HolmesUI: more bugfixes in FlexBox
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / vampimg / JpegLib / imjcmarker.pas
1 unit imjcmarker;
3 { This file contains routines to write JPEG datastream markers. }
5 { Original: jcmarker.c; Copyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane. }
7 interface
9 {$I}
11 uses
12 imjinclude, imjmorecfg, imjerror,
13 imjdeferr, imjpeglib, imjutils;
16 const
17 { JPEG marker codes }
18 M_SOF0 = $c0;
19 M_SOF1 = $c1;
20 M_SOF2 = $c2;
21 M_SOF3 = $c3;
23 M_SOF5 = $c5;
24 M_SOF6 = $c6;
25 M_SOF7 = $c7;
27 M_JPG = $c8;
28 M_SOF9 = $c9;
29 M_SOF10 = $ca;
30 M_SOF11 = $cb;
32 M_SOF13 = $cd;
33 M_SOF14 = $ce;
34 M_SOF15 = $cf;
36 M_DHT = $c4;
38 M_DAC = $cc;
40 M_RST0 = $d0;
41 M_RST1 = $d1;
42 M_RST2 = $d2;
43 M_RST3 = $d3;
44 M_RST4 = $d4;
45 M_RST5 = $d5;
46 M_RST6 = $d6;
47 M_RST7 = $d7;
49 M_SOI = $d8;
50 M_EOI = $d9;
51 M_SOS = $da;
52 M_DQT = $db;
53 M_DNL = $dc;
54 M_DRI = $dd;
55 M_DHP = $de;
56 M_EXP = $df;
58 M_APP0 = $e0;
59 M_APP1 = $e1;
60 M_APP2 = $e2;
61 M_APP3 = $e3;
62 M_APP4 = $e4;
63 M_APP5 = $e5;
64 M_APP6 = $e6;
65 M_APP7 = $e7;
66 M_APP8 = $e8;
67 M_APP9 = $e9;
68 M_APP10 = $ea;
69 M_APP11 = $eb;
70 M_APP12 = $ec;
71 M_APP13 = $ed;
72 M_APP14 = $ee;
73 M_APP15 = $ef;
75 M_JPG0 = $f0;
76 M_JPG13 = $fd;
77 M_COM = $fe;
79 M_TEM = $01;
81 M_ERROR = $100;
83 type
84 JPEG_MARKER = Word;
86 { Private state }
88 type
89 my_marker_ptr = ^my_marker_writer;
90 my_marker_writer = record
91 pub : jpeg_marker_writer; { public fields }
93 last_restart_interval : uint; { last DRI value emitted; 0 after SOI }
94 end;
100 procedure jinit_marker_writer (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
102 implementation
104 { Basic output routines.
106 Note that we do not support suspension while writing a marker.
107 Therefore, an application using suspension must ensure that there is
108 enough buffer space for the initial markers (typ. 600-700 bytes) before
109 calling jpeg_start_compress, and enough space to write the trailing EOI
110 (a few bytes) before calling jpeg_finish_compress. Multipass compression
111 modes are not supported at all with suspension, so those two are the only
112 points where markers will be written. }
115 {LOCAL}
116 procedure emit_byte (cinfo : j_compress_ptr; val : int);
117 { Emit a byte }
118 var
119 dest : jpeg_destination_mgr_ptr;
120 begin
121 dest := cinfo^.dest;
123 dest^.next_output_byte^ := JOCTET(val);
124 Inc(dest^.next_output_byte);
126 Dec(dest^.free_in_buffer);
127 if (dest^.free_in_buffer = 0) then
128 begin
129 if not dest^.empty_output_buffer(cinfo) then
130 ERREXIT(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_CANT_SUSPEND);
131 end;
132 end;
135 {LOCAL}
136 procedure emit_marker(cinfo : j_compress_ptr; mark : JPEG_MARKER);
137 { Emit a marker code }
138 begin
139 emit_byte(cinfo, $FF);
140 emit_byte(cinfo, int(mark));
141 end;
144 {LOCAL}
145 procedure emit_2bytes (cinfo : j_compress_ptr; value : int);
146 { Emit a 2-byte integer; these are always MSB first in JPEG files }
147 begin
148 emit_byte(cinfo, (value shr 8) and $FF);
149 emit_byte(cinfo, value and $FF);
150 end;
153 { Routines to write specific marker types. }
155 {LOCAL}
156 function emit_dqt (cinfo : j_compress_ptr; index : int) : int;
157 { Emit a DQT marker }
158 { Returns the precision used (0 = 8bits, 1 = 16bits) for baseline checking }
159 var
160 qtbl : JQUANT_TBL_PTR;
161 prec : int;
162 i : int;
163 var
164 qval : uint;
165 begin
166 qtbl := cinfo^.quant_tbl_ptrs[index];
167 if (qtbl = NIL) then
168 ERREXIT1(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_NO_QUANT_TABLE, index);
170 prec := 0;
171 for i := 0 to Pred(DCTSIZE2) do
172 begin
173 if (qtbl^.quantval[i] > 255) then
174 prec := 1;
175 end;
177 if not qtbl^.sent_table then
178 begin
179 emit_marker(cinfo, M_DQT);
181 if (prec <> 0) then
182 emit_2bytes(cinfo, DCTSIZE2*2 + 1 + 2)
183 else
184 emit_2bytes(cinfo, DCTSIZE2 + 1 + 2);
186 emit_byte(cinfo, index + (prec shl 4));
188 for i := 0 to Pred(DCTSIZE2) do
189 begin
190 { The table entries must be emitted in zigzag order. }
191 qval := qtbl^.quantval[jpeg_natural_order[i]];
192 if (prec <> 0) then
193 emit_byte(cinfo, int(qval shr 8));
194 emit_byte(cinfo, int(qval and $FF));
195 end;
197 qtbl^.sent_table := TRUE;
198 end;
200 emit_dqt := prec;
201 end;
204 {LOCAL}
205 procedure emit_dht (cinfo : j_compress_ptr; index : int; is_ac : boolean);
206 { Emit a DHT marker }
207 var
208 htbl : JHUFF_TBL_PTR;
209 length, i : int;
210 begin
211 if (is_ac) then
212 begin
213 htbl := cinfo^.ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[index];
214 index := index + $10; { output index has AC bit set }
215 end
216 else
217 begin
218 htbl := cinfo^.dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[index];
219 end;
221 if (htbl = NIL) then
222 ERREXIT1(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_NO_HUFF_TABLE, index);
224 if not htbl^.sent_table then
225 begin
226 emit_marker(cinfo, M_DHT);
228 length := 0;
229 for i := 1 to 16 do
230 length := length + htbl^.bits[i];
232 emit_2bytes(cinfo, length + 2 + 1 + 16);
233 emit_byte(cinfo, index);
235 for i := 1 to 16 do
236 emit_byte(cinfo, htbl^.bits[i]);
238 for i := 0 to Pred(length) do
239 emit_byte(cinfo, htbl^.huffval[i]);
241 htbl^.sent_table := TRUE;
242 end;
243 end;
246 {LOCAL}
247 procedure emit_dac (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
248 { Emit a DAC marker }
249 { Since the useful info is so small, we want to emit all the tables in }
250 { one DAC marker. Therefore this routine does its own scan of the table. }
252 var
253 dc_in_use : array[0..NUM_ARITH_TBLS] of byte;
254 ac_in_use : array[0..NUM_ARITH_TBLS] of byte;
255 length, i : int;
256 compptr : jpeg_component_info_ptr;
257 begin
258 for i := 0 to pred(NUM_ARITH_TBLS) do
259 begin
260 dc_in_use[i] := 0;
261 ac_in_use[i] := 0;
262 end;
264 for i := 0 to pred(cinfo^.comps_in_scan) do
265 begin
266 compptr := cinfo^.cur_comp_info[i];
267 dc_in_use[compptr^.dc_tbl_no] := 1;
268 ac_in_use[compptr^.ac_tbl_no] := 1;
269 end;
271 length := 0;
272 for i := 0 to pred(NUM_ARITH_TBLS) do
273 Inc(length, dc_in_use[i] + ac_in_use[i]);
275 emit_marker(cinfo, M_DAC);
277 emit_2bytes(cinfo, length*2 + 2);
279 for i := 0 to pred(NUM_ARITH_TBLS) do
280 begin
281 if (dc_in_use[i] <> 0) then
282 begin
283 emit_byte(cinfo, i);
284 emit_byte(cinfo, cinfo^.arith_dc_L[i] + (cinfo^.arith_dc_U[i] shl 4));
285 end;
286 if (ac_in_use[i] <> 0) then
287 begin
288 emit_byte(cinfo, i + $10);
289 emit_byte(cinfo, cinfo^.arith_ac_K[i]);
290 end;
291 end;
292 end;
293 {$else}
294 begin
295 end;
299 {LOCAL}
300 procedure emit_dri (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
301 { Emit a DRI marker }
302 begin
303 emit_marker(cinfo, M_DRI);
305 emit_2bytes(cinfo, 4); { fixed length }
307 emit_2bytes(cinfo, int(cinfo^.restart_interval));
308 end;
311 {LOCAL}
312 procedure emit_sof (cinfo : j_compress_ptr; code : JPEG_MARKER);
313 { Emit a SOF marker }
314 var
315 ci : int;
316 compptr : jpeg_component_info_ptr;
317 begin
318 emit_marker(cinfo, code);
320 emit_2bytes(cinfo, 3 * cinfo^.num_components + 2 + 5 + 1); { length }
322 { Make sure image isn't bigger than SOF field can handle }
323 if (long(cinfo^.image_height) > long(65535)) or
324 (long(cinfo^.image_width) > long(65535)) then
325 ERREXIT1(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_IMAGE_TOO_BIG, uInt(65535));
327 emit_byte(cinfo, cinfo^.data_precision);
328 emit_2bytes(cinfo, int(cinfo^.image_height));
329 emit_2bytes(cinfo, int(cinfo^.image_width));
331 emit_byte(cinfo, cinfo^.num_components);
333 compptr := jpeg_component_info_ptr(cinfo^.comp_info);
334 for ci := 0 to Pred(cinfo^.num_components) do
335 begin
336 emit_byte(cinfo, compptr^.component_id);
337 emit_byte(cinfo, (compptr^.h_samp_factor shl 4) + compptr^.v_samp_factor);
338 emit_byte(cinfo, compptr^.quant_tbl_no);
339 Inc(compptr);
340 end;
341 end;
344 {LOCAL}
345 procedure emit_sos (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
346 { Emit a SOS marker }
347 var
348 i, td, ta : int;
349 compptr : jpeg_component_info_ptr;
350 begin
351 emit_marker(cinfo, M_SOS);
353 emit_2bytes(cinfo, 2 * cinfo^.comps_in_scan + 2 + 1 + 3); { length }
355 emit_byte(cinfo, cinfo^.comps_in_scan);
357 for i := 0 to Pred(cinfo^.comps_in_scan) do
358 begin
359 compptr := cinfo^.cur_comp_info[i];
360 emit_byte(cinfo, compptr^.component_id);
361 td := compptr^.dc_tbl_no;
362 ta := compptr^.ac_tbl_no;
363 if (cinfo^.progressive_mode) then
364 begin
365 { Progressive mode: only DC or only AC tables are used in one scan;
366 furthermore, Huffman coding of DC refinement uses no table at all.
367 We emit 0 for unused field(s); this is recommended by the P&M text
368 but does not seem to be specified in the standard. }
370 if (cinfo^.Ss = 0) then
371 begin
372 ta := 0; { DC scan }
373 if (cinfo^.Ah <> 0) and not cinfo^.arith_code then
374 td := 0; { no DC table either }
375 end
376 else
377 begin
378 td := 0; { AC scan }
379 end;
380 end;
381 emit_byte(cinfo, (td shl 4) + ta);
382 end;
384 emit_byte(cinfo, cinfo^.Ss);
385 emit_byte(cinfo, cinfo^.Se);
386 emit_byte(cinfo, (cinfo^.Ah shl 4) + cinfo^.Al);
387 end;
390 {LOCAL}
391 procedure emit_jfif_app0 (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
392 { Emit a JFIF-compliant APP0 marker }
394 Length of APP0 block (2 bytes)
395 Block ID (4 bytes - ASCII "JFIF")
396 Zero byte (1 byte to terminate the ID string)
397 Version Major, Minor (2 bytes - major first)
398 Units (1 byte - $00 = none, $01 = inch, $02 = cm)
399 Xdpu (2 bytes - dots per unit horizontal)
400 Ydpu (2 bytes - dots per unit vertical)
401 Thumbnail X size (1 byte)
402 Thumbnail Y size (1 byte)
404 begin
405 emit_marker(cinfo, M_APP0);
407 emit_2bytes(cinfo, 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1); { length }
409 emit_byte(cinfo, $4A); { Identifier: ASCII "JFIF" }
410 emit_byte(cinfo, $46);
411 emit_byte(cinfo, $49);
412 emit_byte(cinfo, $46);
413 emit_byte(cinfo, 0);
414 emit_byte(cinfo, cinfo^.JFIF_major_version); { Version fields }
415 emit_byte(cinfo, cinfo^.JFIF_minor_version);
416 emit_byte(cinfo, cinfo^.density_unit); { Pixel size information }
417 emit_2bytes(cinfo, int(cinfo^.X_density));
418 emit_2bytes(cinfo, int(cinfo^.Y_density));
419 emit_byte(cinfo, 0); { No thumbnail image }
420 emit_byte(cinfo, 0);
421 end;
424 {LOCAL}
425 procedure emit_adobe_app14 (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
426 { Emit an Adobe APP14 marker }
428 Length of APP14 block (2 bytes)
429 Block ID (5 bytes - ASCII "Adobe")
430 Version Number (2 bytes - currently 100)
431 Flags0 (2 bytes - currently 0)
432 Flags1 (2 bytes - currently 0)
433 Color transform (1 byte)
435 Although Adobe TN 5116 mentions Version = 101, all the Adobe files
436 now in circulation seem to use Version = 100, so that's what we write.
438 We write the color transform byte as 1 if the JPEG color space is
439 YCbCr, 2 if it's YCCK, 0 otherwise. Adobe's definition has to do with
440 whether the encoder performed a transformation, which is pretty useless.
442 begin
443 emit_marker(cinfo, M_APP14);
445 emit_2bytes(cinfo, 2 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1); { length }
447 emit_byte(cinfo, $41); { Identifier: ASCII "Adobe" }
448 emit_byte(cinfo, $64);
449 emit_byte(cinfo, $6F);
450 emit_byte(cinfo, $62);
451 emit_byte(cinfo, $65);
452 emit_2bytes(cinfo, 100); { Version }
453 emit_2bytes(cinfo, 0); { Flags0 }
454 emit_2bytes(cinfo, 0); { Flags1 }
455 case (cinfo^.jpeg_color_space) of
456 JCS_YCbCr:
457 emit_byte(cinfo, 1); { Color transform = 1 }
459 emit_byte(cinfo, 2); { Color transform = 2 }
460 else
461 emit_byte(cinfo, 0); { Color transform = 0 }
462 end;
463 end;
466 { These routines allow writing an arbitrary marker with parameters.
467 The only intended use is to emit COM or APPn markers after calling
468 write_file_header and before calling write_frame_header.
469 Other uses are not guaranteed to produce desirable results.
470 Counting the parameter bytes properly is the caller's responsibility. }
473 procedure write_marker_header (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
474 marker : int;
475 datalen : uint);
476 { Emit an arbitrary marker header }
477 begin
478 if (datalen > uint(65533)) then { safety check }
479 ERREXIT(j_common_ptr(cinfo), JERR_BAD_LENGTH);
481 emit_marker(cinfo, JPEG_MARKER(marker));
483 emit_2bytes(cinfo, int(datalen + 2)); { total length }
484 end;
487 procedure write_marker_byte (cinfo : j_compress_ptr; val : int);
488 { Emit one byte of marker parameters following write_marker_header }
489 begin
490 emit_byte(cinfo, val);
491 end;
493 { Write datastream header.
494 This consists of an SOI and optional APPn markers.
495 We recommend use of the JFIF marker, but not the Adobe marker,
496 when using YCbCr or grayscale data. The JFIF marker should NOT
497 be used for any other JPEG colorspace. The Adobe marker is helpful
498 to distinguish RGB, CMYK, and YCCK colorspaces.
499 Note that an application can write additional header markers after
500 jpeg_start_compress returns. }
504 procedure write_file_header (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
505 var
506 marker : my_marker_ptr;
507 begin
508 marker := my_marker_ptr(cinfo^.marker);
510 emit_marker(cinfo, M_SOI); { first the SOI }
512 { SOI is defined to reset restart interval to 0 }
513 marker^.last_restart_interval := 0;
515 if (cinfo^.write_JFIF_header) then { next an optional JFIF APP0 }
516 emit_jfif_app0(cinfo);
517 if (cinfo^.write_Adobe_marker) then { next an optional Adobe APP14 }
518 emit_adobe_app14(cinfo);
519 end;
522 { Write frame header.
523 This consists of DQT and SOFn markers.
524 Note that we do not emit the SOF until we have emitted the DQT(s).
525 This avoids compatibility problems with incorrect implementations that
526 try to error-check the quant table numbers as soon as they see the SOF. }
530 procedure write_frame_header (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
531 var
532 ci, prec : int;
533 is_baseline : boolean;
534 compptr : jpeg_component_info_ptr;
535 begin
536 { Emit DQT for each quantization table.
537 Note that emit_dqt() suppresses any duplicate tables. }
539 prec := 0;
540 compptr := jpeg_component_info_ptr(cinfo^.comp_info);
541 for ci := 0 to Pred(cinfo^.num_components) do
542 begin
543 prec := prec + emit_dqt(cinfo, compptr^.quant_tbl_no);
544 Inc(compptr);
545 end;
546 { now prec is nonzero iff there are any 16-bit quant tables. }
548 { Check for a non-baseline specification.
549 Note we assume that Huffman table numbers won't be changed later. }
551 if (cinfo^.arith_code) or (cinfo^.progressive_mode)
552 or (cinfo^.data_precision <> 8) then
553 begin
554 is_baseline := FALSE;
555 end
556 else
557 begin
558 is_baseline := TRUE;
559 compptr := jpeg_component_info_ptr(cinfo^.comp_info);
560 for ci := 0 to Pred(cinfo^.num_components) do
561 begin
562 if (compptr^.dc_tbl_no > 1) or (compptr^.ac_tbl_no > 1) then
563 is_baseline := FALSE;
564 Inc(compptr);
565 end;
566 if (prec <> 0) and (is_baseline) then
567 begin
568 is_baseline := FALSE;
569 { If it's baseline except for quantizer size, warn the user }
571 TRACEMS(j_common_ptr(cinfo), 0, JTRC_16BIT_TABLES);
572 {$ENDIF}
573 end;
574 end;
576 { Emit the proper SOF marker }
577 if (cinfo^.arith_code) then
578 begin
579 emit_sof(cinfo, M_SOF9); { SOF code for arithmetic coding }
580 end
581 else
582 begin
583 if (cinfo^.progressive_mode) then
584 emit_sof(cinfo, M_SOF2) { SOF code for progressive Huffman }
585 else if (is_baseline) then
586 emit_sof(cinfo, M_SOF0) { SOF code for baseline implementation }
587 else
588 emit_sof(cinfo, M_SOF1); { SOF code for non-baseline Huffman file }
589 end;
590 end;
593 { Write scan header.
594 This consists of DHT or DAC markers, optional DRI, and SOS.
595 Compressed data will be written following the SOS. }
598 procedure write_scan_header (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
599 var
600 marker : my_marker_ptr;
601 i : int;
602 compptr : jpeg_component_info_ptr;
603 begin
604 marker := my_marker_ptr(cinfo^.marker);
605 if (cinfo^.arith_code) then
606 begin
607 { Emit arith conditioning info. We may have some duplication
608 if the file has multiple scans, but it's so small it's hardly
609 worth worrying about. }
610 emit_dac(cinfo);
611 end
612 else
613 begin
614 { Emit Huffman tables.
615 Note that emit_dht() suppresses any duplicate tables. }
616 for i := 0 to Pred(cinfo^.comps_in_scan) do
617 begin
618 compptr := cinfo^.cur_comp_info[i];
619 if (cinfo^.progressive_mode) then
620 begin
621 { Progressive mode: only DC or only AC tables are used in one scan }
622 if (cinfo^.Ss = 0) then
623 begin
624 if (cinfo^.Ah = 0) then { DC needs no table for refinement scan }
625 emit_dht(cinfo, compptr^.dc_tbl_no, FALSE);
626 end
627 else
628 begin
629 emit_dht(cinfo, compptr^.ac_tbl_no, TRUE);
630 end;
631 end
632 else
633 begin
634 { Sequential mode: need both DC and AC tables }
635 emit_dht(cinfo, compptr^.dc_tbl_no, FALSE);
636 emit_dht(cinfo, compptr^.ac_tbl_no, TRUE);
637 end;
638 end;
639 end;
641 { Emit DRI if required --- note that DRI value could change for each scan.
642 We avoid wasting space with unnecessary DRIs, however. }
644 if (cinfo^.restart_interval <> marker^.last_restart_interval) then
645 begin
646 emit_dri(cinfo);
647 marker^.last_restart_interval := cinfo^.restart_interval;
648 end;
650 emit_sos(cinfo);
651 end;
655 { Write datastream trailer. }
659 procedure write_file_trailer (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
660 begin
661 emit_marker(cinfo, M_EOI);
662 end;
665 { Write an abbreviated table-specification datastream.
666 This consists of SOI, DQT and DHT tables, and EOI.
667 Any table that is defined and not marked sent_table = TRUE will be
668 emitted. Note that all tables will be marked sent_table = TRUE at exit. }
672 procedure write_tables_only (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
673 var
674 i : int;
675 begin
676 emit_marker(cinfo, M_SOI);
678 for i := 0 to Pred(NUM_QUANT_TBLS) do
679 begin
680 if (cinfo^.quant_tbl_ptrs[i] <> NIL) then
681 emit_dqt(cinfo, i); { dummy := ... }
682 end;
684 if (not cinfo^.arith_code) then
685 begin
686 for i := 0 to Pred(NUM_HUFF_TBLS) do
687 begin
688 if (cinfo^.dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[i] <> NIL) then
689 emit_dht(cinfo, i, FALSE);
690 if (cinfo^.ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[i] <> NIL) then
691 emit_dht(cinfo, i, TRUE);
692 end;
693 end;
695 emit_marker(cinfo, M_EOI);
696 end;
699 { Initialize the marker writer module. }
701 {GLOBAL}
702 procedure jinit_marker_writer (cinfo : j_compress_ptr);
703 var
704 marker : my_marker_ptr;
705 begin
706 { Create the subobject }
707 marker := my_marker_ptr(
708 cinfo^.mem^.alloc_small (j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE,
709 SIZEOF(my_marker_writer)) );
710 cinfo^.marker := jpeg_marker_writer_ptr(marker);
711 { Initialize method pointers }
712 marker^.pub.write_file_header := write_file_header;
713 marker^.pub.write_frame_header := write_frame_header;
714 marker^.pub.write_scan_header := write_scan_header;
715 marker^.pub.write_file_trailer := write_file_trailer;
716 marker^.pub.write_tables_only := write_tables_only;
717 marker^.pub.write_marker_header := write_marker_header;
718 marker^.pub.write_marker_byte := write_marker_byte;
719 { Initialize private state }
720 marker^.last_restart_interval := 0;
721 end;
724 end.