gl: draw server list
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / game / renders / opengl / r_textures.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
6 *
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
11 *
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 *)
15 {$INCLUDE ../../../shared/}
16 unit r_textures;
18 interface
20 uses
22 GLES11,
23 {$ELSE}
25 {$ENDIF}
26 g_base, g_animations, // TRectHW, TAnimInfo
27 utils,
28 r_atlas, r_fonts
29 ;
31 type
32 TGLAtlas = class;
34 TGLAtlasNode = class (TAtlasNode)
35 private
36 mBase: TGLAtlas;
38 public
39 constructor Create (base: TGLAtlas);
40 destructor Destroy; override;
42 function GetID (): GLuint;
44 property base: TGLAtlas read mBase;
45 property id: GLuint read GetID;
46 end;
48 TGLAtlas = class (TAtlas)
49 private
50 mID: GLuint;
52 public
53 constructor Create (ww, hh: Integer; id: GLuint);
54 destructor Destroy; override;
56 function CreateNode (): TGLAtlasNode; override;
57 function Alloc (ww, hh: Integer): TGLAtlasNode; overload;
59 property id: GLuint read mID write mID default 0;
60 end;
62 TGLTexture = class
63 private
64 mWidth: Integer;
65 mHeight: Integer;
66 mCols: Integer;
67 mTile: array of TGLAtlasNode;
69 public
70 destructor Destroy; override;
72 function GetTile (col, line: Integer): TGLAtlasNode;
74 function GetLines (): Integer; inline;
76 property width: Integer read mWidth;
77 property height: Integer read mHeight;
78 property cols: Integer read mCols;
79 property lines: Integer read GetLines;
80 end;
82 TGLMultiTexture = class
83 private
84 mTexture: array of TGLTexture;
86 public
87 destructor Destroy; override;
89 function GetWidth (): Integer; inline;
90 function GetHeight (): Integer; inline;
91 function GetCount (): Integer; inline;
92 function GetTexture (i: Integer): TGLTexture; {inline;}
94 property width: Integer read GetWidth;
95 property height: Integer read GetHeight;
96 property count: Integer read GetCount;
97 end;
99 TGLTextureArray = array of TGLTexture;
101 TRectArray = array of TRectWH;
103 TGLFont = class sealed (TFont)
104 private
105 info: TFontInfo;
106 ch: TGLTextureArray;
108 public
109 destructor Destroy; override;
110 function GetChar (c: AnsiChar): TGLTexture;
111 function GetWidth (c: AnsiChar): Integer;
112 function GetMaxWidth (): Integer;
113 function GetMaxHeight (): Integer;
114 function GetSpace (): Integer;
115 end;
117 TAnimTextInfo = record
118 name: AnsiString;
119 w, h: Integer;
120 anim: TAnimInfo;
121 end;
123 procedure r_Textures_Initialize;
124 procedure r_Textures_Finalize;
126 function r_Textures_LoadFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLTexture;
127 function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture;
128 function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count: Integer; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture;
129 function r_Textures_LoadMultiTextFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; var txt: TAnimTextInfo; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture;
131 function r_Textures_LoadStreamFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count, cw: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; rs: TRectArray; log: Boolean = True): Boolean;
133 function r_Textures_LoadFontFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; constref f: TFontInfo; skipch: Integer; log: Boolean = true): TGLFont;
135 implementation
137 uses
138 SysUtils, Classes,
139 e_log, e_res, WADReader, Config,
140 Imaging, ImagingTypes, ImagingUtility
143 var
144 maxTileSize: Integer;
145 atl: array of TGLAtlas;
147 (* --------- TGLAtlasNode --------- *)
149 constructor TGLAtlasNode.Create (base: TGLAtlas);
150 begin
151 ASSERT(base <> nil);
152 inherited Create();
153 self.mBase := base;
154 end;
156 destructor TGLAtlasNode.Destroy;
157 begin
158 inherited;
159 end;
161 function TGLAtlasNode.GetID (): GLuint;
162 begin
163 result :=
164 end;
166 procedure r_Textures_UpdateNode (n: TGLAtlasNode; data: Pointer; x, y, w, h: Integer);
167 begin
168 ASSERT(n <> nil);
169 // ASSERT(n.leaf);
170 ASSERT(n.base <> nil);
171 ASSERT(data <> nil);
172 ASSERT(x >= 0);
173 ASSERT(y >= 0);
174 ASSERT(n.l + x + w - 1 <= n.r);
175 ASSERT(n.t + y + h - 1 <= n.b);
176 ASSERT( > 0);
177 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,;
178 glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, n.l + x, n.t + y, w, h, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
179 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
180 end;
182 (* --------- TGLAtlas --------- *)
184 constructor TGLAtlas.Create (ww, hh: Integer; id: GLuint);
185 begin
186 ASSERT(ww > 0);
187 ASSERT(hh > 0);
188 inherited Create(ww, hh);
189 self.mID := id;
190 end;
192 destructor TGLAtlas.Destroy;
193 begin
194 inherited;
195 end;
197 function TGLAtlas.CreateNode (): TGLAtlasNode;
198 begin
199 result := TGLAtlasNode.Create(self);
200 end;
202 function TGLAtlas.Alloc (ww, hh: Integer): TGLAtlasNode;
203 begin
204 result := TGLAtlasNode(inherited Alloc(ww, hh));
205 end;
207 function r_Textures_AllocHWTexture (w, h: Integer): GLuint;
208 var id: GLuint;
209 begin
210 glGenTextures(1, @id);
211 if id <> 0 then
212 begin
213 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id);
216 glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nil);
217 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
218 end;
219 result := id
220 end;
222 function r_Textures_AllocAtlas (): TGLAtlas;
223 var i: Integer; id: GLuint;
224 begin
225 result := nil;
226 id := r_Textures_AllocHWTexture(maxTileSize, maxTileSize);
227 if id <> 0 then
228 begin
229 i := Length(atl);
230 SetLength(atl, i + 1);
231 atl[i] := TGLAtlas.Create(maxTileSize, maxTileSize, id);
232 result := atl[i];
233 end;
234 end;
236 function r_Textures_AllocNode (w, h: Integer): TGLAtlasNode;
237 var i: Integer; n: TGLAtlasNode; a: TGLAtlas;
238 begin
239 n := nil;
240 if atl <> nil then
241 begin
242 i := High(atl);
243 while (i >= 0) and (n = nil) do
244 begin
245 n := atl[i].Alloc(w, h);
246 Dec(i);
247 end;
248 end;
249 if n = nil then
250 begin
251 a := r_Textures_AllocAtlas();
252 if a <> nil then
253 n := a.Alloc(w, h);
254 end;
255 result := n
256 end;
258 (* --------- TGLTexture --------- *)
260 destructor TGLTexture.Destroy;
261 var i: Integer;
262 begin
263 if self.mTile <> nil then
264 begin
265 for i := 0 to High(self.mTile) do
266 begin
267 if self.mTile[i] <> nil then
268 begin
269 self.mTile[i].Dealloc;
270 self.mTile[i] := nil;
271 end;
272 end;
273 self.mTile := nil;
274 end;
275 inherited;
276 end;
278 function TGLTexture.GetLines (): Integer;
279 begin
280 ASSERT(self.mTile <> nil);
281 result := Length(self.mTile) div self.mCols
282 end;
284 function TGLTexture.GetTile (col, line: Integer): TGLAtlasNode;
285 var i: Integer;
286 begin
287 ASSERT(col >= 0);
288 ASSERT(col <= mCols);
289 ASSERT(self.mTile <> nil);
290 i := line * mCols + col;
291 ASSERT(i >= 0);
292 ASSERT(i < Length(mTile));
293 result := mTile[i];
294 ASSERT(result <> nil)
295 end;
297 function r_Textures_Alloc (w, h: Integer): TGLTexture;
298 var x, y, mw, mh, cols, lines: Integer; t: TGLTexture;
299 begin
300 ASSERT(w > 0);
301 ASSERT(h > 0);
302 cols := (w + maxTileSize - 1) div maxTileSize;
303 lines := (h + maxTileSize - 1) div maxTileSize;
304 t := TGLTexture.Create;
305 t.mWidth := w;
306 t.mHeight := h;
307 t.mCols := cols;
308 // t.mLines := lines;
309 SetLength(t.mTile, cols * lines);
310 for y := 0 to lines - 1 do
311 begin
312 mh := Min(maxTileSize, h - y * maxTileSize);
313 ASSERT(mh > 0);
314 for x := 0 to cols - 1 do
315 begin
316 mw := Min(maxTileSize, w - x * maxTileSize);
317 ASSERT(mw > 0);
318 t.mTile[y * cols + x] := r_Textures_AllocNode(mw, mh);
319 end
320 end;
321 result := t;
322 end;
324 (* --------- TGLMultiTexture --------- *)
326 destructor TGLMultiTexture.Destroy;
327 var i: Integer;
328 begin
329 for i := 0 to self.count - 1 do
330 self.mTexture[i].Free;
331 self.mTexture := nil;
332 inherited;
333 end;
335 function TGLMultiTexture.GetWidth (): Integer;
336 begin
337 result := self.mTexture[0].width
338 end;
340 function TGLMultiTexture.GetHeight (): Integer;
341 begin
342 result := self.mTexture[0].height
343 end;
345 function TGLMultiTexture.GetCount (): Integer;
346 begin
347 result := Length(self.mTexture)
348 end;
350 function TGLMultiTexture.GetTexture (i: Integer): TGLTexture;
351 begin
352 ASSERT(i >= 0);
353 ASSERT(i < self.count);
354 result := self.mTexture[i];
355 ASSERT(result <> nil);
356 end;
358 (* --------- Init / Fin --------- *)
360 function r_Textures_GetMaxHardwareSize (): Integer;
361 var size: GLint = 0;
362 begin
363 glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, @size);
364 if size < 64 then size := 64;
365 //if size > 512 then size := 512;
366 //size := 64; // !!!
367 result := size;
368 end;
370 procedure r_Textures_Initialize;
371 begin
372 maxTileSize := r_Textures_GetMaxHardwareSize();
373 end;
375 procedure r_Textures_Finalize;
376 var i: Integer;
377 begin
378 if atl <> nil then
379 begin
380 for i := 0 to High(atl) do
381 begin
382 glDeleteTextures(1, @atl[i].id);
383 atl[i].id := 0;
384 atl[i].Free;
385 end;
386 atl := nil;
387 end;
388 end;
390 function r_Textures_FixImageData (var img: TImageData): Boolean;
391 begin
392 result := false;
393 if ConvertImage(img, TImageFormat.ifA8R8G8B8) then
394 if SwapChannels(img, ChannelRed, ChannelBlue) then // wtf
395 result := true;
396 end;
398 function r_Textures_LoadFromImage (var img: TImageData): TGLTexture;
399 var t: TGLTexture; n: TGLAtlasNode; c: TDynImageDataArray; cw, ch, i, j: LongInt;
400 begin
401 result := nil;
402 if SplitImage(img, c, maxTileSize, maxTileSize, cw, ch, False) then
403 begin
404 t := r_Textures_Alloc(img.width, img.height);
405 if t <> nil then
406 begin
407 ASSERT(cw = t.cols);
408 ASSERT(ch = t.lines);
409 for j := 0 to ch - 1 do
410 begin
411 for i := 0 to cw - 1 do
412 begin
413 n := t.GetTile(i, j);
414 if n <> nil then
415 r_Textures_UpdateNode(n, c[j * cw + i].bits, 0, 0, n.width, n.height)
416 end
417 end;
418 result := t
419 end;
420 FreeImagesInArray(c);
421 end;
422 end;
424 function r_Textures_LoadFromMemory (data: Pointer; size: LongInt): TGLTexture;
425 var img: TImageData;
426 begin
427 result := nil;
428 if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then
429 begin
430 InitImage(img);
431 try
432 if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then
433 if r_Textures_FixImageData(img) then
434 result := r_Textures_LoadFromImage(img)
435 except
436 end;
437 FreeImage(img);
438 end;
439 end;
441 function r_Textures_LoadFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLTexture;
442 var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer;
443 begin
444 result := nil;
445 wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename);
446 wad := TWADFile.Create();
447 if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then
448 begin
449 resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename);
450 if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then
451 begin
452 result := r_Textures_LoadFromMemory(data, size);
453 FreeMem(data);
454 end;
455 wad.Free
456 end
457 end;
459 function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromImageAndInfo (var img: TImageData; w, h, c: Integer): TGLMultiTexture;
460 var t: TImageData; a: array of TGLTexture; i: Integer; m: TGLMultiTexture;
461 begin
462 ASSERT(w >= 0);
463 ASSERT(h >= 0);
464 ASSERT(c >= 1);
465 result := nil;
466 SetLength(a, c);
467 for i := 0 to c - 1 do
468 begin
469 InitImage(t);
470 if NewImage(w, h, img.Format, t) then
471 if CopyRect(img, w * i, 0, w, h, t, 0, 0) then
472 a[i] := r_Textures_LoadFromImage(t);
473 ASSERT(a[i] <> nil);
474 FreeImage(t);
475 end;
476 m := TGLMultiTexture.Create();
477 m.mTexture := a;
478 ASSERT(m.mTexture <> nil);
479 result := m;
480 end;
482 function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromDataAndInfo (data: Pointer; size: LongInt; w, h, c: Integer): TGLMultiTexture;
483 var img: TImageData;
484 begin
485 ASSERT(w > 0);
486 ASSERT(h > 0);
487 ASSERT(c >= 1);
488 result := nil;
489 if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then
490 begin
491 InitImage(img);
492 try
493 if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then
494 if r_Textures_FixImageData(img) then
495 result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromImageAndInfo(img, w, h, c)
496 except
497 end;
498 FreeImage(img);
499 end;
500 end;
502 function r_Textures_LoadTextFromMemory (data: Pointer; size: LongInt; var txt: TAnimTextInfo): Boolean;
503 var cfg: TConfig;
504 begin
505 result := false;
506 if data <> nil then
507 begin
508 cfg := TConfig.CreateMem(data, size);
509 if cfg <> nil then
510 begin
511 := cfg.ReadStr('', 'resource', '');
512 txt.w := MAX(0, cfg.ReadInt('', 'framewidth', 0));
513 txt.h := MAX(0, cfg.ReadInt('', 'frameheight', 0));
514 txt.anim.loop := true;
515 txt.anim.delay := MAX(0, cfg.ReadInt('', 'waitcount', 0));
516 txt.anim.frames := MAX(0, cfg.ReadInt('', 'framecount', 0));
517 txt.anim.back := cfg.ReadBool('', 'backanim', false);
518 cfg.Free;
519 result := ( <> '') and (txt.w > 0) and (txt.h > 0) and (txt.anim.delay > 0) and (txt.anim.frames > 0);
520 end;
521 end;
522 end;
524 function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromWad (wad: TWADFile; var txt: TAnimTextInfo): TGLMultiTexture;
525 var data: Pointer; size: LongInt; img: TImageData;
526 begin
527 ASSERT(wad <> nil);
528 result := nil;
529 if wad.GetResource('TEXT/ANIM', data, size) then
530 begin
531 if r_Textures_LoadTextFromMemory(data, size, txt) then
532 begin
533 FreeMem(data);
534 if wad.GetResource('TEXTURES/' +, data, size) then
535 begin
536 InitImage(img);
537 try
538 if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then
539 if r_Textures_FixImageData(img) then
540 result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromImageAndInfo(img, txt.w, txt.h, txt.anim.frames);
541 finally
542 FreeMem(data);
543 end;
544 FreeImage(img);
545 end;
546 end
547 else
548 FreeMem(data);
549 end;
550 end;
552 function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromMemory (data: Pointer; size: LongInt; var txt: TAnimTextInfo): TGLMultiTexture;
553 var wad: TWADFile; t: TGLTexture; m: TGLMultiTexture;
554 begin
555 result := nil;
556 if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then
557 begin
558 t := r_Textures_LoadFromMemory(data, size);
559 if t <> nil then
560 begin
561 m := TGLMultiTexture.Create();
562 SetLength(m.mTexture, 1);
563 m.mTexture[0] := t;
564 := '';
565 txt.w := m.width;
566 txt.h := m.height;
567 txt.anim.loop := true;
568 txt.anim.delay := 1;
569 txt.anim.frames := 1;
570 txt.anim.back := false;
571 result := m;
572 end
573 else if IsWadData(data, size) then
574 begin
575 wad := TWADFile.Create();
576 if wad.ReadMemory(data, size) then
577 begin
578 result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromWad(wad, txt);
579 wad.Free;
580 end
581 end
582 end
583 end;
585 function r_Textures_LoadMultiTextFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; var txt: TAnimTextInfo; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture;
586 var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer;
587 begin
588 result := nil;
589 wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename);
590 wad := TWADFile.Create();
591 if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then
592 begin
593 resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename);
594 if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then
595 begin
596 result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromMemory(data, size, txt);
597 FreeMem(data);
598 end;
599 wad.Free
600 end
601 end;
603 function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture;
604 var txt: TAnimTextInfo;
605 begin
606 result := r_Textures_LoadMultiTextFromFile(filename, txt, log);
607 end;
609 function r_Textures_LoadMultiFromFileAndInfo (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count: Integer; log: Boolean = True): TGLMultiTexture;
610 var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer;
611 begin
612 ASSERT(w > 0);
613 ASSERT(h > 0);
614 ASSERT(count >= 1);
615 result := nil;
616 wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename);
617 wad := TWADFile.Create();
618 if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then
619 begin
620 resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename);
621 if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then
622 begin
623 result := r_Textures_LoadMultiFromDataAndInfo(data, size, w, h, count);
624 FreeMem(data);
625 end;
626 wad.Free
627 end
628 end;
630 function r_Textures_GetRect (var img: TImageData): TRectWH;
631 var i, j, w, h: Integer; done: Boolean;
633 function IsVoid (i, j: Integer): Boolean; inline;
634 begin
635 result := GetPixel32(img, i, j).Channels[3] = 0
636 end;
638 begin
639 w := img.Width;
640 h := img.Height;
642 (* trace x from right to left *)
643 done := false; i := 0;
644 while not done and (i < w) do
645 begin
646 j := 0;
647 while (j < h) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(j);
648 done := (j < h) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false);
649 result.x := i;
650 inc(i);
651 end;
653 (* trace y from up to down *)
654 done := false; j := 0;
655 while not done and (j < h) do
656 begin
657 i := 0;
658 while (i < w) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(i);
659 done := (i < w) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false);
660 result.y := j;
661 inc(j);
662 end;
664 (* trace x from right to left *)
665 done := false; i := w - 1;
666 while not done and (i >= 0) do
667 begin
668 j := 0;
669 while (j < h) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(j);
670 done := (j < h) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false);
671 result.width := i - result.x + 1;
672 dec(i);
673 end;
675 (* trace y from down to up *)
676 done := false; j := h - 1;
677 while not done and (j >= 0) do
678 begin
679 i := 0;
680 while (i < w) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(i);
681 done := (i < w) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false);
682 result.height := j - result.y + 1;
683 dec(j);
684 end;
685 end;
687 function r_Textures_LoadStreamFromImage (var img: TImageData; w, h, c, cw: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; rs: TRectArray): Boolean;
688 var i, x, y: Integer; t: TImageData;
689 begin
690 ASSERT(w >= 0);
691 ASSERT(h >= 0);
692 ASSERT(c >= 1);
693 ASSERT(cw >= 1);
694 ASSERT((st <> nil) and (Length(st) >= c));
695 ASSERT((rs = nil) or (Length(rs) >= c));
696 result := true;
697 for i := 0 to c - 1 do
698 begin
699 x := i mod cw;
700 y := i div cw;
701 InitImage(t);
702 st[i] := nil;
703 if NewImage(w, h, img.Format, t) then
704 begin
705 if CopyRect(img, x * w, y * h, w, h, t, 0, 0) then
706 begin
707 if rs <> nil then
708 rs[i] := r_Textures_GetRect(t);
709 st[i] := r_Textures_LoadFromImage(t);
710 end;
711 end;
712 ASSERT(st[i] <> nil);
713 FreeImage(t);
714 end;
715 end;
717 function r_Textures_LoadStreamFromMemory (data: Pointer; size: LongInt; w, h, c, cw: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; rs: TRectArray): Boolean;
718 var img: TImageData;
719 begin
720 ASSERT(w >= 0);
721 ASSERT(h >= 0);
722 ASSERT(c >= 1);
723 ASSERT(cw >= 1);
724 ASSERT((st <> nil) and (Length(st) >= c));
725 ASSERT((rs = nil) or (Length(rs) >= c));
726 result := false;
727 if (data <> nil) and (size > 0) then
728 begin
729 InitImage(img);
730 try
731 if LoadImageFromMemory(data, size, img) then
732 begin
733 if r_Textures_FixImageData(img) then
734 begin
735 result := r_Textures_LoadStreamFromImage(img, w, h, c, cw, st, rs)
736 end;
737 end;
738 except
739 end;
740 FreeImage(img);
741 end;
742 end;
744 function r_Textures_LoadStreamFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; w, h, count, cw: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; rs: TRectArray; log: Boolean = True): Boolean;
745 var wad: TWADFile; wadName, resName: AnsiString; data: Pointer; size: Integer;
746 begin
747 ASSERT(w > 0);
748 ASSERT(h > 0);
749 ASSERT(count >= 1);
750 ASSERT(cw >= 1);
751 ASSERT((st <> nil) and (Length(st) >= count));
752 ASSERT((rs = nil) or (Length(rs) >= count));
753 result := false;
754 wadName := g_ExtractWadName(filename);
755 wad := TWADFile.Create();
756 if wad.ReadFile(wadName) then
757 begin
758 resName := g_ExtractFilePathName(filename);
759 if wad.GetResource(resName, data, size, log) then
760 begin
761 result := r_Textures_LoadStreamFromMemory(data, size, w, h, count, cw, st, rs);
762 FreeMem(data);
763 end;
764 wad.Free
765 end;
766 end;
768 (* --------- TGLFont --------- *)
770 function r_Textures_LoadFontFromFile (const filename: AnsiString; constref f: TFontInfo; skipch: Integer; log: Boolean = true): TGLFont;
771 var i: Integer; st: TGLTextureArray; font: TGLFont; t: TGLTexture;
772 begin
773 ASSERT(skipch >= 0);
774 result := nil;
775 SetLength(st, 256);
776 if r_Textures_LoadStreamFromFile(filename, f.w, f.h, 256, 16, st, nil, log) then
777 begin
778 if skipch > 0 then
779 begin
780 for i := 0 to 255 do
781 begin
782 t := st[i];
783 st[i] := st[(i + skipch) mod 256];
784 st[(i + skipch) mod 256] := t;
785 end;
786 end;
787 font := TGLFont.Create();
788 := f;
789 := st;
790 result := font;
791 end;
792 end;
794 destructor TGLFont.Destroy;
795 var i: Integer;
796 begin
797 if <> nil then
798 for i := 0 to High( do
800 := nil;
801 end;
803 function TGLFont.GetChar (c: AnsiChar): TGLTexture;
804 begin
805 result :=[ORD(c)];
806 end;
808 function TGLFont.GetWidth (c: AnsiChar): Integer;
809 begin
810 result :=[c].w;
811 if result = 0 then
812 result :=;
813 if < 0 then
814 result := result +;
815 end;
817 function TGLFont.GetMaxWidth (): Integer;
818 begin
819 result :=;
820 if < 0 then
821 result := result +;
822 end;
824 function TGLFont.GetMaxHeight (): Integer;
825 begin
826 result :=;
827 end;
829 function TGLFont.GetSpace (): Integer;
830 begin
831 result :=;
832 end;
834 end.