added forgotten jpeg support
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / vampimg / ImagingJpeg.pas
1 {
2 $Id: ImagingJpeg.pas 168 2009-08-22 18:50:21Z galfar $
3 Vampyre Imaging Library
4 by Marek Mauder
7 The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to the Mozilla
8 Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
9 in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
13 WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
14 the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
16 Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
17 GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the
18 provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above.
19 If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms
20 of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file
21 under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
22 replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL
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24 your version of this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License.
26 For more information about the LGPL:
27 }
29 { This unit contains image format loader/saver for Jpeg images.}
30 unit ImagingJpeg;
32 {$I}
34 { You can choose which Pascal JpegLib implementation will be used.
35 IMJPEGLIB is version bundled with Imaging which works with all supported
36 compilers and platforms.
37 PASJPEG is original JpegLib translation or version modified for FPC
38 (and shipped with it). You can use PASJPEG if this version is already
39 linked with another part of your program and you don't want to have
40 two quite large almost the same libraries linked to your exe.
41 This is the case with Lazarus applications for example.}
46 { Automatically use FPC's PasJpeg when compiling with Lazarus. But not when
47 WINDOWS is defined. See,90.0.html}
48 {$IF Defined(LCL) and not Defined(WINDOWS)}
51 {$IFEND}
53 interface
55 uses
56 SysUtils, ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingColors,
57 {$IF Defined(IMJPEGLIB)}
58 imjpeglib, imjmorecfg, imjcomapi, imjdapimin, imjdeferr, imjerror,
59 imjdapistd, imjcapimin, imjcapistd, imjdmarker, imjcparam,
60 {$ELSEIF Defined(PASJPEG)}
61 jpeglib, jmorecfg, jcomapi, jdapimin, jdeferr, jerror,
62 jdapistd, jcapimin, jcapistd, jdmarker, jcparam,
63 {$IFEND}
64 ImagingUtility;
66 {$IF Defined(FPC) and Defined(PASJPEG)}
67 { When using FPC's pasjpeg in FPC the channel order is BGR instead of RGB}
69 {$IFEND}
71 type
72 { Class for loading/saving Jpeg images. Supports load/save of
73 8 bit grayscale and 24 bit RGB images. Jpegs can be saved with optional
74 progressive encoding.
75 Based on IJG's JpegLib so doesn't support alpha channels and lossless
76 coding.}
77 TJpegFileFormat = class(TImageFileFormat)
78 private
79 FGrayScale: Boolean;
80 protected
81 FQuality: LongInt;
82 FProgressive: LongBool;
83 procedure SetJpegIO(const JpegIO: TIOFunctions); virtual;
84 function LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle; var Images: TDynImageDataArray;
85 OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean; override;
86 function SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle; const Images: TDynImageDataArray;
87 Index: LongInt): Boolean; override;
88 procedure ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData;
89 const Info: TImageFormatInfo); override;
90 public
91 constructor Create; override;
92 function TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean; override;
93 procedure CheckOptionsValidity; override;
94 published
95 { Controls Jpeg save compression quality. It is number in range 1..100.
96 1 means small/ugly file, 100 means large/nice file. Accessible trough
97 ImagingJpegQuality option.}
98 property Quality: LongInt read FQuality write FQuality;
99 { If True Jpeg images are saved in progressive format. Accessible trough
100 ImagingJpegProgressive option.}
101 property Progressive: LongBool read FProgressive write FProgressive;
102 end;
104 implementation
106 const
107 SJpegFormatName = 'Joint Photographic Experts Group Image';
108 SJpegMasks = '*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.jfif,*.jpe,*.jif';
109 JpegSupportedFormats: TImageFormats = [ifR8G8B8, ifGray8];
110 JpegDefaultQuality = 90;
111 JpegDefaultProgressive = False;
113 const
114 { Jpeg file identifiers.}
115 JpegMagic: TChar2 = #$FF#$D8;
116 BufferSize = 16384;
118 resourcestring
119 SJpegError = 'JPEG Error';
121 type
122 TJpegContext = record
123 case Byte of
124 0: (common: jpeg_common_struct);
125 1: (d: jpeg_decompress_struct);
126 2: (c: jpeg_compress_struct);
127 end;
129 TSourceMgr = record
130 Pub: jpeg_source_mgr;
131 Input: TImagingHandle;
132 Buffer: JOCTETPTR;
133 StartOfFile: Boolean;
134 end;
135 PSourceMgr = ^TSourceMgr;
137 TDestMgr = record
138 Pub: jpeg_destination_mgr;
139 Output: TImagingHandle;
140 Buffer: JOCTETPTR;
141 end;
142 PDestMgr = ^TDestMgr;
144 var
145 JIO: TIOFunctions;
146 JpegErrorMgr: jpeg_error_mgr;
148 { Intenal unit jpeglib support functions }
150 procedure JpegError(CInfo: j_common_ptr);
151 var
152 Buffer: string;
153 begin
154 { Create the message and raise exception }
155 CInfo^.err^.format_message(CInfo, buffer);
156 raise EImagingError.CreateFmt(SJPEGError + ' %d: ' + Buffer, [CInfo.err^.msg_code]);
157 end;
159 procedure OutputMessage(CurInfo: j_common_ptr);
160 begin
161 end;
163 procedure ReleaseContext(var jc: TJpegContext);
164 begin
165 if jc.common.err = nil then
166 Exit;
167 jpeg_destroy(@jc.common);
168 jpeg_destroy_decompress(@jc.d);
169 jpeg_destroy_compress(@jc.c);
170 jc.common.err := nil;
171 end;
173 procedure InitSource(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr);
174 begin
175 PSourceMgr(cinfo.src).StartOfFile := True;
176 end;
178 function FillInputBuffer(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr): Boolean;
179 var
180 NBytes: LongInt;
181 Src: PSourceMgr;
182 begin
183 Src := PSourceMgr(cinfo.src);
184 NBytes := JIO.Read(Src.Input, Src.Buffer, BufferSize);
186 if NBytes <= 0 then
187 begin
188 PChar(Src.Buffer)[0] := #$FF;
189 PChar(Src.Buffer)[1] := Char(JPEG_EOI);
190 NBytes := 2;
191 end;
192 Src.Pub.next_input_byte := Src.Buffer;
193 Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer := NBytes;
194 Src.StartOfFile := False;
195 Result := True;
196 end;
198 procedure SkipInputData(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr; num_bytes: LongInt);
199 var
200 Src: PSourceMgr;
201 begin
202 Src := PSourceMgr(cinfo.src);
203 if num_bytes > 0 then
204 begin
205 while num_bytes > Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer do
206 begin
207 Dec(num_bytes, Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer);
208 FillInputBuffer(cinfo);
209 end;
210 Src.Pub.next_input_byte := @PByteArray(Src.Pub.next_input_byte)[num_bytes];
211 //Inc(LongInt(Src.Pub.next_input_byte), num_bytes);
212 Dec(Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer, num_bytes);
213 end;
214 end;
216 procedure TermSource(cinfo: j_decompress_ptr);
217 var
218 Src: PSourceMgr;
219 begin
220 Src := PSourceMgr(cinfo.src);
221 // Move stream position back just after EOI marker so that more that one
222 // JPEG images can be loaded from one stream
223 JIO.Seek(Src.Input, -Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer, smFromCurrent);
224 end;
226 procedure JpegStdioSrc(var cinfo: jpeg_decompress_struct; Handle:
227 TImagingHandle);
228 var
229 Src: PSourceMgr;
230 begin
231 if cinfo.src = nil then
232 begin
233 cinfo.src := cinfo.mem.alloc_small(j_common_ptr(@cinfo), JPOOL_PERMANENT,
234 SizeOf(TSourceMgr));
235 Src := PSourceMgr(cinfo.src);
236 Src.Buffer := cinfo.mem.alloc_small(j_common_ptr(@cinfo), JPOOL_PERMANENT,
237 BufferSize * SizeOf(JOCTET));
238 end;
239 Src := PSourceMgr(cinfo.src);
240 Src.Pub.init_source := InitSource;
241 Src.Pub.fill_input_buffer := FillInputBuffer;
242 Src.Pub.skip_input_data := SkipInputData;
243 Src.Pub.resync_to_restart := jpeg_resync_to_restart;
244 Src.Pub.term_source := TermSource;
245 Src.Input := Handle;
246 Src.Pub.bytes_in_buffer := 0;
247 Src.Pub.next_input_byte := nil;
248 end;
250 procedure InitDest(cinfo: j_compress_ptr);
251 var
252 Dest: PDestMgr;
253 begin
254 Dest := PDestMgr(cinfo.dest);
255 Dest.Pub.next_output_byte := Dest.Buffer;
256 Dest.Pub.free_in_buffer := BufferSize;
257 end;
259 function EmptyOutput(cinfo: j_compress_ptr): Boolean;
260 var
261 Dest: PDestMgr;
262 begin
263 Dest := PDestMgr(cinfo.dest);
264 JIO.Write(Dest.Output, Dest.Buffer, BufferSize);
265 Dest.Pub.next_output_byte := Dest.Buffer;
266 Dest.Pub.free_in_buffer := BufferSize;
267 Result := True;
268 end;
270 procedure TermDest(cinfo: j_compress_ptr);
271 var
272 Dest: PDestMgr;
273 DataCount: LongInt;
274 begin
275 Dest := PDestMgr(cinfo.dest);
276 DataCount := BufferSize - Dest.Pub.free_in_buffer;
277 if DataCount > 0 then
278 JIO.Write(Dest.Output, Dest.Buffer, DataCount);
279 end;
281 procedure JpegStdioDest(var cinfo: jpeg_compress_struct; Handle:
282 TImagingHandle);
283 var
284 Dest: PDestMgr;
285 begin
286 if cinfo.dest = nil then
287 cinfo.dest := cinfo.mem.alloc_small(j_common_ptr(@cinfo),
288 JPOOL_PERMANENT, SizeOf(TDestMgr));
289 Dest := PDestMgr(cinfo.dest);
290 Dest.Buffer := cinfo.mem.alloc_small(j_common_ptr(@cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE,
291 BufferSize * SIZEOF(JOCTET));
292 Dest.Pub.init_destination := InitDest;
293 Dest.Pub.empty_output_buffer := EmptyOutput;
294 Dest.Pub.term_destination := TermDest;
295 Dest.Output := Handle;
296 end;
298 procedure InitDecompressor(Handle: TImagingHandle; var jc: TJpegContext);
299 begin
300 FillChar(jc, sizeof(jc), 0);
301 // Set standard error handlers and then override some
302 jc.common.err := jpeg_std_error(JpegErrorMgr);
303 jc.common.err.error_exit := JpegError;
304 jc.common.err.output_message := OutputMessage;
306 jpeg_CreateDecompress(@jc.d, JPEG_LIB_VERSION, sizeof(jc.d));
307 JpegStdioSrc(jc.d, Handle);
308 jpeg_read_header(@jc.d, True);
309 jc.d.scale_num := 1;
310 jc.d.scale_denom := 1;
311 jc.d.do_block_smoothing := True;
312 if jc.d.out_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE then
313 begin
314 jc.d.quantize_colors := True;
315 jc.d.desired_number_of_colors := 256;
316 end;
317 end;
319 procedure InitCompressor(Handle: TImagingHandle; var jc: TJpegContext;
320 Saver: TJpegFileFormat);
321 begin
322 FillChar(jc, sizeof(jc), 0);
323 // Set standard error handlers and then override some
324 jc.common.err := jpeg_std_error(JpegErrorMgr);
325 jc.common.err.error_exit := JpegError;
326 jc.common.err.output_message := OutputMessage;
328 jpeg_CreateCompress(@jc.c, JPEG_LIB_VERSION, sizeof(jc.c));
329 JpegStdioDest(jc.c, Handle);
330 if Saver.FGrayScale then
331 jc.c.in_color_space := JCS_GRAYSCALE
332 else
333 jc.c.in_color_space := JCS_YCbCr;
334 jpeg_set_defaults(@jc.c);
335 jpeg_set_quality(@jc.c, Saver.FQuality, True);
336 if Saver.FProgressive then
337 jpeg_simple_progression(@jc.c);
338 end;
340 { TJpegFileFormat class implementation }
342 constructor TJpegFileFormat.Create;
343 begin
344 inherited Create;
345 FName := SJpegFormatName;
346 FCanLoad := True;
347 FCanSave := True;
348 FIsMultiImageFormat := False;
349 FSupportedFormats := JpegSupportedFormats;
351 FQuality := JpegDefaultQuality;
352 FProgressive := JpegDefaultProgressive;
354 AddMasks(SJpegMasks);
355 RegisterOption(ImagingJpegQuality, @FQuality);
356 RegisterOption(ImagingJpegProgressive, @FProgressive);
357 end;
359 procedure TJpegFileFormat.CheckOptionsValidity;
360 begin
361 // Check if option values are valid
362 if not (FQuality in [1..100]) then
363 FQuality := JpegDefaultQuality;
364 end;
366 function TJpegFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle;
367 var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean;
368 var
369 PtrInc, LinesPerCall, LinesRead, I: Integer;
370 Dest: PByte;
371 jc: TJpegContext;
372 Info: TImageFormatInfo;
373 Col32: PColor32Rec;
375 Pix: PColor24Rec;
376 {$ENDIF}
377 begin
378 // Copy IO functions to global var used in JpegLib callbacks
379 Result := False;
380 SetJpegIO(GetIO);
381 SetLength(Images, 1);
383 with JIO, Images[0] do
384 try
385 InitDecompressor(Handle, jc);
386 case jc.d.out_color_space of
387 JCS_GRAYSCALE: Format := ifGray8;
388 JCS_RGB: Format := ifR8G8B8;
389 JCS_CMYK: Format := ifA8R8G8B8;
390 else
391 Exit;
392 end;
393 NewImage(jc.d.image_width, jc.d.image_height, Format, Images[0]);
394 jpeg_start_decompress(@jc.d);
395 GetImageFormatInfo(Format, Info);
396 PtrInc := Width * Info.BytesPerPixel;
397 LinesPerCall := 1;
398 Dest := Bits;
400 while jc.d.output_scanline < jc.d.output_height do
401 begin
402 LinesRead := jpeg_read_scanlines(@jc.d, @Dest, LinesPerCall);
404 if Format = ifR8G8B8 then
405 begin
406 Pix := PColor24Rec(Dest);
407 for I := 0 to Width - 1 do
408 begin
409 SwapValues(Pix.R, Pix.B);
410 Inc(Pix);
411 end;
412 end;
413 {$ENDIF}
414 Inc(Dest, PtrInc * LinesRead);
415 end;
417 if jc.d.out_color_space = JCS_CMYK then
418 begin
419 Col32 := Bits;
420 // Translate from CMYK to RGB
421 for I := 0 to Width * Height - 1 do
422 begin
423 CMYKToRGB(255 - Col32.B, 255 - Col32.G, 255 - Col32.R, 255 - Col32.A,
424 Col32.R, Col32.G, Col32.B);
425 Col32.A := 255;
426 Inc(Col32);
427 end;
428 end;
430 jpeg_finish_output(@jc.d);
431 jpeg_finish_decompress(@jc.d);
432 Result := True;
433 finally
434 ReleaseContext(jc);
435 end;
436 end;
438 function TJpegFileFormat.SaveData(Handle: TImagingHandle;
439 const Images: TDynImageDataArray; Index: LongInt): Boolean;
440 var
441 PtrInc, LinesWritten: LongInt;
442 Src, Line: PByte;
443 jc: TJpegContext;
444 ImageToSave: TImageData;
445 Info: TImageFormatInfo;
446 MustBeFreed: Boolean;
448 I: LongInt;
449 Pix: PColor24Rec;
450 {$ENDIF}
451 begin
452 Result := False;
453 // Copy IO functions to global var used in JpegLib callbacks
454 SetJpegIO(GetIO);
455 // Makes image to save compatible with Jpeg saving capabilities
456 if MakeCompatible(Images[Index], ImageToSave, MustBeFreed) then
457 with JIO, ImageToSave do
458 try
459 GetImageFormatInfo(Format, Info);
460 FGrayScale := Format = ifGray8;
461 InitCompressor(Handle, jc, Self);
462 jc.c.image_width := Width;
463 jc.c.image_height := Height;
464 if FGrayScale then
465 begin
466 jc.c.input_components := 1;
467 jc.c.in_color_space := JCS_GRAYSCALE;
468 end
469 else
470 begin
471 jc.c.input_components := 3;
472 jc.c.in_color_space := JCS_RGB;
473 end;
475 PtrInc := Width * Info.BytesPerPixel;
476 Src := Bits;
479 GetMem(Line, PtrInc);
480 {$ENDIF}
482 jpeg_start_compress(@jc.c, True);
483 while (jc.c.next_scanline < jc.c.image_height) do
484 begin
486 if Format = ifR8G8B8 then
487 begin
488 Move(Src^, Line^, PtrInc);
489 Pix := PColor24Rec(Line);
490 for I := 0 to Width - 1 do
491 begin
492 SwapValues(Pix.R, Pix.B);
493 Inc(Pix, 1);
494 end;
495 end;
496 {$ELSE}
497 Line := Src;
498 {$ENDIF}
500 LinesWritten := jpeg_write_scanlines(@jc.c, @Line, 1);
501 Inc(Src, PtrInc * LinesWritten);
502 end;
504 jpeg_finish_compress(@jc.c);
505 Result := True;
506 finally
507 ReleaseContext(jc);
508 if MustBeFreed then
509 FreeImage(ImageToSave);
511 FreeMem(Line);
512 {$ENDIF}
513 end;
514 end;
516 procedure TJpegFileFormat.ConvertToSupported(var Image: TImageData;
517 const Info: TImageFormatInfo);
518 begin
519 if Info.HasGrayChannel then
520 ConvertImage(Image, ifGray8)
521 else
522 ConvertImage(Image, ifR8G8B8);
523 end;
525 function TJpegFileFormat.TestFormat(Handle: TImagingHandle): Boolean;
526 var
527 ReadCount: LongInt;
528 ID: array[0..9] of AnsiChar;
529 begin
530 Result := False;
531 if Handle <> nil then
532 with GetIO do
533 begin
534 FillChar(ID, SizeOf(ID), 0);
535 ReadCount := Read(Handle, @ID, SizeOf(ID));
536 Seek(Handle, -ReadCount, smFromCurrent);
537 Result := (ReadCount = SizeOf(ID)) and
538 CompareMem(@ID, @JpegMagic, SizeOf(JpegMagic));
539 end;
540 end;
542 procedure TJpegFileFormat.SetJpegIO(const JpegIO: TIOFunctions);
543 begin
544 JIO := JpegIO;
545 end;
547 initialization
548 RegisterImageFileFormat(TJpegFileFormat);
551 File Notes:
553 -- TODOS ----------------------------------------------------
554 - nothing now
556 -- 0.26.3 Changes/Bug Fixes ---------------------------------
557 - Changed the Jpeg error manager, messages were not properly formated.
559 -- 0.26.1 Changes/Bug Fixes ---------------------------------
560 - Fixed wrong color space setting in InitCompressor.
561 - Fixed problem with progressive Jpegs in FPC (modified JpegLib,
562 can't use FPC's PasJpeg in Windows).
564 -- 0.25.0 Changes/Bug Fixes ---------------------------------
565 - FPC's PasJpeg wasn't really used in last version, fixed.
567 -- 0.24.1 Changes/Bug Fixes ---------------------------------
568 - Fixed loading of CMYK jpeg images. Could cause heap corruption
569 and loaded image looked wrong.
571 -- 0.23 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
572 - Removed JFIF/EXIF detection from TestFormat. Found JPEGs
573 with different headers (Lavc) which weren't recognized.
575 -- 0.21 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
576 - MakeCompatible method moved to base class, put ConvertToSupported here.
577 GetSupportedFormats removed, it is now set in constructor.
578 - Made public properties for options registered to SetOption/GetOption
579 functions.
580 - Changed extensions to filename masks.
581 - Changed SaveData, LoadData, and MakeCompatible methods according
582 to changes in base class in Imaging unit.
583 - Changes in TestFormat, now reads JFIF and EXIF signatures too.
585 -- 0.19 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
586 - input position is now set correctly to the end of the image
587 after loading is done. Loading of sequence of JPEG files stored in
588 single stream works now
589 - when loading and saving images in FPC with PASJPEG read and
590 blue channels are swapped to have the same chanel order as IMJPEGLIB
591 - you can now choose between IMJPEGLIB and PASJPEG implementations
593 -- 0.17 Changes/Bug Fixes -----------------------------------
594 - added SetJpegIO method which is used by JNG image format
596 end.