textmap cosmetix
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / xparser.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
17 unit xparser;
19 interface
21 uses
22 Classes;
25 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
26 type
27 TTextParser = class
28 public
29 const
30 TTNone = -1;
31 TTEOF = 0;
32 TTId = 1;
33 TTInt = 2;
34 //TTFloat = 3; // not yet
35 TTStr = 4; // string
36 TTComma = 5; // ','
37 TTColon = 6; // ':'
38 TTSemi = 7; // ';'
39 TTBegin = 8; // left curly
40 TTEnd = 9; // right curly
41 TTDelim = 10; // other delimiters
43 private
44 mLine, mCol: Integer;
45 mCurChar, mNextChar: AnsiChar;
47 mAllowSignedNumbers: Boolean; // internal control
49 mTokLine, mTokCol: Integer; // token start
50 mTokType: Integer;
51 mTokStr: AnsiString; // string or identifier
52 mTokChar: AnsiChar; // for delimiters
53 mTokInt: Integer;
55 protected
56 procedure warmup (); virtual; // called in constructor to warm up the system
57 procedure loadNextChar (); virtual; abstract; // loads next char into mNextChar; #0 means 'eof'
59 public
60 constructor Create (loadToken: Boolean=true);
61 destructor Destroy (); override;
63 function isEOF (): Boolean; inline;
65 function skipChar (): Boolean; // returns `false` on eof
67 function skipBlanks (): Boolean; // ...and comments; returns `false` on eof
69 function skipToken (): Boolean; // returns `false` on eof
71 function expectId (): AnsiString;
72 procedure expectId (const aid: AnsiString);
73 function eatId (const aid: AnsiString): Boolean;
75 function expectStr (allowEmpty: Boolean=false): AnsiString;
76 function expectInt (): Integer;
78 procedure expectTT (ttype: Integer);
79 function eatTT (ttype: Integer): Boolean;
81 function expectDelim (const ch: AnsiChar): AnsiChar;
82 function eatDelim (const ch: AnsiChar): Boolean;
84 public
85 property col: Integer read mCol;
86 property line: Integer read mLine;
88 property curChar: AnsiChar read mCurChar;
89 property nextChar: AnsiChar read mNextChar;
91 // token start
92 property tokCol: Integer read mTokCol;
93 property tokLine: Integer read mTokLine;
95 property tokType: Integer read mTokType; // see TTXXX constants
96 property tokStr: AnsiString read mTokStr; // string or identifier
97 property tokChar: AnsiChar read mTokChar; // for delimiters
98 property tokInt: Integer read mTokInt;
99 end;
102 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
103 type
104 TFileTextParser = class(TTextParser)
105 private
106 mFile: TStream;
108 protected
109 procedure loadNextChar (); override; // loads next char into mNextChar; #0 means 'eof'
111 public
112 constructor Create (const fname: AnsiString; loadToken: Boolean=true);
113 constructor Create (st: TStream; loadToken: Boolean=true); // will take ownership on st
114 destructor Destroy (); override;
115 end;
117 TStrTextParser = class(TTextParser)
118 private
119 mStr: AnsiString;
120 mPos: Integer;
122 protected
123 procedure loadNextChar (); override; // loads next char into mNextChar; #0 means 'eof'
125 public
126 constructor Create (const astr: AnsiString; loadToken: Boolean=true);
127 destructor Destroy (); override;
128 end;
131 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
132 type
133 TTextWriter = class
134 protected
135 mIndent: Integer;
137 protected
138 procedure putBuf (constref buf; len: SizeUInt); virtual; abstract;
140 public
141 constructor Create ();
143 procedure put (const s: AnsiString); overload;
144 procedure put (v: Byte); overload;
145 procedure put (v: Integer); overload;
146 procedure put (const fmt: AnsiString; args: array of const); overload;
147 procedure putIndent ();
148 procedure indent ();
149 procedure unindent ();
150 end;
153 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
154 type
155 TFileTextWriter = class(TTextWriter)
156 private
157 mFile: TStream;
159 protected
160 procedure putBuf (constref buf; len: SizeUInt); override;
162 public
163 constructor Create (const fname: AnsiString);
164 destructor Destroy (); override;
165 end;
168 implementation
170 uses
171 SysUtils, utils;
174 var
175 wc2shitmap: array[0..65535] of AnsiChar;
176 wc2shitmapInited: Boolean = false;
179 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
180 procedure initShitMap ();
181 const
182 cp1251: array[0..127] of Word = (
183 $0402,$0403,$201A,$0453,$201E,$2026,$2020,$2021,$20AC,$2030,$0409,$2039,$040A,$040C,$040B,$040F,
184 $0452,$2018,$2019,$201C,$201D,$2022,$2013,$2014,$003F,$2122,$0459,$203A,$045A,$045C,$045B,$045F,
185 $00A0,$040E,$045E,$0408,$00A4,$0490,$00A6,$00A7,$0401,$00A9,$0404,$00AB,$00AC,$00AD,$00AE,$0407,
186 $00B0,$00B1,$0406,$0456,$0491,$00B5,$00B6,$00B7,$0451,$2116,$0454,$00BB,$0458,$0405,$0455,$0457,
187 $0410,$0411,$0412,$0413,$0414,$0415,$0416,$0417,$0418,$0419,$041A,$041B,$041C,$041D,$041E,$041F,
188 $0420,$0421,$0422,$0423,$0424,$0425,$0426,$0427,$0428,$0429,$042A,$042B,$042C,$042D,$042E,$042F,
189 $0430,$0431,$0432,$0433,$0434,$0435,$0436,$0437,$0438,$0439,$043A,$043B,$043C,$043D,$043E,$043F,
190 $0440,$0441,$0442,$0443,$0444,$0445,$0446,$0447,$0448,$0449,$044A,$044B,$044C,$044D,$044E,$044F
191 );
192 var
193 f: Integer;
194 begin
195 for f := 0 to High(wc2shitmap) do wc2shitmap[f] := '?';
196 for f := 0 to 127 do wc2shitmap[f] := AnsiChar(f);
197 for f := 0 to 127 do wc2shitmap[cp1251[f]] := AnsiChar(f+128);
198 wc2shitmapInited := true;
199 end;
202 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
203 // TODO: make a hash or something
204 function wcharTo1251 (wc: WideChar): AnsiChar; inline;
205 begin
206 if not wc2shitmapInited then initShitMap();
207 if (LongWord(wc) > 65535) then result := '?' else result := wc2shitmap[LongWord(wc)];
208 end;
211 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
212 constructor TTextParser.Create (loadToken: Boolean=true);
213 begin
214 mLine := 1;
215 mCol := 1;
216 mCurChar := #0;
217 mNextChar := #0;
218 mTokType := TTNone;
219 mTokStr := '';
220 mTokChar := #0;
221 mTokInt := 0;
222 mAllowSignedNumbers := true;
223 warmup(); // change `mAllowSignedNumbers` there, if necessary
224 if loadToken then skipToken();
225 end;
228 destructor TTextParser.Destroy ();
229 begin
230 inherited;
231 end;
234 function TTextParser.isEOF (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mCurChar = #0); end;
237 procedure TTextParser.warmup ();
238 begin
239 mNextChar := ' ';
240 loadNextChar();
241 mCurChar := mNextChar;
242 if (mNextChar <> #0) then loadNextChar();
243 end;
246 function TTextParser.skipChar (): Boolean;
247 begin
248 if (mCurChar = #0) then begin result := false; exit; end;
249 if (mCurChar = #10) then begin mCol := 1; Inc(mLine); end else Inc(mCol);
250 mCurChar := mNextChar;
251 if (mCurChar = #0) then begin result := false; exit; end;
252 loadNextChar();
253 // skip CR in CR/LF
254 if (mCurChar = #13) then
255 begin
256 if (mNextChar = #10) then loadNextChar();
257 mCurChar := #10;
258 end;
259 result := true;
260 end;
263 function TTextParser.skipBlanks (): Boolean;
264 var
265 level: Integer;
266 begin
267 while not isEOF do
268 begin
269 if (curChar = '/') then
270 begin
271 // single-line comment
272 if (nextChar = '/') then
273 begin
274 while not isEOF and (curChar <> #10) do skipChar();
275 skipChar(); // skip EOL
276 continue;
277 end;
278 // multline comment
279 if (nextChar = '*') then
280 begin
281 // skip comment start
282 skipChar();
283 skipChar();
284 while not isEOF do
285 begin
286 if (curChar = '*') and (nextChar = '/') then
287 begin
288 // skip comment end
289 skipChar();
290 skipChar();
291 break;
292 end;
293 skipChar();
294 end;
295 continue;
296 end;
297 // nesting multline comment
298 if (nextChar = '+') then
299 begin
300 // skip comment start
301 skipChar();
302 skipChar();
303 level := 1;
304 while not isEOF do
305 begin
306 if (curChar = '+') and (nextChar = '/') then
307 begin
308 // skip comment end
309 skipChar();
310 skipChar();
311 Dec(level);
312 if (level = 0) then break;
313 continue;
314 end;
315 if (curChar = '/') and (nextChar = '+') then
316 begin
317 // skip comment start
318 skipChar();
319 skipChar();
320 Inc(level);
321 continue;
322 end;
323 skipChar();
324 end;
325 continue;
326 end;
327 end;
328 if (curChar > ' ') then break;
329 skipChar(); // skip blank
330 end;
331 result := not isEOF;
332 end;
335 function TTextParser.skipToken (): Boolean;
337 procedure parseInt ();
338 var
339 neg: Boolean = false;
340 base: Integer = -1;
341 n: Integer;
342 begin
343 if mAllowSignedNumbers then
344 begin
345 if (curChar = '+') or (curChar = '-') then
346 begin
347 neg := (curChar = '-');
348 skipChar();
349 if (curChar < '0') or (curChar > '9') then
350 begin
351 mTokType := TTDelim;
352 if (neg) then mTokChar := '-' else mTokChar := '+';
353 exit;
354 end;
355 end;
356 end;
357 if (curChar = '0') then
358 begin
359 case nextChar of
360 'b','B': base := 2;
361 'o','O': base := 8;
362 'd','D': base := 10;
363 'h','H': base := 16;
364 end;
365 if (base > 0) then
366 begin
367 // skip prefix
368 skipChar();
369 skipChar();
370 end;
371 end;
372 // default base
373 if (base < 0) then base := 10;
374 if (digitInBase(curChar, base) < 0) then raise Exception.Create('invalid number');
375 mTokType := TTInt;
376 mTokInt := 0; // just in case
377 while not isEOF do
378 begin
379 n := digitInBase(curChar, base);
380 if (n < 0) then break;
381 n := mTokInt*10+n;
382 if (n < 0) or (n < mTokInt) then raise Exception.Create('integer overflow');
383 mTokInt := n;
384 skipChar();
385 end;
386 // check for valid number end
387 if not isEOF then
388 begin
389 if (curChar = '.') then raise Exception.Create('floating numbers aren''t supported yet');
390 if (curChar = '_') or ((curChar >= 'A') and (curChar <= 'Z')) or ((curChar >= 'a') and (curChar <= 'z')) or (curChar >= #128) then
391 begin
392 raise Exception.Create('invalid number');
393 end;
394 end;
395 if neg then mTokInt := -mTokInt;
396 end;
398 procedure parseString ();
399 var
400 qch, ch: AnsiChar;
401 n: Integer;
402 begin
403 mTokType := TTStr;
404 mTokStr := ''; // just in case
405 qch := curChar;
406 skipChar(); // skip starting quote
407 while not isEOF do
408 begin
409 // escape
410 if (qch = '"') and (curChar = '\') then
411 begin
412 if (nextChar = #0) then raise Exception.Create('unterminated string escape');
413 ch := nextChar;
414 // skip backslash and escape type
415 skipChar();
416 skipChar();
417 case ch of
418 't': mTokStr += #9;
419 'n': mTokStr += #10;
420 'r': mTokStr += #13;
421 'z': mTokStr += #0;
422 'e': mTokStr += #27;
423 'x', 'X': // hex escape
424 begin
425 n := digitInBase(curChar, 16);
426 if (n < 0) then raise Exception.Create('invalid hexstr escape');
427 skipChar();
428 if (digitInBase(curChar, 16) > 0) then
429 begin
430 n := n*16+digitInBase(curChar, 16);
431 skipChar();
432 end;
433 mTokStr += AnsiChar(n);
434 end;
435 else mTokStr += ch;
436 end;
437 continue;
438 end;
439 // duplicate single quote (pascal style)
440 if (qch = '''') and (curChar = '''') and (nextChar = '''') then
441 begin
442 // skip both quotes
443 skipChar();
444 skipChar();
445 mTokStr += '''';
446 continue;
447 end;
448 if (curChar = qch) then
449 begin
450 skipChar(); // skip ending quote
451 break;
452 end;
453 mTokStr += curChar;
454 skipChar();
455 end;
456 end;
458 procedure parseId ();
459 begin
460 mTokType := TTId;
461 mTokStr := ''; // just in case
462 while (curChar = '_') or ((curChar >= '0') and (curChar <= '9')) or
463 ((curChar >= 'A') and (curChar <= 'Z')) or
464 ((curChar >= 'a') and (curChar <= 'z')) or
465 (curChar >= #128) do
466 begin
467 mTokStr += curChar;
468 skipChar();
469 end;
470 end;
472 begin
473 mTokType := TTEOF;
474 mTokStr := '';
475 mTokChar := #0;
476 mTokInt := 0;
478 if not skipBlanks() then
479 begin
480 result := false;
481 mTokLine := mLine;
482 mTokCol := mCol;
483 exit;
484 end;
486 mTokLine := mLine;
487 mTokCol := mCol;
489 result := true;
491 // number?
492 if mAllowSignedNumbers and ((curChar = '+') or (curChar = '-')) then begin parseInt(); exit; end;
493 if (curChar >= '0') and (curChar <= '9') then begin parseInt(); exit; end;
495 // string?
496 if (curChar = '"') or (curChar = '''') then begin parseString(); exit; end;
498 // identifier?
499 if (curChar = '_') or ((curChar >= 'A') and (curChar <= 'Z')) or ((curChar >= 'a') and (curChar <= 'z')) or (curChar >= #128) then begin parseId(); exit; end;
501 // known delimiters?
502 case curChar of
503 ',': mTokType := TTComma;
504 ':': mTokType := TTColon;
505 ';': mTokType := TTSemi;
506 '{': mTokType := TTBegin;
507 '}': mTokType := TTEnd;
508 else mTokType := TTDelim;
509 end;
510 mTokChar := curChar;
511 skipChar();
512 end;
515 function TTextParser.expectId (): AnsiString;
516 begin
517 if (mTokType <> TTId) then raise Exception.Create('identifier expected');
518 result := mTokStr;
519 skipToken();
520 end;
523 procedure TTextParser.expectId (const aid: AnsiString);
524 begin
525 if (mTokType <> TTId) or (CompareText(mTokStr, aid) <> 0) then raise Exception.Create('identifier '''+aid+''' expected');
526 skipToken();
527 end;
530 function TTextParser.eatId (const aid: AnsiString): Boolean;
531 begin
532 result := false;
533 if (mTokType <> TTId) or (CompareText(mTokStr, aid) <> 0) then exit;
534 result := true;
535 skipToken();
536 end;
539 function TTextParser.expectStr (allowEmpty: Boolean=false): AnsiString;
540 begin
541 if (mTokType <> TTStr) then raise Exception.Create('string expected');
542 if (not allowEmpty) and (Length(mTokStr) = 0) then raise Exception.Create('non-empty string expected');
543 result := mTokStr;
544 skipToken();
545 end;
548 function TTextParser.expectInt (): Integer;
549 begin
550 if (mTokType <> TTInt) then raise Exception.Create('string expected');
551 result := mTokInt;
552 skipToken();
553 end;
556 procedure TTextParser.expectTT (ttype: Integer);
557 begin
558 if (mTokType <> ttype) then raise Exception.Create('unexpected token');
559 skipToken();
560 end;
563 function TTextParser.eatTT (ttype: Integer): Boolean;
564 begin
565 result := (mTokType = ttype);
566 if result then skipToken();
567 end;
570 function TTextParser.expectDelim (const ch: AnsiChar): AnsiChar;
571 begin
572 if (mTokType <> TTDelim) then raise Exception.Create(Format('delimiter ''%s'' expected', [ch]));
573 result := mTokChar;
574 skipToken();
575 end;
578 function TTextParser.eatDelim (const ch: AnsiChar): Boolean;
579 begin
580 result := false;
581 if (mTokType <> TTDelim) or (mTokChar <> ch) then exit;
582 result := true;
583 skipToken();
584 end;
587 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
588 constructor TFileTextParser.Create (const fname: AnsiString; loadToken: Boolean=true);
589 begin
590 mFile := openDiskFileRO(fname);
591 inherited Create(loadToken);
592 end;
595 constructor TFileTextParser.Create (st: TStream; loadToken: Boolean=true);
596 begin
597 if (st = nil) then raise Exception.Create('cannot create parser for nil stream');
598 mFile := st;
599 inherited Create(loadToken);
600 end;
603 destructor TFileTextParser.Destroy ();
604 begin
605 mFile.Free();
606 inherited;
607 end;
610 procedure TFileTextParser.loadNextChar ();
611 var
612 rd: Integer;
613 begin
614 rd := mFile.Read(mNextChar, 1);
615 if (rd = 0) then begin mNextChar := #0; exit; end;
616 if (mNextChar = #0) then mNextChar := ' ';
617 end;
620 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
621 constructor TStrTextParser.Create (const astr: AnsiString; loadToken: Boolean=true);
622 begin
623 mStr := astr;
624 mPos := 1;
625 inherited Create(loadToken);
626 end;
629 destructor TStrTextParser.Destroy ();
630 begin
631 mStr := '';
632 inherited;
633 end;
636 procedure TStrTextParser.loadNextChar ();
637 begin
638 mNextChar := #0;
639 if (mPos > Length(mStr)) then exit;
640 mNextChar := mStr[mPos]; Inc(mPos);
641 if (mNextChar = #0) then mNextChar := ' ';
642 end;
645 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
646 constructor TTextWriter.Create (); begin mIndent := 0; end;
647 procedure TTextWriter.put (const s: AnsiString); overload; begin if (Length(s) > 0) then putBuf((@(s[1]))^, Length(s)); end;
648 procedure TTextWriter.put (v: Byte); overload; begin put('%d', [v]); end;
649 procedure TTextWriter.put (v: Integer); overload; begin put('%d', [v]); end;
650 procedure TTextWriter.put (const fmt: AnsiString; args: array of const); overload; begin put(formatstrf(fmt, args)); end;
651 procedure TTextWriter.putIndent (); var f: Integer; begin for f := 1 to mIndent do put(' '); end;
652 procedure TTextWriter.indent (); begin Inc(mIndent, 2); end;
653 procedure TTextWriter.unindent (); begin Dec(mIndent, 2); end;
656 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
657 constructor TFileTextWriter.Create (const fname: AnsiString);
658 begin
659 mFile := createDiskFile(fname);
660 inherited Create();
661 end;
664 destructor TFileTextWriter.Destroy ();
665 begin
666 mFile.Free();
667 inherited;
668 end;
671 procedure TFileTextWriter.putBuf (constref buf; len: SizeUInt);
672 var
673 pc: PChar;
674 begin
675 if (len > 0) then
676 begin
677 pc := @buf;
678 mFile.WriteBuffer(pc^, len);
680 while (len > 0) do
681 begin
682 write(pc^);
683 Inc(pc);
684 Dec(len);
685 end;
687 end;
688 end;
691 end.