Revert "properly reset weapon states, so player will be able to switch weapons after...
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / xdynrec.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
17 {.$DEFINE XDYNREC_USE_FIELDHASH} // actually, it is SLOWER with this
18 unit xdynrec;
20 interface
22 uses
23 SysUtils, Variants, Classes,
25 xparser, xstreams, utils, hashtable;
28 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
29 type
30 TDynRecException = class(Exception)
31 public
32 constructor Create (const amsg: AnsiString);
33 constructor CreateFmt (const afmt: AnsiString; const args: array of const);
34 end;
36 TDynParseException = class(TDynRecException)
37 public
38 tokLine, tokCol: Integer;
40 public
41 constructor Create (pr: TTextParser; const amsg: AnsiString);
42 constructor CreateFmt (pr: TTextParser; const afmt: AnsiString; const args: array of const);
43 end;
46 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
47 type
48 TDynMapDef = class;
49 TDynRecord = class;
50 TDynField = class;
51 TDynEBS = class;
53 TDynFieldList = specialize TSimpleList<TDynField>;
54 TDynRecList = specialize TSimpleList<TDynRecord>;
55 TDynEBSList = specialize TSimpleList<TDynEBS>;
57 // this is base type for all scalars (and arrays)
58 TDynField = class{$IFDEF USE_MEMPOOL}(TPoolObject){$ENDIF}
59 public
60 type
61 TType = (TBool, TChar, TByte, TUByte, TShort, TUShort, TInt, TUInt, TString, TPoint, TSize, TColor, TList, TTrigData);
62 // TPoint: pair of Integers
63 // TSize: pair of UShorts
64 // TList: actually, array of records
65 // TTrigData: array of mMaxDim bytes, but internally a record (mRecRef)
66 // in binary: arrays of chars are pascal shortstrings (with counter in the first byte)
68 private
69 type
70 TEBS = (TNone, TRec, TEnum, TBitSet);
72 private
73 mOwner: TDynRecord; // owner record
74 mName: AnsiString; // field name
75 mTip: AnsiString; // short tip
76 mHelp: AnsiString; // long help
77 mType: TType; // field type
78 mIVal: Integer; // for all integer types
79 mIVal2: Integer; // for point and size
80 mIVal3: Integer; // for TColor
81 mIVal4: Integer; // for TColor
82 mSVal: AnsiString; // string; for byte and char arrays
83 mRVal: TDynRecList; // for list
84 mRHash: THashStrInt; // id -> index in mRVal
85 mRecRef: TDynRecord; // for TEBS.TRec
86 mMaxDim: Integer; // for byte and char arrays; <0: not an array; 0: impossible value
87 mBinOfs: Integer; // offset in binary; <0 - none
88 mSepPosSize: Boolean; // for points and sizes, use separate fields
89 mAsT: Boolean; // for points and sizes, use separate fields, names starts with `t`
90 mDefined: Boolean;
91 mHasDefault: Boolean;
92 mWriteDef: Boolean;
93 mInternal: Boolean;
94 mNegBool: Boolean;
95 mBitSetUnique: Boolean; // bitset can contain only one value
96 mAsMonsterId: Boolean; // special hack for triggers: monster record number+1 in binary (so 0 means "none")
97 // default value
98 mDefUnparsed: AnsiString;
99 mDefSVal: AnsiString; // default string value
100 mDefIVal, mDefIVal2, mDefIVal3, mDefIVal4: Integer; // default integer values
101 mDefRecRef: TDynRecord;
102 mEBS: TEBS; // complex type type
103 mEBSTypeName: AnsiString; // name of enum, bitset or record
104 mEBSType: TObject; // either TDynRecord or TDynEBS; nil means "simple type"; nil for `TTrigData` too
106 // for binary parser
107 mRecRefId: AnsiString;
109 // for userdata
110 mTagInt: Integer;
111 mTagPtr: Pointer;
113 // for pasgen
114 mAlias: AnsiString;
116 private
117 procedure cleanup ();
119 procedure parseDefaultValue (); // parse `mDefUnparsed` to `mDefSVal`, `mDefIVal`, `mDefIVal2`, `mDefRecRef`
120 procedure fixDefaultValue (); // this will NOT clone `mDefRecRef`
121 function isDefaultValue (): Boolean;
123 function getListCount (): Integer; inline;
124 function getListItem (idx: Integer): TDynRecord; inline; overload;
125 function getListItem (const aname: AnsiString): TDynRecord; inline; overload;
127 function getRecRefIndex (): Integer;
129 function getVar (): Variant;
130 procedure setVar (val: Variant);
132 procedure setRecRef (arec: TDynRecord);
134 procedure parseDef (pr: TTextParser); // parse mapdef definition
135 function definition (): AnsiString; // generate mapdef definition
137 protected
138 // returns `true` for duplicate record id
139 function addListItem (rec: TDynRecord): Boolean; inline;
140 function removeListItem (const aid: AnsiString): TDynRecord; // returns nil or removed record
142 public
143 // get string name for the given type
144 class function getTypeName (t: TType): AnsiString;
146 public
147 constructor Create (const aname: AnsiString; atype: TType);
148 constructor Create (const aname: AnsiString; val: Variant);
149 constructor Create (pr: TTextParser);
150 destructor Destroy (); override;
152 // clone this field; register all list records in `registerIn`
153 // "registration" is required to manage record lifetime; use header record if in doubt
154 // owner will be set to `newOwner`, if it is not `nil`, or to `owner`
155 // for lists, cloning will clone all list members
156 function clone (newOwner: TDynRecord=nil; registerIn: TDynRecord=nil): TDynField;
158 // compare field values (including trigdata)
159 // WARNING: won't work for lists
160 function isSimpleEqu (fld: TDynField): Boolean;
162 // parse string value to appropriate type and set new field value
163 procedure setValue (const s: AnsiString);
165 // supports `for rec in field do` (for lists)
166 function GetEnumerator (): TDynRecList.TEnumerator; inline;
168 function getRed (): Integer; inline;
169 procedure setRed (v: Integer); inline;
171 function getGreen (): Integer; inline;
172 procedure setGreen (v: Integer); inline;
174 function getBlue (): Integer; inline;
175 procedure setBlue (v: Integer); inline;
177 function getAlpha (): Integer; inline;
178 procedure setAlpha (v: Integer); inline;
180 public
181 // text parser and writer
182 procedure parseValue (pr: TTextParser);
183 procedure writeTo (wr: TTextWriter);
185 // binary parser and writer (DO NOT USE!)
186 procedure parseBinValue (st: TStream);
187 procedure writeBinTo (var hasLostData: Boolean; st: TStream);
189 public
190 // the following functions are here only for 'mapgen'! DO NOT USE!
191 // build "alias name" for pascal code
192 function palias (firstUp: Boolean=false): AnsiString;
194 public
195 property owner: TDynRecord read mOwner;
196 property name: AnsiString read mName; // field name
197 property baseType: TType read mType; // field type (base for arrays)
198 property defined: Boolean read mDefined; // was field value set to something by external code?
199 property internal: Boolean read mInternal write mInternal; // internal field?
200 property ival: Integer read mIVal; // integer value for int field (for speed), first field (x/w) for `TPoint` and `TSize`
201 property ival2: Integer read mIVal2; // for `TPoint` and `TSize`, this is second field (y/h)
202 property ival3: Integer read mIVal3; // for `TColor`: blue
203 property ival4: Integer read mIVal4; // for `TColor`: alpha
204 property red: Integer read getRed write setRed; // for `TColor`: red
205 property green: Integer read getGreen write setGreen; // for `TColor`: green
206 property blue: Integer read getBlue write setBlue; // for `TColor`: blue
207 property alpha: Integer read getAlpha write setAlpha; // for `TColor`: alpha
208 property sval: AnsiString read mSVal; // string value for string field (for speed)
209 property hasDefault: Boolean read mHasDefault; // `true` if this field has default value in mapdef
210 property defsval: AnsiString read mDefSVal; // string representation of default value
211 property ebs: TEBS read mEBS; // what kind of reference is this? none, enum, bitset, record
212 property ebstype: TObject read mEBSType; // reference type (nil, TDynRecord, TDynEBS); WARNING: don't modify type!
213 property ebstypename: AnsiString read mEBSTypeName; // enum/bitset name
214 property recref: TDynRecord read mRecRef write setRecRef; // referenced record (actual one, you can modify it)
215 property recrefIndex: Integer read getRecRefIndex; // index of referenced record in header; -1: not found
216 // for record lists
217 property count: Integer read getListCount;
218 property itemAt[idx: Integer]: TDynRecord read getListItem;
219 property item[const aname: AnsiString]: TDynRecord read getListItem; default; // alas, FPC 3+ lost property overloading feature
220 // field value as Variant
221 property value: Variant read getVar write setVar;
223 property tip: AnsiString read mTip;
224 property help: AnsiString read mHelp;
226 public
227 // userdata (you can use these properties as you want to; they won't be written or read to files)
228 property tagInt: Integer read mTagInt write mTagInt;
229 property tagPtr: Pointer read mTagPtr write mTagPtr;
231 public
232 // the following properties are here only for 'mapgen'! DO NOT USE!
233 property negbool: Boolean read mNegBool;
234 property hasTPrefix: Boolean read mAsT;
235 property separatePasFields: Boolean read mSepPosSize;
236 property binOfs: Integer read mBinOfs;
237 property equToDefault: Boolean read isDefaultValue;
238 end;
241 // record, either with actual values, or with type definitions
242 TDynRecord = class{$IFDEF USE_MEMPOOL}(TPoolObject){$ENDIF}
243 private
244 mOwner: TDynMapDef;
245 mId: AnsiString;
246 mTypeName: AnsiString;
247 mTip: AnsiString; // short tip
248 mHelp: AnsiString; // long help
249 mSize: Integer;
250 mFields: TDynFieldList;
252 mFieldsHash: THashStrInt; // id -> index in mRVal
253 {$ENDIF}
254 mTrigTypes: array of AnsiString; // if this is triggerdata, we'll hold list of triggers here
255 mHeader: Boolean; // true for header record
256 mBinBlock: Integer; // -1: none
257 mHeaderRec: TDynRecord; // for "value" records this is header record with data, for "type" records this is header type record
259 // for userdata
260 mTagInt: Integer;
261 mTagPtr: Pointer;
263 mRec2Free: TDynRecList;
265 private
266 procedure parseDef (pr: TTextParser); // parse definition
267 function definition (): AnsiString;
269 function findByName (const aname: AnsiString): Integer; inline;
270 function hasByName (const aname: AnsiString): Boolean; inline;
271 function getFieldByName (const aname: AnsiString): TDynField; inline;
272 function getFieldAt (idx: Integer): TDynField; inline;
273 function getCount (): Integer; inline;
275 function getIsTrigData (): Boolean; inline;
276 function getIsForTrig (const aname: AnsiString): Boolean; inline;
278 function getForTrigCount (): Integer; inline;
279 function getForTrigAt (idx: Integer): AnsiString; inline;
281 procedure regrec (rec: TDynRecord);
283 function getUserVar (const aname: AnsiString): Variant;
284 procedure setUserVar (const aname: AnsiString; val: Variant);
286 procedure clearRefRecs (rec: TDynRecord);
288 protected
289 function findRecordByTypeId (const atypename, aid: AnsiString): TDynRecord;
290 function findRecordNumByType (const atypename: AnsiString; rc: TDynRecord): Integer;
291 function addRecordByType (const atypename: AnsiString; rc: TDynRecord): Boolean; // `true`: duplicate record id
293 procedure addField (fld: TDynField); inline;
294 function addFieldChecked (fld: TDynField): Boolean; inline; // `true`: duplicate name
296 public
297 constructor Create ();
298 constructor Create (pr: TTextParser); // parse definition
299 destructor Destroy (); override;
301 // clone this record; register all list records in `registerIn`
302 // "registration" is required to manage record lifetime; use header record if in doubt
303 // all fields are cloned too
304 function clone (registerIn: TDynRecord): TDynRecord;
306 // compare records (values of all fields, including trigdata)
307 // WARNING: won't work for records with list fields
308 function isSimpleEqu (rec: TDynRecord): Boolean;
310 // find field with `TriggerType` type
311 function trigTypeField (): TDynField;
313 // number of records of the given instance
314 function instanceCount (const atypename: AnsiString): Integer;
316 // only for headers: create new record with the given type
317 // will return cloned record ready for use, or `nil` on unknown type name
318 // `aid` must not be empty, and must be unique
319 function newTypedRecord (const atypename, aid: AnsiString): TDynRecord;
321 // remove record with the given type and id
322 // return `true` if record was successfully found and removed
323 // this will do all necessary recref cleanup too
324 // WARNING: not tested yet
325 function removeTypedRecord (const atypename, aid: AnsiString): Boolean;
327 //TODO:
328 // [.] API to create triggers
329 // [.] API to properly remove triggers (remove trigdata)
330 // [.] check if `removeTypedRecord()` does the right thing with inline records
331 // [.] for fields: assigning `recref` should remove previously assigned inline record (record without id)
332 // [.] other API i forgot
334 public
335 // text parser
336 // `beginEaten`: `true` if "{" was eaten
337 procedure parseValue (pr: TTextParser; beginEaten: Boolean=false);
339 // text writer
340 // `putHeader`: `true` to write complete header, otherwise only "{...}"
341 procedure writeTo (wr: TTextWriter; putHeader: Boolean=true);
343 // binary parser and writer (DO NOT USE!)
344 procedure parseBinValue (st: TStream; forceData: Boolean=false);
345 procedure writeBinTo (var hasLostData: Boolean; st: TStream; trigbufsz: Integer=-1; onlyFields: Boolean=false);
347 public
348 property mapdef: TDynMapDef read mOwner;
349 property id: AnsiString read mId; // record id in text map
350 property typeName: AnsiString read mTypeName; // record type name (like "panel", or "trigger")
351 property has[const aname: AnsiString]: Boolean read hasByName; // do we have field with the given name?
352 property count: Integer read getCount; // number of fields in this record
353 property field[const aname: AnsiString]: TDynField read getFieldByName; default; // get field by name
354 property fieldAt[idx: Integer]: TDynField read getFieldAt; // get field at the given index
355 property isTrigData: Boolean read getIsTrigData; // is this special "TriggerData" record?
356 property isForTrig[const aname: AnsiString]: Boolean read getIsForTrig; // can this "TriggerData" be used for the trigger with the given type?
357 property forTrigCount: Integer read getForTrigCount; // number of trigger type names for "TriggerData"
358 property forTrigAt[idx: Integer]: AnsiString read getForTrigAt; // trigger type name at the given index for "TriggerData"
359 property headerRec: TDynRecord read mHeaderRec; // get header record for this one (header contains all other records, enums, bitsets, etc.)
360 property isHeader: Boolean read mHeader; // is this a header record?
362 property tip: AnsiString read mTip;
363 property help: AnsiString read mHelp;
365 public
366 // user fields; user can add arbitrary custom fields
367 // by default, any user field will be marked as "internal"
368 // note: you can use this to manipulate non-user fields too
369 property user[const aname: AnsiString]: Variant read getUserVar write setUserVar;
371 public
372 // userdata (you can use these properties as you want to; they won't be written or read to files)
373 property tagInt: Integer read mTagInt write mTagInt;
374 property tagPtr: Pointer read mTagPtr write mTagPtr;
375 end;
378 // bitset/enum definition
379 TDynEBS = class{$IFDEF USE_MEMPOOL}(TPoolObject){$ENDIF}
380 private
381 mOwner: TDynMapDef;
382 mIsEnum: Boolean;
383 mTypeName: AnsiString;
384 mTip: AnsiString; // short tip
385 mHelp: AnsiString; // long help
386 mIds: array of AnsiString;
387 mVals: array of Integer;
388 mMaxName: AnsiString; // MAX field
389 mMaxVal: Integer; // max value
391 private
392 procedure cleanup ();
394 procedure parseDef (pr: TTextParser); // parse definition
396 function findByName (const aname: AnsiString): Integer; inline;
397 function hasByName (const aname: AnsiString): Boolean; inline;
398 function getFieldByName (const aname: AnsiString): Integer; inline;
400 function definition (): AnsiString;
401 function pasdef (): AnsiString;
403 public
404 constructor Create (pr: TTextParser); // parse definition
405 destructor Destroy (); override;
407 // find name for the given value
408 // return empty string if not found
409 function nameByValue (v: Integer): AnsiString;
411 public
412 property mapdef: TDynMapDef read mOwner;
413 property typeName: AnsiString read mTypeName; // enum/bitset type name
414 property isEnum: Boolean read mIsEnum; // is this enum? `false` means "bitset"
415 property has[const aname: AnsiString]: Boolean read hasByName;
416 property field[const aname: AnsiString]: Integer read getFieldByName; default;
418 property tip: AnsiString read mTip;
419 property help: AnsiString read mHelp;
420 end;
423 // parsed "mapdef.txt"
424 TDynMapDef = class{$IFDEF USE_MEMPOOL}(TPoolObject){$ENDIF}
425 public
426 recTypes: TDynRecList; // [0] is always header
427 trigTypes: TDynRecList; // trigdata
428 ebsTypes: TDynEBSList; // enums, bitsets
430 private
431 procedure parseDef (pr: TTextParser);
433 function getHeaderRecType (): TDynRecord; inline;
435 function getRecTypeCount (): Integer; inline;
436 function getRecTypeAt (idx: Integer): TDynRecord; inline;
438 function getEBSTypeCount (): Integer; inline;
439 function getEBSTypeAt (idx: Integer): TDynEBS; inline;
441 function getTrigTypeCount (): Integer; inline;
442 function getTrigTypeAt (idx: Integer): TDynRecord; inline;
444 // creates new header record
445 function parseTextMap (pr: TTextParser): TDynRecord;
447 // creates new header record
448 function parseBinMap (st: TStream): TDynRecord;
450 public
451 constructor Create (pr: TTextParser); // parses data definition
452 destructor Destroy (); override;
454 function findRecType (const aname: AnsiString): TDynRecord;
455 function findTrigFor (const aname: AnsiString): TDynRecord;
456 function findEBSType (const aname: AnsiString): TDynEBS;
458 public
459 // parse text or binary map, return new header record
460 // WARNING! stream must be seekable
461 function parseMap (st: TStream; wasBinary: PBoolean=nil): TDynRecord;
463 // returns `true` if the given stream can be a map file
464 // stream position is 0 on return
465 // WARNING! stream must be seekable
466 class function canBeMap (st: TStream): Boolean;
468 public
469 // the following functions are here only for 'mapgen'! DO NOT USE!
470 function pasdefconst (): AnsiString;
472 public
473 property headerType: TDynRecord read getHeaderRecType;
474 // for record types
475 property recTypeCount: Integer read getRecTypeCount;
476 property recTypeAt[idx: Integer]: TDynRecord read getRecTypeAt;
477 property recType[const aname: AnsiString]: TDynRecord read findRecType;
478 // for enum/bitset types
479 property ebsTypeCount: Integer read getEBSTypeCount;
480 property ebsTypeAt[idx: Integer]: TDynEBS read getEBSTypeAt;
481 property ebsType[const aname: AnsiString]: TDynEBS read findEBSType;
482 // for trigtypes
483 property trigTypeCount: Integer read getTrigTypeCount;
484 property trigTypeAt[idx: Integer]: TDynRecord read getTrigTypeAt;
485 property trigTypeFor[const aname: AnsiString]: TDynRecord read findTrigFor;
486 end;
490 procedure xdynDumpProfiles ();
491 {$ENDIF}
493 var
494 DynWarningCB: procedure (const msg: AnsiString; line, col: Integer) = nil;
496 implementation
499 uses
500 xprofiler;
501 {$ENDIF}
504 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
505 function StrEqu (const a, b: AnsiString): Boolean; inline; begin result := (a = b); end;
508 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
509 constructor TDynRecException.Create (const amsg: AnsiString);
510 begin
511 inherited Create(amsg);
512 end;
514 constructor TDynRecException.CreateFmt (const afmt: AnsiString; const args: array of const);
515 begin
516 inherited Create(formatstrf(afmt, args));
517 end;
520 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
521 constructor TDynParseException.Create (pr: TTextParser; const amsg: AnsiString);
522 begin
523 if (pr <> nil) then begin tokLine := pr.tokLine; tokCol := pr.tokCol; end else begin tokLine := 0; tokCol := 0; end;
524 inherited Create(amsg);
525 end;
527 constructor TDynParseException.CreateFmt (pr: TTextParser; const afmt: AnsiString; const args: array of const);
528 begin
529 if (pr <> nil) then begin tokLine := pr.tokLine; tokCol := pr.tokCol; end else begin tokLine := 0; tokCol := 0; end;
530 inherited Create(formatstrf(afmt, args));
531 end;
534 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
535 function TDynField.GetEnumerator (): TDynRecList.TEnumerator; inline;
536 begin
537 //result := TListEnumerator.Create(mRVal);
538 if (mRVal <> nil) then result := mRVal.GetEnumerator else result := TDynRecList.TEnumerator.Create(nil, 0);
539 end;
542 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
543 constructor TDynField.Create (const aname: AnsiString; atype: TType);
544 begin
545 mRVal := nil;
546 mRecRef := nil;
547 mRHash := nil;
548 cleanup();
549 mName := aname;
550 mType := atype;
551 if (mType = TType.TList) then
552 begin
553 mRVal := TDynRecList.Create();
554 mRHash := THashStrInt.Create();
555 end;
556 end;
559 constructor TDynField.Create (pr: TTextParser);
560 begin
561 cleanup();
562 parseDef(pr);
563 end;
566 constructor TDynField.Create (const aname: AnsiString; val: Variant);
567 procedure setInt32 (v: LongInt);
568 begin
569 case mType of
570 TType.TBool:
571 if (v = 0) then mIVal := 0
572 else if (v = 1) then mIVal := 1
573 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert shortint variant to field value');
574 TType.TByte:
575 if (v >= -128) and (v <= 127) then mIVal := v
576 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert shortint variant to field value');
577 TType.TUByte:
578 if (v >= 0) and (v <= 255) then mIVal := v
579 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert shortint variant to field value');
580 TType.TShort:
581 if (v >= -32768) and (v <= 32767) then mIVal := v
582 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert shortint variant to field value');
583 TType.TUShort:
584 if (v >= 0) and (v <= 65535) then mIVal := v
585 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert shortint variant to field value');
586 TType.TInt:
587 mIVal := v;
588 TType.TUInt:
589 mIVal := v;
590 TType.TString:
591 mSVal := formatstrf('%s', [v]);
592 else
593 raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert integral variant to field value');
594 end;
595 end;
596 begin
597 mRVal := nil;
598 mRecRef := nil;
599 mRHash := nil;
600 cleanup();
601 mName := aname;
602 case varType(val) of
603 varEmpty: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert empty variant to field value');
604 varNull: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert null variant to field value');
605 varSingle: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert single variant to field value');
606 varDouble: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert double variant to field value');
607 varDecimal: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert decimal variant to field value');
608 varCurrency: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert currency variant to field value');
609 varDate: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert date variant to field value');
610 varOleStr: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert olestr variant to field value');
611 varStrArg: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert stdarg variant to field value');
612 varString: mType := TType.TString;
613 varDispatch: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert dispatch variant to field value');
614 varBoolean: mType := TType.TBool;
615 varVariant: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert variant variant to field value');
616 varUnknown: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert unknown variant to field value');
617 varByte: mType := TType.TUByte;
618 varWord: mType := TType.TUShort;
619 varShortInt: mType := TType.TByte;
620 varSmallint: mType := TType.TShort;
621 varInteger: mType := TType.TInt;
622 varInt64: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert int64 variant to field value');
623 varLongWord: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert longword variant to field value');
624 varQWord: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert uint64 variant to field value');
625 varError: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert error variant to field value');
626 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert undetermined variant to field value');
627 end;
628 value := val;
629 end;
632 destructor TDynField.Destroy ();
633 begin
634 cleanup();
635 inherited;
636 end;
639 procedure TDynField.cleanup ();
640 begin
641 mName := '';
642 mTip := '';
643 mHelp := '';
644 mType := TType.TInt;
645 mIVal := 0;
646 mIVal2 := 0;
647 mIVal3 := 0;
648 mIVal4 := 0; // default alpha value
649 mSVal := '';
650 mRVal.Free();
651 mRVal := nil;
652 mRHash.Free();
653 mRHash := nil;
654 mRecRef := nil;
655 mMaxDim := -1;
656 mBinOfs := -1;
657 mSepPosSize := false;
658 mAsT := false;
659 mHasDefault := false;
660 mDefined := false;
661 mWriteDef := false;
662 mInternal := true;
663 mDefUnparsed := '';
664 mDefSVal := '';
665 mDefIVal := 0;
666 mDefIVal2 := 0;
667 mDefIVal3 := 0;
668 mDefIVal4 := 0; // default value for alpha
669 mDefRecRef := nil;
670 mEBS := TEBS.TNone;
671 mEBSTypeName := '';
672 mEBSType := nil;
673 mBitSetUnique := false;
674 mAsMonsterId := false;
675 mNegBool := false;
676 mRecRefId := '';
677 mTagInt := 0;
678 mTagPtr := nil;
679 mAlias := '';
680 end;
683 function TDynField.clone (newOwner: TDynRecord=nil; registerIn: TDynRecord=nil): TDynField;
684 var
685 rec: TDynRecord;
686 begin
687 result := TDynField.Create(mName, mType);
688 result.mOwner := mOwner;
689 if (newOwner <> nil) then result.mOwner := newOwner else result.mOwner := mOwner;
690 result.mName := mName;
691 result.mTip := mTip;
692 result.mHelp := mHelp;
693 result.mType := mType;
694 result.mIVal := mIVal;
695 result.mIVal2 := mIVal2;
696 result.mIVal3 := mIVal3;
697 result.mIVal4 := mIVal4;
698 result.mSVal := mSVal;
699 if (mRVal <> nil) then
700 begin
701 if (result.mRVal = nil) then result.mRVal := TDynRecList.Create(mRVal.count);
702 if (result.mRHash = nil) then result.mRHash := THashStrInt.Create();
703 for rec in mRVal do result.addListItem(rec.clone(registerIn));
704 end;
705 result.mRecRef := mRecRef;
706 result.mMaxDim := mMaxDim;
707 result.mBinOfs := mBinOfs;
708 result.mSepPosSize := mSepPosSize;
709 result.mAsT := mAsT;
710 result.mDefined := mDefined;
711 result.mHasDefault := mHasDefault;
712 result.mWriteDef := mWriteDef;
713 result.mInternal := mInternal;
714 result.mNegBool := mNegBool;
715 result.mBitSetUnique := mBitSetUnique;
716 result.mAsMonsterId := mAsMonsterId;
717 result.mDefUnparsed := mDefUnparsed;
718 result.mDefSVal := mDefSVal;
719 result.mDefIVal := mDefIVal;
720 result.mDefIVal2 := mDefIVal2;
721 result.mDefIVal3 := mDefIVal3;
722 result.mDefIVal4 := mDefIVal4;
723 result.mDefRecRef := mDefRecRef;
724 result.mEBS := mEBS;
725 result.mEBSTypeName := mEBSTypeName;
726 result.mEBSType := mEBSType;
727 result.mRecRefId := mRecRefId;
728 result.mTagInt := mTagInt;
729 result.mTagPtr := mTagPtr;
730 result.mAlias := mAlias;
731 end;
734 function TDynField.palias (firstUp: Boolean=false): AnsiString;
735 var
736 nextUp: Boolean;
737 ch: AnsiChar;
738 begin
739 if (Length(mAlias) > 0) then
740 begin
741 if firstUp then result := UpCase1251(mAlias[1])+Copy(mAlias, 2, Length(mAlias)-1) else result := mAlias;
742 end
743 else
744 begin
745 result := '';
746 nextUp := firstUp;
747 for ch in mName do
748 begin
749 if (ch = '_') then begin nextUp := true; continue; end;
750 if nextUp then result += UpCase1251(ch) else result += ch;
751 nextUp := false;
752 end;
753 end;
754 end;
757 procedure TDynField.setRecRef (arec: TDynRecord);
758 var
759 trc: TDynRecord = nil;
760 begin
761 case mEBS of
762 TEBS.TNone: raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot set refrec for non-reference field ''%s''', [mName]);
763 TEBS.TRec:
764 begin
765 if (arec <> nil) then
766 begin
767 if (mEBSType <> nil) and (mEBSType is TDynRecord) then trc := (mEBSType as TDynRecord);
768 if (trc = nil) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot set refrec for field ''%s'' (type conflict: improperly initialized field)', [mName]);
769 if (trc.typeName <> arec.typeName) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot set refrec for field ''%s'' (type conflict: expected ''%s'' got ''%s'')', [mName, trc.typeName, arec.typeName]);
770 end;
771 mRecRef := arec;
772 mDefined := true;
773 exit;
774 end;
775 TEBS.TEnum: raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot set refrec for enum field ''%s''', [mName]);
776 TEBS.TBitSet: raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot set refrec for bitset field ''%s''', [mName]);
777 else raise TDynRecException.Create('ketmar forgot to process some reftypes');
778 end;
779 end;
782 function TDynField.getVar (): Variant;
783 begin
784 if (mEBS = TEBS.TRec) then begin result := LongInt(getRecRefIndex); exit; end;
785 case mType of
786 TType.TBool: result := (mIVal <> 0);
787 TType.TChar: result := mSVal;
788 TType.TByte: result := ShortInt(mIVal);
789 TType.TUByte: result := Byte(mIVal);
790 TType.TShort: result := SmallInt(mIVal);
791 TType.TUShort: result := Word(mIVal);
792 TType.TInt: result := LongInt(mIVal);
793 TType.TUInt: result := LongWord(mIVal);
794 TType.TString: result := mSVal;
795 TType.TPoint: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert point field to variant');
796 TType.TSize: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert size field to variant');
797 TType.TColor: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert color field to variant');
798 TType.TList: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert list field to variant');
799 TType.TTrigData: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert trigdata field to variant');
800 else result := Unassigned; raise TDynRecException.Create('ketmar forgot to handle some field type');
801 end;
802 end;
805 procedure TDynField.setVar (val: Variant);
806 procedure setInt32 (v: LongInt);
807 begin
808 case mType of
809 TType.TBool:
810 if (v = 0) then mIVal := 0
811 else if (v = 1) then mIVal := 1
812 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert shortint variant to field value');
813 TType.TByte:
814 if (v >= -128) and (v <= 127) then mIVal := v
815 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert shortint variant to field value');
816 TType.TUByte:
817 if (v >= 0) and (v <= 255) then mIVal := v
818 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert shortint variant to field value');
819 TType.TShort:
820 if (v >= -32768) and (v <= 32767) then mIVal := v
821 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert shortint variant to field value');
822 TType.TUShort:
823 if (v >= 0) and (v <= 65535) then mIVal := v
824 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert shortint variant to field value');
825 TType.TInt:
826 mIVal := v;
827 TType.TUInt:
828 mIVal := v;
829 TType.TString:
830 mSVal := formatstrf('%s', [v]);
831 else
832 raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert integral variant to field value');
833 end;
834 end;
835 begin
836 case varType(val) of
837 varEmpty: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert empty variant to field value');
838 varNull: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert null variant to field value');
839 varSingle: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert single variant to field value');
840 varDouble: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert double variant to field value');
841 varDecimal: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert decimal variant to field value');
842 varCurrency: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert currency variant to field value');
843 varDate: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert date variant to field value');
844 varOleStr: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert olestr variant to field value');
845 varStrArg: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert stdarg variant to field value');
846 varString:
847 if (mType = TType.TChar) or (mType = TType.TString) then
848 begin
849 mSVal := val;
850 end
851 else
852 begin
853 raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert string variant to field value');
854 end;
855 varDispatch: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert dispatch variant to field value');
856 varBoolean:
857 case mType of
858 TType.TBool,
859 TType.TByte,
860 TType.TUByte,
861 TType.TShort,
862 TType.TUShort,
863 TType.TInt,
864 TType.TUInt:
865 if val then mIVal := 1 else mIVal := 0;
866 TType.TString:
867 if val then mSVal := 'true' else mSVal := 'false';
868 else
869 raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert boolean variant to field value');
870 end;
871 varVariant: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert variant variant to field value');
872 varUnknown: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert unknown variant to field value');
873 varByte,
874 varWord,
875 varShortInt,
876 varSmallint,
877 varInteger:
878 setInt32(val);
879 varInt64:
880 if (val < Int64(LongInt($80000000))) or (val > LongInt($7FFFFFFF)) then
881 raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert boolean variant to field value')
882 else
883 mIVal := LongInt(val);
884 varLongWord:
885 if (val > LongWord($7FFFFFFF)) then raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert longword variant to field value')
886 else setInt32(Integer(val));
887 varQWord: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert uint64 variant to field value');
888 varError: raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert error variant to field value');
889 else raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot convert undetermined variant to field value');
890 end;
891 mDefined := true;
892 end;
895 // won't work for lists
896 function TDynField.isSimpleEqu (fld: TDynField): Boolean;
897 begin
898 if (fld = nil) or (mType <> fld.mType) then begin result := false; exit; end;
899 case mType of
900 TType.TBool: result := ((mIVal <> 0) = (fld.mIVal <> 0));
901 TType.TChar: result := (mSVal = fld.mSVal);
902 TType.TByte,
903 TType.TUByte,
904 TType.TShort,
905 TType.TUShort,
906 TType.TInt,
907 TType.TUInt:
908 result := (mIVal = fld.mIVal);
909 TType.TString: result := (mSVal = fld.mSVal);
910 TType.TPoint,
911 TType.TSize:
912 result := ((mIVal = fld.mIVal) and (mIVal2 = fld.mIVal2));
913 TType.TColor:
914 result := ((mIVal = fld.mIVal) and (mIVal2 = fld.mIVal2) and (mIVal3 = fld.mIVal3) and (mIVal4 = fld.mIVal4));
915 TType.TList: result := false;
916 TType.TTrigData:
917 begin
918 if (mRecRef = nil) then begin result := (fld.mRecRef = nil); exit; end;
919 result := mRecRef.isSimpleEqu(fld.mRecRef);
920 end;
921 else raise TDynRecException.Create('ketmar forgot to handle some field type');
922 end;
923 end;
926 procedure TDynField.setValue (const s: AnsiString);
927 var
928 stp: TTextParser;
929 begin
930 stp := TStrTextParser.Create(s+';');
931 try
932 parseValue(stp);
933 finally
934 stp.Free();
935 end;
936 end;
939 function TDynField.getRed (): Integer; inline; begin result := mIVal; if (result < 0) then result := 0 else if (result > 255) then result := 255; end;
940 procedure TDynField.setRed (v: Integer); inline; begin if (v < 0) then v := 0 else if (v > 255) then v := 255; mIVal := v; end;
942 function TDynField.getGreen (): Integer; inline; begin result := mIVal2; if (result < 0) then result := 0 else if (result > 255) then result := 255; end;
943 procedure TDynField.setGreen (v: Integer); inline; begin if (v < 0) then v := 0 else if (v > 255) then v := 255; mIVal2 := v; end;
945 function TDynField.getBlue (): Integer; inline; begin result := mIVal3; if (result < 0) then result := 0 else if (result > 255) then result := 255; end;
946 procedure TDynField.setBlue (v: Integer); inline; begin if (v < 0) then v := 0 else if (v > 255) then v := 255; mIVal3 := v; end;
948 function TDynField.getAlpha (): Integer; inline; begin result := mIVal4; if (result < 0) then result := 0 else if (result > 255) then result := 255; end;
949 procedure TDynField.setAlpha (v: Integer); inline; begin if (v < 0) then v := 0 else if (v > 255) then v := 255; mIVal4 := v; end;
952 procedure TDynField.parseDefaultValue ();
953 var
954 stp: TTextParser = nil;
955 oSVal: AnsiString;
956 oIVal, oIVal2, oIVal3, oIVal4: Integer;
957 oRRef: TDynRecord;
958 oDef: Boolean;
959 begin
960 if not mHasDefault then
961 begin
962 mDefSVal := '';
963 mDefIVal := 0;
964 mDefIVal2 := 0;
965 mDefIVal3 := 0;
966 mDefIVal4 := 0; // default value for alpha
967 mDefRecRef := nil;
968 end
969 else
970 begin
971 oSVal := mSVal;
972 oIVal := mIVal;
973 oIVal2 := mIVal2;
974 oIVal3 := mIVal3;
975 oIVal4 := mIVal4;
976 oRRef := mRecRef;
977 oDef := mDefined;
978 try
979 stp := TStrTextParser.Create(mDefUnparsed+';');
980 parseValue(stp);
981 //if (mType = TType.TColor) then writeln('4=[', mIVal4, ']');
982 mDefSVal := mSVal;
983 mDefIVal := mIVal;
984 mDefIVal2 := mIVal2;
985 mDefIVal3 := mIVal3;
986 mDefIVal4 := mIVal4;
987 mDefRecRef := mRecRef;
988 finally
989 mSVal := oSVal;
990 mIVal := oIVal;
991 mIVal2 := oIVal2;
992 mIVal3 := oIVal3;
993 mIVal4 := oIVal4;
994 mRecRef := oRRef;
995 mDefined := oDef;
996 stp.Free();
997 end;
998 end;
999 end;
1002 // default value should be parsed
1003 procedure TDynField.fixDefaultValue ();
1004 begin
1005 if mDefined then exit;
1006 if not mHasDefault then
1007 begin
1008 if mInternal then exit;
1009 raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('field ''%s'' in record ''%s'' of record type ''%s'' is not set', [mName, mOwner.mId, mOwner.mTypeName]);
1010 end;
1011 if (mEBS = TEBS.TRec) then mRecRef := mDefRecRef;
1012 mSVal := mDefSVal;
1013 mIVal := mDefIVal;
1014 mIVal2 := mDefIVal2;
1015 mIVal3 := mDefIVal3;
1016 mIVal4 := mDefIVal4;
1017 //if (mType = TType.TColor) then writeln('4=[', mDefIVal4, ']');
1018 mDefined := true;
1019 end;
1022 // default value should be parsed
1023 function TDynField.isDefaultValue (): Boolean;
1024 begin
1025 if not mHasDefault then begin result := false; exit; end;
1026 if (mEBS = TEBS.TRec) then begin result := (mRecRef = mDefRecRef); exit; end;
1027 case mType of
1028 TType.TChar, TType.TString: result := (mSVal = mDefSVal);
1029 TType.TPoint, TType.TSize: result := (mIVal = mDefIVal2) and (mIVal2 = mDefIVal2);
1030 TType.TColor: result := (mIVal = mDefIVal2) and (mIVal2 = mDefIVal2) and (mIVal3 = mDefIVal3) and (mIVal4 = mDefIVal4);
1031 TType.TList, TType.TTrigData: result := false; // no default values for those types
1032 else result := (mIVal = mDefIVal);
1033 end;
1034 end;
1037 function TDynField.getListCount (): Integer; inline;
1038 begin
1039 if (mRVal <> nil) then result := mRVal.count else result := 0;
1040 end;
1043 function TDynField.getListItem (idx: Integer): TDynRecord; inline; overload;
1044 begin
1045 if (mRVal <> nil) and (idx >= 0) and (idx < mRVal.count) then result := mRVal[idx] else result := nil;
1046 end;
1049 function TDynField.getListItem (const aname: AnsiString): TDynRecord; inline; overload;
1050 var
1051 idx: Integer;
1052 begin
1053 if (mRVal <> nil) and mRHash.get(aname, idx) then result := mRVal[idx] else result := nil;
1054 end;
1057 function TDynField.addListItem (rec: TDynRecord): Boolean; inline;
1058 begin
1059 result := false;
1060 if (mRVal <> nil) then
1061 begin
1062 mRVal.append(rec);
1063 if (Length(rec.mId) > 0) then result := mRHash.put(rec.mId, mRVal.count-1);
1064 end;
1065 end;
1068 function TDynField.removeListItem (const aid: AnsiString): TDynRecord;
1069 var
1070 f, idx: Integer;
1071 begin
1072 result := nil;
1073 if mRHash.get(aid, idx) then
1074 begin
1075 assert((idx >= 0) and (idx < mRVal.count));
1076 result := mRVal[idx];
1077 // fix hash and list
1078 for f := idx+1 to mRVal.count-1 do
1079 begin
1080 if (Length(mRVal[f].mId) > 0) then mRHash.put(mRVal[f].mId, f-1);
1081 end;
1082 mRHash.del(aid);
1083 mRVal.delete(idx);
1084 end;
1085 end;
1088 class function TDynField.getTypeName (t: TType): AnsiString;
1089 begin
1090 case t of
1091 TType.TBool: result := 'bool';
1092 TType.TChar: result := 'char';
1093 TType.TByte: result := 'byte';
1094 TType.TUByte: result := 'ubyte';
1095 TType.TShort: result := 'short';
1096 TType.TUShort: result := 'ushort';
1097 TType.TInt: result := 'int';
1098 TType.TUInt: result := 'uint';
1099 TType.TString: result := 'string';
1100 TType.TPoint: result := 'point';
1101 TType.TSize: result := 'size';
1102 TType.TColor: result := 'color';
1103 TType.TList: result := 'array';
1104 TType.TTrigData: result := 'trigdata';
1105 else raise TDynRecException.Create('ketmar forgot to handle some field type');
1106 end;
1107 end;
1110 function TDynField.definition (): AnsiString;
1111 begin
1112 result := quoteStr(mName)+' type ';
1113 result += getTypeName(mType);
1114 if (Length(mAlias) > 0) then result += ' alias '+mAlias;
1115 if (mMaxDim >= 0) then result += Format('[%d]', [mMaxDim]);
1116 if (mBinOfs >= 0) then result += Format(' offset %d', [mBinOfs]);
1117 case mEBS of
1118 TEBS.TNone: begin end;
1119 TEBS.TRec: result += ' '+mEBSTypeName;
1120 TEBS.TEnum: result += ' enum '+mEBSTypeName;
1121 TEBS.TBitSet: begin result += ' bitset '; if mBitSetUnique then result += 'unique '; result += mEBSTypeName; end;
1122 end;
1123 if mAsMonsterId then result += ' as monsterid';
1124 if mHasDefault and (Length(mDefUnparsed) > 0) then result += ' default '+mDefUnparsed;
1125 if mSepPosSize then
1126 begin
1127 if (mType = TType.TPoint) then begin if (mAsT) then result += ' as txy' else result += ' as xy'; end
1128 else if (mType = TType.TSize) then begin if (mAsT) then result += ' as twh' else result += ' as wh'; end;
1129 end;
1130 if mWriteDef then result += ' writedefault';
1131 if mInternal then result += ' internal';
1132 end;
1135 procedure TDynField.parseDef (pr: TTextParser);
1136 var
1137 fldname: AnsiString;
1138 fldtype: AnsiString;
1139 fldofs: Integer;
1140 fldrecname: AnsiString;
1141 asxy, aswh, ast: Boolean;
1142 ainternal: Boolean;
1143 writedef: Boolean;
1144 defstr: AnsiString;
1145 defint, defint2, defint3, defint4: Integer;
1146 hasdefStr: Boolean;
1147 hasdefInt: Boolean;
1148 hasdefId: Boolean;
1149 lmaxdim: Integer;
1150 lebs: TDynField.TEBS;
1151 unique: Boolean;
1152 asmonid: Boolean;
1153 defech: AnsiChar;
1154 xalias: AnsiString;
1155 atip, ahelp: AnsiString;
1156 begin
1157 fldname := '';
1158 fldtype := '';
1159 fldofs := -1;
1160 fldrecname := '';
1161 asxy := false;
1162 aswh := false;
1163 ast := false;
1164 ainternal := false;
1165 writedef := false;
1166 defstr := '';
1167 defint := 0;
1168 defint2 := 0;
1169 defint3 := 0;
1170 defint4 := 0;
1171 hasdefStr := false;
1172 hasdefInt := false;
1173 hasdefId := false;
1174 unique := false;
1175 asmonid := false;
1176 lmaxdim := -1;
1177 lebs := TDynField.TEBS.TNone;
1178 xalias := '';
1179 atip := '';
1180 ahelp := '';
1182 // field name
1183 fldname := pr.expectIdOrStr();
1185 while (not pr.isDelim(';')) do
1186 begin
1187 if pr.eatId('type') then
1188 begin
1189 if (Length(fldtype) > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate type definition for field ''%s''', [fldname]);
1190 // field type
1191 fldtype := pr.expectId();
1192 // fixed-size array?
1193 if pr.eatDelim('[') then
1194 begin
1195 lmaxdim := pr.expectInt();
1196 // arbitrary limits
1197 if (lmaxdim < 1) or (lmaxdim > 32768) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid field ''%s'' array size', [fldname]);
1198 pr.expectDelim(']');
1199 end;
1200 continue;
1201 end;
1203 if pr.eatId('alias') then
1204 begin
1205 if (Length(xalias) > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate alias definition for field ''%s''', [fldname]);
1206 xalias := pr.expectId();
1207 continue;
1208 end;
1210 if pr.eatId('tip') then
1211 begin
1212 if (Length(atip) > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate tip definition for field ''%s''', [fldname]);
1213 atip := pr.expectStr(false);
1214 continue;
1215 end;
1217 if pr.eatId('help') then
1218 begin
1219 if (Length(ahelp) > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate tip definition for field ''%s''', [fldname]);
1220 ahelp := pr.expectStr(false);
1221 continue;
1222 end;
1224 if pr.eatId('offset') then
1225 begin
1226 if (fldofs >= 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate field ''%s'' offset', [fldname]);
1227 fldofs := pr.expectInt();
1228 if (fldofs < 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid field ''%s'' offset', [fldname]);
1229 continue;
1230 end;
1232 if pr.eatId('as') then
1233 begin
1234 if pr.eatId('xy') then asxy := true
1235 else if pr.eatId('wh') then aswh := true
1236 else if pr.eatId('txy') then begin asxy := true; ast := true; end
1237 else if pr.eatId('twh') then begin aswh := true; ast := true; end
1238 else if pr.eatId('monsterid') then begin asmonid := true; end
1239 else raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid field ''%s'' as what?', [fldname]);
1240 continue;
1241 end;
1243 if pr.eatId('enum') then
1244 begin
1245 lebs := TDynField.TEBS.TEnum;
1246 if (Length(fldrecname) <> 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' already typed as ''%s''', [fldname, fldrecname]);
1247 fldrecname := pr.expectId();
1248 continue;
1249 end;
1251 if pr.eatId('bitset') then
1252 begin
1253 lebs := TDynField.TEBS.TBitSet;
1254 if (Length(fldrecname) <> 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' already typed as ''%s''', [fldname, fldrecname]);
1255 unique := pr.eatId('unique');
1256 fldrecname := pr.expectId();
1257 continue;
1258 end;
1260 if pr.eatId('default') then
1261 begin
1262 if hasdefStr or hasdefInt or hasdefId then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' has duplicate default', [fldname]);
1263 case pr.tokType of
1264 pr.TTStr:
1265 begin
1266 hasdefStr := true;
1267 defstr := pr.expectStr(true); // allow empty strings
1268 end;
1269 pr.TTId:
1270 begin
1271 hasdefId := true;
1272 defstr := pr.expectId();
1273 end;
1274 pr.TTInt:
1275 begin
1276 hasdefInt := true;
1277 defint := pr.expectInt();
1278 end;
1279 pr.TTDelim:
1280 begin
1281 hasdefInt := true;
1282 if pr.eatDelim('[') then defech := ']' else begin pr.expectDelim('('); defech := ')'; end;
1283 defint := pr.expectInt();
1284 defint2 := pr.expectInt();
1285 if (pr.tokType = pr.TTInt) then
1286 begin
1287 defint3 := pr.expectInt();
1288 if (pr.tokType = pr.TTInt) then defint4 := pr.expectInt();
1289 end;
1290 pr.expectDelim(defech);
1291 end;
1292 else
1293 raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' has invalid default', [fldname]);
1294 end;
1295 continue;
1296 end;
1298 if pr.eatId('writedefault') then
1299 begin
1300 writedef := true;
1301 continue;
1302 end;
1304 if pr.eatId('internal') then
1305 begin
1306 ainternal := true;
1307 continue;
1308 end;
1310 // record type, no special modifiers
1311 if (pr.tokType <> pr.TTId) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' has something unexpected in definition', [fldname]);
1313 if (Length(fldrecname) <> 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' already typed as ''%s''', [fldname, fldrecname]);
1314 fldrecname := pr.expectId();
1315 lebs := TDynField.TEBS.TRec;
1316 end;
1318 pr.expectDelim(';');
1320 // create field
1321 mName := fldname;
1322 if (fldtype = 'bool') then mType := TType.TBool
1323 else if (fldtype = 'negbool') then begin mType := TType.TBool; mNegBool := true; end
1324 else if (fldtype = 'char') then mType := TType.TChar
1325 else if (fldtype = 'byte') then mType := TType.TByte
1326 else if (fldtype = 'ubyte') then mType := TType.TUByte
1327 else if (fldtype = 'short') then mType := TType.TShort
1328 else if (fldtype = 'ushort') then mType := TType.TUShort
1329 else if (fldtype = 'int') then mType := TType.TInt
1330 else if (fldtype = 'uint') then mType := TType.TUInt
1331 else if (fldtype = 'string') then mType := TType.TString
1332 else if (fldtype = 'point') then mType := TType.TPoint
1333 else if (fldtype = 'size') then mType := TType.TSize
1334 else if (fldtype = 'color') then mType := TType.TColor
1335 else if (fldtype = 'trigdata') then mType := TType.TTrigData
1336 else
1337 begin
1338 // record types defaults to int
1339 if (Length(fldrecname) > 0) then
1340 begin
1341 mType := TType.TInt;
1342 end
1343 else
1344 begin
1345 if (Length(fldtype) = 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' has no type', [fldname])
1346 else raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' has invalid type ''%s''', [fldname, fldtype]);
1347 end;
1348 end;
1350 // check for valid arrays
1351 if (lmaxdim > 0) and (mType <> TType.TChar) and (mType <> TType.TTrigData) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' of type ''%s'' cannot be array', [fldname, fldtype]);
1353 // check for valid trigdata or record type
1354 if (mType = TType.TTrigData) then
1355 begin
1356 // trigdata
1357 if (lmaxdim < 1) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' of type ''%s'' cannot be non-array', [fldname, 'trigdata']);
1358 if (Length(fldrecname) > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' of type ''%s'' cannot have another type', [fldname, 'trigdata']);
1359 lebs := TDynField.TEBS.TRec;
1360 end
1361 else if (Length(fldrecname) > 0) then
1362 begin
1363 // record
1364 if not (mType in [TType.TByte, TType.TUByte, TType.TShort, TType.TUShort, TType.TInt, TType.TUInt]) then
1365 begin
1366 raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' of record type ''%s'' cannot have type ''%s''', [fldname, fldrecname, fldtype]);
1367 end;
1368 end;
1370 // setup default value
1371 if hasdefStr then self.mDefUnparsed := quoteStr(defstr)
1372 else if hasdefId then self.mDefUnparsed := defstr
1373 else if hasdefInt then
1374 begin
1375 if (mType = TType.TPoint) then self.mDefUnparsed := Format('(%d %d)', [defint, defint2])
1376 else if (mType = TType.TSize) then self.mDefUnparsed := Format('[%d %d]', [defint, defint2])
1377 else if (mType = TType.TColor) then self.mDefUnparsed := Format('(%d %d %d %d)', [defint, defint2, defint3, defint4])
1378 else self.mDefUnparsed := Format('%d', [defint]);
1379 end;
1381 self.mHasDefault := (hasdefStr or hasdefId or hasdefInt);
1382 self.mEBS := lebs;
1383 self.mEBSTypeName := fldrecname;
1384 self.mBitSetUnique := unique;
1385 self.mAsMonsterId := asmonid;
1386 self.mMaxDim := lmaxdim;
1387 self.mBinOfs := fldofs;
1388 self.mSepPosSize := (asxy or aswh);
1389 self.mAsT := ast;
1390 self.mWriteDef := writedef;
1391 self.mInternal := ainternal;
1392 self.mAlias := xalias;
1393 self.mTip := atip;
1394 self.mHelp := ahelp;
1395 end;
1398 function TDynField.getRecRefIndex (): Integer;
1399 begin
1400 if (mRecRef = nil) then begin result := -1; exit; end;
1401 result := mOwner.findRecordNumByType(mEBSTypeName, mRecRef);
1402 end;
1405 procedure TDynField.writeBinTo (var hasLostData: Boolean; st: TStream);
1406 var
1407 s: AnsiString;
1408 f: Integer;
1409 maxv: Integer;
1410 buf: PByte;
1411 ws: TStream = nil;
1412 begin
1413 case mEBS of
1414 TEBS.TNone: begin end;
1415 TEBS.TRec:
1416 begin
1417 if (mMaxDim >= 0) then
1418 begin
1419 // this must be triggerdata
1420 if (mType <> TType.TTrigData) then
1421 begin
1422 raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record reference type ''%s'' in field ''%s'' cannot be written', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1423 end;
1424 // write triggerdata
1425 GetMem(buf, mMaxDim);
1426 if (buf = nil) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record reference type ''%s'' in field ''%s'' cannot be written', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1427 try
1428 FillChar(buf^, mMaxDim, 0);
1429 if (mRecRef <> nil) then
1430 begin
1431 ws := TSFSMemoryChunkStream.Create(buf, mMaxDim);
1432 mRecRef.writeBinTo(hasLostData, ws, mMaxDim); // as trigdata
1433 end;
1434 st.WriteBuffer(buf^, mMaxDim);
1435 finally
1436 ws.Free();
1437 if (buf <> nil) then FreeMem(buf);
1438 end;
1439 exit;
1440 end;
1441 // record reference
1442 case mType of
1443 TType.TByte: maxv := 127;
1444 TType.TUByte: maxv := 254;
1445 TType.TShort: maxv := 32767;
1446 TType.TUShort: maxv := 65534;
1447 TType.TInt: maxv := $7fffffff;
1448 TType.TUInt: maxv := $7fffffff;
1449 else raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record reference type ''%s'' in field ''%s'' cannot be written', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1450 end;
1451 // find record number
1452 if (mRecRef <> nil) then
1453 begin
1454 f := mOwner.findRecordNumByType(mEBSTypeName, mRecRef);
1455 if (f < 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record reference type ''%s'' in field ''%s'' not found in record list', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1456 if mAsMonsterId then Inc(f);
1457 if (f > maxv) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record reference type ''%s'' in field ''%s'' has too big index', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1458 end
1459 else
1460 begin
1461 if mAsMonsterId then f := 0 else f := -1;
1462 end;
1463 case mType of
1464 TType.TByte, TType.TUByte: writeInt(st, Byte(f));
1465 TType.TShort, TType.TUShort: writeInt(st, SmallInt(f));
1466 TType.TInt, TType.TUInt: writeInt(st, LongWord(f));
1467 else raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record reference type ''%s'' in field ''%s'' cannot be written', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1468 end;
1469 exit;
1470 end;
1471 TEBS.TEnum: begin end;
1472 TEBS.TBitSet: begin end;
1473 else raise TDynRecException.Create('ketmar forgot to handle some EBS type');
1474 end;
1476 case mType of
1477 TType.TBool:
1478 begin
1479 if not mNegBool then
1480 begin
1481 if (mIVal <> 0) then writeInt(st, Byte(1)) else writeInt(st, Byte(0));
1482 end
1483 else
1484 begin
1485 if (mIVal = 0) then writeInt(st, Byte(1)) else writeInt(st, Byte(0));
1486 end;
1487 exit;
1488 end;
1489 TType.TChar:
1490 begin
1491 if (mMaxDim = 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('invalid string size definition for field ''%s''', [mName]);
1492 if (mMaxDim < 0) then
1493 begin
1494 if (Length(mSVal) <> 1) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('invalid string size definition for field ''%s''', [mName]);
1495 writeInt(st, Byte(mSVal[1]));
1496 end
1497 else
1498 begin
1499 if (Length(mSVal) > mMaxDim) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('invalid string size definition for field ''%s''', [mName]);
1500 s := utf2win(mSVal);
1501 if (Length(s) > 0) then st.WriteBuffer(PChar(s)^, Length(s));
1502 for f := Length(s) to mMaxDim do writeInt(st, Byte(0));
1503 end;
1504 exit;
1505 end;
1506 TType.TByte,
1507 TType.TUByte:
1508 begin
1509 // triggerdata array was processed earlier
1510 if (mMaxDim >= 0) then TDynRecException.CreateFmt('byte array in field ''%s'' cannot be written', [mName]);
1511 writeInt(st, Byte(mIVal));
1512 exit;
1513 end;
1514 TType.TShort,
1515 TType.TUShort:
1516 begin
1517 if (mMaxDim >= 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('short array in field ''%s'' cannot be written', [mName]);
1518 writeInt(st, Word(mIVal));
1519 exit;
1520 end;
1521 TType.TInt,
1522 TType.TUInt:
1523 begin
1524 if (mMaxDim >= 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('int array in field ''%s'' cannot be written', [mName]);
1525 writeInt(st, LongWord(mIVal));
1526 exit;
1527 end;
1528 TType.TString:
1529 begin
1530 raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot write string field ''%s''', [mName]);
1531 end;
1532 TType.TPoint:
1533 begin
1534 if (mMaxDim >= 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('pos/size array in field ''%s'' cannot be written', [mName]);
1535 writeInt(st, LongInt(mIVal));
1536 writeInt(st, LongInt(mIVal2));
1537 exit;
1538 end;
1539 TType.TSize:
1540 begin
1541 if (mMaxDim >= 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('pos/size array in field ''%s'' cannot be written', [mName]);
1542 writeInt(st, Word(mIVal));
1543 writeInt(st, Word(mIVal2));
1544 exit;
1545 end;
1546 TType.TColor:
1547 begin
1548 if (mMaxDim >= 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('color array in field ''%s'' cannot be written', [mName]);
1549 writeInt(st, Byte(mIVal));
1550 writeInt(st, Byte(mIVal2));
1551 writeInt(st, Byte(mIVal3));
1552 //writeInt(st, Byte(mIVal4)); // the only place we have RGB in binary map is effect trigger, and it has no alpha
1553 if (mIVal4 <> 255) then hasLostData := true;
1554 exit;
1555 end;
1556 TType.TList:
1557 raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot write lists to binary format');
1558 TType.TTrigData:
1559 raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot write triggers to binary format (internal error)');
1560 else raise TDynRecException.Create('ketmar forgot to handle some field type');
1561 end;
1562 end;
1565 procedure TDynField.writeTo (wr: TTextWriter);
1566 var
1567 es: TDynEBS = nil;
1568 f, mask: Integer;
1569 first, found: Boolean;
1570 begin
1571 wr.put(mName);
1572 wr.put(' ');
1573 case mEBS of
1574 TEBS.TNone: begin end;
1575 TEBS.TRec:
1576 begin
1577 if (mRecRef = nil) then
1578 begin
1579 if (mType = TType.TTrigData) then wr.put('{}'#10) else wr.put('null;'#10);
1580 end
1581 else if (Length(mRecRef.mId) = 0) then
1582 begin
1583 mRecRef.writeTo(wr, false); // only data, no header
1584 end
1585 else
1586 begin
1587 wr.put(mRecRef.mId);
1588 wr.put(';'#10);
1589 end;
1590 exit;
1591 end;
1592 TEBS.TEnum:
1593 begin
1594 //def := mOwner.mOwner;
1595 //es := def.ebsType[mEBSTypeName];
1596 es := nil;
1597 if (mEBSType <> nil) and (mEBSType is TDynEBS) then es := (mEBSType as TDynEBS);
1598 if (es = nil) or (not es.mIsEnum) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record enum type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1599 for f := 0 to High(es.mVals) do
1600 begin
1601 if (es.mVals[f] = mIVal) then
1602 begin
1603 wr.put(es.mIds[f]);
1604 wr.put(';'#10);
1605 exit;
1606 end;
1607 end;
1608 raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('value %d in record enum type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [mIVal, mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1609 end;
1610 TEBS.TBitSet:
1611 begin
1612 //def := mOwner.mOwner;
1613 //es := def.ebsType[mEBSTypeName];
1614 es := nil;
1615 if (mEBSType <> nil) and (mEBSType is TDynEBS) then es := (mEBSType as TDynEBS);
1616 if (es = nil) or es.mIsEnum then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record bitset type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1617 // none?
1618 if (mIVal = 0) then
1619 begin
1620 for f := 0 to High(es.mVals) do
1621 begin
1622 if (es.mVals[f] = 0) then
1623 begin
1624 wr.put(es.mIds[f]);
1625 wr.put(';'#10);
1626 exit;
1627 end;
1628 end;
1629 raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('value %d in record bitset type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [0, mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1630 end;
1631 // not none
1632 mask := 1;
1633 first := true;
1634 while (mask <> 0) do
1635 begin
1636 if ((mIVal and mask) <> 0) then
1637 begin
1638 found := false;
1639 for f := 0 to High(es.mVals) do
1640 begin
1641 if (es.mVals[f] = mask) then
1642 begin
1643 if not first then wr.put(' | ') else first := false;
1644 wr.put(es.mIds[f]);
1645 found := true;
1646 break;
1647 end;
1648 end;
1649 if not found then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('value %d in record bitset type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [mask, mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1650 end;
1651 mask := mask shl 1;
1652 end;
1653 wr.put(';'#10);
1654 exit;
1655 end;
1656 else raise TDynRecException.Create('ketmar forgot to handle some EBS type');
1657 end;
1659 case mType of
1660 TType.TBool:
1661 begin
1662 if (mIVal = 0) then wr.put('false;'#10) else wr.put('true;'#10);
1663 exit;
1664 end;
1665 TType.TChar:
1666 begin
1667 if (mMaxDim = 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('invalid string size definition for field ''%s''', [mName]);
1668 wr.put(quoteStr(mSVal));
1669 wr.put(';'#10);
1670 exit;
1671 end;
1672 TType.TByte,
1673 TType.TUByte,
1674 TType.TShort,
1675 TType.TUShort,
1676 TType.TInt,
1677 TType.TUInt:
1678 begin
1679 wr.put('%d;'#10, [mIVal]);
1680 exit;
1681 end;
1682 TType.TString:
1683 begin
1684 wr.put(quoteStr(mSVal));
1685 wr.put(';'#10);
1686 exit;
1687 end;
1688 TType.TPoint,
1689 TType.TSize:
1690 begin
1691 wr.put('(%d %d);'#10, [mIVal, mIVal2]);
1692 exit;
1693 end;
1694 TType.TColor:
1695 begin
1696 if (mIVal3 = 255) then wr.put('(%d %d %d);'#10, [mIVal, mIVal2, mIVal3])
1697 else wr.put('(%d %d %d %d);'#10, [mIVal, mIVal2, mIVal3, mIVal4]);
1698 exit;
1699 end;
1700 TType.TList:
1701 begin
1702 assert(false);
1703 exit;
1704 end;
1705 TType.TTrigData:
1706 begin
1707 assert(false);
1708 exit;
1709 end;
1710 else raise TDynRecException.Create('ketmar forgot to handle some field type');
1711 end;
1712 raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot parse field ''%s'' yet', [mName]);
1713 end;
1716 procedure TDynField.parseBinValue (st: TStream);
1717 var
1718 rec, rc: TDynRecord;
1719 tfld: TDynField;
1720 es: TDynEBS = nil;
1721 tdata: PByte = nil;
1722 f, mask: Integer;
1723 s: AnsiString;
1724 begin
1725 case mEBS of
1726 TEBS.TNone: begin end;
1727 TEBS.TRec:
1728 begin
1729 // this must be triggerdata
1730 if (mType = TType.TTrigData) then
1731 begin
1732 assert(mMaxDim > 0);
1733 rec := mOwner;
1734 // find trigger definition
1735 tfld := rec.trigTypeField();
1736 if (tfld = nil) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('triggerdata value for field ''%s'' in record ''%s'' without TriggerType field', [mName, rec.mTypeName]);
1737 rc := mOwner.mOwner.trigTypeFor[tfld.mSVal]; // find in mapdef
1738 if (rc = nil) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('triggerdata definition for field ''%s'' in record ''%s'' with type ''%s'' not found', [mName, rec.mTypeName, tfld.mSVal]);
1739 rc := rc.clone(mOwner.mHeaderRec);
1740 rc.mHeaderRec := mOwner.mHeaderRec;
1741 // on error, it will be freed by memowner
1742 rc.parseBinValue(st, true);
1743 mRecRef := rc;
1744 mDefined := true;
1745 exit;
1746 end
1747 else
1748 begin
1749 // not a trigger data
1750 case mType of
1751 TType.TByte: f := readShortInt(st);
1752 TType.TUByte: f := readByte(st);
1753 TType.TShort: f := readSmallInt(st);
1754 TType.TUShort: f := readWord(st);
1755 TType.TInt: f := readLongInt(st);
1756 TType.TUInt: f := readLongWord(st);
1757 else raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('invalid non-numeric type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' of record ''%s''', [getTypeName(mType), mName, mEBSTypeName]);
1758 end;
1759 if mAsMonsterId then Dec(f);
1760 if (f < 0) then mRecRefId := '' else mRecRefId := Format('%s%d', [mEBSTypeName, f]);
1761 end;
1762 mDefined := true;
1763 exit;
1764 end;
1765 TEBS.TEnum,
1766 TEBS.TBitSet:
1767 begin
1768 assert(mMaxDim < 0);
1769 case mType of
1770 TType.TByte: f := readShortInt(st);
1771 TType.TUByte: f := readByte(st);
1772 TType.TShort: f := readSmallInt(st);
1773 TType.TUShort: f := readWord(st);
1774 TType.TInt: f := readLongInt(st);
1775 TType.TUInt: f := readLongWord(st);
1776 else raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('invalid non-numeric type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' of record ''%s''', [getTypeName(mType), mName, mEBSTypeName]);
1777 end;
1778 es := nil;
1779 if (mEBSType <> nil) and (mEBSType is TDynEBS) then es := (mEBSType as TDynEBS);
1780 if (es = nil) or (es.mIsEnum <> (mEBS = TEBS.TEnum)) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record enum type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1781 mIVal := f;
1782 // build enum/bitfield values
1783 if (mEBS = TEBS.TEnum) then
1784 begin
1785 mSVal := es.nameByValue(mIVal);
1786 if (Length(mSVal) = 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record enum type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' has invalid value %d', [mEBSTypeName, mName, mIVal]);
1787 end
1788 else
1789 begin
1790 // special for 'none'
1791 if (mIVal = 0) then
1792 begin
1793 mSVal := es.nameByValue(mIVal);
1794 if (Length(mSVal) = 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record bitset type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' has invalid value %d', [mEBSTypeName, mName, mIVal]);
1795 end
1796 else
1797 begin
1798 mSVal := '';
1799 mask := 1;
1800 while (mask <> 0) do
1801 begin
1802 if ((mIVal and mask) <> 0) then
1803 begin
1804 s := es.nameByValue(mask);
1805 if (Length(s) = 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record bitset type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' has invalid value %d', [mEBSTypeName, mName, mask]);
1806 if (Length(mSVal) <> 0) then mSVal += '+';
1807 mSVal += s;
1808 end;
1809 mask := mask shl 1;
1810 end;
1811 end;
1812 end;
1813 //writeln('ebs <', es.mName, '>: ', mSVal);
1814 mDefined := true;
1815 exit;
1816 end;
1817 else raise TDynRecException.Create('ketmar forgot to handle some EBS type');
1818 end;
1820 case mType of
1821 TType.TBool:
1822 begin
1823 f := readByte(st);
1824 if (f <> 0) then f := 1;
1825 if mNegBool then f := 1-f;
1826 mIVal := f;
1827 mDefined := true;
1828 exit;
1829 end;
1830 TType.TChar:
1831 begin
1832 if (mMaxDim < 0) then
1833 begin
1834 mIVal := readByte(st);
1835 end
1836 else
1837 begin
1838 mSVal := '';
1839 GetMem(tdata, mMaxDim);
1840 try
1841 st.ReadBuffer(tdata^, mMaxDim);
1842 f := 0;
1843 while (f < mMaxDim) and (tdata[f] <> 0) do Inc(f);
1844 if (f > 0) then
1845 begin
1846 SetLength(mSVal, f);
1847 Move(tdata^, PChar(mSVal)^, f);
1848 mSVal := win2utf(mSVal);
1849 end;
1850 finally
1851 FreeMem(tdata);
1852 end;
1853 end;
1854 mDefined := true;
1855 exit;
1856 end;
1857 TType.TByte: begin mIVal := readShortInt(st); mDefined := true; exit; end;
1858 TType.TUByte: begin mIVal := readByte(st); mDefined := true; exit; end;
1859 TType.TShort: begin mIVal := readSmallInt(st); mDefined := true; exit; end;
1860 TType.TUShort: begin mIVal := readWord(st); mDefined := true; exit; end;
1861 TType.TInt: begin mIVal := readLongInt(st); mDefined := true; exit; end;
1862 TType.TUInt: begin mIVal := readLongWord(st); mDefined := true; exit; end;
1863 TType.TString:
1864 begin
1865 raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot read strings from binaries yet');
1866 exit;
1867 end;
1868 TType.TPoint:
1869 begin
1870 mIVal := readLongInt(st);
1871 mIVal2 := readLongInt(st);
1872 mDefined := true;
1873 exit;
1874 end;
1875 TType.TSize:
1876 begin
1877 mIVal := readWord(st);
1878 mIVal2 := readWord(st);
1879 mDefined := true;
1880 exit;
1881 end;
1882 TType.TColor:
1883 begin
1884 mIVal := readByte(st);
1885 mIVal2 := readByte(st);
1886 mIVal3 := readByte(st);
1887 //mIVal4 := readByte(st); // the only place we have RGB in binary map is effect trigger, and it has no alpha
1888 mIVal4 := 255;
1889 mDefined := true;
1890 exit;
1891 end;
1892 TType.TList:
1893 begin
1894 assert(false);
1895 exit;
1896 end;
1897 TType.TTrigData:
1898 begin
1899 assert(false);
1900 exit;
1901 end;
1902 else raise TDynRecException.Create('ketmar forgot to handle some field type');
1903 end;
1904 raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot parse field ''%s'' yet', [mName]);
1905 end;
1908 procedure TDynField.parseValue (pr: TTextParser);
1910 procedure parseInt (min, max: Integer);
1911 begin
1912 mIVal := pr.expectInt();
1913 if (mIVal < min) or (mIVal > max) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid %s value for field ''%s''', [getTypeName(mType), mName]);
1914 mDefined := true;
1915 end;
1917 var
1918 rec, rc: TDynRecord;
1919 es: TDynEBS = nil;
1920 tfld: TDynField;
1921 tk: AnsiString;
1922 edim: AnsiChar;
1923 begin
1924 if (pr.tokType = pr.TTEOF) then raise TDynParseException.Create(pr, 'field value expected');
1925 if (pr.isDelim(';')) then raise TDynParseException.Create(pr, 'extra semicolon');
1926 // if this field should contain struct, convert type and parse struct
1927 case mEBS of
1928 TEBS.TNone: begin end;
1929 TEBS.TRec:
1930 begin
1931 // ugly hack. sorry.
1932 if (mType = TType.TTrigData) then
1933 begin
1934 pr.expectDelim('{');
1935 if (pr.eatDelim('}')) then
1936 begin
1937 // '{}'
1938 mRecRef := nil;
1939 end
1940 else
1941 begin
1942 rec := mOwner;
1943 // find trigger definition
1944 tfld := rec.trigTypeField();
1945 if (tfld = nil) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'triggerdata value for field ''%s'' in record ''%s'' without ''type'' field', [mName, rec.mTypeName]);
1946 rc := mOwner.mOwner.trigTypeFor[tfld.mSVal]; // find in mapdef
1947 if (rc = nil) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'triggerdata definition for field ''%s'' in record ''%s'' with type ''%s'' not found', [mName, rec.mTypeName, tfld.mSVal]);
1948 rc := rc.clone(mOwner.mHeaderRec);
1949 rc.mHeaderRec := mOwner.mHeaderRec;
1950 //writeln(rc.definition);
1951 // on error, it will be freed by memowner
1952 rc.parseValue(pr, true);
1953 mRecRef := rc;
1954 end;
1955 mDefined := true;
1956 pr.eatDelim(';'); // hack: allow (but don't require) semicolon after inline records
1957 exit;
1958 end;
1959 // other record types
1960 if (pr.tokType = pr.TTId) then
1961 begin
1962 if pr.eatId('null') then
1963 begin
1964 mRecRef := nil;
1965 end
1966 else
1967 begin
1968 rec := mOwner.findRecordByTypeId(mEBSTypeName, pr.tokStr);
1969 if (rec = nil) then
1970 begin
1971 mRecRefId := pr.tokStr;
1972 end
1973 else
1974 begin
1975 mRecRef := rec;
1976 mRecRefId := '';
1977 end;
1978 pr.expectId();
1979 end;
1980 mDefined := true;
1981 pr.expectDelim(';');
1982 exit;
1983 end
1984 else if (pr.isDelim('{')) then
1985 begin
1986 //rec := mOwner.mOwner.recType[mEBSTypeName]; // find in mapdef
1987 rec := nil;
1988 if (mEBSType <> nil) and (mEBSType is TDynRecord) then rec := (mEBSType as TDynRecord);
1989 if (rec = nil) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'record type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
1990 rc := rec.clone(mOwner.mHeaderRec);
1991 rc.mHeaderRec := mOwner.mHeaderRec;
1992 rc.parseValue(pr);
1993 mRecRef := rc;
1994 mDefined := true;
1995 if mOwner.addRecordByType(mEBSTypeName, rc) then
1996 begin
1997 raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate record with id ''%s'' for field ''%s'' in record ''%s''', [rc.mId, mName, mOwner.mTypeName]);
1998 end;
1999 pr.eatDelim(';'); // hack: allow (but don't require) semicolon after inline records
2000 exit;
2001 end;
2002 pr.expectDelim('{');
2003 end;
2004 TEBS.TEnum:
2005 begin
2006 //es := mOwner.mOwner.ebsType[mEBSTypeName]; // find in mapdef
2007 es := nil;
2008 if (mEBSType <> nil) and (mEBSType is TDynEBS) then es := (mEBSType as TDynEBS);
2009 if (es = nil) or (not es.mIsEnum) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'record enum type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
2010 tk := pr.expectId();
2011 if not es.has[tk] then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'record enum value ''%s'' of type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [tk, mEBSTypeName, mName]);
2012 mIVal := es.field[tk];
2013 mSVal := tk;
2014 //writeln('ENUM ', mEBSName, '; element <', mSVal, '> with value ', mIVal);
2015 mDefined := true;
2016 pr.expectDelim(';');
2017 exit;
2018 end;
2019 TEBS.TBitSet:
2020 begin
2021 //es := mOwner.mOwner.ebsType[mEBSTypeName]; // find in mapdef
2022 es := nil;
2023 if (mEBSType <> nil) and (mEBSType is TDynEBS) then es := (mEBSType as TDynEBS);
2024 if (es = nil) or es.mIsEnum then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'record bitset type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [mEBSTypeName, mName]);
2025 mIVal := 0;
2026 while true do
2027 begin
2028 tk := pr.expectId();
2029 if not es.has[tk] then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'record bitset value ''%s'' of type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' not found', [tk, mEBSTypeName, mName]);
2030 mIVal := mIVal or es.field[tk];
2031 mSVal := tk;
2032 if (pr.tokType <> pr.TTDelim) or ((pr.tokChar <> '|') and (pr.tokChar <> '+')) then break;
2033 if mBitSetUnique then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'record bitset of type ''%s'' for field ''%s'' expects only one value', [tk, mEBSTypeName, mName]);
2034 pr.skipToken(); // plus or pipe
2035 end;
2036 mDefined := true;
2037 pr.expectDelim(';');
2038 exit;
2039 end;
2040 else raise TDynParseException.Create(pr, 'ketmar forgot to handle some EBS type');
2041 end;
2043 case mType of
2044 TType.TBool:
2045 begin
2046 if pr.eatId('true') or pr.eatId('tan') or pr.eatId('yes') then mIVal := 1
2047 else if pr.eatId('false') or pr.eatId('ona') or pr.eatId('no') then mIVal := 0
2048 else raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid bool value for field ''%s''', [mName]);
2049 mDefined := true;
2050 pr.expectDelim(';');
2051 exit;
2052 end;
2053 TType.TChar:
2054 begin
2055 if (mMaxDim = 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid string size definition for field ''%s''', [mName]);
2056 mSVal := pr.expectStr(true);
2057 if (mMaxDim < 0) then
2058 begin
2059 // single char
2060 if (Length(mSVal) <> 1) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid string size for field ''%s''', [mName]);
2061 mIVal := Integer(mSVal[1]);
2062 mSVal := '';
2063 end
2064 else
2065 begin
2066 // string
2067 if (Length(mSVal) > mMaxDim) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid string size for field ''%s''', [mName]);
2068 end;
2069 mDefined := true;
2070 pr.expectDelim(';');
2071 exit;
2072 end;
2073 TType.TByte:
2074 begin
2075 parseInt(-128, 127);
2076 pr.expectDelim(';');
2077 exit;
2078 end;
2079 TType.TUByte:
2080 begin
2081 parseInt(0, 255);
2082 pr.expectDelim(';');
2083 exit;
2084 end;
2085 TType.TShort:
2086 begin
2087 parseInt(-32768, 32768);
2088 pr.expectDelim(';');
2089 exit;
2090 end;
2091 TType.TUShort:
2092 begin
2093 parseInt(0, 65535);
2094 pr.expectDelim(';');
2095 exit;
2096 end;
2097 TType.TInt:
2098 begin
2099 parseInt(Integer($80000000), $7fffffff);
2100 pr.expectDelim(';');
2101 exit;
2102 end;
2103 TType.TUInt:
2104 begin
2105 parseInt(0, $7fffffff); //FIXME
2106 pr.expectDelim(';');
2107 exit;
2108 end;
2109 TType.TString:
2110 begin
2111 mSVal := pr.expectStr(true);
2112 mDefined := true;
2113 pr.expectDelim(';');
2114 exit;
2115 end;
2116 TType.TPoint,
2117 TType.TSize:
2118 begin
2119 if pr.eatDelim('[') then edim := ']' else begin pr.expectDelim('('); edim := ')'; end;
2120 mIVal := pr.expectInt();
2121 if (mType = TType.TSize) then
2122 begin
2123 if (mIVal < 0) or (mIVal > 65535) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid %s value for field ''%s''', [getTypeName(mType), mName]);
2124 end;
2125 mIVal2 := pr.expectInt();
2126 if (mType = TType.TSize) then
2127 begin
2128 if (mIVal2 < 0) or (mIVal2 > 65535) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid %s value for field ''%s''', [getTypeName(mType), mName]);
2129 end;
2130 mDefined := true;
2131 pr.expectDelim(edim);
2132 pr.expectDelim(';');
2133 exit;
2134 end;
2135 TType.TColor:
2136 begin
2137 if pr.eatDelim('[') then edim := ']' else begin pr.expectDelim('('); edim := ')'; end;
2138 mIVal := pr.expectInt();
2139 if (mIVal < 0) or (mIVal > 255) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid %s value for field ''%s''', [getTypeName(mType), mName]);
2140 mIVal2 := pr.expectInt();
2141 if (mIVal2 < 0) or (mIVal2 > 255) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid %s value for field ''%s''', [getTypeName(mType), mName]);
2142 mIVal3 := pr.expectInt();
2143 if (mIVal3 < 0) or (mIVal3 > 255) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid %s value for field ''%s''', [getTypeName(mType), mName]);
2144 if (pr.tokType = pr.TTInt) then
2145 begin
2146 mIVal4 := pr.expectInt();
2147 if (mIVal4 < 0) or (mIVal4 > 255) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid %s value for field ''%s''', [getTypeName(mType), mName]);
2148 end
2149 else
2150 begin
2151 mIVal4 := 255;
2152 end;
2153 mDefined := true;
2154 pr.expectDelim(edim);
2155 pr.expectDelim(';');
2156 exit;
2157 end;
2158 TType.TList:
2159 begin
2160 assert(false);
2161 exit;
2162 end;
2163 TType.TTrigData:
2164 begin
2165 assert(false);
2166 exit;
2167 end;
2168 else raise TDynParseException.Create(pr, 'ketmar forgot to handle some field type');
2169 end;
2170 raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'cannot parse field ''%s'' yet', [mName]);
2171 end;
2174 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
2175 constructor TDynRecord.Create (pr: TTextParser);
2176 begin
2177 if (pr = nil) then raise TDynParseException.Create(pr, 'cannot create record type without type definition');
2178 mId := '';
2179 mTypeName := '';
2180 mSize := 0;
2181 mFields := TDynFieldList.Create();
2183 mFieldsHash := hashNewStrInt();
2184 {$ENDIF}
2185 mTrigTypes := nil;
2186 mHeader := false;
2187 mHeaderRec := nil;
2188 mBinBlock := -1;
2189 mTagInt := 0;
2190 mTagPtr := nil;
2191 parseDef(pr);
2192 end;
2195 constructor TDynRecord.Create ();
2196 begin
2197 mTypeName := '';
2198 mSize := 0;
2199 mFields := TDynFieldList.Create();
2201 mFieldsHash := hashNewStrInt();
2202 {$ENDIF}
2203 mTrigTypes := nil;
2204 mHeader := false;
2205 mHeaderRec := nil;
2206 mTagInt := 0;
2207 mTagPtr := nil;
2208 mRec2Free := nil;
2209 end;
2212 destructor TDynRecord.Destroy ();
2213 var
2214 fld: TDynField;
2215 rec: TDynRecord;
2216 begin
2217 if (mRec2Free <> nil) then
2218 begin
2219 for rec in mRec2Free do
2220 begin
2221 if (rec <> self) then
2222 begin
2223 //writeln(formatstrf('freeing: 0x%08x; name=%s; id=%s', [Pointer(rec), rec.mName, rec.mId]));
2224 rec.Free();
2225 end;
2226 end;
2227 mRec2Free.Free();
2228 mRec2Free := nil;
2229 end;
2230 mTypeName := '';
2231 for fld in mFields do fld.Free();
2232 mFields.Free();
2233 mFields := nil;
2235 mFieldsHash.Free();
2236 mFieldsHash := nil;
2237 {$ENDIF}
2238 mTrigTypes := nil;
2239 mHeaderRec := nil;
2240 mTagInt := 0;
2241 mTagPtr := nil;
2242 inherited;
2243 end;
2246 procedure TDynRecord.regrec (rec: TDynRecord);
2247 begin
2248 if (rec <> nil) and (rec <> self) then
2249 begin
2250 if (mRec2Free = nil) then mRec2Free := TDynRecList.Create();
2251 mRec2Free.append(rec);
2252 end;
2253 end;
2256 procedure TDynRecord.addField (fld: TDynField); inline;
2257 begin
2258 if (fld = nil) then raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot append nil field to record');
2259 mFields.append(fld);
2261 if (Length(fld.mName) > 0) then mFieldsHash.put(fld.mName, mFields.count-1);
2262 {$ENDIF}
2263 end;
2266 function TDynRecord.addFieldChecked (fld: TDynField): Boolean; inline; // `true`: duplicate name
2267 begin
2268 result := false;
2269 if (fld = nil) then raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot append nil field to record');
2271 if (Length(fld.mName) > 0) then result := hasByName(fld.mName);
2272 {$ENDIF}
2273 mFields.append(fld);
2275 if (Length(fld.mName) > 0) then result := mFieldsHash.put(fld.mName, mFields.count-1);
2276 {$ENDIF}
2277 end;
2280 function TDynRecord.findByName (const aname: AnsiString): Integer; inline;
2281 begin
2283 if not mFieldsHash.get(aname, result) then result := -1;
2284 {$ELSE}
2285 result := 0;
2286 while (result < mFields.count) do
2287 begin
2288 if StrEqu(aname, mFields[result].mName) then exit;
2289 Inc(result);
2290 end;
2291 result := -1;
2292 {$ENDIF}
2293 end;
2296 function TDynRecord.hasByName (const aname: AnsiString): Boolean; inline;
2297 begin
2298 result := (findByName(aname) >= 0);
2299 end;
2302 function TDynRecord.getFieldByName (const aname: AnsiString): TDynField; inline;
2303 var
2304 f: Integer;
2305 begin
2306 f := findByName(aname);
2307 if (f >= 0) then result := mFields[f] else result := nil;
2308 end;
2311 function TDynRecord.getFieldAt (idx: Integer): TDynField; inline;
2312 begin
2313 if (idx >= 0) and (idx < mFields.count) then result := mFields[idx] else result := nil;
2314 end;
2317 function TDynRecord.getCount (): Integer; inline;
2318 begin
2319 result := mFields.count;
2320 end;
2323 function TDynRecord.getIsTrigData (): Boolean; inline;
2324 begin
2325 result := (Length(mTrigTypes) > 0);
2326 end;
2329 function TDynRecord.getIsForTrig (const aname: AnsiString): Boolean; inline;
2330 var
2331 f: Integer;
2332 begin
2333 result := true;
2334 for f := 0 to High(mTrigTypes) do if StrEqu(mTrigTypes[f], aname) then exit;
2335 result := false;
2336 end;
2339 function TDynRecord.getForTrigCount (): Integer; inline;
2340 begin
2341 result := Length(mTrigTypes);
2342 end;
2345 function TDynRecord.getForTrigAt (idx: Integer): AnsiString; inline;
2346 begin
2347 if (idx >= 0) and (idx < Length(mTrigTypes)) then result := mTrigTypes[idx] else result := '';
2348 end;
2351 function TDynRecord.clone (registerIn: TDynRecord): TDynRecord;
2352 var
2353 fld: TDynField;
2354 f: Integer;
2355 begin
2356 result := TDynRecord.Create();
2357 result.mOwner := mOwner;
2358 result.mId := mId;
2359 result.mTypeName := mTypeName;
2360 result.mTip := mTip;
2361 result.mHelp := mHelp;
2362 result.mSize := mSize;
2363 result.mHeader := mHeader;
2364 result.mBinBlock := mBinBlock;
2365 result.mHeaderRec := mHeaderRec;
2366 result.mTagInt := mTagInt;
2367 result.mTagPtr := mTagPtr;
2368 if (mFields.count > 0) then
2369 begin
2370 result.mFields.capacity := mFields.count;
2371 for fld in mFields do result.addField(fld.clone(result, registerIn));
2372 end;
2373 SetLength(result.mTrigTypes, Length(mTrigTypes));
2374 for f := 0 to High(mTrigTypes) do result.mTrigTypes[f] := mTrigTypes[f];
2375 if (registerIn <> nil) then registerIn.regrec(result);
2376 end;
2379 function TDynRecord.findRecordByTypeId (const atypename, aid: AnsiString): TDynRecord;
2380 var
2381 fld: TDynField;
2382 idx: Integer;
2383 begin
2384 result := nil;
2385 if (Length(aid) = 0) then exit;
2386 // find record data
2387 fld := mHeaderRec.field[atypename];
2388 if (fld = nil) then exit;
2389 if (fld.mType <> fld.TType.TList) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot get record of type ''%s'' due to name conflict with ordinary field', [atypename]);
2390 // find by id
2391 if (fld.mRVal <> nil) then
2392 begin
2393 if fld.mRHash.get(aid, idx) then begin result := fld.mRVal[idx]; exit; end;
2394 end;
2395 // alas
2396 end;
2399 function TDynRecord.findRecordNumByType (const atypename: AnsiString; rc: TDynRecord): Integer;
2400 var
2401 fld: TDynField;
2402 idx: Integer;
2403 begin
2404 result := -1;
2405 // find record data
2406 fld := mHeaderRec.field[atypename];
2407 if (fld = nil) then exit;
2408 if (fld.mType <> fld.TType.TList) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot get record of type ''%s'' due to name conflict with ordinary field', [atypename]);
2409 // find by ref
2410 if (fld.mRVal <> nil) then
2411 begin
2412 for idx := 0 to fld.mRVal.count-1 do
2413 begin
2414 if (fld.mRVal[idx] = rc) then begin result := idx; exit; end;
2415 end;
2416 end;
2417 // alas
2418 end;
2421 function TDynRecord.addRecordByType (const atypename: AnsiString; rc: TDynRecord): Boolean;
2422 var
2423 fld: TDynField;
2424 begin
2425 // find record data
2426 fld := mHeaderRec.field[atypename];
2427 if (fld = nil) then
2428 begin
2429 // first record
2430 fld := TDynField.Create(atypename, TDynField.TType.TList);
2431 fld.mOwner := mHeaderRec;
2432 mHeaderRec.addField(fld);
2433 end;
2434 if (fld.mType <> fld.TType.TList) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot append record of type ''%s'' due to name conflict with ordinary field', [atypename]);
2435 // append
2436 if (fld.mRVal = nil) then
2437 begin
2438 fld.mRVal := TDynRecList.Create();
2439 fld.mRHash := THashStrInt.Create();
2440 end;
2441 result := fld.addListItem(rc);
2442 end;
2445 function TDynRecord.isSimpleEqu (rec: TDynRecord): Boolean;
2446 var
2447 f: Integer;
2448 begin
2449 if (rec = nil) then begin result := false; exit; end; // self.mRecRef can't be `nil` here
2450 if (rec = self) then begin result := true; exit; end;
2451 if (mFields.count <> rec.mFields.count) then begin result := false; exit; end;
2452 result := false;
2453 for f := 0 to mFields.count-1 do
2454 begin
2455 if not mFields[f].isSimpleEqu(rec.mFields[f]) then exit;
2456 end;
2457 result := true;
2458 end;
2461 function TDynRecord.trigTypeField (): TDynField;
2462 var
2463 fld: TDynField;
2464 es: TDynEBS = nil;
2465 begin
2466 for fld in mFields do
2467 begin
2468 if (fld.mEBS <> TDynField.TEBS.TEnum) then continue;
2469 if not (fld.mEBSType is TDynEBS) then continue;
2470 es := (fld.mEBSType as TDynEBS);
2471 assert(es <> nil);
2472 if StrEqu(es.mTypeName, 'TriggerType') then begin result := fld; exit; end;
2473 end;
2474 result := nil;
2475 end;
2478 // number of records of the given instance
2479 function TDynRecord.instanceCount (const atypename: AnsiString): Integer;
2480 var
2481 fld: TDynField;
2482 begin
2483 result := 0;
2484 fld := field[atypename];
2485 if (fld <> nil) and (fld.mType = fld.TType.TList) then result := fld.mRVal.count;
2486 end;
2489 function TDynRecord.newTypedRecord (const atypename, aid: AnsiString): TDynRecord;
2490 var
2491 trc: TDynRecord;
2492 fld: TDynField;
2493 begin
2494 if not mHeader then raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot create new records with non-header');
2495 if (Length(aid) = 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot create new record of type ''%s'' without id', [atypename]);
2496 trc := mapdef.recType[atypename];
2497 if (trc = nil) then begin result := nil; exit; end;
2498 // check if aid is unique
2499 fld := field[atypename];
2500 if (fld <> nil) and (fld.getListItem(aid) <> nil) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot create record of type ''%s'' with duplicate id ''%s''', [atypename, aid]);
2501 result := trc.clone(self);
2502 result.mId := aid;
2503 addRecordByType(atypename, result);
2504 end;
2507 procedure TDynRecord.clearRefRecs (rec: TDynRecord);
2508 procedure clearRefs (fld: TDynField);
2509 var
2510 rc: TDynRecord;
2511 begin
2512 if (fld = nil) then exit;
2513 if (fld.mRecRef = rec) then fld.mRecRef := nil;
2514 if (fld.mType = fld.TType.TList) then for rc in fld.mRVal do rc.clearRefRecs(rec);
2515 end;
2516 var
2517 fld: TDynField;
2518 begin
2519 if (rec = nil) or (mFields = nil) then exit;
2520 for fld in mFields do clearRefs(fld);
2521 end;
2524 // remove record with the given type and id
2525 // return `true` if record was successfully found and removed
2526 // this will do all necessary recref cleanup too
2527 function TDynRecord.removeTypedRecord (const atypename, aid: AnsiString): Boolean;
2528 var
2529 trc, rec: TDynRecord;
2530 fld: TDynField;
2531 f: Integer;
2532 doFree: Boolean = false;
2533 begin
2534 result := false;
2535 if not mHeader then raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot remove records with non-header');
2536 if (Length(aid) = 0) then exit;
2537 trc := mapdef.recType[atypename];
2538 if (trc = nil) then exit;
2539 fld := field[atypename];
2540 if (fld = nil) then exit;
2541 rec := fld.removeListItem(aid);
2542 if (rec = nil) then exit;
2543 clearRefRecs(rec);
2544 for f := 0 to mRec2Free.count-1 do
2545 begin
2546 if (mRec2Free[f] = rec) then
2547 begin
2548 mRec2Free[f] := nil;
2549 doFree := true;
2550 end;
2551 end;
2552 if doFree then rec.Free();
2553 end;
2556 function TDynRecord.getUserVar (const aname: AnsiString): Variant;
2557 var
2558 fld: TDynField;
2559 begin
2560 fld := getFieldByName(aname);
2561 if (fld = nil) then result := Unassigned else result := fld.value;
2562 end;
2565 procedure TDynRecord.setUserVar (const aname: AnsiString; val: Variant);
2566 var
2567 fld: TDynField;
2568 begin
2569 fld := getFieldByName(aname);
2570 if (fld = nil) then
2571 begin
2572 if (Length(aname) = 0) then raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot create nameless user field');
2573 fld := TDynField.Create(aname, val);
2574 fld.mOwner := self;
2575 fld.mInternal := true;
2576 addField(fld);
2577 end
2578 else
2579 begin
2580 fld.value := val;
2581 end;
2582 end;
2585 procedure TDynRecord.parseDef (pr: TTextParser);
2586 var
2587 fld: TDynField;
2588 tdn: AnsiString;
2589 begin
2590 if pr.eatId('TriggerData') then
2591 begin
2592 pr.expectId('for');
2593 if pr.eatDelim('(') then
2594 begin
2595 while true do
2596 begin
2597 while (pr.eatDelim(',')) do begin end;
2598 if pr.eatDelim(')') then break;
2599 tdn := pr.expectId();
2600 if isForTrig[tdn] then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate trigdata ''%s'' trigtype ''%s''', [mTypeName, tdn]);
2601 SetLength(mTrigTypes, Length(mTrigTypes)+1);
2602 mTrigTypes[High(mTrigTypes)] := tdn;
2603 end;
2604 end
2605 else
2606 begin
2607 tdn := pr.expectId();
2608 SetLength(mTrigTypes, 1);
2609 mTrigTypes[0] := tdn;
2610 end;
2611 mTypeName := 'TriggerData';
2612 end
2613 else
2614 begin
2615 mTypeName := pr.expectIdOrStr();
2616 while (not pr.isDelim('{')) do
2617 begin
2618 if pr.eatId('header') then begin mHeader := true; continue; end;
2619 if pr.eatId('size') then
2620 begin
2621 if (mSize > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate `size` in record ''%s''', [mTypeName]);
2622 mSize := pr.expectInt();
2623 if (mSize < 1) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid record ''%s'' size: %d', [mTypeName, mSize]);
2624 pr.expectId('bytes');
2625 continue;
2626 end;
2627 if pr.eatId('binblock') then
2628 begin
2629 if (mBinBlock >= 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate `binblock` in record ''%s''', [mTypeName]);
2630 mBinBlock := pr.expectInt();
2631 if (mBinBlock < 1) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'invalid record ''%s'' binblock: %d', [mTypeName, mBinBlock]);
2632 continue;
2633 end;
2634 if pr.eatId('tip') then
2635 begin
2636 if (Length(mTip) > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate tip definition for record ''%s''', [mTypeName]);
2637 mTip := pr.expectStr(false);
2638 continue;
2639 end;
2640 if pr.eatId('help') then
2641 begin
2642 if (Length(mHelp) > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate help definition for record ''%s''', [mTypeName]);
2643 mHelp := pr.expectStr(false);
2644 continue;
2645 end;
2646 end;
2647 end;
2649 pr.expectDelim('{');
2650 // load fields
2651 while (not pr.isDelim('}')) do
2652 begin
2653 fld := TDynField.Create(pr);
2654 // append
2655 fld.mOwner := self;
2656 if addFieldChecked(fld) then
2657 begin
2658 fld.Free();
2659 raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate field ''%s''', []);
2660 end;
2661 // done with field
2662 end;
2663 pr.expectDelim('}');
2664 end;
2667 function TDynRecord.definition (): AnsiString;
2668 var
2669 f: Integer;
2670 begin
2671 if isTrigData then
2672 begin
2673 // trigger data
2674 result := 'TriggerData for ';
2675 if (Length(mTrigTypes) > 1) then
2676 begin
2677 result += '(';
2678 for f := 0 to High(mTrigTypes) do
2679 begin
2680 if (f <> 0) then result += ', ';
2681 result += mTrigTypes[f];
2682 end;
2683 result += ')';
2684 end
2685 else
2686 begin
2687 result += mTrigTypes[0];
2688 end;
2689 end
2690 else
2691 begin
2692 // record
2693 result := quoteStr(mTypeName);
2694 if (mSize >= 0) then result += Format(' size %d bytes', [mSize]);
2695 if mHeader then result += ' header';
2696 end;
2697 result += ' {'#10;
2698 for f := 0 to mFields.count-1 do
2699 begin
2700 result += ' ';
2701 result += mFields[f].definition;
2702 result += ';'#10;
2703 end;
2704 result += '}';
2705 end;
2708 procedure TDynRecord.parseBinValue (st: TStream; forceData: Boolean=false);
2709 var
2710 sign: string[4];
2711 btype: Integer;
2712 bsize: Integer;
2713 buf: PByte = nil;
2714 loaded: array[0..255] of Boolean;
2715 rec, rect: TDynRecord;
2716 fld: TDynField;
2717 f: Integer;
2718 mst: TSFSMemoryChunkStream = nil;
2720 procedure linkNames (rec: TDynRecord);
2721 var
2722 fld: TDynField;
2723 rt: TDynRecord;
2724 begin
2725 //writeln('*** rec: ', rec.mName, '.', rec.mId, ' (', rec.mFields.count, ')');
2726 for fld in rec.mFields do
2727 begin
2728 if (fld.mType = TDynField.TType.TTrigData) then
2729 begin
2730 if (fld.mRecRef <> nil) then linkNames(fld.mRecRef);
2731 continue;
2732 end;
2733 if (Length(fld.mRecRefId) = 0) then continue;
2734 assert(fld.mEBSType <> nil);
2735 rt := findRecordByTypeId(fld.mEBSTypeName, fld.mRecRefId);
2736 if (rt = nil) then
2737 begin
2738 if assigned(DynWarningCB) then
2739 begin
2740 DynWarningCB(formatstrf('record of type ''%s'' with id ''%s'' links to inexistant record of type ''%s'' with id ''%s''', [rec.mTypeName, rec.mId, fld.mEBSTypeName, fld.mRecRefId]), -1, -1);
2741 end;
2742 //raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record of type ''%s'' with id ''%s'' links to inexistant record of type ''%s'' with id ''%s''', [rec.mName, rec.mId, fld.mEBSTypeName, fld.mRecRefId]);
2743 end;
2744 //writeln(' ', rec.mName, '.', rec.mId, ':', fld.mName, ' -> ', rt.mName, '.', rt.mId, ' (', fld.mEBSTypeName, '.', fld.mRecRefId, ')');
2745 fld.mRecRefId := '';
2746 fld.mRecRef := rt;
2747 fld.mDefined := true;
2748 end;
2749 for fld in rec.mFields do
2750 begin
2751 //if (fld.mName = 'ambient_color') then writeln('****', fld.mName);
2752 fld.fixDefaultValue(); // just in case
2753 end;
2754 end;
2756 begin
2757 for f := 0 to High(loaded) do loaded[f] := false;
2758 mst := TSFSMemoryChunkStream.Create(nil, 0);
2759 try
2760 if mHeader and not forceData then
2761 begin
2762 // parse map file as sequence of blocks
2763 sign[0] := #4;
2764 st.ReadBuffer(sign[1], 4);
2765 if (sign <> 'MAP'#1) then raise TDynRecException.Create('invalid binary map signature');
2766 // parse blocks
2767 while (st.position < st.size) do
2768 begin
2769 btype := readByte(st);
2770 if (btype = 0) then break; // no more blocks
2771 readLongWord(st); // reserved
2772 bsize := readLongInt(st);
2773 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_XDYN_DEBUG)}writeln('btype=', btype, '; bsize=', bsize);{$ENDIF}
2774 if (bsize < 0) or (bsize > $1fffffff) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('block of type %d has invalid size %d', [btype, bsize]);
2775 if loaded[btype] then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('block of type %d already loaded', [btype]);
2776 loaded[btype] := true;
2777 // find record type for this block
2778 rect := nil;
2779 for rec in mOwner.recTypes do if (rec.mBinBlock = btype) then begin rect := rec; break; end;
2780 if (rect = nil) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('block of type %d has no corresponding record', [btype]);
2781 //writeln('found type ''', rec.mName, ''' for block type ', btype);
2782 if (rec.mSize = 0) or ((bsize mod rec.mSize) <> 0) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('block of type %d has invalid number of records', [btype]);
2783 // header?
2784 if (rect.mHeader) then
2785 begin
2786 if (bsize <> mSize) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('header block of type %d has invalid number of records', [btype]);
2787 GetMem(buf, bsize);
2788 st.ReadBuffer(buf^, bsize);
2789 mst.setup(buf, mSize);
2790 parseBinValue(mst, true); // force parsing data
2791 end
2792 else
2793 begin
2794 // create list for this type
2795 fld := TDynField.Create(rec.mTypeName, TDynField.TType.TList);
2796 fld.mOwner := self;
2797 addField(fld);
2798 if (bsize > 0) then
2799 begin
2800 GetMem(buf, bsize);
2801 st.ReadBuffer(buf^, bsize);
2802 for f := 0 to (bsize div rec.mSize)-1 do
2803 begin
2804 mst.setup(buf+f*rec.mSize, rec.mSize);
2805 rec := rect.clone(self);
2806 rec.mHeaderRec := self;
2807 rec.parseBinValue(mst);
2808 rec.mId := Format('%s%d', [rec.mTypeName, f]);
2809 fld.addListItem(rec);
2810 //writeln('parsed ''', rec.mId, '''...');
2811 end;
2812 end;
2813 end;
2814 FreeMem(buf);
2815 buf := nil;
2816 //st.position := st.position+bsize;
2817 end;
2818 // link fields
2819 for fld in mFields do
2820 begin
2821 if (fld.mType <> TDynField.TType.TList) then continue;
2822 for rec in fld.mRVal do linkNames(rec);
2823 end;
2824 exit;
2825 end;
2827 // read fields
2828 if StrEqu(mTypeName, 'TriggerData') then mSize := Integer(st.size-st.position);
2829 if (mSize < 1) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('cannot read record of type ''%s'' with unknown size', [mTypeName]);
2830 GetMem(buf, mSize);
2831 st.ReadBuffer(buf^, mSize);
2832 for fld in mFields do
2833 begin
2834 if fld.mInternal then continue;
2835 if (fld.mBinOfs < 0) then continue;
2836 if (fld.mBinOfs >= st.size) then raise TDynRecException.CreateFmt('record of type ''%s'' has invalid field ''%s''', [fld.mName]);
2837 mst.setup(buf+fld.mBinOfs, mSize-fld.mBinOfs);
2838 //writeln('parsing ''', mName, '.', fld.mName, '''...');
2839 fld.parseBinValue(mst);
2840 end;
2841 // fix default values
2842 for fld in mFields do
2843 begin
2844 if (fld.mType = TDynField.TType.TList) then continue;
2845 fld.fixDefaultValue();
2846 end;
2847 finally
2848 mst.Free();
2849 if (buf <> nil) then FreeMem(buf);
2850 end;
2851 end;
2854 procedure TDynRecord.writeBinTo (var hasLostData: Boolean; st: TStream; trigbufsz: Integer=-1; onlyFields: Boolean=false);
2855 var
2856 fld: TDynField;
2857 rec, rv: TDynRecord;
2858 buf: PByte = nil;
2859 ws: TStream = nil;
2860 blk, blkmax: Integer;
2861 bufsz: Integer = 0;
2862 blksz: Integer;
2863 begin
2864 if (trigbufsz < 0) then
2865 begin
2866 if (mBinBlock < 1) then raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot write binary record without block number');
2867 if (mSize < 1) then raise TDynRecException.Create('cannot write binary record without size');
2868 bufsz := mSize;
2869 end
2870 else
2871 begin
2872 bufsz := trigbufsz;
2873 end;
2874 try
2875 GetMem(buf, bufsz);
2876 FillChar(buf^, bufsz, 0);
2877 ws := TSFSMemoryChunkStream.Create(buf, bufsz);
2879 // write normal fields
2880 for fld in mFields do
2881 begin
2882 // record list?
2883 if (fld.mType = fld.TType.TList) then continue; // later
2884 if fld.mInternal then continue;
2885 if (fld.mBinOfs < 0) then
2886 begin
2887 if not fld.equToDefault then hasLostData := true;
2888 continue;
2889 end;
2890 if (fld.mBinOfs >= bufsz) then raise TDynRecException.Create('binary value offset is outside of the buffer');
2891 TSFSMemoryChunkStream(ws).setup(buf+fld.mBinOfs, bufsz-fld.mBinOfs);
2892 //writeln('writing field <', fld.mName, '>');
2893 fld.writeBinTo(hasLostData, ws);
2894 end;
2896 // write block with normal fields
2897 if mHeader and not onlyFields then
2898 begin
2899 //writeln('writing header...');
2900 // signature and version
2901 writeIntBE(st, LongWord($4D415001));
2902 writeInt(st, Byte(mBinBlock)); // type
2903 writeInt(st, LongWord(0)); // reserved
2904 writeInt(st, LongWord(bufsz)); // size
2905 end;
2906 st.WriteBuffer(buf^, bufsz);
2908 ws.Free(); ws := nil;
2909 FreeMem(buf); buf := nil;
2911 // write other blocks, if any
2912 if mHeader and not onlyFields then
2913 begin
2914 // calculate blkmax
2915 blkmax := 0;
2916 for fld in mFields do
2917 begin
2918 // record list?
2919 if (fld.mType = fld.TType.TList) then
2920 begin
2921 if (fld.mRVal = nil) or (fld.mRVal.count = 0) then continue;
2922 rec := mOwner.recType[fld.mName];
2923 if (rec = nil) then continue;
2924 if (rec.mBinBlock <= 0) then continue;
2925 if (blkmax < rec.mBinBlock) then blkmax := rec.mBinBlock;
2926 end;
2927 end;
2928 // write blocks
2929 for blk := 1 to blkmax do
2930 begin
2931 if (blk = mBinBlock) then continue;
2932 ws := nil;
2933 for fld in mFields do
2934 begin
2935 // record list?
2936 if (fld.mType = fld.TType.TList) then
2937 begin
2938 if (fld.mRVal = nil) or (fld.mRVal.count = 0) then continue;
2939 rec := mOwner.recType[fld.mName];
2940 if (rec = nil) then continue;
2941 if (rec.mBinBlock <> blk) then continue;
2942 if (ws = nil) then ws := TMemoryStream.Create();
2943 for rv in fld.mRVal do rv.writeBinTo(hasLostData, ws);
2944 end;
2945 end;
2946 // flush block
2947 if (ws <> nil) then
2948 begin
2949 blksz := Integer(ws.position);
2950 ws.position := 0;
2951 writeInt(st, Byte(blk)); // type
2952 writeInt(st, LongWord(0)); // reserved
2953 writeInt(st, LongWord(blksz)); // size
2954 st.CopyFrom(ws, blksz);
2955 ws.Free();
2956 ws := nil;
2957 end;
2958 end;
2959 // write end marker
2960 writeInt(st, Byte(0));
2961 writeInt(st, LongWord(0));
2962 writeInt(st, LongWord(0));
2963 end;
2964 finally
2965 ws.Free();
2966 if (buf <> nil) then FreeMem(buf);
2967 end;
2968 end;
2971 procedure TDynRecord.writeTo (wr: TTextWriter; putHeader: Boolean=true);
2972 var
2973 fld: TDynField;
2974 rec: TDynRecord;
2975 putTypeComment: Boolean;
2976 f: Integer;
2977 begin
2978 if putHeader then
2979 begin
2980 wr.put(mTypeName);
2981 if (Length(mId) > 0) then begin wr.put(' '); wr.put(mId); end;
2982 wr.put(' ');
2983 end;
2984 wr.put('{'#10);
2985 wr.indent();
2986 try
2987 for fld in mFields do
2988 begin
2989 // record list?
2990 if (fld.mType = fld.TType.TList) then
2991 begin
2992 if not mHeader then raise TDynRecException.Create('record list in non-header record');
2993 if (fld.mRVal <> nil) and (fld.mRVal.count > 0) then
2994 begin
2995 putTypeComment := true;
2996 for rec in fld.mRVal do
2997 begin
2998 if (rec = nil) or (Length(rec.mId) = 0) then continue;
2999 if putTypeComment then
3000 begin
3001 wr.put(#10);
3002 if (80-wr.curIndent*2 >= 2) then
3003 begin
3004 wr.putIndent();
3005 for f := wr.curIndent to 80-wr.curIndent do wr.put('/');
3006 wr.put(#10);
3007 end;
3008 putTypeComment := false;
3009 wr.putIndent();
3010 wr.put('// ');
3011 wr.put(;
3012 wr.put(#10);
3013 end
3014 else
3015 begin
3016 wr.put(#10);
3017 end;
3018 wr.putIndent();
3019 rec.writeTo(wr, true);
3020 end;
3021 end;
3022 continue;
3023 end;
3024 if fld.mInternal then continue;
3025 if (not fld.mWriteDef) and fld.isDefaultValue then continue;
3026 wr.putIndent();
3027 fld.writeTo(wr);
3028 end;
3029 finally
3030 wr.unindent();
3031 end;
3032 wr.putIndent();
3033 wr.put('}'#10);
3034 end;
3038 var
3039 profCloneRec: UInt64 = 0;
3040 profFindRecType: UInt64 = 0;
3041 profFieldSearching: UInt64 = 0;
3042 profListDupChecking: UInt64 = 0;
3043 profAddRecByType: UInt64 = 0;
3044 profFieldValParsing: UInt64 = 0;
3045 profFixDefaults: UInt64 = 0;
3046 profRecValParse: UInt64 = 0;
3048 procedure xdynDumpProfiles ();
3049 begin
3050 writeln('=== XDYNREC PROFILES ===');
3051 writeln('record cloning: ', profCloneRec div 1000, '.', profCloneRec mod 1000, ' milliseconds');
3052 writeln('findRecType : ', profFindRecType div 1000, '.', profFindRecType mod 1000, ' milliseconds');
3053 writeln('field[] : ', profFieldSearching div 1000, '.', profFieldSearching mod 1000, ' milliseconds');
3054 writeln('list dup check: ', profListDupChecking div 1000, '.', profListDupChecking mod 1000, ' milliseconds');
3055 writeln('addRecByType : ', profAddRecByType div 1000, '.', profAddRecByType mod 1000, ' milliseconds');
3056 writeln('field valparse: ', profFieldValParsing div 1000, '.', profFieldValParsing mod 1000, ' milliseconds');
3057 writeln('fix defaults : ', profFixDefaults div 1000, '.', profFixDefaults mod 1000, ' milliseconds');
3058 writeln('recvalparse : ', profRecValParse div 1000, '.', profRecValParse mod 1000, ' milliseconds');
3059 end;
3060 {$ENDIF}
3063 procedure TDynRecord.parseValue (pr: TTextParser; beginEaten: Boolean=false);
3064 var
3065 fld: TDynField;
3066 rec: TDynRecord = nil;
3067 trc{, rv}: TDynRecord;
3069 stt, stall: UInt64;
3070 {$ENDIF}
3072 procedure linkNames (rec: TDynRecord);
3073 var
3074 fld: TDynField;
3075 rt, rvc: TDynRecord;
3076 begin
3077 if (rec = nil) then exit;
3078 //writeln('*** rec: ', rec.mName, '.', rec.mId, ' (', rec.mFields.count, ')');
3079 for fld in rec.mFields do
3080 begin
3081 if (fld.mType = TDynField.TType.TList) then
3082 begin
3083 for rvc in fld.mRVal do linkNames(rvc);
3084 end;
3085 if (fld.mType = TDynField.TType.TTrigData) then
3086 begin
3087 //if (fld.mRecRef <> nil) then linkNames(fld.mRecRef);
3088 continue;
3089 end;
3090 if (Length(fld.mRecRefId) = 0) then continue;
3091 assert(fld.mEBSType <> nil);
3092 rt := findRecordByTypeId(fld.mEBSTypeName, fld.mRecRefId);
3093 if (rt = nil) then
3094 begin
3095 //e_LogWritefln('record of type ''%s'' with id ''%s'' links to inexistant record of type ''%s'' with id ''%s''', [rec.mName, rec.mId, fld.mEBSTypeName, fld.mRecRefId], MSG_WARNING);
3096 raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'record of type ''%s'' with id ''%s'' links to inexistant record of type ''%s'' with id ''%s''', [rec.mTypeName, rec.mId, fld.mEBSTypeName, fld.mRecRefId]);
3097 end;
3098 //writeln(' ', rec.mName, '.', rec.mId, ':', fld.mName, ' -> ', rt.mName, '.', rt.mId, ' (', fld.mEBSTypeName, '.', fld.mRecRefId, ')');
3099 fld.mRecRefId := '';
3100 fld.mRecRef := rt;
3101 fld.mDefined := true;
3102 end;
3103 for fld in rec.mFields do
3104 begin
3105 //writeln(' ', fld.mName);
3106 fld.fixDefaultValue();
3107 end;
3108 end;
3110 begin
3111 if (mOwner = nil) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'can''t parse record ''%s'' value without owner', [mTypeName]);
3113 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}stall := getTimeMicro();{$ENDIF}
3115 // not a header?
3116 if not mHeader then
3117 begin
3118 // id?
3119 if (not beginEaten) and (pr.tokType = pr.TTId) then mId := pr.expectId();
3120 end
3121 else
3122 begin
3123 assert(mHeaderRec = self);
3124 end;
3126 //writeln('parsing record <', mName, '>');
3127 if not beginEaten then pr.expectDelim('{');
3128 while (not pr.isDelim('}')) do
3129 begin
3130 if (pr.tokType <> pr.TTId) then raise TDynParseException.Create(pr, 'identifier expected');
3131 //writeln('<', mName, '.', pr.tokStr, '>');
3133 // records
3134 if mHeader then
3135 begin
3136 // add records with this type (if any)
3137 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}stt := getTimeMicro();{$ENDIF}
3138 trc := mOwner.recType[pr.tokStr];
3139 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}profFindRecType := getTimeMicro()-stt;{$ENDIF}
3140 if (trc <> nil) then
3141 begin
3142 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}stt := getTimeMicro();{$ENDIF}
3143 rec := trc.clone(mHeaderRec);
3144 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}profCloneRec := getTimeMicro()-stt;{$ENDIF}
3145 rec.mHeaderRec := mHeaderRec;
3146 // on error, it will be freed by memowner
3147 pr.skipToken();
3148 rec.parseValue(pr);
3149 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}stt := getTimeMicro();{$ENDIF}
3150 addRecordByType(rec.mTypeName, rec);
3151 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}profAddRecByType := getTimeMicro()-stt;{$ENDIF}
3152 continue;
3153 end;
3154 end;
3156 // fields
3157 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}stt := getTimeMicro();{$ENDIF}
3158 //writeln('0: <', mName, '.', pr.tokStr, '>');
3159 fld := field[pr.tokStr];
3160 //writeln('1: <', mName, '.', pr.tokStr, '>');
3161 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}profFieldSearching := getTimeMicro()-stt;{$ENDIF}
3162 if (fld <> nil) then
3163 begin
3164 //writeln('2: <', mName, '.', pr.tokStr, '>');
3165 if fld.defined then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate field ''%s'' in record ''%s''', [fld.mName, mTypeName]);
3166 if fld.internal then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'internal field ''%s'' in record ''%s''', [fld.mName, mTypeName]);
3167 pr.skipToken(); // skip field name
3168 //writeln('3: <', mName, '.', pr.tokStr, '>:', pr.tokType);
3169 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}stt := getTimeMicro();{$ENDIF}
3170 fld.parseValue(pr);
3171 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}profFieldValParsing := getTimeMicro()-stt;{$ENDIF}
3172 continue;
3173 end;
3175 // something is wrong
3176 raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'unknown field ''%s'' in record ''%s''', [pr.tokStr, mTypeName]);
3177 end;
3178 pr.expectDelim('}');
3180 if mHeader then
3181 begin
3182 // link fields
3183 linkNames(self);
3184 for rec in mRec2Free do if (rec <> nil) then linkNames(rec);
3185 end;
3186 //writeln('done parsing record <', mName, '>');
3187 //{$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}writeln('stall: ', getTimeMicro()-stall);{$ENDIF}
3188 {$IF DEFINED(D2D_DYNREC_PROFILER)}profRecValParse := getTimeMicro()-stall;{$ENDIF}
3189 end;
3192 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
3193 constructor TDynEBS.Create (pr: TTextParser);
3194 begin
3195 cleanup();
3196 parseDef(pr);
3197 end;
3200 destructor TDynEBS.Destroy ();
3201 begin
3202 cleanup();
3203 inherited;
3204 end;
3207 procedure TDynEBS.cleanup ();
3208 begin
3209 mIsEnum := false;
3210 mTypeName := '';
3211 mTip := '';
3212 mHelp := '';
3213 mIds := nil;
3214 mVals := nil;
3215 mMaxName := '';
3216 mMaxVal := 0;
3217 end;
3220 function TDynEBS.findByName (const aname: AnsiString): Integer;
3221 begin
3222 result := 0;
3223 while (result < Length(mIds)) do
3224 begin
3225 if StrEqu(aname, mIds[result]) then exit;
3226 Inc(result);
3227 end;
3228 result := -1;
3229 end;
3232 function TDynEBS.hasByName (const aname: AnsiString): Boolean; inline;
3233 begin
3234 result := (findByName(aname) >= 0);
3235 end;
3238 function TDynEBS.getFieldByName (const aname: AnsiString): Integer; inline;
3239 var
3240 f: Integer;
3241 begin
3242 f := findByName(aname);
3243 if (f >= 0) then result := mVals[f] else result := 0;
3244 end;
3247 function TDynEBS.definition (): AnsiString;
3248 var
3249 f, cv: Integer;
3250 begin
3251 if mIsEnum then result :='enum ' else result := 'bitset ';
3252 result += mTypeName;
3253 result += ' {'#10;
3254 // fields
3255 if mIsEnum then cv := 0 else cv := 1;
3256 for f := 0 to High(mIds) do
3257 begin
3258 if (mIds[f] = mMaxName) then continue;
3259 result += ' '+mIds[f];
3260 if (mVals[f] <> cv) then
3261 begin
3262 result += Format(' = %d', [mVals[f]]);
3263 if mIsEnum then cv := mVals[f];
3264 result += ','#10;
3265 end
3266 else
3267 begin
3268 result += Format(', // %d'#10, [mVals[f]]);
3269 end;
3270 if mIsEnum then Inc(cv) else if (mVals[f] = cv) then cv := cv shl 1;
3271 end;
3272 // max field
3273 if (Length(mMaxName) > 0) then result += ' '+mMaxName+' = MAX,'#10;
3274 result += '}';
3275 end;
3278 function TDynEBS.pasdef (): AnsiString;
3279 var
3280 f: Integer;
3281 begin
3282 result := '// '+mTypeName+#10'const'#10;
3283 // fields
3284 for f := 0 to High(mIds) do
3285 begin
3286 result += formatstrf(' %s = %d;'#10, [mIds[f], mVals[f]]);
3287 end;
3288 end;
3291 function TDynEBS.nameByValue (v: Integer): AnsiString;
3292 var
3293 f: Integer;
3294 begin
3295 for f := 0 to High(mVals) do
3296 begin
3297 if (mVals[f] = v) then begin result := mIds[f]; exit; end;
3298 end;
3299 result := '';
3300 end;
3303 procedure TDynEBS.parseDef (pr: TTextParser);
3304 var
3305 idname: AnsiString;
3306 cv, v: Integer;
3307 f: Integer;
3308 skipAdd: Boolean;
3309 hasV: Boolean;
3310 begin
3311 if pr.eatId('enum') then mIsEnum := true
3312 else if pr.eatId('bitset') then mIsEnum := false
3313 else pr.expectId('enum');
3314 mTypeName := pr.expectId();
3315 mMaxVal := Integer($80000000);
3316 if mIsEnum then cv := 0 else cv := 1;
3317 while (not pr.isDelim('{')) do
3318 begin
3319 if pr.eatId('tip') then
3320 begin
3321 if (Length(mTip) > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate tip definition for enum/bitset ''%s''', [mTypeName]);
3322 mTip := pr.expectStr(false);
3323 continue;
3324 end;
3325 if pr.eatId('help') then
3326 begin
3327 if (Length(mHelp) > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate help definition for enum/bitset ''%s''', [mTypeName]);
3328 mHelp := pr.expectStr(false);
3329 continue;
3330 end;
3331 break;
3332 end;
3333 pr.expectDelim('{');
3334 while (not pr.isDelim('}')) do
3335 begin
3336 idname := pr.expectId();
3337 for f := 0 to High(mIds) do
3338 begin
3339 if StrEqu(mIds[f], idname) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate field ''%s'' in enum/bitset ''%s''', [idname, mTypeName]);
3340 end;
3341 if StrEqu(mMaxName, idname) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate field ''%s'' in enum/bitset ''%s''', [idname, mTypeName]);
3342 skipAdd := false;
3343 hasV := false;
3344 v := cv;
3345 // has value?
3346 if pr.eatDelim('=') then
3347 begin
3348 if pr.eatId('MAX') then
3349 begin
3350 if (Length(mMaxName) > 0) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate max field ''%s'' in enum/bitset ''%s''', [idname, mTypeName]);
3351 mMaxName := idname;
3352 skipAdd := true;
3353 end
3354 else
3355 begin
3356 v := pr.expectInt();
3357 if mIsEnum then cv := v;
3358 hasV := true;
3359 end;
3360 end;
3361 // append it?
3362 if not skipAdd then
3363 begin
3364 // fix maxvalue
3365 if mIsEnum or (not hasV) then
3366 begin
3367 if (mMaxVal < v) then mMaxVal := v;
3368 end;
3369 SetLength(mIds, Length(mIds)+1);
3370 mIds[High(mIds)] := idname;
3371 SetLength(mVals, Length(mIds));
3372 mVals[High(mVals)] := v;
3373 // next cv
3374 if mIsEnum or (not hasV) then
3375 begin
3376 if mIsEnum then Inc(cv) else cv := cv shl 1;
3377 end;
3378 end;
3379 if (pr.isDelim('}')) then break;
3380 pr.expectDelim(',');
3381 while (pr.eatDelim(',')) do begin end;
3382 end;
3383 pr.expectDelim('}');
3384 // add max field
3385 if (Length(mMaxName) > 0) then
3386 begin
3387 SetLength(mIds, Length(mIds)+1);
3388 mIds[High(mIds)] := mMaxName;
3389 SetLength(mVals, Length(mIds));
3390 mVals[High(mVals)] := mMaxVal;
3391 end;
3392 end;
3395 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
3396 constructor TDynMapDef.Create (pr: TTextParser);
3397 begin
3398 recTypes := TDynRecList.Create();
3399 trigTypes := TDynRecList.Create();
3400 ebsTypes := TDynEBSList.Create();
3401 parseDef(pr);
3402 end;
3405 destructor TDynMapDef.Destroy ();
3406 var
3407 rec: TDynRecord;
3408 ebs: TDynEBS;
3409 begin
3410 //!!!FIXME!!! check who owns trigs and recs!
3411 for rec in recTypes do rec.Free();
3412 for rec in trigTypes do rec.Free();
3413 for ebs in ebsTypes do ebs.Free();
3414 recTypes.Free();
3415 trigTypes.Free();
3416 ebsTypes.Free();
3417 recTypes := nil;
3418 trigTypes := nil;
3419 ebsTypes := nil;
3420 inherited;
3421 end;
3424 function TDynMapDef.getHeaderRecType (): TDynRecord; inline;
3425 begin
3426 if (recTypes.count = 0) then raise TDynRecException.Create('no header in empty mapdef');
3427 result := recTypes[0];
3428 end;
3431 function TDynMapDef.findRecType (const aname: AnsiString): TDynRecord;
3432 var
3433 rec: TDynRecord;
3434 begin
3435 for rec in recTypes do
3436 begin
3437 if StrEqu(rec.typeName, aname) then begin result := rec; exit; end;
3438 end;
3439 result := nil;
3440 end;
3443 function TDynMapDef.findTrigFor (const aname: AnsiString): TDynRecord;
3444 var
3445 rec: TDynRecord;
3446 begin
3447 for rec in trigTypes do
3448 begin
3449 if (rec.isForTrig[aname]) then begin result := rec; exit; end;
3450 end;
3451 result := nil;
3452 end;
3455 function TDynMapDef.findEBSType (const aname: AnsiString): TDynEBS;
3456 var
3457 ebs: TDynEBS;
3458 begin
3459 for ebs in ebsTypes do
3460 begin
3461 if StrEqu(ebs.typeName, aname) then begin result := ebs; exit; end;
3462 end;
3463 result := nil;
3464 end;
3467 procedure TDynMapDef.parseDef (pr: TTextParser);
3468 var
3469 rec, hdr: TDynRecord;
3470 eb: TDynEBS;
3471 f: Integer;
3473 // setup header links and type links
3474 procedure linkRecord (rec: TDynRecord);
3475 var
3476 fld: TDynField;
3477 begin
3478 rec.mHeaderRec := recTypes[0];
3479 for fld in rec.mFields do
3480 begin
3481 if (fld.mType = fld.TType.TTrigData) then continue;
3482 case fld.mEBS of
3483 TDynField.TEBS.TNone: begin end;
3484 TDynField.TEBS.TRec:
3485 begin
3486 fld.mEBSType := findRecType(fld.mEBSTypeName);
3487 if (fld.mEBSType = nil) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' of type ''%s'' has no correcponding record definition', [fld.mName, fld.mEBSTypeName]);
3488 end;
3489 TDynField.TEBS.TEnum,
3490 TDynField.TEBS.TBitSet:
3491 begin
3492 fld.mEBSType := findEBSType(fld.mEBSTypeName);
3493 if (fld.mEBSType = nil) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' of type ''%s'' has no correcponding enum/bitset', [fld.mName, fld.mEBSTypeName]);
3494 if ((fld.mEBS = TDynField.TEBS.TEnum) <> (fld.mEBSType as TDynEBS).mIsEnum) then raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'field ''%s'' of type ''%s'' enum/bitset type conflict', [fld.mName, fld.mEBSTypeName]);
3495 end;
3496 end;
3497 end;
3498 end;
3500 // setup default values
3501 procedure fixRecordDefaults (rec: TDynRecord);
3502 var
3503 fld: TDynField;
3504 begin
3505 for fld in rec.mFields do if fld.mHasDefault then fld.parseDefaultValue();
3506 end;
3508 begin
3509 hdr := nil;
3510 while true do
3511 begin
3512 if not pr.skipBlanks() then break;
3514 if (pr.tokType = pr.TTId) then
3515 begin
3516 // enum or bitset
3517 if (pr.tokStr = 'enum') or (pr.tokStr = 'bitset') then
3518 begin
3519 eb := TDynEBS.Create(pr);
3520 if (findEBSType(eb.typeName) <> nil) then
3521 begin
3522 eb.Free();
3523 raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate enum/bitset ''%s''', [eb.typeName]);
3524 end;
3525 eb.mOwner := self;
3526 ebsTypes.append(eb);
3527 //writeln(eb.definition); writeln;
3528 continue;
3529 end;
3531 // triggerdata
3532 if (pr.tokStr = 'TriggerData') then
3533 begin
3534 rec := TDynRecord.Create(pr);
3535 for f := 0 to High(rec.mTrigTypes) do
3536 begin
3537 if (findTrigFor(rec.mTrigTypes[f]) <> nil) then
3538 begin
3539 rec.Free();
3540 raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate trigdata ''%s''', [rec.mTrigTypes[f]]);
3541 end;
3542 end;
3543 rec.mOwner := self;
3544 trigTypes.append(rec);
3545 //writeln(dr.definition); writeln;
3546 continue;
3547 end;
3548 end;
3550 rec := TDynRecord.Create(pr);
3551 //writeln(dr.definition); writeln;
3552 if (findRecType(rec.typeName) <> nil) then begin rec.Free(); raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate record ''%s''', [rec.typeName]); end;
3553 if (hdr <> nil) and StrEqu(rec.typeName, hdr.typeName) then begin rec.Free(); raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate record ''%s''', [rec.typeName]); end;
3554 rec.mOwner := self;
3555 if rec.mHeader then
3556 begin
3557 if (hdr <> nil) then begin rec.Free(); raise TDynParseException.CreateFmt(pr, 'duplicate header record ''%s'' (previous is ''%s'')', [rec.typeName, hdr.typeName]); end;
3558 hdr := rec;
3559 end
3560 else
3561 begin
3562 recTypes.append(rec);
3563 end;
3564 end;
3566 // put header record to top
3567 if (hdr = nil) then raise TDynParseException.Create(pr, 'header definition not found in mapdef');
3568 recTypes.append(nil);
3569 for f := recTypes.count-1 downto 1 do recTypes[f] := recTypes[f-1];
3570 recTypes[0] := hdr;
3572 // setup header links and type links
3573 for rec in recTypes do linkRecord(rec);
3574 for rec in trigTypes do linkRecord(rec);
3576 // setup default values
3577 for rec in recTypes do fixRecordDefaults(rec);
3578 for rec in trigTypes do fixRecordDefaults(rec);
3579 end;
3582 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
3583 function TDynMapDef.parseTextMap (pr: TTextParser): TDynRecord;
3584 var
3585 res: TDynRecord = nil;
3586 begin
3587 result := nil;
3588 try
3589 pr.expectId(headerType.typeName);
3590 res := headerType.clone(nil);
3591 res.mHeaderRec := res;
3592 res.parseValue(pr);
3593 result := res;
3594 res := nil;
3595 finally
3596 res.Free();
3597 end;
3598 end;
3601 function TDynMapDef.parseBinMap (st: TStream): TDynRecord;
3602 var
3603 res: TDynRecord = nil;
3604 begin
3605 result := nil;
3606 try
3607 res := headerType.clone(nil);
3608 res.mHeaderRec := res;
3609 res.parseBinValue(st);
3610 result := res;
3611 res := nil;
3612 finally
3613 res.Free();
3614 end;
3615 end;
3618 // WARNING! stream must be seekable
3619 function TDynMapDef.parseMap (st: TStream; wasBinary: PBoolean=nil): TDynRecord;
3620 var
3621 sign: packed array[0..3] of AnsiChar;
3622 pr: TTextParser;
3623 begin
3624 if (wasBinary <> nil) then wasBinary^ := false;
3625 st.position := 0;
3626 st.ReadBuffer(sign[0], 4);
3627 st.position := 0;
3628 if (sign[0] = 'M') and (sign[1] = 'A') and (sign[2] = 'P') then
3629 begin
3630 if (sign[3] = #1) then
3631 begin
3632 if (wasBinary <> nil) then wasBinary^ := true;
3633 result := parseBinMap(st);
3634 exit;
3635 end;
3636 raise TDynRecException.Create('invalid binary map version');
3637 end
3638 else
3639 begin
3640 pr := TFileTextParser.Create(st, false); // `st` is not owned
3641 try
3642 try
3643 result := parseTextMap(pr);
3644 except on e: Exception do
3645 raise TDynParseException.Create(pr, e.message);
3646 end;
3647 finally
3648 pr.Free();
3649 end;
3650 end;
3651 end;
3654 // returns `true` if the given stream can be a map file
3655 // stream position is 0 on return
3656 // WARNING! stream must be seekable
3657 class function TDynMapDef.canBeMap (st: TStream): Boolean;
3658 var
3659 sign: packed array[0..3] of AnsiChar;
3660 pr: TTextParser;
3661 begin
3662 result := false;
3663 st.position := 0;
3664 st.ReadBuffer(sign[0], 4);
3665 if (sign[0] = 'M') and (sign[1] = 'A') and (sign[2] = 'P') then
3666 begin
3667 result := (sign[3] = #1);
3668 end
3669 else
3670 begin
3671 st.position := 0;
3672 pr := TFileTextParser.Create(st, false); // `st` is not owned
3673 result := (pr.tokType = pr.TTId) and (pr.tokStr = 'map');
3674 pr.Free();
3675 end;
3676 st.position := 0;
3677 end;
3680 function TDynMapDef.pasdefconst (): AnsiString;
3681 var
3682 ebs: TDynEBS;
3683 begin
3684 result := '';
3685 result += '// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //'#10;
3686 result += '// enums and bitsets'#10;
3687 for ebs in ebsTypes do result += #10+ebs.pasdef();
3688 end;
3691 function TDynMapDef.getRecTypeCount (): Integer; inline; begin result := recTypes.count; end;
3692 function TDynMapDef.getRecTypeAt (idx: Integer): TDynRecord; inline; begin if (idx >= 0) and (idx < recTypes.count) then result := recTypes[idx] else result := nil; end;
3694 function TDynMapDef.getEBSTypeCount (): Integer; inline; begin result := ebsTypes.count; end;
3695 function TDynMapDef.getEBSTypeAt (idx: Integer): TDynEBS; inline; begin if (idx >= 0) and (idx < ebsTypes.count) then result := ebsTypes[idx] else result := nil; end;
3697 function TDynMapDef.getTrigTypeCount (): Integer; inline; begin result := trigTypes.count; end;
3698 function TDynMapDef.getTrigTypeAt (idx: Integer): TDynRecord; inline; begin if (idx >= 0) and (idx < trigTypes.count) then result := trigTypes[idx] else result := nil; end;
3701 end.