gl: load item animations from table
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / game / opengl / r_textures.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
6 *
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
11 *
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 *)
15 {$INCLUDE ../../shared/}
16 unit r_textures;
18 interface
20 function g_Texture_CreateWAD (var ID: LongWord; const Resource: AnsiString; filterHint: Boolean = False): Boolean;
21 function g_Texture_CreateFile (var ID: LongWord; const FileName: AnsiString): Boolean;
22 function g_Texture_CreateWADEx (const textureName, Resource: AnsiString; filterHint: Boolean = False): Boolean;
23 function g_Texture_CreateFileEx (const textureName, FileName: AnsiString): Boolean;
24 function g_Texture_Get (const textureName: AnsiString; var ID: LongWord): Boolean;
25 function g_Texture_GetSize (const textureName: AnsiString; var w, h: Integer): Boolean; overload;
26 function g_Texture_GetSize (ID: LongWord; var w, h: Integer): Boolean; overload;
27 procedure g_Texture_Delete (const textureName: AnsiString);
28 procedure g_Texture_DeleteAll;
30 implementation
32 uses
33 SysUtils, Classes, Math,
34 WadReader, utils,
35 e_log,
36 r_graphics,
37 g_language, g_game
38 ;
40 type
41 _TTexture = record
42 name: AnsiString;
43 id: LongWord;
44 width, height: Word;
45 used: Boolean;
46 end;
48 var
49 texturesArray: array of _TTexture = nil;
51 function allocTextureSlot (): LongWord;
52 var
53 f: integer;
54 begin
55 for f := 0 to High(texturesArray) do
56 begin
57 if (not texturesArray[f].used) then
58 begin
59 result := f;
60 exit;
61 end;
62 end;
64 result := Length(texturesArray);
65 SetLength(texturesArray, result+64);
66 for f := result to High(texturesArray) do
67 begin
68 with texturesArray[f] do
69 begin
70 name := '';
71 id := 0;
72 width := 0;
73 height := 0;
74 used := false;
75 end;
76 end;
77 end;
79 function g_Texture_CreateWAD (var ID: LongWord; const Resource: AnsiString; filterHint: Boolean = False): Boolean;
80 var
81 WAD: TWADFile;
82 FileName: AnsiString;
83 TextureData: Pointer;
84 ResourceLength: Integer;
85 begin
86 result := false;
87 FileName := g_ExtractWadName(Resource);
89 WAD := TWADFile.Create;
90 WAD.ReadFile(FileName);
92 if WAD.GetResource(g_ExtractFilePathName(Resource), TextureData, ResourceLength) then
93 begin
94 if e_CreateTextureMem(TextureData, ResourceLength, ID, filterHint) then
95 result := true;
96 FreeMem(TextureData)
97 end
98 else
99 begin
100 e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading texture %s', [Resource]), TMsgType.Warning);
101 //e_WriteLog(Format('WAD Reader error: %s', [WAD.GetLastErrorStr]), MSG_WARNING);
102 end;
103 WAD.Free();
104 end;
107 function g_Texture_CreateFile (var ID: LongWord; const FileName: AnsiString): Boolean;
108 begin
109 result := true;
110 if not e_CreateTexture(FileName, ID) then
111 begin
112 e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading texture %s', [FileName]), TMsgType.Warning);
113 result := false;
114 end;
115 end;
117 function g_Texture_CreateWADEx (const textureName, Resource: AnsiString; filterHint: Boolean = False): Boolean;
118 var
119 WAD: TWADFile;
120 FileName: AnsiString;
121 TextureData: Pointer;
122 find_id: LongWord;
123 ResourceLength: Integer;
124 begin
125 FileName := g_ExtractWadName(Resource);
127 find_id := allocTextureSlot();
129 WAD := TWADFile.Create;
130 WAD.ReadFile(FileName);
132 if WAD.GetResource(g_ExtractFilePathName(Resource), TextureData, ResourceLength) then
133 begin
134 result := e_CreateTextureMem(TextureData, ResourceLength, texturesArray[find_id].ID, filterHint);
135 if result then
136 begin
137 e_GetTextureSize(texturesArray[find_id].ID, @texturesArray[find_id].width, @texturesArray[find_id].height);
138 texturesArray[find_id].used := true;
139 texturesArray[find_id].Name := textureName;
140 end;
141 FreeMem(TextureData)
142 end
143 else
144 begin
145 e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading texture %s', [Resource]), TMsgType.Warning);
146 //e_WriteLog(Format('WAD Reader error: %s', [WAD.GetLastErrorStr]), MSG_WARNING);
147 result := false;
148 end;
149 WAD.Free();
150 end;
153 function g_Texture_CreateFileEx (const textureName, FileName: AnsiString): Boolean;
154 var
155 find_id: LongWord;
156 begin
157 find_id := allocTextureSlot();
158 result := e_CreateTexture(FileName, texturesArray[find_id].ID);
159 if result then
160 begin
161 texturesArray[find_id].used := true;
162 texturesArray[find_id].Name := textureName;
163 e_GetTextureSize(texturesArray[find_id].ID, @texturesArray[find_id].width, @texturesArray[find_id].height);
164 end
165 else e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading texture %s', [FileName]), TMsgType.Warning);
166 end;
169 function g_Texture_Get (const textureName: AnsiString; var id: LongWord): Boolean;
170 var
171 a: Integer;
172 begin
173 result := false;
174 if (Length(texturesArray) = 0) or (Length(textureName) = 0) then exit;
175 for a := 0 to High(texturesArray) do
176 begin
177 if (StrEquCI1251(texturesArray[a].name, textureName)) then
178 begin
179 id := texturesArray[a].id;
180 result := true;
181 break;
182 end;
183 end;
184 //if not Result then g_ConsoleAdd('Texture '+TextureName+' not found');
185 end;
187 function g_Texture_GetSize (const textureName: AnsiString; var w, h: Integer): Boolean; overload;
188 var
189 a: Integer;
190 begin
191 result := false;
192 w := 0;
193 h := 0;
194 if (Length(texturesArray) = 0) or (Length(textureName) = 0) then exit;
195 for a := 0 to High(texturesArray) do
196 begin
197 if (StrEquCI1251(texturesArray[a].name, textureName)) then
198 begin
199 w := texturesArray[a].width;
200 h := texturesArray[a].height;
201 result := true;
202 break;
203 end;
204 end;
205 end;
208 function g_Texture_GetSize (ID: LongWord; var w, h: Integer): Boolean; overload;
209 var
210 a: Integer;
211 begin
212 result := false;
213 w := 0;
214 h := 0;
215 if (Length(texturesArray) = 0) then exit;
216 for a := 0 to High(texturesArray) do
217 begin
218 if (texturesArray[a].id = ID) then
219 begin
220 w := texturesArray[a].width;
221 h := texturesArray[a].height;
222 result := true;
223 break;
224 end;
225 end;
226 end;
229 procedure g_Texture_Delete (const textureName: AnsiString);
230 var
231 a: Integer;
232 begin
233 if (Length(texturesArray) = 0) or (Length(textureName) = 0) then exit;
234 for a := 0 to High(texturesArray) do
235 begin
236 if (StrEquCI1251(texturesArray[a].name, textureName)) then
237 begin
238 e_DeleteTexture(texturesArray[a].ID);
239 texturesArray[a].used := false;
240 texturesArray[a].name := '';
241 texturesArray[a].id := 0;
242 texturesArray[a].width := 0;
243 texturesArray[a].height := 0;
244 end;
245 end;
246 end;
248 procedure g_Texture_DeleteAll ();
249 var
250 a: Integer;
251 begin
252 for a := 0 to High(texturesArray) do
253 begin
254 if (texturesArray[a].used) then e_DeleteTexture(texturesArray[a].ID);
255 end;
256 texturesArray := nil;
257 end;
259 end.