experimental grid with buckets
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / wadreader.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
17 unit wadreader;
22 interface
24 uses
25 sfs, xstreams;
28 type
29 SArray = array of ShortString;
31 TWADFile = class(TObject)
32 private
33 fFileName: AnsiString; // empty: not opened
34 fIter: TSFSFileList;
36 function getIsOpen (): Boolean;
37 function isMapResource (idx: Integer): Boolean;
39 function GetResourceEx (name: AnsiString; wantMap: Boolean; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer): Boolean;
41 public
42 constructor Create();
43 destructor Destroy(); override;
45 procedure FreeWAD();
47 function ReadFile (FileName: AnsiString): Boolean;
48 function ReadMemory (Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean;
50 function GetResource (name: AnsiString; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer): Boolean;
51 function GetMapResource (name: AnsiString; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer): Boolean;
52 function GetMapResources (): SArray;
54 property isOpen: Boolean read getIsOpen;
55 end;
58 function g_ExtractWadName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString;
59 function g_ExtractWadNameNoPath (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString;
60 function g_ExtractFilePath (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString;
61 function g_ExtractFileName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; // without path
62 function g_ExtractFilePathName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString;
64 // return fixed AnsiString or empty AnsiString
65 function findDiskWad (fname: AnsiString): AnsiString;
68 var
69 wadoptDebug: Boolean = false;
70 wadoptFast: Boolean = false;
73 implementation
75 uses
76 SysUtils, Classes{, BinEditor}, e_log{, g_options}, utils, MAPSTRUCT;
79 function findDiskWad (fname: AnsiString): AnsiString;
80 begin
81 result := '';
82 if not findFileCI(fname) then
83 begin
84 //e_WriteLog(Format('findDiskWad: error looking for [%s]', [fname]), MSG_NOTIFY);
85 if StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(fname), '.wad') then
86 begin
87 fname := ChangeFileExt(fname, '.pk3');
88 //e_WriteLog(Format(' looking for [%s]', [fname]), MSG_NOTIFY);
89 if not findFileCI(fname) then
90 begin
91 fname := ChangeFileExt(fname, '.zip');
92 //e_WriteLog(Format(' looking for [%s]', [fname]), MSG_NOTIFY);
93 if not findFileCI(fname) then exit;
94 end;
95 end
96 else
97 begin
98 exit;
99 end;
100 end;
101 //e_WriteLog(Format('findDiskWad: FOUND [%s]', [fname]), MSG_NOTIFY);
102 result := fname;
103 end;
106 function normSlashes (s: AnsiString): AnsiString;
107 var
108 f: Integer;
109 begin
110 for f := 1 to length(s) do if s[f] = '\' then s[f] := '/';
111 result := s;
112 end;
114 function g_ExtractWadNameNoPath (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString;
115 var
116 f, c: Integer;
117 begin
118 for f := length(resourceStr) downto 1 do
119 begin
120 if resourceStr[f] = ':' then
121 begin
122 result := normSlashes(Copy(resourceStr, 1, f-1));
123 c := length(result);
124 while (c > 0) and (result[c] <> '/') do Dec(c);
125 if c > 0 then result := Copy(result, c+1, length(result));
126 exit;
127 end;
128 end;
129 result := '';
130 end;
132 function g_ExtractWadName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString;
133 var
134 f: Integer;
135 begin
136 for f := length(resourceStr) downto 1 do
137 begin
138 if resourceStr[f] = ':' then
139 begin
140 result := normSlashes(Copy(resourceStr, 1, f-1));
141 exit;
142 end;
143 end;
144 result := '';
145 end;
147 function g_ExtractFilePath (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString;
148 var
149 f, lastSlash: Integer;
150 begin
151 result := '';
152 lastSlash := -1;
153 for f := length(resourceStr) downto 1 do
154 begin
155 if (lastSlash < 0) and (resourceStr[f] = '\') or (resourceStr[f] = '/') then lastSlash := f;
156 if resourceStr[f] = ':' then
157 begin
158 if lastSlash > 0 then
159 begin
160 result := normSlashes(Copy(resourceStr, f, lastSlash-f));
161 while (length(result) > 0) and (result[1] = '/') do Delete(result, 1, 1);
162 end;
163 exit;
164 end;
165 end;
166 if lastSlash > 0 then result := normSlashes(Copy(resourceStr, 1, lastSlash-1));
167 end;
169 function g_ExtractFileName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; // without path
170 var
171 f, lastSlash: Integer;
172 begin
173 result := '';
174 lastSlash := -1;
175 for f := length(resourceStr) downto 1 do
176 begin
177 if (lastSlash < 0) and (resourceStr[f] = '\') or (resourceStr[f] = '/') then lastSlash := f;
178 if resourceStr[f] = ':' then
179 begin
180 if lastSlash > 0 then result := Copy(resourceStr, lastSlash+1, length(resourceStr));
181 exit;
182 end;
183 end;
184 if lastSlash > 0 then result := Copy(resourceStr, lastSlash+1, length(resourceStr));
185 end;
187 function g_ExtractFilePathName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString;
188 var
189 f: Integer;
190 begin
191 result := '';
192 for f := length(resourceStr) downto 1 do
193 begin
194 if resourceStr[f] = ':' then
195 begin
196 result := normSlashes(Copy(resourceStr, f+1, length(resourceStr)));
197 while (length(result) > 0) and (result[1] = '/') do Delete(result, 1, 1);
198 exit;
199 end;
200 end;
201 result := normSlashes(resourceStr);
202 while (length(result) > 0) and (result[1] = '/') do Delete(result, 1, 1);
203 end;
207 { TWADFile }
208 constructor TWADFile.Create();
209 begin
210 fFileName := '';
211 end;
214 destructor TWADFile.Destroy();
215 begin
216 FreeWAD();
217 inherited;
218 end;
221 function TWADFile.getIsOpen (): Boolean;
222 begin
223 result := (fFileName <> '');
224 end;
227 procedure TWADFile.FreeWAD();
228 begin
229 if fIter <> nil then FreeAndNil(fIter);
230 //if fFileName <> '' then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadFile: [%s] closed', [fFileName]), MSG_NOTIFY);
231 fFileName := '';
232 end;
234 function TWADFile.isMapResource (idx: Integer): Boolean;
235 var
236 sign: packed array [0..2] of Char;
237 fs: TStream;
238 begin
239 result := false;
240 if not isOpen or (fIter = nil) then exit;
241 if (idx < 0) or (idx >= fIter.Count) then exit;
242 fs := nil;
243 try
244 fs := fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(idx);
245 fs.readBuffer(sign, 3);
246 result := (sign = MAP_SIGNATURE);
247 except
248 if fs <> nil then fs.Free();
249 exit;
250 end;
251 fs.Free();
252 end;
254 function removeExt (s: AnsiString): AnsiString;
255 var
256 i: Integer;
257 begin
258 i := length(s)+1;
259 while (i > 1) and (s[i-1] <> '.') and (s[i-1] <> '/') do Dec(i);
260 if (i > 1) and (s[i-1] = '.') then
261 begin
262 //writeln('[', s, '] -> [', Copy(s, 1, i-2), ']');
263 s := Copy(s, 1, i-2);
264 end;
265 result := s;
266 end;
268 function TWADFile.GetResourceEx (name: AnsiString; wantMap: Boolean; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer): Boolean;
269 var
270 f, lastSlash: Integer;
271 fi: TSFSFileInfo;
272 fs: TStream;
273 fpp: Pointer;
274 rpath, rname: AnsiString;
275 sign: array [0..2] of Char;
276 goodMap: Boolean;
277 begin
278 Result := False;
279 if not isOpen or (fIter = nil) then Exit;
280 rname := removeExt(name);
281 if length(rname) = 0 then Exit; // just in case
282 lastSlash := -1;
283 for f := 1 to length(rname) do
284 begin
285 if rname[f] = '\' then rname[f] := '/';
286 if rname[f] = '/' then lastSlash := f;
287 end;
288 if lastSlash > 0 then
289 begin
290 rpath := Copy(rname, 1, lastSlash);
291 Delete(rname, 1, lastSlash);
292 end
293 else
294 begin
295 rpath := '';
296 end;
297 // backwards, due to possible similar names and such
298 for f := fIter.Count-1 downto 0 do
299 begin
300 fi := fIter.Files[f];
301 if fi = nil then continue;
302 if StrEquCI1251(removeExt(, rname) then
303 begin
304 // i found her (maybe)
305 if not wantMap then
306 begin
307 if length(fi.path) < length(rpath) then continue; // alas
308 if length(fi.path) = length(rpath) then
309 begin
310 if not StrEquCI1251(fi.path, rpath) then continue; // alas
311 end
312 else
313 begin
314 if fi.path[length(fi.path)-length(rpath)] <> '/' then continue; // alas
315 if not StrEquCI1251(Copy(fi.path, length(fi.path)+1-length(rpath), length(fi.path)), rpath) then continue; // alas
316 end;
317 end;
318 try
319 fs := fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(f);
320 except
321 fs := nil;
322 end;
323 if fs = nil then
324 begin
325 if wantMap then continue;
326 e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: can''t open file [%s] in [%s]', [name, fFileName]), MSG_WARNING);
327 break;
328 end;
329 // if we want only maps, check if this is map
331 if wantMap then
332 begin
333 goodMap := false;
334 //e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: checking for good map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]), MSG_NOTIFY);
335 try
336 fs.readBuffer(sign, 3);
337 goodMap := (sign = MAP_SIGNATURE);
339 if goodMap then
340 e_WriteLog(Format(' GOOD map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]), MSG_NOTIFY)
341 else
342 e_WriteLog(Format(' BAD map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]), MSG_NOTIFY);
344 except
345 end;
346 if not goodMap then
347 begin
348 //e_WriteLog(Format(' not a map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]), MSG_NOTIFY);
349 fs.Free();
350 continue;
351 end;
352 fs.position := 0;
353 end;
354 {$ENDIF}
355 Len := Integer(fs.size);
356 GetMem(pData, Len);
357 fpp := pData;
358 try
359 fs.ReadBuffer(pData^, Len);
360 fpp := nil;
361 finally
362 if fpp <> nil then
363 begin
364 FreeMem(fpp);
365 pData := nil;
366 Len := 0;
367 end;
368 fs.Free;
369 end;
371 if wantMap then
372 begin
373 goodMap := false;
374 if Len >= 3 then
375 begin
376 Move(pData^, sign, 3);
377 goodMap := (sign = MAP_SIGNATURE);
378 end;
379 if not goodMap then
380 begin
381 //e_WriteLog(Format(' not a map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]), MSG_NOTIFY);
382 FreeMem(pData);
383 pData := nil;
384 Len := 0;
385 continue;
386 end;
387 end;
388 {$ENDIF}
389 result := true;
391 if wadoptDebug then
392 e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: file [%s] FOUND in [%s]; size is %d bytes', [name, fFileName, Len]), MSG_NOTIFY);
393 {$ENDIF}
394 exit;
395 end;
396 end;
397 e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: file [%s] not found in [%s]', [name, fFileName]), MSG_WARNING);
398 end;
400 function TWADFile.GetResource (name: AnsiString; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer): Boolean;
401 begin
402 result := GetResourceEx(name, false, pData, Len);
403 end;
405 function TWADFile.GetMapResource (name: AnsiString; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer): Boolean;
406 begin
407 result := GetResourceEx(name, true, pData, Len);
408 end;
410 function TWADFile.GetMapResources (): SArray;
411 var
412 f, c: Integer;
413 fi: TSFSFileInfo;
414 s: AnsiString;
415 begin
416 Result := nil;
417 if not isOpen or (fIter = nil) then Exit;
418 for f := fIter.Count-1 downto 0 do
419 begin
420 fi := fIter.Files[f];
421 if fi = nil then continue;
422 if length( = 0 then continue;
423 //e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: checking for map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]), MSG_NOTIFY);
424 if isMapResource(f) then
425 begin
426 s := removeExt(;
427 c := High(result);
428 while c >= 0 do
429 begin
430 if StrEquCI1251(result[c], s) then break;
431 Dec(c);
432 end;
433 if c < 0 then
434 begin
435 SetLength(result, Length(result)+1);
436 result[high(result)] := removeExt(;
437 end;
438 end;
439 end;
440 end;
443 function TWADFile.ReadFile (FileName: AnsiString): Boolean;
444 var
445 rfn: AnsiString;
446 //f: Integer;
447 //fi: TSFSFileInfo;
448 begin
449 Result := False;
450 //e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadFile: [%s]', [FileName]), MSG_NOTIFY);
451 FreeWAD();
452 rfn := findDiskWad(FileName);
453 if length(rfn) = 0 then
454 begin
455 e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadFile: error looking for [%s]', [FileName]), MSG_NOTIFY);
456 exit;
457 end;
459 if wadoptDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadFile: FOUND [%s]', [rfn]), MSG_NOTIFY);
460 {$ENDIF}
461 // cache this wad
462 try
463 if wadoptFast then
464 begin
465 if not SFSAddDataFile(rfn, true) then exit;
466 end
467 else
468 begin
469 if not SFSAddDataFileTemp(rfn, true) then exit;
470 end;
471 except
472 exit;
473 end;
474 fIter := SFSFileList(rfn);
475 if fIter = nil then Exit;
476 fFileName := rfn;
478 if wadoptDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadFile: [%s] opened', [fFileName]), MSG_NOTIFY);
479 {$ENDIF}
480 Result := True;
481 end;
484 var
485 uniqueCounter: Integer = 0;
487 function TWADFile.ReadMemory (Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean;
488 var
489 fn: AnsiString;
490 st: TStream = nil;
491 //f: Integer;
492 //fi: TSFSFileInfo;
493 begin
494 Result := False;
495 FreeWAD();
496 if (Data = nil) or (Len = 0) then
497 begin
498 e_WriteLog('TWADFile.ReadMemory: EMPTY SUBWAD!', MSG_WARNING);
499 Exit;
500 end;
502 fn := Format(' -- memwad %d -- ', [uniqueCounter]);
503 Inc(uniqueCounter);
505 if wadoptDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadMemory: [%s]', [fn]), MSG_NOTIFY);
506 {$ENDIF}
508 try
509 st := TSFSMemoryStreamRO.Create(Data, Len);
510 if not SFSAddSubDataFile(fn, st, true) then
511 begin
512 st.Free;
513 Exit;
514 end;
515 except
516 st.Free;
517 Exit;
518 end;
520 fIter := SFSFileList(fn);
521 if fIter = nil then Exit;
523 fFileName := fn;
525 if wadoptDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadMemory: [%s] opened', [fFileName]), MSG_NOTIFY);
526 {$ENDIF}
529 for f := 0 to fIter.Count-1 do
530 begin
531 fi := fIter.Files[f];
532 if fi = nil then continue;
533 st := fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(f);
534 if st = nil then
535 begin
536 e_WriteLog(Format('[%s]: [%s : %s] CAN''T OPEN', [fFileName, fi.path,]), MSG_NOTIFY);
537 end
538 else
539 begin
540 e_WriteLog(Format('[%s]: [%s : %s] %u', [fFileName, fi.path,, st.size]), MSG_NOTIFY);
541 st.Free;
542 end;
543 end;
544 //fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(0);
547 Result := True;
548 end;
551 begin
552 sfsDiskDirs := '<exedir>/data'; //FIXME
553 end.