HolmesUI: ortholine control; fixed expanding of controls without maxsize
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / game /
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
16 {.$INCLUDE ../shared/}
17 type
18 TOutliner = class
19 private
20 type
21 TSpan = record
22 x0, x1: Integer;
23 next: Integer; // index
24 end;
25 PSpan = ^TSpan;
27 private
28 mWidth, mHeight: Integer;
29 spans: array of TSpan;
30 firstFreeSpan: Integer; // span index or -1
31 usedSpans: Integer;
32 lines: array of Integer; // span indicies
34 private
35 function allocSpan (ax0, ax1: Integer): Integer; // returns span index
36 procedure freeSpan (idx: Integer);
38 public
39 type
40 TSpanX = record
41 x0, x1: Integer;
42 end;
44 TSpanEnumerator = record
45 private
46 spans: array of TSpan;
47 cur: Integer;
48 first: Boolean;
49 public
50 constructor Create (master: TOutliner; y: Integer);
51 function MoveNext (): Boolean; inline;
52 function getCurrent (): TSpanX; inline;
53 function GetEnumerator (): TSpanEnumerator; inline;
54 property Current: TSpanX read getCurrent;
55 end;
57 TSpanEdgeEnumerator = record
58 private
59 spans: array of TSpan;
60 spi, usp: Integer;
61 sx, ex: Integer;
62 cur: TSpanX;
63 doSkipUSP: Boolean;
64 private
65 procedure nextSPI (); inline;
66 public
67 constructor Create (master: TOutliner; y, dy: Integer);
68 function MoveNext (): Boolean; inline;
69 function GetEnumerator (): TSpanEdgeEnumerator; inline;
70 property Current: TSpanX read cur;
71 end;
73 public
74 constructor Create (aw, ah: Integer);
75 destructor Destroy (); override;
77 procedure clear ();
78 procedure setup (aw, ah: Integer);
80 procedure addSpan (ax0, ax1, y: Integer);
81 procedure addRect (x, y, w, h: Integer);
83 function eachSpanAtY (y: Integer): TSpanEnumerator;
84 function eachSpanEdgeAtY (y, dy: Integer): TSpanEdgeEnumerator;
85 //function GetEnumerator (): TValEnumerator;
87 public
88 property width: Integer read mWidth;
89 property height: Integer read mHeight;
90 end;
93 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
94 function TOutliner.allocSpan (ax0, ax1: Integer): Integer;
95 begin
96 result := firstFreeSpan;
97 if (result = -1) then
98 begin
99 result := usedSpans;
100 if (usedSpans = Length(spans)) then SetLength(spans, usedSpans+512);
101 Inc(usedSpans);
102 end
103 else
104 begin
105 firstFreeSpan := spans[result].next;
106 end;
107 with (spans[result]) do
108 begin
109 x0 := ax0;
110 x1 := ax1;
111 next := -1;
112 end;
113 end;
116 procedure TOutliner.freeSpan (idx: Integer);
117 begin
118 if (idx >= 0) and (idx < usedSpans) then
119 begin
120 spans[idx].next := firstFreeSpan;
121 firstFreeSpan := idx;
122 end;
123 end;
126 constructor TOutliner.Create (aw, ah: Integer);
127 var
128 f: Integer;
129 begin
130 assert(aw > 0);
131 assert(ah > 0);
132 mWidth := aw;
133 mHeight := ah;
134 SetLength(lines, mHeight);
135 for f := 0 to High(lines) do lines[f] := -1;
136 usedSpans := 0;
137 firstFreeSpan := -1;
138 end;
141 destructor TOutliner.Destroy ();
142 begin
143 spans := nil;
144 lines := nil;
145 inherited;
146 end;
149 procedure TOutliner.setup (aw, ah: Integer);
150 var
151 f: Integer;
152 begin
153 assert(aw > 0);
154 assert(ah > 0);
155 if (mWidth <> aw) or (mHeight <> ah) then
156 begin
157 mWidth := aw;
158 mHeight := ah;
159 SetLength(lines, mHeight);
160 end;
161 for f := 0 to High(lines) do lines[f] := -1;
162 usedSpans := 0;
163 firstFreeSpan := -1;
164 end;
167 procedure TOutliner.clear ();
168 var
169 f: Integer;
170 begin
171 for f := 0 to High(lines) do lines[f] := -1;
172 usedSpans := 0;
173 firstFreeSpan := -1;
174 end;
177 procedure TOutliner.addSpan (ax0, ax1, y: Integer);
178 procedure fixFrom (spi: Integer);
179 var
180 sp, sn: PSpan;
181 spf: Integer;
182 begin
183 assert(spi <> -1);
184 sp := @spans[spi];
185 while true do
186 begin
187 spf :=;
188 if (spf = -1) then break;
189 sn := @spans[spf];
190 // join?
191 if (sp.x1+1 = sn.x0) then
192 begin
193 //conprintfln("JOIN: sp=(%s,%s); sn=(%s,%s)", sp.x0, sp.x1, sn.x0, sn.x1);
194 sp.x1 := sn.x1;
195 end
196 else if (sn.x0 <= sp.x1) then
197 begin
198 // overlaps
199 //conprintfln("OVER: sp=(%s,%s); sn=(%s,%s)", sp.x0, sp.x1, sn.x0, sn.x1);
200 if (sp.x1 < sn.x1) then sp.x1 := sn.x1;
201 end
202 else
203 begin
204 break;
205 end;
206 :=;
207 freeSpan(spf);
208 end;
209 end;
211 var
212 sprev: Integer = -1;
213 scur: Integer;
214 sp: PSpan;
215 begin
216 if (ax1 < ax0) then exit;
217 if (y < 0) or (y >= mHeight) then exit;
218 if (ax1 < -42) or (ax0 > mWidth+42) then exit;
219 if (ax0 < -42) then ax0 := -42;
220 if (ax1 > mWidth+42) then ax1 := mWidth+42;
221 // new span on empty line?
222 scur := lines[y];
223 if (scur = -1) then
224 begin
225 lines[y] := allocSpan(ax0, ax1);
226 exit;
227 end;
228 // starts before the first span?
229 sp := @spans[scur];
230 if (ax0 < sp.x0) then
231 begin
232 // insert new span as the first one
233 sprev := allocSpan(ax0, ax1);
234 spans[sprev].next := scur;
235 lines[y] := sprev;
236 // fix invalid spans (if any)
237 fixFrom(sprev);
238 exit;
239 end;
240 // find span to expand
241 while (scur <> -1) do
242 begin
243 sp := @spans[scur];
244 // join spans?
245 if (sp.x1+1 = ax0) then
246 begin
247 sp.x1 := ax1;
248 fixFrom(scur);
249 exit;
250 end;
251 // starts in current span?
252 if (ax0 >= sp.x0) and (ax0 <= sp.x1) then
253 begin
254 if (ax1 >= sp.x0) and (ax1 <= sp.x1) then exit; // ends in current span, nothing to do
255 // extend current span, and fix bad spans
256 sp.x1 := ax1;
257 fixFrom(scur);
258 exit;
259 end;
260 // starts after the current span, but before the next span?
261 if ( <> -1) and (ax0 > sp.x1) and (ax0 < spans[].x0) then
262 begin
263 // insert before next span
264 sprev := allocSpan(ax0, ax1);
265 spans[sprev].next :=;
266 := sprev;
267 fixFrom(;
268 exit;
269 end;
270 // try next span
271 sprev := scur;
272 scur :=;
273 end;
274 // just append new span
275 assert(sprev <> -1);
276 spans[sprev].next := allocSpan(ax0, ax1);
277 end;
280 procedure TOutliner.addRect (x, y, w, h: Integer);
281 begin
282 if (w < 1) or (h < 1) then exit;
283 while (h > 0) do
284 begin
285 addSpan(x, x+w-1, y);
286 Inc(y);
287 Dec(h);
288 end;
289 end;
292 function TOutliner.eachSpanAtY (y: Integer): TSpanEnumerator;
293 begin
294 result := TSpanEnumerator.Create(self, y);
295 end;
298 function TOutliner.eachSpanEdgeAtY (y, dy: Integer): TSpanEdgeEnumerator;
299 begin
300 result := TSpanEdgeEnumerator.Create(self, y, dy);
301 end;
304 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
305 constructor TOutliner.TSpanEnumerator.Create (master: TOutliner; y: Integer);
306 begin
307 spans := master.spans;
308 cur := -1;
309 first := true;
310 if (y < 0) or (y >= master.mHeight) then exit;
311 cur := master.lines[y];
312 end;
314 function TOutliner.TSpanEnumerator.MoveNext (): Boolean; inline;
315 begin
316 if first then first := false
317 else if (cur <> -1) then cur := spans[cur].next;
318 result := (cur <> -1);
319 end;
321 function TOutliner.TSpanEnumerator.getCurrent (): TSpanX; inline;
322 begin
323 result.x0 := spans[cur].x0;
324 result.x1 := spans[cur].x1;
325 end;
327 function TOutliner.TSpanEnumerator.GetEnumerator (): TSpanEnumerator; inline;
328 begin
329 result := self;
330 end;
333 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
334 function TOutliner.TSpanEdgeEnumerator.GetEnumerator (): TSpanEdgeEnumerator; inline;
335 begin
336 result := self;
337 end;
339 constructor TOutliner.TSpanEdgeEnumerator.Create (master: TOutliner; y, dy: Integer);
340 begin
341 doSkipUSP := false;
342 spans := master.spans;
343 if (dy = 0) or (y < 0) or (y >= master.mHeight) then begin spi := -1; exit; end;
345 spi := master.lines[y];
346 if (spi = -1) then exit;
348 if (dy < 0) then
349 begin
350 if (y < 1) then begin spi := -1; exit; end;
351 usp := master.lines[y-1];
352 end
353 else
354 begin
355 if (y+1 >= master.mHeight) then begin spi := -1; exit; end;
356 usp := master.lines[y+1];
357 end;
359 sx := spans[spi].x0;
360 ex := spans[spi].x1;
361 end;
363 procedure TOutliner.TSpanEdgeEnumerator.nextSPI (); inline;
364 begin
365 if (spi <> -1) then spi := spans[spi].next;
366 if (spi <> -1) then
367 begin
368 sx := spans[spi].x0;
369 ex := spans[spi].x1;
370 end;
371 end;
373 function TOutliner.TSpanEdgeEnumerator.MoveNext (): Boolean; inline;
374 begin
375 result := false;
377 while true do
378 begin
379 if doSkipUSP then
380 begin
381 doSkipUSP := false;
382 // skip usp (this will draw final dot)
383 cur.x0 := spans[usp].x1;
384 cur.x1 := cur.x0;
385 sx := cur.x1+1;
386 assert(sx <= ex);
387 result := true;
388 exit;
389 end;
391 if (spi = -1) then exit;
393 // skip usp until sx
394 while (usp <> -1) do
395 begin
396 if (spans[usp].x1 < sx) then begin usp := spans[usp].next; continue; end;
397 break;
398 end;
400 // no more usps?
401 if (usp = -1) then
402 begin
403 if (sx <= ex) then
404 begin
405 cur.x0 := sx;
406 cur.x1 := ex;
407 nextSPI();
408 result := true;
409 end
410 else
411 begin
412 nextSPI();
413 result := (spi <> -1);
414 if result then
415 begin
416 cur.x0 := sx;
417 cur.x1 := ex;
418 end;
419 end;
420 exit;
421 end;
423 // usp covers the whole spi?
424 if (sx >= spans[usp].x0) and (ex <= spans[usp].x1) then
425 begin
426 // yes; next spi
427 nextSPI();
428 continue;
429 end;
431 // usp starts after ex?
432 if (ex < spans[usp].x0) then
433 begin
434 // yes; draw that part
435 cur.x0 := sx;
436 cur.x1 := ex;
437 // next spi
438 nextSPI();
439 result := true;
440 exit;
441 end;
443 // usp starts after sx?
444 if (sx < spans[usp].x0) then
445 begin
446 // yes; draw that part
447 cur.x0 := sx;
448 cur.x1 := spans[usp].x0;
449 // does usp covers what is left?
450 if (ex <= spans[usp].x1) then
451 begin
452 // yes; next spi
453 nextSPI();
454 end
455 else
456 begin
457 // no; skip usp
458 doSkipUSP := true;
459 //sx := spans[usp].x1+1;
460 //assert(sx <= ex);
461 end;
462 result := true;
463 exit;
464 end
465 else
466 begin
467 // usp starts before sx
468 assert(sx >= spans[usp].x0);
469 assert(ex > spans[usp].x1);
470 end;
472 // skip usp (this will draw final dot)
473 doSkipUSP := true;
474 end;
475 end;