(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // type THControl = class private mParent: THControl; mX, mY: Integer; mWidth, mHeight: Integer; mEnabled: Boolean; mCanFocus: Boolean; mChildren: array of THControl; mFocused: THControl; // valid only for top-level controls mGrab: THControl; // valid only for top-level controls mEscClose: Boolean; // valid only for top-level controls mEatKeys: Boolean; protected function getEnabled (): Boolean; procedure setEnabled (v: Boolean); inline; function getFocused (): Boolean; inline; procedure setFocused (v: Boolean); inline; function isMyChild (ctl: THControl): Boolean; function findFirstFocus (): THControl; function findLastFocus (): THControl; function findNextFocus (cur: THControl): THControl; function findPrevFocus (cur: THControl): THControl; procedure activated (); virtual; procedure blurred (); virtual; public constructor Create (ax, ay, aw, ah: Integer; aparent: THControl=nil); destructor Destroy (); override; // `sx` and `sy` are screen coordinates procedure drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); virtual; // called after all children drawn procedure drawControlPost (sx, sy: Integer); virtual; procedure draw (); virtual; function topLevel (): THControl; inline; // returns `true` if global coords are inside this control function toLocal (var x, y: Integer): Boolean; procedure toGlobal (var x, y: Integer); // x and y are global coords function controlAtXY (x, y: Integer): THControl; function mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; virtual; // returns `true` if event was eaten function keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; virtual; // returns `true` if event was eaten function prevSibling (): THControl; function nextSibling (): THControl; function firstChild (): THControl; inline; function lastChild (): THControl; inline; public property x0: Integer read mX; property y0: Integer read mY; property height: Integer read mHeight; property width: Integer read mWidth; property enabled: Boolean read getEnabled write setEnabled; property parent: THControl read mParent; property focused: Boolean read getFocused write setFocused; property escClose: Boolean read mEscClose write mEscClose; property eatKeys: Boolean read mEatKeys write mEatKeys; end; THTopWindow = class(THControl) private mTitle: AnsiString; mDragging: Boolean; mDragStartX, mDragStartY: Integer; protected procedure blurred (); override; public constructor Create (const atitle: AnsiString; ax, ay: Integer; aw: Integer=-1; ah: Integer=-1); procedure appendChild (ctl: THControl); // `sx` and `sy` are screen coordinates procedure drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); override; procedure drawControlPost (sx, sy: Integer); override; function mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; override; // returns `true` if event was eaten end; THCtlCBListBox = class(THControl) private mItems: array of AnsiString; mChecks: array of PBoolean; mCurIndex: Integer; public constructor Create (ax, ay: Integer; aparent: THControl=nil); destructor Destroy (); override; procedure appendItem (const atext: AnsiString; bv: PBoolean); procedure drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); override; function mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; override; function keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; override; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var uiTopList: array of THControl = nil; function uiMouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var f, c: Integer; lx, ly: Integer; ctmp: THControl; begin if (Length(uiTopList) = 0) then result := false else result := uiTopList[High(uiTopList)].mouseEvent(ev); if not result and (ev.kind = ev.Press) then begin for f := High(uiTopList) downto 0 do begin lx := ev.x; ly := ev.y; if uiTopList[f].toLocal(lx, ly) then begin result := true; if uiTopList[f].mEnabled and (f <> High(uiTopList)) then begin uiTopList[High(uiTopList)].blurred(); ctmp := uiTopList[f]; ctmp.mGrab := nil; for c := f+1 to High(uiTopList) do uiTopList[c-1] := uiTopList[c]; uiTopList[High(uiTopList)] := ctmp; ctmp.activated(); result := ctmp.mouseEvent(ev); end; exit; end; end; end; end; function uiKeyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; begin if (Length(uiTopList) = 0) then result := false else result := uiTopList[High(uiTopList)].keyEvent(ev); if (ev.kind = ev.Release) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; procedure uiDraw (); var f: Integer; ctl: THControl; begin for f := 0 to High(uiTopList) do begin ctl := uiTopList[f]; ctl.draw(); if (f <> High(uiTopList)) then darkenRect(ctl.x0, ctl.y0, ctl.width, ctl.height, 128); end; end; procedure uiAddWindow (ctl: THControl); var f, c: Integer; begin if (ctl = nil) then exit; ctl := ctl.topLevel; for f := 0 to High(uiTopList) do begin if (uiTopList[f] = ctl) then begin if (f <> High(uiTopList)) then begin uiTopList[High(uiTopList)].blurred(); for c := f+1 to High(uiTopList) do uiTopList[c-1] := uiTopList[c]; uiTopList[High(uiTopList)] := ctl; ctl.activated(); end; exit; end; end; if (Length(uiTopList) > 0) then uiTopList[High(uiTopList)].blurred(); SetLength(uiTopList, Length(uiTopList)+1); uiTopList[High(uiTopList)] := ctl; ctl.activated(); end; // won't free object procedure uiRemoveWindow (ctl: THControl); var f, c: Integer; begin if (ctl = nil) then exit; ctl := ctl.topLevel; for f := 0 to High(uiTopList) do begin if (uiTopList[f] = ctl) then begin ctl.blurred(); for c := f+1 to High(uiTopList) do uiTopList[c-1] := uiTopList[c]; SetLength(uiTopList, Length(uiTopList)-1); exit; end; end; end; function uiVisibleWindow (ctl: THControl): Boolean; var f: Integer; begin result := false; if (ctl = nil) then exit; ctl := ctl.topLevel; for f := 0 to High(uiTopList) do begin if (uiTopList[f] = ctl) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THControl.Create (ax, ay, aw, ah: Integer; aparent: THControl=nil); begin mParent := aparent; mX := ax; mY := ay; mWidth := aw; mHeight := ah; mEnabled := true; mCanFocus := true; mChildren := nil; mFocused := nil; mGrab := nil; mEscClose := false; mEatKeys := false; end; destructor THControl.Destroy (); var f, c: Integer; begin if (mParent <> nil) then begin setFocused(false); for f := 0 to High(mParent.mChildren) do begin if (mParent.mChildren[f] = self) then begin for c := f+1 to High(mParent.mChildren) do mParent.mChildren[c-1] := mParent.mChildren[c]; SetLength(mParent.mChildren, Length(mParent.mChildren)-1); end; end; end; for f := 0 to High(mChildren) do begin mChildren[f].mParent := nil; mChildren[f].Free(); end; mChildren := nil; end; procedure THControl.activated (); begin end; procedure THControl.blurred (); begin mGrab := nil; end; function THControl.topLevel (): THControl; inline; begin result := self; while (result.mParent <> nil) do result := result.mParent; end; function THControl.getEnabled (): Boolean; var ctl: THControl; begin result := false; if (not mEnabled) or (mWidth < 1) or (mHeight < 1) then exit; ctl := mParent; while (ctl <> nil) do begin if (not ctl.mEnabled) or (ctl.mWidth < 1) or (ctl.mHeight < 1) then exit; ctl := ctl.mParent; end; result := true; end; procedure THControl.setEnabled (v: Boolean); inline; begin if (mEnabled = v) then exit; mEnabled := v; if not v and focused then setFocused(false); end; function THControl.getFocused (): Boolean; inline; begin if (mParent = nil) then result := (Length(uiTopList) > 0) and (uiTopList[High(uiTopList)] = self) else result := (topLevel.mFocused = self); end; procedure THControl.setFocused (v: Boolean); inline; var tl: THControl; begin tl := topLevel; if not v then begin if (tl.mFocused = self) then begin tl.blurred(); tl.mFocused := tl.findNextFocus(self); if (tl.mFocused = self) then tl.mFocused := nil; end; exit; end; if (not mEnabled) or (not mCanFocus) then exit; if (tl.mFocused <> self) then begin tl.mFocused.blurred(); tl.mFocused := self; if (tl.mGrab <> self) then tl.mGrab := nil; activated(); end; end; function THControl.isMyChild (ctl: THControl): Boolean; begin result := true; while (ctl <> nil) do begin if (ctl.mParent = self) then exit; ctl := ctl.mParent; end; result := false; end; // returns `true` if global coords are inside this control function THControl.toLocal (var x, y: Integer): Boolean; var ctl: THControl; begin ctl := self; while (ctl <> nil) do begin Dec(x, ctl.mX); Dec(y, ctl.mY); ctl := ctl.mParent; end; result := (x >= 0) and (y >= 0) and (x < mWidth) and (y < mHeight); end; procedure THControl.toGlobal (var x, y: Integer); var ctl: THControl; begin ctl := self; while (ctl <> nil) do begin Inc(x, ctl.mX); Inc(y, ctl.mY); ctl := ctl.mParent; end; end; // x and y are global coords function THControl.controlAtXY (x, y: Integer): THControl; var lx, ly: Integer; f: Integer; begin result := nil; if (not mEnabled) or (mWidth < 1) or (mHeight < 1) then exit; lx := x; ly := y; if not toLocal(lx, ly) then exit; for f := High(mChildren) downto 0 do begin result := mChildren[f].controlAtXY(x, y); if (result <> nil) then exit; end; result := self; end; function THControl.prevSibling (): THControl; var f: Integer; begin if (mParent <> nil) then begin for f := 1 to High(mParent.mChildren) do begin if (mParent.mChildren[f] = self) then begin result := mParent.mChildren[f-1]; exit; end; end; end; result := nil; end; function THControl.nextSibling (): THControl; var f: Integer; begin if (mParent <> nil) then begin for f := 0 to High(mParent.mChildren)-1 do begin if (mParent.mChildren[f] = self) then begin result := mParent.mChildren[f+1]; exit; end; end; end; result := nil; end; function THControl.firstChild (): THControl; inline; begin if (Length(mChildren) <> 0) then result := mChildren[0] else result := nil; end; function THControl.lastChild (): THControl; inline; begin if (Length(mChildren) <> 0) then result := mChildren[High(mChildren)] else result := nil; end; function THControl.findFirstFocus (): THControl; var f: Integer; begin result := nil; if enabled then begin for f := 0 to High(mChildren) do begin result := mChildren[f].findFirstFocus(); if (result <> nil) then exit; end; if mCanFocus then result := self; end; end; function THControl.findLastFocus (): THControl; var f: Integer; begin result := nil; if enabled then begin for f := High(mChildren) downto 0 do begin result := mChildren[f].findLastFocus(); if (result <> nil) then exit; end; if mCanFocus then result := self; end; end; function THControl.findNextFocus (cur: THControl): THControl; begin result := nil; if enabled then begin if not isMyChild(cur) then cur := nil; if (cur = nil) then begin result := findFirstFocus(); exit; end; result := cur.findFirstFocus(); if (result <> nil) and (result <> cur) then exit; while true do begin cur := cur.nextSibling; if (cur = nil) then break; result := cur.findFirstFocus(); if (result <> nil) then exit; end; result := findFirstFocus(); end; end; function THControl.findPrevFocus (cur: THControl): THControl; begin result := nil; if enabled then begin if not isMyChild(cur) then cur := nil; if (cur = nil) then begin result := findLastFocus(); exit; end; //FIXME! result := cur.findLastFocus(); if (result <> nil) and (result <> cur) then exit; while true do begin cur := cur.prevSibling; if (cur = nil) then break; result := cur.findLastFocus(); if (result <> nil) then exit; end; result := findLastFocus(); end; end; procedure THControl.draw (); var f: Integer; x, y: Integer; scxywh: array[0..3] of GLint; wassc: Boolean; procedure setScissor (x, y, w, h: Integer); var x1, y1: Integer; sx0, sy0: Integer; sx1, sy1: Integer; begin if (w < 1) or (h < 1) or (scxywh[2] < 1) or (scxywh[3] < 1) then begin glScissor(0, 0, 0, 0); exit; end; x1 := x+w-1; y1 := y+h-1; sx0 := scxywh[0]; sy0 := scxywh[1]; sx1 := sx0+scxywh[2]-1; sy1 := sy0+scxywh[3]-1; //conwritefln('0: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1, x, y, x1, y1]); if (x1 < sx0) or (y1 < sy0) or (x > sx1) or (y > sy1) then begin glScissor(0, 0, 0, 0); exit; end; if (x < sx0) then x := sx0; if (y < sy0) then y := sy0; if (x1 > sx1) then x1 := sx1; if (y1 > sy1) then y1 := sy1; //conwritefln('1: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1, x, y, x1, y1]); glScissor(x, y, x1-x+1, y1-y+1); end; begin if (mWidth < 1) or (mHeight < 1) then exit; x := 0; y := 0; toGlobal(x, y); //conwritefln('[%s]: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) (%d,%d)', [ClassName, mX, mY, mWidth, mHeight, x, y]); scxywh[0] := 0; scxywh[1] := 0; scxywh[2] := 0; scxywh[3] := 0; wassc := (glIsEnabled(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) <> 0); if wassc then begin glGetIntegerv(GL_SCISSOR_BOX, @scxywh[0]); end else begin glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @scxywh[0]); end; //conwritefln('(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [scxywh[0], scxywh[1], scxywh[2], scxywh[3]]); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); setScissor(x, gWinSizeY-(y+mHeight-1)-1, mWidth, mHeight); drawControl(x, y); if (mParent = nil) then setScissor(x+2, gWinSizeY-(y+mHeight-1-2)-1, mWidth-4, mHeight-14); for f := 0 to High(mChildren) do mChildren[f].draw(); if (mParent = nil) then setScissor(x, gWinSizeY-(y+mHeight-1)-1, mWidth, mHeight); drawControlPost(x, y); glScissor(scxywh[0], scxywh[1], scxywh[2], scxywh[3]); if wassc then glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) else glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); end; procedure THControl.drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); begin if (mParent = nil) then darkenRect(sx, sy, mWidth, mHeight, 64); //fillRect(sx, sy, mWidth, mHeight, 0, 0, 255, 120); end; procedure THControl.drawControlPost (sx, sy: Integer); begin end; function THControl.mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var ctl: THControl; begin result := false; if not mEnabled then exit; if (mParent = nil) then begin if (mGrab <> nil) then begin result := mGrab.mouseEvent(ev); if (ev.kind = ev.Release) then mGrab := nil; exit; end; end; if (mWidth < 1) or (mHeight < 1) then exit; ctl := controlAtXY(ev.x, ev.y); if (ctl <> nil) and (ctl <> self) then begin if (ctl <> topLevel.mFocused) then ctl.setFocused(true); result := ctl.mouseEvent(ev); end; end; function THControl.keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; var ctl: THControl; begin result := false; if not mEnabled then exit; if (topLevel.mFocused <> self) and isMyChild(topLevel.mFocused) and topLevel.mFocused.mEnabled then result := topLevel.mFocused.keyEvent(ev); if (mParent = nil) then begin if (ev.kstate = THKeyEvent.ModShift) and (ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_TAB) then begin result := true; if (ev.kind = ev.Press) then begin ctl := findPrevFocus(mFocused); if (ctl <> mFocused) then begin mGrab := nil; mFocused := ctl; end; end; exit; end; if (ev.kstate = 0) and (ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_TAB) then begin result := true; if (ev.kind = ev.Press) then begin ctl := findNextFocus(mFocused); if (ctl <> mFocused) then begin mGrab := nil; mFocused := ctl; end; end; exit; end; if mEscClose and (ev.kind = ev.Press) and (ev.kstate = 0) and (ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE) then begin result := true; uiRemoveWindow(self); exit; end; end; if mEatKeys then result := true; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THTopWindow.Create (const atitle: AnsiString; ax, ay: Integer; aw: Integer=-1; ah: Integer=-1); begin mTitle := atitle; if (Length(mTitle) > 0) then begin if (ah < 14) then ah := 14; if (aw < Length(mTitle)*8+4) then aw := Length(mTitle)*8+4; end else begin if (ah < 4) then ah := 4; if (aw < 4) then aw := 4; end; mDragging := false; inherited Create(ax, ay, aw, ah, nil); end; procedure THTopWindow.appendChild (ctl: THControl); var myofs: Integer; begin if (ctl = nil) then exit; if (ctl.mParent <> nil) then exit; if (Length(mTitle) > 0) then myofs := 12 else myofs := 2; SetLength(mChildren, Length(mChildren)+1); mChildren[High(mChildren)] := ctl; ctl.mParent := self; Inc(ctl.mX, 2); Inc(ctl.mY, myofs); if (ctl.mWidth > 0) and (ctl.mHeight > 0) and (ctl.mX+ctl.mWidth > 2) and (ctl.mY+ctl.mHeight > myofs-2) then begin if (mWidth+2 < ctl.mX+ctl.mWidth) then mWidth := ctl.mX+ctl.mWidth+2; if (mHeight+2 < ctl.mY+ctl.mHeight) then mHeight := ctl.mY+ctl.mHeight+2; end; if (mFocused = nil) and ctl.mEnabled and ctl.mCanFocus and (ctl.mWidth > 0) and (ctl.mHeight > 0) then mFocused := ctl; end; procedure THTopWindow.drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); begin //if (mParent = nil) then darkenRect(sx, sy, mWidth, mHeight, 200); fillRect(sx, sy, mWidth, mHeight, 0, 0, 128); end; procedure THTopWindow.drawControlPost (sx, sy: Integer); var r, g, b: Integer; begin { if getFocused then begin r := 255; g := 255; b := 255; end else begin r := 127; g := 127; b := 127; end; } r := 255; g := 255; b := 255; drawRect(mX, mY, mWidth, mHeight, r, g, b); if (Length(mTitle) > 0) then begin fillRect(mX+1, mY+1, mWidth-2, 9, r, g, b); drawText8(mX+2, mY+1, mTitle, 0, 0, 0); end; end; procedure THTopWindow.blurred (); begin mDragging := false; inherited; end; function THTopWindow.mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var lx, ly: Integer; begin result := false; if not mEnabled then exit; if (mWidth < 1) or (mHeight < 1) then exit; if mDragging then begin mX += ev.x-mDragStartX; mY += ev.y-mDragStartY; mDragStartX := ev.x; mDragStartY := ev.y; if (ev.kind = ev.Release) then mDragging := false; result := true; exit; end; if (ev.kind = ev.Press) and (ev.but = ev.Left) then begin lx := ev.x; ly := ev.y; if toLocal(lx, ly) then begin if ((Length(mTitle) > 0) and (ly < 12)) or ((Length(mTitle) = 0) and (ly < 2)) then begin mDragging := true; mDragStartX := ev.x; mDragStartY := ev.y; result := true; exit; end; end; end; result := inherited mouseEvent(ev); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THCtlCBListBox.Create (ax, ay: Integer; aparent: THControl=nil); begin mItems := nil; mChecks := nil; mCurIndex := -1; inherited Create(ax, ay, 4, 4); end; destructor THCtlCBListBox.Destroy (); begin mItems := nil; mChecks := nil; inherited; end; procedure THCtlCBListBox.appendItem (const atext: AnsiString; bv: PBoolean); begin if (Length(atext)*8+4+3*8+2 > mWidth) then mWidth := Length(atext)*8+4+3*8+2; SetLength(mItems, Length(mItems)+1); mItems[High(mItems)] := atext; SetLength(mChecks, Length(mChecks)+1); mChecks[High(mChecks)] := bv; if (Length(mItems)*8+4 > mHeight) then mHeight := Length(mItems)*8+4; if (mCurIndex < 0) then mCurIndex := 0; end; procedure THCtlCBListBox.drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); var f: Integer; begin //fillRect(sx, sy, mWidth, mHeight, 0, 128, 0); Inc(sx, 2); Inc(sy, 2); for f := 0 to High(mItems) do begin if (mCurIndex = f) then fillRect(sx-2, sy, mWidth, 8, 0, 128, 0); if (mChecks[f] <> nil) then begin drawText8(sx, sy, '[ ]', 255, 255, 255); if mChecks[f]^ then drawText8(sx+6, sy, 'x', 255, 255, 255); drawText8(sx+3*8+2, sy, mItems[f], 255, 255, 0); end; Inc(sy, 8); end; end; function THCtlCBListBox.mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var lx, ly: Integer; begin result := inherited mouseEvent(ev); if not result and (Length(mItems) > 0) and (ev.kind = ev.Press) then begin lx := ev.x; ly := ev.y; if toLocal(lx, ly) then begin if (ly < 2) then ly := 2; ly := ly div 8; if (ly < 0) then ly := 0 else if (ly > High(mItems)) then ly := High(mItems); mCurIndex := ly; if (mChecks[ly] <> nil) then mChecks[ly]^ := not mChecks[ly]^; end; end; end; function THCtlCBListBox.keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; begin result := inherited keyEvent(ev); if not getFocused then exit; //result := true; if (ev.kstate = 0) and (ev.kind = ev.Press) then begin case ev.scan of SDL_SCANCODE_HOME, SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEUP: begin result := true; mCurIndex := 0; end; SDL_SCANCODE_END, SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEDOWN: begin result := true; mCurIndex := High(mItems); end; SDL_SCANCODE_UP: begin result := true; if (Length(mItems) > 0) then begin if (mCurIndex < 0) then mCurIndex := Length(mItems); while (mCurIndex > 0) do begin Dec(mCurIndex); if (mChecks[mCurIndex] <> nil) then break; end; end else begin mCurIndex := -1; end; end; SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN: begin result := true; if (Length(mItems) > 0) then begin if (mCurIndex < 0) then mCurIndex := -1; while (mCurIndex < High(mItems)) do begin Inc(mCurIndex); if (mChecks[mCurIndex] <> nil) then break; end; end else begin mCurIndex := -1; end; end; SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE, SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN: begin result := true; if (mCurIndex >= 0) and (mCurIndex < Length(mChecks)) and (mChecks[mCurIndex] <> nil) then mChecks[mCurIndex]^ := not mChecks[mCurIndex]^; end; end; end; end;