add default dirs for linux and android
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / xmp / xmp.pas
1 unit XMP;
3 interface
8 {$ENDIF}
13 {$LINKLIB libxmp-lite.a}
14 {$ELSE}
15 {$LINKLIB libxmp.a}
16 {$ENDIF}
17 {$ELSE}
20 const xmplib = 'libxmp-lite.dll';
21 {$ELSE}
22 const xmplib = 'libxmp.dll';
23 {$ENDIF}
24 {$ENDIF}
28 const xmplib = '';
29 {$ELSE}
30 const xmplib = '';
31 {$ENDIF}
32 {$ELSE}
33 {$ERROR libxmp not supported on this platform. Fix it!}
34 {$ENDIF}
36 const
37 XMP_VER_STRING = '4.4.1';
38 XMP_VER_CODE = $040401;
43 const
44 XMP_NAME_SIZE = 64; (* Size of module name and type *)
45 XMP_KEY_OFF = $81; (* Note number for key off event *)
46 XMP_KEY_CUT = $82; (* Note number for key cut event *)
47 XMP_KEY_FADE = $83; (* Note number for fade event *)
48 (* mixer parameter macros *)
49 (* sample format flags *)
50 XMP_FORMAT_8BIT = (1 shl 0); (* Mix to 8-bit instead of 16 *)
51 XMP_FORMAT_UNSIGNED = (1 shl 1); (* Mix to unsigned samples *)
52 XMP_FORMAT_MONO = (1 shl 2); (* Mix to mono instead of stereo *)
53 (* player parameters *)
54 XMP_PLAYER_AMP = 0; (* Amplification factor *)
55 XMP_PLAYER_MIX = 1; (* Stereo mixing *)
56 XMP_PLAYER_INTERP = 2; (* Interpolation type *)
57 XMP_PLAYER_DSP = 3; (* DSP effect flags *)
58 XMP_PLAYER_FLAGS = 4; (* Player flags *)
59 XMP_PLAYER_CFLAGS = 5; (* Player flags for current module *)
60 XMP_PLAYER_SMPCTL = 6; (* Sample control flags *)
61 XMP_PLAYER_VOLUME = 7; (* Player module volume *)
62 XMP_PLAYER_STATE = 8; (* Internal player state (read only) *)
63 XMP_PLAYER_SMIX_VOLUME = 9; (* SMIX volume *)
64 XMP_PLAYER_DEFPAN = 10; (* Default pan setting *)
65 XMP_PLAYER_MODE = 11; (* Player personality *)
66 XMP_PLAYER_MIXER_TYPE = 12; (* Current mixer (read only) *)
67 XMP_PLAYER_VOICES = 13; (* Maximum number of mixer voices *)
68 (* interpolation types *)
69 XMP_INTERP_NEAREST = 0; (* Nearest neighbor *)
70 XMP_INTERP_LINEAR = 1; (* Linear (default) *)
71 XMP_INTERP_SPLINE = 2; (* Cubic spline *)
72 (* dsp effect types *)
73 XMP_DSP_LOWPASS = (1 shl 0); (* Lowpass filter effect *)
75 (* player state *)
76 XMP_STATE_UNLOADED = 0; (* Context created *)
77 XMP_STATE_LOADED = 1; (* Module loaded *)
78 XMP_STATE_PLAYING = 2; (* Module playing *)
79 (* player flags *)
80 XMP_FLAGS_VBLANK = (1 shl 0); (* Use vblank timing *)
81 XMP_FLAGS_FX9BUG = (1 shl 1); (* Emulate FX9 bug *)
82 XMP_FLAGS_FIXLOOP = (1 shl 2); (* Emulate sample loop bug *)
83 XMP_FLAGS_A500 = (1 shl 3); (* Use Paula mixer in Amiga modules *)
84 (* player modes *)
85 XMP_MODE_AUTO = 0; (* Autodetect mode (default) *)
86 XMP_MODE_MOD = 1; (* Play as a generic MOD player *)
87 XMP_MODE_NOISETRACKER = 2; (* Play using Noisetracker quirks *)
88 XMP_MODE_PROTRACKER = 3; (* Play using Protracker quirks *)
89 XMP_MODE_S3M = 4; (* Play as a generic S3M player *)
90 XMP_MODE_ST3 = 5; (* Play using ST3 bug emulation *)
91 XMP_MODE_ST3GUS = 6; (* Play using ST3+GUS quirks *)
92 XMP_MODE_XM = 7; (* Play as a generic XM player *)
93 XMP_MODE_FT2 = 8; (* Play using FT2 bug emulation *)
94 XMP_MODE_IT = 9; (* Play using IT quirks *)
95 XMP_MODE_ITSMP = 10; (* Play using IT sample mode quirks *)
96 (* mixer types *)
97 XMP_MIXER_STANDARD = 0; (* Standard mixer *)
98 XMP_MIXER_A500 = 1; (* Amiga 500 *)
99 XMP_MIXER_A500F = 2; (* Amiga 500 with led filter *)
100 (* sample flags *)
101 XMP_SMPCTL_SKIP = (1 shl 0); (* Don't load samples *)
102 (* limits *)
103 XMP_MAX_KEYS = 121; (* Number of valid keys *)
104 XMP_MAX_ENV_POINTS = 32; (* Max number of envelope points *)
105 XMP_MAX_MOD_LENGTH = 256; (* Max number of patterns in module *)
106 XMP_MAX_CHANNELS = 64; (* Max number of channels in module *)
107 XMP_MAX_SRATE = 49170; (* max sampling rate (Hz) *)
108 XMP_MIN_SRATE = 4000; (* min sampling rate (Hz) *)
109 XMP_MIN_BPM = 20; (* min BPM *)
110 (* frame rate = (50 * bpm / 125) Hz *)
111 (* frame size = (sampling rate * channels * size) / frame rate *)
113 (* error codes *)
114 XMP_END = 1;
115 XMP_ERROR_INTERNAL = 2; (* Internal error *)
116 XMP_ERROR_FORMAT = 3; (* Unsupported module format *)
117 XMP_ERROR_LOAD = 4; (* Error loading file *)
118 XMP_ERROR_DEPACK = 5; (* Error depacking file *)
119 XMP_ERROR_SYSTEM = 6; (* System error *)
120 XMP_ERROR_INVALID = 7; (* Invalid parameter *)
121 XMP_ERROR_STATE = 8; (* Invalid player state *)
123 const
124 XMP_CHANNEL_SYNTH = (1 shl 0); (* Channel is synthesized *)
125 XMP_CHANNEL_MUTED = (1 shl 1); (* Channel is muted *)
126 XMP_CHANNEL_SPLIT = (1 shl 2); (* Split Amiga channel in bits 5-4 *)
127 XMP_CHANNEL_SURROUND = (1 shl 4); (* Surround channel *)
129 const
130 XMP_ENVELOPE_ON = (1 shl 0); (* Envelope is enabled *)
131 XMP_ENVELOPE_SUS = (1 shl 1); (* Envelope has sustain point *)
132 XMP_ENVELOPE_LOOP = (1 shl 2); (* Envelope has loop *)
133 XMP_ENVELOPE_FLT = (1 shl 3); (* Envelope is used for filter *)
134 XMP_ENVELOPE_SLOOP = (1 shl 4); (* Envelope has sustain loop *)
135 XMP_ENVELOPE_CARRY = (1 shl 5); (* Don't reset envelope position *)
137 const
138 XMP_INST_NNA_CUT = $00;
139 XMP_INST_NNA_CONT = $01;
140 XMP_INST_NNA_OFF = $02;
141 XMP_INST_NNA_FADE = $03;
142 XMP_INST_DCT_OFF = $00;
143 XMP_INST_DCT_NOTE = $01;
144 XMP_INST_DCT_SMP = $02;
145 XMP_INST_DCT_INST = $03;
150 const
151 XMP_SAMPLE_16BIT = (1 shl 0); (* 16bit sample *)
152 XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP = (1 shl 1); (* Sample is looped *)
153 XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP_BIDIR = (1 shl 2); (* Bidirectional sample loop *)
154 XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP_REVERSE = (1 shl 3); (* Backwards sample loop *)
155 XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP_FULL = (1 shl 4); (* Play full sample before looping *)
156 XMP_SAMPLE_SLOOP = (1 shl 5); (* Sample has sustain loop *)
157 XMP_SAMPLE_SLOOP_BIDIR = (1 shl 6); (* Bidirectional sustain loop *)
158 XMP_SAMPLE_SYNTH = (1 shl 15); (* Data contains synth patch *)
160 type
161 xmp_channel = record
162 pan: longint; (* Channel pan (0x80 is center) *)
163 vol: longint; (* Channel volume *)
164 flg: longint; (* Channel flags *)
165 end;
167 xmp_pattern = record
168 rows: longint; (* Number of rows *)
169 index: array [0..0] of longint; (* Track index *)
170 end;
172 xmp_event = record
173 note: byte; (* Note number (0 means no note) *)
174 ins: byte; (* Patch number *)
175 vol: byte; (* Volume (0 to basevol) *)
176 fxt: byte; (* Effect type *)
177 fxp: byte; (* Effect parameter *)
178 f2t: byte; (* Secondary effect type *)
179 f2p: byte; (* Secondary effect parameter *)
180 _flag: byte; (* Internal (reserved) flags *)
181 end;
183 pxmp_event = ^xmp_event;
185 xmp_track = record
186 rows: longint; (* Number of rows *)
187 event: array [0..0] of xmp_event; (* Event data *)
188 end;
190 xmp_envelope = record
191 flg: longint; (* Flags *)
192 npt: longint; (* Number of envelope points *)
193 scl: longint; (* Envelope scaling *)
194 sus: longint; (* Sustain start point *)
195 sue: longint; (* Sustain end point *)
196 lps: longint; (* Loop start point *)
197 lpe: longint; (* Loop end point *)
198 data: array [0..(XMP_MAX_ENV_POINTS*2)-1] of smallint;
199 end;
201 xmp_subinstrument = record
202 vol: longint; (* Default volume *)
203 gvl: longint; (* Global volume *)
204 pan: longint; (* Pan *)
205 xpo: longint; (* Transpose *)
206 fin: longint; (* Finetune *)
207 vwf: longint; (* Vibrato waveform *)
208 vde: longint; (* Vibrato depth *)
209 vra: longint; (* Vibrato rate *)
210 vsw: longint; (* Vibrato sweep *)
211 rvv: longint; (* Random volume/pan variation (IT) *)
212 sid: longint; (* Sample number *)
213 nna: longint; (* New note action *)
214 dct: longint; (* Duplicate check type *)
215 dca: longint; (* Duplicate check action *)
216 ifc: longint; (* Initial filter cutoff *)
217 ifr: longint; (* Initial filter resonance *)
218 end;
220 pxmp_subinstrument = ^xmp_subinstrument;
222 xmp_instrument = record
223 name: array [0..31] of char; (* Instrument name *)
224 vol: longint; (* Instrument volume *)
225 nsm: longint; (* Number of samples *)
226 rls: longint; (* Release (fadeout) *)
227 aei: xmp_envelope; (* Amplitude envelope info *)
228 pei: xmp_envelope; (* Pan envelope info *)
229 fei: xmp_envelope; (* Frequency envelope info *)
230 map : array[0..(XMP_MAX_KEYS)-1] of record
231 ins : byte;
232 xpo : char;
233 end;
234 sub: pxmp_subinstrument;
235 extra: pointer;
236 end;
238 xmp_sample = record
239 name: array [0..31] of char; (* Sample name *)
240 len: longint; (* Sample length *)
241 lps: longint; (* Loop start *)
242 lpe: longint; (* Loop end *)
243 flg: longint; (* Flags *)
244 data: pbyte; (* Sample data *)
245 end;
247 xmp_sequence = record
248 entry_point: longint;
249 duration: longint;
250 end;
252 pxmp_sequence = ^xmp_sequence;
254 xmp_module = record
255 name: array [0..XMP_NAME_SIZE-1] of char; (* Module title *)
256 format: array [0..XMP_NAME_SIZE-1] of char; (* Module format *)
258 pat: longint; (* Number of patterns *)
259 trk: longint; (* Number of tracks *)
260 chn: longint; (* Tracks per pattern *)
261 ins: longint; (* Number of instruments *)
262 smp: longint; (* Number of samples *)
263 spd: longint; (* Initial speed *)
264 bpm: longint; (* Initial BPM *)
265 len: longint; (* Module length in patterns *)
266 rst: longint; (* Restart position *)
267 gvl: longint; (* Global volume *)
269 xxp: pointer; // xmp_pattern**
270 xxt: pointer; // xmp_track**
271 xxi: pointer; // xmp_instrument*
272 xxs: pointer; // xmp_sample*
273 xxc: array [0..XMP_MAX_CHANNELS-1] of xmp_channel;
274 xxo: array [0..XMP_MAX_MOD_LENGTH-1] of byte;
275 end;
277 pxmp_module = ^xmp_module;
279 xmp_test_info = record
280 name: array [0..XMP_NAME_SIZE-1] of char; (* Module title *)
281 format: array [0..XMP_NAME_SIZE-1] of char; (* Module format *)
282 end;
284 xmp_module_info = record
285 md5: array [0..15] of byte; (* MD5 message digest *)
286 vol_base: longint; (* Volume scale *)
287 module: pxmp_module; (* Pointer to module data *)
288 comment: pchar; (* Comment text, if any *)
289 num_sequences: longint; (* Number of valid sequences *)
290 seq_data: pxmp_sequence; (* Pointer to sequence data *)
291 end;
293 xmp_channel_info = record
294 period: longword; (* Sample period (times 4096) *)
295 position: longword; (* Sample position *)
296 pitchbend: word; (* Linear bend from base note*)
297 note: byte; (* Current base note number *)
298 instrument: byte; (* Current instrument number *)
299 usample: byte; (* Current sample number *)
300 volume: byte; (* Current volume *)
301 pan: byte; (* Current stereo pan *)
302 reserved: byte; (* Reserved *)
303 event: xmp_event; (* Current track event *)
304 end;
306 (* Current frame information *)
307 xmp_frame_info = record
308 pos: longint; (* Current position *)
309 pattern: longint; (* Current pattern *)
310 row: longint; (* Current row in pattern *)
311 num_rows: longint; (* Number of rows in current pattern *)
312 frame: longint; (* Current frame *)
313 speed: longint; (* Current replay speed *)
314 bpm: longint; (* Current bpm *)
315 time: longint; (* Current module time in ms *)
316 total_time: longint; (* Estimated replay time in ms*)
317 frame_time: longint; (* Frame replay time in us *)
318 buffer: plongint; (* Pointer to sound buffer *)
319 buffer_size: longint; (* Used buffer size *)
320 total_size: longint; (* Total buffer size *)
321 volume: longint; (* Current master volume *)
322 loop_count: longint; (* Loop counter *)
323 virt_channels: longint; (* Number of virtual channels *)
324 virt_used: longint; (* Used virtual channels *)
325 sequence: longint; (* Current sequence *)
326 channel_info: array [0..XMP_MAX_CHANNELS-1] of xmp_channel_info;
327 end;
329 xmp_context = pointer;
331 var
332 xmp_version: pchar; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
333 xmp_vercode: longword; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
335 function xmp_create_context(): xmp_context; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
336 procedure xmp_free_context(ctx: xmp_context); cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
337 function xmp_get_format_list(): ppchar; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
339 function xmp_test_module(fname: pchar; var info: xmp_test_info): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
340 function xmp_load_module(ctx: xmp_context; fname: pchar): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
341 function xmp_load_module_from_memory(ctx: xmp_context; buf: pointer; bufsiz: longint): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
342 function xmp_load_module_from_file(ctx: xmp_context; fstream: pointer; msize: longint): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
343 procedure xmp_scan_module(ctx: xmp_context); cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
344 procedure xmp_get_module_info(ctx: xmp_context; var info: xmp_module_info); cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
345 procedure xmp_release_module(ctx: xmp_context); cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
347 function xmp_start_player(ctx: xmp_context; rate, format: longint): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
348 function xmp_play_frame(ctx: xmp_context): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
349 function xmp_play_buffer(ctx: xmp_context; buf: pointer; bufsiz: longint; loop: longint): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
350 procedure xmp_get_frame_info(ctx: xmp_context; var info: xmp_frame_info); cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
351 procedure xmp_end_player(ctx: xmp_context); cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
353 procedure xmp_inject_event(ctx: xmp_context; ch: longint; ev: pxmp_event); cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
355 function xmp_next_position(ctx: xmp_context): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
356 function xmp_prev_position(ctx: xmp_context): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
357 function xmp_set_position(ctx: xmp_context; pos: longint): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
358 function xmp_seek_time(ctx: xmp_context; ms: longint): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
359 procedure xmp_stop_module(ctx: xmp_context); cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
360 procedure xmp_restart_module(ctx: xmp_context); cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
362 function xmp_channel_mute(ctx: xmp_context; ch, mute: longint): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
363 function xmp_channel_vol(ctx: xmp_context; ch, vol: longint): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
365 function xmp_set_player(ctx: xmp_context; param, value: longint): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
366 function xmp_get_player(ctx: xmp_context; param: longint): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
367 function xmp_set_instrument_path(ctx: xmp_context; path: pchar): longint; cdecl; external {$IFDEF XMP_DYNAMIC}xmplib{$ENDIF};
369 (*
370 function xmp_start_smix;
371 procedure xmp_end_smix;
372 function xmp_smix_play_instrument;
373 function xmp_smix_play_sample;
374 function xmp_smix_channel_pan;
375 function xmp_smix_load_sample;
376 function xmp_smix_release_sample;
377 *)
379 implementation
382 end.