trigger field renames
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / tools / mapgen.dpr
1 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
4 {$ENDIF}
6 uses
7 SysUtils, Classes,
8 xstreams in '../shared/xstreams.pas',
9 xparser in '../shared/xparser.pas',
10 xdynrec in '../shared/xdynrec.pas',
11 xprofiler in '../shared/xprofiler.pas',
12 utils in '../shared/utils.pas',
13 hashtable in '../shared/hashtable.pas',
14 conbuf in '../shared/conbuf.pas',
15 e_log in '../engine/e_log.pas';
18 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
19 var
20 pr: TTextParser;
21 dfmapdef: TDynMapDef;
22 fo, fohlp, foimpl: TextFile;
23 st: TStream = nil;
24 ch: AnsiChar;
25 wdt: Integer;
26 s: AnsiString;
27 tidx, nidx, fidx: Integer;
28 needComma: Boolean;
29 trec: TDynRecord;
30 fld: TDynField;
31 begin
32 //writeln(getFilenamePath(ParamStr(0)), '|');
34 e_InitWritelnDriver();
35 conbufDumpToStdOut := true;
36 conbufConPrefix := false;
38 writeln('parsing "mapdef.txt"...');
39 try
40 st := openDiskFileRO('mapdef.txt');
41 writeln('found: local mapdef');
42 except // sorry
43 st := nil;
44 end;
45 try
46 writeln(filenameConcat(getFilenamePath(ParamStr(0)), '../mapdef/mapdef.txt'), '|');
47 st := openDiskFileRO(filenameConcat(getFilenamePath(ParamStr(0)), '../mapdef/mapdef.txt'));
48 writeln('found: system mapdef');
49 except // sorry
50 writeln('FATAL: mapdef not found!');
51 end;
53 pr := TFileTextParser.Create(st, false); // don't own
54 try
55 dfmapdef := TDynMapDef.Create(pr);
56 except on e: Exception do
57 begin
58 writeln('ERROR at (', pr.line, ',', pr.col, '): ', e.message);
59 Halt(1);
60 end;
61 end;
62 pr.Free();
64 writeln('writing ""...');
65 AssignFile(fo, '');
66 Rewrite(fo);
68 AssignFile(fohlp, '');
69 Rewrite(fohlp);
71 AssignFile(foimpl, '');
72 Rewrite(foimpl);
74 write(fo, '// *** WARNING! ***'#10);
75 write(fo, '// regenerate this part directly from "mapdef.txt" with ''mapgen'', NEVER manually change anything here!'#10#10#10);
76 write(fo, dfmapdef.pasdefconst);
78 write(fohlp, '// *** WARNING! ***'#10);
79 write(fohlp, '// regenerate this part directly from "mapdef.txt" with ''mapgen'', NEVER manually change anything here!'#10#10);
81 // generate trigger helpers
82 {
83 function TDynRecordHelper.trigTargetPoint (): TDFPoint; inline; begin result := getPointField('target'); end;
84 function TDynRecordHelper.trigD2DTeleport (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (getFieldWithType('d2d', TDynField.TType.TBool).ival <> 0); end;
85 function TDynRecordHelper.trigSilentTeleport (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (getFieldWithType('silent', TDynField.TType.TBool).ival <> 0); end;
86 function TDynRecordHelper.trigTlpDir (): Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType('direction', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;
87 }
89 write(foimpl, #10#10'// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //'#10);
90 write(foimpl, '// trigger helpers'#10);
91 for tidx := 0 to dfmapdef.trigTypeCount-1 do
92 begin
93 // header comment
94 write(foimpl, #10'// ');
95 needComma := false;
96 trec := dfmapdef.trigType[tidx];
97 for nidx := 0 to trec.forTrigCount-1 do
98 begin
99 if needComma then write(foimpl, ', ') else needComma := true;
100 write(foimpl, trec.forTrigAt[nidx]);
101 end;
102 write(foimpl, #10);
103 // fields
104 for fidx := 0 to trec.count-1 do
105 begin
106 fld := trec.fieldAt[fidx];
107 if fld.internal then continue;
108 if (fld.binOfs < 0) then continue;
109 // HACK!
110 if ( = 'panelid') or ( = 'monsterid') then
111 begin
112 writeln('skipping ', fld.pasname, ' <',, '>');
113 continue;
114 end;
115 if (fld.baseType <> TDynField.TType.TPoint) and (fld.baseType <> TDynField.TType.TSize) then
116 begin
117 write(foimpl, 'function TDynRecordHelper.trig', fld.pasname, ' (): ');
118 write(fohlp, 'function trig', fld.pasname, ' (): ');
119 end;
120 case fld.baseType of
121 TDynField.TType.TBool:
122 begin
123 write(fohlp, 'Boolean; inline;'#10);
124 write(foimpl, 'Boolean; inline; begin result := (getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TBool).ival ');
125 if fld.negbool then write(foimpl, '=') else write(foimpl, '<>');
126 write(foimpl, ' 0); end;'#10);
127 end;
128 TDynField.TType.TChar:
129 begin
130 write(fohlp, 'AnsiString; inline;'#10);
131 write(foimpl, 'AnsiString; inline; begin result := utf2win(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TChar).sval); end;'#10);
132 end;
133 TDynField.TType.TByte:
134 begin
135 write(fohlp, 'SmallInt; inline;'#10);
136 write(foimpl, 'SmallInt; inline; begin result := ShortInt(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TByte).ival); end;'#10);
137 end;
138 TDynField.TType.TUByte:
139 begin
140 write(fohlp, 'Byte; inline;'#10);
141 write(foimpl, 'Byte; inline; begin result := Byte(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TUByte).ival); end;'#10);
142 end;
143 TDynField.TType.TShort:
144 begin
145 write(fohlp, 'ShortInt; inline;'#10);
146 write(foimpl, 'ShortInt; inline; begin result := SmallInt(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TShort).ival); end;'#10);
147 end;
148 TDynField.TType.TUShort:
149 begin
150 write(fohlp, 'Word; inline;'#10);
151 write(foimpl, 'Word; inline; begin result := Word(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TUShort).ival); end;'#10);
152 end;
153 TDynField.TType.TInt:
154 begin
155 write(fohlp, 'LongInt; inline;'#10);
156 write(foimpl, 'LongInt; inline; begin result := LongInt(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TInt).ival); end;'#10);
157 end;
158 TDynField.TType.TUInt:
159 begin
160 write(fohlp, 'LongWord; inline;'#10);
161 write(foimpl, 'LongWord; inline; begin result := LongWord(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TUInt).ival); end;'#10);
162 end;
163 TDynField.TType.TString:
164 begin
165 write(fohlp, 'AnsiString; inline;'#10);
166 write(foimpl, 'AnsiString; inline; begin result := utf2win(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TChar).sval); end;'#10);
167 end;
168 TDynField.TType.TPoint:
169 begin
170 if fld.hasTPrefix or fld.separatePasFields then
171 begin
172 write(fohlp, 'function trig'); if fld.hasTPrefix then write(fohlp, 'T'); write(fohlp, 'X (): LongInt; inline;'#10);
173 write(fohlp, 'function trig'); if fld.hasTPrefix then write(fohlp, 'T'); write(fohlp, 'Y (): LongInt; inline;'#10);
174 // [T]X
175 write(foimpl, 'function TDynRecordHelper.trig');
176 if fld.hasTPrefix then write(foimpl, 'T');
177 write(foimpl, 'X (): LongInt; inline; begin result := LongInt(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TPoint).ival); end;'#10);
178 // [T]Y
179 write(foimpl, 'function TDynRecordHelper.trig');
180 if fld.hasTPrefix then write(foimpl, 'T');
181 write(foimpl, 'Y (): LongInt; inline; begin result := LongInt(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TPoint).ival2); end;'#10);
182 end
183 else
184 begin
185 write(fohlp, 'function trig', fld.pasname, ' (): TDFPoint; inline;'#10);
186 write(foimpl, 'function TDynRecordHelper.trig', fld.pasname, ' (): TDFPoint; inline; begin result := getPointField(''',, '''); end;'#10);
187 end;
188 end;
189 TDynField.TType.TSize:
190 begin
191 if fld.hasTPrefix or fld.separatePasFields then
192 begin
193 write(fohlp, 'function trig'); if fld.hasTPrefix then write(fohlp, 'T'); write(fohlp, 'Width (): Word; inline;'#10);
194 write(fohlp, 'function trig'); if fld.hasTPrefix then write(fohlp, 'T'); write(fohlp, 'Height (): Word; inline;'#10);
195 // [T]X
196 write(foimpl, 'function TDynRecordHelper.trig');
197 if fld.hasTPrefix then write(foimpl, 'T');
198 write(foimpl, 'Width (): Word; inline; begin result := Word(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TSize).ival); end;'#10);
199 // [T]Y
200 write(foimpl, 'function TDynRecordHelper.trig');
201 if fld.hasTPrefix then write(foimpl, 'T');
202 write(foimpl, 'Height (): Word; inline; begin result := Word(getFieldWithType(''',, ''', TDynField.TType.TSize).ival2); end;'#10);
203 end
204 else
205 begin
206 raise Exception.Create('no non-separate sizes in triggers, pelase');
207 end;
208 end;
209 TDynField.TType.TList:
210 raise Exception.Create('no lists in triggers, pelase');
211 TDynField.TType.TTrigData:
212 raise Exception.Create('no triggers in triggers, pelase');
213 end;
214 end;
215 end;
218 //st := openDiskFileRO('mapdef.txt');
219 st.position := 0;
220 write(fo, #10#10'const defaultMapDef: AnsiString = ''''+'#10' ');
221 wdt := 2;
222 while true do
223 begin
224 if (st.Read(ch, 1) <> 1) then break;
225 s := formatstrf('#%d', [Byte(ch)]);
226 if (wdt+Length(s) > 78) then begin wdt := 2; write(fo, '+'#10' '); end;
227 write(fo, s);
228 Inc(wdt, Length(s));
229 end;
230 write(fo, #10';');
232 CloseFile(fo);
233 CloseFile(fohlp);
234 CloseFile(foimpl);
235 end.