+ if gDrawPanelList = nil then gDrawPanelList := TBinaryHeapObj.Create(@dplLess) else gDrawPanelList.clear();
-function dplCompare (p0, p1: Pointer): LongInt; cdecl;
- pan0, pan1: PPanel;
+procedure dplAddPanel (pan: TPanel);
- pan0 := PPanel(p0);
- pan1 := PPanel(p1);
- if pan0.ArrIdx < pan1.ArrIdx then result := -1
- else if pan0.ArrIdx > pan1.ArrIdx then result := 1
- else result := 0;
+ if pan = nil then exit;
+ gDrawPanelList.insert(pan);
-procedure dplSort();
- qsort(@gDrawPanelList[0], gDrawPanelListUsed, sizeof(TPanel), &dplCompare);
procedure g_Map_DrawPanels(x0, y0, wdt, hgt: Integer; PanelType: Word);
- idx: Integer;
//e_WriteLog(Format('QQQ: qtag:%d', [PanelType]), MSG_NOTIFY);
gMapGrid.forEachInAABB(x0, y0, wdt, hgt, qq);
// sort and draw the list (we need to sort it, or rendering is fucked)
- if gDrawPanelListUsed > 0 then
+ while gDrawPanelList.count > 0 do
- dplSort();
- for idx := 0 to gDrawPanelListUsed-1 do gDrawPanelList[idx].Draw();
+ (gDrawPanelList.front() as TPanel).Draw();
+ gDrawPanelList.popFront();
- dplClear();