fuck you, lazarus, that's why
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / flexui / fui_style.pas
1 (* coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <>
2 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
3 *
4 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 *)
17 {$INCLUDE ../../shared/}
19 unit fui_style;
21 interface
23 uses
24 SysUtils, Classes,
25 fui_common, // for TGxRGBA
26 xstreams, xparser, utils, hashtable;
29 type
30 TStyleSection = class;
32 TStyleValue = packed record
33 public
34 type TType = (Empty, Bool, Int, Color, Str);
36 public
37 constructor Create (v: Boolean);
38 constructor Create (v: Integer);
39 constructor Create (ar, ag, ab: Integer; aa: Integer=255);
40 constructor Create (const v: TGxRGBA);
41 constructor Create (const v: AnsiString);
43 function isEmpty (): Boolean; inline;
45 function toString (): AnsiString;
46 function asRGBA: TGxRGBA; inline;
47 function asRGBADef (const def: TGxRGBA): TGxRGBA; inline;
48 function asInt (const def: Integer=0): Integer; inline;
49 function asBool (const def: Boolean=false): Boolean; inline;
50 function asStr (const def: AnsiString=''): AnsiString; inline;
52 public
53 vtype: TType;
54 case TType of
55 TType.Bool: (bval: Boolean);
56 TType.Int: (ival: Integer);
57 TType.Color: (r, g, b, a: Byte);
58 TType.Str: (sval: Pointer); // AnsiString
59 end;
61 THashStrStyleVal = specialize THashBase<AnsiString, TStyleValue, THashKeyStrAnsiCI>;
62 THashStrSection = specialize THashBase<AnsiString, TStyleSection, THashKeyStrAnsiCI>;
64 TStyleSection = class
65 private
66 mParent: TStyleSection; // for inheritance
67 mInherits: AnsiString;
68 mHashName: AnsiString; // for this section
69 mCtlName: AnsiString; // for this section
70 mVals: THashStrStyleVal;
71 mHashes: THashStrSection;
72 mCtls: THashStrSection;
74 private
75 function getTopLevel (): TStyleSection; inline;
76 // "text-color#inactive@label"
77 function getValue (const path: AnsiString): TStyleValue;
79 public
80 constructor Create ();
81 destructor Destroy (); override;
83 function get (name, hash, ctl: AnsiString): TStyleValue;
85 public
86 property value[const path: AnsiString]: TStyleValue read getValue; default;
87 property topLevel: TStyleSection read getTopLevel;
88 end;
90 TUIStyle = class
91 private
92 mId: AnsiString; // style name ('default', for example)
93 mMain: TStyleSection;
95 private
96 procedure createMain ();
98 procedure parse (par: TTextParser);
100 function getValue (const path: AnsiString): TStyleValue; inline;
102 public
103 constructor Create (const aid: AnsiString);
104 constructor Create (st: TStream); // parse from stream
105 constructor CreateFromFile (const fname: AnsiString);
106 destructor Destroy (); override;
108 function get (name, hash, ctl: AnsiString): TStyleValue;
110 public
111 property id: AnsiString read mId;
112 property value[const path: AnsiString]: TStyleValue read getValue; default;
113 end;
116 procedure uiLoadStyles (const fname: AnsiString);
117 procedure uiLoadStyles (st: TStream);
119 // will return "default" (or raise an exception if there is no "default")
120 function uiFindStyle (const stname: AnsiString): TUIStyle;
123 implementation
126 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
127 const
128 defaultStyleStr =
129 'default {'#10+
130 ' back-color: #008;'#10+
131 ' #active: { text-color: #fff; hot-color: #f00; switch-color: #fff; frame-color: #fff; frame-text-color: #fff; frame-icon-color: #0f0; }'#10+
132 ' #inactive: { text-color: #aaa; hot-color: #a00; switch-color: #aaa; frame-color: #aaa; frame-text-color: #aaa; frame-icon-color: #0a0; }'#10+
133 ' #disabled: { text-color: #666; hot-color: #600; switch-color: #666; frame-color: #888; frame-text-color: #888; frame-icon-color: #080; }'#10+
134 ' @window: { #inactive(#active): { darken: 128; } }'#10+
135 ' @button: { back-color: #999; text-color: #000; hot-color: #600; #active: { back-color: #fff; hot-color: #c00; } #disabled: { back-color: #444; text-color: #333; hot-color: #333; } }'#10+
136 ' @label: { #inactive(#active); }'#10+
137 ' @static: { text-color: #ff0; #inactive(#active); }'#10+
138 ' @box: { #inactive(#active); }'#10+
139 ' @switchbox: { #active: { back-color: #080; } #inactive: { switch-color: #fff; } }'#10+
140 ' @checkbox(@switchbox): {}'#10+
141 ' @radiobox(@switchbox): {}'#10+
142 '}'#10+
143 '';
144 var
145 styles: array of TUIStyle = nil;
148 function createDefaultStyle (): TUIStyle;
149 var
150 st: TStream;
151 begin
152 result := nil;
153 st := TStringStream.Create(defaultStyleStr);
154 st.position := 0;
155 try
156 result := TUIStyle.Create(st);
157 finally
158 FreeAndNil(st);
159 end;
160 end;
163 function uiFindStyle (const stname: AnsiString): TUIStyle;
164 var
165 stl: TUIStyle;
166 begin
167 if (Length(stname) > 0) then
168 begin
169 for stl in styles do if (strEquCI1251(stl.mId, stname)) then begin result := stl; exit; end;
170 end;
171 for stl in styles do if (strEquCI1251(stl.mId, 'default')) then begin result := stl; exit; end;
172 stl := createDefaultStyle();
173 SetLength(styles, Length(styles)+1);
174 styles[High(styles)] := stl;
175 result := stl;
176 end;
179 procedure uiLoadStyles (const fname: AnsiString);
180 var
181 st: TStream;
182 begin
183 st := openDiskFileRO(fname);
184 try
185 uiLoadStyles(st);
186 finally
187 st.Free();
188 end;
189 end;
192 procedure uiLoadStyles (st: TStream);
193 var
194 par: TTextParser;
195 stl: TUIStyle = nil;
196 f: Integer;
197 begin
198 if (st = nil) then raise Exception.Create('cannot load UI styles from nil stream');
199 par := TFileTextParser.Create(st, false, [par.TOption.SignedNumbers, par.TOption.DollarIsId, par.TOption.DashIsId, par.TOption.HtmlColors]);
200 styles := nil;
201 try
202 while (not par.isEOF) do
203 begin
204 stl := TUIStyle.Create('');
205 stl.parse(par);
206 //writeln('new style: <', stl.mId, '>');
207 f := 0;
208 while (f < Length(styles)) do begin if (strEquCI1251(styles[f].mId, stl.mId)) then break; Inc(f); end;
209 if (f < Length(styles)) then
210 begin
211 FreeAndNil(styles[f]);
212 end
213 else
214 begin
215 f := Length(styles);
216 SetLength(styles, f+1);
217 end;
218 styles[f] := stl;
219 stl := nil;
220 end;
221 finally
222 stl.Free();
223 par.Free();
224 end;
225 // we should have "default" style
226 for f := 0 to High(styles) do if (strEquCI1251(styles[f].mId, 'default')) then exit;
227 stl := createDefaultStyle();
228 SetLength(styles, Length(styles)+1);
229 styles[High(styles)] := stl;
230 end;
233 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
234 procedure freeValueCB (var v: TStyleValue); begin
235 if (v.vtype = v.TType.Str) then
236 begin
237 AnsiString(v.sval) := '';
238 end;
239 v.vtype := v.TType.Empty;
240 end;
242 constructor TStyleValue.Create (v: Boolean); begin vtype := TType.Bool; bval := v; end;
243 constructor TStyleValue.Create (v: Integer); begin vtype := TType.Int; ival := v; end;
244 constructor TStyleValue.Create (const v: AnsiString); begin vtype := TType.Str; sval := Pointer(v); end;
246 constructor TStyleValue.Create (ar, ag, ab: Integer; aa: Integer=255);
247 begin
248 vtype := TType.Color;
249 r := nmax(0, nmin(ar, 255));
250 g := nmax(0, nmin(ag, 255));
251 b := nmax(0, nmin(ab, 255));
252 a := nmax(0, nmin(aa, 255));
253 end;
255 constructor TStyleValue.Create (const v: TGxRGBA);
256 begin
257 vtype := TType.Color;
258 r := v.r;
259 g := v.g;
260 b := v.b;
261 a := v.a;
262 end;
264 function TStyleValue.isEmpty (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (vtype = TType.Empty); end;
265 function TStyleValue.asRGBA: TGxRGBA; inline; begin if (vtype = TType.Color) then result := TGxRGBA.Create(r, g, b, a) else result := TGxRGBA.Create(0, 0, 0, 0); end;
266 function TStyleValue.asRGBADef (const def: TGxRGBA): TGxRGBA; inline; begin if (vtype = TType.Color) then result := TGxRGBA.Create(r, g, b, a) else result := def; end;
267 function TStyleValue.asInt (const def: Integer=0): Integer; inline; begin if (vtype = TType.Int) then result := ival else if (vtype = TType.Bool) then begin if (bval) then result := 1 else result := 0; end else result := def; end;
268 function TStyleValue.asBool (const def: Boolean=false): Boolean; inline; begin if (vtype = TType.Bool) then result := bval else if (vtype = TType.Int) then result := (ival <> 0) else result := def; end;
269 function TStyleValue.asStr (const def: AnsiString=''): AnsiString; inline; begin if (vtype = TType.Str) then result := AnsiString(sval) else result := def; end;
271 function TStyleValue.toString (): AnsiString;
272 begin
273 case vtype of
274 TType.Empty: result := '<empty>';
275 TType.Bool: if bval then result := 'true' else result := 'false';
276 TType.Int: result := formatstrf('%s', [ival]);
277 TType.Color: if (a = 255) then result := formatstrf('rgb(%s,%s,%s)', [r, g, b]) else result := formatstrf('rgba(%s,%s,%s)', [r, g, b, a]);
278 else result := '<invalid>';
279 end;
280 end;
283 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
284 procedure freeSectionCB (var v: TStyleSection); begin FreeAndNil(v); end;
287 function splitPath (const path: AnsiString; out name, hash, ctl: AnsiString): Boolean;
288 var
289 hashPos, atPos: Integer;
290 begin
291 result := false;
292 name := '';
293 hash := '';
294 ctl := '';
295 hashPos := pos('#', path);
296 atPos := pos('@', path);
297 // split
298 if (atPos > 0) then
299 begin
300 // has ctl, and (possible) hash
301 if (hashPos > 0) then
302 begin
303 // has ctl and hash
304 if (atPos < hashPos) then
305 begin
306 // @ctl#hash
307 if (atPos > 1) then name := Copy(path, 1, atPos-1);
308 Inc(atPos); // skip "at"
309 if (atPos < hashPos) then ctl := Copy(path, atPos, hashPos-atPos);
310 Inc(hashPos); // skip hash
311 if (hashPos <= Length(path)) then hash := Copy(path, hashPos, Length(path)-hashPos+1);
312 end
313 else
314 begin
315 // #hash@ctl
316 if (hashPos > 1) then name := Copy(path, 1, hashPos-1);
317 Inc(hashPos); // skip hash
318 if (hashPos < atPos) then hash := Copy(path, hashPos, atPos-hashPos);
319 Inc(atPos); // skip "at"
320 if (atPos <= Length(path)) then ctl := Copy(path, atPos, Length(path)-atPos+1);
321 end;
322 end
323 else
324 begin
325 // has only ctl
326 if (atPos > 1) then name := Copy(path, 1, atPos-1);
327 Inc(atPos); // skip "at"
328 if (atPos <= Length(path)) then ctl := Copy(path, atPos, Length(path)-atPos+1);
329 end;
330 end
331 else if (hashPos > 0) then
332 begin
333 // has hash
334 if (hashPos > 1) then name := Copy(path, 1, hashPos-1);
335 Inc(hashPos); // skip hash
336 if (hashPos <= Length(path)) then hash := Copy(path, hashPos, Length(path)-hashPos+1);
337 end
338 else
339 begin
340 // only name
341 name := path;
342 end;
343 result := true;
344 end;
347 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
348 constructor TStyleSection.Create ();
349 begin
350 mParent := nil;
351 mInherits := '';
352 mHashName := '';
353 mCtlName := '';
354 mVals := THashStrStyleVal.Create(freeValueCB);
355 mHashes := THashStrSection.Create(freeSectionCB);
356 mCtls := THashStrSection.Create(freeSectionCB);
357 end;
360 destructor TStyleSection.Destroy ();
361 begin
362 FreeAndNil(mVals);
363 FreeAndNil(mHashes);
364 FreeAndNil(mCtls);
365 mParent := nil;
366 mInherits := '';
367 mHashName := '';
368 mCtlName := '';
369 inherited;
370 end;
373 function TStyleSection.getTopLevel (): TStyleSection; inline;
374 begin
375 result := self;
376 while (result.mParent <> nil) do result := result.mParent;
377 end;
380 function TStyleSection.get (name, hash, ctl: AnsiString): TStyleValue;
381 var
382 tmp: AnsiString;
383 sect, s1, so: TStyleSection;
384 jumpsLeft: Integer = 32; // max inheritance level
385 skipInherits: Boolean = false;
386 begin
387 result.vtype := result.TType.Empty;
388 if (Length(name) = 0) then exit; // alas
389 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('***GET: <', name, '#', hash, '@', ctl, '>');{$ENDIF}
390 // try control
391 sect := self;
392 if (Length(ctl) > 0) then
393 begin
394 if (not strEquCI1251(ctl, mCtlName)) then
395 begin
396 // has ctl section?
397 if (not topLevel.mCtls.get(ctl, sect)) then sect := topLevel;
398 end;
399 end;
400 // has hash?
401 if (Length(hash) > 0) then
402 begin
403 if (not strEquCI1251(hash, sect.mHashName)) then
404 begin
405 if (sect.mHashes.get(hash, s1)) then sect := s1;
406 end;
407 end;
408 // try name, go up with inheritance
409 while (jumpsLeft > 0) do
410 begin
411 if (sect.mVals.get(name, result)) then
412 begin
413 if (not result.isEmpty) then exit; // i found her!
414 end;
415 // go up
416 if (skipInherits) or (Length(sect.mInherits) = 0) then
417 begin
418 skipInherits := false;
419 // for hash section: try parent section first
420 if (Length(sect.mHashName) > 0) then
421 begin
422 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('search for <#', hash, '@', ctl, '> at <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>: hash up');{$ENDIF}
423 sect := sect.mParent;
424 if (sect = nil) then break; // alas
425 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' hash up: trying <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>');{$ENDIF}
426 if (sect.mVals.get(name, result)) then
427 begin
428 if (not result.isEmpty) then exit; // i found her!
429 end;
430 // move another parent up
431 sect := sect.mParent;
432 if (sect = nil) then break; // alas
433 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' hash up: jumped up twice to <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>');{$ENDIF}
434 end
435 else
436 begin
437 // one parent up
438 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('search for <#', hash, '@', ctl, '> at <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>: jump up');{$ENDIF}
439 sect := sect.mParent;
440 if (sect = nil) then break; // alas
441 end;
442 // here, we should have non-hash section
443 assert(Length(sect.mHashName) = 0);
444 // if we want hash, try to find it, otherwise do nothing
445 if (Length(hash) > 0) then
446 begin
447 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' search for <#', hash, '@', ctl, '> at <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>: hash down');{$ENDIF}
448 if (sect.mHashes.get(hash, s1)) then
449 begin
450 sect := s1;
451 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' found <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>');{$ENDIF}
452 end;
453 end;
454 end
455 else
456 begin
457 // inheritance
458 Dec(jumpsLeft);
459 if (jumpsLeft < 1) then break; // alas
460 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('inherits: <', sect.mInherits, '>');{$ENDIF}
461 // parse inherit string
462 if (not splitPath(sect.mInherits, tmp, hash, ctl)) then exit; // alas
463 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('inherits: <', hash, '>:<', ctl, '>');{$ENDIF}
464 // find section
465 if (Length(ctl) > 0) then
466 begin
467 // ctl
468 if (strEquCI1251(ctl, '$main$')) then sect := topLevel
469 else if (strEquCI1251(ctl, '$up$')) then begin if (Length(sect.mHashName) <> 0) then sect := sect.mParent.mParent else sect := sect.mParent; end
470 else if (not topLevel.mCtls.get(ctl, sect)) then sect := topLevel;
471 if (sect = nil) then break; // alas
472 if (Length(hash) > 0) then
473 begin
474 if (sect.mHashes.get(hash, s1)) then sect := s1;
475 end;
476 end
477 else
478 begin
479 // hash
480 assert(Length(hash) > 0);
481 // dummy loop, so i can use `break`
482 repeat
483 // get out of hash section
484 if (Length(sect.mHashName) > 0) then
485 begin
486 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('hash-jump-up: <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>');{$ENDIF}
487 sect := sect.mParent;
488 if (sect = nil) then break; // alas
489 // check for hash section in parent; use parent if there is no such hash section
490 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' checking parent: <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '> for <#', hash, '>');{$ENDIF}
491 so := sect;
492 if (sect.mHashes.get(hash, s1)) then
493 begin
494 if (s1 <> sect) and (s1 <> so) then
495 begin
496 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' found in parent: <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '> for <#', hash, '>');{$ENDIF}
497 sect := s1;
498 end;
499 end;
500 end
501 else
502 begin
503 // we're in parent, try to find hash section
504 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' checking: <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '> for <#', hash, '>');{$ENDIF}
505 if (sect.mHashes.get(hash, s1)) then
506 begin
507 {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' found: <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '> for <#', hash, '>');{$ENDIF}
508 sect := s1;
509 end
510 else
511 begin
512 // reuse current parent, but don't follow inheritance for it
513 skipInherits := true;
514 end;
515 end;
516 until true;
517 if (sect = nil) then break;
518 end;
519 end;
520 end;
521 // alas
522 result.vtype := result.TType.Empty;
523 end;
526 // "text-color#inactive@label"
527 function TStyleSection.getValue (const path: AnsiString): TStyleValue;
528 var
529 name, hash, ctl: AnsiString;
530 begin
531 result.vtype := result.TType.Empty;
532 if (not splitPath(path, name, hash, ctl)) then exit; // alas
533 //writeln('name:<', name, '>; hash:<', hash, '>; ctl:<', ctl, '>');
534 result := get(name, hash, ctl);
535 end;
538 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
539 constructor TUIStyle.Create (const aid: AnsiString);
540 begin
541 mId := aid;
542 createMain();
543 end;
546 constructor TUIStyle.Create (st: TStream); // parse from stream
547 var
548 par: TTextParser;
549 begin
550 mId := '';
551 createMain();
552 if (st = nil) then exit;
553 par := TFileTextParser.Create(st, false, [par.TOption.SignedNumbers, par.TOption.DollarIsId, par.TOption.DashIsId, par.TOption.HtmlColors]);
554 try
555 parse(par);
556 finally
557 par.Free();
558 end;
559 end;
562 constructor TUIStyle.CreateFromFile (const fname: AnsiString);
563 var
564 st: TStream;
565 begin
566 st := openDiskFileRO(fname);
567 try
568 Create(st);
569 finally
570 st.Free();
571 end;
572 end;
575 destructor TUIStyle.Destroy ();
576 begin
577 mId := '';
578 FreeAndNil(mMain);
579 end;
582 procedure TUIStyle.createMain ();
583 begin
584 mMain := TStyleSection.Create();
585 mMain.mCtlName := '$main$';
586 end;
589 function TUIStyle.getValue (const path: AnsiString): TStyleValue; inline;
590 begin
591 result := mMain[path];
592 end;
594 function TUIStyle.get (name, hash, ctl: AnsiString): TStyleValue;
595 begin
596 result := mMain.get(name, hash, ctl);
597 end;
600 procedure TUIStyle.parse (par: TTextParser);
601 function getByte (): Byte;
602 begin
603 if (par.tokType <> par.TTInt) then par.expectInt();
604 if (par.tokInt < 0) or (par.tokInt > 255) then par.error('invalid byte value');
605 result := Byte(par.tokInt);
606 par.skipToken();
607 end;
609 procedure parseSection (sect: TStyleSection; ctlAllowed: Boolean; hashAllowed: Boolean);
610 var
611 s, inh: AnsiString;
612 sc: TStyleSection = nil;
613 v: TStyleValue;
615 procedure parseInherit ();
616 begin
617 inh := '';
618 if (par.eatDelim('(')) then
619 begin
620 if (par.eatDelim(')')) then par.error('empty inheritance is not allowed');
621 if (par.eatDelim('#')) then
622 begin
623 inh := '#';
624 inh += par.expectId();
625 end;
626 if (par.eatDelim('@')) then
627 begin
628 inh += '#';
629 inh += par.expectId();
630 end;
631 par.expectDelim(')');
632 end;
633 end;
635 function nib2c (n: Integer): Byte; inline;
636 begin
637 if (n < 0) then result := 0
638 else if (n > 15) then result := 255
639 else result := Byte(255*n div 15);
640 end;
642 begin
643 s := '';
644 inh := '';
645 par.expectDelim('{');
646 while (not par.isDelim('}')) do
647 begin
648 while (par.eatDelim(';')) do begin end;
649 // ctl
650 if ctlAllowed and (par.eatDelim('@')) then
651 begin
652 s := par.expectId();
653 parseInherit();
654 par.eatDelim(':'); // optional
655 if (not sect.mCtls.get(s, sc)) then
656 begin
657 // create new section
658 sc := TStyleSection.Create();
659 sc.mParent := sect;
660 sc.mInherits := inh;
661 sc.mHashName := '';
662 sc.mCtlName := s;
663 sect.mCtls.put(s, sc);
664 end
665 else
666 begin
667 assert(sc.mParent = sect);
668 assert(sc.mHashName = '');
669 assert(sc.mCtlName = s);
670 if (Length(sc.mInherits) <> 0) and (Length(inh) <> 0) then par.error('double inheritance');
671 sc.mInherits := inh;
672 end;
673 if (not par.eatDelim(';')) then parseSection(sc, false, true);
674 continue;
675 end;
676 // hash
677 if hashAllowed and (par.eatDelim('#')) then
678 begin
679 s := par.expectId();
680 parseInherit();
681 par.eatDelim(':'); // optional
682 if (not sect.mHashes.get(s, sc)) then
683 begin
684 // create new section
685 sc := TStyleSection.Create();
686 sc.mParent := sect;
687 sc.mInherits := inh;
688 sc.mHashName := s;
689 sc.mCtlName := '';
690 sect.mHashes.put(s, sc);
691 end
692 else
693 begin
694 assert(sc.mParent = sect);
695 assert(sc.mHashName = s);
696 assert(sc.mCtlName = '');
697 if (Length(sc.mInherits) <> 0) and (Length(inh) <> 0) then par.error('double inheritance');
698 sc.mInherits := inh;
699 end;
700 if (not par.eatDelim(';')) then parseSection(sc, false, false);
701 continue;
702 end;
703 // name
704 s := par.expectId();
705 par.expectDelim(':');
706 if (par.eatId('rgb')) or (par.eatId('rgba')) then
707 begin
708 // color
709 par.expectDelim('(');
710 v.vtype := v.TType.Color;
711 v.r := getByte(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional
712 v.g := getByte(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional
713 v.b := getByte(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional
714 if (par.tokType = par.TTInt) then
715 begin
716 v.a := getByte(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional
717 end
718 else
719 begin
720 v.a := 255; // opaque
721 end;
722 par.expectDelim(')');
723 end
724 else if (par.isId) and (par.tokStr[1] = '#') then
725 begin
726 // html color
727 assert((Length(par.tokStr) = 4) or (Length(par.tokStr) = 7));
728 //writeln('<', par.tokStr, '>; {', par.curChar, '}');
729 v.vtype := v.TType.Color;
730 if (Length(par.tokStr) = 4) then
731 begin
732 // #rgb
733 v.r := nib2c(digitInBase(par.tokStr[2], 16));
734 v.g := nib2c(digitInBase(par.tokStr[3], 16));
735 v.b := nib2c(digitInBase(par.tokStr[4], 16));
736 end
737 else
738 begin
739 // #rrggbb
740 v.r := Byte(digitInBase(par.tokStr[2], 16)*16+digitInBase(par.tokStr[3], 16));
741 v.g := Byte(digitInBase(par.tokStr[4], 16)*16+digitInBase(par.tokStr[5], 16));
742 v.b := Byte(digitInBase(par.tokStr[6], 16)*16+digitInBase(par.tokStr[7], 16));
743 end;
744 v.a := 255;
745 //writeln(' r=', v.r, '; g=', v.g, '; b=', v.b);
746 par.skipToken();
747 end
748 else if (par.eatId('true')) or (par.eatId('tan')) then
749 begin
750 v.vtype := v.TType.Bool;
751 v.bval := true;
752 end
753 else if (par.eatId('false')) or (par.eatId('ona')) then
754 begin
755 v.vtype := v.TType.Bool;
756 v.bval := false;
757 end
758 else if (par.isStr) then
759 begin
760 // string value
761 v := TStyleValue.Create(par.tokStr);
762 par.skipToken();
763 end
764 else if (par.eatId('inherit')) then
765 begin
766 v.vtype := v.TType.Empty;
767 end
768 else
769 begin
770 // should be int
771 v.vtype := v.TType.Int;
772 v.ival := par.expectInt();
773 end;
774 par.expectDelim(';');
775 sect.mVals.put(s, v);
776 end;
777 par.expectDelim('}');
778 end;
780 begin
781 // style name
782 if (not par.isIdOrStr) then
783 begin
784 if (Length(mId) = 0) then par.error('style name expected');
785 end
786 else
787 begin
788 mId := par.tokStr;
789 end;
790 if (Length(mId) = 0) then mId := 'default';
791 par.skipToken();
792 if (not par.eatDelim(';')) then parseSection(mMain, true, true);
793 end;
796 end.