default smallmap aligh: bottom
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / game / g_window.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
16 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
17 unit g_window;
19 interface
21 uses
22 utils;
24 function SDLMain (): Integer;
25 function GetTimer (): Int64;
26 procedure ResetTimer ();
27 procedure PushExitEvent ();
28 function ProcessMessage (): Boolean;
29 procedure ReDrawWindow ();
30 procedure SwapBuffers ();
31 procedure Sleep (ms: LongWord);
32 function GetDisplayModes (dbpp: LongWord; var selres: LongWord): SSArray;
33 function g_Window_SetDisplay (preserveGL: Boolean=false): Boolean;
34 function g_Window_SetSize (w, h: Word; fullscreen: Boolean): Boolean;
35 procedure g_SetVSync (vsync: Boolean);
37 procedure ProcessLoading (forceUpdate: Boolean=false);
39 // returns `true` if quit event was received
40 function g_ProcessMessages (): Boolean;
43 var
44 gwin_dump_extensions: Boolean = false;
45 gwin_has_stencil: Boolean = false;
46 gwin_k8_enable_light_experiments: Boolean = false;
47 g_dbg_aimline_on: Boolean = false;
50 implementation
52 uses
55 nanoGL,
56 {$ELSE}
57 GL, GLExt,
58 {$ENDIF}
59 SysUtils, Classes, MAPDEF,
60 SDL2, e_graphics, e_log, e_texture, g_main,
61 g_console, e_input, g_options, g_game,
62 g_basic, g_textures, e_sound, g_sound, g_menu, ENet, g_net,
63 g_map, g_gfx, g_monsters, g_holmes, xprofiler,
64 sdlcarcass, fui_ctls,
65 g_touch;
68 const
69 ProgressUpdateMSecs = 1;//100;
71 var
72 h_Wnd: PSDL_Window = nil;
73 h_GL: TSDL_GLContext = nil;
74 Time, Time_Delta, Time_Old: Int64;
75 flag: Boolean;
77 wTitle: PChar = nil;
78 wasFullscreen: Boolean = true; // so we need to recreate the window
79 {$ENDIF}
80 wNeedTimeReset: Boolean = false;
81 wMinimized: Boolean = false;
82 wMaximized: Boolean = false;
83 wLoadingProgress: Boolean = false;
84 wLoadingQuit: Boolean = false;
86 ticksOverflow: Int64 = -1;
87 lastTicks: Uint32 = 0; // to detect overflow
88 {$ENDIF}
91 procedure KillGLWindow (preserveGL: Boolean);
92 begin
93 if (h_GL <> nil) and (not preserveGL) then begin if (assigned(oglDeinitCB)) then oglDeinitCB(); end;
94 if (h_Wnd <> nil) then SDL_DestroyWindow(h_Wnd);
95 if (h_GL <> nil) and (not preserveGL) then
96 begin
98 nanoGL_Destroy;
100 SDL_GL_DeleteContext(h_GL);
101 end;
102 h_Wnd := nil;
103 if (not preserveGL) then h_GL := nil;
104 end;
107 function g_Window_SetDisplay (preserveGL: Boolean = false): Boolean;
109 var
110 mode, cmode: TSDL_DisplayMode;
111 wFlags: LongWord = 0;
112 nw, nh: Integer;
113 {$ENDIF}
114 begin
116 result := false;
118 e_WriteLog('Setting display mode...', TMsgType.Notify);
121 if gFullscreen then wFlags := wFlags {or SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN} else wFlags := wFlags or SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE;
122 if (not gFullscreen) and (not preserveGL) and gWinMaximized then wFlags := wFlags or SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED else gWinMaximized := false;
124 if gFullscreen then
125 begin
126 mode.w := gScreenWidth;
127 mode.h := gScreenHeight;
128 mode.format := 0;
129 mode.refresh_rate := 0;
130 mode.driverdata := nil;
131 if (SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode(0, @mode, @cmode) = nil) then
132 begin
133 e_WriteLog('SDL: cannot find display mode for '+IntToStr(gScreenWidth), TMsgType.Notify);
134 gScreenWidth := 800;
135 gScreenHeight := 600;
136 end
137 else
138 begin
139 e_WriteLog('SDL: found display mode for '+IntToStr(gScreenWidth)+'x'+IntToStr(gScreenHeight)+': '+IntToStr(cmode.w)+'x'+IntToStr(cmode.h), TMsgType.Notify);
140 gScreenWidth := cmode.w;
141 gScreenHeight := cmode.h;
142 end;
143 end;
145 if (preserveGL) and (h_Wnd <> nil) and (not gFullscreen) and (not wasFullscreen) then
146 begin
147 //SDL_SetWindowMaximumSize(h_Wnd, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
148 //SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode(h_Wnd, @cmode);
149 if (wMaximized) then SDL_RestoreWindow(h_Wnd);
150 wMaximized := false;
151 gWinMaximized := false;
152 SDL_SetWindowSize(h_Wnd, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
153 //SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(h_Wnd, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);
154 //SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(h_Wnd, 0);
155 end
156 else
157 begin
158 KillGLWindow(preserveGL);
159 h_Wnd := SDL_CreateWindow(PChar(wTitle), gWinRealPosX, gWinRealPosY, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, wFlags);
160 if gFullscreen then
161 SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(h_Wnd, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);
162 if (h_Wnd = nil) then exit;
163 end;
164 wasFullscreen := gFullscreen;
166 SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(h_Wnd, h_GL);
167 SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE);
168 if (h_GL <> nil) then g_SetVSync(gVSync);
169 if (gFullscreen) then
170 begin
171 nw := 0;
172 nh := 0;
173 SDL_GetWindowSize(h_Wnd, @nw, @nh);
174 if (nw > 128) and (nh > 128) then
175 begin
176 e_WriteLog('SDL: fullscreen window got size '+IntToStr(nw)+'x'+IntToStr(nh)+': '+IntToStr(gScreenWidth)+'x'+IntToStr(gScreenHeight), TMsgType.Notify);
177 gScreenWidth := nw;
178 gScreenHeight := nh;
179 end
180 else
181 begin
182 e_WriteLog('SDL: fullscreen window got invalid size: '+IntToStr(nw)+'x'+IntToStr(nh), TMsgType.Notify);
183 end;
184 end;
185 fuiScrWdt := gScreenWidth;
186 fuiScrHgt := gScreenHeight;
187 if (h_GL <> nil) and (not preserveGL) then begin if (assigned(oglInitCB)) then oglInitCB(); end;
188 {$ENDIF}
190 result := true;
191 end;
194 function GetDisplayModes (dbpp: LongWord; var selres: LongWord): SSArray;
195 var
196 mode: TSDL_DisplayMode;
197 res, i, k, n, pw, ph: Integer;
198 begin
199 SetLength(result, 0);
201 k := 0; selres := 0;
202 n := SDL_GetNumDisplayModes(0);
203 pw := 0; ph := 0;
204 for i := 0 to n do
205 begin
206 res := SDL_GetDisplayMode(0, i, @mode);
207 if res < 0 then continue;
208 if SDL_BITSPERPIXEL(mode.format) = gBPP then continue;
209 if (mode.w = pw) and (mode.h = ph) then continue;
210 if (mode.w = gScreenWidth) and (mode.h = gScreenHeight) then
211 selres := k;
212 Inc(k);
213 SetLength(result, k);
214 result[k-1] := IntToStr(mode.w) + 'x' + IntToStr(mode.h);
215 pw := mode.w; ph := mode.h
216 end;
218 e_WriteLog('SDL: Got ' + IntToStr(k) + ' resolutions.', TMsgType.Notify);
219 end;
222 procedure Sleep (ms: LongWord);
223 begin
224 SDL_Delay(ms);
225 end;
228 procedure ChangeWindowSize ();
229 begin
230 e_LogWritefln(' ChangeWindowSize: (ws=%dx%d) (ss=%dx%d)', [gWinSizeX, gWinSizeY, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight]);
231 gWinSizeX := gScreenWidth;
232 gWinSizeY := gScreenHeight;
234 fuiScrWdt := gScreenWidth;
235 fuiScrHgt := gScreenHeight;
236 e_ResizeWindow(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
237 g_Game_SetupScreenSize();
238 g_Menu_Reset();
239 g_Game_ClearLoading();
240 {$ENDIF}
241 end;
244 function g_Window_SetSize (w, h: Word; fullscreen: Boolean): Boolean;
246 var
247 preserve: Boolean;
248 {$ENDIF}
249 begin
250 result := false;
252 preserve := false;
254 if (gScreenWidth <> w) or (gScreenHeight <> h) then
255 begin
256 result := true;
257 preserve := true;
258 gScreenWidth := w;
259 gScreenHeight := h;
260 end;
262 if (gFullscreen <> fullscreen) then
263 begin
264 result := true;
265 preserve := true;
266 gFullscreen := fullscreen;
267 preserve := true;
268 end;
270 if result then
271 begin
272 g_Window_SetDisplay(preserve);
273 ChangeWindowSize();
274 end;
275 {$ENDIF}
276 end;
279 function WindowEventHandler (constref ev: TSDL_WindowEvent): Boolean;
280 var
281 wActivate, wDeactivate: Boolean;
282 begin
283 result := false;
284 wActivate := false;
285 wDeactivate := false;
287 case ev.event of
289 begin
290 if not (gFullscreen or gWinMaximized) then
291 begin
292 gWinRealPosX := ev.data1;
293 gWinRealPosY := ev.data2;
294 end;
295 end;
298 begin
299 e_UnpressAllKeys();
300 if not wMinimized then
301 begin
302 e_ResizeWindow(0, 0);
303 wMinimized := true;
304 if g_debug_WinMsgs then
305 begin
306 g_Console_Add('Now minimized');
307 e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Now minimized', TMsgType.Notify);
308 end;
309 wDeactivate := true;
310 end;
311 end;
314 begin
315 e_LogWritefln('Resize: (os=%dx%d) (ns=%dx%d)', [gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, Integer(ev.data1), Integer(ev.data2)]);
316 {if (gFullscreen) then
317 begin
318 e_LogWriteln(' fullscreen fix applied.');
319 if (gScreenWidth <> ev.data1) or (gScreenHeight <> ev.data2) then
320 begin
321 SDL_SetWindowSize(h_Wnd, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
322 end;
323 end
324 else}
325 begin
326 gScreenWidth := ev.data1;
327 gScreenHeight := ev.data2;
328 end;
329 ChangeWindowSize();
330 SwapBuffers();
331 if g_debug_WinMsgs then
332 begin
333 g_Console_Add('Resized to ' + IntToStr(ev.data1) + 'x' + IntToStr(ev.data2));
334 e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Resized to ' + IntToStr(ev.data1) + 'x' + IntToStr(ev.data2), TMsgType.Notify);
335 end;
336 end;
339 SwapBuffers();
342 begin
343 wMaximized := true;
344 if wMinimized then
345 begin
346 e_ResizeWindow(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
347 wMinimized := false;
348 wActivate := true;
349 end;
350 if (not gWinMaximized) and (not gFullscreen) then
351 begin
352 gWinMaximized := true;
353 if g_debug_WinMsgs then
354 begin
355 g_Console_Add('Now maximized');
356 e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Now maximized', TMsgType.Notify);
357 end;
358 end;
359 end;
362 begin
363 wMaximized := false;
364 if wMinimized then
365 begin
366 e_ResizeWindow(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
367 wMinimized := false;
368 wActivate := true;
369 end;
370 gWinMaximized := false;
371 if g_debug_WinMsgs then
372 begin
373 g_Console_Add('Now restored');
374 e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Now restored', TMsgType.Notify);
375 end;
376 end;
379 begin
380 wActivate := true;
381 //e_WriteLog('window gained focus!', MSG_NOTIFY);
382 end;
385 begin
386 wDeactivate := true;
387 e_UnpressAllKeys();
388 //e_WriteLog('window lost focus!', MSG_NOTIFY);
389 end;
390 end;
392 if wDeactivate then
393 begin
394 if gWinActive then
395 begin
396 e_WriteLog('deactivating window', TMsgType.Notify);
397 e_EnableInput := false;
398 e_ClearInputBuffer();
400 if gMuteWhenInactive then
401 begin
402 //e_WriteLog('deactivating sounds', MSG_NOTIFY);
403 e_MuteChannels(true);
404 end;
406 if g_debug_WinMsgs then
407 begin
408 g_Console_Add('Now inactive');
409 e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Now inactive', TMsgType.Notify);
410 end;
412 gWinActive := false;
414 if assigned(winBlurCB) then winBlurCB();
415 end;
416 end
417 else if wActivate then
418 begin
419 if not gWinActive then
420 begin
421 //e_WriteLog('activating window', MSG_NOTIFY);
422 e_EnableInput := true;
424 if gMuteWhenInactive then
425 begin
426 //e_WriteLog('activating sounds', MSG_NOTIFY);
427 e_MuteChannels(false);
428 end;
430 if g_debug_WinMsgs then
431 begin
432 g_Console_Add('Now active');
433 e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Now active', TMsgType.Notify);
434 end;
436 gWinActive := true;
437 if assigned(winFocusCB) then winFocusCB();
438 end;
439 end;
440 end;
443 function EventHandler (var ev: TSDL_Event): Boolean;
444 var
445 key, keychr: Word;
446 uc: UnicodeChar;
447 down: Boolean;
448 begin
449 result := false;
451 case ev.type_ of
453 result := WindowEventHandler(ev.window);
456 begin
457 if (gExit <> EXIT_QUIT) then
458 begin
459 if not wLoadingProgress then
460 begin
461 g_Game_Free();
462 g_Game_Quit();
463 end
464 else
465 begin
466 wLoadingQuit := true;
467 end;
468 end;
469 result := true;
470 end;
473 begin
474 key := ev.key.keysym.scancode;
475 if key = SDL_SCANCODE_AC_BACK then
477 down := (ev.type_ = SDL_KEYDOWN);
479 if fuiOnSDLEvent(ev) then
480 begin
481 // event eaten, but...
482 if not down then e_KeyUpDown(key, false);
483 exit;
484 end;
485 {$ENDIF}
486 if down then KeyPress(key);
487 e_KeyUpDown(key, down);
488 end;
492 fuiOnSDLEvent(ev);
493 {$ENDIF}
496 begin
497 Utf8ToUnicode(@uc, PChar(ev.text.text), 1);
498 keychr := Word(uc);
499 if (keychr > 127) then keychr := Word(wchar2win(WideChar(keychr)));
500 if (keychr > 0) and (keychr <= 255) then CharPress(AnsiChar(keychr));
501 end;
504 g_Touch_HandleEvent(ev.tfinger);
506 // other key presses and joysticks are handled in e_input
507 end;
508 end;
511 procedure SwapBuffers ();
512 begin
514 SDL_GL_SwapWindow(h_Wnd);
515 {$ENDIF}
516 end;
519 function CreateGLWindow (Title: PChar): Boolean;
520 begin
521 result := false;
523 gWinSizeX := gScreenWidth;
524 gWinSizeY := gScreenHeight;
527 wTitle := Title;
528 {$ENDIF}
529 e_WriteLog('Creating window', TMsgType.Notify);
531 if not g_Window_SetDisplay() then
532 begin
533 KillGLWindow(false);
534 e_WriteLog('Window creation error (resolution not supported?)', TMsgType.Fatal);
535 exit;
536 end;
539 h_GL := SDL_GL_CreateContext(h_Wnd);
540 if (h_GL = nil) then exit;
541 fuiScrWdt := gScreenWidth;
542 fuiScrHgt := gScreenHeight;
543 SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(h_Wnd, h_GL);
545 if nanoGL_Init() = 0 then
546 begin
547 KillGLWindow(false);
548 e_WriteLog('nanoGL initialization error', TMsgType.Fatal);
549 exit;
550 end;
551 {$ENDIF}
552 if (assigned(oglInitCB)) then oglInitCB();
553 if (h_GL <> nil) then g_SetVSync(gVSync);
554 {$ENDIF}
556 e_ResizeWindow(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
557 e_InitGL();
559 result := true;
560 end;
564 // windoze sux; in headless mode `GetTickCount()` (and SDL) returns shit
565 function GetTimer (): Int64;
566 var
567 F, C: Int64;
568 begin
569 QueryPerformanceFrequency(F);
570 QueryPerformanceCounter(C);
571 result := Round(C/F*1000{000});
572 end;
573 {$ELSE}
574 function GetTimer (): Int64;
575 var
576 t: Uint32;
577 tt: Int64;
578 begin
579 t := SDL_GetTicks();
580 if (ticksOverflow = -1) then
581 begin
582 ticksOverflow := 0;
583 lastTicks := t;
584 end
585 else
586 begin
587 if (lastTicks > t) then
588 begin
589 // overflow, increment overflow ;-)
590 ticksOverflow := ticksOverflow+(Int64($ffffffff)+Int64(1));
591 tt := (Int64($ffffffff)+Int64(1))+Int64(t);
592 t := Uint32(tt-lastTicks);
593 end;
594 end;
595 lastTicks := t;
596 result := ticksOverflow+Int64(t);
597 end;
598 {$ENDIF}
601 procedure ResetTimer ();
602 begin
603 wNeedTimeReset := true;
604 end;
607 procedure PushExitEvent ();
608 var
609 ev: TSDL_Event;
610 begin
611 ev.type_ := SDL_QUITEV;
612 SDL_PushEvent(@ev);
613 end;
616 var
617 prevLoadingUpdateTime: UInt64 = 0;
619 procedure ProcessLoading (forceUpdate: Boolean=false);
620 var
621 ev: TSDL_Event;
622 ID: LongWord;
623 stt: UInt64;
624 begin
625 FillChar(ev, sizeof(ev), 0);
626 wLoadingProgress := true;
628 while (SDL_PollEvent(@ev) > 0) do
629 begin
630 EventHandler(ev);
631 if (ev.type_ = SDL_QUITEV) then break;
632 end;
633 e_PollJoysticks();
635 if (ev.type_ = SDL_QUITEV) or (gExit = EXIT_QUIT) then
636 begin
637 wLoadingProgress := false;
638 exit;
639 end;
641 if not wMinimized then
642 begin
643 if forceUpdate then
644 begin
645 prevLoadingUpdateTime := getTimeMilli();
646 end
647 else
648 begin
649 stt := getTimeMilli();
650 if (stt < prevLoadingUpdateTime) or (stt-prevLoadingUpdateTime >= ProgressUpdateMSecs) then
651 begin
652 prevLoadingUpdateTime := stt;
653 forceUpdate := true;
654 end;
655 end;
657 if forceUpdate then
658 begin
659 if g_Texture_Get('INTER', ID) then
660 begin
661 e_DrawSize(ID, 0, 0, 0, false, false, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight);
662 e_DarkenQuadWH(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, 150);
663 end
664 else
665 begin
666 e_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, 0, 0, 0);
667 end;
669 DrawLoadingStat();
670 SwapBuffers();
671 end;
672 end;
674 e_SoundUpdate();
676 if NetMode = NET_SERVER then
677 begin
678 g_Net_Host_Update();
679 end
680 else
681 begin
682 if (NetMode = NET_CLIENT) and (NetState <> NET_STATE_AUTH) then g_Net_Client_UpdateWhileLoading();
683 end;
685 wLoadingProgress := false;
686 end;
689 function g_ProcessMessages (): Boolean;
690 var
691 ev: TSDL_Event;
692 begin
693 result := false;
694 FillChar(ev, SizeOf(ev), 0);
695 while (SDL_PollEvent(@ev) > 0) do
696 begin
697 result := EventHandler(ev);
698 if (ev.type_ = SDL_QUITEV) then exit;
699 end;
700 e_PollJoysticks();
701 end;
704 function ProcessMessage (): Boolean;
705 var
706 i, t: Integer;
707 begin
708 result := g_ProcessMessages();
710 Time := GetTimer();
711 Time_Delta := Time-Time_Old;
713 flag := false;
715 if wNeedTimeReset then
716 begin
717 Time_Delta := 28;
718 wNeedTimeReset := false;
719 end;
721 g_Map_ProfilersBegin();
722 g_Mons_ProfilersBegin();
724 t := Time_Delta div 28;
725 if (t > 0) then
726 begin
727 flag := true;
728 for i := 1 to t do
729 begin
730 if (NetMode = NET_SERVER) then g_Net_Host_Update()
731 else if (NetMode = NET_CLIENT) then g_Net_Client_Update();
732 Update();
733 end;
734 end
735 else
736 begin
737 if (NetMode = NET_SERVER) then g_Net_Host_Update()
738 else if (NetMode = NET_CLIENT) then g_Net_Client_Update();
739 end;
741 g_Map_ProfilersEnd();
742 g_Mons_ProfilersEnd();
744 if wLoadingQuit then
745 begin
746 g_Game_Free();
747 g_Game_Quit();
748 end;
750 if (gExit = EXIT_QUIT) then
751 begin
752 result := true;
753 exit;
754 end;
756 // Âðåìÿ ïðåäûäóùåãî îáíîâëåíèÿ
757 if flag then
758 begin
759 Time_Old := Time-(Time_Delta mod 28);
760 if (not wMinimized) then
761 begin
762 Draw();
763 SwapBuffers();
764 end;
765 end
766 else
767 begin
768 Sleep(1); // release time slice, so we won't eat 100% CPU
769 end;
771 e_SoundUpdate();
772 end;
775 procedure ReDrawWindow ();
776 begin
777 SwapBuffers();
778 end;
781 procedure g_SetVSync (vsync: Boolean);
783 var
784 v: Byte;
785 {$ENDIF}
786 begin
788 if vsync then v := 1 else v := 0;
789 if (SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(v) <> 0) then
790 begin
791 e_WriteLog('oops; can''t change vsync option, restart required', TMsgType.Warning);
792 end
793 else
794 begin
795 if vsync then e_WriteLog('VSync: ON', TMsgType.Notify) else e_WriteLog('VSync: OFF', TMsgType.Notify);
796 end;
797 {$ENDIF}
798 end;
801 procedure InitOpenGL ();
802 begin
808 {$ELSE}
811 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8);
812 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8);
813 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8);
814 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);
815 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1);
816 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8); // lights; it is enough to have 1-bit stencil buffer for lighting, but...
817 {$ENDIF}
818 {$ENDIF}
819 end;
822 function glHasExtension (const name: AnsiString): Boolean;
823 var
824 exts: PChar;
825 i: Integer;
826 found: Boolean;
827 extName: ShortString;
828 begin
829 result := false;
830 if (Length(name) = 0) then exit;
831 exts := glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
832 if (exts = nil) then exit;
833 while (exts[0] <> #0) and (exts[0] = ' ') do Inc(exts);
834 while (exts[0] <> #0) do
835 begin
836 if gwin_dump_extensions then
837 begin
838 i := 0;
839 while (exts[i] <> #0) and (exts[i] <> ' ') do Inc(i);
840 if i > 255 then
841 begin
842 e_WriteLog('FUUUUUUUUUUUUU', TMsgType.Warning);
843 end
844 else
845 begin
846 Move(exts^, extName[1], i);
847 extName[0] := Char(i);
848 e_WriteLog(Format('EXT: %s', [extName]), TMsgType.Notify);
849 end;
850 end;
851 found := true;
852 for i := 0 to length(name)-1 do
853 begin
854 if (exts[i] = #0) then begin found := false; break; end;
855 if (exts[i] <> name[i+1]) then begin found := false; break; end;
856 end;
857 if found and ((exts[Length(name)] = #0) or (exts[Length(name)] = ' ')) then begin result := true; exit; end;
858 while (exts[0] <> #0) and (exts[0] <> ' ') do Inc(exts);
859 while (exts[0] <> #0) and (exts[0] = ' ') do Inc(exts);
860 end;
861 end;
864 function SDLMain (): Integer;
865 var
866 idx: Integer;
868 ltmp: Integer;
869 {$ENDIF}
870 arg: AnsiString;
871 mdfo: TStream;
872 itmp: Integer;
873 valres: Word;
874 begin
876 e_NoGraphics := true;
877 {$ELSE}
878 if (not g_holmes_imfunctional) then
879 begin
880 uiInitialize();
881 uiContext.font := 'win14';
882 end;
883 {$ENDIF}
885 idx := 1;
886 while (idx <= ParamCount) do
887 begin
888 arg := ParamStr(idx);
889 Inc(idx);
890 if arg = '--opengl-dump-exts' then gwin_dump_extensions := true;
891 //if arg = '--twinkletwinkle' then gwin_k8_enable_light_experiments := true;
892 if arg = '--jah' then g_profile_history_size := 100;
893 if arg = '--no-particles' then gpart_dbg_enabled := false;
894 if arg = '--no-los' then gmon_dbg_los_enabled := false;
896 if arg = '--profile-render' then g_profile_frame_draw := true;
897 if arg = '--profile-coldet' then g_profile_collision := true;
898 if arg = '--profile-los' then g_profile_los := true;
900 if arg = '--no-part-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false;
901 if arg = '--no-part-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false;
902 if arg = '--no-particles-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false;
903 if arg = '--no-particles-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false;
904 if arg = '--no-particle-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false;
905 if arg = '--no-particle-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false;
908 if arg = '--aimline' then g_dbg_aimline_on := true;
909 {.$ENDIF}
911 if arg = '--holmes' then begin g_holmes_enabled := true; g_Game_SetDebugMode(); end;
913 if (arg = '--holmes-ui-scale') or (arg = '-holmes-ui-scale') then
914 begin
915 if (idx <= ParamCount) then
916 begin
917 if not conParseFloat(fuiRenderScale, ParamStr(idx)) then fuiRenderScale := 1.0;
918 Inc(idx);
919 end;
920 end;
922 if (arg = '--holmes-font') or (arg = '-holmes-font') then
923 begin
924 if (idx <= ParamCount) then
925 begin
926 itmp := 0;
927 val(ParamStr(idx), itmp, valres);
929 if (valres = 0) and (not g_holmes_imfunctional) then
930 begin
931 case itmp of
932 8: uiContext.font := 'win8';
933 14: uiContext.font := 'win14';
934 16: uiContext.font := 'win16';
935 end;
936 end;
937 {$ELSE}
938 // fuck off, fpc!
939 itmp := itmp;
940 valres := valres;
941 {$ENDIF}
942 Inc(idx);
943 end;
944 end;
946 if (arg = '--game-scale') or (arg = '-game-scale') then
947 begin
948 if (idx <= ParamCount) then
949 begin
950 if not conParseFloat(g_dbg_scale, ParamStr(idx)) then g_dbg_scale := 1.0;
951 Inc(idx);
952 end;
953 end;
955 if (arg = '--write-mapdef') or (arg = '-write-mapdef') then
956 begin
957 mdfo := createDiskFile('mapdef.txt');
958 mdfo.WriteBuffer(defaultMapDef[1], Length(defaultMapDef));
959 mdfo.Free();
960 Halt(0);
961 end;
962 end;
964 e_WriteLog('Initializing OpenGL', TMsgType.Notify);
965 InitOpenGL();
967 e_WriteLog('Creating GL window', TMsgType.Notify);
968 if not CreateGLWindow(PChar(Format('Doom 2D: Forever %s', [GAME_VERSION]))) then
969 begin
970 result := 0;
971 e_WriteLog('Unable to create GL window: ' + SDL_GetError(), TMsgType.Fatal);
972 exit;
973 end;
975 {EnumDisplayModes();}
978 //gwin_k8_enable_light_experiments := false;
979 gwin_has_stencil := false;
980 glLegacyNPOT := false;
981 gwin_dump_extensions := false;
982 {$ELSE}
983 SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, @ltmp);
984 e_LogWritefln('stencil buffer size: %s', [ltmp]);
985 gwin_has_stencil := (ltmp > 0);
987 if not glHasExtension('GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two') then
988 begin
989 e_WriteLog('NPOT textures: NO', TMsgType.Warning);
990 glLegacyNPOT := true;
991 end
992 else
993 begin
994 e_WriteLog('NPOT textures: YES', TMsgType.Notify);
995 glLegacyNPOT := false;
996 end;
997 gwin_dump_extensions := false;
998 {$ENDIF}
1000 Init();
1001 Time_Old := GetTimer();
1003 // Êîìàíäíàÿ ñòðîêà
1004 if (ParamCount > 0) then g_Game_Process_Params();
1006 // Çàïðîñ ÿçûêà
1007 if (not gGameOn) and gAskLanguage then g_Menu_AskLanguage();
1009 e_WriteLog('Entering the main loop', TMsgType.Notify);
1011 // main loop
1012 while not ProcessMessage() do begin end;
1014 Release();
1015 KillGLWindow(false);
1017 result := 0;
1018 end;
1021 end.