wadcvt: option to aggressively compress pngs
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / shared / CONFIG.pas
2 unit CONFIG;
4 {
5 -----------------------------------
7 -----------------------------------
8 }
10 interface
12 type
13 TParam = record
14 Param: ShortString;
15 Value: ShortString;
16 Section: Word;
17 end;
19 TConfig = class(TObject)
20 private
21 FParams: array of TParam;
22 FSections: array of ShortString;
23 FCurrentSection: Word;
24 function ReadParam(Section, Param, Default: string): string;
25 procedure WriteParam(Section, Param, Value: string);
26 procedure ProcessStr(Str: string);
27 public
28 constructor Create();
29 constructor CreateFile(FileName: string);
30 constructor CreateMem(pData: Pointer; _Length: LongWord);
31 destructor Destroy(); override;
32 procedure FreeConfig();
33 procedure SaveFile(FileName: string);
34 function ReadInt(Section, Param: string; Default: Integer): Integer;
35 function ReadStr(Section, Param: string; Default: String): string;
36 function ReadBool(Section, Param: string; Default: Boolean): Boolean;
37 function SectionExists(Section: string): Boolean;
38 procedure WriteInt(Section, Param: string; Value: Integer);
39 procedure WriteStr(Section, Param, Value: string);
40 procedure WriteBool(Section, Param: string; Value: Boolean);
41 end;
43 implementation
45 uses
46 SysUtils, BinEditor;
48 { TConfig }
50 constructor TConfig.Create();
51 begin
52 inherited Create;
54 FreeConfig();
55 end;
57 constructor TConfig.CreateFile(FileName: string);
58 var
59 f: TextFile;
60 a: string;
61 begin
62 FreeConfig();
64 if not FileExists(FileName) then Exit;
66 AssignFile(f, FileName);
67 Reset(f);
68 while not EOF(f) do
69 begin
70 Readln(f, a);
71 ProcessStr(a);
72 end;
73 CloseFile(f);
74 end;
76 constructor TConfig.CreateMem(pData: Pointer; _Length: LongWord);
77 var
78 a: Integer;
79 str: string;
80 begin
81 FreeConfig();
83 if _Length = 0 then Exit;
84 if pData = nil then Exit;
86 SetLength(str, _Length);
88 CopyMemory(@str[1], pData, _Length);
90 while Str <> '' do
91 begin
92 for a := 2 to Length(Str) do
93 if (Str[a-1]+Str[a] = #13#10) or (a = Length(Str)) then
94 begin
95 if a <> Length(Str) then ProcessStr(Copy(Str, 1, a-2)) else ProcessStr(Str);
96 Delete(Str, 1, a);
97 Str := Trim(Str);
98 Break;
99 end;
100 end;
101 end;
103 destructor TConfig.Destroy();
104 begin
105 FParams := nil;
106 FSections := nil;
108 inherited;
109 end;
111 procedure TConfig.FreeConfig();
112 begin
113 FParams := nil;
114 FSections := nil;
116 SetLength(FSections, 1);
117 FSections[0] := '';
118 FCurrentSection := 0;
119 end;
121 procedure TConfig.ProcessStr(Str: string);
122 var
123 a, l: Integer;
124 begin
125 Str := Trim(Str);
127 if (Str <> '') and (Length(Str) > 2) and (Str[1] <> ';') then
128 begin
129 l := Length(Str);
131 if Pos('=', Str) > 0 then
132 begin
133 SetLength(FParams, Length(FParams)+1);
135 with FParams[High(FParams)] do
136 begin
137 a := Pos('=', Str);
138 Param := Trim(Copy(Str, 1, a-1));
139 Value := Trim(Copy(Str, a+1, l));
140 Section := FCurrentSection;
141 end;
142 end
143 else if (Str[1] = '[') and (Str[l] = ']') then
144 begin
145 SetLength(FSections, Length(FSections)+1);
146 FCurrentSection := High(FSections);
147 FSections[FCurrentSection] := Trim(Copy(Str, 2, l-2));
148 end;
149 end;
150 end;
152 function TConfig.ReadBool(Section, Param: string; Default: Boolean): Boolean;
153 var
154 a: Integer;
155 begin
156 if Default then a := 1 else a := 0;
158 Result := StrToIntDef(ReadParam(Section, Param, IntToStr(a)), a) <> 0;
159 end;
161 function TConfig.ReadInt(Section, Param: string; Default: Integer): Integer;
162 begin
163 Result := StrToIntDef(ReadParam(Section, Param, IntToStr(Default)), Default);
164 end;
166 function TConfig.ReadParam(Section, Param, Default: string): string;
167 var
168 a: Integer;
169 s: Word;
170 ok: Boolean;
171 p: string;
172 begin
173 Result := default;
175 if FParams = nil then Exit;
176 if FSections = nil then Exit;
178 ok := False;
179 s := 0;
180 for a := 0 to High(FSections) do
181 if LowerCase(FSections[a]) = LowerCase(Section) then
182 begin
183 s := a;
184 ok := True;
185 end;
187 if not ok then Exit;
189 p := LowerCase(Param);
191 for a := 0 to High(FParams) do
192 if (FParams[a].Section = s) and (LowerCase(FParams[a].Param) = p) then
193 begin
194 Result := FParams[a].Value;
195 Break;
196 end;
197 end;
199 function TConfig.ReadStr(Section, Param, Default: string): string;
200 begin
201 Result := ReadParam(Section, Param, Default);
202 end;
204 procedure TConfig.SaveFile(FileName: string);
205 var
206 f: TextFile;
207 a: Integer;
208 b: Integer;
209 begin
210 AssignFile(f, FileName);
211 Rewrite(f);
212 if (FSections <> nil) or (FParams <> nil) then
213 begin
214 if FSections <> nil then
215 for a := 0 to High(FSections) do
216 begin
217 if FSections[a] <> '' then Writeln(f, '['+FSections[a]+']');
219 if FParams <> nil then
220 for b := 0 to High(FParams) do
221 if FParams[b].Section = a then WriteLn(f, FParams[b].Param+'='+FParams[b].Value);
223 if (a <> High(FSections)) and (FSections[a] <> '') then WriteLn(f, '');
224 end;
225 end;
226 CloseFile(f);
227 end;
229 function TConfig.SectionExists(Section: string): Boolean;
230 var
231 a: Integer;
232 begin
233 Result := False;
235 if FSections = nil then Exit;
237 Section := LowerCase(Section);
239 for a := 0 to High(FSections) do
240 if Section = LowerCase(FSections[a]) then
241 begin
242 Result := True;
243 Exit;
244 end;
245 end;
247 procedure TConfig.WriteBool(Section, Param: string; Value: Boolean);
248 begin
249 WriteParam(Section, Param, BoolToStr(Value));
250 end;
252 procedure TConfig.WriteInt(Section, Param: string; Value: Integer);
253 begin
254 WriteParam(Section, Param, IntToStr(Value));
255 end;
257 procedure TConfig.WriteParam(Section, Param, Value: string);
258 var
259 a, b: Integer;
260 ok: Boolean;
261 begin
262 a := 0;
263 b := 0;
265 ok := False;
267 if FSections <> nil then
268 for a := 0 to High(FSections) do
269 if FSections[a] = Section then
270 begin
271 ok := True;
272 Break;
273 end;
275 if not ok then
276 begin
277 SetLength(FSections, Length(FSections)+1);
278 a := High(FSections);
279 FSections[a] := Section;
280 end;
282 ok := False;
283 if FParams <> nil then
284 for b := 0 to High(FParams) do
285 if (LowerCase(FParams[b].Param) = LowerCase(Param)) and (FParams[b].Section = a) then
286 begin
287 ok := True;
288 Break;
289 end;
291 if ok then FParams[b].Value := Value
292 else
293 begin
294 SetLength(FParams, Length(FParams)+1);
295 FParams[High(FParams)].Param := Param;
296 FParams[High(FParams)].Value := Value;
297 FParams[High(FParams)].Section := a;
298 end;
299 end;
301 procedure TConfig.WriteStr(Section, Param, Value: string);
302 begin
303 WriteParam(Section, Param, Value);
304 end;
306 end.