Holmes UI: more FlexBox fixes
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / xprofiler.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
16 // stopwatch timer to measure short periods (like frame rendering phases)
19 unit xprofiler;
21 interface
23 uses
24 SysUtils,
27 unixtype, linux
30 Windows
31 {$ELSE}
34 {$ENDIF}
35 {$WARNING You suck!}
36 {$ENDIF}
37 ;
40 type
41 TStopWatch = record
42 strict private
43 mElapsed: Int64;
44 mRunning: Boolean;
45 mStartPosition: UInt64;
47 strict private
48 procedure updateElapsed ();
50 function getElapsedMicro (): Int64;
51 function getElapsedMilli (): Int64;
53 public
54 class function Create (): TStopWatch; static;
55 class function startNew (): TStopWatch; static;
57 public
58 procedure clear (); inline; // full clear
59 procedure start (reset: Boolean=true); // start or restart timer
60 procedure stop ();
61 // the following is like start/stop, but doesn't reset elapsed time
62 procedure pause ();
63 procedure resume ();
65 property elapsedMicro: Int64 read getElapsedMicro;
66 property elapsedMilli: Int64 read getElapsedMilli;
67 property isRunning: Boolean read mRunning;
68 end;
69 {$ENDIF}
72 const
73 TProfHistorySize = 1000;
75 type
76 TProfilerBar = record
77 private
78 //const FilterFadeoff = 0.05; // 5%
80 private
81 history: array of Integer; // circular buffer
82 hisLast: Integer;
83 //curval: Single;
84 curAccum: UInt64;
85 curAccumCount: Integer;
86 mName: AnsiString;
87 mLevel: Integer;
89 private
90 procedure initialize (aHistSize: Integer); inline;
91 function getvalue (): Integer; inline;
92 function getvalat (idx: Integer): Integer; inline;
93 function getcount (): Integer; inline;
95 public
96 procedure update (val: Integer);
98 property value: Integer read getvalue;
99 property name: AnsiString read mName;
100 property level: Integer read mLevel;
101 property count: Integer read getcount;
102 property values[idx: Integer]: Integer read getvalat;
103 end;
105 TProfiler = class(TObject)
106 private
108 type
109 PProfSection = ^TProfSection;
110 TProfSection = record
111 name: AnsiString;
112 timer: TStopWatch;
113 level: Integer;
114 prevAct: Integer; // this serves as stack
115 end;
117 var
118 xptimer: TStopWatch;
119 xpsecs: array of TProfSection;
120 xpsused: Integer;
121 xpscur: Integer; // currently running section
122 {$ENDIF}
124 public
125 bars: array of TProfilerBar; // 0: total time
126 name: AnsiString;
127 histSize: Integer;
129 public
130 constructor Create (aName: AnsiString; aHistSize: Integer);
131 destructor Destroy (); override;
133 // call this on frame start
134 procedure mainBegin (reallyActivate: Boolean=true);
135 // call this on frame end
136 procedure mainEnd ();
138 procedure sectionBegin (aName: AnsiString);
139 procedure sectionEnd ();
141 // this will reuse the section with the given name (if there is any); use `sectionEnd()` to end it as usual
142 procedure sectionBeginAccum (aName: AnsiString);
143 end;
146 function getTimeMicro (): UInt64; inline;
147 function getTimeMilli (): UInt64; inline;
150 implementation
153 type THPTimeType = TTimeSpec;
154 {$ELSE}
155 type THPTimeType = Int64;
156 {$ENDIF}
158 var
159 mFrequency: Int64 = 0;
160 mHasHPTimer: Boolean = false;
163 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
164 procedure initTimerIntr ();
165 var
166 r: THPTimeType;
167 begin
168 if (mFrequency = 0) then
169 begin
171 if (clock_getres(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, @r) <> 0) then raise Exception.Create('profiler error: cannot get timer resolution');
172 mHasHPTimer := (r.tv_nsec <> 0);
173 if not mHasHPTimer then raise Exception.Create('profiler error: hires timer is not available');
174 mFrequency := 1; // just a flag
175 if (r.tv_nsec <> 0) then mFrequency := 1000000000000000000 div r.tv_nsec;
176 {$ELSE}
177 mHasHPTimer := QueryPerformanceFrequency(r);
178 if not mHasHPTimer then raise Exception.Create('profiler error: hires timer is not available');
179 mFrequency := r;
180 {$ENDIF}
181 end;
182 end;
185 function getTimeMicro (): UInt64; inline;
186 var
187 r: THPTimeType;
188 begin
189 //if (mFrequency = 0) then initTimerIntr();
191 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, @r);
192 result := UInt64(r.tv_sec)*1000000+UInt64(r.tv_nsec) div 1000; // microseconds
193 {$ELSE}
194 QueryPerformanceCounter(r);
195 result := UInt64(r)*1000000 div mFrequency;
196 {$ENDIF}
197 end;
200 function getTimeMilli (): UInt64; inline;
201 begin
202 result := getTimeMicro div 1000;
203 end;
206 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
207 class function TStopWatch.Create (): TStopWatch;
208 begin
209 result.clear();
210 end;
213 class function TStopWatch.startNew (): TStopWatch;
214 begin
215 result := TStopWatch.Create();
216 result.start();
217 end;
220 procedure TStopWatch.updateElapsed ();
221 var
222 e: UInt64;
223 begin
224 e := getTimeMicro();
225 if (mStartPosition > e) then mStartPosition := e;
226 Inc(mElapsed, e-mStartPosition);
227 mStartPosition := e;
228 end;
231 function TStopWatch.getElapsedMicro (): Int64;
232 begin
233 if mRunning then updateElapsed();
234 result := mElapsed; // microseconds
235 end;
238 function TStopWatch.getElapsedMilli (): Int64;
239 begin
240 if mRunning then updateElapsed();
241 result := mElapsed div 1000; // milliseconds
242 end;
245 procedure TStopWatch.clear ();
246 begin
247 mElapsed := 0;
248 mRunning := false;
249 mStartPosition := 0;
250 end;
253 procedure TStopWatch.start (reset: Boolean=true);
254 begin
255 if mRunning and not reset then exit; // nothing to do
256 mStartPosition := getTimeMicro();
257 mRunning := true;
258 if (reset) then mElapsed := 0;
259 end;
262 procedure TStopWatch.stop ();
263 begin
264 if not mRunning then exit;
265 mRunning := false;
266 updateElapsed();
267 end;
270 procedure TStopWatch.pause ();
271 begin
272 stop();
273 end;
276 procedure TStopWatch.resume ();
277 begin
278 if mRunning then exit;
279 start(false); // don't reset
280 end;
283 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
284 procedure TProfilerBar.initialize (aHistSize: Integer); begin SetLength(history, aHistSize); hisLast := -1; curAccum := 0; curAccumCount := 0; end;
286 procedure TProfilerBar.update (val: Integer);
287 var
288 idx: Integer;
289 begin
290 if (val < 0) then val := 0; //else if (val > 1000000) val := 1000000;
291 if (hisLast = -1) then begin hisLast := High(history); curAccum := 0; curAccumCount := 0; for idx := 0 to High(history) do history[idx] := val; end;
292 if (curAccumCount = Length(history)) then Dec(curAccum, UInt64(history[(hisLast+1) mod Length(history)])) else Inc(curAccumCount);
293 Inc(hisLast);
294 if (hisLast >= Length(history)) then hisLast := 0;
295 Inc(curAccum, UInt64(val));
296 history[hisLast] := val;
297 //curval := FilterFadeoff*val+(1.0-FilterFadeoff)*curval;
298 end;
300 function TProfilerBar.getvalue (): Integer;
302 var idx: Integer;
303 {$ENDIF}
304 begin
306 result := 0;
307 for idx := 0 to High(history) do Inc(result, history[idx]);
308 result := result div Length(history);
309 {$ELSE}
310 //result := round(curval);
311 if curAccumCount > 0 then result := Integer(curAccum div curAccumCount) else result := 0;
312 {$ENDIF}
313 end;
315 function TProfilerBar.getcount (): Integer; begin result := Length(history); end;
317 function TProfilerBar.getvalat (idx: Integer): Integer;
318 begin
319 if (idx < 0) or (idx >= Length(history)) then result := 0 else result := history[(hisLast-idx+Length(history)*2) mod Length(history)];
320 end;
323 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
324 constructor TProfiler.Create (aName: AnsiString; aHistSize: Integer);
325 begin
326 name := aName;
327 bars := nil;
328 if (aHistSize < 10) then aHistSize := 10;
329 if (aHistSize > 10000) then aHistSize := 10000;
330 histSize := aHistSize;
332 xptimer.clear();
333 xpsecs := nil;
334 xpsused := 0;
335 xpscur := -1;
336 {$ENDIF}
337 end;
340 destructor TProfiler.Destroy ();
341 var
342 idx: Integer;
343 begin
344 for idx := 0 to High(bars) do bars[idx].history := nil;
345 bars := nil;
347 xpsecs := nil;
348 {$ENDIF}
349 inherited;
350 end;
353 procedure TProfiler.mainBegin (reallyActivate: Boolean=true);
354 begin
356 xpsused := 0;
357 xpscur := -1;
358 xptimer.clear();
359 if reallyActivate then xptimer.start();
360 {$ENDIF}
361 end;
363 procedure TProfiler.mainEnd ();
365 var
366 idx: Integer;
367 emm: Integer;
369 procedure finishProfiling ();
370 var
371 idx: Integer;
372 begin
373 if (xpsused > 0) then
374 begin
375 for idx := 0 to xpsused-1 do
376 begin
377 xpsecs[idx].timer.stop();
378 xpsecs[idx].prevAct := -1;
379 end;
380 end;
381 xptimer.stop();
382 xpscur := -1;
383 end;
384 {$ENDIF}
385 begin
387 if not xptimer.isRunning then exit;
388 finishProfiling();
389 if (xpsused > 0) then
390 begin
391 // first time?
392 if (length(bars) = 0) or (length(bars) <> xpsused+1) then
393 begin
394 //if (length(bars) <> 0) then raise Exception.Create('FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU');
395 SetLength(bars, xpsused+1);
396 for idx := 1 to xpsused do
397 begin
398 bars[idx].initialize(histSize);
399 bars[idx].mName := xpsecs[idx-1].name;
400 bars[idx].mLevel := xpsecs[idx-1].level+1;
401 end;
402 bars[0].initialize(histSize);
403 bars[0].mName := name;
404 bars[0].mLevel := 0;
405 end;
406 // update bars
407 emm := 0;
408 for idx := 1 to xpsused do
409 begin
410 bars[idx].update(Integer(xpsecs[idx-1].timer.elapsedMicro));
411 Inc(emm, Integer(xpsecs[idx-1].timer.elapsedMicro));
412 end;
413 //bars[0].update(xptimer.elapsedMicro);
414 bars[0].update(emm);
415 end
416 else
417 begin
418 if (length(bars) <> 1) then
419 begin
420 SetLength(bars, 1);
421 bars[0].initialize(histSize);
422 bars[0].mName := name;
423 bars[0].mLevel := 0;
424 end;
425 bars[0].update(xptimer.elapsedMicro);
426 end;
427 {$ENDIF}
428 end;
430 procedure TProfiler.sectionBegin (aName: AnsiString);
432 var
433 sid: Integer;
434 pss: PProfSection;
435 {$ENDIF}
436 begin
438 if not xptimer.isRunning then exit;
439 if (Length(xpsecs) = 0) then SetLength(xpsecs, 512); // why not?
440 if (xpsused >= Length(xpsecs)) then raise Exception.Create('too many profile sections');
441 sid := xpsused;
442 Inc(xpsused);
443 pss := @xpsecs[sid];
444 := aName;
445 pss.timer.clear();
446 pss.prevAct := xpscur;
447 // calculate level
448 if (xpscur = -1) then pss.level := 0 else pss.level := xpsecs[xpscur].level+1;
449 xpscur := sid;
450 pss.timer.start();
451 {$ENDIF}
452 end;
454 procedure TProfiler.sectionBeginAccum (aName: AnsiString);
456 var
457 idx: Integer;
458 {$ENDIF}
459 begin
461 if not xptimer.isRunning then exit;
462 if (xpsused > 0) then
463 begin
464 for idx := 0 to xpsused-1 do
465 begin
466 if (xpsecs[idx].name = aName) then
467 begin
468 if (idx = xpscur) then raise Exception.Create('profiler error(0): dobule resume: "'+aName+'"');
469 if (xpsecs[idx].prevAct <> -1) then raise Exception.Create('profiler error(1): dobule resume: "'+aName+'"');
470 xpsecs[idx].prevAct := xpscur;
471 xpscur := idx;
472 xpsecs[idx].timer.resume();
473 exit;
474 end;
475 end;
476 end;
477 sectionBegin(aName);
478 {$ENDIF}
479 end;
481 procedure TProfiler.sectionEnd ();
483 var
484 pss: PProfSection;
485 {$ENDIF}
486 begin
488 if not xptimer.isRunning then exit;
489 if (xpscur = -1) then exit; // this is bug, but meh...
490 pss := @xpsecs[xpscur];
491 pss.timer.stop();
492 // go back to parent
493 xpscur := pss.prevAct;
494 pss.prevAct := -1;
495 {$ENDIF}
496 end;
499 begin
500 initTimerIntr();
501 end.