render: draw touch controls via render
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / vampimg / ImagingXpm.pas
1 {
2 Vampyre Imaging Library
3 by Marek Mauder
6 The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla
7 Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
8 in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
12 WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
13 the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
15 Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
16 GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the
17 provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above.
18 If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms
19 of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file
20 under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
21 replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL
22 License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use
23 your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License.
25 For more information about the LGPL:
26 }
28 { This unit contains image format loader for X Window Pixmap images. }
29 unit ImagingXpm;
30 {$I}
32 interface
34 uses
35 SysUtils, Classes, Contnrs, ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingUtility,
36 ImagingFormats, ImagingIO, ImagingCanvases;
38 type
39 { Class for loading X Window Pixmap images known as XPM.
40 It is ASCII-text-based format, basicaly a fragment of C code
41 declaring static array. Loaded image is in ifA8R8G8B8 data format.
42 Loading as well as saving is supported now. }
43 TXPMFileFormat = class(TImageFileFormat)
44 protected
45 procedure Define; override;
46 function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray;
47 OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override;
48 function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray;
49 Index: LongInt): Boolean; override;
50 procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData;
51 const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override;
52 public
53 function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; override;
54 end;
56 implementation
58 const
59 SXPMFormatName = 'X Window Pixmap';
60 SXPMMasks = '*.xpm';
61 XPMSupportedFormats: TImageFormats = [ifA8R8G8B8];
63 const
64 SXPMId = '/* XPM */';
65 WhiteSpaces = [#9, #10, #13, #32];
67 const
68 BucketCount = 257;
70 type
71 TColorHolder = class
72 public
73 Color: TColor32;
74 end;
76 TBucketItem = record
77 Key: TColor32;
78 Data: string[8];
79 end;
81 TBucketItemArray = array of TBucketItem;
83 TBucket = record
84 Count: Integer;
85 ItemIdxStart: Integer;
86 Items: TBucketItemArray;
87 end;
89 TBucketArray = array of TBucket;
91 { Simple color-string hash table for faster than linear searches
92 during XPM saving. }
93 TSimpleBucketList = class
94 private
95 FBuckets: TBucketArray;
96 FItemCount: Integer;
97 FABucket, FAIndex: Integer;
98 function GetData(AKey: TColor32): string;
99 procedure SetData(AKey: TColor32; const AData: string);
100 function FindItem(AKey: TColor32; out ABucket, AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
101 public
102 constructor Create;
103 procedure Add(AKey: TColor32; const AData: string);
104 function Exists(AKey: TColor32): Boolean;
105 function EnumNext(out AData: string): TColor32;
106 property Data[AKey: TColor32]: string read GetData write SetData; default;
107 property ItemCount: Integer read FItemCount;
108 end;
110 { TSimpleBucketList }
112 constructor TSimpleBucketList.Create;
113 begin
114 SetLength(FBuckets, BucketCount);
115 end;
117 function TSimpleBucketList.GetData(AKey: TColor32): string;
118 var
119 Bucket, Index: Integer;
120 begin
121 Result := '';
122 if FindItem(AKey, Bucket, Index) then
123 Result := string(FBuckets[Bucket].Items[Index].Data);
124 end;
126 procedure TSimpleBucketList.SetData(AKey: TColor32; const AData: string);
127 var
128 Bucket, Index: Integer;
129 begin
130 if FindItem(AKey, Bucket, Index) then
131 FBuckets[Bucket].Items[Index].Data := ShortString(AData);
132 end;
134 function TSimpleBucketList.EnumNext(out AData: string): TColor32;
135 begin
136 // Skip empty buckets
137 while FAIndex >= FBuckets[FABucket].Count do
138 begin
139 Inc(FABucket);
140 if FABucket >= Length(FBuckets) then
141 FABucket := 0;
142 FAIndex := 0;
143 end;
145 Result := FBuckets[FABucket].Items[FAIndex].Key;
146 AData := string(FBuckets[FABucket].Items[FAIndex].Data);
147 Inc(FAIndex);
148 end;
150 function TSimpleBucketList.FindItem(AKey: TColor32; out ABucket,
151 AIndex: Integer): Boolean;
152 var
153 I: Integer;
154 Col: TColor32Rec;
155 begin
156 Result := False;
157 Col := TColor32Rec(AKey);
158 ABucket := (Col.A + 11 * Col.B + 59 * Col.R + 119 * Col.G) mod BucketCount;
159 with FBuckets[ABucket] do
160 for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
161 if Items[I].Key = AKey then
162 begin
163 AIndex := I;
164 Result := True;
165 Break;
166 end;
167 end;
169 procedure TSimpleBucketList.Add(AKey: TColor32; const AData: string);
170 var
171 Bucket, Index, Delta, Size: Integer;
172 begin
173 if not FindItem(AKey, Bucket, Index) then
174 with FBuckets[Bucket] do
175 begin
176 Size := Length(Items);
177 if Count = Size then
178 begin
179 if Size > 64 then
180 Delta := Size div 4
181 else
182 Delta := 16;
183 SetLength(Items, Size + Delta);
184 end;
186 with Items[Count] do
187 begin
188 Key := AKey;
189 Data := ShortString(AData);
190 end;
191 Inc(Count);
192 Inc(FItemCount);
193 end;
194 end;
196 function TSimpleBucketList.Exists(AKey: TColor32): Boolean;
197 var
198 Bucket, Index: Integer;
199 begin
200 Result := FindItem(AKey, Bucket, Index);
201 end;
204 TXPMFileFormat implementation
207 procedure TXPMFileFormat.Define;
208 begin
209 inherited;
210 FName := SXPMFormatName;
211 FFeatures := [ffLoad, ffSave];
212 FSupportedFormats := XPMSupportedFormats;
214 AddMasks(SXPMMasks);
215 end;
217 function TXPMFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle;
218 var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean;
219 var
220 Contents, PalLookup: TStringList;
221 S: AnsiString;
222 I, J, NumColors, Cpp, Line: Integer;
224 procedure SkipWhiteSpace(var Line: string);
225 begin
226 while (Length(Line) > 0) and (AnsiChar(Line[1]) in WhiteSpaces) do
227 Delete(Line, 1, 1);
228 end;
230 function ReadString(var Line: string): string;
231 begin
232 Result := '';
233 SkipWhiteSpace(Line);
234 while (Length(Line) > 0) and not (AnsiChar(Line[1]) in WhiteSpaces) do
235 begin
236 SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1);
237 Result[Length(Result)] := Line[1];
238 Delete(Line, 1, 1);
239 end;
240 end;
242 function ReadInt(var Line: string): Integer;
243 begin
244 Result := StrToInt(ReadString(Line));
245 end;
247 function ParseHeader: Boolean;
248 var
249 S: string;
250 begin
251 S := Contents[0];
252 try
253 Images[0].Width := ReadInt(S);
254 Images[0].Height := ReadInt(S);
255 NumColors := ReadInt(S);
256 Cpp := ReadInt(S);
257 Line := 1;
258 Result := True;
259 except
260 Result := False;
261 end;
262 end;
264 function NamedToColor(const ColStr: string): TColor32;
265 var
266 S: string;
267 begin
268 S := LowerCase(ColStr);
269 if (S = 'transparent') or (S = 'none') then
270 Result := pcClear
271 else if S = 'black' then
272 Result := pcBlack
273 else if S = 'blue' then
274 Result := pcBlue
275 else if S = 'green' then
276 Result := pcGreen
277 else if S = 'cyan' then
278 Result := pcAqua
279 else if S = 'red' then
280 Result := pcRed
281 else if S = 'magenta' then
282 Result := pcFuchsia
283 else if S = 'yellow' then
284 Result := pcYellow
285 else if S = 'white' then
286 Result := pcWhite
287 else if S = 'gray' then
288 Result := pcLtGray
289 else if S = 'dkblue' then
290 Result := pcNavy
291 else if S = 'dkgreen' then
292 Result := pcGreen
293 else if S = 'dkcyan' then
294 Result := pcTeal
295 else if S = 'dkred' then
296 Result := pcMaroon
297 else if S = 'dkmagenta' then
298 Result := pcPurple
299 else if S = 'dkyellow' then
300 Result := pcOlive
301 else if S = 'maroon' then
302 Result := pcMaroon
303 else if S = 'olive' then
304 Result := pcOlive
305 else if S = 'navy' then
306 Result := pcNavy
307 else if S = 'purple' then
308 Result := pcPurple
309 else if S = 'teal' then
310 Result := pcTeal
311 else if S = 'silver' then
312 Result := pcSilver
313 else if S = 'lime' then
314 Result := pcLime
315 else if S = 'fuchsia' then
316 Result := pcFuchsia
317 else if S = 'aqua' then
318 Result := pcAqua
319 else
320 Result := pcClear;
321 end;
323 procedure ParsePalette;
324 var
325 I: Integer;
326 S, ColType, ColStr, Code: string;
327 Color: TColor32;
328 Holder: TColorHolder;
329 begin
330 for I := 0 to NumColors - 1 do
331 begin
332 Holder := TColorHolder.Create;
333 // Parse pixel code and color
334 S := Contents[Line + I];
335 Code := Copy(S, 1, Cpp);
336 Delete(S, 1, Cpp);
337 ColType := ReadString(S);
338 ColStr := ReadString(S);
339 // Convert color from hex number or named constant
340 if ColStr[1] = '#' then
341 begin
342 Delete(ColStr, 1, 1);
343 Color := LongWord(StrToInt('$' + Trim(ColStr))) or $FF000000;
344 end
345 else
346 Color := NamedToColor(ColStr);
347 // Store code and color in table for later lookup
348 Holder.Color := Color;
349 PalLookup.AddObject(Code, Holder);
350 end;
351 Inc(Line, NumColors);
352 end;
354 procedure ParsePixels;
355 var
356 X, Y, Idx: Integer;
357 S, Code: string;
358 Pix: PColor32;
359 begin
360 Pix := Images[0].Bits;
361 for Y := 0 to Images[0].Height - 1 do
362 begin
363 S := Contents[Line + Y];
364 for X := 0 to Images[0].Width - 1 do
365 begin
366 // Read code and look up color in the palette
367 Code := Copy(S, X * Cpp + 1, Cpp);
368 if PalLookup.Find(Code, Idx) then
369 Pix^ := TColorHolder(PalLookup.Objects[Idx]).Color
370 else
371 Pix^ := pcClear;
372 Inc(Pix);
373 end;
374 end;
375 end;
377 begin
378 Result := False;
379 SetLength(Images, 1);
380 with GetIO, Images[0] do
381 begin
382 // Look up table for XPM palette entries
383 PalLookup := TStringList.Create;
384 PalLookup.Sorted := True;
385 PalLookup.CaseSensitive := True;
386 // Read whole file and assign it to string list
387 Contents := TStringList.Create;
388 SetLength(S, GetInputSize(GetIO, Handle));
389 Read(Handle, @S[1], Length(S));
390 Contents.Text := string(S);
391 // Remove quotes and other stuff
392 for I := Contents.Count - 1 downto 0 do
393 begin
394 J := Pos('"', Contents[I]);
395 if J > 0 then
396 Contents[I] := Copy(Contents[I], J + 1, LastDelimiter('"', Contents[I]) - J - 1)
397 else
398 Contents.Delete(I);
399 end;
400 // Parse header and create new image
401 if not ParseHeader then
402 Exit;
403 NewImage(Width, Height, ifA8R8G8B8, Images[0]);
404 // Read palette entries and assign colors to pixels
405 ParsePalette;
406 ParsePixels;
408 Contents.Free;
409 for I := 0 to PalLookup.Count - 1 do
410 PalLookup.Objects[I].Free;
411 PalLookup.Free;
412 Result := True;
413 end;
414 end;
416 function TXPMFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle;
417 const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean;
418 const
419 ColorCharsCount = 92;
420 ColorChars = ' .XoO+@#$%&*=-;:>,<1234567890qwertyuipasdfghjklzxcvbnmMNBVCZASDFGHJKLPIUYTREWQ!~^/()_`''][{}|';
421 var
422 X, Y: Integer;
423 ImageToSave: TImageData;
424 MustBeFreed: Boolean;
425 StrFile: TStringList;
426 ColTable: TSimpleBucketList;
427 Stream: TMemoryStream;
428 Line, Id: string;
429 CharsPerPixel: Integer;
430 Ptr: PColor32Rec;
431 ColRec: TColor32Rec;
433 procedure BuildColorTables(const Img: TImageData);
434 var
435 I: Integer;
436 begin
437 Ptr := Img.Bits;
438 for I := 0 to Img.Width * Img.Height - 1 do
439 begin
440 if not ColTable.Exists(Ptr.Color) then
441 ColTable.Add(Ptr.Color, '');
442 Inc(Ptr);
443 end;
444 end;
446 procedure MakeStrIdsForColors;
447 var
448 I, J, K: Integer;
449 Id, Data: string;
450 begin
451 SetLength(Id, CharsPerPixel);
452 for I := 0 to ColTable.ItemCount - 1 do
453 begin
454 ColRec.Color := ColTable.EnumNext(Data);
455 K := I;
456 for J := 0 to CharsPerPixel - 1 do
457 begin
458 Id[J + 1] := ColorChars[K mod ColorCharsCount + 1];
459 K := K div ColorCharsCount;
460 end;
461 ColTable.Data[ColRec.Color] := Id;
462 end;
463 end;
465 begin
466 Result := False;
468 StrFile := TStringList.Create;
469 ColTable := TSimpleBucketList.Create;
470 Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
472 if MakeCompatible(Images[Index], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed) then
473 try
474 // Put all unique colors of image to table
475 BuildColorTables(ImageToSave);
476 // Compute the character per pixel
477 CharsPerPixel := 1;
478 X := ColorCharsCount;
479 while ColTable.ItemCount > X do
480 begin
481 X := X * ColorCharsCount;
482 Inc(CharsPerPixel);
483 end;
484 // Assign char id to each color
485 MakeStrIdsForColors;
487 // Start writing XPM file
488 StrFile.Add(SXPMId);
489 StrFile.Add('static char *graphic[] = {');
490 StrFile.Add('/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */');
491 StrFile.Add(SysUtils.Format('"%d %d %d %d", ', [ImageToSave.Width,
492 ImageToSave.Height, ColTable.ItemCount, CharsPerPixel]));
493 StrFile.Add('/* colors */');
495 // Write 'colors' part of XPM file
496 for X := 0 to ColTable.ItemCount - 1 do
497 begin
498 ColRec.Color := ColTable.EnumNext(Id);
499 if ColRec.A >= 128 then
500 StrFile.Add(Format('"%s c #%.2x%.2x%.2x",', [Id, ColRec.R, ColRec.G, ColRec.B]))
501 else
502 StrFile.Add(Format('"%s c None",', [Id]));
503 end;
505 StrFile.Add('/* pixels */');
507 // Write pixels - for aech pixel of image find its char id
508 // and append it to line
509 Ptr := ImageToSave.Bits;
510 for Y := 0 to ImageToSave.Height - 1 do
511 begin
512 Line := '';
513 for X := 0 to ImageToSave.Width - 1 do
514 begin
515 Line := Line + ColTable.Data[Ptr.Color];
516 Inc(Ptr);
517 end;
518 Line := '"' + Line + '"';
519 if Y < ImageToSave.Height - 1 then
520 Line := Line + ',';
521 StrFile.Add(Line);
522 end;
524 StrFile.Add('};');
526 // Finally save strings to stream and write stream's data to output
527 // (we could directly write lines from list to output, but stream method
528 // takes care of D2009+ Unicode strings).
529 StrFile.SaveToStream(Stream);
530 GetIO.Write(Handle, Stream.Memory, Stream.Size);
532 Result := True;
533 finally
534 StrFile.Free;
535 ColTable.Free;
536 Stream.Free;
537 if MustBeFreed then
538 FreeImage(ImageToSave);
539 end;
540 end;
542 procedure TXPMFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData;
543 const Info: TImageFormatInfo);
544 begin
545 ConvertImage(Image, ifA8R8G8B8)
546 end;
548 function TXPMFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean;
549 var
550 Id: array[0 .. 8] of AnsiChar;
551 ReadCount: Integer;
552 begin
553 Result := False;
554 if Handle <> nil then
555 begin
556 ReadCount := GetIO.Read(Handle, @Id, SizeOf(Id));
557 GetIO.Seek(Handle, -ReadCount, smFromCurrent);
558 Result := (Id = SXPMId) and (ReadCount = SizeOf(Id));
559 end;
560 end;
562 initialization
564 RegisterImageFileFormat(TXPMFileFormat);
567 File Notes:
569 -- TODOS ----------------------------------------------------
570 - nothing now
572 -- 0.26.3 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
573 - Added XPM saving.
575 -- 0.25.0 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
576 - Added XPM loading.
577 - Unit created.
580 end.