remap textures
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / WADEDITOR.pas
5 interface
7 uses
8 sfs, xstreams;
11 type
12 SArray = array of ShortString;
14 TWADEditor_1 = class(TObject)
15 private
16 fFileName: string; // empty: not opened
17 fIter: TSFSFileList;
19 function getIsOpen (): Boolean;
21 public
22 constructor Create();
23 destructor Destroy(); override;
25 procedure FreeWAD();
27 function ReadFile (FileName: string): Boolean;
28 function ReadMemory (Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean;
29 function GetResource (Section, Resource: string; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer): Boolean;
30 function GetResourcesList (Section: string): SArray;
32 property isOpen: Boolean read getIsOpen;
33 end;
35 {
36 const
46 }
49 procedure g_ProcessResourceStr (ResourceStr: String; var FileName, SectionName, ResourceName: String); overload;
50 procedure g_ProcessResourceStr (ResourceStr: String; FileName, SectionName, ResourceName: PString); overload;
52 // return fixed string or empty string
53 function findDiskWad (fname: string): string;
56 implementation
58 uses
59 SysUtils, Classes, BinEditor, e_log, g_options;
62 function findDiskWad (fname: string): string;
63 var
64 path, rfn: string;
65 begin
66 result := '';
67 path := ExtractFilePath(fname);
68 rfn := ExtractFileName(fname);
69 if not sfsFindFileCI(path, rfn) then
70 begin
71 //e_WriteLog(Format('TWADEditor_1.ReadFile: error looking for [%s] [%s]', [path, ExtractFileName(fname)]), MSG_NOTIFY);
72 if SFSStrEqu(ExtractFileExt(fname), '.wad') then
73 begin
74 rfn := ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(fname), '.pk3');
75 //e_WriteLog(Format(' looking for [%s] [%s]', [path, rfn]), MSG_NOTIFY);
76 if not sfsFindFileCI(path, rfn) then
77 begin
78 //e_WriteLog(Format(' looking for [%s] [%s]', [path, rfn]), MSG_NOTIFY);
79 rfn := ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(fname), '.zip');
80 if not sfsFindFileCI(path, rfn) then exit;
81 end;
82 end
83 else
84 begin
85 exit;
86 end;
87 //e_WriteLog(Format('TWADEditor_1.ReadFile: FOUND [%s]', [rfn]), MSG_NOTIFY);
88 end
89 else
90 begin
91 //if rfn <> ExtractFileName(FileName) then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADEditor_1.ReadFile: FOUND [%s]', [rfn]), MSG_NOTIFY);
92 end;
93 result := path+rfn;
94 end;
97 procedure g_ProcessResourceStr (ResourceStr: String; var FileName, SectionName, ResourceName: String);
98 var
99 a, i: Integer;
101 begin
102 //e_WriteLog(Format('g_ProcessResourceStr0: [%s]', [ResourceStr]), MSG_NOTIFY);
103 for i := Length(ResourceStr) downto 1 do
104 if ResourceStr[i] = ':' then
105 Break;
107 FileName := Copy(ResourceStr, 1, i-1);
109 for a := i+1 to Length(ResourceStr) do
110 if (ResourceStr[a] = '\') or (ResourceStr[a] = '/') then Break;
112 ResourceName := Copy(ResourceStr, a+1, Length(ResourceStr)-Abs(a));
113 SectionName := Copy(ResourceStr, i+1, Length(ResourceStr)-Length(ResourceName)-Length(FileName)-2);
114 end;
117 procedure g_ProcessResourceStr (ResourceStr: AnsiString; FileName, SectionName, ResourceName: PAnsiString);
118 var
119 a, i, l1, l2: Integer;
121 begin
122 //e_WriteLog(Format('g_ProcessResourceStr1: [%s]', [ResourceStr]), MSG_NOTIFY);
123 for i := Length(ResourceStr) downto 1 do
124 if ResourceStr[i] = ':' then
125 Break;
127 if FileName <> nil then
128 begin
129 FileName^ := Copy(ResourceStr, 1, i-1);
130 l1 := Length(FileName^);
131 end
132 else
133 l1 := 0;
135 for a := i+1 to Length(ResourceStr) do
136 if (ResourceStr[a] = '\') or (ResourceStr[a] = '/') then Break;
138 if ResourceName <> nil then
139 begin
140 ResourceName^ := Copy(ResourceStr, a+1, Length(ResourceStr)-Abs(a));
141 l2 := Length(ResourceName^);
142 end
143 else
144 l2 := 0;
146 if SectionName <> nil then
147 SectionName^ := Copy(ResourceStr, i+1, Length(ResourceStr)-l2-l1-2);
148 end;
151 { TWADEditor_1 }
152 constructor TWADEditor_1.Create();
153 begin
154 fFileName := '';
155 end;
158 destructor TWADEditor_1.Destroy();
159 begin
160 FreeWAD();
161 inherited;
162 end;
165 function TWADEditor_1.getIsOpen (): Boolean;
166 begin
167 result := (fFileName <> '');
168 end;
171 procedure TWADEditor_1.FreeWAD();
172 begin
173 if fIter <> nil then FreeAndNil(fIter);
174 //if fFileName <> '' then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADEditor_1.ReadFile: [%s] closed', [fFileName]), MSG_NOTIFY);
175 fFileName := '';
176 end;
179 function removeExt (s: string): string;
180 var
181 i: Integer;
182 begin
183 i := length(s)+1;
184 while (i > 1) and (s[i-1] <> '.') and (s[i-1] <> '/') do Dec(i);
185 if (i > 1) and (s[i-1] = '.') then
186 begin
187 //writeln('[', s, '] -> [', Copy(s, 1, i-2), ']');
188 s := Copy(s, 1, i-2);
189 end;
190 result := s;
191 end;
193 function TWADEditor_1.GetResource (Section, Resource: string; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer): Boolean;
194 var
195 f: Integer;
196 fi: TSFSFileInfo;
197 fs: TStream;
198 fpp: Pointer;
199 //fn: string;
200 begin
201 Result := False;
202 if not isOpen or (fIter = nil) then Exit;
203 if length(Resource) = 0 then Exit; // just in case
204 if (length(Section) <> 0) and (Section[length(Section)] <> '/') then Section := Section+'/';
205 // backwards, due to possible similar names and such
206 for f := fIter.Count-1 downto 0 do
207 begin
208 fi := fIter.Files[f];
209 if fi = nil then continue;
210 //e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: searching for [%s : %s] in [%s]; current is [%s : %s]', [Section, Resource, fFileName, fi.path,]), MSG_NOTIFY);
211 if SFSStrEqu(fi.path, Section) and SFSStrEqu(removeExt(, Resource) then
212 begin
213 // i found her!
214 //fn := fFileName+'::';
215 //fs := SFSFileOpen(fn);
216 try
217 fs := fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(f);
218 except
219 fs := nil;
220 end;
221 if fs = nil then
222 begin
223 e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: can''t open file [%s%s] in [%s]', [Section, Resource, fFileName]), MSG_WARNING);
224 break;
225 end;
226 Len := Integer(fs.size);
227 GetMem(pData, Len);
228 fpp := pData;
229 try
230 fs.ReadBuffer(pData^, Len);
231 fpp := nil;
232 finally
233 if fpp <> nil then
234 begin
235 FreeMem(fpp);
236 pData := nil;
237 Len := 0;
238 end;
239 fs.Free;
240 end;
241 result := true;
243 if gSFSDebug then
244 e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: file [%s%s] FOUND in [%s]; size is %d bytes', [Section, Resource, fFileName, Len]), MSG_NOTIFY);
245 {$ENDIF}
246 exit;
247 end;
248 end;
249 e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: file [%s%s] not found in [%s]', [Section, Resource, fFileName]), MSG_WARNING);
250 end;
253 function TWADEditor_1.GetResourcesList (Section: string): SArray;
254 var
255 f: Integer;
256 fi: TSFSFileInfo;
257 begin
258 Result := nil;
259 if not isOpen or (fIter = nil) then Exit;
260 if (length(Section) <> 0) and (Section[length(Section)] <> '/') then Section := Section+'/';
261 for f := 0 to fIter.Count-1 do
262 begin
263 fi := fIter.Files[f];
264 if fi = nil then continue;
265 if length( = 0 then continue;
266 if SFSStrEqu(fi.path, Section) then
267 begin
268 SetLength(result, Length(result)+1);
269 result[high(result)] := removeExt(;
270 end;
271 end;
272 end;
275 function TWADEditor_1.ReadFile (FileName: string): Boolean;
276 var
277 rfn: string;
278 //f: Integer;
279 //fi: TSFSFileInfo;
280 begin
281 Result := False;
282 //e_WriteLog(Format('TWADEditor_1.ReadFile: [%s]', [FileName]), MSG_NOTIFY);
283 FreeWAD();
284 rfn := findDiskWad(FileName);
285 if length(rfn) = 0 then
286 begin
287 e_WriteLog(Format('TWADEditor_1.ReadFile: error looking for [%s]', [FileName]), MSG_NOTIFY);
288 exit;
289 end;
291 if gSFSDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADEditor_1.ReadFile: FOUND [%s]', [rfn]), MSG_NOTIFY);
292 {$ENDIF}
293 // cache this wad
294 try
295 if gSFSFastMode then
296 begin
297 if not SFSAddDataFile(rfn, true) then exit;
298 end
299 else
300 begin
301 if not SFSAddDataFileTemp(rfn, true) then exit;
302 end;
303 except
304 exit;
305 end;
306 fIter := SFSFileList(rfn);
307 if fIter = nil then Exit;
308 fFileName := rfn;
310 if gSFSDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADEditor_1.ReadFile: [%s] opened', [fFileName]), MSG_NOTIFY);
311 {$ENDIF}
312 Result := True;
313 end;
316 var
317 uniqueCounter: Integer = 0;
319 function TWADEditor_1.ReadMemory (Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean;
320 var
321 fn: string;
322 st: TStream = nil;
323 //f: Integer;
324 //fi: TSFSFileInfo;
325 begin
326 Result := False;
327 FreeWAD();
328 if (Data = nil) or (Len = 0) then
329 begin
330 e_WriteLog('TWADEditor_1.ReadMemory: EMPTY SUBWAD!', MSG_WARNING);
331 Exit;
332 end;
334 fn := Format(' -- memwad %d -- ', [uniqueCounter]);
335 Inc(uniqueCounter);
337 e_WriteLog(Format('TWADEditor_1.ReadMemory: [%s]', [fn]), MSG_NOTIFY);
338 {$ENDIF}
340 try
341 st := TSFSMemoryStreamRO.Create(Data, Len);
342 if not SFSAddSubDataFile(fn, st, true) then
343 begin
344 st.Free;
345 Exit;
346 end;
347 except
348 st.Free;
349 Exit;
350 end;
352 fIter := SFSFileList(fn);
353 if fIter = nil then Exit;
355 fFileName := fn;
357 e_WriteLog(Format('TWADEditor_1.ReadMemory: [%s] opened', [fFileName]), MSG_NOTIFY);
358 {$ENDIF}
361 for f := 0 to fIter.Count-1 do
362 begin
363 fi := fIter.Files[f];
364 if fi = nil then continue;
365 st := fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(f);
366 if st = nil then
367 begin
368 e_WriteLog(Format('[%s]: [%s : %s] CAN''T OPEN', [fFileName, fi.path,]), MSG_NOTIFY);
369 end
370 else
371 begin
372 e_WriteLog(Format('[%s]: [%s : %s] %u', [fFileName, fi.path,, st.size]), MSG_NOTIFY);
373 st.Free;
374 end;
375 end;
376 //fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(0);
379 Result := True;
380 end;
383 begin
384 sfsDiskDirs := '<exedir>/data'; //FIXME
385 end.