render: fix animated textures
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / game / g_netmsg.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
6 *
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
11 *
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 *)
15 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
16 unit g_netmsg;
18 interface
20 uses e_msg, g_net, g_triggers, Classes, SysUtils, md5;
22 const
23 NET_MSG_INFO = 100;
25 NET_MSG_CHAT = 101;
26 NET_MSG_SND = 102;
27 NET_MSG_GFX = 103;
28 NET_MSG_GEVENT = 104;
29 NET_MSG_SCORE = 105;
30 NET_MSG_COOP = 106;
31 NET_MSG_FLAG = 107;
32 NET_MSG_REQFST = 108;
33 NET_MSG_GSET = 109;
36 NET_MSG_PLR = 111;
37 NET_MSG_PLRPOS = 112;
38 NET_MSG_PLRSTA = 113;
39 NET_MSG_PLRDEL = 114;
40 NET_MSG_PLRDMG = 115;
41 NET_MSG_PLRDIE = 116;
43 NET_MSG_PLRSET = 119;
44 NET_MSG_CHEAT = 120;
46 NET_MSG_ISPAWN = 121;
47 NET_MSG_IDEL = 122;
48 NET_MSG_IPOS = 123;
50 NET_MSG_MSPAWN = 131;
51 NET_MSG_MPOS = 132;
52 NET_MSG_MSTATE = 133;
53 NET_MSG_MSHOT = 134;
54 NET_MSG_MDEL = 135;
56 NET_MSG_PSTATE = 141;
57 NET_MSG_PTEX = 142;
59 NET_MSG_TSOUND = 151;
60 NET_MSG_TMUSIC = 152;
62 NET_MSG_SHDEL = 161;
63 NET_MSG_SHADD = 162;
64 NET_MSG_SHPOS = 163;
67 NET_MSG_RCON_CMD = 192;
71 {
76 }
87 NET_GFX_TELE = 2;
89 NET_GFX_FIRE = 4;
93 NET_GFX_SHELL1 = 8;
94 NET_GFX_SHELL2 = 9;
95 NET_GFX_SHELL3 = 10;
104 NET_EV_RCON = 8;
106 NET_EV_SCORE = 10;
107 NET_EV_SCORE_MSG = 11;
108 NET_EV_LMS_START = 12;
109 NET_EV_LMS_WIN = 13;
110 NET_EV_TLMS_WIN = 14;
111 NET_EV_LMS_LOSE = 15;
112 NET_EV_LMS_DRAW = 16;
115 NET_EV_SECRET = 19;
120 NET_VE_PASSED = 2;
121 NET_VE_FAILED = 3;
122 NET_VE_VOTE = 4;
123 NET_VE_REVOKE = 5;
126 NET_FLAG_GET = 1;
127 NET_FLAG_DROP = 2;
128 NET_FLAG_CAP = 3;
136 NET_MAX_DIFFTIME = 5000 div 36;
140 procedure MH_MalformedPacket(C: pTNetClient);
141 procedure MH_ProcessFirstSpawn (C: pTNetClient);
143 procedure MH_RECV_Info(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
144 procedure MH_RECV_Chat(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
145 procedure MH_RECV_FullStateRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
146 function MH_RECV_PlayerPos(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg): Word;
147 procedure MH_RECV_PlayerSettings(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
148 procedure MH_RECV_CheatRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
149 procedure MH_RECV_RCONPassword(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
150 procedure MH_RECV_RCONCommand(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
151 //procedure MH_RECV_MapRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
152 //procedure MH_RECV_ResRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
153 procedure MH_RECV_Vote(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
155 // GAME
156 procedure MH_SEND_Everything(CreatePlayers: Boolean {= False}; ID: Integer {= NET_EVERYONE});
157 procedure MH_SEND_Info(ID: Byte);
158 procedure MH_SEND_Chat(Txt: string; Mode: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
159 procedure MH_SEND_Effect(X, Y: Integer; Ang: SmallInt; Kind: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
160 procedure MH_SEND_Sound(X, Y: Integer; Name: string; Pos: Boolean = True; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
161 procedure MH_SEND_CreateShot(Proj: LongInt; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
162 procedure MH_SEND_UpdateShot(Proj: LongInt; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
163 procedure MH_SEND_DeleteShot(Proj: LongInt; X, Y: LongInt; Loud: Boolean = True; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
164 procedure MH_SEND_GameStats(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
165 procedure MH_SEND_CoopStats(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
166 procedure MH_SEND_GameEvent(EvType: Byte; EvNum: Integer = 0; EvStr: string = 'N'; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
167 procedure MH_SEND_FlagEvent(EvType: Byte; Flag: Byte; PID: Word; Quiet: Boolean = False; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
168 procedure MH_SEND_FlagPos(Flag: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
169 procedure MH_SEND_GameSettings(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
170 // PLAYER
171 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerCreate(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
172 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerPos(Reliable: Boolean; PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
173 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerStats(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
174 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDelete(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
175 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDamage(PID: Word; Kind: Byte; Attacker, Value: Word; VX, VY: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
176 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerFire(PID: Word; Weapon: Byte; X, Y, AX, AY: Integer; ShotID: Integer = -1; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
177 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDeath(PID: Word; KillType, DeathType: Byte; Attacker: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
178 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerSettings(PID: Word; Mdl: string = ''; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
179 // ITEM
180 procedure MH_SEND_ItemSpawn(Quiet: Boolean; IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
181 procedure MH_SEND_ItemDestroy(Quiet: Boolean; IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
182 procedure MH_SEND_ItemPos(IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
183 // PANEL
184 procedure MH_SEND_PanelTexture(PGUID: Integer; AnimLoop: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
185 procedure MH_SEND_PanelState(PGUID: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
186 // MONSTER
187 procedure MH_SEND_MonsterSpawn(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
188 procedure MH_SEND_MonsterPos(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
189 procedure MH_SEND_MonsterState(UID: Word; ForcedAnim: Byte = 255; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
190 procedure MH_SEND_MonsterShot(UID: Word; X, Y, VX, VY: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
191 procedure MH_SEND_MonsterDelete(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
192 // TRIGGER
193 procedure MH_SEND_TriggerSound(var T: TTrigger; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
194 procedure MH_SEND_TriggerMusic(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
195 // MISC
196 procedure MH_SEND_TimeSync(Time: LongWord; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
197 procedure MH_SEND_VoteEvent(EvType: Byte;
198 StrArg1: string = 'a'; StrArg2: string = 'b';
199 IntArg1: SmallInt = 0; IntArg2: SmallInt = 0;
200 ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
204 // GAME
205 procedure MC_RECV_Chat(var M: TMsg);
206 procedure MC_RECV_Effect(var M: TMsg);
207 procedure MC_RECV_Sound(var M: TMsg);
208 procedure MC_RECV_GameStats(var M: TMsg);
209 procedure MC_RECV_CoopStats(var M: TMsg);
210 procedure MC_RECV_GameEvent(var M: TMsg);
211 procedure MC_RECV_FlagEvent(var M: TMsg);
212 procedure MC_RECV_FlagPos(var M: TMsg);
213 procedure MC_RECV_GameSettings(var M: TMsg);
214 // PLAYER
215 function MC_RECV_PlayerCreate(var M: TMsg): Word;
216 function MC_RECV_PlayerPos(var M: TMsg): Word;
217 function MC_RECV_PlayerStats(var M: TMsg): Word;
218 function MC_RECV_PlayerDelete(var M: TMsg): Word;
219 function MC_RECV_PlayerDamage(var M: TMsg): Word;
220 function MC_RECV_PlayerDeath(var M: TMsg): Word;
221 function MC_RECV_PlayerFire(var M: TMsg): Word;
222 procedure MC_RECV_PlayerSettings(var M: TMsg);
223 // ITEM
224 procedure MC_RECV_ItemSpawn(var M: TMsg);
225 procedure MC_RECV_ItemDestroy(var M: TMsg);
226 procedure MC_RECV_ItemPos(var M: TMsg);
227 // PANEL
228 procedure MC_RECV_PanelTexture(var M: TMsg);
229 procedure MC_RECV_PanelState(var M: TMsg);
230 // MONSTER
231 procedure MC_RECV_MonsterSpawn(var M: TMsg);
232 procedure MC_RECV_MonsterPos(var M: TMsg);
233 procedure MC_RECV_MonsterState(var M: TMsg);
234 procedure MC_RECV_MonsterShot(var M: TMsg);
235 procedure MC_RECV_MonsterDelete(var M: TMsg);
236 // SHOT
237 procedure MC_RECV_CreateShot(var M: TMsg);
238 procedure MC_RECV_UpdateShot(var M: TMsg);
239 procedure MC_RECV_DeleteShot(var M: TMsg);
240 // TRIGGER
241 procedure MC_RECV_TriggerSound(var M: TMsg);
242 procedure MC_RECV_TriggerMusic(var M: TMsg);
243 // MISC
244 procedure MC_RECV_TimeSync(var M: TMsg);
245 procedure MC_RECV_VoteEvent(var M: TMsg);
246 // SERVICE
247 procedure MC_SEND_Info(Password: string);
248 procedure MC_SEND_Chat(Txt: string; Mode: Byte);
249 procedure MC_SEND_PlayerPos();
250 procedure MC_SEND_FullStateRequest();
251 procedure MC_SEND_PlayerSettings();
252 procedure MC_SEND_CheatRequest(Kind: Byte);
253 procedure MC_SEND_RCONPassword(Password: string);
254 procedure MC_SEND_RCONCommand(Cmd: string);
255 procedure MC_SEND_Vote(Start: Boolean = False; Command: string = 'a');
257 //procedure MC_SEND_MapRequest();
258 //procedure MC_SEND_ResRequest(const resName: AnsiString);
261 type
262 TExternalResourceInfo = record
263 Name: string[255];
264 md5: TMD5Digest;
265 end;
267 TResDataMsg = record
268 MsgId: Byte;
269 FileSize: Integer;
270 FileData: AByte;
271 end;
273 TMapDataMsg = record
274 MsgId: Byte;
275 FileSize: Integer;
276 FileData: AByte;
277 ExternalResources: array of TExternalResourceInfo;
278 end;
280 function IsValidFileName(const S: String): Boolean;
281 function IsValidFilePath(const S: String): Boolean;
284 implementation
286 uses
287 Math, ENet, e_input, e_log, g_base, g_basic, r_animations, r_gfx,
288 g_textures, g_gfx, g_sound, g_console, g_options,
289 g_game, g_player, g_map, g_panel, g_items, g_weapons, g_phys, g_gui,
290 g_language, g_monsters, g_netmaster, utils, wadreader, MAPDEF;
292 const
293 NET_KEY_LEFT = 1 shl 0;
294 NET_KEY_RIGHT = 1 shl 1;
295 NET_KEY_UP = 1 shl 2;
296 NET_KEY_DOWN = 1 shl 3;
297 NET_KEY_JUMP = 1 shl 4;
298 NET_KEY_FIRE = 1 shl 5;
299 NET_KEY_OPEN = 1 shl 6;
300 NET_KEY_CHAT = 1 shl 7;
301 NET_KEY_FORCEDIR = 1 shl 8;
303 //var
304 //kBytePrev: Word = 0;
305 //kDirPrev: TDirection = D_LEFT;
306 //HostGameTime: Word = 0;
309 function IsValidFileName(const S: String): Boolean;
310 const
311 Forbidden: set of Char = ['<', '>', '|', '"', ':', '*', '?'];
312 var
313 I: Integer;
314 begin
315 Result := S <> '';
316 for I := 1 to Length(S) do
317 Result := Result and (not(S[I] in Forbidden));
318 end;
320 function IsValidFilePath(const S: String): Boolean;
321 var
322 I: Integer;
323 begin
324 Result := False;
325 if not IsValidFileName(S) then exit;
326 if FileExists(S) then exit;
327 I := LastDelimiter('\/', S);
328 if (I > 0) then
329 if (not DirectoryExists(Copy(S, 1, I-1))) then
330 exit;
331 Result := True;
332 end;
338 // GAME
340 procedure MH_MalformedPacket(C: pTNetClient);
341 begin
342 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] +
344 g_Net_Host_Kick(C^.ID, NET_DISC_PROTOCOL);
345 end;
347 procedure MH_RECV_Chat(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
348 var
349 Txt: string;
350 Mode: Byte;
351 PID: Word;
352 Pl: TPlayer;
353 Err: Boolean;
354 begin
355 PID := C^.Player;
356 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
358 Err := False;
359 try
360 Txt := M.ReadString();
361 Mode := M.ReadByte();
362 except
363 Err := True;
364 end;
366 if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end;
368 if (Mode = NET_CHAT_SYSTEM) then
369 Mode := NET_CHAT_PLAYER; // prevent sending system messages from clients
370 if (Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM) and (not gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF]) then
371 Mode := NET_CHAT_PLAYER; // revert to player chat in non-team game
373 if Pl = nil then
374 MH_SEND_Chat(Txt, Mode)
375 else
376 MH_SEND_Chat(Pl.Name + ': ' + Txt, Mode, IfThen(Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM, Pl.Team, NET_EVERYONE));
377 end;
379 procedure MH_RECV_Info(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
380 var
381 Ver, PName, Model, Pw: string;
382 R, G, B, T: Byte;
383 WeapSwitch: Byte;
384 TmpPrefArray: Array [WP_FIRST .. WP_LAST + 1] of Byte;
385 SwitchEmpty: Byte;
386 SkipF: Byte;
387 PID: Word;
388 Color: TRGB;
389 I: Integer;
390 Err: Boolean;
391 begin
392 Err := False;
393 try
394 Ver := M.ReadString();
395 Pw := M.ReadString();
396 PName := M.ReadString();
397 Model := M.ReadString();
398 R := M.ReadByte();
399 G := M.ReadByte();
400 B := M.ReadByte();
401 T := M.ReadByte();
402 WeapSwitch := M.ReadByte();
403 for I := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST + 1 do
404 TmpPrefArray[I] := M.ReadByte();
405 SwitchEmpty := M.ReadByte();
406 SkipF := M.ReadByte();
407 except
408 Err := True;
409 end;
411 if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end;
413 if Ver <> GAME_VERSION then
414 begin
415 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] +
417 g_Net_Host_Kick(C^.ID, NET_DISC_VERSION);
418 Exit;
419 end;
421 if g_Net_IsHostBanned(C^.Peer^ then
422 begin
423 if g_Net_IsHostBanned(C^.Peer^, True) then
424 begin
425 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] +
426 _lc[I_NET_DISC_BAN]);
427 g_Net_Host_Kick(C^.ID, NET_DISC_BAN);
428 end
429 else
430 begin
431 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] +
432 _lc[I_NET_DISC_BAN]);
433 g_Net_Host_Kick(C^.ID, NET_DISC_TEMPBAN);
434 end;
435 Exit;
436 end;
438 if NetPassword <> '' then
439 if AnsiLowerCase(NetPassword) <> AnsiLowerCase(Pw) then
440 begin
441 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] +
443 g_Net_Host_Kick(C^.ID, NET_DISC_PASSWORD);
444 Exit;
445 end;
447 if (C^.Player <> 0) then
448 begin
449 // already received info
450 g_Net_Penalize(C, 'client info spam');
451 Exit;
452 end;
454 Color.R := R;
455 Color.B := B;
456 Color.G := G;
458 PID := g_Player_Create(Model, Color, T, False);
459 with g_Player_Get(PID) do
460 begin
461 Name := PName;
462 WeapSwitchMode := WeapSwitch;
463 SetWeaponPrefs(TmpPrefArray);
464 SwitchToEmpty := SwitchEmpty;
465 SkipFist := SkipF;
466 if (g_Force_Model_Get() <> 0) then
467 SetModel(g_Forced_Model_GetName());
468 Reset(True);
469 end;
471 C^.Player := PID;
472 C^.WaitForFirstSpawn := false;
473 C^.AuthTime := 0;
475 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_JOIN], [PName]), True);
476 e_WriteLog('NET: Client ' + PName + ' [' + IntToStr(C^.ID) +
477 '] connected. Assigned player #' + IntToStr(PID) + '.', TMsgType.Notify);
479 MH_SEND_Info(C^.ID);
481 with g_Player_Get(PID) do
482 begin
483 Name := PName;
484 FClientID := C^.ID;
485 // round in progress, don't spawn
486 e_LogWritefln('*** client #%u (cid #%u) authenticated...', [C.ID, C.Player]);
487 //e_LogWritefln('spawning player with pid #%u...', [PID]);
488 //Respawn(gGameSettings.GameType = GT_SINGLE);
489 //k8: no, do not spawn a player yet, wait for "request full state" packet
490 Lives := 0;
491 Spectate;
492 FNoRespawn := True;
493 // `FWantsInGame` seems to mean "spawn the player on the next occasion".
494 // that is, if we'll set it to `true`, the player can be spawned after
495 // warmup time ran out, for example, regardless of the real player state.
496 // also, this seems to work only for the initial connection. further
497 // map changes could initiate resource downloading, but the player will
498 // be spawned immediately.
499 // the proper solution will require another player state, "ephemeral".
500 // the player should start any map in "ephemeral" state, and turned into
501 // real mobj only when they sent a special "i am ready" packet. this packet
502 // must be sent after receiving the full state, so the player will get a full
503 // map view before going into game.
504 FWantsInGame := false;
505 C^.WaitForFirstSpawn := true;
506 end;
508 //if not C^.WaitForFirstSpawn then
509 begin
510 for I := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do
511 begin
512 if NetClients[I].ID = C^.ID then Continue;
513 MH_SEND_PlayerCreate(PID, NetClients[I].ID);
514 MH_SEND_PlayerPos(True, PID, NetClients[I].ID);
515 MH_SEND_PlayerStats(PID, NetClients[I].ID);
516 end;
517 end;
519 if gState in [STATE_INTERCUSTOM, STATE_FOLD] then
520 MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_MAPEND, 0, 'N', C^.ID);
522 if NetUseMaster then
523 begin
524 //g_Net_Slist_Update;
525 g_Net_Slist_Pulse();
526 end;
527 end;
530 procedure MH_ProcessFirstSpawn (C: pTNetClient);
531 var
532 plr: TPlayer;
533 begin
534 if not C.WaitForFirstSpawn then exit;
535 plr := g_Player_Get(C^.Player);
536 if not assigned(plr) then exit;
537 g_Net_Slist_ServerPlayerComes();
538 e_LogWritefln('*** client #%u (cid #%u) first spawn', [C.ID, C.Player]);
539 C.WaitForFirstSpawn := false;
540 plr.FNoRespawn := false;
541 plr.FWantsInGame := true; // TODO: look into this later
543 if (gGameSettings.MaxLives > 0) and (gLMSRespawn = LMS_RESPAWN_NONE) then
544 begin
545 plr.Spectate;
546 MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_LMS_NOSPAWN, 0, 'N', C.ID);
547 end
548 else
549 begin
550 plr.Respawn(False);
551 if gLMSRespawn > LMS_RESPAWN_NONE then
552 MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_LMS_WARMUP, gLMSRespawnTime - gTime, 'N', C.ID);
553 end;
554 end;
557 procedure MH_RECV_FullStateRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
558 begin
559 //e_LogWritefln('*** client #%u (cid #%u) full state request', [C.ID, C.Player]);
561 if C^.FullUpdateSent then
562 begin
563 // FullStateRequest spam?
564 g_Net_Penalize(C, 'duplicate full state request');
565 exit;
566 end;
568 if gGameOn then
569 begin
570 MH_SEND_Everything((C^.State = NET_STATE_AUTH), C^.ID)
571 end
572 else
573 begin
574 C^.RequestedFullUpdate := True;
575 end;
576 end;
578 // PLAYER
580 function MH_RECV_PlayerPos(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg): Word;
581 var
582 Dir, i: Byte;
583 WeaponAct: Byte;
584 WeaponSelect: Word;
585 PID: Word;
586 kByte: Word;
587 Pl: TPlayer;
588 GT: LongWord;
589 Err: Boolean;
590 begin
591 Result := 0;
592 Err := False;
593 if not gGameOn then Exit;
595 try
596 GT := M.ReadLongWord();
597 except
598 Err := True;
599 end;
601 if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end;
603 PID := C^.Player;
604 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
605 if Pl = nil then
606 Exit;
608 if (GT > gTime + NET_MAX_DIFFTIME) or (GT < Pl.NetTime) then Exit;
610 with Pl do
611 begin
612 NetTime := GT;
613 try
614 kByte := M.ReadWord();
615 Dir := M.ReadByte();
616 WeaponAct := M.ReadByte();
617 WeaponSelect := M.ReadWord();
618 except
619 Err := True;
620 end;
622 if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end;
624 //e_WriteLog(Format('R:ws=%d', [WeaponSelect]), MSG_WARNING);
625 if Direction <> TDirection(Dir) then
626 JustTeleported := False;
628 SetDirection(TDirection(Dir));
629 ReleaseKeys;
631 if kByte = NET_KEY_CHAT then
632 begin
633 PressKey(KEY_CHAT, 10000);
634 Exit;
635 end;
637 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_LEFT) then PressKey(KEY_LEFT, 10000);
638 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_RIGHT) then PressKey(KEY_RIGHT, 10000);
639 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_UP) then PressKey(KEY_UP, 10000);
640 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_DOWN) then PressKey(KEY_DOWN, 10000);
641 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_JUMP) then PressKey(KEY_JUMP, 10000);
642 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_FIRE) then PressKey(KEY_FIRE, 10000);
643 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_OPEN) then PressKey(KEY_OPEN, 10000);
645 for i := 0 to 7 do
646 begin
647 if (WeaponAct and Byte(1 shl i)) <> 0 then
648 begin
649 //e_WriteLog(Format(' R:wn=%d', [i]), MSG_WARNING);
650 ProcessWeaponAction(i);
651 end;
652 end;
654 for i := 0 to 15 do
655 begin
656 if (WeaponSelect and Word(1 shl i)) <> 0 then
657 begin
658 //e_WriteLog(Format(' R:wn=%d', [i]), MSG_WARNING);
659 QueueWeaponSwitch(i);
660 end;
661 end;
662 end;
664 // MH_SEND_PlayerPos(False, PID, C^.ID);
665 end;
667 procedure MH_RECV_CheatRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
668 var
669 CheatKind: Byte;
670 Pl: TPlayer;
671 Err: Boolean;
672 begin
673 Err := False;
674 Pl := g_Player_Get(C^.Player);
675 if Pl = nil then Exit;
677 try
678 CheatKind := M.ReadByte();
679 except
680 Err := True;
681 end;
683 if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end;
685 case CheatKind of
687 Pl.Damage(SUICIDE_DAMAGE, Pl.UID, 0, 0, HIT_SELF);
689 begin
690 if Pl.FSpectator then
691 begin
692 if (gGameSettings.MaxLives = 0) or (gLMSRespawn > LMS_RESPAWN_NONE) then
693 Pl.Respawn(False)
694 else
696 end
697 else
698 Pl.Spectate;
699 end;
701 begin
702 if gState <> STATE_INTERCUSTOM then Exit;
703 Pl.FReady := not Pl.FReady;
704 if Pl.FReady then
705 begin
707 Inc(gInterReadyCount);
708 end
709 else
710 begin
712 Dec(gInterReadyCount);
713 end;
714 end;
716 Pl.TryDropFlag();
717 end;
718 end;
720 procedure MH_RECV_PlayerSettings(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
721 var
722 TmpName: string;
723 TmpModel: string;
724 TmpColor: TRGB;
725 TmpTeam: Byte;
726 TmpWeapSwitch: Byte;
727 TmpPrefArray: Array [WP_FIRST .. WP_LAST + 1] of Byte;
728 TmpSwEmpty: Byte;
729 TmpSkipF: Byte;
730 I: Integer;
731 Pl: TPlayer;
732 Err: Boolean;
733 begin
734 Err := False;
735 try
736 TmpName := M.ReadString();
737 TmpModel := M.ReadString();
738 TmpColor.R := M.ReadByte();
739 TmpColor.G := M.ReadByte();
740 TmpColor.B := M.ReadByte();
741 TmpTeam := M.ReadByte();
742 TmpWeapSwitch := M.ReadByte();
743 for I := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST + 1 do
744 TmpPrefArray[I] := M.ReadByte();
745 TmpSwEmpty := M.ReadByte();
746 TmpSkipF := M.ReadByte();
747 except
748 Err := True;
749 end;
751 if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end;
753 Pl := g_Player_Get(C^.Player);
754 if Pl = nil then Exit;
756 if (gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF]) and (Pl.Team <> TmpTeam) then
757 Pl.SwitchTeam
758 else
759 Pl.SetColor(TmpColor);
761 if Pl.Name <> TmpName then
762 begin
763 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_NAME], [Pl.Name, TmpName]), True);
764 Pl.Name := TmpName;
765 end;
767 if (g_Force_Model_Get() <> 0) then
768 TmpModel := g_Forced_Model_GetName();
769 if TmpModel <> Pl.Model.GetName() then
770 Pl.SetModel(TmpModel);
772 if (TmpWeapSwitch <> Pl.WeapSwitchMode) then
773 Pl.WeapSwitchMode := TmpWeapSwitch;
775 Pl.SetWeaponPrefs(TmpPrefArray);
776 if (TmpSwEmpty <> Pl.SwitchToEmpty) then
777 Pl.SwitchToEmpty := TmpSwEmpty;
779 if (TmpSkipF <> Pl.SkipFist) then
780 Pl.SkipFist := TmpSkipF;
782 MH_SEND_PlayerSettings(Pl.UID, TmpModel);
783 end;
785 // RCON
787 procedure MH_RECV_RCONPassword(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
788 var
789 Pwd: string;
790 Err: Boolean;
791 begin
792 Err := False;
793 try
794 Pwd := M.ReadString();
795 except
796 Err := True;
797 end;
798 if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end;
799 if not NetAllowRCON then Exit;
800 if Pwd = NetRCONPassword then
801 begin
802 C^.RCONAuth := True;
804 end
805 else
807 end;
809 procedure MH_RECV_RCONCommand(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
810 var
811 Cmd: string;
812 Err: Boolean;
813 begin
814 Err := False;
815 try
816 Cmd := M.ReadString();
817 except
818 Err := True;
819 end;
820 if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end;
821 if not NetAllowRCON then Exit;
822 if not C^.RCONAuth then
823 begin
825 Exit;
826 end;
827 g_Console_Process(Cmd);
828 end;
830 // MISC
832 procedure MH_RECV_Vote(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg);
833 var
834 Start: Boolean;
835 Name, Command: string;
836 Need: Integer;
837 Pl: TPlayer;
838 Err: Boolean;
839 begin
840 Err := False;
841 try
842 Start := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
843 Command := M.ReadString();
844 except
845 Err := True;
846 end;
848 if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end;
850 Pl := g_Player_Get(C^.Player);
851 if Pl = nil then Exit;
852 Name := Pl.Name;
854 if Start then
855 begin
856 if not g_Console_CommandBlacklisted(Command) then
857 g_Game_StartVote(Command, Name);
858 end
859 else if gVoteInProgress then
860 begin
861 if (gPlayer1 <> nil) or (gPlayer2 <> nil) then
862 Need := Floor((NetClientCount+1)/2.0) + 1
863 else
864 Need := Floor(NetClientCount/2.0) + 1;
865 if C^.Voted then
866 begin
867 Dec(gVoteCount);
868 C^.Voted := False;
869 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_REVOKED], [Name, gVoteCount, Need]), True);
870 MH_SEND_VoteEvent(NET_VE_REVOKE, Name, 'a', gVoteCount, Need);
871 end
872 else
873 begin
874 Inc(gVoteCount);
875 C^.Voted := True;
876 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_VOTE], [Name, gVoteCount, Need]), True);
877 MH_SEND_VoteEvent(NET_VE_VOTE, Name, 'a', gVoteCount, Need);
878 g_Game_CheckVote;
879 end;
880 end;
881 end;
883 // GAME (SEND)
885 procedure MH_SEND_Everything(CreatePlayers: Boolean {= False}; ID: Integer {= NET_EVERYONE});
887 function sendItemRespawn (it: PItem): Boolean;
888 begin
889 result := false; // don't stop
890 MH_SEND_ItemSpawn(True, it.myid, ID);
891 end;
893 function sendMonSpawn (mon: TMonster): Boolean;
894 begin
895 result := false; // don't stop
896 MH_SEND_MonsterSpawn(mon.UID, ID);
897 end;
899 function sendPanelState (pan: TPanel): Boolean;
900 begin
901 result := false; // don't stop
902 MH_SEND_PanelState(pan.guid, ID); // anyway, to sync mplats
903 if (pan.CanChangeTexture) then MH_SEND_PanelTexture(pan.guid, pan.LastAnimLoop, ID);
904 end;
906 var
907 I: Integer;
908 begin
909 if (ID < 0) or (ID >= Length(NetClients)) then
910 exit; // bogus client, this shouldn't happen
912 NetClients[ID].FullUpdateSent := True;
914 e_LogWritefln('*** client #%u (cid #%u) will get everything', [ID, NetClients[ID].Player]);
916 MH_ProcessFirstSpawn(@NetClients[ID]);
918 if gPlayers <> nil then
919 begin
920 for I := Low(gPlayers) to High(gPlayers) do
921 begin
922 if gPlayers[I] <> nil then
923 begin
924 if CreatePlayers then MH_SEND_PlayerCreate(gPlayers[I].UID, ID);
925 MH_SEND_PlayerPos(True, gPlayers[I].UID, ID);
926 MH_SEND_PlayerStats(gPlayers[I].UID, ID);
928 if (gPlayers[I].Flag <> FLAG_NONE) and (gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_CTF) then
929 begin
930 MH_SEND_FlagEvent(FLAG_STATE_CAPTURED, gPlayers[I].Flag, gPlayers[I].UID, True, ID);
931 end;
932 end;
933 end;
934 end;
936 g_Items_ForEachAlive(sendItemRespawn, true); // backwards
937 g_Mons_ForEach(sendMonSpawn);
938 g_Map_ForEachPanel(sendPanelState);
940 if gTriggers <> nil then
941 begin
942 for I := Low(gTriggers) to High(gTriggers) do
943 begin
944 if gTriggers[I].TriggerType = TRIGGER_SOUND then
945 begin
946 MH_SEND_TriggerSound(gTriggers[I], ID);
947 end;
948 end;
949 end;
951 if Shots <> nil then
952 begin
953 for I := Low(Shots) to High(Shots) do
954 begin
955 if Shots[i].ShotType in [6, 7, 8] then
956 begin
957 MH_SEND_CreateShot(i, ID);
958 end;
959 end;
960 end;
962 MH_SEND_TriggerMusic(ID);
964 MH_SEND_GameStats(ID);
965 MH_SEND_CoopStats(ID);
967 if gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_CTF then
968 begin
969 if gFlags[FLAG_RED].State <> FLAG_STATE_CAPTURED then MH_SEND_FlagEvent(gFlags[FLAG_RED].State, FLAG_RED, 0, True, ID);
970 if gFlags[FLAG_BLUE].State <> FLAG_STATE_CAPTURED then MH_SEND_FlagEvent(gFlags[FLAG_BLUE].State, FLAG_BLUE, 0, True, ID);
971 end;
973 if CreatePlayers and (ID >= 0) then NetClients[ID].State := NET_STATE_GAME;
975 g_Net_Flush();
976 end;
978 procedure MH_SEND_Info(ID: Byte);
979 begin
980 NetOut.Clear();
982 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_INFO));
983 NetOut.Write(ID);
984 NetOut.Write(NetClients[ID].Player);
985 NetOut.Write(ExtractFileName(gGameSettings.WAD));
986 NetOut.Write(g_ExtractFileName(gMapInfo.Map));
987 NetOut.Write(gWADHash);
988 NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.GameMode);
989 NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.ScoreLimit);
990 NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.TimeLimit);
991 NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.MaxLives);
992 NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.Options);
993 NetOut.Write(gTime);
995 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_SERVICE);
996 end;
998 procedure MH_SEND_Chat(Txt: string; Mode: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
999 var
1000 Name: string;
1001 i: Integer;
1002 Team: Byte;
1003 begin
1004 if (Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM) and (not gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF]) then
1005 Mode := NET_CHAT_PLAYER;
1007 Team := 0;
1008 if (Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM) then
1009 begin
1010 for i := Low(gPlayers) to High(gPlayers) do
1011 if (gPlayers[i] <> nil) and (gPlayers[i].FClientID >= 0) and
1012 (gPlayers[i].Team = ID) then
1013 begin
1014 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_CHAT));
1015 NetOut.Write(Txt);
1016 NetOut.Write(Mode);
1017 g_Net_Host_Send(gPlayers[i].FClientID, True, NET_CHAN_CHAT);
1018 end;
1019 Team := ID;
1021 end
1022 else
1023 begin
1024 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_CHAT));
1025 NetOut.Write(Txt);
1026 NetOut.Write(Mode);
1027 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_CHAT);
1028 end;
1030 if Mode = NET_CHAT_SYSTEM then
1031 Exit;
1033 if ID = NET_EVERYONE then
1034 begin
1035 if Mode = NET_CHAT_PLAYER then
1036 begin
1037 g_Console_Add(Txt, True);
1038 e_WriteLog('[Chat] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify);
1039 g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt));
1040 end
1041 else
1042 if Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM then
1043 if gPlayer1 <> nil then
1044 begin
1045 if (gPlayer1.Team = TEAM_RED) and (Team = TEAM_RED) then
1046 begin
1047 g_Console_Add(#18'[Team] '#2 + Txt, True);
1048 e_WriteLog('[Team Chat] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify);
1049 g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt));
1050 end
1051 else if (gPlayer1.Team = TEAM_BLUE) and (Team = TEAM_BLUE) then
1052 begin
1053 g_Console_Add(#20'[Team] '#2 + Txt, True);
1054 e_WriteLog('[Team Chat] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify);
1055 g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt));
1056 end;
1057 end;
1058 end
1059 else
1060 begin
1061 Name := g_Net_ClientName_ByID(ID);
1062 g_Console_Add('-> ' + Name + ': ' + Txt, True);
1063 e_WriteLog('[Tell ' + Name + '] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify);
1064 g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt), False);
1065 end;
1066 end;
1068 procedure MH_SEND_Effect(X, Y: Integer; Ang: SmallInt; Kind: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1069 begin
1070 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_GFX));
1071 NetOut.Write(Kind);
1072 NetOut.Write(X);
1073 NetOut.Write(Y);
1074 NetOut.Write(Ang);
1076 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False, NET_CHAN_GAME);
1077 end;
1079 procedure MH_SEND_Sound(X, Y: Integer; Name: string; Pos: Boolean = True; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1080 begin
1081 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_SND));
1082 NetOut.Write(Name);
1083 if Pos then
1084 begin
1085 NetOut.Write(Byte(1));
1086 NetOut.Write(X);
1087 NetOut.Write(Y);
1088 end
1089 else
1090 NetOut.Write(Byte(0));
1092 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False, NET_CHAN_GAME);
1093 end;
1095 procedure MH_SEND_CreateShot(Proj: LongInt; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1096 begin
1097 if (Shots = nil) or (Proj < 0) or (Proj > High(Shots)) then Exit;
1099 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_SHADD));
1100 NetOut.Write(Proj);
1101 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].ShotType);
1102 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Target);
1103 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].SpawnerUID);
1104 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Timeout);
1105 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.X);
1106 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Y);
1107 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Vel.X);
1108 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Vel.Y);
1110 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_SHOTS);
1111 end;
1113 procedure MH_SEND_UpdateShot(Proj: LongInt; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1114 begin
1115 if (Shots = nil) or (Proj < 0) or (Proj > High(Shots)) then Exit;
1117 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_SHPOS));
1118 NetOut.Write(Proj);
1119 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.X);
1120 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Y);
1121 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Vel.X);
1122 NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Vel.Y);
1124 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False, NET_CHAN_SHOTS);
1125 end;
1127 procedure MH_Send_DeleteShot(Proj: LongInt; X, Y: LongInt; Loud: Boolean = True; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1128 begin
1129 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_SHDEL));
1130 NetOut.Write(Proj);
1131 NetOut.Write(Byte(Loud));
1132 NetOut.Write(X);
1133 NetOut.Write(Y);
1135 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_SHOTS);
1136 end;
1138 procedure MH_SEND_GameStats(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1139 begin
1140 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_SCORE));
1141 if gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF] then
1142 begin
1143 NetOut.Write(gTeamStat[TEAM_RED].Score);
1144 NetOut.Write(gTeamStat[TEAM_BLUE].Score);
1145 end
1146 else
1147 if gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_COOP then
1148 begin
1149 NetOut.Write(gCoopMonstersKilled);
1150 NetOut.Write(gCoopSecretsFound);
1151 end;
1153 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT);
1154 end;
1156 procedure MH_SEND_CoopStats(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1157 begin
1158 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_COOP));
1159 NetOut.Write(gTotalMonsters);
1160 NetOut.Write(gSecretsCount);
1161 NetOut.Write(gCoopTotalMonstersKilled);
1162 NetOut.Write(gCoopTotalSecretsFound);
1163 NetOut.Write(gCoopTotalMonsters);
1164 NetOut.Write(gCoopTotalSecrets);
1165 end;
1167 procedure MH_SEND_GameEvent(EvType: Byte; EvNum: Integer = 0; EvStr: string = 'N'; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1168 begin
1169 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_GEVENT));
1170 NetOut.Write(EvType);
1171 NetOut.Write(EvNum);
1172 NetOut.Write(EvStr);
1173 NetOut.Write(Byte(gLastMap));
1174 NetOut.Write(gTime);
1175 if (EvType = NET_EV_MAPSTART) and isWadPath(EvStr) then
1176 begin
1177 NetOut.Write(Byte(1));
1178 NetOut.Write(gWADHash);
1179 end else
1180 NetOut.Write(Byte(0));
1182 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_SERVICE);
1183 end;
1185 procedure MH_SEND_FlagEvent(EvType: Byte; Flag: Byte; PID: Word; Quiet: Boolean = False; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1186 begin
1187 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_FLAG));
1188 NetOut.Write(EvType);
1189 NetOut.Write(Flag);
1190 NetOut.Write(Byte(Quiet));
1191 NetOut.Write(PID);
1192 NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].State);
1193 NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].CaptureTime);
1194 NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.X);
1195 NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Y);
1196 NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Vel.X);
1197 NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Vel.Y);
1198 NetOut.Write(Byte(gFlags[Flag].Direction));
1200 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT);
1201 end;
1203 procedure MH_SEND_FlagPos(Flag: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1204 begin
1205 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_FLAGPOS));
1206 NetOut.Write(Flag);
1207 NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.X);
1208 NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Y);
1209 NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Vel.X);
1210 NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Vel.Y);
1212 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT);
1213 end;
1215 procedure MH_SEND_GameSettings(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1216 begin
1217 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_GSET));
1218 NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.GameMode);
1219 NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.ScoreLimit);
1220 NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.TimeLimit);
1221 NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.MaxLives);
1222 NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.Options);
1224 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT);
1225 end;
1227 // PLAYER (SEND)
1229 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerCreate(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1230 var
1231 P: TPlayer;
1232 begin
1233 P := g_Player_Get(PID);
1234 if P = nil then Exit;
1236 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLR));
1237 NetOut.Write(PID);
1238 NetOut.Write(P.Name);
1240 NetOut.Write(P.FActualModelName);
1241 NetOut.Write(P.FColor.R);
1242 NetOut.Write(P.FColor.G);
1243 NetOut.Write(P.FColor.B);
1244 NetOut.Write(P.Team);
1246 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT)
1247 end;
1249 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerPos(Reliable: Boolean; PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1250 var
1251 kByte: Word;
1252 Pl: TPlayer;
1253 begin
1254 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
1255 if Pl = nil then Exit;
1256 if Pl.FDummy then Exit;
1258 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRPOS));
1259 NetOut.Write(gTime);
1260 NetOut.Write(PID);
1262 kByte := 0;
1264 with Pl do
1265 begin
1266 NetOut.Write(FPing);
1267 NetOut.Write(FLoss);
1268 if IsKeyPressed(KEY_CHAT) then
1269 kByte := NET_KEY_CHAT
1270 else
1271 begin
1272 if IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT) then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_LEFT;
1273 if IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT) then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_RIGHT;
1274 if IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP) then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_UP;
1275 if IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN) then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_DOWN;
1276 if IsKeyPressed(KEY_JUMP) then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_JUMP;
1277 end;
1279 if JustTeleported then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_FORCEDIR;
1281 NetOut.Write(kByte);
1282 if Direction = TDirection.D_LEFT then NetOut.Write(Byte(0)) else NetOut.Write(Byte(1));
1283 NetOut.Write(GameX);
1284 NetOut.Write(GameY);
1285 NetOut.Write(GameVelX);
1286 NetOut.Write(GameVelY);
1287 NetOut.Write(GameAccelX);
1288 NetOut.Write(GameAccelY);
1289 end;
1291 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, Reliable, NET_CHAN_PLAYERPOS);
1292 end;
1294 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerStats(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1295 var
1296 P: TPlayer;
1297 I: Integer;
1298 begin
1299 P := g_Player_Get(PID);
1300 if P = nil then Exit;
1302 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRSTA));
1303 NetOut.Write(PID);
1305 with P do
1306 begin
1307 NetOut.Write(Byte(alive));
1308 NetOut.Write(Byte(GodMode));
1309 NetOut.Write(Health);
1310 NetOut.Write(Armor);
1311 NetOut.Write(Air);
1312 NetOut.Write(JetFuel);
1313 NetOut.Write(Lives);
1314 NetOut.Write(Team);
1316 for I := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST do
1317 NetOut.Write(Byte(FWeapon[I]));
1319 for I := A_BULLETS to A_HIGH do
1320 NetOut.Write(FAmmo[I]);
1322 for I := A_BULLETS to A_HIGH do
1323 NetOut.Write(FMaxAmmo[I]);
1325 for I := MR_SUIT to MR_MAX do
1326 NetOut.Write(LongWord(FMegaRulez[I]));
1328 NetOut.Write(Byte(R_ITEM_BACKPACK in FRulez));
1329 NetOut.Write(Byte(R_KEY_RED in FRulez));
1330 NetOut.Write(Byte(R_KEY_GREEN in FRulez));
1331 NetOut.Write(Byte(R_KEY_BLUE in FRulez));
1332 NetOut.Write(Byte(R_BERSERK in FRulez));
1334 NetOut.Write(Frags);
1335 NetOut.Write(Death);
1337 NetOut.Write(CurrWeap);
1339 NetOut.Write(Byte(FSpectator));
1340 NetOut.Write(Byte(FGhost));
1341 NetOut.Write(Byte(FPhysics));
1342 NetOut.Write(Byte(FNoRespawn));
1343 NetOut.Write(Byte(FJetpack));
1344 NetOut.Write(FFireTime);
1345 NetOut.Write(Byte(FFlaming));
1346 NetOut.Write(FSpawnInvul);
1347 end;
1349 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_PLAYER);
1350 end;
1352 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDamage(PID: Word; Kind: Byte; Attacker, Value: Word; VX, VY: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1353 begin
1354 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRDMG));
1355 NetOut.Write(PID);
1356 NetOut.Write(Kind);
1357 NetOut.Write(Attacker);
1358 NetOut.Write(Value);
1359 NetOut.Write(VX);
1360 NetOut.Write(VY);
1362 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False, NET_CHAN_PLAYER);
1363 end;
1365 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDeath(PID: Word; KillType, DeathType: Byte; Attacker: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1366 begin
1367 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRDIE));
1368 NetOut.Write(PID);
1369 NetOut.Write(KillType);
1370 NetOut.Write(DeathType);
1371 NetOut.Write(Attacker);
1373 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_PLAYER);
1374 end;
1376 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerFire(PID: Word; Weapon: Byte; X, Y, AX, AY: Integer; ShotID: Integer = -1; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1377 begin
1378 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRFIRE));
1379 NetOut.Write(PID);
1380 NetOut.Write(Weapon);
1381 NetOut.Write(X);
1382 NetOut.Write(Y);
1383 NetOut.Write(AX);
1384 NetOut.Write(AY);
1385 NetOut.Write(ShotID);
1387 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_SHOTS);
1388 end;
1390 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDelete(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1391 begin
1392 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRDEL));
1393 NetOut.Write(PID);
1395 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT);
1396 end;
1398 procedure MH_SEND_PlayerSettings(PID: Word; Mdl: string = ''; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1399 var
1400 Pl: TPlayer;
1401 begin
1402 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
1403 if Pl = nil then Exit;
1405 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRSET));
1406 NetOut.Write(PID);
1407 NetOut.Write(Pl.Name);
1408 if Mdl = '' then
1409 NetOut.Write(Pl.Model.GetName())
1410 else
1411 NetOut.Write(Mdl);
1412 NetOut.Write(Pl.FColor.R);
1413 NetOut.Write(Pl.FColor.G);
1414 NetOut.Write(Pl.FColor.B);
1415 NetOut.Write(Pl.Team);
1417 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT);
1418 end;
1420 // ITEM (SEND)
1422 procedure MH_SEND_ItemSpawn(Quiet: Boolean; IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1423 var
1424 it: PItem;
1425 tt: Byte;
1426 begin
1427 it := g_Items_ByIdx(IID);
1429 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_ISPAWN));
1430 NetOut.Write(IID);
1431 NetOut.Write(Byte(Quiet));
1432 tt := it.ItemType;
1433 if it.dropped then tt := tt or $80;
1434 NetOut.Write(tt);
1435 NetOut.Write(Byte(it.Fall));
1436 NetOut.Write(Byte(it.Respawnable));
1437 NetOut.Write(it.Obj.X);
1438 NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Y);
1439 NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Vel.X);
1440 NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Vel.Y);
1442 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_LARGEDATA);
1443 end;
1445 procedure MH_SEND_ItemDestroy(Quiet: Boolean; IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1446 begin
1447 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_IDEL));
1448 NetOut.Write(IID);
1449 NetOut.Write(Byte(Quiet));
1451 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_LARGEDATA);
1452 end;
1454 procedure MH_SEND_ItemPos(IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1455 var
1456 it: PItem;
1457 begin
1458 it := g_Items_ByIdx(IID);
1460 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_IPOS));
1461 NetOut.Write(IID);
1462 NetOut.Write(it.Obj.X);
1463 NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Y);
1464 NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Vel.X);
1465 NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Vel.Y);
1467 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False, NET_CHAN_LARGEDATA);
1468 end;
1470 // PANEL
1472 procedure MH_SEND_PanelTexture(PGUID: Integer; AnimLoop: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1473 var
1474 TP: TPanel;
1475 begin
1476 TP := g_Map_PanelByGUID(PGUID);
1477 if (TP = nil) then exit;
1479 with TP do
1480 begin
1481 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PTEX));
1482 NetOut.Write(LongWord(PGUID));
1483 NetOut.Write(FCurTexture);
1484 NetOut.Write(FCurFrame);
1485 NetOut.Write(FCurFrameCount);
1486 NetOut.Write(AnimLoop);
1487 end;
1489 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_LARGEDATA);
1490 end;
1492 procedure MH_SEND_PanelState(PGUID: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1493 var
1494 TP: TPanel;
1495 mpflags: Byte = 0;
1496 begin
1497 TP := g_Map_PanelByGUID(PGUID);
1498 if (TP = nil) then exit;
1500 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PSTATE));
1501 NetOut.Write(LongWord(PGUID));
1502 NetOut.Write(Byte(TP.Enabled));
1503 NetOut.Write(TP.LiftType);
1504 NetOut.Write(TP.X);
1505 NetOut.Write(TP.Y);
1506 NetOut.Write(Word(TP.Width));
1507 NetOut.Write(Word(TP.Height));
1508 // mplats
1509 NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingSpeedX));
1510 NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingSpeedY));
1511 NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingStartX));
1512 NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingStartY));
1513 NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingEndX));
1514 NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingEndY));
1515 NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.sizeSpeedX));
1516 NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.sizeSpeedY));
1517 NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.sizeEndX));
1518 NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.sizeEndY));
1519 if TP.movingActive then mpflags := mpflags or 1;
1520 if TP.moveOnce then mpflags := mpflags or 2;
1521 NetOut.Write(Byte(mpflags));
1523 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_LARGEDATA);
1524 end;
1526 // TRIGGER
1528 procedure MH_SEND_TriggerSound(var T: TTrigger; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1529 begin
1530 if gTriggers = nil then Exit;
1531 if T.Sound = nil then Exit;
1533 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_TSOUND));
1534 NetOut.Write(T.ClientID);
1535 NetOut.Write(Byte(T.Sound.IsPlaying));
1536 NetOut.Write(LongWord(T.Sound.GetPosition));
1537 NetOut.Write(T.SoundPlayCount);
1539 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True);
1540 end;
1542 procedure MH_SEND_TriggerMusic(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1543 begin
1544 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_TMUSIC));
1545 NetOut.Write(gMusic.Name);
1546 NetOut.Write(Byte(gMusic.IsPlaying));
1547 NetOut.Write(LongWord(gMusic.GetPosition));
1548 NetOut.Write(Byte(gMusic.SpecPause or gMusic.IsPaused));
1550 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True);
1551 end;
1553 // MONSTER
1555 procedure MH_SEND_MonsterSpawn(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1556 var
1557 M: TMonster;
1558 begin
1559 M := g_Monsters_ByUID(UID);
1560 if M = nil then
1561 Exit;
1563 with M do
1564 begin
1565 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_MSPAWN));
1566 NetOut.Write(UID);
1567 NetOut.Write(MonsterType);
1568 NetOut.Write(MonsterState);
1569 NetOut.Write(MonsterAnim);
1570 NetOut.Write(MonsterTargetUID);
1571 NetOut.Write(MonsterTargetTime);
1572 NetOut.Write(MonsterBehaviour);
1573 NetOut.Write(MonsterSleep);
1574 NetOut.Write(MonsterHealth);
1575 NetOut.Write(MonsterAmmo);
1576 NetOut.Write(GameX);
1577 NetOut.Write(GameY);
1578 NetOut.Write(GameVelX);
1579 NetOut.Write(GameVelY);
1580 NetOut.Write(Byte(GameDirection));
1581 end;
1583 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_LARGEDATA);
1584 end;
1586 procedure MH_SEND_MonsterPos(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1587 var
1588 M: TMonster;
1589 begin
1590 M := g_Monsters_ByUID(UID);
1591 if M = nil then Exit;
1593 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_MPOS));
1594 NetOut.Write(UID);
1596 with M do
1597 begin
1598 NetOut.Write(GameX);
1599 NetOut.Write(GameY);
1600 NetOut.Write(GameVelX);
1601 NetOut.Write(GameVelY);
1602 NetOut.Write(Byte(GameDirection));
1603 end;
1605 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False, NET_CHAN_MONSTERPOS);
1606 end;
1608 procedure MH_SEND_MonsterState(UID: Word; ForcedAnim: Byte = 255; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1609 var
1610 M: TMonster;
1611 begin
1612 M := g_Monsters_ByUID(UID);
1613 if M = nil then Exit;
1615 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_MSTATE));
1616 NetOut.Write(UID);
1618 with M do
1619 begin
1620 NetOut.Write(MonsterState);
1621 NetOut.Write(ForcedAnim);
1622 NetOut.Write(MonsterTargetUID);
1623 NetOut.Write(MonsterTargetTime);
1624 NetOut.Write(MonsterSleep);
1625 NetOut.Write(MonsterHealth);
1626 NetOut.Write(MonsterAmmo);
1627 NetOut.Write(MonsterPain);
1628 NetOut.Write(Byte(AnimIsReverse));
1629 NetOut.Write(FFireTime);
1630 end;
1632 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_MONSTER);
1633 end;
1635 procedure MH_SEND_MonsterShot(UID: Word; X, Y, VX, VY: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1636 begin
1637 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_MSHOT));
1638 NetOut.Write(UID);
1639 NetOut.Write(X);
1640 NetOut.Write(Y);
1641 NetOut.Write(VX);
1642 NetOut.Write(VY);
1644 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_MONSTER);
1645 end;
1647 procedure MH_SEND_MonsterDelete(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1648 var
1649 M: TMonster;
1650 begin
1651 M := g_Monsters_ByUID(UID);
1652 if M = nil then Exit;
1654 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_MDEL));
1655 NetOut.Write(UID);
1657 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_LARGEDATA);
1658 end;
1660 // MISC
1662 procedure MH_SEND_TimeSync(Time: LongWord; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1663 begin
1664 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_TIME_SYNC));
1665 NetOut.Write(Time);
1667 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False, NET_CHAN_SERVICE);
1668 end;
1670 procedure MH_SEND_VoteEvent(EvType: Byte;
1671 StrArg1: string = 'a'; StrArg2: string = 'b';
1672 IntArg1: SmallInt = 0; IntArg2: SmallInt = 0;
1673 ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE);
1674 begin
1675 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_VOTE_EVENT));
1676 NetOut.Write(EvType);
1677 NetOut.Write(IntArg1);
1678 NetOut.Write(IntArg2);
1679 NetOut.Write(StrArg1);
1680 NetOut.Write(StrArg2);
1682 g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT);
1683 end;
1687 // GAME
1689 procedure MC_RECV_Chat(var M: TMsg);
1690 var
1691 Txt: string;
1692 Mode: Byte;
1693 begin
1694 Txt := M.ReadString();
1695 Mode := M.ReadByte();
1697 if Mode <> NET_CHAT_SYSTEM then
1698 begin
1699 if NetDeafLevel = 0 then
1700 begin
1701 if Mode = NET_CHAT_PLAYER then
1702 begin
1703 g_Console_Add(Txt, True);
1704 e_WriteLog('[Chat] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify);
1705 g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt));
1706 end else
1707 if (Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM) and (gPlayer1 <> nil) then
1708 begin
1709 if gPlayer1.Team = TEAM_RED then
1710 g_Console_Add(b_Text_Format('\r[Team] ') + Txt, True);
1711 if gPlayer1.Team = TEAM_BLUE then
1712 g_Console_Add(b_Text_Format('\b[Team] ') + Txt, True);
1713 e_WriteLog('[Team Chat] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify);
1714 g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt));
1715 end;
1716 end;
1717 end else if (NetDeafLevel < 2) then
1718 g_Console_Add(Txt, True);
1719 end;
1721 procedure MC_RECV_Effect(var M: TMsg);
1722 var
1723 Kind: Byte;
1724 X, Y: Integer;
1725 Ang: SmallInt;
1726 begin
1727 if not gGameOn then Exit;
1728 Kind := M.ReadByte();
1729 X := M.ReadLongInt();
1730 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
1731 Ang := M.ReadSmallInt();
1733 case Kind of
1735 g_GFX_Spark(X, Y, 2 + Random(2), Ang, 0, 0);
1738 begin
1739 r_GFX_OnceAnim(R_GFX_TELEPORT_FAST, X, Y);
1740 if Ang = 1 then
1741 g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_GAME_TELEPORT', X, Y);
1742 end;
1745 begin
1746 r_GFX_OnceAnim(R_GFX_EXPLODE_ROCKET, X - 64, Y - 64);
1747 if Ang = 1 then
1749 end;
1752 begin
1753 r_GFX_OnceAnim(R_GFX_EXPLODE_BFG, X - 64, Y - 64);
1754 if Ang = 1 then
1755 g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_WEAPON_EXPLODEBFG', X, Y);
1756 end;
1759 begin
1760 r_GFX_OnceAnim(R_GFX_BFG_HIT, X - 32, Y - 32);
1761 end;
1764 begin
1765 r_GFX_OnceAnim(R_GFX_FIRE, X, Y);
1766 if Ang = 1 then
1767 g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_FIRE', X, Y);
1768 end;
1771 begin
1772 r_GFX_OnceAnim(R_GFX_ITEM_RESPAWN, X, Y);
1773 if Ang = 1 then
1774 g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_ITEM_RESPAWNITEM', X, Y);
1775 end;
1778 g_Player_CreateShell(X, Y, 0, -2, SHELL_BULLET);
1781 g_Player_CreateShell(X, Y, 0, -2, SHELL_SHELL);
1784 begin
1785 g_Player_CreateShell(X, Y, 0, -2, SHELL_SHELL);
1786 g_Player_CreateShell(X, Y, 0, -2, SHELL_SHELL);
1787 end;
1788 end;
1789 end;
1791 procedure MC_RECV_Sound(var M: TMsg);
1792 var
1793 Name: string;
1794 X, Y: Integer;
1795 Pos: Boolean;
1796 begin
1797 Name := M.ReadString();
1798 Pos := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
1799 if Pos then
1800 begin
1801 X := M.ReadLongInt();
1802 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
1803 g_Sound_PlayExAt(Name, X, Y);
1804 end
1805 else
1806 g_Sound_PlayEx(Name);
1807 end;
1809 procedure MC_RECV_CreateShot(var M: TMsg);
1810 var
1811 I, X, Y, XV, YV: Integer;
1812 Timeout: LongWord;
1813 Target, Spawner: Word;
1814 ShType: Byte;
1815 begin
1816 I := M.ReadLongInt();
1817 ShType := M.ReadByte();
1818 Target := M.ReadWord();
1819 Spawner := M.ReadWord();
1820 Timeout := M.ReadLongWord();
1821 X := M.ReadLongInt();
1822 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
1823 XV := M.ReadLongInt();
1824 YV := M.ReadLongInt();
1826 I := g_Weapon_CreateShot(I, ShType, Spawner, Target, X, Y, XV, YV);
1827 if (Shots <> nil) and (I <= High(Shots)) then
1828 begin
1829 Shots[I].Timeout := Timeout;
1830 //Shots[I].Target := Target; // TODO: find a use for Target later
1831 end;
1832 end;
1834 procedure MC_RECV_UpdateShot(var M: TMsg);
1835 var
1836 I, TX, TY, TXV, TYV: Integer;
1837 begin
1838 I := M.ReadLongInt();
1839 TX := M.ReadLongInt();
1840 TY := M.ReadLongInt();
1841 TXV := M.ReadLongInt();
1842 TYV := M.ReadLongInt();
1844 if (Shots <> nil) and (I <= High(Shots)) then
1845 with (Shots[i]) do
1846 begin
1847 Obj.X := TX;
1848 Obj.Y := TY;
1849 Obj.Vel.X := TXV;
1850 Obj.Vel.Y := TYV;
1851 end;
1852 end;
1854 procedure MC_RECV_DeleteShot(var M: TMsg);
1855 var
1856 I, X, Y: Integer;
1857 L: Boolean;
1858 begin
1859 if not gGameOn then Exit;
1860 I := M.ReadLongInt();
1861 L := (M.ReadByte() <> 0);
1862 X := M.ReadLongInt();
1863 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
1865 g_Weapon_DestroyShot(I, X, Y, L);
1866 end;
1868 procedure MC_RECV_GameStats(var M: TMsg);
1869 begin
1870 if gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF] then
1871 begin
1872 gTeamStat[TEAM_RED].Score := M.ReadSmallInt();
1873 gTeamStat[TEAM_BLUE].Score := M.ReadSmallInt();
1874 end
1875 else
1876 if gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_COOP then
1877 begin
1878 gCoopMonstersKilled := M.ReadWord();
1879 gCoopSecretsFound := M.ReadWord();
1880 end;
1881 end;
1883 procedure MC_RECV_CoopStats(var M: TMsg);
1884 begin
1885 gTotalMonsters := M.ReadLongInt();
1886 gSecretsCount := M.ReadLongInt();
1887 gCoopTotalMonstersKilled := M.ReadWord();
1888 gCoopTotalSecretsFound := M.ReadWord();
1889 gCoopTotalMonsters := M.ReadWord();
1890 gCoopTotalSecrets := M.ReadWord();
1891 end;
1893 procedure MC_RECV_GameEvent(var M: TMsg);
1894 var
1895 EvType: Byte;
1896 EvNum: Integer;
1897 EvStr: string;
1898 EvTime: LongWord;
1899 BHash: Boolean;
1900 EvHash: TMD5Digest;
1901 pl: TPlayer;
1902 i1, i2: TStrings_Locale;
1903 pln: String;
1904 cnt: Byte;
1905 goodCmd: Boolean = true;
1906 begin
1907 FillChar(EvHash, Sizeof(EvHash), 0);
1908 EvType := M.ReadByte();
1909 EvNum := M.ReadLongInt();
1910 EvStr := M.ReadString();
1911 gLastMap := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
1912 if gLastMap and (gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_COOP) then gStatsOff := True;
1913 gStatsPressed := True;
1914 EvTime := M.ReadLongWord();
1915 BHash := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
1916 if BHash then
1917 EvHash := M.ReadMD5();
1919 gTime := EvTime;
1921 if (g_Res_received_map_start <> 0) then
1922 begin
1923 if (g_Res_received_map_start < 0) then exit;
1924 goodCmd := false;
1925 case EvType of
1926 NET_EV_MAPSTART: goodCmd := true;
1927 NET_EV_MAPEND: goodCmd := true;
1928 NET_EV_PLAYER_KICK: goodCmd := true;
1929 NET_EV_PLAYER_BAN: goodCmd := true;
1930 NET_EV_LMS_WARMUP: goodCmd := true;
1931 end;
1932 if not goodCmd then exit;
1933 end;
1935 case EvType of
1937 begin
1938 if (g_Res_received_map_start <> 0) then
1939 begin
1940 g_Res_received_map_start := -1;
1941 end
1942 else
1943 begin
1944 gGameOn := False;
1945 g_Game_ClearLoading();
1946 g_Game_StopAllSounds(True);
1948 gSwitchGameMode := Byte(EvNum);
1949 gGameSettings.GameMode := gSwitchGameMode;
1951 gWADHash := EvHash;
1952 if not g_Game_StartMap(false{asMegawad}, EvStr, True) then
1953 begin
1954 if not isWadPath(EvStr) then
1955 g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MAP_LOAD], [gGameSettings.WAD + ':\' + EvStr]))
1956 else
1957 g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MAP_LOAD], [EvStr]));
1958 Exit;
1959 end;
1961 MC_SEND_FullStateRequest;
1962 end;
1963 end;
1966 begin
1967 gLMSRespawn := LMS_RESPAWN_NONE;
1968 gLMSRespawnTime := 0;
1969 if (g_Res_received_map_start <> 0) then
1970 begin
1971 g_Res_received_map_start := -1;
1972 end
1973 else
1974 begin
1975 gMissionFailed := EvNum <> 0;
1977 end;
1978 end;
1981 begin
1982 case EvNum of
1984 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_RCON_NOAUTH], True);
1986 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_RCON_PWD_VALID], True);
1988 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_RCON_PWD_INVALID], True);
1989 end;
1990 end;
1993 begin
1994 if NetDeafLevel < 2 then
1995 begin
1996 if EvNum = TEAM_RED then
1997 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_CHTEAM_RED], [EvStr]), True);
1998 if EvNum = TEAM_BLUE then
1999 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_CHTEAM_BLUE], [EvStr]), True);
2000 end;
2001 end;
2004 begin
2005 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_KICK], [EvStr]), True);
2006 if (g_Res_received_map_start <> 0) then g_Res_received_map_start := -1;
2007 end;
2010 begin
2011 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_BAN], [EvStr]), True);
2012 if (g_Res_received_map_start <> 0) then g_Res_received_map_start := -1;
2013 end;
2016 begin
2017 if EvNum > 0 then
2018 begin
2020 gLMSRespawnTime := gTime + EvNum;
2021 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MSG_WARMUP_START], [EvNum div 1000]), True);
2022 end
2023 else if gPlayer1 = nil then
2024 begin
2025 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_PLAYER_SPECT4], True);
2026 end;
2027 end;
2030 g_Console_Add('*** ' + _lc[I_MESSAGE_LMS_SURVIVOR] + ' ***', True);
2033 if NetDeafLevel < 2 then g_Game_Message(AnsiUpperCase(EvStr), Word(EvNum));
2036 begin
2037 pl := g_Player_Get(EvNum and $FFFF);
2038 if pl = nil then
2039 pln := '?'
2040 else
2041 pln := pl.Name;
2042 cnt := (EvNum shr 16) and $FF;
2043 if Pos('w', EvStr) = 0 then
2044 begin
2045 // Default score
2046 if Pos('t', EvStr) = 0 then
2047 begin
2048 // Player +/- score
2049 if Pos('-', EvStr) = 0 then
2050 begin
2051 if Pos('e', EvStr) = 0 then
2053 else
2055 end else
2056 begin
2057 if Pos('e', EvStr) = 0 then
2059 else
2061 end;
2062 // Which team
2063 if Pos('r', EvStr) > 0 then
2065 else
2067 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[i1], [pln, cnt, _lc[i2]]), True);
2068 end else
2069 begin
2070 // Team +/- score
2071 if Pos('-', EvStr) = 0 then
2073 else
2075 // Which team
2076 if Pos('r', EvStr) > 0 then
2078 else
2080 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[i1], [_lc[i2], cnt]), True);
2081 end;
2082 end else
2083 begin
2084 // Game Win
2085 if Pos('e', EvStr) = 0 then
2087 else
2089 // Which team
2090 if Pos('r', EvStr) > 0 then
2092 else
2094 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[i1], [pln, _lc[i2]]), True);
2095 end;
2096 end;
2099 begin
2100 if EvNum = TEAM_RED then
2101 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_SCORE_ADD], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_RED])]), 108);
2102 if EvNum = TEAM_BLUE then
2103 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_SCORE_ADD], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_BLUE])]), 108);
2104 if EvNum = -TEAM_RED then
2105 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_SCORE_SUB], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_RED])]), 108);
2106 if EvNum = -TEAM_BLUE then
2107 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_SCORE_SUB], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_BLUE])]), 108);
2108 end;
2111 begin
2112 g_Player_RemoveAllCorpses;
2113 gLMSRespawn := LMS_RESPAWN_NONE;
2114 g_Game_Message(_lc[I_MESSAGE_LMS_START], 144);
2115 end;
2118 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_LMS_WIN], [AnsiUpperCase(EvStr)]), 144);
2121 begin
2122 if EvNum = TEAM_RED then
2123 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_TLMS_WIN], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_RED])]), 144);
2124 if EvNum = TEAM_BLUE then
2125 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_TLMS_WIN], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_BLUE])]), 144);
2126 end;
2129 g_Game_Message(_lc[I_MESSAGE_LMS_LOSE], 144);
2132 g_Game_Message(_lc[I_GAME_WIN_DRAW], 144);
2135 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_PLAYER_SPECT4], True);
2138 g_Game_Announce_KillCombo(EvNum);
2141 begin
2142 pl := g_Player_Get(EvNum);
2143 if pl <> nil then
2144 pl.Touch();
2145 end;
2148 begin
2149 pl := g_Player_Get(EvNum);
2150 if pl <> nil then
2151 begin
2152 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_SECRET], [pl.Name]), True);
2153 g_Sound_PlayEx('SOUND_GAME_SECRET');
2154 end;
2155 end;
2158 begin
2159 pl := g_Player_Get(EvNum);
2160 if pl <> nil then pl.FReady := (EvStr = 'Y');
2161 end;
2162 end;
2163 end;
2165 procedure MC_RECV_FlagPos(var M: TMsg);
2166 var
2167 Fl: Byte;
2168 begin
2169 Fl := M.ReadByte();
2170 if Fl = FLAG_NONE then Exit;
2171 gFlags[Fl].Obj.X := M.ReadLongInt();
2172 gFlags[Fl].Obj.Y := M.ReadLongInt();
2173 gFlags[Fl].Obj.Vel.X := M.ReadLongInt();
2174 gFlags[Fl].Obj.Vel.Y := M.ReadLongInt();
2175 end;
2177 procedure MC_RECV_FlagEvent(var M: TMsg);
2178 var
2179 PID: Word;
2180 Pl: TPlayer;
2181 EvType: Byte;
2182 Fl, a: Byte;
2183 Quiet: Boolean;
2184 s, ts: string;
2185 begin
2186 EvType := M.ReadByte();
2187 Fl := M.ReadByte();
2189 if Fl = FLAG_NONE then Exit;
2191 Quiet := (M.ReadByte() <> 0);
2192 PID := M.ReadWord();
2194 gFlags[Fl].State := M.ReadByte();
2195 gFlags[Fl].CaptureTime := M.ReadLongWord();
2196 gFlags[Fl].Obj.X := M.ReadLongInt();
2197 gFlags[Fl].Obj.Y := M.ReadLongInt();
2198 gFlags[Fl].Obj.Vel.X := M.ReadLongInt();
2199 gFlags[Fl].Obj.Vel.Y := M.ReadLongInt();
2200 gFlags[Fl].Direction := TDirection(M.ReadByte());
2202 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
2203 if (Pl = nil) and
2204 (EvType <> FLAG_STATE_NORMAL) and
2205 (EvType <> FLAG_STATE_DROPPED) and
2206 (EvType <> FLAG_STATE_RETURNED) then
2207 Exit;
2209 case EvType of
2211 begin
2212 if Quiet or (Pl = nil) then Exit;
2214 if Fl = FLAG_RED then
2215 s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED]
2216 else
2217 s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE];
2219 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_RETURN], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144);
2221 if ((Pl = gPlayer1) or (Pl = gPlayer2)
2222 or ((gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer1.Team = Pl.Team))
2223 or ((gPlayer2 <> nil) and (gPlayer2.Team = Pl.Team))) then
2224 a := 0
2225 else
2226 a := 1;
2228 if not sound_ret_flag[a].IsPlaying() then
2229 sound_ret_flag[a].Play();
2230 end;
2233 begin
2234 if (Pl <> nil) then Pl.SetFlag(Fl);
2236 if Quiet then Exit;
2238 if Fl = FLAG_RED then
2239 s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED]
2240 else
2241 s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE];
2243 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_GET], [Pl.Name, s]), True);
2244 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_GET], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144);
2246 if ((Pl = gPlayer1) or (Pl = gPlayer2)
2247 or ((gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer1.Team = Pl.Team))
2248 or ((gPlayer2 <> nil) and (gPlayer2.Team = Pl.Team))) then
2249 a := 0
2250 else
2251 a := 1;
2253 if not sound_get_flag[a].IsPlaying() then
2254 sound_get_flag[a].Play();
2255 end;
2258 begin
2259 if (Pl <> nil) then Pl.SetFlag(FLAG_NONE);
2261 if Quiet or (Pl = nil) then Exit;
2263 if Fl = FLAG_RED then
2264 s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED]
2265 else
2266 s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE];
2268 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_DROP], [Pl.Name, s]), True);
2269 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_DROP], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144);
2271 if ((Pl = gPlayer1) or (Pl = gPlayer2)
2272 or ((gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer1.Team = Pl.Team))
2273 or ((gPlayer2 <> nil) and (gPlayer2.Team = Pl.Team))) then
2274 a := 0
2275 else
2276 a := 1;
2278 if not sound_lost_flag[a].IsPlaying() then
2279 sound_lost_flag[a].Play();
2280 end;
2283 begin
2284 g_Map_ResetFlag(FLAG_RED);
2285 g_Map_ResetFlag(FLAG_BLUE);
2286 if Quiet or (Pl = nil) then Exit;
2287 Pl.SetFlag(FLAG_NONE);
2289 if Fl = FLAG_RED then
2290 s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED]
2291 else
2292 s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE];
2294 ts := Format('%.4d', [gFlags[Fl].CaptureTime]);
2295 Insert('.', ts, Length(ts) + 1 - 3);
2296 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_CAPTURE], [Pl.Name, s, ts]), True);
2297 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_CAPTURE], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144);
2299 if ((Pl = gPlayer1) or (Pl = gPlayer2)
2300 or ((gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer1.Team = Pl.Team))
2301 or ((gPlayer2 <> nil) and (gPlayer2.Team = Pl.Team))) then
2302 a := 0
2303 else
2304 a := 1;
2306 if not sound_cap_flag[a].IsPlaying() then
2307 sound_cap_flag[a].Play();
2308 end;
2311 begin
2312 g_Map_ResetFlag(Fl);
2313 if Quiet then Exit;
2315 if Fl = FLAG_RED then
2316 s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED]
2317 else
2318 s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE];
2320 g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_RETURN], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144);
2322 if ((Pl = gPlayer1) or (Pl = gPlayer2)
2323 or ((gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer1.Team = Pl.Team))
2324 or ((gPlayer2 <> nil) and (gPlayer2.Team = Pl.Team))) then
2325 a := 0
2326 else
2327 a := 1;
2329 if not sound_ret_flag[a].IsPlaying() then
2330 sound_ret_flag[a].Play();
2331 end;
2332 end;
2333 end;
2335 procedure MC_RECV_GameSettings(var M: TMsg);
2336 begin
2337 gGameSettings.GameMode := M.ReadByte();
2338 gGameSettings.ScoreLimit := M.ReadWord();
2339 gGameSettings.TimeLimit := M.ReadWord();
2340 gGameSettings.MaxLives := M.ReadByte();
2341 gGameSettings.Options := M.ReadLongWord();
2342 end;
2344 // PLAYER
2346 function MC_RECV_PlayerCreate(var M: TMsg): Word;
2347 var
2348 PID, DID: Word;
2349 PName, Model: string;
2350 Color: TRGB;
2351 T: Byte;
2352 Pl: TPlayer;
2353 begin
2354 PID := M.ReadWord();
2355 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
2357 PName := M.ReadString();
2358 Model := M.ReadString();
2359 Color.R := M.ReadByte();
2360 Color.G := M.ReadByte();
2361 Color.B := M.ReadByte();
2362 T := M.ReadByte();
2364 Result := 0;
2365 if (PID <> NetPlrUID1) and (PID <> NetPlrUID2) then
2366 begin
2367 if (Pl <> nil) then Exit;
2368 if (g_Force_Model_Get() <> 0) then
2369 Model := g_Forced_Model_GetName();
2370 DID := g_Player_Create(Model, Color, T, False);
2371 with g_Player_Get(DID) do
2372 begin
2373 UID := PID;
2374 Name := PName;
2375 Reset(True);
2376 end;
2377 end
2378 else
2379 begin
2380 if (PID = NetPlrUID1) and (gPlayer1 <> nil) then begin
2381 gPlayer1.UID := PID;
2382 gPlayer1.Model.SetColor(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B);
2383 gPlayer1.ChangeTeam(T);
2384 end;
2385 if (PID = NetPlrUID2) and (gPlayer2 <> nil) then begin
2386 gPlayer2.UID := PID;
2387 gPlayer2.Model.SetColor(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B);
2388 gPlayer2.ChangeTeam(T);
2389 end;
2390 end;
2392 if NetDeafLevel < 3 then
2393 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_JOIN], [PName]), True);
2394 e_WriteLog('NET: Player ' + PName + ' [' + IntToStr(PID) + '] added.', TMsgType.Notify);
2395 Result := PID;
2396 end;
2398 function MC_RECV_PlayerPos(var M: TMsg): Word;
2399 var
2400 GT: LongWord;
2401 PID: Word;
2402 kByte: Word;
2403 Pl: TPlayer;
2404 Dir: Byte;
2405 TmpX, TmpY: Integer;
2406 begin
2407 Result := 0;
2409 GT := M.ReadLongWord();
2410 if GT < gTime - NET_MAX_DIFFTIME then
2411 begin
2412 gTime := GT;
2413 Exit;
2414 end;
2415 gTime := GT;
2417 PID := M.ReadWord();
2418 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
2420 if Pl = nil then Exit;
2422 Result := PID;
2424 with Pl do
2425 begin
2426 FPing := M.ReadWord();
2427 FLoss := M.ReadByte();
2428 kByte := M.ReadWord();
2429 Dir := M.ReadByte();
2431 TmpX := M.ReadLongInt();
2432 TmpY := M.ReadLongInt();
2434 ReleaseKeys;
2436 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_CHAT) then
2437 PressKey(KEY_CHAT, 10000)
2438 else
2439 begin
2440 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_LEFT) then PressKey(KEY_LEFT, 10000);
2441 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_RIGHT) then PressKey(KEY_RIGHT, 10000);
2442 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_UP) then PressKey(KEY_UP, 10000);
2443 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_DOWN) then PressKey(KEY_DOWN, 10000);
2444 if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_JUMP) then PressKey(KEY_JUMP, 10000);
2445 end;
2447 JustTeleported := LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_FORCEDIR);
2449 if ((Pl <> gPlayer1) and (Pl <> gPlayer2)) or JustTeleported then
2450 SetDirection(TDirection(Dir));
2452 GameVelX := M.ReadLongInt();
2453 GameVelY := M.ReadLongInt();
2454 GameAccelX := M.ReadLongInt();
2455 GameAccelY := M.ReadLongInt();
2456 SetLerp(TmpX, TmpY);
2457 if NetForcePlayerUpdate then Update();
2458 end;
2459 end;
2461 function MC_RECV_PlayerStats(var M: TMsg): Word;
2462 var
2463 PID: Word;
2464 Pl: TPlayer;
2465 I, OldFire: Integer;
2466 OldJet, Flam: Boolean;
2467 NewTeam: Byte;
2468 begin
2469 PID := M.ReadWord();
2470 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
2471 Result := 0;
2472 if Pl = nil then
2473 Exit;
2475 with Pl do
2476 begin
2477 alive := (M.ReadByte() <> 0);
2478 GodMode := (M.ReadByte() <> 0);
2479 Health := M.ReadLongInt();
2480 Armor := M.ReadLongInt();
2481 Air := M.ReadLongInt();
2482 JetFuel := M.ReadLongInt();
2483 Lives := M.ReadByte();
2484 NewTeam := M.ReadByte();
2486 for I := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST do
2487 FWeapon[I] := (M.ReadByte() <> 0);
2489 for I := A_BULLETS to A_HIGH do
2490 FAmmo[I] := M.ReadWord();
2492 for I := A_BULLETS to A_HIGH do
2493 FMaxAmmo[I] := M.ReadWord();
2495 for I := MR_SUIT to MR_MAX do
2496 FMegaRulez[I] := M.ReadLongWord();
2498 FRulez := [];
2499 if (M.ReadByte() <> 0) then
2500 FRulez := FRulez + [R_ITEM_BACKPACK];
2501 if (M.ReadByte() <> 0) then
2502 FRulez := FRulez + [R_KEY_RED];
2503 if (M.ReadByte() <> 0) then
2504 FRulez := FRulez + [R_KEY_GREEN];
2505 if (M.ReadByte() <> 0) then
2506 FRulez := FRulez + [R_KEY_BLUE];
2507 if (M.ReadByte() <> 0) then
2508 FRulez := FRulez + [R_BERSERK];
2510 Frags := M.ReadLongInt();
2511 Death := M.ReadLongInt();
2513 SetWeapon(M.ReadByte());
2515 FSpectator := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2516 if FSpectator then
2517 begin
2518 if UID = NetPlrUID1 then
2519 begin
2520 gSpectLatchPID1 := UID;
2521 gPlayer1 := nil;
2522 end;
2523 if UID = NetPlrUID2 then
2524 begin
2525 gSpectLatchPID2 := UID;
2526 gPlayer2 := nil;
2527 end;
2528 end
2529 else
2530 begin
2531 if (gPlayer1 = nil) and (gSpectLatchPID1 > 0) and (UID = gSpectLatchPID1) then
2532 begin
2533 gPlayer1 := Pl;
2534 gSpectLatchPID1 := 0;
2535 end;
2536 if (gPlayer2 = nil) and (gSpectLatchPID2 > 0) and (UID = gSpectLatchPID2) then
2537 begin
2538 gPlayer2 := Pl;
2539 gSpectLatchPID2 := 0;
2540 end;
2541 end;
2542 FGhost := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2543 FPhysics := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2544 FNoRespawn := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2545 OldJet := FJetpack;
2546 FJetpack := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2547 OldFire := FFireTime;
2548 FFireTime := M.ReadLongInt();
2549 if (OldFire <= 0) and (FFireTime > 0) then
2550 g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_IGNITE', Obj.X, Obj.Y);
2551 Flam := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2552 FSpawnInvul := M.ReadLongInt();
2553 if OldJet and not FJetpack then
2554 JetpackOff
2555 else if not OldJet and FJetpack then
2556 JetpackOn;
2557 if FFlaming and not Flam then
2558 FlamerOff;
2559 if Team <> NewTeam then
2560 Pl.ChangeTeam(NewTeam);
2561 end;
2563 Result := PID;
2564 end;
2566 function MC_RECV_PlayerDamage(var M: TMsg): Word;
2567 var
2568 PID: Word;
2569 Pl: TPlayer;
2570 Kind: Byte;
2571 Attacker, Value: Word;
2572 VX, VY: Integer;
2573 begin
2574 Result := 0;
2575 if not gGameOn then Exit;
2576 PID := M.ReadWord();
2577 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
2578 if Pl = nil then Exit;
2580 Kind := M.ReadByte();
2581 Attacker := M.ReadWord();
2582 Value := M.ReadWord();
2583 VX := M.ReadWord();
2584 VY := M.ReadWord();
2586 with Pl do
2587 Damage(Value, Attacker, VX, VY, Kind);
2589 Result := PID;
2590 end;
2592 function MC_RECV_PlayerDeath(var M: TMsg): Word;
2593 var
2594 PID: Word;
2595 Pl: TPlayer;
2596 KillType, DeathType: Byte;
2597 Attacker: Word;
2598 begin
2599 Result := 0;
2600 if not gGameOn then Exit;
2601 PID := M.ReadWord();
2602 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
2603 if Pl = nil then Exit;
2605 KillType := M.ReadByte();
2606 DeathType := M.ReadByte();
2607 Attacker := M.ReadWord();
2609 with Pl do
2610 begin
2611 Kill(KillType, Attacker, DeathType);
2612 SoftReset;
2613 end;
2614 end;
2616 function MC_RECV_PlayerDelete(var M: TMsg): Word;
2617 var
2618 PID: Word;
2619 Pl: TPlayer;
2620 begin
2621 PID := M.ReadWord();
2622 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
2623 Result := 0;
2624 if Pl = nil then Exit;
2626 if NetDeafLevel < 3 then
2627 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_LEAVE], [Pl.Name]), True);
2628 e_WriteLog('NET: Player ' + Pl.Name + ' [' + IntToStr(PID) + '] removed.', TMsgType.Notify);
2630 g_Player_Remove(PID);
2632 Result := PID;
2633 end;
2635 function MC_RECV_PlayerFire(var M: TMsg): Word;
2636 var
2637 PID: Word;
2638 Weap: Byte;
2639 Pl: TPlayer;
2640 X, Y, AX, AY: Integer;
2641 SHID: Integer;
2642 begin
2643 Result := 0;
2644 if not gGameOn then Exit;
2645 PID := M.ReadWord();
2646 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
2647 if Pl = nil then Exit;
2649 Weap := M.ReadByte();
2650 X := M.ReadLongInt();
2651 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
2652 AX := M.ReadLongInt();
2653 AY := M.ReadLongInt();
2654 SHID := M.ReadLongInt();
2656 with Pl do
2657 if alive then NetFire(Weap, X, Y, AX, AY, SHID);
2658 end;
2660 procedure MC_RECV_PlayerSettings(var M: TMsg);
2661 var
2662 TmpName: string;
2663 TmpModel: string;
2664 CheckModel: string;
2665 TmpColor: TRGB;
2666 TmpTeam: Byte;
2667 Pl: TPlayer;
2668 PID: Word;
2669 begin
2670 PID := M.ReadWord();
2671 Pl := g_Player_Get(PID);
2672 if Pl = nil then Exit;
2674 TmpName := M.ReadString();
2675 TmpModel := M.ReadString();
2676 TmpColor.R := M.ReadByte();
2677 TmpColor.G := M.ReadByte();
2678 TmpColor.B := M.ReadByte();
2679 TmpTeam := M.ReadByte();
2681 if (gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF]) and (Pl.Team <> TmpTeam) then
2682 begin
2683 Pl.ChangeTeam(TmpTeam);
2684 if gPlayer1 = Pl then
2685 gPlayer1Settings.Team := TmpTeam;
2686 if gPlayer2 = Pl then
2687 gPlayer2Settings.Team := TmpTeam;
2688 end else
2689 Pl.SetColor(TmpColor);
2691 if Pl.Name <> TmpName then
2692 begin
2693 if NetDeafLevel < 3 then
2694 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_NAME], [Pl.Name, TmpName]), True);
2695 Pl.Name := TmpName;
2696 end;
2698 if (g_Force_Model_Get() <> 0) then
2699 TmpModel := g_Forced_Model_GetName();
2700 if TmpModel <> Pl.Model.GetName() then
2701 Pl.SetModel(TmpModel);
2702 end;
2704 // ITEM
2706 procedure MC_RECV_ItemSpawn(var M: TMsg);
2707 var
2708 ID: Word;
2709 X, Y, VX, VY: Integer;
2710 T: Byte;
2711 Quiet, Fall{, Resp}: Boolean;
2712 it: PItem;
2713 begin
2714 if not gGameOn then Exit;
2715 ID := M.ReadWord();
2716 Quiet := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2717 T := M.ReadByte();
2718 Fall := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2719 {Resp :=} M.ReadByte();
2720 X := M.ReadLongInt();
2721 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
2722 VX := M.ReadLongInt();
2723 VY := M.ReadLongInt();
2725 g_Items_Create(X, Y, T and $7F, Fall, False, False, ID);
2726 if ((T and $80) <> 0) then g_Items_SetDrop(ID);
2728 it := g_Items_ByIdx(ID);
2729 it.Obj.Vel.X := VX;
2730 it.Obj.Vel.Y := VY;
2732 if not Quiet then
2733 begin
2734 g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_ITEM_RESPAWNITEM', X, Y);
2735 r_GFX_OnceAnim(R_GFX_ITEM_RESPAWN, X+(it.Obj.Rect.Width div 2)-16, Y+(it.Obj.Rect.Height div 2)-16);
2736 end;
2737 end;
2739 procedure MC_RECV_ItemDestroy(var M: TMsg);
2740 var
2741 ID: Word;
2742 Quiet: Boolean;
2743 begin
2744 if not gGameOn then Exit;
2745 ID := M.ReadWord();
2746 Quiet := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2748 if not g_Items_ValidId(ID) then exit;
2750 if not Quiet then g_Items_EmitPickupSound(ID);
2752 g_Items_Remove(ID);
2753 end;
2755 procedure MC_RECV_ItemPos(var M: TMsg);
2756 var
2757 ID: Word;
2758 X, Y, VX, VY: Integer;
2759 it: PItem;
2760 begin
2761 if not gGameOn then Exit;
2763 ID := M.ReadWord();
2764 X := M.ReadLongInt();
2765 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
2766 VX := M.ReadLongInt();
2767 VY := M.ReadLongInt();
2769 if g_Items_ValidId(ID) then
2770 begin
2771 it := g_Items_ByIdx(ID);
2772 it.Obj.X := X;
2773 it.Obj.Y := Y;
2774 it.Obj.Vel.X := VX;
2775 it.Obj.Vel.Y := VY;
2776 it.positionChanged();
2777 end;
2778 end;
2780 // PANEL
2782 procedure MC_RECV_PanelTexture(var M: TMsg);
2783 var
2784 TP: TPanel;
2785 PGUID: Integer;
2786 Tex, Fr: Integer;
2787 Loop, Cnt: Byte;
2788 begin
2789 if not gGameOn then Exit;
2791 PGUID := Integer(M.ReadLongWord());
2792 Tex := M.ReadLongInt();
2793 Fr := M.ReadLongInt();
2794 Cnt := M.ReadByte();
2795 Loop := M.ReadByte();
2797 TP := g_Map_PanelByGUID(PGUID);
2798 if (TP <> nil) then
2799 begin
2800 // switch texture
2801 TP.SetTexture(Tex, Loop);
2802 TP.SetFrame(Fr, Cnt);
2803 end;
2804 end;
2806 procedure MC_RECV_PanelState(var M: TMsg);
2807 var
2808 PGUID: Integer;
2809 E: Boolean;
2810 Lift: Byte;
2811 X, Y, W, H: Integer;
2812 TP: TPanel;
2813 speedX, speedY, startX, startY, endX, endY: Integer;
2814 sizeSpX, sizeSpY, sizeEX, sizeEY: Integer;
2815 mpflags: Byte;
2816 begin
2817 if not gGameOn then Exit;
2819 PGUID := Integer(M.ReadLongWord());
2820 E := (M.ReadByte() <> 0);
2821 Lift := M.ReadByte();
2822 X := M.ReadLongInt();
2823 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
2824 W := M.ReadWord();
2825 H := M.ReadWord();
2826 // mplats
2827 speedX := M.ReadLongInt();
2828 speedY := M.ReadLongInt();
2829 startX := M.ReadLongInt();
2830 startY := M.ReadLongInt();
2831 endX := M.ReadLongInt();
2832 endY := M.ReadLongInt();
2833 sizeSpX := M.ReadLongInt();
2834 sizeSpY := M.ReadLongInt();
2835 sizeEX := M.ReadLongInt();
2836 sizeEY := M.ReadLongInt();
2837 mpflags := M.ReadByte(); // bit0: TP.movingActive; bit1: TP.moveOnce
2839 TP := g_Map_PanelByGUID(PGUID);
2840 if (TP = nil) then exit;
2842 // update lifts state
2843 if TP.isGLift then g_Map_SetLiftGUID(PGUID, Lift);
2845 // update enabled/disabled state for all panels
2846 if E then g_Map_EnableWallGUID(PGUID) else g_Map_DisableWallGUID(PGUID);
2848 // update panel position, as it can be moved (mplat)
2849 TP.X := X;
2850 TP.Y := Y;
2851 TP.Width := W;
2852 TP.Height := H;
2853 // update mplat state
2854 TP.movingSpeedX := speedX;
2855 TP.movingSpeedY := speedY;
2856 TP.movingStartX := startX;
2857 TP.movingStartY := startY;
2858 TP.movingEndX := endX;
2859 TP.movingEndY := endY;
2860 TP.sizeSpeedX := sizeSpX;
2861 TP.sizeSpeedY := sizeSpY;
2862 TP.sizeEndX := sizeEX;
2863 TP.sizeEndY := sizeEY;
2864 TP.movingActive := ((mpflags and 1) <> 0);
2865 TP.moveOnce := ((mpflags and 2) <> 0);
2866 // notify panel of it's position/size change, so it can fix other internal structures
2867 TP.positionChanged();
2868 end;
2870 // TRIGGERS
2872 procedure MC_RECV_TriggerSound(var M: TMsg);
2873 var
2874 SPlaying: Boolean;
2875 SPos, SID: LongWord;
2876 SCount: LongInt;
2877 I: Integer;
2878 begin
2879 if not gGameOn then Exit;
2880 if gTriggers = nil then Exit;
2882 SID := M.ReadLongWord();
2883 SPlaying := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2884 SPos := M.ReadLongWord();
2885 SCount := M.ReadLongInt();
2887 for I := Low(gTriggers) to High(gTriggers) do
2888 if gTriggers[I].TriggerType = TRIGGER_SOUND then
2889 if gTriggers[I].ClientID = SID then
2890 with gTriggers[I] do
2891 begin
2892 if Sound <> nil then
2893 begin
2894 if SPlaying then
2895 begin
2896 if tgcLocal then
2897 Sound.PlayVolumeAt(X+(Width div 2), Y+(Height div 2), tgcVolume/255.0)
2898 else
2899 Sound.PlayPanVolume((tgcPan-127.0)/128.0, tgcVolume/255.0);
2900 Sound.SetPosition(SPos);
2901 end
2902 else
2903 if Sound.IsPlaying then Sound.Stop;
2904 end;
2906 SoundPlayCount := SCount;
2907 end;
2908 end;
2910 procedure MC_RECV_TriggerMusic(var M: TMsg);
2911 var
2912 MName: string;
2913 MPlaying: Boolean;
2914 MPos: LongWord;
2915 MPaused: Boolean;
2916 begin
2917 if not gGameOn then Exit;
2919 MName := M.ReadString();
2920 MPlaying := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2921 MPos := M.ReadLongWord();
2922 MPaused := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
2923 MPos := MPos+1; //k8: stfu, fpc!
2925 if MPlaying then
2926 begin
2927 gMusic.SetByName(MName);
2928 gMusic.Play(True);
2929 // gMusic.SetPosition(MPos);
2930 gMusic.SpecPause := MPaused;
2931 end
2932 else
2933 if gMusic.IsPlaying then gMusic.Stop;
2934 end;
2936 // MONSTERS
2938 procedure MC_RECV_MonsterSpawn(var M: TMsg);
2939 var
2940 ID: Word;
2941 MType, MState, MDir, MAnim, MBehav: Byte;
2942 X, Y, VX, VY, MTargTime, MHealth, MAmmo, MSleep: Integer;
2943 MTarg: Word;
2944 Mon: TMonster;
2945 begin
2946 ID := M.ReadWord();
2947 Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID);
2948 if Mon <> nil then
2949 Exit;
2951 MType := M.ReadByte();
2952 MState := M.ReadByte();
2953 MAnim := M.ReadByte();
2954 MTarg := M.ReadWord();
2955 MTargTime := M.ReadLongInt();
2956 MBehav := M.ReadByte();
2957 MSleep := M.ReadLongInt();
2958 MHealth := M.ReadLongInt();
2959 MAmmo := M.ReadLongInt();
2961 X := M.ReadLongInt();
2962 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
2963 VX := M.ReadLongInt();
2964 VY := M.ReadLongInt();
2965 MDir := M.ReadByte();
2967 g_Monsters_Create(MType, X, Y, TDirection(MDir), False, ID);
2968 Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID);
2969 if Mon = nil then
2970 Exit;
2972 with Mon do
2973 begin
2975 MonsterAnim := MAnim;
2976 MonsterTargetUID := MTarg;
2977 MonsterTargetTime := MTargTime;
2978 MonsterBehaviour := MBehav;
2979 MonsterSleep := MSleep;
2980 MonsterAmmo := MAmmo;
2981 SetHealth(MHealth);
2983 SetState(MState);
2985 setPosition(X, Y); // this will call positionChanged();
2986 GameVelX := VX;
2987 GameVelY := VY;
2988 end;
2989 end;
2991 procedure MC_RECV_MonsterPos(var M: TMsg);
2992 var
2993 Mon: TMonster;
2994 ID: Word;
2995 X, Y: Integer;
2996 begin
2997 ID := M.ReadWord();
2998 Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID);
2999 if Mon = nil then
3000 Exit;
3002 with Mon do
3003 begin
3004 X := M.ReadLongInt();
3005 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
3006 Mon.setPosition(X, Y); // this will call `positionChanged()`
3007 GameVelX := M.ReadLongInt();
3008 GameVelY := M.ReadLongInt();
3009 GameDirection := TDirection(M.ReadByte());
3010 end;
3011 end;
3013 procedure MC_RECV_MonsterState(var M: TMsg);
3014 var
3015 ID, OldFire: Integer;
3016 MState, MFAnm: Byte;
3017 Mon: TMonster;
3018 AnimRevert: Boolean;
3019 begin
3020 ID := M.ReadWord();
3021 Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID);
3022 if Mon = nil then Exit;
3024 MState := M.ReadByte();
3025 MFAnm := M.ReadByte();
3027 with Mon do
3028 begin
3029 MonsterTargetUID := M.ReadWord();
3030 MonsterTargetTime := M.ReadLongInt();
3031 MonsterSleep := M.ReadLongInt();
3032 MonsterHealth := M.ReadLongInt();
3033 MonsterAmmo := M.ReadLongInt();
3034 MonsterPain := M.ReadLongInt();
3035 AnimRevert := M.ReadByte() <> 0;
3036 OldFire := FFireTime;
3037 FFireTime := M.ReadLongInt();
3038 if (OldFire <= 0) and (FFireTime > 0) then
3039 g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_IGNITE', Obj.X, Obj.Y);
3040 RevertAnim(AnimRevert);
3042 if MonsterState <> MState then
3043 begin
3044 if (MState = MONSTATE_GO) and (MonsterState = MONSTATE_SLEEP) then WakeUpSound();
3045 if (MState = MONSTATE_DIE) then DieSound();
3046 if (MState = MONSTATE_PAIN) then MakeBloodSimple(Min(200, MonsterPain));
3047 if (MState = MONSTATE_ATTACK) then kick(nil);
3048 if (MState = MONSTATE_DEAD) then SetDeadAnim();
3050 SetState(MState, MFAnm);
3051 end;
3052 end;
3053 end;
3055 procedure MC_RECV_MonsterShot(var M: TMsg);
3056 var
3057 ID: Integer;
3058 Mon: TMonster;
3059 X, Y, VX, VY: Integer;
3060 begin
3061 ID := M.ReadWord();
3063 Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID);
3064 if Mon = nil then Exit;
3066 X := M.ReadLongInt();
3067 Y := M.ReadLongInt();
3068 VX := M.ReadLongInt();
3069 VY := M.ReadLongInt();
3071 Mon.ClientAttack(X, Y, VX, VY);
3072 end;
3074 procedure MC_RECV_MonsterDelete(var M: TMsg);
3075 var
3076 ID: Integer;
3077 Mon: TMonster;
3078 begin
3079 ID := M.ReadWord();
3080 Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID);
3081 if Mon = nil then Exit;
3082 Mon.SetState(5);
3083 Mon.MonsterRemoved := True;
3084 end;
3086 procedure MC_RECV_TimeSync(var M: TMsg);
3087 var
3088 Time: LongWord;
3089 begin
3090 Time := M.ReadLongWord();
3092 if gState = STATE_INTERCUSTOM then
3093 gServInterTime := Min(Time, 255);
3094 end;
3096 procedure MC_RECV_VoteEvent(var M: TMsg);
3097 var
3098 EvID: Byte;
3099 Str1, Str2: string;
3100 Int1, Int2: SmallInt;
3101 begin
3102 EvID := M.ReadByte();
3103 Int1 := M.ReadSmallInt();
3104 Int2 := M.ReadSmallInt();
3105 Str1 := M.ReadString();
3106 Str2 := M.ReadString();
3108 if NetDeafLevel < 2 then
3109 case EvID of
3111 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_STARTED], [Str1, Str2, Int1]), True);
3113 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_PASSED], [Str1]), True);
3115 g_Console_Add(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_FAILED], True);
3117 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_VOTE], [Str1, Int1, Int2]), True);
3119 g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_INPROGRESS], [Str1]), True);
3120 end;
3121 end;
3125 procedure MC_SEND_Info(Password: string);
3126 var i: Integer;
3127 begin
3128 NetOut.Clear();
3130 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_INFO));
3131 NetOut.Write(GAME_VERSION);
3132 NetOut.Write(Password);
3133 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Name);
3134 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Model);
3135 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.R);
3136 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.G);
3137 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.B);
3138 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Team);
3139 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.WeaponSwitch);
3140 for i := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST + 1 do
3141 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.WeaponPreferences[i]);
3142 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.SwitchToEmpty);
3143 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.SkipFist);
3145 g_Net_Client_Send(True, NET_CHAN_SERVICE);
3146 end;
3148 procedure MC_SEND_Chat(Txt: string; Mode: Byte);
3149 begin
3150 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_CHAT));
3151 NetOut.Write(Txt);
3152 NetOut.Write(Mode);
3154 g_Net_Client_Send(True, NET_CHAN_CHAT);
3155 end;
3157 procedure MC_SEND_PlayerPos();
3158 var
3159 kByte: Word;
3160 Predict: Boolean;
3161 strafeDir: Byte;
3162 WeaponAct: Byte = 0;
3163 WeaponSelect: Word = 0;
3164 i: Integer;
3165 begin
3166 if not gGameOn then Exit;
3167 if gPlayers = nil then Exit;
3168 if gPlayer1 = nil then Exit;
3170 kByte := 0;
3171 Predict := NetPredictSelf; // and (not NetGotKeys);
3173 if (not gConsoleShow) and (not gChatShow) and (g_ActiveWindow = nil) then
3174 begin
3175 strafeDir := P1MoveButton shr 4;
3176 P1MoveButton := P1MoveButton and $0F;
3178 if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVELEFT] and (not gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVERIGHT]) then
3179 P1MoveButton := 1
3180 else if (not gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVELEFT]) and gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVERIGHT] then
3181 P1MoveButton := 2
3182 else if (not gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVELEFT]) and (not gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVERIGHT]) then
3183 P1MoveButton := 0;
3185 // strafing
3186 if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_STRAFE] then
3187 begin
3188 // new strafe mechanics
3189 if (strafeDir = 0) then
3190 strafeDir := P1MoveButton; // start strafing
3191 // now set direction according to strafe (reversed)
3192 if (strafeDir = 2) then
3193 gPlayer1.SetDirection(TDirection.D_LEFT)
3194 else if (strafeDir = 1) then
3195 gPlayer1.SetDirection(TDirection.D_RIGHT)
3196 end
3197 else
3198 begin
3199 strafeDir := 0; // not strafing anymore
3200 if (P1MoveButton = 2) and gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVELEFT] then
3201 gPlayer1.SetDirection(TDirection.D_LEFT)
3202 else if (P1MoveButton = 1) and gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVERIGHT] then
3203 gPlayer1.SetDirection(TDirection.D_RIGHT)
3204 else if P1MoveButton <> 0 then
3205 gPlayer1.SetDirection(TDirection(P1MoveButton-1));
3206 end;
3208 gPlayer1.ReleaseKeys;
3209 if P1MoveButton = 1 then
3210 begin
3211 kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_LEFT;
3212 if Predict then gPlayer1.PressKey(KEY_LEFT, 10000);
3213 end;
3214 if P1MoveButton = 2 then
3215 begin
3216 kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_RIGHT;
3217 if Predict then gPlayer1.PressKey(KEY_RIGHT, 10000);
3218 end;
3219 if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_LOOKUP] then
3220 begin
3221 kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_UP;
3222 gPlayer1.PressKey(KEY_UP, 10000);
3223 end;
3224 if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_LOOKDOWN] then
3225 begin
3226 kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_DOWN;
3227 gPlayer1.PressKey(KEY_DOWN, 10000);
3228 end;
3229 if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_JUMP] then
3230 begin
3231 kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_JUMP;
3232 // gPlayer1.PressKey(KEY_JUMP, 10000); // TODO: Make a prediction option
3233 end;
3234 if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_ATTACK] then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_FIRE;
3235 if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_ACTIVATE] then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_OPEN;
3237 for i := WP_FACT to WP_LACT do
3238 begin
3239 if gWeaponAction[0, i] then
3240 begin
3241 WeaponAct := WeaponAct or Byte(1 shl i);
3242 gWeaponAction[0, i] := False
3243 end
3244 end;
3246 for i := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST do
3247 begin
3248 if gSelectWeapon[0, i] then
3249 begin
3250 WeaponSelect := WeaponSelect or Word(1 shl i);
3251 gSelectWeapon[0, i] := False
3252 end
3253 end;
3255 // fix movebutton state
3256 P1MoveButton := P1MoveButton or (strafeDir shl 4);
3257 end
3258 else
3259 kByte := NET_KEY_CHAT;
3261 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRPOS));
3262 NetOut.Write(gTime);
3263 NetOut.Write(kByte);
3264 NetOut.Write(Byte(gPlayer1.Direction));
3265 NetOut.Write(WeaponAct);
3266 NetOut.Write(WeaponSelect);
3267 //e_WriteLog(Format('S:ws=%d', [WeaponSelect]), MSG_WARNING);
3268 g_Net_Client_Send(True, NET_CHAN_PLAYERPOS);
3270 //kBytePrev := kByte;
3271 //kDirPrev := gPlayer1.Direction;
3272 end;
3274 procedure MC_SEND_Vote(Start: Boolean = False; Command: string = 'a');
3275 begin
3276 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_VOTE_EVENT));
3277 NetOut.Write(Byte(Start));
3278 NetOut.Write(Command);
3279 g_Net_Client_Send(True, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT);
3280 end;
3282 procedure MC_SEND_PlayerSettings();
3283 var i: Integer;
3284 begin
3285 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRSET));
3286 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Name);
3287 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Model);
3288 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.R);
3289 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.G);
3290 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.B);
3291 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Team);
3292 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.WeaponSwitch);
3293 for i := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST + 1 do
3294 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.WeaponPreferences[i]);
3295 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.SwitchToEmpty);
3296 NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.SkipFist);
3298 g_Net_Client_Send(True, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT);
3299 end;
3301 procedure MC_SEND_FullStateRequest();
3302 begin
3303 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_REQFST));
3305 g_Net_Client_Send(True, NET_CHAN_SERVICE);
3306 end;
3308 procedure MC_SEND_CheatRequest(Kind: Byte);
3309 begin
3310 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_CHEAT));
3311 NetOut.Write(Kind);
3313 g_Net_Client_Send(True, NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT);
3314 end;
3315 procedure MC_SEND_RCONPassword(Password: string);
3316 begin
3317 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_RCON_AUTH));
3318 NetOut.Write(Password);
3320 g_Net_Client_Send(True, NET_CHAN_SERVICE);
3321 end;
3322 procedure MC_SEND_RCONCommand(Cmd: string);
3323 begin
3324 NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_RCON_CMD));
3325 NetOut.Write(Cmd);
3327 g_Net_Client_Send(True, NET_CHAN_SERVICE);
3328 end;
3331 end.