summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 86639e1)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 86639e1)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Sat, 11 Jun 2022 19:03:41 +0000 (22:03 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Fri, 9 Jun 2023 08:43:07 +0000 (11:43 +0300) |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_draw.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_render.pas | patch | blob | history |
index 5f01c5b4c10947afc90195ae181816ce3c7dfe68..441ec2d1e4eaf1df55cbf7e57f15b2ed9c92d6b7 100644 (file)
if img = nil then
r_Draw_Texture(nil, x, y, w, h, flip, NTR, NTG, NTB, NTB, blend)
- for j := 0 to h div img.height - 1 do
- for i := 0 to w div img.width - 1 do
+ for j := 0 to (h - 1) div img.height do
+ for i := 0 to (w - 1) div img.width do
r_Draw_Texture(img, x + i * img.width, y + j * img.height, img.width, img.height, flip, r, g, b, a, blend);
index 249867d920e51482f181ee2f7b459b7faa7d1f89..e34b9cd10b83992418d9783142ac887263457e30 100644 (file)
SysUtils, Classes, Math,
e_log, utils,
- g_game, g_options, g_console,
+ g_game, g_options, g_console, g_player, g_weapons, g_language,
+ g_net,
r_draw, r_textures, r_fonts, r_map
menuBG: TGLTexture;
stdfont: TGLFont;
smallfont: TGLFont;
menufont: TGLFont;
+ hud, hudbg: TGLTexture;
+ hudhp: array [Boolean] of TGLTexture;
+ hudap: TGLTexture;
+ hudwp: array [0..WP_LAST] of TGLTexture;
+ hudkey: array [0..2] of TGLTexture;
+ hudair: TGLTexture;
+ hudjet: TGLTexture;
procedure r_Render_LoadTextures;
procedure r_Render_Load;
+ const
+ WeapName: array [0..WP_LAST] of AnsiString = ('KASTET', 'SAW', 'PISTOL', 'SHOTGUN1', 'SHOTGUN2', 'MGUN', 'RLAUNCHER', 'PGUN', 'BFG', 'SPULEMET', 'FLAMETHROWER');
+ var
+ i: Integer;
- menuBG := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':' + 'TEXTURES/TITLE');
+ menuBG := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/TITLE');
stdfont := r_Render_LoadFont('STD');
smallfont := r_Render_LoadFont('SMALL');
menufont := r_Render_LoadFont('MENU');
+ hud := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/HUD');
+ hudbg := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/HUDBG');
+ hudhp[false] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/MED2');
+ hudhp[true] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/BMED');
+ hudap := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/ARMORHUD');
+ for i := 0 to WP_LAST do
+ hudwp[i] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/' + WeapName[i]);
+ hudkey[0] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/KEYR');
+ hudkey[1] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/KEYG');
+ hudkey[2] := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/KEYB');
+ hudair := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/AIRBAR');
+ hudjet := r_Textures_LoadFromFile(GameWAD + ':TEXTURES/JETBAR');
procedure r_Render_Free;
+ var i: Integer;
+ hudjet.Free;
+ hudair.Free;
+ hudkey[0].Free;
+ hudkey[1].Free;
+ hudkey[2].Free;
+ for i := 0 to WP_LAST do
+ begin
+ if hudwp[i] <> nil then
+ hudwp[i].Free;
+ hudwp[i] := nil;
+ end;
+ hudap.Free;
+ hudhp[true].Free;
+ hudhp[false].Free;
+ hudbg.Free;
+ hud.Free;
+ procedure r_Render_DrawHUD (x, y: Integer; p: TPlayer);
+ var t: TGLTexture; s: AnsiString;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(p <> nil);
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(hud, x, y, 196, 240, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_Text(, x + 16, y + 8, 255, 0, 0, 255, smallfont); // TODO draw at center
+ t := hudhp[R_BERSERK in p.FRulez];
+ r_Draw_Texture(t, x + 35, y + 45, t.width, t.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_Texture(hudap, x + 34, y + 77, hudap.width, hudap.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_Text(IntToStr(MAX(0,, x + 105{178}, y + 40, 255, 0, 0, 255, menufont); // TODO draw at center
+ r_Draw_Text(IntToStr(MAX(0, p.armor)), x + 105{178}, y + 68, 255, 0, 0, 255, menufont); // TODO draw at center
+ case p.CurrWeap of
+ else s := IntToStr(p.GetAmmoByWeapon(p.CurrWeap));
+ end;
+ r_Draw_Text(s, x + 105, y + 158, 255, 0, 0, 255, menufont); // TODO draw at center
+ if p.CurrWeap <= WP_LAST then
+ begin
+ t := hudwp[p.CurrWeap];
+ r_Draw_Texture(t, x + 18, y + 160, t.width, t.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ end;
+ if R_KEY_RED in p.FRulez then
+ r_Draw_Texture(hudkey[0], x + 76, y + 214, 16, 16, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ if R_KEY_GREEN in p.FRulez then
+ r_Draw_Texture(hudkey[1], x + 93, y + 214, 16, 16, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ if R_KEY_BLUE in p.FRulez then
+ r_Draw_Texture(hudkey[2], x + 110, y + 214, 16, 16, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ if p.JetFuel > 0 then
+ begin
+ r_Draw_Texture(hudair, x, y + 116, hudair.width, hudair.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ if p.air > 0 then
+ r_Draw_FillRect(x + 14, y + 116 + 4, x + 14 + 168 * p.air div AIR_MAX, y + 116 + 4 + 4, 0, 0, 196, 255);
+ r_Draw_Texture(hudjet, x, y + 126, hudjet.width, hudjet.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ r_Draw_FillRect(x + 14, y + 126 + 4, x + 14 + 168 * p.JetFuel div JET_MAX, y + 126 + 4 + 4, 208, 0, 0, 255);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ r_Draw_Texture(hudair, x, y + 124, hudair.width, hudair.height, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ if p.air > 0 then
+ r_Draw_FillRect(x + 14, y + 124 + 4, x + 14 + 168 * p.air div AIR_MAX, y + 124 + 4 + 4, 0, 0, 196, 255);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_DrawHUDArea (x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TPlayer);
+ var s: AnsiString;
+ begin
+ r_Draw_TextureRepeat(hudbg, x, y, w, h, false, 255, 255, 255, 255, false);
+ if p <> nil then
+ r_Render_DrawHUD(x + w - 196 + 2, y, p);
+ if gShowPing and g_Game_IsClient then
+ begin
+ s := _lc[I_GAME_PING_HUD] + IntToStr(NetPeer.lastRoundTripTime) + _lc[I_NET_SLIST_PING_MS];
+ r_Draw_Text(s, x + 4, y + 242, 255, 255, 255, 255, stdfont);
+ end;
+ if p.Spectator then
+ begin
+ r_Draw_Text(_lc[I_PLAYER_SPECT], x + 4, y + 242, 255, 255, 255, 255, stdfont);
+ r_Draw_Text(_lc[I_PLAYER_SPECT2], x + 4, y + 258, 255, 255, 255, 255, stdfont);
+ r_Draw_Text(_lc[I_PLAYER_SPECT1], x + 4, y + 274, 255, 255, 255, 255, stdfont);
+ if p.NoRespawn then
+ r_Draw_Text(_lc[I_PLAYER_SPECT1S], x + 4, y + 290, 255, 255, 255, 255, stdfont);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_DrawView (x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TPlayer);
+ begin
+ if p <> nil then
+ r_Map_Draw(x, y, w, h, p.obj.x + PLAYER_RECT_CX, p.obj.y + PLAYER_RECT_CY, p)
+ else
+ r_Map_Draw(x, y, w, h, 0, 0, nil);
+ // TODO draw stats
+ if p <> nil then
+ begin
+ if p.Spectator and p.NoRespawn then
+ begin
+ // TODO draw at center
+ r_Draw_Text(_lc[I_PLAYER_SPECT4], x div 2 + w div 2, y div 2 + h div 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, stdfont);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_DrawPlayerView (x, y, w, h: Integer; p: TPlayer);
+ begin
+ r_Render_DrawView(x, y, w - 196, h, p);
+ r_Render_DrawHUDArea(x + w - 196, y, 196, h, p);
+ end;
procedure r_Render_Draw;
if gExit = EXIT_QUIT then
// TODO setup player view siz
// TODO draw player view + setup screen coords
- r_Map_Draw(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, gPlayer1.obj.x + 32, gPlayer1.obj.y + 32, gPlayer1); // !!! remove unnamed consts
+ r_Render_DrawPlayerView(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, gPlayer1);
// TODO draw holmes inspector