do not fail on log writing errors
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / sfs / sfsMemFS.pas
1 // Streaming R/O Virtual File System v0.2.0
2 // Copyright (C) XL A.S. Ketmar. All rights reserved
3 // See the file aplicense.txt for conditions of use.
4 //
5 // "memory group". reads the whole pack in memory (and decompress it if
6 // necessary). memory image has only one file named "<body>".
7 //
8 // now understands:
9 // slh!: DOS Allegro "slh!"
10 // mem : raw file (no processing, just read)
11 // as a side effect this gives us an opportunity to read enclosed packs
12 // from the packs which aren't supporting backseeking (such as zips).
13 //
16 {.$R-}
17 unit sfsMemFS;
19 interface
22 uses
23 SysUtils, Classes, Contnrs, sfs;
26 type
27 TSFSMemVolumeType = (sfsmvNone, sfsmvRAW, sfsmvSLH);
29 TSFSMemoryVolume = class(TSFSVolume)
30 protected
31 fType: TSFSMemVolumeType;
32 fMemStream: TMemoryStream;
34 procedure RAWRead ();
35 procedure SLHRead ();
37 procedure ReadDirectory (); override;
39 public
40 function OpenFileByIndex (const index: Integer): TStream; override;
41 end;
43 TSFSMemoryVolumeFactory = class (TSFSVolumeFactory)
44 public
45 function IsMyVolumePrefix (const prefix: TSFSString): Boolean; override;
46 function Produce (const prefix, fileName: TSFSString; st: TStream): TSFSVolume; override;
47 procedure Recycle (vol: TSFSVolume); override;
48 end;
49 {$ENDIF}
52 implementation
55 uses
56 xstreams;
59 function SLHCheckMagic (st: TStream): Boolean;
60 var
61 sign: packed array [0..3] of Char;
62 begin
63 result := false;
64 st.ReadBuffer(sign[0], 4);
65 st.Seek(-4, soCurrent);
66 if sign <> 'slh!' then exit;
67 result := true;
68 end;
71 { TSFSMemoryVolume }
72 procedure TSFSMemoryVolume.RAWRead ();
73 var
74 fi: TSFSFileInfo;
75 begin
76 fMemStream.CopyFrom(fFileStream, 0); // voila %-)
77 fi := TSFSFileInfo.Create(self);
78 fi.fName := '<body>';
79 fi.fSize := fMemStream.Size;
80 end;
82 procedure TSFSMemoryVolume.SLHRead ();
83 // unpack LZSS-packed file
84 var
85 fi: TSFSFileInfo;
86 bufi, bufo: packed array of Byte;
87 iused, oused, rpos: Integer;
88 dict: packed array of Byte;
89 flags, dpos, pos, len: Word;
90 c: Integer;
92 function ReadCh (): Integer;
93 begin
94 if rpos >= iused then
95 begin
96 // int64!
97 if fFileStream.Size-fFileStream.Position > Length(bufi) then iused := Length(bufi)
98 else iused := fFileStream.Size-fFileStream.Position;
99 rpos := 0;
100 if iused > 0 then fFileStream.ReadBuffer(bufi[0], iused);
101 end;
103 if iused = 0 then result := -1
104 else begin result := bufi[rpos]; Inc(rpos); end;
105 end;
107 procedure WriteCh (c: Byte);
108 begin
109 if oused >= Length(bufo) then
110 begin
111 fMemStream.WriteBuffer(bufo[0], oused);
112 oused := 0;
113 end;
114 bufo[oused] := c; Inc(oused);
115 dict[dpos] := c; dpos := (dpos+1) and $FFF;
116 end;
118 begin
119 fFileStream.Seek(4, soCurrent); // skip signature
120 SetLength(bufi, 65536); SetLength(bufo, 65536); SetLength(dict, 4096);
121 rpos := 0; iused := 0; oused := 0;
122 flags := 0; dpos := 4096-18;
123 repeat
124 if (flags and $FF00) = 0 then
125 begin
126 c := ReadCh(); if c = -1 then break;
127 flags := c or $FF00;
128 end;
130 if (flags and $01) <> 0 then
131 begin
132 // literal
133 c := ReadCh(); if c = -1 then break;
134 WriteCh(c);
135 end
136 else
137 begin
138 // "copy"
139 c := ReadCh(); if c = -1 then break;
140 pos := c;
141 c := ReadCh(); if c = -1 then break;
142 len := c;
143 pos := (pos and $FF) or ((len and $F0) shl 4); len := (len and $0F)+3;
144 while len > 0 do
145 begin
146 c := dict[pos]; pos := (pos+1) and $FFF; Dec(len);
147 WriteCh(c);
148 end;
149 end;
150 flags := flags shr 1;
151 until false;
152 if oused > 0 then fMemStream.WriteBuffer(bufo[0], oused);
154 fi := TSFSFileInfo.Create(self);
155 fi.fName := '<body>';
156 fi.fSize := fMemStream.Size;
157 end;
159 procedure TSFSMemoryVolume.ReadDirectory ();
160 begin
161 if fMemStream = nil then fMemStream := TMemoryStream.Create()
162 else
163 begin
164 fMemStream.Position := 0; fMemStream.Size := 0;
165 end;
167 case fType of
168 sfsmvSLH: SLHRead();
169 sfsmvRAW: RAWRead();
170 else raise ESFSError.Create('invalid memory SFS');
171 end;
173 fMemStream.Position := 0;
174 end;
176 function TSFSMemoryVolume.OpenFileByIndex (const index: Integer): TStream;
177 var
178 fs: TStream;
179 begin
180 result := nil; fs := nil;
181 if fFiles = nil then exit;
182 if (index < 0) or (index >= fFiles.Count) or (fFiles[index] = nil) then exit;
184 try
185 fs := TSFSMemoryStreamRO.Create(fMemStream.Memory, fMemStream.Size);
186 if fFiles.Count = 1 then
187 begin
188 result := fs;
189 end
190 else
191 begin
192 try
193 result := TSFSPartialStream.Create(fs,
194 TSFSFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fOfs,
195 TSFSFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fSize, true);
196 except
197 FreeAndNil(fs);
198 raise;
199 end;
200 end;
201 except
202 result := nil;
203 end;
204 end;
207 { TSFSMemoryVolumeFactory }
208 function TSFSMemoryVolumeFactory.IsMyVolumePrefix (const prefix: TSFSString): Boolean;
209 begin
210 result :=
211 SFSStrEqu(prefix, 'mem') or
212 SFSStrEqu(prefix, 'slh!');
213 end;
215 procedure TSFSMemoryVolumeFactory.Recycle (vol: TSFSVolume);
216 begin
217 vol.Free();
218 end;
220 function TSFSMemoryVolumeFactory.Produce (const prefix, fileName: TSFSString; st: TStream): TSFSVolume;
221 var
222 vt: TSFSMemVolumeType;
223 begin
224 if (prefix <> 'mem') and SLHCheckMagic(st) then vt := sfsmvSLH
225 else if prefix <> '' then vt := sfsmvRAW
226 else vt := sfsmvNone;
228 result := TSFSMemoryVolume.Create(fileName, st);
229 TSFSMemoryVolume(result).fType := vt;
230 try
231 result.DoDirectoryRead();
232 except
233 FreeAndNil(result);
234 raise;
235 end;
236 end;
239 var
240 memf: TSFSMemoryVolumeFactory;
241 initialization
242 memf := TSFSMemoryVolumeFactory.Create();
243 SFSRegisterVolumeFactory(memf);
244 //finalization
245 // SFSUnregisterVolumeFactory(memf);
246 {$ENDIF}
247 end.