MODULE Init; IMPORT Kernel, HostConsole (* Console.SetHook *) , HostFonts (* Fonts.SetHook; required for Texts *), HostWindows (* Windows.SetHook *), HostDates (* Dates.SetHook *), HostDialog (* Dialog.SetShowHook *), StdInterpreter (* Dialog.SetCallHook *) , StdDialog (* Views.SetViewHook *), Log, ConsLog, (* Log.Hook *) Strings, Converters (* .odc *), Dialog; PROCEDURE Init; VAR c1, c2, res: INTEGER; a, b: REAL; BEGIN IF Kernel.bootInfo.argc = 3 THEN Strings.StringToReal(Kernel.bootInfo.argv[1]$, a, c1); Strings.StringToReal(Kernel.bootInfo.argv[2]$, b, c2); IF (c1 = 0) & (c2 = 0) THEN Log.String("Summ: "); Log.Real(a + b); Log.Ln ELSE Log.String("The arguments should be in the form of real: 13123.556"); Log.Ln END ELSE Log.String("Example of simple console application based on BlackBox Component Builder."); Log.Ln; Log.String("You can pass two arguments and sum of them will be returned."); Log.Ln END END Init; BEGIN Init END Init.