render: move more texture load code into render
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / lib / fmod / fmoderrors.pas
1 (* ============================================================================================== *)
2 (* FMOD Ex - Error string header file. Copyright (c), Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd. 2004-2008. *)
3 (* *)
4 (* Use this header if you want to store or display a string version / english explanation of *)
5 (* the FMOD error codes. *)
6 (* *)
7 (* ============================================================================================== *)
9 unit fmoderrors;
11 {$I}
13 interface
15 uses
16 fmodtypes;
18 function FMOD_ErrorString(errcode: FMOD_RESULT): PChar;
20 implementation
22 function FMOD_ErrorString(errcode: FMOD_RESULT): PChar;
23 begin
24 case errcode of
25 FMOD_ERR_ALREADYLOCKED: Result := 'Tried to call lock a second time before unlock was called. ';
26 FMOD_ERR_BADCOMMAND: Result := 'Tried to call a function on a data type that does not allow this type of functionality (ie calling Sound::lock on a streaming sound). ';
27 FMOD_ERR_CDDA_DRIVERS: Result := 'Neither NTSCSI nor ASPI could be initialised. ';
28 FMOD_ERR_CDDA_INIT: Result := 'An error occurred while initialising the CDDA subsystem. ';
29 FMOD_ERR_CDDA_INVALID_DEVICE: Result := 'Couldnt find the specified device. ';
30 FMOD_ERR_CDDA_NOAUDIO: Result := 'No audio tracks on the specified disc. ';
31 FMOD_ERR_CDDA_NODEVICES: Result := 'No CD/DVD devices were found. ';
32 FMOD_ERR_CDDA_NODISC: Result := 'No disc present in the specified drive. ';
33 FMOD_ERR_CDDA_READ: Result := 'A CDDA read error occurred. ';
34 FMOD_ERR_CHANNEL_ALLOC: Result := 'Error trying to allocate a channel. ';
35 FMOD_ERR_CHANNEL_STOLEN: Result := 'The specified channel has been reused to play another sound. ';
36 FMOD_ERR_COM: Result := 'A Win32 COM related error occured. COM failed to initialize or a QueryInterface failed meaning a Windows codec or driver was not installed properly. ';
37 FMOD_ERR_DMA: Result := 'DMA Failure. See debug output for more information. ';
38 FMOD_ERR_DSP_CONNECTION: Result := 'DSP connection error. Connection possibly caused a cyclic dependancy. Or tried to connect a tree too many units deep (more than 128). ';
39 FMOD_ERR_DSP_FORMAT: Result := 'DSP Format error. A DSP unit may have attempted to connect to this network with the wrong format. ';
40 FMOD_ERR_DSP_NOTFOUND: Result := 'DSP connection error. Couldnt find the DSP unit specified. ';
41 FMOD_ERR_DSP_RUNNING: Result := 'DSP error. Cannot perform this operation while the network is in the middle of running. This will most likely happen if a connection or disconnection is attempted in a DSP callback. ';
42 FMOD_ERR_DSP_TOOMANYCONNECTIONS: Result := 'DSP connection error. The unit being connected to or disconnected should only have 1 input or output. ';
43 FMOD_ERR_EVENT_ALREADY_LOADED: Result := 'The specified project has already been loaded. Having multiple copies of the same project loaded simultaneously is forbidden. ';
44 FMOD_ERR_EVENT_FAILED: Result := 'An Event failed to be retrieved, most likely due to just fail being specified as the max playbacks behavior. ';
45 FMOD_ERR_EVENT_GUIDCONFLICT: Result := 'An event with the same GUID already exists. ';
46 FMOD_ERR_EVENT_INFOONLY: Result := 'Cant execute this command on an EVENT_INFOONLY event. ';
47 FMOD_ERR_EVENT_INTERNAL: Result := 'An error occured that wasnt supposed to. See debug log for reason. ';
48 FMOD_ERR_EVENT_MAXSTREAMS: Result := 'Event failed because Max streams was hit when FMOD_EVENT_INIT_FAIL_ON_MAXSTREAMS was specified. ';
49 FMOD_ERR_EVENT_MISMATCH: Result := 'FSB mismatches the FEV it was compiled with, the stream/sample mode it was meant to be created with was different, or the FEV was built for a different platform. ';
50 FMOD_ERR_EVENT_NAMECONFLICT: Result := 'A category with the same name already exists. ';
51 FMOD_ERR_EVENT_NEEDSSIMPLE: Result := 'Tried to call a function on a complex event thats only supported by simple events. ';
52 FMOD_ERR_EVENT_NOTFOUND: Result := 'The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found. ';
53 FMOD_ERR_FILE_BAD: Result := 'Error loading file. ';
54 FMOD_ERR_FILE_COULDNOTSEEK: Result := 'Couldnt perform seek operation. This is a limitation of the medium (ie netstreams) or the file format. ';
55 FMOD_ERR_FILE_DISKEJECTED: Result := 'Media was ejected while reading. ';
56 FMOD_ERR_FILE_EOF: Result := 'End of file unexpectedly reached while trying to read essential data (truncated data?). ';
57 FMOD_ERR_FILE_NOTFOUND: Result := 'File not found. ';
58 FMOD_ERR_FILE_UNWANTED: Result := 'Unwanted file access occured. ';
59 FMOD_ERR_FORMAT: Result := 'Unsupported file or audio format. ';
60 FMOD_ERR_HTTP: Result := 'A HTTP error occurred. This is a catch-all for HTTP errors not listed elsewhere. ';
61 FMOD_ERR_HTTP_ACCESS: Result := 'The specified resource requires authentication or is forbidden. ';
62 FMOD_ERR_HTTP_PROXY_AUTH: Result := 'Proxy authentication is required to access the specified resource. ';
63 FMOD_ERR_HTTP_SERVER_ERROR: Result := 'A HTTP server error occurred. ';
64 FMOD_ERR_HTTP_TIMEOUT: Result := 'The HTTP request timed out. ';
65 FMOD_ERR_INITIALIZATION: Result := 'FMOD was not initialized correctly to support this function. ';
66 FMOD_ERR_INITIALIZED: Result := 'Cannot call this command after System::init. ';
67 FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL: Result := 'An error occured that wasnt supposed to. Contact support. ';
68 FMOD_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS: Result := 'On Xbox 360, this memory address passed to FMOD must be physical, (ie allocated with XPhysicalAlloc.) ';
69 FMOD_ERR_INVALID_FLOAT: Result := 'Value passed in was a NaN, Inf or denormalized float. ';
70 FMOD_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE: Result := 'An invalid object handle was used. ';
71 FMOD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: Result := 'An invalid parameter was passed to this function. ';
72 FMOD_ERR_INVALID_POSITION: Result := 'An invalid seek position was passed to this function. ';
73 FMOD_ERR_INVALID_SPEAKER: Result := 'An invalid speaker was passed to this function based on the current speaker mode. ';
74 FMOD_ERR_INVALID_SYNCPOINT: Result := 'The syncpoint did not come from this sound handle. ';
75 FMOD_ERR_INVALID_VECTOR: Result := 'The vectors passed in are not unit length, or perpendicular. ';
76 FMOD_ERR_IRX: Result := 'PS2 only. fmodex.irx failed to initialize. This is most likely because you forgot to load it. ';
77 FMOD_ERR_MAXAUDIBLE: Result := 'Reached maximum audible playback count for this sounds soundgroup. ';
78 FMOD_ERR_MEMORY: Result := 'Not enough memory or resources. ';
79 FMOD_ERR_MEMORY_CANTPOINT: Result := 'Cant use FMOD_OPENMEMORY_POINT on non PCM source data, or non mp3/xma/adpcm data if FMOD_CREATECOMPRESSEDSAMPLE was used. ';
80 FMOD_ERR_MEMORY_IOP: Result := 'PS2 only. Not enough memory or resources on PlayStation 2 IOP ram. ';
81 FMOD_ERR_MEMORY_SRAM: Result := 'Not enough memory or resources on console sound ram. ';
82 FMOD_ERR_MUSIC_UNINITIALIZED: Result := 'Music system is not initialized probably because no music data is loaded. ';
83 FMOD_ERR_NEEDS2D: Result := 'Tried to call a command on a 3d sound when the command was meant for 2d sound. ';
84 FMOD_ERR_NEEDS3D: Result := 'Tried to call a command on a 2d sound when the command was meant for 3d sound. ';
85 FMOD_ERR_NEEDSHARDWARE: Result := 'Tried to use a feature that requires hardware support. (ie trying to play a VAG compressed sound in software on PS2). ';
86 FMOD_ERR_NEEDSSOFTWARE: Result := 'Tried to use a feature that requires the software engine. Software engine has either been turned off, or command was executed on a hardware channel which does not support this feature. ';
87 FMOD_ERR_NET_CONNECT: Result := 'Couldnt connect to the specified host. ';
88 FMOD_ERR_NET_SOCKET_ERROR: Result := 'A socket error occurred. This is a catch-all for socket-related errors not listed elsewhere. ';
89 FMOD_ERR_NET_URL: Result := 'The specified URL couldnt be resolved. ';
90 FMOD_ERR_NET_WOULD_BLOCK: Result := 'Operation on a non-blocking socket could not complete immediately. ';
91 FMOD_ERR_NOTREADY: Result := 'Operation could not be performed because specified sound/DSP connection is not ready. ';
92 FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_ALLOCATED: Result := 'Error initializing output device, but more specifically, the output device is already in use and cannot be reused. ';
93 FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_CREATEBUFFER: Result := 'Error creating hardware sound buffer. ';
94 FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_DRIVERCALL: Result := 'A call to a standard soundcard driver failed, which could possibly mean a bug in the driver or resources were missing or exhausted. ';
95 FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_ENUMERATION: Result := 'Error enumerating the available driver list. List may be inconsistent due to a recent device addition or removal. ';
96 FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_FORMAT: Result := 'Soundcard does not support the minimum features needed for this soundsystem (16bit stereo output). ';
97 FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_INIT: Result := 'Error initializing output device. ';
98 FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_NOHARDWARE: Result := 'FMOD_HARDWARE was specified but the sound card does not have the resources necessary to play it. ';
99 FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_NOSOFTWARE: Result := 'Attempted to create a software sound but no software channels were specified in System::init. ';
100 FMOD_ERR_PAN: Result := 'Panning only works with mono or stereo sound sources. ';
101 FMOD_ERR_PLUGIN: Result := 'An unspecified error has been returned from a 3rd party plugin. ';
102 FMOD_ERR_PLUGIN_INSTANCES: Result := 'The number of allowed instances of a plugin has been exceeded. ';
103 FMOD_ERR_PLUGIN_MISSING: Result := 'A requested output, dsp unit type or codec was not available. ';
104 FMOD_ERR_PLUGIN_RESOURCE: Result := 'A resource that the plugin requires cannot be found. (ie the DLS file for MIDI playback) ';
105 FMOD_ERR_PRELOADED: Result := 'The specified sound is still in use by the event system, call EventSystem::unloadFSB before trying to release it. ';
106 FMOD_ERR_RECORD: Result := 'An error occured trying to initialize the recording device. ';
107 FMOD_ERR_REVERB_INSTANCE: Result := 'Specified Instance in FMOD_REVERB_PROPERTIES couldnt be set. Most likely because it is an invalid instance number, or another application has locked the EAX4 FX slot. ';
108 FMOD_ERR_SUBSOUNDS: Result := 'The error occured because the sound referenced contains subsounds. The operation cannot be performed on a parent sound, or a parent sound was played without setting up a sentence first. ';
109 FMOD_ERR_SUBSOUND_ALLOCATED: Result := 'This subsound is already being used by another sound, you cannot have more than one parent to a sound. Null out the other parents entry first. ';
110 FMOD_ERR_SUBSOUND_CANTMOVE: Result := 'Shared subsounds cannot be replaced or moved from their parent stream, such as when the parent stream is an FSB file. ';
111 FMOD_ERR_SUBSOUND_MODE: Result := 'The subsounds mode bits do not match with the parent sounds mode bits. See documentation for function that it was called with. ';
112 FMOD_ERR_TAGNOTFOUND: Result := 'The specified tag could not be found or there are no tags. ';
113 FMOD_ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS: Result := 'The sound created exceeds the allowable input channel count. This can be increased using the maxinputchannels parameter in System::setSoftwareFormat. ';
114 FMOD_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED: Result := 'Something in FMOD hasnt been implemented when it should be! contact support! ';
115 FMOD_ERR_UNINITIALIZED: Result := 'This command failed because System::init or System::setDriver was not called. ';
116 FMOD_ERR_UNSUPPORTED: Result := 'A command issued was not supported by this object. Possibly a plugin without certain callbacks specified. ';
117 FMOD_ERR_UPDATE: Result := 'An error caused by System::update occured. ';
118 FMOD_ERR_VERSION: Result := 'The version number of this file format is not supported. ';
119 FMOD_OK: Result := 'No errors.';
120 else
121 Result := 'Unknown error.';
122 end;
123 end;
125 end.