it is now possible to use "--holmes-font <8|14|16>" cli arg to select Holmes UI font
[d2df-sdl.git] / src / flexui / fui_events.pas
1 (* coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <>
2 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
3 *
4 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 *)
17 {$INCLUDE ../shared/}
18 unit fui_events;
20 interface
22 uses
23 SysUtils, Classes,
24 SDL2;
27 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
28 type
29 THMouseEvent = record
30 public
31 const
32 // both for but and for bstate
33 None = 0;
34 Left = $0001;
35 Right = $0002;
36 Middle = $0004;
37 WheelUp = $0008;
38 WheelDown = $0010;
40 // event types
41 type
42 TKind = (Release, Press, Motion);
44 private
45 mEaten: Boolean;
46 mCancelled: Boolean;
48 public
49 kind: TKind; // motion, press, release
50 x, y: Integer; // current mouse position
51 dx, dy: Integer; // for wheel this is wheel motion, otherwise this is relative mouse motion
52 but: Word; // current pressed/released button, or 0 for motion
53 bstate: Word; // button state BEFORE event (i.e. press/release modifications aren't done yet)
54 kstate: Word; // keyboard state (see THKeyEvent);
56 public
57 procedure intrInit (); inline; // init hidden fields
59 function press (): Boolean; inline;
60 function release (): Boolean; inline;
61 function motion (): Boolean; inline;
62 procedure eat (); inline;
63 procedure cancel (); inline;
65 public
66 property eaten: Boolean read mEaten;
67 property cancelled: Boolean read mCancelled;
68 end;
70 THKeyEvent = record
71 public
72 const
73 // modifiers
74 ModCtrl = $0001;
75 ModAlt = $0002;
76 ModShift = $0004;
77 ModHyper = $0008;
79 // event types
80 type
81 TKind = (Release, Press);
83 private
84 mEaten: Boolean;
85 mCancelled: Boolean;
87 public
88 kind: TKind;
89 scan: Word; // SDL_SCANCODE_XXX or 0 for character event
90 //sym: LongWord; // SDLK_XXX
91 ch: AnsiChar; // converted to 1251; can be #0
92 x, y: Integer; // current mouse position
93 bstate: Word; // button state
94 kstate: Word; // keyboard state BEFORE event (i.e. press/release modifications aren't done yet)
96 public
97 procedure intrInit (); inline; // init hidden fields
99 function press (): Boolean; inline;
100 function release (): Boolean; inline;
101 procedure eat (); inline;
102 procedure cancel (); inline;
104 function isHot (c: AnsiChar): Boolean;
106 public
107 property eaten: Boolean read mEaten;
108 property cancelled: Boolean read mCancelled;
109 end;
112 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
113 // call this on window deactivation, for example
114 procedure fuiResetKMState (sendEvents: Boolean=true);
117 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
118 // event handlers
119 var
120 evMouseCB: procedure (var ev: THMouseEvent) = nil;
121 evKeyCB: procedure (var ev: THKeyEvent) = nil;
124 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
125 function fuiMouseX (): Integer; inline;
126 function fuiMouseY (): Integer; inline;
127 function fuiButState (): Word; inline;
128 function fuiModState (): Word; inline;
130 procedure fuiSetMouseX (v: Integer); inline;
131 procedure fuiSetMouseY (v: Integer); inline;
132 procedure fuiSetButState (v: Word); inline;
133 procedure fuiSetModState (v: Word); inline;
136 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
137 // any mods = 255: nothing was defined
138 function parseModKeys (const s: AnsiString; out kmods: Byte; out mbuts: Byte): AnsiString;
140 operator = (constref ev: THKeyEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
141 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean;
143 operator = (constref ev: THMouseEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
144 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean;
147 implementation
149 var
150 curButState: Word = 0;
151 curModState: Word = 0;
152 curMsX: Integer = 0;
153 curMsY: Integer = 0;
156 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
157 function strEquCI (const s0, s1: AnsiString): Boolean;
158 var
159 f: Integer;
160 c0, c1: AnsiChar;
161 begin
162 result := (Length(s0) = Length(s1));
163 if result then
164 begin
165 for f := 1 to Length(s0) do
166 begin
167 c0 := s0[f];
168 if (c0 >= 'a') and (c0 <= 'z') then Dec(c0, 32); // poor man's `toupper()`
169 c1 := s1[f];
170 if (c1 >= 'a') and (c1 <= 'z') then Dec(c1, 32); // poor man's `toupper()`
171 if (c0 <> c1) then begin result := false; exit; end;
172 end;
173 end;
174 end;
177 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
178 function fuiMouseX (): Integer; inline; begin result := curMsX; end;
179 function fuiMouseY (): Integer; inline; begin result := curMsY; end;
180 function fuiButState (): Word; inline; begin result := curButState; end;
181 function fuiModState (): Word; inline; begin result := curModState; end;
183 procedure fuiSetMouseX (v: Integer); inline; begin curMsX := v; end;
184 procedure fuiSetMouseY (v: Integer); inline; begin curMsY := v; end;
185 procedure fuiSetButState (v: Word); inline; begin curButState := v; end;
186 procedure fuiSetModState (v: Word); inline; begin curModState := v; end;
189 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
190 procedure THMouseEvent.intrInit (); inline; begin mEaten := false; mCancelled := false; end;
191 function (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (kind = TKind.Press); end;
192 function THMouseEvent.release (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (kind = TKind.Release); end;
193 function THMouseEvent.motion (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (kind = TKind.Motion); end;
194 procedure (); inline; begin mEaten := true; end;
195 procedure THMouseEvent.cancel (); inline; begin mCancelled := true; end;
197 procedure THKeyEvent.intrInit (); inline; begin mEaten := false; mCancelled := false; ch := #0; scan := 0; end;
198 function (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (kind = TKind.Press); end;
199 function THKeyEvent.release (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (kind = TKind.Release); end;
200 procedure (); inline; begin mEaten := true; end;
201 procedure THKeyEvent.cancel (); inline; begin mCancelled := true; end;
203 function THKeyEvent.isHot (c: AnsiChar): Boolean;
204 begin
205 if (c = #0) or (scan = 0) or (scan = $FFFF) then begin result := false; exit; end;
206 case scan of
207 SDL_SCANCODE_A: result := (c = 'A') or (c = 'a') or (c = 'Ô') or (c = 'ô');
208 SDL_SCANCODE_B: result := (c = 'B') or (c = 'b') or (c = 'È') or (c = 'è');
209 SDL_SCANCODE_C: result := (c = 'C') or (c = 'c') or (c = 'Ñ') or (c = 'ñ');
210 SDL_SCANCODE_D: result := (c = 'D') or (c = 'd') or (c = 'Â') or (c = 'â');
211 SDL_SCANCODE_E: result := (c = 'E') or (c = 'e') or (c = 'Ó') or (c = 'ó');
212 SDL_SCANCODE_F: result := (c = 'F') or (c = 'f') or (c = 'À') or (c = 'à');
213 SDL_SCANCODE_G: result := (c = 'G') or (c = 'g') or (c = 'Ï') or (c = 'ï');
214 SDL_SCANCODE_H: result := (c = 'H') or (c = 'h') or (c = 'Ð') or (c = 'ð');
215 SDL_SCANCODE_I: result := (c = 'I') or (c = 'i') or (c = 'Ø') or (c = 'ø');
216 SDL_SCANCODE_J: result := (c = 'J') or (c = 'j') or (c = 'Î') or (c = 'î');
217 SDL_SCANCODE_K: result := (c = 'K') or (c = 'k') or (c = 'Ë') or (c = 'ë');
218 SDL_SCANCODE_L: result := (c = 'L') or (c = 'l') or (c = 'Ä') or (c = 'ä');
219 SDL_SCANCODE_M: result := (c = 'M') or (c = 'm') or (c = 'Ü') or (c = 'ü');
220 SDL_SCANCODE_N: result := (c = 'N') or (c = 'n') or (c = 'Ò') or (c = 'ò');
221 SDL_SCANCODE_O: result := (c = 'O') or (c = 'o') or (c = 'Ù') or (c = 'ù');
222 SDL_SCANCODE_P: result := (c = 'P') or (c = 'p') or (c = 'Ç') or (c = 'ç');
223 SDL_SCANCODE_Q: result := (c = 'Q') or (c = 'q') or (c = 'É') or (c = 'é');
224 SDL_SCANCODE_R: result := (c = 'R') or (c = 'r') or (c = 'Ê') or (c = 'ê');
225 SDL_SCANCODE_S: result := (c = 'S') or (c = 's') or (c = 'Û') or (c = 'û');
226 SDL_SCANCODE_T: result := (c = 'T') or (c = 't') or (c = 'Å') or (c = 'å');
227 SDL_SCANCODE_U: result := (c = 'U') or (c = 'u') or (c = 'Ã') or (c = 'ã');
228 SDL_SCANCODE_V: result := (c = 'V') or (c = 'v') or (c = 'Ì') or (c = 'ì');
229 SDL_SCANCODE_W: result := (c = 'W') or (c = 'w') or (c = 'Ö') or (c = 'ö');
230 SDL_SCANCODE_X: result := (c = 'X') or (c = 'x') or (c = '×') or (c = '÷');
231 SDL_SCANCODE_Y: result := (c = 'Y') or (c = 'y') or (c = 'Í') or (c = 'í');
232 SDL_SCANCODE_Z: result := (c = 'Z') or (c = 'z') or (c = 'ß') or (c = 'ÿ');
234 SDL_SCANCODE_1: result := (c = '1') or (c = '!');
235 SDL_SCANCODE_2: result := (c = '2') or (c = '@');
236 SDL_SCANCODE_3: result := (c = '3') or (c = '#');
237 SDL_SCANCODE_4: result := (c = '4') or (c = '$');
238 SDL_SCANCODE_5: result := (c = '5') or (c = '%');
239 SDL_SCANCODE_6: result := (c = '6') or (c = '^');
240 SDL_SCANCODE_7: result := (c = '7') or (c = '&');
241 SDL_SCANCODE_8: result := (c = '8') or (c = '*');
242 SDL_SCANCODE_9: result := (c = '9') or (c = '(');
243 SDL_SCANCODE_0: result := (c = '0') or (c = ')');
245 SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN: result := (c = #13) or (c = #10);
246 SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE: result := (c = #27);
247 SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE: result := (c = #8);
248 SDL_SCANCODE_TAB: result := (c = #9);
249 SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE: result := (c = ' ');
251 SDL_SCANCODE_MINUS: result := (c = '-');
252 SDL_SCANCODE_EQUALS: result := (c = '=');
253 SDL_SCANCODE_LEFTBRACKET: result := (c = '[') or (c = '{');
254 SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHTBRACKET: result := (c = ']') or (c = '}');
255 SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSLASH, SDL_SCANCODE_NONUSHASH: result := (c = '\') or (c = '|');
256 SDL_SCANCODE_SEMICOLON: result := (c = ';') or (c = ':');
257 SDL_SCANCODE_APOSTROPHE: result := (c = '''') or (c = '"');
258 SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE: result := (c = '`') or (c = '~');
259 SDL_SCANCODE_COMMA: result := (c = ',') or (c = '<');
260 SDL_SCANCODE_PERIOD: result := (c = '.') or (c = '>');
261 SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH: result := (c = '/') or (c = '?');
263 else result := false;
264 end;
265 end;
268 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
269 // any mods = 255: nothing was defined
270 function parseModKeys (const s: AnsiString; out kmods: Byte; out mbuts: Byte): AnsiString;
271 var
272 pos, epos: Integer;
273 begin
274 kmods := 255;
275 mbuts := 255;
276 pos := 1;
277 //while (pos <= Length(s)) and (s[pos] <= ' ') do Inc(pos);
278 if (pos < Length(s)) and ((s[pos] = '+') or (s[pos] = '-') or (s[pos] = '*')) then Inc(pos);
279 while (pos <= Length(s)) do
280 begin
281 if (Length(s)-pos >= 1) and (s[pos+1] = '-') then
282 begin
283 case s[pos] of
284 'C', 'c': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or THKeyEvent.ModCtrl; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end;
285 'M', 'm': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or THKeyEvent.ModAlt; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end;
286 'S', 's': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or THKeyEvent.ModShift; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end;
287 end;
288 break;
289 end;
290 if (Length(s)-pos >= 3) and (s[pos+3] = '-') and ((s[pos+1] = 'M') or (s[pos+1] = 'm')) and ((s[pos+2] = 'B') or (s[pos+2] = 'b')) then
291 begin
292 case s[pos] of
293 'L', 'l': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or THMouseEvent.Left; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end;
294 'R', 'r': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or THMouseEvent.Right; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end;
295 'M', 'm': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or THMouseEvent.Middle; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end;
296 end;
297 break;
298 end;
299 break;
300 end;
301 epos := Length(s)+1;
302 while (epos > pos) and (s[epos-1] <= ' ') do Dec(epos);
303 if (epos > pos) then result := Copy(s, pos, epos-pos) else result := '';
304 end;
307 operator = (constref ev: THKeyEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
308 var
309 f: Integer;
310 kmods: Byte = 255;
311 mbuts: Byte = 255;
312 kname: AnsiString;
313 begin
314 result := false;
315 if (Length(s) > 0) then
316 begin
317 if (s[1] = '+') then begin if (not then exit; end
318 else if (s[1] = '-') then begin if (not ev.release) then exit; end
319 else if (s[1] = '*') then begin end
320 else if (not then exit;
321 end;
322 kname := parseModKeys(s, kmods, mbuts);
323 if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0;
324 if (ev.kstate <> kmods) then exit;
325 if (mbuts <> 255) and (ev.bstate <> mbuts) then exit;
327 if (strEquCI(kname, 'Enter')) then kname := 'RETURN';
329 for f := 0 to SDL_NUM_SCANCODES-1 do
330 begin
331 if strEquCI(kname, SDL_GetScancodeName(f)) then
332 begin
333 result := (ev.scan = f);
334 exit;
335 end;
336 end;
337 end;
340 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean;
341 begin
342 result := (ev = s);
343 end;
346 operator = (constref ev: THMouseEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean;
347 var
348 kmods: Byte = 255;
349 mbuts: Byte = 255;
350 kname: AnsiString;
351 but: Integer = -1;
352 modch: AnsiChar = ' ';
353 begin
354 result := false;
356 if (Length(s) > 0) then
357 begin
358 if (s[1] = '+') then begin if (not then exit; modch := '+'; end
359 else if (s[1] = '-') then begin if (not ev.release) then exit; modch := '-'; end
360 else if (s[1] = '*') then begin if (not ev.motion) then exit; end
361 else if (not then exit;
362 end;
364 kname := parseModKeys(s, kmods, mbuts);
365 if strEquCI(kname, 'LMB') then but := THMouseEvent.Left
366 else if strEquCI(kname, 'RMB') then but := THMouseEvent.Right
367 else if strEquCI(kname, 'MMB') then but := THMouseEvent.Middle
368 else if strEquCI(kname, 'WheelUp') or strEquCI(kname, 'WUP') then but := THMouseEvent.WheelUp
369 else if strEquCI(kname, 'WheelDown') or strEquCI(kname, 'WDN') or strEquCI(kname, 'WDOWN') then but := THMouseEvent.WheelDown
370 else if strEquCI(kname, 'None') then but := 0
371 else exit;
373 if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0;
374 if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0;
375 if (ev.kstate <> kmods) then exit;
376 if (modch = '-') then mbuts := mbuts or but else if (modch = '+') then mbuts := mbuts and (not but);
378 result := (ev.bstate = mbuts) and (ev.but = but);
379 end;
382 operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean;
383 begin
384 result := (ev = s);
385 end;
388 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
389 procedure fuiResetKMState (sendEvents: Boolean=true);
390 var
391 mask: Word;
392 mev: THMouseEvent;
393 kev: THKeyEvent;
394 begin
395 // generate mouse release events
396 if (curButState <> 0) then
397 begin
398 if sendEvents then
399 begin
400 mask := 1;
401 while (mask <> 0) do
402 begin
403 // checked each time, 'cause `evMouseCB` can be changed from the handler
404 if ((curButState and mask) <> 0) and assigned(evMouseCB) then
405 begin
406 FillChar(mev, sizeof(mev), 0);
407 mev.intrInit();
408 mev.kind := mev.TKind.Release;
409 mev.x := curMsX;
410 mev.y := curMsY;
411 mev.dx := 0;
412 mev.dy := 0;
413 mev.but := mask;
414 mev.bstate := curButState;
415 mev.kstate := curModState;
416 curButState := curButState and (not mask);
417 evMouseCB(mev);
418 end;
419 mask := mask shl 1;
420 end;
421 end;
422 curButState := 0;
423 end;
425 // generate modifier release events
426 if (curModState <> 0) then
427 begin
428 if sendEvents then
429 begin
430 mask := 1;
431 while (mask <= 8) do
432 begin
433 // checked each time, 'cause `evMouseCB` can be changed from the handler
434 if ((curModState and mask) <> 0) and assigned(evKeyCB) then
435 begin
436 FillChar(kev, sizeof(kev), 0);
437 kev.intrInit();
438 kev.kind := kev.TKind.Release;
439 case mask of
440 THKeyEvent.ModCtrl: begin kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL; {kev.sym := SDLK_LCTRL;}{arbitrary} end;
441 THKeyEvent.ModAlt: begin kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LALT; {kev.sym := SDLK_LALT;}{arbitrary} end;
442 THKeyEvent.ModShift: begin kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT; {kev.sym := SDLK_LSHIFT;}{arbitrary} end;
443 THKeyEvent.ModHyper: begin kev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI; {kev.sym := SDLK_LGUI;}{arbitrary} end;
444 else assert(false);
445 end;
446 kev.x := curMsX;
447 kev.y := curMsY;
448 mev.bstate := 0{curMsButState}; // anyway
449 mev.kstate := curModState;
450 curModState := curModState and (not mask);
451 evKeyCB(kev);
452 end;
453 mask := mask shl 1;
454 end;
455 end;
456 curModState := 0;
457 end;
458 end;
461 end.