more map grid code
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / game / g_grid.pas
1 (* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers
2 *
3 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * (at your option) any later version.
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *)
17 {$modeswitch nestedprocvars}
18 unit g_grid;
20 interface
22 uses e_log;
24 const
25 GridDefaultTileSize = 32;
27 type
28 GridQueryCB = function (obj: TObject; tag: Integer): Boolean is nested; // return `true` to stop
30 type
31 TBodyGrid = class;
33 TBodyProxy = class(TObject)
34 private
35 mX, mY, mWidth, mHeight: Integer; // aabb
36 mQueryMark: DWord; // was this object visited at this query?
37 mObj: TObject;
38 mGrid: TBodyGrid;
39 mTag: Integer;
40 prevLink: TBodyProxy; // only for used
41 nextLink: TBodyProxy; // either used or free
43 private
44 procedure setup (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer);
46 public
47 constructor Create (aGrid: TBodyGrid; aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer);
48 destructor Destroy (); override;
50 property x: Integer read mX;
51 property y: Integer read mY;
52 property width: Integer read mWidth;
53 property height: Integer read mHeight;
54 property obj: TObject read mObj;
55 property tag: Integer read mTag;
56 property grid: TBodyGrid read mGrid;
57 end;
59 PGridCell = ^TGridCell;
60 TGridCell = record
61 body: TBodyProxy;
62 next: Integer; // in this cell; index in mCells
63 end;
65 GridInternalCB = function (grida: Integer): Boolean is nested; // return `true` to stop
67 TBodyGrid = class(TObject)
68 private
69 mTileSize: Integer;
70 mMinX, mMinY: Integer; // so grids can start at any origin
71 mWidth, mHeight: Integer; // in tiles
72 mGrid: array of Integer; // mWidth*mHeight, index in mCells
73 mCells: array of TGridCell; // cell pool
74 mFreeCell: Integer; // first free cell index or -1
75 mLastQuery: Integer;
76 mUsedCells: Integer;
77 mProxyFree: TBodyProxy; // free
78 mProxyList: TBodyProxy; // used
79 mProxyCount: Integer; // total allocated
81 private
82 function allocCell: Integer;
83 procedure freeCell (idx: Integer); // `next` is simply overwritten
85 function allocProxy (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer): TBodyProxy;
86 procedure freeProxy (body: TBodyProxy);
88 procedure insert (body: TBodyProxy);
89 procedure remove (body: TBodyProxy);
91 function forGridRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; cb: GridInternalCB): Boolean;
93 public
94 constructor Create (aMinPixX, aMinPixY, aPixWidth, aPixHeight: Integer; aTileSize: Integer=GridDefaultTileSize);
95 destructor Destroy (); override;
97 function insertBody (aObj: TObject; ax, ay, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aTag: Integer=0): TBodyProxy;
98 procedure removeBody (aObj: TBodyProxy); // WARNING! this will NOT destroy proxy!
100 procedure moveBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy: Integer);
101 procedure resizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; sx, sy: Integer);
102 procedure moveResizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy, sx, sy: Integer);
104 function forEachInAABB (x, y, w, h: Integer; cb: GridQueryCB): Boolean;
106 function getProxyForBody (aObj: TObject; x, y, w, h: Integer): TBodyProxy;
108 procedure dumpStats ();
109 end;
112 type
113 TBinaryHeapLessFn = function (a, b: TObject): Boolean;
115 TBinaryHeapObj = class(TObject)
116 private
117 elem: array of TObject;
118 elemUsed: Integer;
119 lessfn: TBinaryHeapLessFn;
121 private
122 procedure heapify (root: Integer);
124 public
125 constructor Create (alessfn: TBinaryHeapLessFn);
126 destructor Destroy (); override;
128 procedure clear ();
130 procedure insert (val: TObject);
132 function front (): TObject;
133 procedure popFront ();
135 property count: Integer read elemUsed;
136 end;
139 implementation
141 uses
142 SysUtils;
145 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
146 constructor TBodyProxy.Create (aGrid: TBodyGrid; aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer);
147 begin
148 mGrid := aGrid;
149 setup(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag);
150 end;
153 destructor TBodyProxy.Destroy ();
154 begin
155 inherited;
156 end;
159 procedure TBodyProxy.setup (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer);
160 begin
161 mX := aX;
162 mY := aY;
163 mWidth := aWidth;
164 mHeight := aHeight;
165 mQueryMark := 0;
166 mObj := aObj;
167 mTag := aTag;
168 prevLink := nil;
169 nextLink := nil;
170 end;
173 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
174 constructor TBodyGrid.Create (aMinPixX, aMinPixY, aPixWidth, aPixHeight: Integer; aTileSize: Integer=GridDefaultTileSize);
175 var
176 idx: Integer;
177 begin
178 if aTileSize < 1 then aTileSize := 1;
179 if aTileSize > 8192 then aTileSize := 8192; // arbitrary limit
180 if aPixWidth < aTileSize then aPixWidth := aTileSize;
181 if aPixHeight < aTileSize then aPixHeight := aTileSize;
182 mTileSize := aTileSize;
183 mMinX := aMinPixX;
184 mMinY := aMinPixY;
185 mWidth := (aPixWidth+aTileSize-1) div aTileSize;
186 mHeight := (aPixHeight+aTileSize-1) div aTileSize;
187 SetLength(mGrid, mWidth*mHeight);
188 SetLength(mCells, mWidth*mHeight);
189 mFreeCell := 0;
190 // init free list
191 for idx := 0 to High(mCells) do
192 begin
193 mCells[idx].body := nil;
194 mCells[idx].next := idx+1;
195 end;
196 mCells[High(mCells)].next := -1; // last cell
197 // init grid
198 for idx := 0 to High(mGrid) do mGrid[idx] := -1;
199 mLastQuery := 0;
200 mUsedCells := 0;
201 mProxyFree := nil;
202 mProxyList := nil;
203 mProxyCount := 0;
204 e_WriteLog(Format('created grid with size: %dx%d (tile size: %d); pix: %dx%d', [mWidth, mHeight, mTileSize, mWidth*mTileSize, mHeight*mTileSize]), MSG_NOTIFY);
205 end;
208 destructor TBodyGrid.Destroy ();
209 var
210 px: TBodyProxy;
211 begin
212 // free all owned proxies
213 while mProxyFree <> nil do
214 begin
215 px := mProxyFree;
216 mProxyFree := px.nextLink;
217 px.Free();
218 end;
220 while mProxyList <> nil do
221 begin
222 px := mProxyList;
223 mProxyList := px.nextLink;
224 px.Free();
225 end;
227 mCells := nil;
228 mGrid := nil;
229 inherited;
230 end;
233 procedure TBodyGrid.dumpStats ();
234 var
235 idx, mcb, cidx, cnt: Integer;
236 begin
237 mcb := 0;
238 for idx := 0 to High(mGrid) do
239 begin
240 cidx := mGrid[idx];
241 cnt := 0;
242 while cidx >= 0 do
243 begin
244 Inc(cnt);
245 cidx := mCells[cidx].next;
246 end;
247 if (mcb < cnt) then mcb := cnt;
248 end;
249 e_WriteLog(Format('grid size: %dx%d (tile size: %d); pix: %dx%d; used cells: %d; max bodies in cell: %d; proxies allocated: %d', [mWidth, mHeight, mTileSize, mWidth*mTileSize, mHeight*mTileSize, mUsedCells, mcb, mProxyCount]), MSG_NOTIFY);
250 end;
253 function TBodyGrid.allocCell: Integer;
254 var
255 idx: Integer;
256 begin
257 if (mFreeCell < 0) then
258 begin
259 // no free cells, want more
260 mFreeCell := Length(mCells);
261 SetLength(mCells, mFreeCell+32768); // arbitrary number
262 for idx := mFreeCell to High(mCells) do
263 begin
264 mCells[idx].body := nil;
265 mCells[idx].next := idx+1;
266 end;
267 mCells[High(mCells)].next := -1; // last cell
268 end;
269 result := mFreeCell;
270 mFreeCell := mCells[result].next;
271 mCells[result].next := -1;
272 Inc(mUsedCells);
273 //e_WriteLog(Format('grid: allocated new cell #%d (total: %d)', [result, mUsedCells]), MSG_NOTIFY);
274 end;
277 procedure TBodyGrid.freeCell (idx: Integer);
278 begin
279 if (idx >= 0) and (idx < High(mCells)) then
280 begin
281 if mCells[idx].body = nil then exit; // the thing that should not be
282 mCells[idx].body := nil;
283 mCells[idx].next := mFreeCell;
284 mFreeCell := idx;
285 Dec(mUsedCells);
286 end;
287 end;
290 function TBodyGrid.allocProxy (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: TObject; aTag: Integer): TBodyProxy;
291 begin
292 if (mProxyFree = nil) then
293 begin
294 // no free proxies, create new
295 result := TBodyProxy.Create(self, aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag);
296 Inc(mProxyCount);
297 end
298 else
299 begin
300 // get one from list
301 result := mProxyFree;
302 mProxyFree := result.nextLink;
303 result.setup(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag);
304 end;
305 // add to used list
306 result.nextLink := mProxyList;
307 if (mProxyList <> nil) then mProxyList.prevLink := result;
308 mProxyList := result;
309 end;
311 procedure TBodyGrid.freeProxy (body: TBodyProxy);
312 begin
313 if body = nil then exit; // just in case
314 // remove from used list
315 if (body.prevLink = nil) then
316 begin
317 // this must be head
318 if (body <> mProxyList) then raise Exception.Create('wutafuuuuu in grid?');
319 mProxyList := body.nextLink;
320 end
321 else
322 begin
323 body.prevLink.nextLink := body.nextLink;
324 end;
325 if (body.nextLink <> nil) then body.nextLink.prevLink := body.prevLink;
326 // add to free list
327 //body.mObj := nil; //WARNING! DON'T DO THIS! `removeBody()` depends on valid mObj
328 body.prevLink := nil;
329 body.nextLink := mProxyFree;
330 mProxyFree := body;
331 end;
334 function TBodyGrid.forGridRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; cb: GridInternalCB): Boolean;
335 var
336 gx, gy: Integer;
337 begin
338 result := false;
339 if (w < 1) or (h < 1) or not assigned(cb) then exit;
340 // fix coords
341 Dec(x, mMinX);
342 Dec(y, mMinY);
343 // go on
344 if (x+w <= 0) or (y+h <= 0) then exit;
345 if (x >= mWidth*mTileSize) or (y >= mHeight*mTileSize) then exit;
346 for gy := y div mTileSize to (y+h-1) div mTileSize do
347 begin
348 if (gy < 0) then continue;
349 if (gy >= mHeight) then break;
350 for gx := x div mTileSize to (x+w-1) div mTileSize do
351 begin
352 if (gx < 0) then continue;
353 if (gx >= mWidth) then break;
354 if (cb(gy*mWidth+gx)) then begin result := true; exit; end;
355 end;
356 end;
357 end;
360 procedure TBodyGrid.insert (body: TBodyProxy);
362 function inserter (grida: Integer): Boolean;
363 var
364 cidx: Integer;
365 begin
366 result := false; // never stop
367 // add body to the given grid cell
368 cidx := allocCell();
369 //e_WriteLog(Format(' 01: allocated cell for grid coords (%d,%d), body coords:(%d,%d): #%d', [gx, gy, dx, dy, cidx]), MSG_NOTIFY);
370 mCells[cidx].body := body;
371 mCells[cidx].next := mGrid[grida];
372 mGrid[grida] := cidx;
373 end;
375 begin
376 if body = nil then exit;
377 forGridRect(body.mX, body.mY, body.mWidth, body.mHeight, inserter);
378 end;
381 // absolutely not tested
382 procedure TBodyGrid.remove (body: TBodyProxy);
384 function remover (grida: Integer): Boolean;
385 var
386 pidx, idx, tmp: Integer;
387 begin
388 result := false; // never stop
389 // find and remove cell
390 pidx := -1;
391 idx := mGrid[grida];
392 while idx >= 0 do
393 begin
394 tmp := mCells[idx].next;
395 if (mCells[idx].body = body) then
396 begin
397 if (pidx = -1) then mGrid[grida] := tmp else mCells[pidx].next := tmp;
398 freeCell(idx);
399 break; // assume that we cannot have one object added to bucket twice
400 end
401 else
402 begin
403 pidx := idx;
404 end;
405 idx := tmp;
406 end;
407 end;
409 begin
410 if body = nil then exit;
411 forGridRect(body.mX, body.mY, body.mWidth, body.mHeight, remover);
412 end;
415 function TBodyGrid.insertBody (aObj: TObject; aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aTag: Integer=0): TBodyProxy;
416 begin
417 result := allocProxy(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag);
418 insert(result);
419 end;
422 // WARNING! this will NOT destroy proxy!
423 procedure TBodyGrid.removeBody (aObj: TBodyProxy);
424 begin
425 if aObj = nil then exit;
426 if (aObj.mGrid <> self) then raise Exception.Create('trying to remove alien proxy from grid');
427 removeBody(aObj);
428 //HACK!
429 freeProxy(aObj);
430 if (mProxyFree <> aObj) then raise Exception.Create('grid deletion invariant fucked');
431 mProxyFree := aObj.nextLink;
432 aObj.nextLink := nil;
433 end;
436 procedure TBodyGrid.moveResizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy, sx, sy: Integer);
437 begin
438 if (body = nil) or ((dx = 0) and (dy = 0) and (sx = 0) and (sy = 0)) then exit;
439 remove(body);
440 Inc(body.mX, dx);
441 Inc(body.mY, dy);
442 Inc(body.mWidth, sx);
443 Inc(body.mHeight, sy);
444 insert(body);
445 end;
447 procedure TBodyGrid.moveBody (body: TBodyProxy; dx, dy: Integer);
448 begin
449 moveResizeBody(body, dx, dy, 0, 0);
450 end;
452 procedure TBodyGrid.resizeBody (body: TBodyProxy; sx, sy: Integer);
453 begin
454 moveResizeBody(body, 0, 0, sx, sy);
455 end;
458 function TBodyGrid.forEachInAABB (x, y, w, h: Integer; cb: GridQueryCB): Boolean;
459 function iterator (grida: Integer): Boolean;
460 var
461 idx: Integer;
462 begin
463 result := false;
464 idx := mGrid[grida];
465 while idx >= 0 do
466 begin
467 if (mCells[idx].body <> nil) and (mCells[idx].body.mQueryMark <> mLastQuery) then
468 begin
469 //e_WriteLog(Format(' query #%d body hit: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d) tag:%d', [mLastQuery, mCells[idx].body.mX, mCells[idx].body.mY, mCells[idx].body.mWidth, mCells[idx].body.mHeight, mCells[idx].body.mTag]), MSG_NOTIFY);
470 mCells[idx].body.mQueryMark := mLastQuery;
471 if (cb(mCells[idx].body.mObj, mCells[idx].body.mTag)) then begin result := true; exit; end;
472 end;
473 idx := mCells[idx].next;
474 end;
475 end;
477 var
478 idx: Integer;
479 begin
480 result := false;
481 if not assigned(cb) then exit;
483 // increase query counter
484 Inc(mLastQuery);
485 if (mLastQuery = 0) then
486 begin
487 // just in case of overflow
488 mLastQuery := 1;
489 for idx := 0 to High(mCells) do if (mCells[idx].body <> nil) then mCells[idx].body.mQueryMark := 0;
490 end;
491 //e_WriteLog(Format('grid: query #%d: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [mLastQuery, minx, miny, maxx, maxy]), MSG_NOTIFY);
493 result := forGridRect(x, y, w, h, iterator);
494 end;
497 function TBodyGrid.getProxyForBody (aObj: TObject; x, y, w, h: Integer): TBodyProxy;
498 var
499 res: TBodyProxy = nil;
501 function iterator (grida: Integer): Boolean;
502 var
503 idx: Integer;
504 begin
505 result := false;
506 idx := mGrid[grida];
507 while idx >= 0 do
508 begin
509 if (mCells[idx].body <> nil) and (mCells[idx].body = aObj) then
510 begin
511 result := true;
512 res := mCells[idx].body;
513 exit;
514 end;
515 idx := mCells[idx].next;
516 end;
517 end;
519 begin
520 result := nil;
521 if (aObj = nil) then exit;
522 forGridRect(x, y, w, h, iterator);
523 result := res;
524 end;
527 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
528 constructor TBinaryHeapObj.Create (alessfn: TBinaryHeapLessFn);
529 begin
530 if not assigned(alessfn) then raise Exception.Create('wutafuck?!');
531 lessfn := alessfn;
532 SetLength(elem, 8192); // 'cause why not?
533 elemUsed := 0;
534 end;
537 destructor TBinaryHeapObj.Destroy ();
538 begin
539 inherited;
540 end;
543 procedure TBinaryHeapObj.clear ();
544 begin
545 elemUsed := 0;
546 end;
549 procedure TBinaryHeapObj.heapify (root: Integer);
550 var
551 smallest, right: Integer;
552 tmp: TObject;
553 begin
554 while true do
555 begin
556 smallest := 2*root+1; // left child
557 if (smallest >= elemUsed) then break; // anyway
558 right := smallest+1; // right child
559 if not lessfn(elem[smallest], elem[root]) then smallest := root;
560 if (right < elemUsed) and (lessfn(elem[right], elem[smallest])) then smallest := right;
561 if (smallest = root) then break;
562 // swap
563 tmp := elem[root];
564 elem[root] := elem[smallest];
565 elem[smallest] := tmp;
566 root := smallest;
567 end;
568 end;
571 procedure TBinaryHeapObj.insert (val: TObject);
572 var
573 i, par: Integer;
574 begin
575 if (val = nil) then exit;
576 i := elemUsed;
577 if (i = Length(elem)) then SetLength(elem, Length(elem)+16384); // arbitrary number
578 Inc(elemUsed);
579 while (i <> 0) do
580 begin
581 par := (i-1) div 2; // parent
582 if not lessfn(val, elem[par]) then break;
583 elem[i] := elem[par];
584 i := par;
585 end;
586 elem[i] := val;
587 end;
589 function TBinaryHeapObj.front (): TObject;
590 begin
591 if elemUsed > 0 then result := elem[0] else result := nil;
592 end;
595 procedure TBinaryHeapObj.popFront ();
596 begin
597 if (elemUsed > 0) then
598 begin
599 Dec(elemUsed);
600 elem[0] := elem[elemUsed];
601 heapify(0);
602 end;
603 end;
606 end.