(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE a_modes.inc} unit wadreader; {$DEFINE SFS_DFWAD_DEBUG} {$DEFINE SFS_MAPDETECT_FX} interface uses Classes, {$IFDEF USE_MEMPOOL}mempool,{$ENDIF} sfs, xstreams, utils; type TWADFile = class{$IFDEF USE_MEMPOOL}(TPoolObject){$ENDIF} private fFileName: AnsiString; // empty: not opened fIter: TSFSFileList; function getIsOpen (): Boolean; function isMapResource (idx: Integer): Boolean; function GetResourceEx (name: AnsiString; wantMap: Boolean; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer; logError: Boolean=true): Boolean; public constructor Create (); destructor Destroy (); override; procedure FreeWAD (); function ReadFile (FileName: AnsiString): Boolean; function ReadMemory (Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean; function GetResource (name: AnsiString; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer; logError: Boolean=true): Boolean; function GetMapResource (name: AnsiString; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer; logError: Boolean=true): Boolean; function GetMapResources (): SSArray; // returns `nil` if file wasn't found function openFileStream (name: AnsiString): TStream; property isOpen: Boolean read getIsOpen; end; function g_ExtractWadName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; function g_ExtractWadNameNoPath (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; function g_ExtractFilePath (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; function g_ExtractFileName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; // without path function g_ExtractFilePathName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; var wadoptDebug: Boolean = false; wadoptFast: Boolean = false; implementation uses SysUtils, e_log, MAPDEF, xdynrec; function normSlashes (s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var f: Integer; begin for f := 1 to length(s) do if s[f] = '\' then s[f] := '/'; result := s; end; function g_ExtractWadNameNoPath (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; var f, c: Integer; begin for f := length(resourceStr) downto 1 do begin if resourceStr[f] = ':' then begin result := normSlashes(Copy(resourceStr, 1, f-1)); c := length(result); while (c > 0) and (result[c] <> '/') do Dec(c); if c > 0 then result := Copy(result, c+1, length(result)); exit; end; end; result := ''; end; function g_ExtractWadName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; var f: Integer; begin for f := length(resourceStr) downto 1 do begin if resourceStr[f] = ':' then begin result := normSlashes(Copy(resourceStr, 1, f-1)); exit; end; end; result := ''; end; function g_ExtractFilePath (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; var f, lastSlash: Integer; begin result := ''; lastSlash := -1; for f := length(resourceStr) downto 1 do begin if (lastSlash < 0) and (resourceStr[f] = '\') or (resourceStr[f] = '/') then lastSlash := f; if resourceStr[f] = ':' then begin if lastSlash > 0 then begin result := normSlashes(Copy(resourceStr, f, lastSlash-f)); while (length(result) > 0) and (result[1] = '/') do Delete(result, 1, 1); end; exit; end; end; if lastSlash > 0 then result := normSlashes(Copy(resourceStr, 1, lastSlash-1)); end; function g_ExtractFileName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; // without path var f, lastSlash: Integer; begin result := ''; lastSlash := -1; for f := length(resourceStr) downto 1 do begin if (lastSlash < 0) and (resourceStr[f] = '\') or (resourceStr[f] = '/') then lastSlash := f; if resourceStr[f] = ':' then begin if lastSlash > 0 then result := Copy(resourceStr, lastSlash+1, length(resourceStr)); exit; end; end; if lastSlash > 0 then result := Copy(resourceStr, lastSlash+1, length(resourceStr)); end; function g_ExtractFilePathName (resourceStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; var f: Integer; begin result := ''; for f := length(resourceStr) downto 1 do begin if resourceStr[f] = ':' then begin result := normSlashes(Copy(resourceStr, f+1, length(resourceStr))); while (length(result) > 0) and (result[1] = '/') do Delete(result, 1, 1); exit; end; end; result := normSlashes(resourceStr); while (length(result) > 0) and (result[1] = '/') do Delete(result, 1, 1); end; { TWADFile } constructor TWADFile.Create(); begin fFileName := ''; end; destructor TWADFile.Destroy(); begin FreeWAD(); inherited; end; function TWADFile.getIsOpen (): Boolean; begin result := (fFileName <> ''); end; procedure TWADFile.FreeWAD(); begin if fIter <> nil then FreeAndNil(fIter); //if fFileName <> '' then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadFile: [%s] closed', [fFileName]), MSG_NOTIFY); fFileName := ''; end; //FIXME: detect text maps properly here function TWADFile.isMapResource (idx: Integer): Boolean; var //sign: packed array [0..2] of Char; fs: TStream = nil; begin result := false; if not isOpen or (fIter = nil) then exit; if (idx < 0) or (idx >= fIter.Count) then exit; try fs := fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(idx); result := TDynMapDef.canBeMap(fs); (* fs.readBuffer(sign, 3); result := (sign = MAP_SIGNATURE); if not result then result := (sign[0] = 'm') and (sign[1] = 'a') and (sign[2] = 'p'); *) except fs.Free(); result := false; // just in case exit; end; fs.Free(); end; // returns `nil` if file wasn't found function TWADFile.openFileStream (name: AnsiString): TStream; var f: Integer; fi: TSFSFileInfo; begin result := nil; // backwards, due to possible similar names and such for f := fIter.Count-1 downto 0 do begin fi := fIter.Files[f]; if fi = nil then continue; if StrEquCI1251(fi.name, name) then begin try result := fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(f); except result := nil; end; if (result <> nil) then exit; end; end; end; function removeExt (s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var i: Integer; begin i := length(s)+1; while (i > 1) and (s[i-1] <> '.') and (s[i-1] <> '/') do Dec(i); if (i > 1) and (s[i-1] = '.') then begin //writeln('[', s, '] -> [', Copy(s, 1, i-2), ']'); s := Copy(s, 1, i-2); end; result := s; end; function TWADFile.GetResourceEx (name: AnsiString; wantMap: Boolean; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer; logError: Boolean=true): Boolean; var f, lastSlash: Integer; fi: TSFSFileInfo; fs: TStream; fpp: Pointer; rpath, rname: AnsiString; //sign: packed array [0..2] of Char; goodMap: Boolean; {$IFNDEF SFS_MAPDETECT_FX} wst: TSFSMemoryChunkStream; {$ENDIF} begin Result := False; if not isOpen or (fIter = nil) then Exit; rname := removeExt(name); if length(rname) = 0 then Exit; // just in case lastSlash := -1; for f := 1 to length(rname) do begin if rname[f] = '\' then rname[f] := '/'; if rname[f] = '/' then lastSlash := f; end; if lastSlash > 0 then begin rpath := Copy(rname, 1, lastSlash); Delete(rname, 1, lastSlash); end else begin rpath := ''; end; // backwards, due to possible similar names and such for f := fIter.Count-1 downto 0 do begin fi := fIter.Files[f]; if fi = nil then continue; if StrEquCI1251(removeExt(fi.name), rname) then begin // i found her (maybe) if not wantMap then begin if length(fi.path) < length(rpath) then continue; // alas if length(fi.path) = length(rpath) then begin if not StrEquCI1251(fi.path, rpath) then continue; // alas end else begin if fi.path[length(fi.path)-length(rpath)] <> '/' then continue; // alas if not StrEquCI1251(Copy(fi.path, length(fi.path)+1-length(rpath), length(fi.path)), rpath) then continue; // alas end; end; try fs := fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(f); except fs := nil; end; if fs = nil then begin if wantMap then continue; if logError then e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: can''t open file [%s] in [%s]', [name, fFileName]), TMsgType.Warning); break; end; // if we want only maps, check if this is map {$IFDEF SFS_MAPDETECT_FX} if wantMap then begin goodMap := false; {$IF DEFINED(D2D_NEW_MAP_READER_DBG)} e_LogWritefln('DFWAD: checking for good map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]); {$ENDIF} try //fs.readBuffer(sign, 3); //goodMap := (sign = MAP_SIGNATURE); //if not goodMap then goodMap := (sign[0] = 'm') and (sign[1] = 'a') and (sign[2] = 'p'); goodMap := TDynMapDef.canBeMap(fs); {$IF DEFINED(D2D_NEW_MAP_READER_DBG)} if goodMap then e_LogWritefln(' GOOD map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]) else e_LogWritefln(' BAD map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]); {$ENDIF} except end; if not goodMap then begin {$IF DEFINED(D2D_NEW_MAP_READER_DBG)} e_LogWritefln(' not a map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]); {$ENDIF} fs.Free(); continue; end; fs.position := 0; end; {$ENDIF} Len := Integer(fs.size); GetMem(pData, Len); fpp := pData; try fs.ReadBuffer(pData^, Len); fpp := nil; finally if fpp <> nil then begin FreeMem(fpp); pData := nil; Len := 0; end; fs.Free; end; {$IFNDEF SFS_MAPDETECT_FX} if wantMap then begin goodMap := false; if Len >= 3 then begin //Move(pData^, sign, 3); //goodMap := (sign = MAP_SIGNATURE); wst := TSFSMemoryChunkStream.Create(pData, Len); try goodMap := TDynMapDef.canBeMap(wst); except goodMap := false; end; wst.Free(); end; if not goodMap then begin //e_WriteLog(Format(' not a map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]), MSG_NOTIFY); FreeMem(pData); pData := nil; Len := 0; continue; end; end; {$ENDIF} result := true; {$IFDEF SFS_DFWAD_DEBUG} if wadoptDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: file [%s] FOUND in [%s]; size is %d bytes', [name, fFileName, Len]), TMsgType.Notify); {$ENDIF} exit; end; end; if logError then e_WriteLog(Format('DFWAD: file [%s] not found in [%s]', [name, fFileName]), TMsgType.Warning); end; function TWADFile.GetResource (name: AnsiString; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer; logError: Boolean=true): Boolean; begin result := GetResourceEx(name, false, pData, Len, logError); end; function TWADFile.GetMapResource (name: AnsiString; var pData: Pointer; var Len: Integer; logError: Boolean=true): Boolean; begin result := GetResourceEx(name, true, pData, Len, logError); end; function TWADFile.GetMapResources (): SSArray; var f, c: Integer; fi: TSFSFileInfo; s: AnsiString; begin Result := nil; if not isOpen or (fIter = nil) then Exit; for f := fIter.Count-1 downto 0 do begin fi := fIter.Files[f]; if fi = nil then continue; if length(fi.name) = 0 then continue; {$IF DEFINED(D2D_NEW_MAP_READER)} //e_LogWritefln('DFWAD: checking for map in wad [%s], file [%s] (#%d)', [fFileName, fi.fname, f]); {$ENDIF} if isMapResource(f) then begin s := removeExt(fi.name); c := High(result); while c >= 0 do begin if StrEquCI1251(result[c], s) then break; Dec(c); end; if c < 0 then begin SetLength(result, Length(result)+1); result[high(result)] := removeExt(fi.name); end; end; end; end; function TWADFile.ReadFile (FileName: AnsiString): Boolean; var rfn: AnsiString; //f: Integer; //fi: TSFSFileInfo; begin Result := False; //e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadFile: [%s]', [FileName]), MSG_NOTIFY); FreeWAD(); rfn := findDiskWad(FileName); if length(rfn) = 0 then begin e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadFile: error looking for [%s]', [FileName]), TMsgType.Notify); exit; end; {$IFDEF SFS_DFWAD_DEBUG} if wadoptDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadFile: FOUND [%s]', [rfn]), TMsgType.Notify); {$ENDIF} // cache this wad try if wadoptFast then begin if not SFSAddDataFile(rfn, true) then exit; end else begin if not SFSAddDataFileTemp(rfn, true) then exit; end; except exit; end; fIter := SFSFileList(rfn); if fIter = nil then Exit; fFileName := rfn; {$IFDEF SFS_DFWAD_DEBUG} if wadoptDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadFile: [%s] opened', [fFileName]), TMsgType.Notify); {$ENDIF} Result := True; end; var uniqueCounter: Integer = 0; function TWADFile.ReadMemory (Data: Pointer; Len: LongWord): Boolean; var fn: AnsiString; st: TStream = nil; //f: Integer; //fi: TSFSFileInfo; begin Result := False; FreeWAD(); if (Data = nil) or (Len = 0) then begin e_WriteLog('TWADFile.ReadMemory: EMPTY SUBWAD!', TMsgType.Warning); Exit; end; fn := Format(' -- memwad %d -- ', [uniqueCounter]); Inc(uniqueCounter); {$IFDEF SFS_DFWAD_DEBUG} if wadoptDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadMemory: [%s]', [fn]), TMsgType.Notify); {$ENDIF} try st := TSFSMemoryStreamRO.Create(Data, Len); if not SFSAddSubDataFile(fn, st, true) then begin st.Free; Exit; end; except st.Free; Exit; end; fIter := SFSFileList(fn); if fIter = nil then Exit; fFileName := fn; {$IFDEF SFS_DFWAD_DEBUG} if wadoptDebug then e_WriteLog(Format('TWADFile.ReadMemory: [%s] opened', [fFileName]), TMsgType.Notify); {$ENDIF} { for f := 0 to fIter.Count-1 do begin fi := fIter.Files[f]; if fi = nil then continue; st := fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(f); if st = nil then begin e_WriteLog(Format('[%s]: [%s : %s] CAN''T OPEN', [fFileName, fi.path, fi.name]), MSG_NOTIFY); end else begin e_WriteLog(Format('[%s]: [%s : %s] %u', [fFileName, fi.path, fi.name, st.size]), MSG_NOTIFY); st.Free; end; end; //fIter.volume.OpenFileByIndex(0); } Result := True; end; begin sfsDiskDirs := '/data'; //FIXME end.