/* Copyright (C) 2020 SovietPony * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "glob.h" #include "files.h" #include "memory.h" #include "error.h" #include "sound.h" #include "view.h" #include "player.h" #include "switch.h" #include "menu.h" #include "misc.h" #include "render.h" #include "config.h" #include "game.h" #include "player.h" #include "sound.h" #include "music.h" #include "input.h" #include "system.h" #include "save.h" #include #include #include #include #define PCOLORN 10 static byte pcolortab[PCOLORN] = { 0x18, 0x20, 0x40, 0x58, 0x60, 0x70, 0x80, 0xB0, 0xC0, 0xD0 }; static int p1color = 5; static int p2color = 4; byte _warp; #define MAX_STACK 8 static struct { const menu_t *m; } stack[MAX_STACK]; static int stack_p = -1; #define GM_MAX_INPUT 24 char ibuf[GM_MAX_INPUT]; byte input; int icur; int imax; static byte cbuf[32]; short lastkey; #define QSND_NUM 14 static int qsnd[QSND_NUM]; static snd_t *csnd1, *csnd2, *msnd1, *msnd2, *msnd3, *msnd4, *msnd5, *msnd6; static snd_t *voc; static int voc_ch; static void GM_stop (void) { if (voc != NULL) { if (voc_ch) { S_stop(voc_ch); voc_ch = 0; } S_free(voc); voc = NULL; } } static int GM_say (const char nm[8]) { snd_t *snd = S_load(nm); if (snd) { GM_stop(); voc = S_load(nm); voc_ch = S_play(voc, 0, 255); } return 1; } int GM_init_int0 (menu_msg_t *msg, int i, int a, int b, int s) { assert(msg != NULL); msg->integer.i = i; msg->integer.a = a; msg->integer.b = b; msg->integer.s = s; return 1; } int GM_init_int (menu_msg_t *msg, int i, int a, int b, int s) { assert(msg != NULL); assert(a <= b); assert(s >= 0); return GM_init_int0(msg, min(max(i, a), b), a, b, s); } int GM_init_str (menu_msg_t *msg, char *str, int maxlen) { assert(msg != NULL); assert(str != NULL); assert(maxlen >= 0); msg->string.s = str; msg->string.maxlen = maxlen; return 1; } int basic_menu_handler (menu_msg_t *msg, byte type, char *title, char *say, int n, int *cur) { assert(msg != NULL); assert(type == GM_BIG || type == GM_SMALL); assert(title != NULL); assert(n >= 0); assert(cur != NULL); switch (msg->type) { case GM_QUERY: return GM_init_int0(msg, *cur, n, n, type); case GM_GETTITLE: return GM_init_str(msg, title, strlen(title)); case GM_ENTER: return say ? GM_say(say) : 1; case GM_UP: *cur = GM_CYCLE(*cur - 1, 0, n - 1); return 1; case GM_DOWN: *cur = GM_CYCLE(*cur + 1, 0, n - 1); return 1; } return 0; } int simple_menu_handler (menu_msg_t *msg, int i, int n, const simple_menu_t *m, int *cur) { assert(msg != NULL); assert(n >= 0); assert(i >= 0 && i < n); assert(m != NULL); assert(cur != NULL); switch (msg->type) { case GM_GETENTRY: return GM_init_int0(msg, m->type == GM_SMALL ? GM_SMALL_BUTTON : GM_BUTTON, 0, 0, 0); case GM_GETCAPTION: return GM_init_str(msg, m->entries[i].caption, strlen(m->entries[i].caption)); case GM_SELECT: return m->entries[i].submenu ? GM_push(m->entries[i].submenu) : 1; } return basic_menu_handler(msg, m->type, m->title, m->say, n, cur); } static int start_game (int twoplayers, int dm, int level) { _2pl = twoplayers; g_dm = dm; g_map = level ? level : 1; PL_reset(); pl1.color = pcolortab[p1color]; pl2.color = pcolortab[p2color]; G_start(); return GM_popall(); } static int new_game_menu_handler (menu_msg_t *msg, const menu_t *m, int i) { static int cur; enum { ONEPLAYER, TWOPLAYERS, DEATHMATCH, __NUM__ }; static const simple_menu_t sm = { GM_BIG, "New Game", "_NEWGAME", { { "One Player", NULL }, { "Two Players", NULL }, { "Deathmatch", NULL }, } }; if (msg->type == GM_SELECT) { switch (i) { case ONEPLAYER: GM_say("_1PLAYER"); return start_game(0, 0, _warp); case TWOPLAYERS: GM_say("_2PLAYER"); return start_game(1, 0, _warp); case DEATHMATCH: GM_say("_DM"); return start_game(1, 1, _warp); // GM_say("_COOP"); } } return simple_menu_handler(msg, i, __NUM__, &sm, &cur); } static int load_game_menu_handler (menu_msg_t *msg, const menu_t *m, int i) { static int cur; const int max_slots = 7; assert(i >= 0 && i < max_slots); switch (msg->type) { case GM_ENTER: F_getsavnames(); break; case GM_GETENTRY: return GM_init_int0(msg, GM_TEXTFIELD_BUTTON, 0, 0, 0); case GM_GETSTR: return GM_init_str(msg, (char*)savname[i], 24); case GM_SELECT: if (savok[i]) { load_game(i); GM_popall(); } return 1; } return basic_menu_handler(msg, GM_BIG, "Load game", "_OLDGAME", max_slots, &cur); } static int save_game_menu_handler (menu_msg_t *msg, const menu_t *m, int i) { static int cur; const int max_slots = 7; assert(i >= 0 && i < max_slots); switch (msg->type) { case GM_SELECT: if (g_st == GS_GAME) { F_getsavnames(); break; } else { return GM_pop(); } case GM_GETENTRY: return GM_init_int0(msg, GM_TEXTFIELD, 0, 0, 0); case GM_GETSTR: return GM_init_str(msg, (char*)savname[i], 24); case GM_END: if (g_st == GS_GAME) { assert(msg->string.maxlen >= 24); F_savegame(i, msg->string.s); } return GM_popall(); } return basic_menu_handler(msg, GM_BIG, "Save game", "_SAVGAME", max_slots, &cur); } typedef struct controls_menu_t { menu_t base; int *pl_keys; } controls_menu_t; static int controls_menu_handler (menu_msg_t *msg, const menu_t *m, int i) { static int cur = 0; static int state = 0; const int max_controls = 9; const char *str = NULL; const controls_menu_t *mm = (controls_menu_t*)m; const char *captions[] = { "Up: ", "Down: ", "Left: ", "Right: ", "Fire: ", "Jump: ", "Prev: ", "Next: ", "Press: " }; assert(i >= 0 && i < max_controls); switch (msg->type) { case GM_ENTER: state = 0; break; /* default behavior */ case GM_LEAVE: if (state == 0) { break; /* default behavior */ } else { state = 0; return 1; } case GM_UP: case GM_DOWN: if (state == 0) { break; /* default behavior */ } else { return 1; /* ignore */ } case GM_KEY: if (state != 0 && msg->integer.i != KEY_UNKNOWN) { mm->pl_keys[cur] = msg->integer.i; state = 0; } return 1; case GM_GETENTRY: return GM_init_int0(msg, GM_SMALL_BUTTON, 0, 0, 0); case GM_GETCAPTION: return GM_init_str(msg, (char*)captions[i], strlen(captions[i])); case GM_GETSTR: str = state == 0 || i != cur ? I_key_to_string(mm->pl_keys[i]) : "..."; return GM_init_str(msg, (char*)str, strlen(str)); case GM_SELECT: state = state == 0 ? 1 : 0; return 1; } return basic_menu_handler(msg, GM_BIG, "Player 1 controls", NULL, max_controls, &cur); } static int options_menu_handler (menu_msg_t *msg, const menu_t *m, int i) { static int cur; const menu_t *mm; enum { VIDEO, SOUND, MUSIC, CONTROLS_1, CONTROLS_2, __NUM__ }; static const controls_menu_t c1 = { { controls_menu_handler }, &pl1.ku }; static const controls_menu_t c2 = { { controls_menu_handler }, &pl2.ku }; static const simple_menu_t sm = { GM_BIG, "Options", NULL, { { "Video", NULL }, { "Sound", NULL }, { "Music", NULL }, { "Controls 1", &c1.base }, { "Controls 2", &c2.base }, } }; if (msg->type == GM_SELECT) { switch (i) { case VIDEO: mm = R_menu(); break; case SOUND: mm = S_menu(); break; case MUSIC: mm = MUS_menu(); break; default: mm = NULL; } if (mm != NULL) { return GM_push(mm); } } return simple_menu_handler(msg, i, __NUM__, &sm, &cur); } static int exit_menu_handler (menu_msg_t *msg, const menu_t *m, int i) { static int cur; enum { YES, NO, __NUM__ }; static const simple_menu_t sm = { GM_SMALL, "You are sure?", NULL, { { "Yes", NULL }, { "No", NULL }, } }; if (msg->type == GM_ENTER) { return GM_say(rand() & 1 ? "_EXIT1" : "_EXIT2"); } else if (msg->type == GM_SELECT) { switch (i) { case YES: MUS_free(); GM_stop(); Z_sound(S_get(qsnd[myrand(QSND_NUM)]), 255); S_wait(); ERR_quit(); return 1; case NO: return GM_pop(); } } return simple_menu_handler(msg, i, __NUM__, &sm, &cur); } static int main_menu_handler (menu_msg_t *msg, const menu_t *m, int i) { enum { NEWGAME, OLDGAME, SAVEGAME, OPTIONS, EXIT, __NUM__ }; assert(i >= 0 && i < __NUM__); static int cur; static const menu_t hm[__NUM__] = { { new_game_menu_handler }, { load_game_menu_handler }, { save_game_menu_handler }, { options_menu_handler}, { exit_menu_handler } }; static const simple_menu_t sm = { GM_BIG, "Menu", NULL, { { "New Game", &hm[NEWGAME] }, { "Load Game", &hm[OLDGAME] }, { "Save Game", &hm[SAVEGAME] }, { "Options", &hm[OPTIONS] }, { "Exit", &hm[EXIT] } } }; return simple_menu_handler(msg, i, __NUM__, &sm, &cur); } static const menu_t main_menu = { &main_menu_handler }; int GM_push (const menu_t *m) { assert(m != NULL); assert(stack_p >= -1); assert(stack_p < MAX_STACK - 1); menu_msg_t msg; stack_p += 1; stack[stack_p].m = m; msg.type = GM_ENTER; GM_send_this(m, &msg); return 1; } int GM_pop (void) { assert(stack_p >= 0); menu_msg_t msg; stack_p -= 1; msg.type = GM_LEAVE; GM_send_this(stack[stack_p + 1].m, &msg); return 1; } int GM_popall (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i >= -1; i--) { GM_pop(); } return 1; } const menu_t *GM_get (void) { if (stack_p >= 0) { return stack[stack_p].m; } else { return NULL; } } static void GM_normalize_message (menu_msg_t *msg) { switch (msg->type) { case GM_SETINT: msg->integer.i = min(max(msg->integer.i, msg->integer.a), msg->integer.b); break; case GM_SETSTR: assert(msg->string.maxlen >= 0); break; } } int GM_send_this (const menu_t *m, menu_msg_t *msg) { assert(m != NULL); assert(msg != NULL); if (m->handler != NULL) { GM_normalize_message(msg); return m->handler(msg, m, 0); } return 0; } int GM_send (const menu_t *m, int i, menu_msg_t *msg) { assert(m != NULL); assert(i >= 0); assert(msg != NULL); if (m->handler != NULL) { GM_normalize_message(msg); return m->handler(msg, m, i); } return 0; } void G_code (void) { void *s; s=csnd2; if(memcmp(cbuf+32-5,"IDDQD",5)==0) { PL_hit(&pl1,400,0,HIT_SOME); if(_2pl) PL_hit(&pl2,400,0,HIT_SOME); s=csnd1; }else if(memcmp(cbuf+32-4,"TANK",4)==0) { pl1.life=pl1.armor=200;pl1.drawst|=PL_DRAWARMOR|PL_DRAWLIFE; if(_2pl) {pl2.life=pl2.armor=200;pl2.drawst|=PL_DRAWARMOR|PL_DRAWLIFE;} }else if(memcmp(cbuf+32-8,"BULLFROG",8)==0) { PL_JUMP=(PL_JUMP==10)?20:10; }else if(memcmp(cbuf+32-8,"FORMULA1",8)==0) { PL_RUN=(PL_RUN==8)?24:8; }else if(memcmp(cbuf+32-5,"RAMBO",5)==0) { pl1.ammo=pl1.shel=pl1.rock=pl1.cell=pl1.fuel=30000; pl1.wpns=0x7FF;pl1.drawst|=PL_DRAWWPN|PL_DRAWKEYS; pl1.keys=0x70; if(_2pl) { pl2.ammo=pl2.shel=pl2.rock=pl2.cell=pl1.fuel=30000; pl2.wpns=0x7FF;pl2.drawst|=PL_DRAWWPN|PL_DRAWKEYS; pl2.keys=0x70; } }else if(memcmp(cbuf+32-5,"UJHTW",5)==0) { p_immortal=!p_immortal; }else if(memcmp(cbuf+32-9,",TKSQJHTK",9)==0) { p_fly=!p_fly; }else if(memcmp(cbuf+32-6,"CBVCBV",6)==0) { SW_cheat_open(); }else if(memcmp(cbuf+32-7,"GOODBYE",7)==0) { g_exit=1; }else if(memcmp(cbuf+32-9,"GJITKYF",7)==0) { if(cbuf[30]>='0' && cbuf[30]<='9' && cbuf[31]>='0' && cbuf[31]<='9') { g_map=(cbuf[30]=='0')?0:(cbuf[30]-'0')*10; g_map+=(cbuf[31]=='0')?0:(cbuf[31]-'0'); G_start(); } }else return; memset(cbuf,0,32); Z_sound(s,128); } static int x_strnlen (const char *s, int len) { int i = 0; while (i < len && s[i] != 0) { i++; } return i; } static int state_for_anykey (int x) { return x == GS_TITLE || x == GS_ENDSCR; } int GM_act (void) { menu_msg_t msg; int n, cur, type; const menu_t *m = GM_get(); if (m == NULL) { if (lastkey == KEY_ESCAPE || (state_for_anykey(g_st) && lastkey != KEY_UNKNOWN)) { GM_push(&main_menu); Z_sound(msnd3, 128); } } else { /* 1. send key */ msg.type = GM_KEY; GM_init_int0(&msg, lastkey, 0, 0, 0); GM_send_this(m, &msg); /* 2. send query */ msg.type = GM_QUERY; if (GM_send_this(m, &msg)) { /* 3. send getentry */ cur = msg.integer.i; n = msg.integer.a; msg.type = GM_GETENTRY; if (GM_send(m, cur, &msg)) { /* 4. send actions */ type = msg.integer.i; switch (lastkey) { case KEY_ESCAPE: if (type == GM_TEXTFIELD && input) { input = 0; Y_disable_text_input(); msg.type = GM_CANCEL; GM_send(m, cur, &msg); } else { GM_pop(); Z_sound(msnd4, 128); } break; case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: if (input == 0) { msg.type = lastkey == KEY_UP ? GM_UP : GM_DOWN; if (GM_send(m, cur, &msg)) { Z_sound(msnd1, 128); } } break; case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: if (type == GM_SCROLLER) { msg.integer.type = GM_GETINT; if (GM_send(m, cur, &msg)) { msg.integer.type = GM_SETINT; msg.integer.i += lastkey == KEY_LEFT ? -msg.integer.s : msg.integer.s; msg.integer.i = min(max(msg.integer.i, msg.integer.a), msg.integer.b); if (GM_send(m, cur, &msg)) { Z_sound(lastkey == KEY_LEFT ? msnd5 : msnd6, 255); } } } else if (type == GM_TEXTFIELD) { //if (input) { // icur += lastkey == KEY_LEFT ? -1 : +1; // icur = min(max(icur, 0), x_strnlen(ibuf, imax)); //} } break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (type == GM_TEXTFIELD) { if (input && icur > 0) { // FIXIT buffers in strncpy must not overlap strncpy(&ibuf[icur - 1], &ibuf[icur], imax - icur); ibuf[imax - 1] = 0; icur -= 1; } } break; case KEY_RETURN: if (type == GM_TEXTFIELD) { if (input) { input = 0; Y_disable_text_input(); msg.type = GM_END; msg.string.s = ibuf; msg.string.maxlen = imax; GM_send(m, cur, &msg); } else { msg.type = GM_GETSTR; if (GM_send(m, cur, &msg)) { imax = min(msg.string.maxlen, GM_MAX_INPUT); strncpy(ibuf, msg.string.s, imax); icur = x_strnlen(ibuf, imax); } else { memset(ibuf, 0, GM_MAX_INPUT); imax = GM_MAX_INPUT; icur = 0; } input = 1; Y_enable_text_input(); msg.type = GM_BEGIN; GM_send(m, cur, &msg); } Z_sound(msnd2, 128); } else { msg.type = GM_SELECT; if (GM_send(m, cur, &msg)) { Z_sound(msnd2, 128); } } break; } } } } lastkey = KEY_UNKNOWN; return m != NULL; } void GM_input (int ch) { if (ch != 0 && input) { if (icur < imax) { ibuf[icur] = ch; icur += 1; if (icur < imax) { ibuf[icur] = 0; } } } } void GM_key (int key, int down) { int i; if (down) { lastkey = key; if (!_2pl || cheat) { for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) { cbuf[i] = cbuf[i + 1]; } if (key >= KEY_0 && key <= KEY_9) { cbuf[31] = key - KEY_0 + '0'; } else if (key >= KEY_A && key <= KEY_Z) { cbuf[31] = key - KEY_A + 'A'; } else { cbuf[31] = 0; } } } } void GM_init (void) { int i; char s[8]; static const char nm[QSND_NUM][6] = { "CYBSIT", "KNTDTH", "MNPAIN", "PEPAIN", "SLOP", "MANSIT", "BOSPN", "VILACT", "PLFALL", "BGACT", "BGDTH2", "POPAIN", "SGTATK", "VILDTH" }; s[0] = 'D'; s[1] = 'S'; for (i = 0; i < QSND_NUM; ++i) { memcpy(s + 2, nm[i], 6); qsnd[i] = F_getresid(s); } csnd1 = Z_getsnd("HAHA1"); csnd2 = Z_getsnd("RADIO"); msnd1 = Z_getsnd("PSTOP"); msnd2 = Z_getsnd("PISTOL"); msnd3 = Z_getsnd("SWTCHN"); msnd4 = Z_getsnd("SWTCHX"); msnd5 = Z_getsnd("SUDI"); msnd6 = Z_getsnd("TUDI"); MUS_load("MENU"); MUS_start(0); }